Modern types of chemical curling. Types and methods of chemical curling hair

Women are all just - long hair cut, short build up, curls straighten, straight to make curly. And men should not try to find logic, they need to nod and admire with any imaging of the second half.

Chemistry hair will allow you to enjoy luxurious curls for a long time.

Today, we are talking about the transformation of women's hair with the help of "chemistry" - a variant of obtaining romantic curls that cannot be convertible. Chemistry on long hair will give a chic effect of their owner.

Types of chemical twigs

The essence of the question in applying a special composition to the own hair extending the laying for a certain period. Depending on the type of strands and the desired result, the types of chemical twists are also born. For example:

Light Temporary Chemistry - Carving

Differs from other options using gentle compositions. If the chapels have doubts about the confidence of the relative future state of strands after the procedure, then this option is recommended for sample.

His advantages:

  1. Suitable ladies with thin or weakened hair. More active ingredients of other types of chemical twists will adversely respond on the liquid label. With carving, strands will become volume, will improve their appearance.
  2. Curls vary vary from "small demon" to noble curls. Women with long braids must certainly try each of them - it is luxurious and romantic. Equally good, light chemistry on medium hair looks.
  3. The curling procedure is safe not only, from the point of view of the composition and components, but also a validity period. For 4-8 weeks of existence. After, growing hair is either twisted again, or wait for haircuts.
  4. After carving, strands are not fastened when the composition is gradually washed out of their structure. This is a significant difference between the procedure from other permissions with more severe chemistry, it benefits a method for most fashion.

In any case, the application of chemistry for laying is always stress. Even if easy chemicals are used for medium hair or long.

After removing and washing the composition, the hair is recommended to relax within 1 month and only, then carry out the procedure again.

Spiral, vertical and small chemistry

The essence of the method lies in the formation of curls to special curios - vertical bumps. In, framing a face. Not even too thick the hair acquires volume.

Especially popular option enjoys young women with long braids. However, the procedure should be taken into account such facts:

  • Vertical curls will be suitable for every type of face. Before finally decide on the transformation, you need to "try" twigs. Make it is not difficult and without a fixing composition.
  • As an option of a vertical curling - spiral chemistry. It is somewhat more complicated and the procedure is expensive, if the length is impressive. Suitable to any type of face.
  • It is important to choose the volume of curls in advance - from large, to African. A short haircut with the last option will make the grandfather Bonifation holder and the keyword here is a grandmother. For example, so:

Properly selected composition for vertical chemistry will make it impossible. View of a long-haired diva, conquering men - provided.

What does wet chemistry look like

Contribuing result, I must say. For fixing, a foam that giving a hairstyle is a wet look. Not everyone is suitable for everyone.

For example, ladies with hair prone to fatty, it is better not to use a variant with wet chemistry. Otherwise, the slope will emphasize. Static and full women are better to avoid this species, otherwise the overall combination will become ridiculous.

Gorgeous wet chemistry on blondes with a fragile constitution and subtle hair. By the way, wet chemistry, this is another gentle procedure that does not have a devastating effect on the structure of the chapels.

Large chemistry for long hair

Actually laying technology is similar to any other. A feature will be the use of big diameter curlers - the wider, the volume. Fit the owners of long hair, significantly lower the shoulder line.

Otherwise, the effect will be lost. You should not count on a good result to the owners of thin and rare hair - the curls will not be noticeable, and the state of strands will noticeably deteriorate. The ideal option will be a cascade haircut + chemical curling on large curlers.

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Compositions for creating chemistry on hair

Depending on the aggressiveness of the chemical components, the deadline for maintaining the curls initially immediately after the hairdresser varies from several weeks to six months.

Unfortunately, the connection is directly transferred: the tougher recipe, the longer the curvage is held. But health is more important, so let's consider options:

  1. Acids. Used in the composition of the means for curling and are popular due to the high validity period - to six months. Thin or liquid penetrars are contraindicated.
  2. Alkali. Somewhat weaker in action - the curls will last up to 4.5 months. Suitable for any type of hair.
  3. Neutral components. Another longer term of "curly", however, and careful attitude.
  4. . In this case, curries hold long + hair remain healthy and well-groomed. The composition is made on the basis of biological components without the use of ammonia.
  5. Amino acids. This is light chemistry - carving, wet. In addition to good appearance, strands get food and treatment. Harm from additional binding components is minimized.

It is important to listen to the wizard. It will appreciate the condition of the hair and will give good to carry out the procedure. In some cases, the use of any compositions is prohibited.

