Statuses about smart women. A wise woman: what is she from the point of view of men

My husband came home after midnight. Quietly, he opened the door and slipped quietly into the kitchen. I was lying on the couch, watching the series. He tiptoed up to me like that, hugged me and began his swan song about how long he had been working today, that customers had come to the company, that they had to take a walk with them to a restaurant, etc. I have already heard this a hundred times . “I would at least write down what fables I already gave out,” I thought, and without raising my head from the sofa, I lazily said: “Daddy, I want to sleep so much, let me tell you everything tomorrow if you want.” And now, as Zadornov says, enjoy his "facial expression." Class! I received this joy. My faithful froze in amazement. After all, he did not expect this from me! I thought I would bombard him with questions again, where I was, why I didn’t answer calls. And, of course, he prepared another fairy tale for me. And what am I? Left him alone with his guilt before me.

Whether he's guilty or not, I don't know for sure. But rumors have reached me that he has someone. I dare say mistress. One “well-wisher” told me about this, and by phone. Of course, I was very upset, even burst into tears. And at first I wanted to tear and throw. Throw him down the stairs along with the suitcase. How is it, because I was sure that he loves only me, that nothing threatens our family. And then the truth began to notice that he changes shirts more often, ran to the dentist, although he used to be afraid of him like fire. Something wrong!

Share your grief with a friend. She's been through this before. So, she pacified my ardor and convinced me that there was no need to bring down anger on my husband. In hysterics, she noticed, we do not look attractive at all. “Think! "Chick" flew out for a walk! Don't make a scene and don't even try to follow him. It's humiliating and downright ridiculous. Don't lose your dignity! - she said. - Break what he's used to. Unless, of course, you love him very much and are ready to forgive!”

I listened to her and met my dear one with absolute indifference. Like, walk wherever you want, I don't give a damn about it. And the next day she ran to a beauty salon and radically changed her “hairstyle”. I did not even expect such courage from myself. Cheered up the hair, repainted. In general, it has changed. Then, on the advice of a friend, she began to add salt to the food, or even let it burn a little. And when she poured tea or coffee, she generally looked thoughtfully out the window. And as if accidentally poured past, spilling on the table. The husband reacted instantly: “What are you thinking about? Fell in love, right? In response, I smiled enigmatically and, waving my ass in tight denim shorts, loomed in front of him at the stove. In vain I thought that this advice of a friend was nonsense. Husband hesitated. He began to pester me with questions, none of which received an answer. And my delight knew no bounds. Sometimes, when I felt that he was considering me, even laughter choked me. And I moved on. On weekends, the husband usually hurried to football. And I'm used to being dissatisfied. She used to grumble that she was running away again, instead of being with her family. And then suddenly I don’t say anything, but, on the contrary, with all my appearance I show that I can’t wait until he leaves. And I even worry: “Honey, are you late?” In general, I stopped asking him questions. Didn't get him. I played, but the game was worth the candle. Do not think that it is easy to behave this way if you know that you have been exchanged for the one who did not give him the best years, did not give birth to children, did not help him become what he became. Hungry for the ready. Sometimes I was choked with resentment, but I gathered my will into a fist, especially since I know the weak points of my husband much better than the other one. But I did not allow myself any family showdowns.

This unexpected behavior of mine made him nervous. And once I came home at one o'clock in the morning and to the question "Where have you been?" shortly answered: “In the office. Worked hard." “Why is she so dressy?” - the question followed. “Now I will always be like this!” - I proudly concluded, adding that I was tired, I was falling down and I really wanted to sleep. She tossed her outfit haphazardly and quickly dived into bed. And she secretly watched his reaction. What kind of dream is there? That night, the husband smoked for a long time on the balcony, walked back and forth, knocked on the refrigerator door. He came to me, then to his daughter in the nursery. I don’t remember how I fell asleep, and in the morning I woke up from the fact that my husband gently stroked my hair. Then he kissed her on the ear. And I felt so good. How right my friend is! I love him so much. And he is only mine!

Elena Hütte, fitness instructor

Love yourself and you will never be unloved

A smart woman always takes care of herself - that's why she is smart! Such a woman delights, surprises, and I want to take an example from her, even imitate her! A smart woman does not dream of beauty, happiness, youth, sexuality, does not sigh in front of a mirror, counting the years, she just works on herself day by day and goes towards her goal! Beauty, femininity, health - it's all just not given. We need constant work on ourselves, requiring strength of character. Well, if a woman knows how to do this, takes care of herself, looks good, then there will always be a man next to her, no matter how old she is. And men never leave such women, even if someone tries very hard to seduce them. A smart woman is always married, but a stupid one is always married.

It is better for a beautiful woman not to be too smart so as not to distract attention from her own appearance.

A woman's refusal often means "no." Only if she begins to substantiate it to you abstrusely, then she is waiting for persuasion.

A beautiful woman is a delight for the eyes, flour for the soul and a vacuum cleaner for the purse.

