Ballpoint pen eraser. How to get rid of gel pen marks. Table salt with hydrochloric acid

How to erase a pen from paper gently without leaving marks?

Treatment of ink with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide not only bleaches ladies' curls and disinfects wounds. It is used to remove ink stains. Apply a little 20% hydrogen peroxide solution to the area to be cleaned using a cotton swab or cotton pad. Hydroperite solution can be used instead of hydrogen peroxide. To prepare it, you will need 4 tablets of hydroperite and 50 ml of water.

The treated stain is dried with a clean paper towel, into which the stain remover and ink are absorbed. If it was not possible to remove the inscription the first time, the procedure is repeated. Do not vigorously rub the paper, so as not to damage the canvas. Actions should be as delicate as possible. When the stain is completely gone, cover the sheet with a clean paper towel and leave to dry.

If ink stains remain after the removal of the inscription, they can be removed with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.

You can get rid of the ink lines of a ballpoint pen using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and 70% vinegar essence (you can take 9% table vinegar).

Pour a pinch of potassium permanganate into a glass glass and add a little acetic acid to it. The liquid should cover the bottom of the glass and have a rich garnet color. With a cotton swab or a thin brush, the contents are thoroughly mixed. The solution is then generously applied to the inscription. It is not scary if the liquid gets on clean areas of the paper. The bright color of the liquid should not scare. The red stain can be easily removed with hydrogen peroxide along with the ink pattern.

With a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide, the stain remover and ink are erased. The red liquid instantly disappears under the action of hydrogen peroxide. The inscription also becomes invisible. When using vinegar essence, the ink drawing disappears quickly and without a trace.

While the sheet remains wet, it must be ironed through a paper towel. After such a procedure, the sheet will become not only clean, but also perfectly even.

Mixtures for removing traces with ethyl alcohol

You can remove unwanted ink marks with a mixture of ethyl alcohol and heated glycerin.

Both ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the area to be cleaned. It is advisable to exactly repeat the bends of the ink drawing and not go beyond it.

Based on ethyl alcohol, it is easy to prepare another mixture for removing ink lines. 10 g of baking soda are added to 200 g of ethyl alcohol and the composition is diluted with 100 g of water. The tool processes the cleaned area of ​​the paper until the traces of the ballpoint pen disappear completely.

Cleaning the drawing with salt and soda

Baking soda and table salt are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is spread on a clean, dry and even surface. A sheet with an inscription is laid on top of the composition, which must be disposed of. The inscription to be removed must be on the underside of the sheet so that it touches the prepared mixture. Glass with a hole cut in it is placed on top of the sheet. The hole must be the same size as the pattern to be removed.

The syringe is filled with citric acid concentrate. Liquid is squeezed out of it literally drop by drop through a thin needle onto the area to be cleaned so that it repeats all the contours of the ink pattern. The essence of the method lies in the destructive effect of the citric acid concentrate on the ink. The composition of table salt and baking soda is necessary for instant absorption of the reaction product of the stain remover and ink. Therefore, this method allows you to remove unwanted marks from the pen without a trace and without streaks.

How can I erase a pen from paper without leaving marks in other ways?

Other ways to get rid

Oxalic acid is mixed with citric acid in equal proportions by weight. 10 mass parts of water are added to the composition. The mixture is stirred until the ingredients are completely dissolved. With a soft thin brush, the solution is applied to the inscription several times. Then the cleaned area is abundantly moistened with water and blotted with a paper towel.

Household chemicals will help get rid of unnecessary records. Any chlorine bleach for linen, such as "Whiteness", will do. The product is applied to the area to be cleaned with a cotton swab. It is left on the paper to act on the ink for 20 minutes. After the traces of the handle disappear, the treated area is blotted with water using a sponge or cotton pad, covered with a paper towel or a piece of cloth and ironed with a hot iron. This method is applicable only for snow-white sheets of paper. If there was a color tint or pattern on the canvas, chlorine bleach will discolor them.

The composition of hydrochloric acid and table salt will perfectly cope with ink stains. To prepare the product 2 tsp. salt is mixed with 30 ml of pure water. Then 10 ml of hydrochloric acid is added to the saline solution. The mixture is applied to the area to be cleaned with a brush or cotton swab. When the inscription disappears, the treated area is abundantly moistened with water using a sponge or cotton pad. The blank sheet is left to dry in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.