For example, this is due to the problems of the heads and the skin of the head - weakened strands or wounded covers will become even more deployed after chemistry.

Salon curling and home technology

Already a long-haired hair curling has undergone changes for the better. Previously, "atomic" compositions that do not guarantee the result used, but with a high degree of probability, the worsening condition of the hair.

To achieve the effect, we used hot special caps, helping better reveal the structure of the hair, which, naturally, did not benefit. It is worth viewing the modern plot to compare the procedures.

It is not more difficult to carry out the procedure if the role of the hairdresser will take on the best friend. Large curls or small gets likewise. Algorithm:

  1. Thoroughly comb hair. Since the last washing, no less than a day should pass so that skin salary is sufficient.
  2. The whole mass of hair is divided into pieces of squares. The width of one side is equal to the length of the bog.

Then the hair is screwed by a half-one, starting from the end of the strands, winding it on the wand. If it is decided to make basal chemistry, work lead to the end.

  1. It remains to apply a chemical solution and leave the hair under it for 20-25 minutes, shook the head with a towel. Fast drying with a hairdryer or other apparatus is not allowed - there is a risk to spoil your hair and hurt the scalp.
  2. Cockles are unwinding, the head is rich is rich and applied. It can be a foam. After her foaming, the hair was washed again. Cutting on medium hair or long - ready.

Now, weekly care is to restore hair. Make it maybe with the help of a rapid oil, rubbing it every time before washing the head.

Growth masks containing the tincture of peppers or mustard are excluded. This will cause a already high dryness of strands.

The cost of services of the hairdresser - how much chemistry is

Work professional road. This is another reason to try to master the procedure at home. The cost depends on the mass and length of the hair. So:

  • The strands begins from 3 thousand rubles.
  • Chemistry on medium hair - from 4 thousand rubles.
  • Long will cost up to 5 thousand rubles.
  • The owners of the luxurious "Grieving" with a length of more than 1 m - up to 6 thousand rubles.

In addition, hairdressers are offered gentle hair chemistry - bio and keratin. Their price is somewhat deocratic.

The cost of the chemical curling hair depends on their length

So, to appear in a romantic image, it is worth going to risks - health, own funds and willingness to accept a new appearance.

It is not easy, but changes lead to a new life is such a law!

Locks. Such volume and elastic. They create the impression of the shock on the head and are ideal for thin hair. Of course, the easiest way is to make a chemical twist, then you do not have to sleep on the bigwood or clock to wind the curls on the tongs. What is the feature of a major chemical curling, and what else there are ways to get luxury curls?

Features of large curvage

Large chemistry has a lot of advantages, in contrast to the shallow curl, curls look at ease and naturally fall down. But before you decide on this procedure, it is desirable to know some points.


  1. Large curls are not suitable for rare hair, as against the background of bulk curls will be shone to the bald at the site of the probor. Thin, but normal chemistry can decorate.
  2. Suitable long and middle hair, on short strands does not give any effect, except for pomp.
  3. Does not require daily care, and the hairstyle retains the appearance from 3 weeks to 3 months.
  4. Unlike small, large curls can be put in any hairstyle, braid braids.
  5. If there is a tendency to allergies, then before the procedure you need to do a test, for this, the means for curling is applied to the elbow fold or the area behind the ear.
  6. It is impossible to update the hairstyle often, since the hair will become dry, it is difficult to succumb to swinging and curls will be clouded in length.
  7. Before twigging, it is desirable to obtain a consultation of a good wizard. Even if there is no means to perform a curling in Him, it can choose the type of composition, according to the state of the chapels.
  8. It is not recommended to do twink during menstruation, treatment with antibiotics and especially during pregnancy.
  9. From coloring hair to chemistry, you need to withstand at least 2 weeks.
  10. To return health, it is necessary to make moisturizing and restoring masks.
  11. Too dry ends need to be regularly coated, they will not restore.
  12. To safely make brightness without staining, you can use tonic.
  13. Locks are better combing a crest with rare wooden teeth.

If you observe these simple tips, then large curls will be soft and beautiful.


