Tattoo flowers sketches black and white on the thigh. Tattoo on the leg for girls. Photo and value of female tattoos, sketches, patterns, beautiful, small, original

In this article we will tell you that we denote women's tattoos on the legs. These tips will help you choose exactly the decoration for the legs that most suitable.

Do you know that, according to statistical data, more and more girls are recently addressed in tattoo salons? And it is not surprising, after all, some images are so elegant that it seems that this art of the body painting was invented specifically for representatives of the fine sex. Patterns on the leg are particularly popular, because they successfully combine the style with grace and modesty.

Places for tattoos for girls on the legs

  • Ankle - A huge plus of such a tattoo is that its application is the least painful. In addition, the image on this part of the body looks very feminine. If you wish, the tattoo is easily covered with socks, stockings, shoes

Important: Preferably, uncomplicated small patterns are selected for the ankle.

  • Ankle - Perfect option if you want to hide the tattoo from time to time. Another undoubted advantage of this choice - the sophistication of the legs is emphasized, femininity of its owner

  • Feet - They are equally well able to accommodate both small images and options for more. As for pain, then they are most often in the interval from very easy to completely tolerant. However, the tattoo owner needs to be ready for the fact that at first wearing shoes, hiding processed place, is not worthwhile - the risk of damaging the skin

  • Front surface of the hip - Excellent option for erotic tattoo, which will easily hide if desired. If a girl wants to start to fill a small image, and then add it, this option will have to just by the way

Female tattoo on the front of the thigh
  • Beads - The perfect find for lace lingerie amateurs. In addition, such tattoos are most attractive for men

Important: It is preferable to choose an elegant small image. Bold major options are also welcome, but it is worth remembering that they can not always fit into a particular image.

  • Shin - Hide images on them is not always obtained, so this is an option for bold ladies. It is advisable only to pick something elongated to visually emphasize the slightness of the legs.

Sketches and drawings of tattoos for girls on the legs

Tattoos for girls Small, mini on the legs

Little tattoo by definition is not able to accommodate a lot of information about the owner. therefore it is better not to wise with it, but if you wish are somewhat small and neat images.

Important: When creating a durable mini-tattoo, it is especially important to ensure that the lines are tidy, and the shades saturated. The fact is that over time they can significantly hang out or smear, which is especially noticeable on tiny images.

That before ideas, then often for a small tattoo choose some memorative date, name, motto. By the way, if you want originalityYou can capture information with the help of Latin letters or Arabic vessels. Hieroglyphs and runes are always out of competition.

Runes for a small tattoo on the legs - a good solution

Fauna's motifs are also a good solution.However, they are often obtained large. However, image of cats can be replaced by feline piping - What is needed for a small tattoo.

Charlize Theron made a small tattoo on the leg in the form of a fish

Flowers as a small feet decoration are an excellent solution. - For elegant legs, such a symbol of tenderness will have to be more likely. Roses, orchids, violets, thin Sakura sprigs are perfect.

Tattoos for girls on the hip: patterns, flowers, inscriptions, dragon and their meaning

The thigh is a truly ladies for applying a picture, since the hodges have always been a symbol of grace and femininity. In addition, men rarely shook this part of the body. AND here's what you can portray on the hips:

  • The Dragon - Japanese also had wisdom, good luck, and the Chinese symbolized the opportunity to reincarnate anything and manage anything. At Celts, the dragon was a cruel being, but the unusually wise

Important: The color design also has its own symbolism: so, the black mythological lizard tells others about the respect of the tattoo owner to his parents, blue or blue - about the desire for calm and eternal life, gold - o goodness, red - about passion, hostility to enemies. Yellow dragon is extremely rare, as it is a symbol of war and hermitting.

  • Bows and garters - patterns in the form of them are also quite popular. With no secret meaning of these drawings, but rather simply show the grace and femininity of nature, in love. Most often, bows are depicted on the back of the thigh

  • dream Catcher - Another pattern, which is perfect for accommodation on the hip. He protects his owner from negative energy, symbolizes the merger with nature

  • Inscription The hip looks quite extravagantly. Wherein on the top of the hip It is worth posting something laconic, intended for a loved one, and on Nizhnya Perfect someone's quotes

Important: It matters even the language on which the tattoo is made. So, Latin speaks about intelligence, French - about sophistication, Chinese - about the sophistication and passionateness East, German - about decisiveness, and Spanish or Italian - about passionate nature.