Get rid of ink stains with white vinegar and dishwashing detergent. A small amount of vinegar is applied directly to the ink lines and left for 10 minutes. When the stain is well saturated, the ink is washed off with a cotton pad or a cotton swab dipped in dishwashing detergent. The use of liquids for this method should be kept to a minimum so as not to destroy the structure of the paper sheet.

The agent based on sodium sulfite effectively fights ink inscriptions. Sodium sulfite is diluted with water and applied to ballpoint pen marks. The gas with a pungent odor released during the chemical reaction will destroy unnecessary lines.

How to remove ink using more affordable methods?

Rubbing with improvised means

You can destroy the inscription made with a pen at home with hairspray. Sometimes after using it, resinous spots remain, and the paper may become discolored at the place of processing. Therefore, before removing unnecessary text with hairspray, you must do a similar procedure on a piece of paper.

If you need to remove a note from a thick sheet of paper, you can use regular toothpaste. It is applied to the area to be cleaned with an old toothbrush. Baking soda can enhance the effect of the paste. Dip a toothbrush in it and clean the canvas from the ink pattern. Gel toothpastes or pastes with additives are not suitable for the procedure. They can contaminate the sheet. Before using toothpaste to remove the inscription, you should test its effect on a piece of paper.

Regular white shaving foam will remove the ink drawing. Gels and foams with additives are not suitable for such a procedure.

You can remove ink from paper with fresh milk or yogurt. The dairy product is applied with a cotton swab on the lines from the ballpoint pen, repeating all their curves. Drying up, the inscription will gradually disappear.

A non-standard way to get rid of unwanted records can be done in summer in sunny weather. A sheet of paper is laid out in a sunny place. Under the influence of ultraviolet traces from the pen gradually disappear. Dents may remain in place of the letters if the words were written with pressure. It is worth trying to get rid of them by ironing the sheet with an iron.

If it is necessary to remove only one word from the text, the rest of the sheet should be closed.

Correction of inscriptions mechanically

An ordinary medical adhesive plaster can get rid of a hated inscription in a diary or correct an error in a test. It is necessary to cut out a piece of such a shape and size from a medical adhesive plaster that it completely covers the inscription to be removed, but does not touch the necessary characters. It should be gently pressed against the text and carefully peeled off. The very thin top layer of paper along with the ink lines will be removed along with the adhesive tape. If the traces of removal are too noticeable, it is worth trying to cut out a more complex pattern from the adhesive plaster, repeating the lines of the inscription.

You can also press a piece of adhesive plaster only to the places to be removed, without touching the clean areas. This filigree work gives an impeccable result, although it will take a lot of time.

The old-fashioned way to remove unwanted inscriptions with a razor blade is still popular. For the procedure, you need to take a very sharp blade, preferably a new one. First, the area to be cleaned is gently cleaned with a corner of the blade with scratching movements. In this case, the plate should be at right angles to the sheet. When the inscription is cleaned, there will be protruding damaged paper fibers on the surface of the paper. They are carefully cut with a blade, tightly pressing the plate to the sheet. The plane of the blade should be parallel to the surface of the paper. You have to be careful not to cut off too much. The surface of the nail plate will help to finally smooth the fibers. She polishes the cleaned place. In this way, amazing results can be achieved.

Instead of a blade, you can use fine-grained sandpaper. With a certain skill, it can quietly remove any small detail of the recording.

How to remove ink safely?

Precautionary measures

Some products used to remove ballpoint pen marks on paper are aggressive. They can be harmful to health. Therefore, the treatment of ink stains should be done with rubber gloves, in well-ventilated rooms with open windows or with the hood turned on. The use of safety glasses is recommended.

Due to the high flammability of some ingredients in ink remover mixtures, fire safety precautions must be observed. In the room where the procedure is performed, there should be no open sources of fire.

Paper treated with aggressive mixtures should be placed out of the reach of children. Dry it preferably in the open air.

No one is immune from an error in the control work or a typo while filling out an important document. It is not always possible to tear out a page, so you have to look for methods to remove ink. Acting carefully and choosing proven methods, you can clean the paper from the pen without a trace. Acetone, alcohol, soda, salt and some other household products can be used.

With paper without streaks is quite real. The main thing is not to aggravate the problem.

Before using the product, it is necessary to test its effect on a similar paper. To do this, you need to apply the same ink and try to remove them in the chosen way. You can try several methods, which will not ruin an important document completely.