  1. Acid. With it, you can make soft and natural curls. The agent penetrates the hair, without destroying the top layer. Suitable for rigid curly hair, since on soft hair may not be effect. And on rigid and straight curls will last no more than a month.
  2. Alkaline. The cheapest and affordable. Spoil hair strongly. You can make large and small curls. Curling holds long, hair curls elastic.
  3. Neutral. This curling is something mean between alkaline and acid. The curl looks natural, not very elastic. Keeps the form about 3-4 months.
  4. Amino acid. The compositions are added for hair benefits, chemical styling becomes less harmful, but the result is not so resistant.
  5. Silk. The required component in the composition are silk proteins. Such a curling makes every curl smooth and silky. The only minus, this is a briefness, curls will last no more than 2 months.
  6. Japanese. This species is suitable for dry and damaged hair. Lipid and proteins are moisturous to moisturize curls and care for them. Locks are softer and natural.

In addition to the composition used, the result and quality of Kudrey depends on the technique of screwing, the diameter of the curlers. You can screw the braziness, spiral or just a roll. You can also braid strands to braids. There are technicians in which curlers are combined with different diameters or curls are cooled in various ways.

Technologies are regularly changing and complemented. We are selected depending on the initial state of the hair and features of appearance. So, for example, a vertical curl is trying to the round face. And to the extended form more elastic and magnificent curl with the root volume.

Curify at home

At home, curls can be made on curlers using chemical composition, the simplest old and traditional "curl". But in a specialized store you can buy more sparing, which is more careful about the chapel.

Pre-prepare in advance:

  • Bowl for composition
  • Brush
  • Comb
  • Insulated Cap
  • Gloves
  • Towels
  • Vinegar
  • Fixer
  • Large bumps

Chemical curling technique at home:

  1. The hair is divided into the front, and 2 side.
  2. The skin of the face and the ears is lubricated with any bold cream, the children's work perfectly.
  3. Rides are checked on large curlers.
  4. Each round is quickly wetted, it is abundantly soaked.
  5. The package is put on the head, then the insulation of the cap.
  6. After the time of billion, without removing, washed with water.
  7. A fixing agent is whipped into a strong foam, and is applied over the curlers.
  8. It is withstanding for 5 minutes.
  9. Curls are removed, and strands are processed by the retainer. It is withstanding another 5 minutes.
  10. Locons are washed with water with the addition of vinegar.

This is an approximate technology to make large curls at home. Depending on the tool used, it can change slightly.

What should be the fund

By buying a means for curling at home, you need to know what it should consist of.

  1. Amino acids, keratin. These components protect the hair and make it easier to apply.
  2. Potassium bromate or sodium. Are fixers.
  3. Right alcohol. It serves to accelerate the curl of Kudrey, but destructively affects the hair.
  4. Fonduce. Eliminates an unpleasant smell.
  5. Urea. Serves for softening the hair structure.

All means are divided into acid and neutral. Now on sale you can meet special gels and foams for long-term stacking. They are ready to use and no longer need to calculate the proportions for the preparation of compositions. Unlike the classic alkaline permanent, they cause less harm hair.

If it is still afraid to make a chemical twist, then, as an alternative - cheapest on large curlers. Correctly picking up the stamping agent, curls will last until the head washed. In addition, at home, you can experiment and individually pick up the technique of screwing strands.

In order to look beautiful, original and effectively, a chemical curling was invented in the last century. Thanks to beautiful large or small curls, it was possible to do without laying. Therefore, many fair sex representatives with great pleasure chose a similar hairstyle. The owners of straight hair often dream of having long and large curls. However, most often straight hair is rare and thin. Therefore, during the procedure, both long and short curls have to deal with certain difficulties.

Chemical curling strands is the possibility of facilitating daily laying. To make a hairstyle with curls for a long time interval, you must carefully read the article where all the details will be considered. Back in 1908, the German hairdresser Ludwig Nesser first demonstrated the technique of a chemical curling. After that, all experts applied this technique to this day create large and luxurious curls both for long and short hair.

However, many girls and women are often wondering how long curls can hold out. It is worth noting that how long the curvage will last, depends on the use of cosmetics for hair, as well as the selection of all necessary accessories. For example, many experts still use hair curlers in order not to damage the structure of the chapels. As practice shows, large strands for long and short hair can hold out from a few weeks to six months.

What types of chemical twist are subdivided?

To date, in many beauty salons, experienced hairdressers offer various services. It is no secret that to carry out a whole comprehensive range of procedures will cost, indeed, it is not suiced. Therefore, not all ladies can afford a hike in the best beauty salon. But if you still decided on a twist, then you need to deal with the main types of this hairstyle.