Even the most naive girl can learn to lie if she is put in a rigid framework.

Best Status:
Success, irresistibility and enjoyment of life is another evidence that this woman took place thanks to the desire to prove something to someone ...

Even the most narrow-minded woman can find a common language with a smart man, and only the smartest woman can successfully communicate with a fool.

Only a smart woman understands that it is more profitable to look after herself, and not her man.

A woman is so arranged by nature - she is constantly trying to find cons in worthy men, and in their complete opposites she tries to pay attention to the existing pluses ...

If the mind is reflected on the face, then there are enough smart thoughts in the head.

You need to return to the woman as soon as possible, until she has time to understand that she is fine without you!

Women lie to hide their feelings, men to show feelings that are not there.

You need to kneel only in front of that woman who will then iron your trousers.

Silence is the only thing of gold that women do not like.

A woman should not live the life of a man if he does not live the life of a woman.

Women's hatred, in fact, the same love, only changed direction.

Women are not the weaker sex, the weaker sex are rotten boards.

A woman is more likely to love a man whom she hates than one to whom she is indifferent.

Being completely sincere for a woman means the same thing as appearing in public without a dress.

We live in the 21st century - the century of feminine men and courageous women.

Ten men are stacked at the woman's feet, and she chooses the eleventh, who is standing and looking in the other direction.

Nature said to the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must be prudent by all means.

A woman is an invitation to happiness.

A woman was created to be loved, not to be understood.

The assumption that a woman, having the opportunity to choose, will immediately stop at one thing, is clearly beyond common sense.

Two fools meet... Of course! If they were smart, they would date girls.

A smart man changes his mind, a fool never.

The woman is a flower. As you take care of him, so he blooms.

A woman is your shadow: when you follow her, she runs away from you; when you leave her, she runs after you.

The more a woman spins around the mirror, the more men spin around the woman! – Statuses about women

God created a woman from a man's rib to protect his heart.

It is exercises that give strength to the mind, not rest.

Don't argue if a woman wants something. You have to give it to her. Otherwise, the result will be the same, but more time will be spent.

A woman paints her lips to mark the man she likes!

Foolish people are not always safe: they have the intelligence to say exactly as much as is necessary in order to offend or slander their neighbor.

“If you start by sacrificing yourself for those
whom you love, you end up hating
to those to whom they sacrificed themselves.
Bernard Show

These words reflect the whole meaning of self-giving and giving. And all because in return, in most cases, something is still expected. Namely - that the person will simply love you. This reflects deep emotional trauma, which sooner or later spills over into a sea of ​​misunderstanding, resentment and disappointment.

You gave me yourself all the time, and he gave me - ME.

So says the heroine of the film with the tragic title "I ask you to blame Klava K for my death."

In fact, no one died. The boy (his name is Seryozha) did not throw himself off a cliff because of unhappy love. Although… Something really died in him at that moment. Children's conviction "my best gift is me!". He has been in love with her since kindergarten. He did her homework for her, carried a briefcase, ran for medicine when she was sick. He did a lot of things for her and FOR HER. She was taken to the choir solely for her beautiful appearance. They told her to open her mouth silently, because she was deaf.

And there are no special abilities either. Well, she's beautiful - what else does a girl need? "Don't do anything - just walk!" And suddenly ... another boy appears (his name is Lavrik), who says:

“It cannot be that there is no ability for anything. Let's check - maybe you have a hearing, only - internal. And it turns out - indeed there is. And she can SING, and not just open her mouth, decorating the choir with her external data. But not every Klava manages to meet such a Lavrik. And far away on each Seryozha - to bang his forehead on reality in the face of a lover who has suddenly begun to see clearly. But what about sacrifice? Self-giving? To give everything without demanding anything in return - isn't this the very essence of love?

Let's be honest. After all, doing all this - you do not require anything ... except LOVE! And love, as you know, is not for sale. Even in exchange for self-sacrifice and bestowal. She either exists or she doesn't.

How about another feat for the sake of the beloved (beloved)? Give up your expectations, do not turn him (her) into a field for self-realization and the realization of your own ambitions, but see the best, brightest and unique in him (her), support him (her) in revealing his (her) talents, and not the realization of your own dreams?

Rejoice in what he (she) can give to this world, and not in what you give-give-give? MYSELF! And he (a) - accepts, accepts, accepts. YOU! After all, constantly giving something, investing - you thereby turn him (her) into a branch of yourself. You are replicating yourself, leaving him (her) no free space. He (she) is no longer visible behind the mountain of your gifts. Who do you love about it? YOURSELF AND ONLY YOURSELF.

Surrounding another person with your care and attention, you imply that he is a helpless cripple. He will be lost without you. Of course, each of us has such moments when we need care - we got sick, for example, or grief happened. But if care and guardianship are the only manifestations of love that you are capable of, you thereby force a person to constantly be sick and unhappy.