Mechanical correction

You can remove an inscription in a diary, correct a mistake or an inkblot in a test paper using mechanical action:

  1. It is necessary to cut a piece from the medical plaster so that it completely covers the unnecessary inscription, without touching other signs. The patch must be pressed against the text to be removed and carefully peeled off. A thin layer of paper should be removed along with the adhesive tape. As a result, the entry will disappear.
  2. Paste marks can be removed with a blade. To do this, gently scrape off the top layer of paper with ink. Then shake off the resulting dust and smooth the area with your fingernail. Ideally even paper in this place will not become, but if you make a new inscription, it will hide the bumps.
  3. An eraser will help to make the sheet clean. You will need to slightly moisten the surface of the paper with water and wipe the ink with an eraser, making light movements. It is important not to be too zealous and choose a soft eraser, otherwise you can rub a hole in the paper.

Mechanical correction is more suitable for removing ballpoint pen marks from thick paper.


Acetone is a solvent that helps get rid of many contaminants. It is also effective in the fight against ink. But for this purpose, it is better to use a nail polish remover that contains acetone, but is more gentle.

To remove the inscription, moisten a cotton swab with nail polish remover and apply the substance to the ink. If the symbol to be removed is very small, then you can use a toothpick or pipette. When the inscription is erased, you need to blot the product remaining on the paper with a paper towel or cotton pad. It is undesirable to use ordinary cotton wool, as the villi can stick to the sheet and smear the stain.


To get rid of unnecessary traces of a ballpoint pen at home, you can use a folk recipe:

  1. Warm up a small amount of glycerin.
  2. Mix ethyl alcohol and heated glycerin in equal proportions.
  3. Apply the prepared mixture with a cotton swab, toothpick or thin brush to the text to be deleted. It is required to accurately repeat all the bends of the inscription, trying not to go to clean areas.

You can also prepare a cleaning agent with the addition of soda. Mix 100 ml of water and 200 ml of ethyl alcohol. Add 10 g of baking soda to the resulting solution. Apply in the same way.

soda + salt

If you need a serious approach to solving a problem, then you should turn to a complex but effective method:

  1. Mix equal parts salt and baking soda.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to a flat and dry surface - for example, a table.
  3. Put a piece of paper on the composition with the text to be deleted down. The output ink should touch the mixture on the table.
  4. Put glass on the sheet with a hole of the same size as the inscription.
  5. Fill the syringe with concentrated citric acid.
  6. Squeeze out the liquid drop by drop so that it follows the contours of the text to be deleted.

Citric acid destroys the composition of the ink, and a mixture of soda and salt ensures their instant absorption. As a result, the traces of the pen disappear without traces and streaks.


A proven remedy for ink marks - acids suitable for food use. To delete a record, you need to prepare a solution:

  • mix citric or oxalic acid with water in equal proportions;
  • mix the composition thoroughly until a homogeneous liquid without granules is obtained;
  • apply the solution to the ink to be removed with a cotton swab or pipette;
  • after the inscription disappears, blot the liquid on the paper with a dry cloth or napkin;
  • leave the paper to dry.

If the contamination was large-scale, then after cleaning, you can iron the paper with an iron through another clean sheet.


You can quickly erase a pen from paper using Whiteness, which contains chlorine. Pour some laundry bleach into a glass container. Then, using a cotton swab or pipette, apply a small amount of the substance to the ink.

This method is not suitable for colored paper as the chlorine destroys the dyes.

How to get rid of gel pen marks

If you need to remove an inscription made with a black gel pen from paper, then you can not do without potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide.


  1. Mix in equal proportions peroxide and manganese until the consistency of slurry.
  2. Apply the mixture to the text to be deleted.
  3. Soak a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and gently wash off the solution. This will help get rid of the dark traces of manganese.

If the unwanted entry occupied the entire sheet, then the cleaned paper should be laid with two clean sheets and ironed. As a result, the sheet will become clean and even.

In modern times, in social and public life, there is a lot of wasted paper. Filling out forms, drafting contracts requires a high degree of knowledge of the norms of the language. As a rule, work with documentation is carried out in a fast mode, so even the smartest connoisseur of spelling and punctuation can make an inaccuracy. In a panic, many questions arise: how to quietly remove ink from paper?