So, based on chemical reagents, a chemical curling on long and short hair can be:

  • acidic (mainly short-lived, only a few weeks),
  • alkaline (such a curling is considered a rack, however, damages the structure of the chapels),
  • neutral (considered more resistant than, for example, acid),
  • amino acid, or otherwise called "Biosaviva" (in the composition of the solution there are amino acids, they, in turn, restore damaged roots and hair tips)

If you use curlers, then they are:

  • cockles,
  • papilets,
  • wellformers,
  • spiral Cockles,
  • large.

Cockles, in turn, are: horizontal, vertical, circular and double-winding. If you make a timing, coloring or applying another coloring technique, then you can choose hundreds of types of chemical curling, which you most like the soul.

Safe curvage

Karving is considered the safest chemical twist for long or even short curls. This method is better to apply if the curls are not painted in another color or are not straightened using an ironing or other hot device. Thus, a violation of the hair structure can be avoided. Many professional hairdressers argue in one voice that the biosavanka is completely not harmful to hair. However, some believe that modern chemical curling is also safe. But this belief is incorrect, since the structure of the chapels is really damaged after the procedure.

According to hairdressers, after a gentle chemical curling will be made, you should not align straight, as you can get a burn or other injuries. Therefore, before you decide on a twist, you need to think about everything well. It is better to consult in advance with a professional hairdresser who will carefully explain all the details.

With a slight biochemical twist, if the curls are too dry and brittle, they become porous, solid and lifeless. After combing, strands are fed. However, the owner of greasy strands can normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Before agreeing to the chemical twist, first it is necessary to take into account the form of the face, the color of the face, as well as its style, since even gentle curling is coming far from all beautiful sexual representatives.

Light waves of curls look great both in everyday life and at the solemn events. Many Hollywood stars often go into society with curly large curls that complement the image as a whole. It is worth noting that on the hair of medium length, curly strands look very feminine, gently and elegant.

Curify at home

Of course, in order to decide whether the circle is suitable for your hair type, you need to hold a specific experiment. First of all, you need to take cold water, cut off the strand and put in a glass. If the strand rises upstairs, it means that the hair is too damaged, and it is better to abandon the chemical procedure.

But if the hair will be in the middle of the glass, then you can proceed to work freely. In this case, the hair is considered moderately weak. But if the strand is at the bottom of the glass, then this means that your hair is absolutely healthy and you can make any kind of chemical twist, while not fearing serious consequences.

What tips should be taken into account when conducting the procedure

  1. If the curls are thicker, then, respectively, large strands will stay for a long time. Before deciding to the procedure, it is advisable to moisten the hair with various masks. Also suitable homemade lamination hair. If long or short curls are too thin, the curling will last no longer three months.
  2. In order not to cause intensive loss of strands, it is desirable to take advantage of the professional hair cosmetics with the predominance of natural extracts.
  3. Pregnant and lactating breasts are not recommended to make a chemical twist.

If you are not sure about your abilities and do not know where to start, then it is better to trust experienced professionals. They will select all the necessary masks and drugs in order not to spoil the structure of the chapels as much as possible.

Basic curling technology in the hairdresser

To date, in many beauty salons, a chemical twist is carried out. Depending on the selected composition and drugs, the Master will appoint a certain price and at the same time will advise the client, in what form to appear for the procedure. In some cases, you have to wash your head, and in others you will have to appear with a dirty head.

First of all, you will have to determine the length of strands, since when conducting a procedure, the length of the hair can decrease from two to six centimeters. The larger the curls will, the greater the length of the hair will decrease. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the length of the curls and, of course, the form of a person. This season is relevant to make large curls for long and short hair. This is a real salvation for fair sex with subtle strands.

Who is suitable for a chemical curling?

The technique of conducting the procedure is determined individually based on the face form, style and character. For example, vertical curling will suit the owners of an oval person. But the horizontal will suit the chiropolyce beauties. Before proceeding to creating a new hairstyle, the hairdresser will ask for all accessories. First of all, the stylist should apply the first layer of chemistry. It is worth noting that the means that are used for curling have an unpleasant specific smell. The process of the chemical curling lasts from forty minutes to one and a half hours - depends on the complexity of the performance.

After the waving will be made, at least forty minutes you need to sit in the hairdresser. At the same time, special curlers will be enshrined on the hair. Then the hairdresser should spin short or long curls with hair curlers and secure the hairstyle with the retainer or special composition. As a result, the strands will have to turn again. Next, you need to wait another two hours so that the process is completed. After removing the curlers, the hairstyle needs to be soldered and give the shape.

