Wedding anniversaries by year names. Wedding dates by year, their names and meaning. years of wedding - Emerald Wedding

A wedding for newlyweds is one of the happiest days in life. The ceremony is remembered by the couple for a long time, and every year the lovers celebrate it with friends and relatives. Each wedding anniversary has its own name, which can be used to judge the marriage itself, its honor and success. The earliest time of marriage (before the celebration of the first anniversary) is called "green".

First anniversaries:

  • 1 year - Calico wedding. The name is associated with the simplicity and ease in the newlywed relationship. Light matter symbolizes the lack of strength of the union.
  • 2 years - on paper. Compared to material that tears easily, which can burn and wrinkle if mishandled.
  • 3 years - Leather. Symbolizes flexibility in relationships. The lovers were able to withstand the first difficulties, to establish a family life.
  • 4 years - Linen. Relationships are no longer as fragile as they used to be. The material symbolizes durability, reliability and strength.
  • 5 years - Wooden wedding. To celebrate this anniversary is to be in harmony with each other. The couple has already managed to build relationships, have children, equip a house. This material, symbolizing good furniture and a solid home, gives comfort, tranquility and homeliness.
  • 6 years old - Cast iron. It is considered the first solid anniversary since the material belongs to metals. However, it is he who is the most fragile of all, it may well be damaged from a sharp blow.
  • 7 years - Woolen or Copper wedding. In the first case, the material symbolizes warmth and comfort, but, at the same time, it can prick. In the second, it reminds that the relationship is no longer coarse "cast iron", but more valuable.
  • 8 years old - tin. The relationship of the spouses is not as bright and rich as before, which makes them comparable to nondescript metal. However, everyday problems no longer divide the lovers so much, but, on the contrary, make them closer and stronger.
  • 9 years old - Faience. According to one version, a critical moment arises in the family at this time, the relationship is very vulnerable and fragile. According to the other, the union is only getting stronger, like a hot drink poured into earthenware cups.
  • 10th Anniversary - Tin or Pink Wedding. This date is truly significant for the spouses. The metal is flexible and highly durable. Roses and pink are symbols of sincerity and tenderness. Starting from this period, lovers become even closer, there are fewer secrets and omissions in their lives.

The next decade of life together is characterized by a strong bond between spouses, tolerance, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation through joint efforts.

The flowering of marriage unions:

  • 11 years - Steel wedding. This name fully reveals the essence of the relationship. During this period in marriage, the spouses began to hold on to each other more tightly. The family, like metal when processed, becomes elastic, beautiful and mirror-like.
  • 12 years old - Nickel. This material is a symbol of power, exclusivity and nobility. It stays strong even after exposure to negative factors, having passed the test of time.
  • 13 years old - Lacy or Landyshevaya. Both names symbolize a quivering image, tender relationship. Beautiful lace requires a long time to make it, neatness and incredible patience.
  • 14 years old - Agate. This is the first date when a gem is included in its name. Based on folk traditions, from that time on, the family has earned a high status.
  • 15 years - Glass (Crystal) wedding. This anniversary brings clarity and purity to spouses. Between an experienced husband and an understanding wife, honesty, openness, and mutual trust prevail. The main thing is not to break or damage such a sensitive material, to monitor its purity and shine.
  • 16 years old - Topaz. The stone of spirituality and beauty in combination with the number 16 creates a very strong amulet, promising material benefits.
  • 17 years - Pink or Pewter... Repeats 10th anniversary.
  • 18 years old - Turquoise. It symbolizes lightness, weightlessness and freshness, like a clear summer sky. In most cases, older children grow up, leave to study, which means that the difficulties associated with their upbringing end.
  • 19 years old - Pomegranate or Krypton. It symbolizes love, unification into one whole, the ability of spouses to illuminate each other's life path.
  • 20 years - Porcelain wedding. After so many years of marriage, the couple seems to be as harmonious, chic and sophisticated as luxury porcelain. The material is a symbol of well-being, a good family atmosphere and prosperity. Not every family has porcelain in the house, and in relationships, not everyone succeeds in celebrating such a bright anniversary.

In the next period, the union is strengthened as much as possible, the spouses have children growing up, grandchildren appear, but, despite their responsibilities, they do not lose sight of their solemn wedding dates.

Anniversaries of Family Wisdom:

  • 21 years old - Opal. Symbolizes fidelity, strengthening of tenderness and love. There is another version: the precious stone brings dislike, but during such a period in marriage, the spouses should be able to keep the hearth and warmth in their feelings.
  • 22 years old - Bronze wedding. It took a lot of effort and patience for the spouses to earn such an award as bronze. And now their date is a real symbol of nobility, purposefulness and luxury.
  • 23 years old - Beryl. The metal itself is not very expensive and rare, but certain varieties of it are a real find. Family life, like this metal, having gone through hardships and hardships, is successful and durable.
  • 24 years old - Satin. This material is a symbol of strength, silkiness and incredible smoothness. The relationship of the spouses becomes the same after so many years: it is difficult to separate them from each other or seriously quarrel.
  • 25th Anniversary - Silver Wedding. This date is very significant for all spouses. An incredibly noble, refined and expensive metal brings the same qualities to relationships, endowing the union with even greater strength and reliability. The love of a husband and wife, tempered over the years, is able to withstand any difficulties.
  • 26 years old - Jade. The material is characterized by high strength, resistance to mechanical stress. A family, like this stone, having lived together for many years, is able to survive all adversity, preserve the marriage and only become closer.
  • 27 years old - Mahogany... All the characteristics of this material are inherent in a couple who have lived together for so many years. This is wisdom, nobility, elegance, strength and strong roots.
  • 28 years old - Nickel. It is not customary to celebrate, it is believed that it is at this age of marriage that the couple undergoes serious tests. It's time to turn to face each other.
  • 29 years old - Velvet. This exquisite material is a symbol of tenderness and softness. Spouses should remember that without this it is very difficult to achieve harmony in marriage, even after so many years of living together.
  • 30th Anniversary - Pearl Wedding. A small expensive pearl is formed over the years in a shell and hardens. This anniversary for lovers symbolizes the same process - long maturation, accumulation of experience. As a result, the pearl becomes extremely expensive and highly valued.

The period of anniversaries from 31 to 45 is the perfect time to understand how important family is, as well as to give a loved one maximum care and tenderness.

Honorable events:

  • 31 years old - swarthy. This name suggests that faded and even "green" relationships have become more beautiful and tanned. Despite all the difficulties, obstacles, marriage became more presentable, causing admiration among others.
  • 32 years old - Copper. Not everyone notes, however, that relationships at this age, like copper, are difficult to break, you can only melt them down.
  • 33 years old - Stone or Strawberry wedding. It is not considered a significant date, but some couples do celebrate it. Symbolizes the strength of marriage and the playfulness of relationships.
  • 34 years old - Amber. This stone is amazing and valuable. For many years, the precious composition has been formed from ordinary viscous resin, giving as a result all those around them their beauty and originality. The relationship of the spouses who have come a long way together is also becoming valuable and chic for this anniversary.
  • 35 years old - Linen or Coral wedding. Sea corals symbolize a long, happy married life without disease or loss. Dense material speaks of home comfort, well-being and peaceful relations.
  • 36 years old - Bone China. According to Russian traditions, this date is not celebrated.
  • 37 years old - Muslinova. For a master to be able to make muslin, which is distinguished by extraordinary strength and subtlety, he will need a lot of patience and accuracy. Family relationships also require an investment of titanic forces on the part of both spouses. The main thing is that the result is not coarse matter, but light as a feather.
  • 38 years old - Mercury. This metal differs from all others in its structure. Spouses are given the opportunity to transform their marriage, giving it a new shape each time. This may not necessarily relate to relationships; a joint big trip or moving will help refresh feelings.
  • 39 years old - Crepe. Features of crepe fabric - elasticity and tightly intertwined threads in the structure of the fabric. This should characterize the relationship between spouses. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that matter retains its original attractive appearance longer if you treat it with care.
  • 40th Anniversary - Ruby Wedding. Spouses should truly value and be proud of such a long, strong relationship. An unusually beautiful gem is a symbol of strong and strong love. Husband and wife have come a long way together, and their reward is a truly gorgeous anniversary.
  • 41 years old - Earthen. Not noted, but symbolizes a strong and reliable family foundation for procreation.
  • 42 years - Mother of pearl. Relationships are as vibrant and varied as the shades of mother-of-pearl that bring happiness to your home.
  • 43 years - Flannel. Warmth, comfort and tenderness reign in the family, there is no place for quarrels and misunderstandings.
  • 44 years old - Topaz. The main characteristics of this gorgeous stone are radiant shine and crystal clarity. It is very expensive and prestigious. These are the qualities that the union of spouses who have walked hand in hand for so many years has.
  • 45th Anniversary - Sapphire Wedding. This gem is a reminder to husband and wife of the importance of living together, mutual understanding and trust. Deep blue color symbolizes value to society, sophistication, special charm and royalty. The family to achieve this anniversary is truly unbreakable and solid .

After 40 years, anniversaries are not celebrated as often as they used to be. There is a version that this is due to folk omens, but in most cases, spouses at this age have more worries (raising grandchildren, caring for a personal plot, housekeeping, etc.), they devote less time to their problems.