How to get ink out of paper

More advanced in the question of how to remove ink from paper are students and schoolchildren. They definitely know a large number of options for how to get pen ink out of paper. If such an oversight occurred in lecture notebooks, then an ordinary proofreader can remove ballpoint ink from paper. Putty is not always suitable for schoolchildren, so other effective means come in.


Students at school mostly write with blue ink, which can be easily removed with acetone (nail polish remover). Ballpoint ink can be removed from paper with cotton wool wound around a stick or match. Next, dip it in acetone liquid and wipe the desired text.

How to remove pen ink from paper with alcohol

Tumfer is soaked in alcohol for five minutes. Before applying alcohol, be sure to separate the damaged area from the good part with clean sheets. Remember! Medical alcohol should be without additives.

An oversight in the notebooks of students is not so significant and tragic. But for adults, the solution to the problem of how to remove ink from paper is not always solvable. And if this happened on significant documentation, then you simply cannot do without knowing how to remove ink from paper without damaging it, saving yourself from repeated rewriting.

There are many options for how to remove ink from paper without a trace. However, there is an opinion that it is simply unrealistic to achieve this. This is due to improperly selected methods, which not only are not able to remove ballpoint ink from paper, but also worsen the situation.

We remove ink from the surface of the paper without a trace

In the office, when there is not enough choice of suitable devices at hand, you can remove ink from paper without damaging it, you can use hydrogen peroxide. The percentage of the drug varies, so a twenty percent solution is suitable to get rid of the ink. It is necessary to stock up on cotton swabs, with which hydrogen peroxide will be applied to the surface of the parchment. In this case, you will have to wet the damaged text several times until the liquid dye disappears.

At work, you often have to use seals that confirm the authenticity of the document. Unfortunately, the stamp does not always correspond to good quality. Therefore, the print can spread and leave unnecessary traces. The following methods will show you how to get ink out of paper.

We remove ink from paper from printing

Whoever has a gas or electric stove in the office, they are incredibly lucky. A hard-boiled chicken egg will help remove the ink from the stamp. After cooling the egg to a warm state, run it over the smeared traces of the seal. The brightness of the ink from printing will gradually disappear. You need to roll the egg until the stain disappears. After such a manipulation, the state of the document will be so perfect that no one will suspect you of improperly filling out the document.

We remove ink with limited capabilities

If household appliances are missing, then a less ideal method will save. For him, simple bleach is suitable. Of course, an unpleasant smell spoils the whole picture, but success is guaranteed. You should also be patient, because the procedure takes about 30 minutes. And so, we moisten the tupfer in bleach and run it over the print until the ink stains disappear.

How to remove ink from paper at home

Home conditions provide more resources for the use of a variety of chemical elements to correct an unpleasant incident. And the question no longer arises: how can you remove ink from paper.

To prepare stain removers, you should prepare:

  • vinegar;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • citric acid.

Acetic acid + potassium permanganate

It is impossible to remove ink from paper with potassium permanganate without the participation of additional elements. An excellent partner for her is seventy percent vinegar essence. To make the mixture you will need: a small pinch of manganese and a teaspoon of acetic acid. The two components are mixed. With the help of a cotton pad, a stick or a thin brush used when drawing, erroneous places are carefully removed from the text. Before starting work, you must put the spoiled one on a clean sheet. A tupfer soaked in the “miracle” solution must be carried out through the text until it disappears completely. A brown mark will appear in place of the output record, which is removed with peroxide. The final step is a hot iron. We place the working parchment between a clean sheet and a rag, iron it with an iron.

To remove ink from paper from a pen will help: citric acid + salt + soda

To use the "magic" mixture, you will need:

  • the same ratio of salt and soda;
  • glass, with a cut hole in the size of the stain to be removed;
  • concentrated citric acid;
  • syringe with a thin needle.

Soda and salt are mixed and poured onto a flat surface. A worksheet is placed on the soda-salt composition with the front part. We press the paper with glass so that the hole corresponds with an unnecessary entry, through which we slowly and carefully introduce citric acid with a syringe. Salt and soda will instantly absorb soluble ink and not a single trace will remain on the document

Video how to remove ink from paper at home

Most often, this technique is required by schoolchildren in order to erase deuces. To remove an inscription, letter or word may also occur to students. A typo can negate the work of several days. But an unfortunate mistake on paper can be removed without a trace.

How to get ink out of paper? The fastest option is a correction pen. It hides the misspelling, and the correct version of the word is made on top of it. But perhaps the trace of the pen will stand out against the background of the sheet. For a more thorough removal option, you can use one of the methods below. If you know how to remove a gel pen from paper, or a marker from a paper sheet, then if necessary, you will cope with the mistake made.