It is not surprising if he comes to terms with this role and begins to receive his “benefits” - he begins to demand more and more from you, constantly accusing you of taking care of you incorrectly, not the way you should. And here an interesting discovery awaits you. You don't love or appreciate yourself. You constantly need confirmation of your own value, significance for another person. “After all, he (a) will be lost without me!”

Yes - a strong, bright, self-confident person is much more difficult to love! It's not just you that needs it. Many admire him, many want to communicate with him, many will be glad to have his company. At any moment he may be interested in someone else more than you.

"A smart woman takes care of herself, and a stupid woman takes care of her husband".

This applies to men no less. Selfishness? No, just “giving yourself away” is what real egoism is, what it is. Enjoying self-sacrifice - you honor your pride. And you fence yourself off from your own "shadow" qualities - they are present in each of us. After all, self-sacrifice can justify outbursts of anger, and arrogance, and the suppression of other people's interests, and much more "wonderful".

When you stop giving and sacrificing all the time, you are left alone with yourself. With all the good and evil present in your soul. And you will have to face it head on. And love. Isn't that what you're running from, constantly giving yourself away?

Smart women take care of themselves, fools take care of their man .. what are you like?
My husband came home after midnight. Quietly, he opened the door and slipped quietly into the kitchen. I was lying on the couch, watching the series. He tiptoed up to me like that, hugged me and began his swan song about how long he had been working today, that customers had come to the company, that they had to take a walk with them to a restaurant, etc. I have already heard this a hundred times . “I would at least write down what fables I already gave out,” I thought, and without raising my head from the sofa, I lazily said: “Daddy, I want to sleep so much, let me tell you everything tomorrow if you want.” And now, as Zadornov says, enjoy his "facial expression." Class! I received this joy. My faithful froze in amazement. After all, he did not expect this from me! I thought I would bombard him with questions again, where I was, why I didn’t answer calls. And, of course, he prepared another fairy tale for me. And what am I? Left him alone with his guilt before me.

Whether he's guilty or not, I don't know for sure. But rumors have reached me that he has someone. I dare say mistress. One “well-wisher” told me about this, and by phone. Of course, I was very upset, even burst into tears. And at first I wanted to tear and throw. Throw him down the stairs along with the suitcase. How is it, because I was sure that he loves only me, that nothing threatens our family. And then the truth began to notice that he changes shirts more often, ran to the dentist, although he used to be afraid of him like fire. Something wrong!

Share your grief with a friend. She's been through this before. So, she pacified my ardor and convinced me that there was no need to bring down anger on my husband. In hysterics, she noticed, we do not look attractive at all. “Think! "Chick" flew out for a walk! Don't make a scene and don't even try to follow him. It's humiliating and downright ridiculous. Don't lose your dignity! - she said. - Break what he's used to. Unless, of course, you love him very much and are ready to forgive!”

I listened to her and met my dear one with absolute indifference. Like, walk wherever you want, I don't give a damn about it. And the next day she ran to a beauty salon and radically changed her “hairstyle”. I did not even expect such courage from myself. Cheered up the hair, repainted. In general, it has changed. Then, on the advice of a friend, she began to add salt to the food, or even let it burn a little. And when she poured tea or coffee, she generally looked thoughtfully out the window. And as if accidentally poured past, spilling on the table. The husband reacted instantly: “What are you thinking about? Fell in love, right? In response, I smiled enigmatically and, waving my ass in tight denim shorts, loomed in front of him at the stove. In vain I thought that this advice of a friend was nonsense. Husband hesitated. He began to pester me with questions, none of which received an answer. And my delight knew no bounds. Sometimes, when I felt that he was considering me, even laughter choked me. And I moved on. On weekends, the husband usually hurried to football. And I'm used to being dissatisfied. She used to grumble that she was running away again, instead of being with her family. And then suddenly I don’t say anything, but, on the contrary, with all my appearance I show that I can’t wait until he leaves. And I even worry: “Honey, are you late?” In general, I stopped asking him questions. Didn't get him. I played, but the game was worth the candle. Do not think that it is easy to behave this way if you know that you have been exchanged for the one who did not give him the best years, did not give birth to children, did not help him become what he became. Hungry for the ready. Sometimes I was choked with resentment, but I gathered my will into a fist, especially since I know the weak points of my husband much better than the other one. But I did not allow myself any family showdowns.

This unexpected behavior of mine made him nervous. And once I came home at one o'clock in the morning and to the question "Where have you been?" shortly answered: “In the office. Worked hard." “Why is she so dressy?” - the question followed. “Now I will always be like this!” - I proudly concluded, adding that I was tired, I was falling down and I really wanted to sleep. She tossed her outfit haphazardly and quickly dived into bed. And she secretly watched his reaction. What kind of dream is there? That night, the husband smoked for a long time on the balcony, walked back and forth, knocked on the refrigerator door. He came to me, then to his daughter in the nursery. I don’t remember how I fell asleep, and in the morning I woke up from the fact that my husband gently stroked my hair. Then he kissed her on the ear. And I felt so good. How right my friend is! I love him so much. And he is only mine!