Each subsequent anniversary is highly valued and has a corresponding "expensive" name. This is due to the fact that not all spouses are able to go such a long way together, therefore the relationship is compared with a precious metal or stone.

Significant dates for husband and wife:

  • 50th Anniversary - Golden Wedding. This anniversary is not only significant, it is considered the pinnacle of excellence in relationships. The couple who celebrated this anniversary can be proud of the years they have spent together. The anniversary has been compared to a pedestal, with husband and wife at the top. After 50 years, anniversaries are mostly celebrated only on round dates.
  • 55 years old - Emerald. The stone that symbolizes this anniversary is rare and incredibly attractive. Beauty, uniqueness, rich green color are its distinctive features. It symbolizes honesty, trust and loyalty. Family relationships become just as prestigious, noble and deep.
  • 60th Anniversary - Diamond Wedding... This multifaceted and beautiful stone is a symbol of true durability and luxury. Noble material, like a long-term relationship in marriage, pleases everyone around with its sophistication and moderate chic. The diamond is considered the most expensive stone in the world. The same should be close people for each other, after so many years of marriage. The couple is worthy of admiration of others.
  • 100 years old - Platinum or Red. Only spouses from Azerbaijan were able to earn the title of "platinum couple". The husband and wife, whose age exceeded 116 years (the young man was 26 at the time of marriage, the girl was only 16), went down in history by celebrating this anniversary. The name of the anniversary symbolizes incredibly strong love, because red is the color of passion and vivid feelings. Metal shows the strength of the union for a whole century.

Other memorable dates that should not be forgotten, and should be celebrated in the circle of loved ones - Iron Anniversary (65), Blagodatnaya (70) and Crown (75) weddings, Oak (80) and Granite (90) anniversary.

Anniversary names have ancient origins. Then people were more careful about marriage, appreciated their chosen one, cherished the family hearth and loved nature, comparing all good things to her. That is why the names of the solemn dates are so warm and "natural".

The wedding day always remains in the memory of the spouses as one of the brightest and happiest in their lives. Each date of this holiday has its own name and characteristics. Basically, this is connected with what to give for each of them and how to celebrate.

Wedding anniversaries: their meanings and gifts

Each wedding anniversary has its own characteristics and long-standing traditions. Currently, they are gradually fading into the background, therefore, in choosing how to celebrate the holiday and what to give it, it is worth showing imagination and creativity.

Wedding anniversary and its namePeculiaritiesWhat to give
1 year - Calico weddingThe anniversary received such a name as a sign that for a year the marriage is still not strong enough and is similar to calico. For a year of life, the newlyweds have not yet learned enough of each other, have not experienced life difficulties that they still have to overcome togetherProducts made of chintz, cotton or linen. This can be bed linen, aprons, decorative pillows.
2 year - PaperFor two years of marriage, it is believed that the spouses have already begun to understand each other much better, have learned how to distribute responsibilities and make concessions to each otherOn this anniversary, it is customary to give money, photo albums, books, paintings and other paper products
3 year - LeatherLeather is a denser material than chintz or paper, which symbolizes even stronger family relationships between spousesFor a gift, you can present leather goods, for example, a purse, belts, key rings or a bag
4 years - Linen or WaxBy tradition, wax candles are always lit on this anniversary as a symbol of unquenchable love and a linen tablecloth or napkins are laidYou can buy linen products - tablecloths, decorative napkins or other accessories. Candles can be another gift option.
5 year - WoodenThis is the first significant anniversary of the family. Wood is a durable material than chintz or paper. On this day, spouses can plant a young tree as a symbol of their love.It is customary to give wood products. These can be cute trinkets, photo frames, jewelry boxes and furniture.
6 year - Cast ironThe first "metal" wedding of the spouses. But cast iron is not a strong enough material and can be damaged if handled carelessly. This suggests that despite the years lived together, the relationship is still fragile and susceptible to external circumstances.In this case, it is better to give preference to kitchen utensils made of cast iron or fireplace grates.
7 year - CopperCopper - symbolizes the durability and reliability of family relationships. In the old days, the couple exchanged copper coins on this anniversary.On this anniversary, it is worth purchasing interior items made of copper. For example, candlesticks, trays, cup holders, or decorations
8 years old - tinTin in its structure, durable, but at the same time quite flexible metal, like family lifeFrom gifts, these can be sweets in tin boxes, kitchen utensils and decor items.
9 years old - FaienceHas a double interpretation. According to one of the versions, family relations become more stable every year. According to another version, nine years after the wedding, the family is going through a critical period and is fragile like faience.The name of the anniversary speaks for itself - it is earthenware, sets and figurines
10 year - PewterIt is customary to celebrate the first wedding anniversary on a grand scale. Give expensive gifts and invite a large number of relatives and friendsIn addition to tin items, spouses can also be presented with red products, for example, bed linen and tablecloths.
11 year - SteelThe name of the date suggests that during this time the relationship of the spouses has already become hardened, become stronger and stronger.On this day, you should pay attention to kitchen items made of steel - pots, trays and cutlery.
12 or 12.5 Years - NickelThe anniversary is celebrated halfway through another landmark anniversary - the 25th joint marriage. In symbolism, it is similar to a tin date.Nickel jewelry (bracelets, chains, earrings), as well as nickel dishes, candlesticks or lighters
13 years old - Lily of the valley or laceLife goes on as usual and weaves its laces tirelessly. Small bouquets of lilies of the valley become iconic on this day.On this anniversary, you can give anything that has lace. Underwear, textile furnishings or bedding
14 years old - Agate or ivory weddingEvery year, family relationships acquire more and more colors, like the agate stone, which is famous for its diversity.Agate jewelry (rings, earrings and bracelets) or decorative jewelry boxes made of ivory
15 years - crystal, crystal or glassOn this day, the spouses should drink from crystal glasses - a symbol of this anniversary.For this date, crystal products (sets, vases) or products with crystals are most suitable for a gift.
16 years - TopazThe symbol of this date was the openness and sincerity of the couple's feelings. That is why it got its name topaz because of the lightness and transparency of the stone.Various kinds of jewelry with topaz
17th Anniversary - Pink WeddingIn some sources, the wedding is found as a pewter wedding. But in any case, this is a landmark event for both spouses.It is worth paying attention to interior items made in pink color or to an elegant bouquet of roses.
18 years old - TurquoiseTurquoise is a pretty bright stone. This symbolizes that all the crisis and difficult moments of the family are already behind.On this day, items of turquoise color or items with a turquoise stone can become a gift.
19 years old - PomegranateIt is customary to celebrate the anniversary in shades of red, which symbolize love and passion.You can present as a gift jewelry with pomegranate or interior items inlaid with this stone
20 years - PorcelainPorcelain is a valuable and expensive material, but very fragile. This suggests that over 20 years of life together, the relationship of the spouses has become strong, but at the same time they should be treated with care so as not to break and not losePorcelain sets, vases, figurines, cups and other items made of this material
21 years old - OpalOpal has long symbolized the strength and loyalty of family feelings, therefore it is not surprising that the 21st anniversary of living together received just such a name.Opal jewelry (rings, earrings and bracelets)
22 years old - BronzeBronze is a tough and expensive metal. And to deserve it requires a lot of strength and patience in family life.Bronze household utensils
23 years old - BerylIt is customary to celebrate this day in yellow-green shades in a close family circle. If possible, then you can go to natureAny paired items made of beryl can be a gift
24 years old - SatinIt is believed that after 24 years of marriage, the relationship between spouses becomes smooth and silky, reminiscent of satin.Satin textiles: tablecloths, curtains, curtains and napkins
25 years old - SilverAnother significant anniversary for the spouses is 25 years of marriage. After all, they were able to go through all the troubles and hardships. Silver in this case symbolizes the inviolability of the union.The best present will be a variety of silver items, ranging from jewelry and ending with silver dishes.
26 years old - JadeJade is the most durable mineral that is nearly impossible to break down. This quality becomes a symbol of the twenty-sixth anniversary.Jade Jewelry
27th Anniversary - Mahogany WeddingMahogany has long been a symbol of nobility, wisdom and endurance. It is customary to celebrate this anniversary in a narrow circle of children and grandchildren.On this day, as a gift for spouses, it is better to choose mahogany products (figurines, boxes, pieces of furniture)
28 years old - NickelNickel is a durable material that is magnetic. These qualities should also be observed in the relationship of the couple who celebrates this holiday.As a gift for this anniversary, you can choose any interior items made of nickel
29 years old - VelvetThis fabric symbolizes softness and tenderness, which, despite any troubles and hardships, should not leave the spouses.Any products made of velvet or with velvet elements (caskets, paintings and other decorative interior items)
30 years - PearlReal pearls never tarnish. This meaning is embedded in the name of the anniversary. For 30 years of life together, relations should not acquire gloomy shades, but only gain brightness of colors and impressionsJewelry with pearls and mother-of-pearl, necklaces with 30 pearls, white, pink or black interior items
31 years old - Sunny or dark weddingThis anniversary has such an unusual name for a reason. After all, it symbolizes the transition from a pale and dull relationship in a couple to already more "tanned", thanks to jointly experienced problemsAny items with a "sunny" theme - glasses, beach umbrellas and bedspreads, paintings with a summer landscape
32 years old - CopperIt is customary to celebrate this anniversary in a close family circle.Copper items
33 years old - Strawberry or StoneThe stone, as one of the symbols of strength and inviolability, is the main attribute of this anniversary. But so that it does not seem so boring and monotonous, another name has been assigned to it - strawberry. On this day, a cake with a berry decoration will be appropriate.On this day, spouses can be presented with any red things or products with the image of strawberries, for example, household utensils. Presentations made of stone will be appropriate
34 years old - AmberAmber hardens for a very long time, turning from an ordinary resin into an expensive stone. So family relationships throughout this time froze to turn into something beautiful.The best gift for this holiday will be jewelry with amber
35th Anniversary - Coral or Linen AnniversaryThe symbols of this holiday personify the health of the spouses, long life together and comfort.There is a great selection of gifts for this anniversary. Spouses can be presented with coral items (jewelry or caskets), red items, expensive red wine or linen clothes or linen tablecloths
36th Anniversary - Bone China WeddingIt is customary to celebrate this anniversary in light-colored clothes with a family.Porcelain products: sets, floor vases or figurines
37 years old - MuslinovaMuslim is a thin, but very durable fabric, the creation of which requires a lot of patience and dexterity. It is believed that in order to "exhaust" family life, exactly these qualities are required.Wardrobe items or interiors made of muslin: curtains, tablecloths and curtains
38 years old - MercuryBy this time, the couple had already experienced enough together and the moment has come when they want any changes. It is not for nothing that mercury became the symbol of this date as the only liquid metal.Silver products, decorative mercury thermometers or objects with moving elements (pendulums, hourglasses and compasses)
39 years old - CrepeCrepe threads are very tightly intertwined, in creating this type of fabric, and therefore it is believed that over the past time the spouses were also able to intertwine tightly and nothing will destroy themCrepe interior and wardrobe items: tablecloths, napkins and scarves
40 years - RubyRuby is a symbol of the spouses' strong and fiery love. Despite the long years they have lived together, their love should not fade, but each time shine with more and more vivid colors.Jewelery with ruby, red items
42 years old - Mother of PearlIf you look at the mother of pearl from different angles, then it will shimmer and play with new colors. It is believed that these years family life also spills over and becomes multifaceted.Mother-of-pearl interior items and jewelry with mother-of-pearl can be a gift on this anniversary.
43 years old - FlannelFlannel, in its structure, is a very soft and cozy fabric. This is exactly what the relationship between spouses has long been.Clothing made of flannel or other warm materials
44 years old - TopazTopaz is considered one of the most expensive and crystal clear stones. He is the symbol of this anniversary.On this day, it is better to purchase various jewelry with topaz or porcelain dishes, products from transparent blue or pink glass
45 years - SapphireSapphire has long been considered a stone of loyalty, which gives new strength to fight all adversity and problems.Sapphire Jewelry
46 years old - LavenderLavender grows in mountainous areas and always experiences all the cataclysms that occur. This is a symbol of the date, therefore, traditionally, it should be present on the festive table on this day.Any items of lavender color, perfume can become a gift
47 years old - CashmereThe symbol of this day is a very warm and soft material in structure - cashmere, which embodies the warmth and comfort of a couple's love.Clothing made of cashmere (coats, shawls, hats) or other soft fabrics
48 years old - AmethystThe presented jewelry with amethyst symbolizes the honesty and sincerity of the spouses' intentions towards each other.Amethyst jewelry
49 years old - KedrovayaCedar - as one of the strongest trees, symbolizes the same strength and reliability of relationshipsOn this anniversary, it is better to give your preference to cedar items (boxes, kitchen utensils and stands) or cedar oil
50th Anniversary - Golden WeddingProbably the most significant date for married couples. On this anniversary, it is customary to give each other new wedding rings instead of the old ones worn on the day of the wedding.Jewelry made of gold, commemorative coins or gilded furnishings
55 years old - EmeraldThe bright green color of this crystal confirms the brightness of feelings that have not faded away over the years. It is customary to celebrate this day with the family.As a gift, you can buy green products or jewelry with an emerald (rings, earrings and bracelets)
60th Anniversary - Diamond, Diamond or Platinum AnniversaryThe diamond is the strongest of the gemstones, symbolizing the strength of the family union celebrating such a date.Diamond jewelry made of platinum or gold