Ballpoint pen inscription

Removing the inscription with a ballpoint pen is the easiest way. The easiest option is to use a hydrogen peroxide solution.

hydrogen peroxide

This medication is used not only for the disinfection of wounds. It is also suitable for getting rid of ballpoint pen marks. For this purpose, 20% hydrogen peroxide is used. You should use a cotton swab to apply the liquid to the desired area of ​​the text. The procedure can be repeated until the entry is completely eliminated.

How to erase a pen from paper without leaving marks at home? Another simple and reliable way. Inscriptions made with a ballpoint pen are removed by applying a mixture of potassium permanganate and vinegar, and then hydrogen peroxide. We take potassium permanganate crystals and a drop of vinegar, or vinegar essence, on the tip of a teaspoon. The components are mixed in a glass container. Such a composition, after dissolving a pinch of potassium permanganate, acquires a rich shade.

It is gently applied with a cotton swab. There is no fear that such a composition will ruin the paper. Apply hydrogen peroxide on top of the sheet treated with such a tool. This will remove all unnecessary ink lines and the preparation itself. And no one will notice that the record was taken out. This is how it looks like:

To remove ink from paper without traces, it will turn out even faster if you use essence instead of table vinegar. After processing a sheet of paper with this composition, it is carried out with a hot iron through a napkin, which will speed up the process of removing typos and make it perfectly even.

Nail polish remover

Acetone is a well-known solvent. It removes stains from fabrics, wood surfaces, and is also suitable for removing ink from a sheet of paper. To do this, it is recommended to use acetone solvent for removing nail polish. The process of removing ink consists in applying a drop of liquid to an unnecessary inscription. If you need to correct a small area of ​​a mistake, you can use a medical pipette or a wooden toothpick.

The nail polish remover has a gentle action that does not violate the integrity of the paper web. The method is available, since such a solvent is usually available in the house.

After dissolving the trace of ink, wipe off the liquid with a paper towel.

If it becomes necessary to remove almost the entire record with a ballpoint pen from paper, then the paper is completely immersed in acetone, and then dried by placing it between cloth or paper towels. The room must be well ventilated.


Such a stain remover can be prepared independently by dissolving hydroperite. To obtain the required concentration, 4 tablets are diluted in 50 ml of water. This method requires caution. If the mixture is rubbed with vigorous movements, then there is a danger of spoiling the sheet, violating its integrity.
After the purpose of removal has been achieved, before putting the paper sheet into the drawer, it should be dried by covering it with a napkin so that the liquid is absorbed. After that, ink streaks may appear on the paper. They are removed with peroxide.

Gel pen inscription

The inscription with a gel pen is a hard-to-remove inscription. Therefore, before figuring out how to erase a gel pen from paper, it is better to try the action on the same sheet of paper.

ethyl alcohol

  • You can remove ink from a gel pen with ethyl alcohol with the addition of baking soda. To prepare the mixture, 40 g of ethyl alcohol, 2 g of soda and 20 g of water are stirred. A sheet of paper is processed with this composition until unnecessary text written with a ballpoint pen is removed.
  • You can erase a gel pen from paper without traces with a mixture prepared by combining ethyl alcohol and warm glycerin. Before removing the paste from a ballpoint pen, all the ingredients are combined in equal proportions. Lubricate with such a mixture, preferably with a toothpick, exactly following the contours of the text to be deleted.


Mix potato starch and warm water equally in a mug. We apply this gruel to the desired place, and leave it to dry. Then remove the starch with a dry sponge. The ink should soak into the starch.

Capillary pens - felt-tip pens and markers

Alcohol or vodka

Felt pens and markers most often have alcohol-based inks. Therefore, it is better to wash such ink with alcohol or vodka. Use a cotton pad or Q-tip. Drop a little alcohol on the disc, and wipe the problem area, if there is a trace, take a new disc. Then let the paper dry.


Mechanical methods are the risk of making a hole in the paper. It will work only when the inscription is not deep, but superficial.