  • As for colors, then rose flower The ancient Greeks had the emblem of the Goddess of Love Aphrodites. Pion It was considered from the Chinese the royal flower promising the owner of longevity. Lily It is considered the most feminine plant that speaks of nobility, spiritual integrity

Tattoos for girls on ankle: inscriptions, bracelet and their meaning

  • Bracelet From the tattoo on an ankle made a popular model and actress Nicole Richie. Indeed, such a decoration is fairly feminine if you choose as decor beads, Ribbons, Flowers. If you want to make a picture sense, it is recommended to enter a bracelet geometric figureswhich is considered to accommodate the Celtic language code

Tattoo on ankle Nicole Richie

  • As for the inscriptions, it looks wonderful in the ankle area short words or phrases. At the same time, they must display the usual mood of their owner or motto. For instance, "BEST", "FAMILY", "LOVE"

Important: Press the inscriptions of originality using the font. So, the gothic will task mystery and gloomy, pattern - romance. Consequently, the inscription must coincide with such an emotional color.

  • However, long lettering Also look good enough. Especially when the ankle is looking. For example, you can stop the selection on the following: "VIAM SUPERVADET VADENS" ("Walking the road to go"), "NE CEDE MALIS" ("In misfortune, NE Fall in the Spirit"), "Audaces Fortuna Juvat" ("Happiness is accompanied by brave")

Tattoos for girls on the foot, foot: inscriptions, patterns and their meaning

  • Exquisite will look at any inscription, applied along the foot. it maybe life motto - eg, "DICTUM FACTUM" ("No sooner said than done"), "Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat" ("Destiny helps brave"). If you add a beautiful font, the tattoo will be particularly attractive

The inscription in the form of a tattoo on the foot may be laconic

The inscription tattoo on the foot may be long

  • Butterfly It will look great if you break the drawing into two parts - half the one for each foot. This insect is considered to be the embodiment of tenderness, freedom, ease
Tattoo on a stope in the form of a moth
  • Butterfly And embodies changes to the better, rebirth. In addition, smooth lines and bright colors of this insect look quite attractive

  • Star. On foot it is worth putting the ladies who want to declare themselves as a mysterious and romantic nature. At the same time, such a symbol speaks of strength and developed volitional qualities

Stars on the store
  • Indian motifs Positively popular for tattoos in the footsteps. For instance, mandala symbolizes the model of space, and therefore harmony, the ability to purify and correct the worldview

IMPORTANT: If you want to stick to the rules and in the color design, it is worth a given sign to paint into the green where its northern part, in yellow - where southern, in red - where Western, white - where is the Eastern, as well as in the blue centered .

  • At foot You can also depict anything, although this place is not very popular as a canvas - and the picture is not visible, and the skin is too swung. However, some Indian symbol will be quite

Tattoos on the front of the thigh for girls and their meaning

  • This part of the body can accommodate a large drawing, so volumetric inscriptions Completely rise. And not necessarily apply one short phrase - you can add a whole quote

  • This place is perfect for the image of various animals - for example, proteins. This pretty and energetic animal causes positive emotions from everyone without exception. It is also associated with stuff and home comfort.

  • Voron - As a rule, symbolizes longevity and wisdom. According to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, this bird was considered a fertility and harbinger of gods.

It is important: however, with this symbolism it is worth it to be neat, since in many ancient teachings of Raven was inextricably linked with war, suffering, sin.

  • Jellyfish - explains that in front of you is extremely difficult. Medusa by itself is a mobile, but fragile, simple at first glance, but the capable of unexpectedly horrid

  • Owl - It is traditionally associated with wisdom. And, despite the fact that the Chinese belong to this birds as an embodiment of evil spirits, mainly it is intended to convey the surrounding information about the mind, erudition, calm and prudence of the owner

  • Marine themes are also quite common. For instance, anchor Prevents the owner stability, good luck and hope, house. Steering wheel He promises the choice of the right path and purposefulness. It is quite possible to combine both of these symbols, applying them to different legs in the form of one composition.

Tattoos on the ankle for girls: inscriptions, patterns and their meaning

  • Salamander Excellent emphasizes the elegance of the female leg. In addition, this creature has time to promote the mass of legends. So, in the Middle Ages, people considered him a symbol of the struggle of good with evil, and alchemists endowed with magical properties. Many noble surnames preferred to apply Salamandra on their coat of arms, telling those around their courage and perseverance

Important: If you turn to Christian beliefs, it will be seen that this creature symbolized some other qualities - namely, humility, chastity.