The chemical curling of the hair (large curls) is done in different ways, depending on the wishes of the client and, accordingly, the structure of the chapels. Therefore, each process is carried out with special accuracy. In fact, individual composition and drug for curly strands are selected. Some women prefer to make a procedure at home. But if you do not own certain skills, then it is better to abandon the procedure so as not to damage the structure of the chapels.

It is important to consider that with careful care, hair can become soft, light and silky. After a chemical curling is made, a special shampoo and air conditioning should be selected, which will moisturize the roots and hair tips. Thus, hair can be protected from the negative effects of chemicals and at the same time from the environment.

What is biosavke? Says an expert

What emotions do you have a combination of "chemical curling"? Surely not the most positive. There is nothing surprising in this, since this procedure damages the hair, what our moms and grandmothers were aware of the well, repeatedly appeal to it. But all this was long ago, since then, chemical science and cosmetology went far ahead. Approximately ten years ago, scientists have developed special preparations for a more delicate and safe chemical curling, so now the gentle chemical curling has become a reality.

Amino acid curling - almost safe beauty

To date, we have the opportunity to curl hair with no victims that representatives of previous generations have agreed. Shangly chemical curvage - This is a reality that, however, should not overestimate. But it is impossible to underestimate it, because it is able to change the image to the best and greatly relieve life.

Amino acid curling or, as it is yet called, Biosava is based on innovative gentle technology. The means for this type of curling contains the active substance of cysteamine, which acts as an amino acid as part of a human hair. Cysteamine contributes to the formation of disulfide bonds inside the hair structure. In addition, the preparation for gentle chemical curvage includes special proteins that have a reducing effect.

When biowavits, hair can be wrapped on the curlers of different sizes depending on the desired steepness and curl diameter. Thanks to this, curls look more natural and attractive.

Advantages of amino acid curling

Disadvantages of biowavization

  • The technology of amino acid curling is greater than compared with ordinary chemistry. In this case, it is very important to choose the right accessories to wind the strands, competently pick up the composition of the active agent and decide on the exposure period.
  • When bosaviva, curls are obtained more demanding to subsequent care and styling. Means for laying should be selected more carefully and scrupulously, avoiding the use of weighting gel textures.
  • The amino acid curling procedure is accompanied by a very specific smell, which can be felt on her hair up to a couple of weeks.
  • If the hair was stained with henna or bass, it is impossible to predict the duration of the biosavki effect.
  • Funds for amino acid curling more expensive compared to the usual.

Chemical curling hair is the perfect way to radically change the appearance and give your hair an unimaginable volume.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for the wavelain curries to be safe, prepare your strands to the upcoming procedure. Preparation consists of six important stages.

Stage 1. Evaluation of the structure of the hair (elasticity, strength, type, density). It is carried out in order to choose the view of the curl.

  • For thick hair, you will need a means of strong fixation, as it is very difficult to put them;
  • Thin rare strands are easily frowning - it is necessary to choose a weaker preparation for them;
  • Hair with low elasticity can be strongly stretched and will not be able to return to its original appearance. Chemistry for them is contraindicated;
  • Too dry lap also should not be twisted - it will rush and break.

Stage 2. Analysis of the scalp. When wounds, injuries and diseases associated with the scalp, the twist is better forgotten.

Stage 3. Test for sensitivity. To spend it, soak your wadded sponge with a strand curling and lubricate the ear zone. Wait 10 minutes. If there is no redden, rash, irritation, go to the twee. If problems arose, quickly wipe the skin with hydrogen peroxide. "Chemistry" you are contraindicated.

Stage 4. Check hair on the retainer. It is necessary to determine the dose and concentration of the means. Take a small strand, moisten it with the drug and leave for 5 minutes. Check the hair on the gap. If it remained durable, you can curl strands. If it looks like a pass and breaks easily, make the solution weaker.

Stage 5. Washing heads. Shampoo will break the scales and improve the result.

Stage 6. Hair cut. It can be carried out before curling or after refreshing the ends and give a hairstyle form.

Important! Before the procedure, do not forget to remove the gold jewelry and glasses, as well as protect the skin from chemicals from entering.

Types of "Chemistry" of hair

Modern twigs can be divided into types of chemicals applied to strands.


This gentle curling is considered universal, as suitable for everyone. The curl is strong and elastic, the result keeps from 3 to 6 months and directly depends on the structure of the chapels.


A special tioglycolic acid-based fixer penetrates inside the hair, but does not spoil their structure, as it is considered gentle. As a result, we get a rather hard curl - it keeps one month. For thin and soft strands, this method is not suitable - they will lose the form and stretch from the roots. It also applies to girls with sensitive skin type and dry hair.