  1. An ordinary medical plaster will cope with a deuce in a student's diary or an error in written work. To do this, a small part is cut off from the patch tape, matching the size of the text to be removed, so as not to cover the excess. It should be borne in mind that after the plaster is separated from the paper, the letters are removed together with the top layer of the sheet.
  2. With gentle movements with a sharp blade, you can clean off the inscription of any size. The letters seem to be scratched out. The metal plate should be perpendicular to the paper. If after this there are protruding fibers, they should be cut off by guiding the blade, pressing firmly against the sheet so as not to damage it.
  3. Having the skill, you can erase the pen from the paper with sandpaper without traces at home. In this way, both small details and large text are erased. Proceed carefully, lightly pressing on the inscription, otherwise a hole is provided.

  • The composition is prepared from equal proportions of citric and oxalic acid with the addition of water, the mass of which exceeds the volume of each of the ingredients by 10 times. After thorough mixing, the composition is applied with a soft brush to the blot. Lubricate the paper several times until the ink line is invisible. At the end of the procedure, the acids are soaked with a dry cloth.
  • With the help of household chemicals, they also get rid of ballpoint pen entries. You can use, in which chlorine is present (for example, "Whiteness"). This liquid is applied with a cotton swab. After 20 minutes of exposure to the product, ink marks usually disappear. Then the treated area is blotted with a piece of a damp foam sponge and ironed with a hot iron through a thin natural fabric. This method can only be used for perfectly white paper. Otherwise, light spots may appear on the sheet from the action of the chlorine solution. It will also ruin the printed design on the paper. Therefore, before removing the stain, you should try to apply the liquid to a small fragment of the sheet.
  • If you use clear table vinegar and any dish detergent, the ink lines will disappear. Following the rules, vinegar is first applied for several minutes to soak, and then the sponge is dipped in dish detergent and the vinegar is washed off. The pressure on the paper base should be minimal so as not to violate the integrity of the sheet.
  • An agent prepared on the basis of sodium sulfite is considered effective. It is enough to dissolve it in water and wipe the traces left by a ballpoint pen. As a result of the chemical reaction that has begun, the text will be removed, forming a pungent odor.
  • Salt and baking soda. Before erasing the pen from the paper without a trace, these components are thoroughly mixed in the same proportion, and the mixture is distributed in a thick layer over a dry horizontal surface. Then a paper sheet is laid on it, from which it is required to eliminate the typo. The side of the paper on which the damaged text is located should be in contact with the mixture. A glass with a cut-out hole is installed on top of it, equal in size and shape to the pattern to be removed. The medical syringe is filled with a concentrated solution of citric acid. After that, the liquid from the syringe is carefully applied along the contour of the letter to be removed. Baking soda and salt allow the citric acid to quickly soak in and cause the ink to instantly chemically react with this solvent to remove the unwanted inscription.

improvised means

If you need to urgently remove an extra letter in a text written with a ballpoint pen, you can use the tools available in the house almost constantly. It does not matter what color the paste was blue, black or green.

  1. Hairspray is one way to remove fresh lines. However, this method should only be used for paper of a certain quality. Otherwise, dark or light spots may form. Therefore, before use, it is better to make a test on a small piece of such paper.
  2. If you need to remove the inscription from cardboard or a thick sheet, then you should lubricate it with toothpaste. To enhance the action, the brush with the paste is dipped in baking soda and rubbed on paper. Dental gel is not suitable for this procedure.
  3. Shaving foam will help remove ink from paper, but only white.
  4. The trace from the handle from the sheet is removed with sour or fresh milk. With a cotton swab dipped in these products, lines are drawn along the contour of the inscription, repeating the curves of the letters.
  5. How to remove ink from paper without any means? In some cases, you can erase letters written with an ink or ballpoint pen by placing a sheet of text under the sun. Gradually they will disappear, but if it was written with strong pressure, then, after the elimination of the letters, sagging marks will probably remain. In this case, it is recommended to iron the paper sheet to remove this drawback.

Some preparations for removing records are aggressive. Therefore, gloves should be worn before erasing ink from paper, and care must be taken when working with them. It is better to use stain removers in ventilated areas. Means with increased flammability for fire safety - should not be poured near an open flame.

how to remove ink from paper (document) so that there is no noticeable blunder? I really need it!