Interesting to know! Only one couple in the world has so far celebrated their centenary. These are the Agayevs from Azerbaijan. At that time, Niftulla was 126 years old, and his beloved Balbeim was 116. It was they who gave the name to this holiday - the Red or Platinum Wedding.

How to celebrate

Each family decides on their own how to celebrate this significant day. In addition to traditional dinners with a large number of relatives and friends, this issue can be approached more creatively.

Five wedding anniversary ideas.

  1. Arrange a life-long Lovestory photo session. In this case, the photographs can capture not only the spouses, but also their children, relatives and close people. You can reproduce several significant events that occurred in the life of a couple. The main thing is to show imagination.
  2. First date. Perhaps this event will forever remain in the memory of each of the spouses. So why not repeat it? You can spend an evening in the cafe where you first met or take a walk in the park, remembering the beginning of the relationship.
  3. Fulfill an old joint dream. Sometimes there is almost never time for such things in everyday life. The day of your wedding anniversary is exactly the moment when you should not give up on it.
  4. Go on a journey. It may not necessarily be an expensive vacation, which is not always affordable for everyone. A small trip to places that will be of interest to both is enough.
  5. A romantic dinner in an unusual place. Sometimes you just want to take a break from the imposed formality of restaurants and feel yourself in comfort. To do this, you can simply organize a dinner by the river or lake or park.

Anniversaries go far into the period roman empire when husbands crowned their wives with silver crowns for the 25th anniversary, or vicennalia, and a gold crown for the 50th anniversary.

Later, with the development of commerce, it was invented more anniversaries, andeach came with a gift.

Today, in different countries, gifts may be different, but most of them have dates for which it is customary to give certain gifts. For example, on the 5th anniversary it is customary to give wooden gifts, on the 25th - a gift made of silver, etc.

In some eastern countries such as China and Japan, anniversaries were celebrated according to the teachings of numerology, in which successful and unsuccessful anniversaries and anniversaries were celebrated.

If you believe this teaching, dates that are multiples of four should be celebrated noisily and with guests. And anniversaries, which are dedicated to 11, 22 and 33 years of life together, should be celebrated in private.

It is worth noting that there are quite a few wedding anniversaries and many have two or more names.

As a rule, three wedding anniversaries are most prominently celebrated: silver (25 years old), gold (50 years old) and diamond (60 years old).

What wedding

Green wedding - from the date of marriage to 1 year

The very first day of the wedding, as well as the whole year after it, is called the "green wedding". This date is so called because green symbolizes youth, freshness and purity of a young couple.

The whole year can be celebrated several times, for example, by months to celebrate "wedding anniversary". The tradition of celebrating a green wedding may have lost its relevance.

Nevertheless, the leaves in the wedding wreath and in the bride's bouquet, as well as the flower in the groom's boutonniere are considered symbols of a green wedding.

See also: DIY wedding

Calico wedding - 1 year

A chintz wedding is called one year of married life.It is worth noting that this anniversary is also called a cotton or gauze wedding.

The anniversary received this name because the marriage is not yet strong enough and looks like gauze or chintz.

Paper wedding - 2 years

When two have been married for 2 years, they can celebrate a paper wedding. And this anniversary is called paper because the term is short, a lot can change in a still weak marriage, and if the spouses do not support each other, their union will break like simple paper.

Leather wedding - 3 years

The couple have already taken a few small steps, and their relationship has become stronger. The name of the anniversary is quite logical, since leather is a material that is clearly stronger than paper, but there is still room to strive for and make the relationship even stronger.

Linen wedding - 4 years

This anniversary is also called rope wedding. It is worth noting that in the classical sense it is not an anniversary, but it may well have the status of an anniversary.

By this time, the relationship between husband and wife had grown stronger and became like intertwining ropes or flax fibers, which are not so easy to break.

Wooden wedding - 5 years

The fifth anniversary of the wedding is already a small anniversary for the husband and wife. This is the very first important anniversary to celebrate.

Previous anniversaries were just small steps along the road of living together, and a wooden wedding is a serious proof of strong family ties, which, in fact, is what the name says.

Cast iron wedding - 6 years

Six years of marriage means the time has come to strengthen the home. A year after the wooden wedding, this anniversary indicates that marriage is not always going smoothly, and it is worth learning how to overcome crises.

That is why it is called cast iron. It should be noted that cast iron is not the most durable material. Being fragile, it can crack when you don't expect it.

Zinc wedding - 6.5 years

Life in marriage after has small periods of time, which are called in their own way. At this point, the anniversary is called zinc.

Copper wedding - 7 years

Copper is not in vain chosen as the symbol of this anniversary. This metal is tough and also quite valuable.

The name of the anniversary suggests that 7 years of marriage not only strengthens the relationship between husband and wife, but also makes the union more valuable.

Tin wedding - 8 years

Tin became a symbol of this wedding, since during this period the life of the spouses, as a rule, is arranged completely, or, at least, everything goes to this.

The husband and wife are completely used to each other, they raise children together and are ready to move on.