With an alkaline curling type, the retainer penetrates inside and discloses scales. The result is more resistant - it will last on the hair of about 90 days. It gives elastic curls, it looks natural, acts much softer than the previous version. But on heavy rigid strands, the result will not be resistant - after about a month, the curl will lose the form. The cost is cheaper than acid curling.

Amino acid

The fixing agent includes amino acids and proteins that are treated and nourished hair. Amino acid "chemistry" does not harm the health of strands. Locks look natural, but, alas, are short-lived. This "chemistry" is not suitable for rigid and long strands - under such a heavy weight Kudri will quickly develop.


In the composition you will not find aggressive components. They are replaced with another tool, similar to the hair molecule. Biosavka gives a beautiful natural shine and a very resistant result.


This is the perfect way to make a hair outlook, fixing the volume at once for several weeks, and then months (it all depends on the clamp). Also, the roasting chemistry is suitable for those whose hair was previously twisted, but they managed to grow.


This preparation included silk proteins. They take care of her hair and improve their structure. Even damaged hair becomes healthier. The curl comes out very soft and keeps up to six months. The price is much more expensive than other options.


Enjoying tremendous demand among modern fashionistas. Allows you to get elastic and large curl. With this type of curling, highly large curlers are needed - this is Olivia Garden. They are attached to each other with the help of sharp teeth. Biguches of this type do not leave the chances and give lush curls.

Small or African

Recommended for women with fine and rare chapel. It is often performed on the hair of medium length. But we advise you particularly bold ladies - in this you will definitely help African chemistry for short hair. The silhouette will be spherical, and the volume is incredible! The only drawback is to take care of the hair, it will be very difficult, and to make a new laying - almost impossible. For "chemistry" in Afro-style, either papillos or small spirals are needed. It takes about 5 hours to take this process, you can only do in the cabin.


It is also called lipid-protein (LC2). If you compare with the previous one, Japanese keeps longer and gives great benefit. It is completely safe due to neutral pH and leads the humidity too dry outlers. With this curler, you can get elastic and volumetric curls that will last from 2 to 6 months.


Chemical curling for medium, short (no more than 20 cm) and rare strands. Makes hair more, curl - soft and natural. Visually lifts the lap from the roots, and also refreshes the image. Carving works only with the surface of the hairs, not harming it, as with the classic type. If the hair is thick, take big bumps - large curls will help create a magnificent image.


Spiral or vertical "chemistry" is the best option for long and thick braids, which cannot be turned horizontally. In this case, the bumps are located vertically (from the root part to the ends), and the strand is twisted on the helix. A few words about hair curlers! For the procedure you need long cone-shaped bumps with holes, through which stretch strands. Ideally, they must be made of plastic or wood. This form allows you to evenly twist the curl.

The effect of wet hair is perfect on the vertical twist. It is also convenient because the growing roots can be easily twisted. The composition can be any - it depends on how long you want to walk with your new hairstyle. In addition, the health of strands depends on the drug. After the procedure, they will be either weak and dim, or shiny and alive.


It can only be used on healthy hair and only in proven salons. First, the strands are moisturized, then twisted on the bumps and plug into the device (exposure time and temperature are adjustable). The result of the procedure will be beautiful light curls.

Who can not do "chemistry"?

Chemical curvage is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Very dry, thin and damaged hair;
  • The tendency to allergies (first need to make an allergic sample);
  • Pre-staining with bass or henna;
  • Disease in acute form;
  • Reception of drugs.

Hair care after "chemistry"

After the chemical curling, the hair needs care. To do this, comply with some simple rules.

  • Rule 1. To wash the head, you will need a special shampoo for curled hair.
  • Rule 2. Moisturize the hair with special masks. There must be panthenol, collagen, silk or keratine proteins.
  • Rule 3. You can safely apply an infusion of rye bread crusts as home tools (1 liter of boiling water Fill 300 gr. Bread and insist in a thermos 5 hours), nettle or hops. A variety of oils (almond, peach, repeal) can also be useful. They need to be slightly warm.
  • Rule 4. Take fish oil.
  • Rule 5. Regularly cut the tips and lubricate them with a special cream.
  • Rule 6. Combate a comb with wide teeth - it does not injure strands.
  • Rule 7. A few days after curling do not wash your head and expose heat processing strands.
  • Rule 9. Washing hair Do not unscrew, but shine gently.
  • Rule 10. Do not sleep with a wet head.