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    How to remove ink

    Removing ink from paper is a delicate process. It requires focus and calmness. Let's analyze this process using the example of a deuce in a diary. Of course, it’s not logical to correct a deuce for a five, so instead of a deuce, it’s as if you need to put a four.
    Let's get to work. It is difficult to prepare complex chemical reagents for the high-quality removal of a deuce at home. Therefore, we will use one of two methods: either chlorine, or hydrogen peroxide with potassium permanganate.
    Let's try chlorine first. To do this, you can use any chlorine-containing liquid for domestic needs. The liquid should be close in viscosity to water and be translucent. Take a pipette and drop a drop of this liquid onto the glass. We take a match, dip it into a drop on the glass, this drop mostly remains on the tip of the match, transfer the liquid with a match to the diary paper far from the deuce (to test the reaction of the paper). We are waiting for half an hour. If the paper does not turn yellow at the place where the chlorine liquid is applied, then we apply the liquid to the deuce. In 10% of the deuce as it never happened, in 20% the result is satisfactory - the contours of the deuce will be slightly visible, which sometimes can be removed with two strokes of the eraser, in 70% the result is unsatisfactory.
    Then we try the second way.
    We start by preparing 10% hydrogen peroxide, if there is none, pharmacy 3% peroxide will do. Pipette. Peroxide on glass. Next to the glass we pour 3-5 gr. potassium permanganate. With a match moistened with water, we transfer potassium permanganate to the paper of the diary away from the deuce (for testing). Then we drip peroxide with a second match on potassium permanganate. Hiss. We are waiting for half an hour. If the paper has not changed color, we carry out the same operation with a deuce. The success rate is the same as with chlorine.
    Don't experiment with important documents. If the deuce is written with gel or ink, then the above methods can ruin the paper.

    How to remove (remove, erase) pen ink, unnecessary notes, inscriptions, blots, stamps and seals from paper:

    Recipe 1. Means for removing / reducing written in ink, a regular fountain pen, and stamps.

    To make the liquid, acetic concentrate 70% (about 1 teaspoon) and a small amount of potassium permanganate in crystalline form (on the tip of a knife) are taken. Everything is mixed, the liquid is ready for use.
    Under the sheet from which you want to remove something, enclose a clean, white sheet of paper. Take a brush, (the softer and thinner it is, the better), dip it into the prepared liquid and begin to draw this brush over the inscription until it disappears. In this place, the paper acquires a brownish tint, remove it with a piece of cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide (all components are sold at a pharmacy).
    Then, the area of ​​the wetted sheet must be ironed with a warm iron. To do this, soft matter is laid, a clean, white sheet of paper is placed on it, and a sheet from which the inscription was removed and ironed on it (the surface of the iron must be clean, if there are black spots, then a clean white sheet is placed on top of the wet sheet and ironed) .
    Note: In this way, the inscription is removed better from thin sheets; to remove it from thick, dense sheets, it is advisable to use a sharpened match instead of a brush. A small piece of cotton wool is wound around the sharpened tip (there are several such brushes made because they quickly fail), they are moistened in liquid and circled around it with a gentle forward-return motion over the inscription.
    Everything else is done in the same way.

    Recipe 2. Means for information (erasing, deletion, output) of stamps, inscriptions, blots, etc.

    Oxalic acid 10 g, citric acid 10 g, water 100 ml. - stir thoroughly.
    The stamp or inscription is moistened with this solution with a soft brush 2-3 times, then moistened with clean water with a brush and the etched area is dried with a blotter.

    Recipe 3. Means for information of stamps, inscriptions, blots, etc.

    Hydrochloric acid 10 g, common salt 10 g, water 30 ml. - stir and apply as well as the previous two means.

    Method 4: Removal / reduction of blue (violet, red, green) paste, fountain pen ink, stamp mastic.

    It is necessary to prepare two solutions:
    Solution 1. Potassium permanganate (3-10 g) is added in small portions to distilled water (50 ml) at a temperature of 20-30 ° C and stirred until completely dissolved. After the solution becomes saturated and the next portion of potassium permanganate no longer dissolves, glacial acetic acid (50 ml) is added. The solution rapidly loses its activity during storage. Prepared immediately before use.
    Solution 2. Add 1-2 tablets of hydroperite to distilled water (100 ml) at a temperature of 20-30°C.
    Application: with a thin cotton swab on a glass rod or a match, with a light touch, apply solution No. 1 to the stain to be removed, starting from the center. DO NOT RUB. After 10-15 seconds, the treatment can be repeated. The stain from solution No. 1 is discolored with solution No. 2.

    Method 5: Removal / reduction of black paste, ink, stamp mastic.