Faience wedding - 9 years

Faience is a delicate material - so why is it a symbol of this anniversary? This is because after 9 years it is believed that spouses may have some critical moments.

In these moments you need to be reasonable and try to overcome difficulties. A marriage can easily crack, like faience.In addition, there is an opinion that by the age of 9 years of marriage, the spouses already live in abundance.

Tin wedding - 10 years

Ten years is a long time. By this time, the spouses have become flexible in the relationship, just like tin.

This means that they can adjust to each other, yielding when necessary. It should be noted that this anniversary is also called a pink wedding.

Read also:The most unusual weddings in the world

Steel wedding - 11 years

By the age of 11, the relationship was finally established and became as solid as steel. Steel is not only durable, but also a beautiful mirror-like metal.

In marriage, by this time, everything is usually the same: the relationship is strong and mirror-clear. Usually by this time the family has 2 children and a roof over their heads, and even better their own house.

Nickel (silk) wedding - 12 years

They say that a nickel wedding with its name reminds a couple of how important it is to keep the family shining and clean. Nickel is a kind of hint that the main guarantee of family happiness is loyalty and care.

Lace wedding - 13 years

Lace means that by the 13th year of marriage, marriage is worth appreciating, as it is thin, like lace. It is worth noting that a lace wedding has a second name - lily of the valley, which means that, as a rule, not only lace, but also white flowers are presented for this anniversary.

Agate wedding - 14 years

If the marriage crossed the line at the age of 14, he is no longer afraid of anything. Agate symbolizes well-being, health, and prosperity.If the spouses have lived together for 14 years, then their marriage is prosperous and strong, and all obstacles to him are knee-deep.

Crystal wedding - 15 years

After 15 years of marriage, a crystal wedding begins. It is worth noting that crystal is a symbol of this anniversary, as it is a very strong material.Moreover, the crystal is clear and sonorous, and these features are inherent in marriage, which crossed the line at the age of 15, and became strong and time-tested.

Topaz wedding - 16 years

This stage is a kind of anniversary of life together. Husband and wife are one, and, despite such a period, they still have a romantic relationship and passion.Topaz is a semi-precious stone that symbolizes the transition from soft to hard.

Pink wedding - 17 years old

In their long history of being married, the couple will celebrate two Pink Weddings. First, the tin wedding, which occurs after 10 years of marriage, then the Pink Wedding, which the couple celebrates, according to tradition, after 17 years of marriage.

Turquoise wedding - 18 years old

By the age of 18 in marriage, all crisis situations, large and small (if, of course, they took place) end, and dawn comes. The children have become quite old, which means that the problems in the family have diminished. Turquoise is a symbol of happiness and victory.

Pomegranate wedding - 19 years

This wedding is named after a stone that is a symbol of fertility and abundance. By the age of 19 in marriage, the spouses should have a complete set: children and a house.But still, the husband and wife continue to maintain a romantic attitude in the relationship.

Porcelain wedding - 20 years

Why porcelain? This material is thin, lightweight and graceful. N but apart from all this, porcelain is a rather fragile material.And this means that even after such a considerable period of time as 20 years, spouses should take their union seriously.

Read also:The most beautiful places for a wedding

Opal Wedding - 21 Years

It will be interesting to note that popular belief says that opal is a stone that evokes repulsive feelings towards the person who gave it. Despite this, it is opal products that are the gifts that spouses give each other.

Bronze wedding - 22 years old

The name of this anniversary means that by this time relations in the family became stronger, and a new stage of development began. They say that by this time the spouses easily adjust to each other, while they remain one.

Beryl wedding - 23 years old

Some believe that beryl is a stone of peace of mind, and it also serves as a keeper of the hearth. In addition, this stone symbolizes love, wealth and well-being.It should be noted that it can be found painted in different colors and shades.It is believed that the threshold of 23 years is a turning point in family life.

Satin wedding - 24 years

Satin is a fabric that stands out for its subtlety and smoothness. From the name it can be understood that it is precisely the relationships in the family that become subtle and smooth after so many years.

By this time, the main difficulties of family life are behind, the children have become adults, life is arranged and it remains only to enjoy what you have achieved, while not forgetting and maintaining warm feelings in the relationship.

Silver wedding - 25 years

After 25 years of marriage, a silver wedding ensues. Silver is a precious metal, and a quarter of a century of living together cannot but be considered something precious for spouses.They will definitely never part, their relationship and feelings have already been tempered over the years.Husband and wife not only love, but also value and respect each other.

Jade Wedding - 26 years

A year has passed since the outstanding event - the silver wedding. After such an anniversary, the Jade Wedding is celebrated, the symbol of which is the jade stone, known for its strength, and it is extremely difficult to break it both physically and chemically.

Mahogany wedding - 27 years

Mahogany in this case is a symbol of nobility, wisdom, endurance, as well as the strength of relationships. This anniversary is usually celebrated in a narrow circle, or rather in the circle of children and grandchildren.If desired, the spouses can exchange symbolic gifts.

Nickel wedding - 28 years

According to legend, the name of this wedding should remind the spouses that even after so many years of marriage, the marriage should continue to be filled with radiance.

Velvet wedding - 29 years

According to folk traditions, the 29th year of marriage is called a velvet wedding. This name was not chosen by chance, since it is worth remembering about tenderness and gentleness in a relationship.It is advised to celebrate this anniversary in a restaurant.The wife is usually dressed in a velor dress, while the husband can simply wear a velvet bow tie.

Pearl wedding - 30 years

Pearls symbolize chastity, love, purity and fertility. By this time, according to tradition, the spouses can already boast of grandchildren.To celebrate this anniversary, the spouses invite all guests: friends, children and grandchildren.

Swarthy (sunny) wedding - 31 years old

The name of this anniversary is a symbol of warmth and light. By this time, both of these traits are present in the relationship, and this is not surprising.

Stone (strawberry) wedding - 33 years old

You can understand everything by the name - by the age of 33, the relationship had become as strong as a stone. It is worth noting that this anniversary also has a middle name - strawberry wedding.Perhaps this is due to the fact that the couple are intertwined with each other, like strawberry bushes.

Amber wedding - 34 years old

This anniversary received such a warm name because amber, before becoming a beautiful stone, has to go a long way, transforming from a viscous volcanic resin into a valuable mineral.

Linen (coral) wedding - 35 years

This anniversary also has a middle name - coral wedding. The canvas is a symbol of strength, but coral is a living organism that can grow quite quickly and form coral reefs.

The name "coral wedding" means that after 35 years of marriage, the couple can already enjoy a huge family with many grandchildren.

36 years old - what a wedding

This anniversary does not have its own name, but it is nevertheless celebrated. Usually they invite a narrow circle of friends and do not arrange festivities, as on a round date.You can also mark this date with each other.

Muslin wedding - 37 years

Muslin is a rather expensive fabric. To produce it, in ancient times, people spent a lot of time, moreover, they had to demonstrate a lot of patience.

Mercury wedding - 38 years

Mercury is a liquid metal that can change its shape. In marriage, spouses who have lived together for 38 years can take a fresh look at their relationship.It's never too late to start living for each other.

Like all intervening anniversaries, this one is celebrated in a very narrow family circle.

Crepe wedding - 39 years

Although it is not an anniversary yet, a crepe wedding is an important anniversary in the family. The name of the anniversary comes from a durable material in which the threads are tightly intertwined.

Relationships between spouses can be compared to a single canvas, which is very difficult to break.

Ruby wedding - 40 years

The symbol of this anniversary is the ruby ​​- a stone that symbolizes love and fire of burning feelings, tested over the years.

Mother of Pearl Wedding - 42 years old

According to folk traditions, mother-of-pearl has magical properties. It is said to be able to strengthen marital relationships as well as supply happiness to the home.Also, tradition says that for this anniversary, the husband gives his wife a necklace consisting of 42 pearls.

Flannel wedding - 43 years old

Flannel is a fabric popularly used because it is soft and warm, able to keep warm in any weather. Traditionally, on this anniversary, the husband and wife give each other various flannel products - pajamas, shirts, dressing gowns, etc.

Topaz wedding - 44 years old

Topaz is a beautiful stone that boasts a rich color spectrum. Although it is transparent, it is quite strong.By this time, the relationship between the spouses is considered to be quite strong and transparent, no resentment or quarrels.

Sapphire wedding - 45 years

By the age of 45, the couple had long proved their love and devotion to each other. Sapphire symbolizes love, which protects against evil. This means that the spouses must take care of each other and protect.It is also worth noting that sapphire is a stone of renewal and kindness.It is said to help freshen up relationships.

Lavender wedding - 46 years old

By this time, the passion is the same as before, but there is no fuss either. With all this, there is peace, respect and tenderness in marriage.This anniversary is not celebrated pompously - most often children and grandchildren are invited.But the table is set, according to tradition, with a blue tablecloth and blue dishes are placed.

Cashmere wedding - 47 years

Cashmere is a warm and pleasant material. It is famous for being non-allergenic. The name of the anniversary means that the spouses have not annoyed each other for a long time.After so many years of marriage, they just enjoy a quiet life.

Amethyst wedding - 48 years

Amethyst is a symbol of purity in relationships. This relationship is essential to a long lasting marriage.For so many years together, the couple learned to support each other, they became one.