    The difference from recipe 4 is that the first layer of black is removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, and then they act in the same way as in the first recipe. When using the method on paper that has a colored protective grid or inscriptions with printing ink of all colors except black, in some cases the color of the dyes may change. It is recommended to carry out preliminary tests on a small area.

    Method 6. Mixing ink, seals.

    Sodium sulfite or any other substance containing SO3 ion must be mixed with water. The gas released at the same time with a sharp unpleasant odor returns the sheet to its original whiteness.

    Recipes: how to remove ink stains.

    1. They can be removed with a mixture of glycerin and ethyl alcohol (in equal proportions).
    2. A fresh ink stain is easily removed with warm fresh milk or yogurt.

    Method 1. Removal of stamps from postage stamps.
    When you send a letter and put an envelope in it for a reply, carefully rub the stamps or postal letters with paraffin (candle). When it is stamped at the post office, the stamp ink will remain on the paraffin. When this letter is returned to you, you will carefully scrape off the paraffin (with a sharp knife or fingernail). Cut out the stamp and soak it in a water bath (steam) or in warm water so that the paraffin with the remaining traces of the stamp paint leaves behind. Then dry the stamp, put it between two clean, white sheets of paper and iron it with a warm iron. And the brand is ready. You can stick it on the next envelope.

    Method 2. Removal of seals from postage stamps.
    The whole operation is carried out similarly to the first method, only laundry soap (preferably white) is used instead of paraffin. Rub it on postage stamps, and when this letter with stamps is returned to you, you can easily remove the seal or stamp from the stamps with laundry bleach and a soft brush, gently wiping off the stamp ink, then dip the stamp in boiling water, where it will separate from it in a few seconds. paper. Then dry the stamps and reuse with soap.

    Method 3. Removal of stamps and seals from postage stamps.
    Postage stamps can be covered with a special layer from which the stamp ink is easily removed, which is used to put postage stamps on postage stamps.
    The special layer consists of two parts:
    1. A thin layer of PVA glue (polyvinyl acetate emulsion) is applied to the stamp and dried.
    2. Mix acetone and turpentine (in a ratio of 1:2.5), drop into a mixture of castor oil (1 drop per 5 ml), mix. Then put pieces of foam into it, without stirring them, until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. When the liquid mixture no longer remains on the surface of the thick viscous solution, the composition must be mixed and applied in a thin layer to the prepared marks. After drying, they can be glued onto envelopes and sent by mail. When you need to remove the stamp from the stamp, it is enough to wipe it with your finger, after breathing on it, or with a damp cotton swab.
    Notes: If you do not apply a layer of PVA glue on the stamp, but immediately apply a second layer, then acetone and turpentine can blur the image on the stamp.
    If castor oil is not added to the mixture of acetone and turpentine at the beginning, then the second layer will turn out to be brittle and may crack when stamped, the stamp paint gets into the cracks during stamping and it will no longer be removed by simple methods.
    The best material for the preparation of the second composition is, as experience shows, white synthetic porous egg packaging.
    The most convenient tool for coating stamps is the old style dental spatula.
    When you use stamps, don't stick secure stamps with unsecured stamps on the same envelope, because when compared closely, they differ slightly from each other.
    When you learn how to apply the second layer in one precise movement, then the PVA layer will not be necessary.
    Note: Composition 2 "compacts" during storage, that is, it delaminates. Therefore, it is better to use it immediately or a few hours after preparation. To prepare the solvent, we need:
    Vinegar 70%
    Potassium permanganate
    Hydrogen peroxide

    We take 30 g of table vinegar 70% (sold in grocery stores), add potassium permanganate (you can buy it in pharmacies) to a dark purple color and mix thoroughly. The resulting liquid is carefully applied to the inscription with a cotton swab (attention do not rub on the paper, but simply apply a stick soaked in the liquid), wait a few tens of seconds.
    Next, we take hydrogen peroxide (also sold in a pharmacy), moisten a cotton swab and gently soak the pink stains that remain from the erased inscription. And voila, there were no traces of the inscription left!

    thanks! great!!!

    it will be easier to order in a photo salon cheaper .. I know from experience

    Grease stains can be removed by sprinkling ground chalk on the soiled area and ironing it through white paper with a hot iron. But not the fact that it will completely disappear. Good luck!

    Just don't bother with salt! Salt removes greasy stains from fabrics

    what does it mean to assure? signatures can be verified. the text itself is not certified by a notary.
    if we are talking about a contract of sale, then the certification of each signature was about 12 lats.