Cedar wedding - 49 years

There is a year left before the Golden Jubilee, but for now - the Cedar Wedding. After 49 years of marriage, spouses can easily show everyone their ability to adapt to each other, as well as jointly solve complex problems.The noble cedar is famous for being incredibly hardy and capable of living for hundreds of years.

Golden wedding - 50 years

Fifty years is no joke. It is not for nothing that the symbol of such an anniversary is gold - one of the most expensive metals in the world. This precious metal symbolizes the path that the spouses went through, spending a lot of energy along the way.

The marriage, which lasted 50 years, was formed in places with difficulty, but its participants were able to prove to each other their love, respect, support, trust, and also devotion.

Emerald Wedding - 55 years old

After more than half a century in marriage, the spouses are no longer young, which means that the children should arrange the celebration. As gifts, children give their parents jewelry with emeralds.

Diamond wedding - 60 years

A diamond wedding also has a second name - diamond. The diamond is the most precious and precious stone.The name of the anniversary means that a marriage that lasted 60 years is quite rare, and if the spouses have lived together for so long, then the marriage has something to value.

Iron wedding - 65 years

Many anniversaries have already been celebrated, children are not young either, grandchildren can have children too, your home is filled with joy, especially when family members come to visit. Iron in this case is a symbol of strong relationships that have been built and strengthened over the years.

Blessed wedding - 70 years

A blessed wedding is a rather rare occurrence. And yet it exists and proves that eternal love exists, and people can live together for such a long time in marriage.Usually this anniversary is celebrated among children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It is they, and not the heroes of the day, who organize the event.

Crown wedding - 75 years

Such a marriage seems impossible. But if the spouses were able to live in marriage for 75 years, then they need to be awarded medals, since such a long period is a real achievement.The spouses who have celebrated the crown wedding already know that they made the right choice.

Oak wedding - 80 years

This date is incredibly large for humans and no less rare. The oak is a symbol of this jubilee, as it is large and strong, capable of standing for a century. Oak does not care about hurricanes and storms.It is also a symbol of eternity.Basically, this anniversary is celebrated by centenarians (people who have already turned 100 years old).

Granite wedding - 90 years

Those who celebrate the Granite wedding are in very good health, otherwise it would be impossible to celebrate 90 years in marriage. Granite is a hard and durable material that can withstand the tests of the elements and time.

Red (platinum) wedding - 100 years

This is arguably the most unlikely wedding anniversary ever. Despite this, it is, which means that there were, is, and maybe there will be people who can celebrate such a rare anniversary.

All family members give the spouses gifts and red flowers, and prepare a festive table. At the same time, the most important thing is attention and happiness that there are such parents.

It is worth noting that at least one (already known in the world) couple, the Agayevs from Azerbaijan, can boast of a red wedding.

It was they who gave the name to this wedding. In 2012, 126-year-old Niftula and his wife, 116-year-old Balabeim, celebrated exactly 100 married life together.

The couple were congratulated from all over the world.According to the Agayevs, the secret of such a long love is in one thing - whatever you do, you should always do it with love.

So the merry wedding has died down, the life of the young spouses is gradually returning to its usual course. But even in the midst of gray everyday life, sometimes you really want a holiday! And the next anniversary of the celebration - what is not a reason to re-gather family and friends? On this day, spouses can again feel like happy newlyweds. But what gifts can you give on this day for different wedding anniversaries? I wouldn’t get into a mess with a present ...

The very first holiday of the new family is called "Green Wedding" - this date is called the wedding day and the entire first year after the celebration. According to a wonderful tradition, the spouses are given many flowers for the holiday - probably, this is where the name comes from.

On this day, newlyweds are advised to plant their own family tree so that it grows with the newly created family. If in the wedding turmoil there is absolutely no time to perform such a ceremony, relatives and friends will help - let them give the happy couple a small tree in a pot. It will symbolize the youth and innocence of the young couple.

1 year - calico or gauze wedding

This anniversary is so named because the relationship of the spouses is still quite weak, like chintz or gauze. After all, it is these fabrics that are most easily torn.

For this reason, for the first year of the wedding, it is customary to give all print - bed and underwear, napkins, handkerchiefs, kitchen aprons, cloth for diapers, etc.

2 years - paper

This year, a baby usually appears in the family, and young parents again test their relationship for strength. This year they tear as easily as paper - because the constant tension and unusual roles of parents can knock anyone down.

To be able to tear the paper without fear of its shortage, the couple are presented with various printing products: books, calendars, photo albums, vacation vouchers. In case of a lack of imagination, paper money is quite suitable as a gift.

For this anniversary, it is quite possible to give something plastic or pieces of furniture.

3 years - leather wedding

Of course, leather is no longer paper, but it is not gold either. However, many difficulties have already been overcome, the relationship has not broken like paper. The spouses have become more tolerant and more flexible in relation to each other - after all, the skin bends very well!

Any gifts made of leather are appropriate this year - sofas, coats, bags, wallets, key holders, key chains. Everyone can choose according to their wishes and financial possibilities.

4 years - linen or wax

Linen is not chintz for you, you cannot tear it so easily. This is a noble and expensive fabric, symbolizing the growing wealth of the family. On this day, it is customary to give linen products - clothes, tablecloths, curtains, etc. And a candlelight party can be a tribute to the second name.

5 years - wooden wedding

So the first significant anniversary of the young family has approached. Relationships are already as strong and reliable as a tree. However, they can still face family fires that can scatter even the strongest wooden structure to smithereens.

Wooden and wicker gifts will serve as a reminder of the anniversary - you can give boxes, baskets, photo frames, decorations, dishes, furniture. It is not forbidden to give at home.

6 years - cast iron

Cast iron is metal, but it can crack after a strong blow. Therefore, the relationship must be protected and try not to "beat" them too sensitively.

This year they donate cast iron dishes, any products made of this metal. If a house was presented for the previous anniversary, then this year a fireplace grate is ideal as a present.

For a family leading a healthy lifestyle, cast iron dumbbells will be an excellent gift.

6.5 years - zinc wedding

Young people decided to joke and relax an extra day? Then the guests can fool themselves - for example, give the family zinc buckets.

7 years old - copper or wool

Copper is a beautiful noble metal. And the relationship in the family is already the same - strong and beautiful. True, copper is still cleaned from time to time - and spouses should not forget about this.

Wool in this date symbolizes warmth and homeliness. But sometimes it is prickly - after all, even after so many years of living together, conflicts can arise.

On this day, it is customary to give products made of copper and wool - coins, dishes, socks, a sweater knitted with his own hand. In recent years, it has become fashionable to give useful kitchen utensils instead of copper utensils - multicooker, blender, etc.

8 years - tin wedding

This metal symbolizes the strength of relationships, and its brilliance - their novelty. After all, for such a period they could grow old and fade in the swamp of everyday life.

For this anniversary, kitchen utensils, tea and sweets in tin boxes are presented. You can present any gifts that resemble the brilliance of this substance - electrical appliances or furnishings.

9 years old - faience or chamomile

As chamomile blooms in the meadow in the summer, so this year the warm relations of the spouses bloom. This year it is customary to give beautiful earthenware or crystal.

10 years - pewter or pink wedding

The first round date for the family. Tin here symbolizes the strength and flexibility of a relationship. This year there is no need to make gifts with a hint of various hardships of family life, as it was at the beginning of the family's formation. For a decade, presentations should only mean the beauty of the relationship between spouses.

On this day, the husband and wife should invite to their holiday all those who once walked at their wedding and arrange a grandiose celebration. It should be in no way inferior to the one that was 10 years ago. The husband must give his wife 11 roses - 10 scarlet and 1 white. 10 red flowers mean the love of the spouses, which they have kept, and 1 white - hope for the same happy next 10 years.

On this day, only red roses are presented from flowers, on the table - pink or red wine, rose petals and a cake lavishly decorated with roses. It is very good if this color is also present in the clothes of the spouses.

For the first anniversary, you can give tin products, good red wine, red or pink bedding. Anyway, anything that has a similar color scheme will do.

11 years old - steel

It symbolizes a strong and almost indestructible relationship - it is not for nothing that in the old days the strongest blades were made from damask steel.

They give various steel products - jewelry, kitchen utensils, souvenirs.

12 and 12.5 years old - nickel wedding

Usually the "incomplete" anniversary is celebrated - 12.5. This figure means that half of the road to a quarter of a century of living together has been successfully overcome. In its meaning, it is identical to a tin wedding - the shine of nickel means a new round in relations, their new sparkle.

You can give anything shiny - dishes, mirrors, jewelry, chandeliers and even lighters.

13 years old - lace or lily of the valley wedding

As you know, lace makers spend more than one month to create their masterpieces. And sometimes such products are woven for more than one year. And how much this work requires accuracy and patience: one wrong loop - and start all over again. It's the same with family relationships - it takes a lot of tact, skill and flexibility.

This year, the husband can give his wife lace underwear or a bunch of lilies of the valley. True, in this case, it is very limited in time - they bloom only in May. Guests of the couple are presented with napkins, tablecloths, bed linen with lace. Shawls knitted from fine wool are also allowed.

14 years - agate wedding

This semi-precious stone symbolizes loyalty and mutual understanding. On this day, the spouses reveal to each other all the secrets so that there are no omissions between them. Jewelry with agate is suitable as a presentation, as well as a box for storing them.

15 years - crystal or glass wedding

This date means the purity and clarity of the relationship between spouses. It is better to put crystal dishes on the festive table on this day - salad bowls, wine glasses, vases, etc. It is better for guests to dress in something light, possibly with transparent inserts.

As a gift, the very name of the anniversary implies crystal products or jewelry with Swarovski crystals. Even an aquarium with a goldfish will do to make your wishes come true.

And at the end of the meal there is a tradition to break a crystal glass or a glass - of course, only for luck.

16 years - turquoise wedding and 17 years - pink wedding - usually these dates are not celebrated.

18 years - turquoise wedding

By this time, children grow up, become adults. Possible crisis and controversial situations come to an end between the spouses. This year, gifts are given not only to the husband and wife, but also to the eldest child. As the name implies, gifts should be either turquoise or simply contain this color.

19 years old - pomegranate wedding - not celebrated.

20 years - porcelain wedding

Family relationships are as beautiful and harmonious as expensive Chinese porcelain. As a gift, you can present sets or individual items of china made of porcelain - after all, the previous ones have already been broken for so many years of marriage. An elegant porcelain figurine will also be a good gift.

21 years old - opal wedding

It is customary to celebrate this anniversary together with a husband and wife without prying eyes. Of the gifts, jewelry with opal or products made from it are perfect.

22 years old - bronze wedding

It is very difficult to earn such a medal at the Olympics. And in family life the same thing - not every couple is able to get to such an anniversary. After all, creating a strong home is the same daily work as training athletes.

On this day, you can donate any bronze items.

23 years - beryl wedding and 24 years - satin wedding

It is customary to celebrate these dates in a narrow family circle. Gifts to each other do not have to be expensive - the main thing is just to pay attention.

25th Anniversary - Silver Wedding

Everyone knows about this significant anniversary. However, it may be recalled that the best gifts are silver or silver-plated items. This date can be quite officially celebrated in the same registry office where the spouses registered their relationship. They will exchange rings again, however, now they are silver.

26th Anniversary - Jade Wedding

On this day, you can give jewelry or products made of jade - a stone that is almost impossible to destroy. By analogy with this mineral, the family is considered strong and indestructible.

For this year, there is a beautiful tradition: husband and wife again swear oaths of allegiance to each other, as it was 26 years ago, when they - young, beautiful and madly in love with each other - held hands and looked into each other's eyes.

27th Anniversary - Mahogany Wedding

Any products made of this noble and very strong wood species can be presented as gifts.

28th Anniversary - Nickel Wedding - Not Celebrated

29 years old - velvet wedding

Without velvet tenderness and gentleness in addressing each other, it is impossible to keep the family together. And the spouse, who have lived together for so many years, are well aware of this. You can celebrate this date in a restaurant: velvet is a very expensive and even “royal” fabric.

30 years - pearl wedding

On this anniversary, the wife has the right to expect from her husband a necklace of 30 beautiful pearls, symbolizing the perfection of the relationship between spouses.

Guests can give gifts with imitation or freshwater pearls.

31 years old - sunny or dark wedding

Probably, this means that the once "green" relations of the spouses over such a long period have been pretty tanned in the sun, becoming swarthy.

Any brown items are suitable as a gift: chocolate, coffee, leather boots, an earthen pot, etc.

Also, for this anniversary, they give everything that is associated with summer and the sun: sunglasses or creams, a subscription to a solarium, a trip to the sea, etc.

32 years old copper wedding and 33 years old strawberry or stone wedding are not celebrated.

34 years old - amber wedding

Amber is born from a viscous resin, hardening over time and turning into a precious stone. Likewise, the relationship between spouses becomes stronger and more valuable over time. On this day, you can donate any amber products.

35 years old - coral or linen wedding

Red sprigs of coral symbolize the days that the spouses lived together in love and understanding.

On this day, the husband gives his wife 35 red roses, and guests can present linen tablecloths, towels, bed linen, etc. Red wine and coral souvenirs will also be popular.

36 years old - agate wedding - not celebrated. Overseas, this date is called "bone china day."

37 years old - muslin wedding - usually fails.

On this day, they give any gifts made of fabric.

37.5 years - aluminum wedding

Any aluminum products will be relevant.

38th Anniversary - Mercury Wedding

This metal symbolizes the giving of new forms to life together - the birth of grandchildren, moving to a country house, an exotic trip.

On this day, it is customary to give not only mercury thermometers, but also any objects with moving parts - an hourglass or pendulum clock, a mobile. A robot vacuum cleaner will perfectly fit into the same company.

39 years old - crepe wedding

40th Anniversary - Ruby Wedding

The "bloody" color of this gem symbolizes the relationship between spouses that has already become blood. This year, spouses can decorate their wedding rings with a ruby ​​as a sign of the strength of their relationship.

On this day, red wine and a pie made from red berries: cherries, strawberries, lingonberries, etc. must be present on the festive table.

For the 40th anniversary of their life together, it would be nice to give jewelry with a ruby. But if financial capabilities do not allow this, then you should at least pack your gift in red paper, if the present itself is not of this noble shade.

41 years old - iron wedding, 42 years old - pearlescent wedding and 43 years old - flannel wedding - are not celebrated.

44 years old - topaz wedding

On this day, it is advisable to present gifts from this gem, but due to its very high cost, something simpler. For example, crystal or something that has the same transparent bluish tint.

45 years - sapphire or scarlet wedding

According to legend, this stone has the ability to fight various diseases, relieve fatigue and bad thoughts.

When convening guests, first of all, it is necessary, if possible, to invite those who were witnesses at the wedding 45 years ago. Spouses on this day can inlay this stone in their rings. Or exchange new ones, in which there will be a sapphire.

46 years - lavender wedding

Usually this date is not celebrated, but a sprig of lavender can be presented as a gift. Alternatively, it could be something with her scent: candles, perfume, and so on.

47 years - cashmere wedding

Any clothing or accessory made from this precious fluff will be an ideal gift.

48 years - amethyst wedding

Any gifts are acceptable on this day, but this anniversary is not widely celebrated.

49 years - cedar wedding

You can present any products made from this strong, long-lived tree. It can be a box, a hot plate, cedar shavings pillows, cedar oil.

50 years - golden wedding

Poems and songs are written about this significant date. Like the athlete's gold medal, this date symbolizes the climax of family relationships.

On this day, there is a very special ceremony - the spouses exchange new rings, and the old ones are given to their unmarried grandchildren. From now on they will be kept as a family heirloom. This ritual can be performed in a solemn atmosphere at the Wedding Palace. ...

The wedding ceremony can also be dated to this date - of course, at the request of the spouses.

They give items made of gold or gilded on this day.

51 years - willow wedding

55 years - emerald wedding

Emerald is a very rare stone, just like such an anniversary. As a gift, you can present various jewelry with wishes of a long life and love.

60th Anniversary - Diamond, Diamond or Platinum Wedding

A 60-year relationship is truly a precious diamond. Such a family could not be broken by any storms of life.

You can present jewelry with diamonds as a gift. However, this is very expensive. In this case, the gem can be replaced with crystal.

61 years old - rich wedding

62 years old - aquamarine wedding

63 years old - mercury wedding

64 years old - fun wedding

65th Anniversary - Iron Wedding

It would seem inconspicuous and inexpensive, but such a durable and necessary metal for everyone. Likewise, the heroes of the day are the backbone of the whole family dynasty.

66 years - neon wedding

67 years old - magical wedding

67.5 years - stone wedding

The name suggests an indestructible rock in the ocean of life, which was beaten by both wind and rain, but it resisted in spite of all.

68 years - chamomile wedding

70 years - a blessed wedding

This anniversary is a great occasion to express my gratitude to the founders of the genus. And the heroes of the day thank God for the love that they have carried through their whole lives. On this day, they receive as a gift whatever they want.

75th Anniversary - Crown Wedding

This anniversary crowns the years of family life. And the spouses celebrating this anniversary are quite worthy of the coronation!

80 years - oak wedding

This tree is a symbol of longevity - it is not for nothing that this date was named after it.

A wedding is not only a wedding day, on which a “new social unit” was born. It is an ancient tradition with deep roots and customs. According to one of them, it is customary to celebrate each year lived together. Each anniversary has its own name, which characterizes it from the best side. Based on the name of the anniversary, one can judge the marriage, its well-being and its honor.

  • For many lovers, the wedding day is a special date. They celebrate it with trepidation and try to observe all the traditions of the celebration. For others, only the anniversary numbers are important, measuring the time of life together: 10 years, 20 years, and so on.
  • If you plunge into history, you will notice that the modern names of wedding anniversaries have quite deep roots. At that time, people appreciated the events associated with their lives much more, loved nature and compared themselves to it.
  • Most likely, based on this, the names of wedding anniversaries have such "natural" names. Moreover, following the name, you can understand its essence and compare it with the year of marriage life lived by the spouses.
  • For a long time, the people believed in all kinds of signs, which originated precisely from nature and everything around. People believed that if they observe the signs, they will be filled with extraordinary power that can save marriage from misfortune and preserve for many years
  • In modern life, not every person has the idea that each year of married life has a name and most often turns to additional sources for help.
names of wedding anniversaries by year, table

Not everyone knows that the very day on which the wedding is carried out already has a name. His name is "green wedding". In this case, the “green” symbolizes the youth and inexperience of the newlyweds. In addition, greens are always freshness, lightness, but at the same time - something not fully ripe and not very fragile.

Based on the name of the wedding anniversary, it is customary to give gifts, it is for this reason (most likely) on the day of the wedding (that is, for the "green wedding") it is customary to give currency. It is the dollar bills that should bring the newlyweds financial well-being and fortune in married life. However, this is not an established rule at all and is just a tradition.

Table of weddings distributed by year from 1 to 10

Wedding anniversary Anniversary title Anniversary features
1 year calico wedding The anniversary received this name only because this material is valued for its special subtlety, lightness, transparency. This fabric is quite everyday, not expensive, but fragile: it can be easily torn and damaged. She is compared with romantic feelings, because after one year of living together, a couple tries life and often loses feelings. For a gingham wedding, it is customary to drink a bottle of champagne tied at the wedding.
2 years paper wedding Paper is also a rather weak material and that is why the second anniversary has such a name. You can literally compare a marriage with paper like this: “It is strong when the“ paper ”is folded in several layers. This suggests that joint efforts, understandings and children cement the union of a young family and make it lasting.
3 years leather wedding Our ancestors gave this anniversary such a name because at that time such material as leather was highly valued and dear. Compared with chintz and paper, the skin is much stronger, which suggests that the lovers have gone through the difficulties of the first years of marriage and found harmony in which they built their happy life.
4 years linen wedding Linen fabric is considered a fairly noble and pleasant material, which is not cheap and is considered prestigious and has many positive properties. In the old days, ropes were woven from flax and often the 4th anniversary of living together is also called "rope". Our ancestors believed that for 4 years of marriage, the spouses should be put to the test: to tie them with linen ropes and if they get out of them harmoniously - this is a good omen, symbolizing a long happy marriage.
5 years wooden wedding This name was given to the anniversary for a reason. The tree has long been a symbol of fertility, and by the fifth year of marriage, the newlyweds must have a child. When two lovers have their first child, they literally "put down roots" and find a lasting union between each other. The tree also symbolizes the house and furniture in which a young family finds comfort.
6 years cast iron wedding Cast iron is a fairly strong metal, but it is also symbolized by its fragility, because if you drop a cast-iron thing, a dent will appear on it that cannot be fixed. Likewise, marriage at this stage of life remains strong only when both spouses treat each other with care.
7 years copper wedding Copper is valued as an expensive metal, but it is not considered and does not belong to the noble. For this reason, the young people understood how long they still had to live in harmony and understanding and try not to aggravate their marriage.
8 years tin wedding Tin is a fairly strong and heat-resistant metal. It is these characteristics that the family possesses at this stage of married life. Tin, like both spouses having lived for 8 years in harmony and harmony, are full of warmth and have firmness.
9 years faience wedding Such material as faience has always been appreciated and always considered noble. It symbolizes the family as something “pure, perfect and beautiful,” but fragile. Therefore, spouses need to be extremely careful in order to preserve their feelings.
10 years tin wedding Tin is a durable and flexible metal that symbolizes spouses as people who can give in and adapt to each other.

wedding anniversaries by year

Table of weddings distributed by years from 11 to 20

Wedding anniversary Anniversary title Anniversary features
11 years steel wedding It is a very symbolic name, since marriage (as well as steel) undergoes a special "hardening" and after such a strong union can only be broken by the death of one of the spouses.
12 years nickel wedding This metal also symbolizes the nobility, uniqueness and strength of the union, which has passed many tests and remained strong.
13 years lace wedding The number "13" has long been considered unfavorable, and in order to somehow brighten up this date, as well as distract from it all the negative, she was given the name "lace", that is, symbolizing lightness, beauty, romance and fun.
14 years old agate wedding Agate is considered an expensive stone, but at the same time it is not considered very expensive and is quite affordable. Likewise, marital relations at this stage have already deserved to be considered strong, but they still need to go a long way to achieve high marks.
15 years glass wedding Besides the fact that glass is a rather fragile material that can be easily broken, it is also a symbol of purity. At this stage in life, spouses acquire a fairly even relationship, transparent and strong.
16 years has no name not marked
17 years has no name not marked
18 years turquoise wedding It also symbolizes one of the most expensive stones - turquoise. It is not uncommon for the first child to grow up at this time and parents get a new stage in their life, fresh as the color of turquoise.
19 years krypton wedding Krypton symbolizes not only light, it is a kind of symbol of purity. Likewise, marriage, having lived together for 19 years, the spouses become one and illuminate each other's lives.
20 years porcelain wedding This material has long been considered elite and it was not available in every home. It symbolizes comfort, prosperity, warmth and a good, harmonious atmosphere in the family.

wedding anniversary name table

According to ancient customs, it is not customary to celebrate the 16th and 17th wedding anniversaries. If you study this issue in detail, then it is almost impossible to find an unambiguous solution and a truthful source. Unlike other countries, the Slavs had a bad omen to celebrate these dates, and that is why they have no names.

Table of weddings distributed by years from 21 to 30

Wedding anniversary Anniversary title Anniversary feature
21 years old Opal wedding Named after a beautiful stone - opal. It is highly regarded and symbolizes a strong, kind and understanding relationship between spouses.
22 Bronze wedding Bronze is one of the most expensive metals and that is why such an anniversary is valued as a "prize". The bronze anniversary suggests that the spouses have a strong and understanding relationship.
23 years old Beryl wedding Beryl is a special metal, in itself it is not expensive, but some of its types are considered unique and precious. So a marriage, having gone through so many years, if it remains strong, then the couple has a strong, strong and trusting relationship.
24 years Satin wedding Atlas is a beautiful and soft, festive material. That is why relationships after 24 years of marriage are considered just as beautiful.
25 years silver wedding The first major anniversary, which is usually celebrated magnificently. Silver is a noble and expensive metal, this is how a relationship for 25 years of marriage is symbolized.
26 years Jade wedding It is also considered beautiful, durable and unique, like an expensive jade stone.
27 years Mahogany wedding Mahogany is considered a unique, strong, expensive material. That is why marriage in the 26th year of existence has the same values.
28 years has no name not marked
29 years Velvet wedding Since ancient times, velvet has been valued as a material for the rich. It is for this reason that 29 years of married life is considered a valuable feature that not everyone can afford.
30 years Pearl wedding Like pearls, marital relations matured for a long time, gained experience and, as a result, became very valuable.

wedding anniversaries calendar table

Unlike European countries, in our area it is not customary to celebrate the 28th anniversary of a wedding for the same reason - a bad omen, but in some sources this date is called "nickel".

Table of weddings distributed by years from 31 to 40

Wedding anniversary Anniversary title Anniversary feature
31 year Swarthy wedding She symbolizes all the work and all the experience that the spouses have accumulated over so many years of marriage.
32 years has no name not marked
33 years has no name not marked
34 years Amber wedding Amber is a symbol of such a long union and compares marriage to itself as something valuable, expensive and real.
35 years Coral wedding Coral is a valuable material that can last forever. The love of two spouses is also appreciated.
36 years has no name not marked
37 years Muslin wedding Muslin is a beautiful thin fabric that cannot be torn by hand. Likewise, the relationship in a given year of marriage has special strength.
38 years Mercury wedding Like mercury at the age of 38, marriage at the same time acquires softness, does not lend itself to destruction.
39 years Crepe wedding Crepe is a durable material made up of many threads intertwined with each other. Likewise, marriage has many nuances, feelings and relationships of trust on which it rests.
40 years Ruby wedding Ruby is a gem that characterizes a marriage as strong and honorable.

how to celebrate wedding anniversary, anniversaries from 1 year to 100 years old

Unfortunately, this period is characterized by many dates that should not be celebrated. Perhaps because this is a bad omen, or maybe because at this age, most often you do not notice your problems and try to devote time to your children and grandchildren.

Table of weddings distributed by years from 41 to 50

Wedding anniversary: Anniversary Name: Anniversary Features:
41 years no name it is not customary to celebrate
42 years no name it is not customary to celebrate
43 years no name it is not customary to celebrate
44 years old Topaz wedding A gem that characterizes spouses as a noble and honorable union
45 years Sapphire wedding This is a gemstone of deep blue color, so marriage by the age of 45 has a special charm, nobility, uniqueness and value for society.
46 years old Lavender wedding Characterizes the spouses who, after many years, instead of passion and fire, found calm, peace and harmony
47 years Cashmere wedding Cashmere is a wool material that is considered not only expensive. It is worth spending a lot of time and effort to make one cashmere item, and marriage is valued for a lot of work, understanding and consent.
48 years old Amethyst wedding Amethyst is another precious stone that symbolizes the strength, uniqueness and honor of the union.
49 years old Cedar wedding The cedar tree can live for several hundred years and that is why the anniversary symbolizes the spouses as an eternal couple, able to exist together for a very long time in harmony and understanding.
50 years Golden wedding Gold is a valuable and expensive metal. To live in love and harmony until the golden wedding was considered commendable and honorable. It is customary to celebrate this anniversary magnificently, no worse than the wedding itself 50 years ago.

wedding anniversaries by year with description

Wedding anniversaries distributed in the table by years after 50 years of marriage

After 50 years, the wedding anniversary itself is celebrated, but mainly on anniversary dates. Most likely, at this age, you do not want to keep track of the years and names do not have such a strong meaning for anniversaries. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing about those dates that must be celebrated, even after 50 years of marriage.

Wedding anniversaries with titles after 50 years of married life, important anniversaries:

Wedding anniversary: Anniversary Name: Anniversary Features:
55 years Emerald wedding Emerald is an expensive and valuable stone with a bright and deep green color. So marriage by the age of 55 acquires special prestige, honor, uniqueness and nobility.
60 years Diamond wedding A diamond is the most valuable and expensive stone; one diamond has been forming in the earth for hundreds and thousands of years. That is why marriage is considered just as expensive, special and valuable after 60 years.
65 years Iron wedding Iron is a strong metal, the same are marriage and love after 65 years: indestructible, reliable and persistent.
67 years old Stone wedding The stone is able to exist forever, the same is the love of two spouses who were able to live happily in marriage for 67 years.
70 years Blessed wedding The very name of the anniversary suggests that people who have lived for so many years in marriage and have not lost each other have found grace.
75 years Crown wedding The symbol of this anniversary is the crown. She symbolizes royal nobility, honor and status of a married couple who managed to live 75 years in marriage.
80 years Oak wedding Oak is a tree that stays on the ground for over a hundred years. Likewise, spouses embody these qualities.
90 years Granite wedding Granite is a stone that cannot be destroyed. So the union after 90 years is strong, indestructible and eternal.
100 years Platinum wedding The most valuable metal that characterizes spouses in the best possible way.

wedding anniversary with title, table

It is simply not possible for both spouses to live up to such anniversaries as 70, 80, 90 and even 100 years. However, if there are names for these anniversaries, then it is worth concluding that in life there were still special centenarians who became a kind of "marriage veterans".

What gifts are given on wedding anniversaries?

In accordance with the name of the anniversary, it is customary to give a variety of symbolic gifts. A properly presented gift is believed to bring grace, strength and peace to the nest of the marriage.

What to give for your wedding anniversary? Anniversary Gift Ideas

a gift for a wedding anniversary according to its name:

  • Wedding day- the so-called "Green Wedding": it is customary to give money, especially currency (green)
  • Calico - it is customary to give chintz things: clothes, scarves, tablecloths, curtains, bedding
  • Paper - it is customary to give: money, photographs, books, paintings
  • Leather - it is customary to give: clothes, interior items, belt, bags, shoes
  • Linseed - it is customary to give: linen tablecloths, clothes, curtains, bedding
  • Wooden - it is customary to give: interior items, furniture, photo frames, kitchen utensils
  • Cast iron - it is customary to give: dishes, interior items made of cast iron, frames for mirrors
  • Copper - it is customary to give: interior items, dishes, jewelry, figurines
  • Tin - it is customary to give: dishes, kitchen utensils, figurines, decorations
  • Faience - it is customary to give: figurines, sets, home decorations, dishes
  • Tin - it is customary to give: dishes, figurines, figurines, interior items
  • Steel - it is customary to give: steel products, jewelry, costume jewelry, dishes, utensils
  • Nickel - it is customary to give: nickel and silk izelia (it is also considered a “silk wedding”)
  • Lace- it is customary to give: curtains, tablecloths, clothes, linen, napkins, scarves
  • Agate - it is customary to give: jewelry for the body and for the house with agate stone
  • Glass - it is customary to give: mirrors, glassware, figurines, glassware
  • Turquoise - it is customary to give: jewelry for the body and at home with a turquoise stone
  • Krypton - it is customary to give everything that symbolizes light: lamps, candles, lanterns
  • Porcelain - it is customary to give: porcelain dishes or figurines for the home
  • Opal - customary to give: home and body jewelry with opal stone
  • Bronze - it is customary to give: home decoration, preferably a figurine
  • Beryl - it is customary to give: jewelry for body and home with beryl stone
  • Bronze - it is customary to give: home decoration, for example, a figurine or a frame
  • Satin - it is customary to give: clothes, tablecloths, curtains, products with satin
  • Silver - it is customary to give: icons with silver, jewelry, silverware
  • Jade - it is customary to give: home decorations from the body with a jade stone
  • Mahogany - it is customary to give: something for the house made of mahogany: furniture, photo frames, picture frames, shelves, stands
  • Velvet - it is customary to give: robes, clothes, bedspreads, velvet bedding
  • Pearl - it is customary to give: jewelry in which there are pearls, souvenirs with pearls
  • Swarthy - it is customary to give: household essentials, furniture, watches
  • Amber - it is customary to give: decorations and decorative items for the home with amber
  • Coral - customary to give: jewelry for the body or home with corals
  • Muslinovaya - it is customary to give: something from muslin: curtains, clothes, shawls, scarves
  • Mercury - a symbolic gift on this day will be a mercury thermometer
  • Crepe - it is customary to give: canvases and crepe products
  • Ruby - it is customary to give: jewelry in which there is a ruby, wine, furniture
  • Topa knowing - it is customary to give: everything that a topaz stone can contain
  • Sapphire - it is customary to give: jewelry, with sapphire
  • Lavender - it is customary to give: interior items, furniture, aromatic oils, perfumes, paintings, jewelry and clothes in color with a lavender flower
  • Cashmere - it is customary to give: clothes, scarves and cashmere shawls
  • Amethyst - it is customary to give: everything that the amethyst stone can have in itself
  • Cedar - it is customary to give: home furnishings made of cedar wood
  • Gold - it is customary to give: jewelry for the body and home made of gold or gold color
  • Emerald - it is customary to give: jewelry with emerald, dark green items
  • Diamond - it is customary to give: a diamond or a product resembling this stone
  • Fertile- it is customary to give: household items: furniture, clothes, dishes
  • Crown - it is customary to give: something that will emphasize the status of a couple: expensive jewelry, memorabilia, pieces of furniture
  • Oak - it is customary to give: wood products, memorable gifts
  • Platinum - it is customary to give: things of red and platinum color

a wedding anniversary gift has a symbolic meaning

How are the anniversaries of living together?

As a rule, all the anniversaries of living together require some kind of attention. The exceptions are those that celebrate is a bad omen. The first five years of marriage are usually celebrated very violently: in the circle of friends and family. After these dates, the married couple solemnly celebrate only anniversaries.

It is possible to decide on the celebration of the anniversary, based on the name of the anniversary itself, but this is not fundamental and does not have much significance.

The first anniversary, namely the “Calico Wedding”, is always an event. It is customary to celebrate it with those close people who were present at the wedding itself: parents, witnesses, friends and relatives.

Not celebrating the first anniversary is considered bad form and bad manners. On this day, one of the two bottles of champagne opens, which was contacted at the wedding itself. It is customary to drink the second bottle with parents to celebrate the birth of their first child.

how to celebrate wedding anniversaries

The cake is also symbolic for the first anniversary. It should be given special importance and ordered from professionals in their field. In fact, it should be no worse than the cake that was at your wedding, if only less ... The cake symbolizes - a lush, cheerful, self-sufficient and prosperous life of a young couple.

There are no clear guidelines on where and how to celebrate the anniversary. The main thing is to set a good table, invite guests and celebrate the event. If the weather permits, most often the anniversary is celebrated in nature (since it is affordable, not expensive and festive). The lease of a cafe will be more solemn; every guest will prepare for such an event and wait impatiently.

A symbolic and good omen will be the exchange of gifts for the newlyweds for the anniversary, based on its name: for a chintz one - chintz handkerchiefs, a wooden one - photo frames, for a gold one - an exchange of jewelry. This is considered a good tradition that characterizes lovers from the best sides.

wedding anniversary gifts

Those who come to visit on the anniversary should definitely have gifts with them. In order not to miscalculate, you can choose things that are important for the house, which are always useful for a married couple in everyday life:

  • towels
  • tablecloths
  • utensils
  • bed
  • bathrobes and slippers
  • dinner service
  • paintings

The best gift is, of course, money, it is no less important for the family's budget than on the day when two lovers tied the knot.

A prerequisite is a wide celebration of big anniversaries:

  • 5 years - "Wooden wedding" (first anniversary). On this date, it is best to rent a cafe (you can also the one in which the wedding itself took place), invite guests and celebrate the date with magnificent fun, dances and competitions
  • 10 years - "Tin Wedding" also requires solemnity, a separate room (or a holiday in nature) and many invited guests
  • 15 years - "Glass Wedding", can be celebrated a little more modestly, in the circle of friends in nature
  • 25 years - "Silver Wedding", is considered an impressive date and requires a wide celebration in a cafe or restaurant
  • 50 years - "Golden Wedding", an excellent tradition for a golden wedding is the repeated wedding ceremony, which will delight the spouses and remind them of the day when they became one. Such ceremonies are held symbolically, without representatives of the registry office, but nevertheless they require the same careful preparation: a dress, a suit, a bridal bouquet, and so on.

Whatever the celebration: magnificent or modest, the main thing that two lovers need to take into account is not to forget why they decided to get married: feelings, passion and love. You should not forget about the date of the wedding, even if you do not intend to celebrate it with your loved ones, it is imperative to congratulate your soul mate!

Video: Happy Anniversary. 1 year. Calico wedding