  • Sympathetic ladybug From the Middle Ages, it was considered a symbol of good luck, as it struggled with a soot. Many people are associated with kindness, faith, warmth, positive, harmony

  • Small kholib Perfectly will look at the elegant ankle. And it will be denoted by the most positive features - vitality, optimism, freedom. In addition, we will not forget that these crumbs may well give fire to birds more, so they can still be considered a symbol of courage
  • Sea Horse It will not take a lot of space on the ankle, however, the necessary information comes around. He will tell about purposefulness, care, caution. Sailors of antiquity loved to take this symbol with them in swimming
  • It is convenient to place ankle zodiac signs - Simple and interesting decision

Tattoo on ankle with zodiac sign Libra
  • Peacock feather Especially revered in Indian mythology. It symbolized the Buddha, which means that the applied to him would attract happiness and good luck. The Chinese considered the Paline pen with the familiarity of the person to the highest layers of society
  • You can write on the ankle Name of a loved one - Beloved, child, parent. Beautifully decorated, it will always be next to you

  • Excellent on the ankle looks some small motto. For instance, "IN HAC SPE VIVO" ("I live in this hope"), Omnia Vanitas ("Everything is a fuss"), SIC VOLO ("So I want")

Tattoos on the leg for girls: meaning

  • Look excellently snakewhich grows the shin - such an image perfectly emphasizes the harness of the female leg. In addition, the importance of the picture is good - wisdom, intuition, trick. Snake's grace always admired the ancient people, and her ability to dump the skin served as a symbol of update and longevity

IMPORTANT: Let you not scare that in the Christian teaching the snake identifies the sin. In fact, this value is not taken into account when they make a tattoo.

Tattoo on the shin in the form of a snake
  • Wood It is considered a sign of growth, development, recovery. In some religions, trees, as you know, worshiped, considering them a symbol of longevity and an object capable of transmitting the soul
  • Elegant tattoo ornament in indian style

    Often, girls want to make themselves a tattoo, but they repel the ability to look rude. In fact, this problem is easy to eliminate if the image is not on the shoulder or back, but on the leg. In addition, such a stylish decoration can perfectly emphasize the grace and the sophistication of the female leg.

There are many places on the body where the tattoo will look very beautiful, authentic, where it will attract the eyes. The compromise option is to place it on the thigh. A large area allows you to implement bold fantasies, create comprehensive patterns, wrap the picture as soon as I want. At the same time, there is an opportunity, when there is a similar desire, to promptly disguise the image, putting, for example, pants - and now, the image again became more than decent and neutral. Universal and attractive solution. What else is needed? Especially since the photo presented in the gallery allows you to make sure that this placement of the tattoo may be more than attractive.


Having considered the photos, you can personally make sure that the tattoo that is on the hip, have various variations, some of which, however, are more popular. For example, first of all, similar images on the body are applied girls, therefore, the common motives are also, respectively, are women. It can be various animals, most often a cat (especially large, like Panther) and birds. It can be various elegant bows, flowers and so on. Of course, a universal motive that men and women apply, and women are various inscriptions. Most often it is hieroglyphs, because they look especially exquisite. But it is impossible to refuse himself and in some more unusual solutions, everything can be limited only by your fantasy.


There are a number of nuances that need to be considered when you transfer similar images to your own body. Tattoo, which is on the hip, have the property to change, stretch and distorted as it changes, stretching and distorted the skin on the thigh. So unnecessarily large pictures, as well as images, realistic as a photo, and therefore, less stable to distorts are not recommended. It is also important to take into account that the pain threshold at the skin of the thigh is such that sometimes the application can be quite tangible. So think if you want to immediately portray something big and impressive, or it is preferable to start with something small to assess your capabilities, and just see how it looks. After all, around the image you can always apply a new, increasing it and unusually decorated your thigh - which is not a great option. Of course, this delicate body requires a special approach. When you choose a photo, by the analogy with which you want to apply an image and yourself, then our experts will help you to highlight the desired tattoo on your hip - and in the fact that the application of this tattoo will be carried out on the highest level, you can uniquely not doubt.

Each girl seeks to emphasize his individuality and beauty. One way to do it is a tattoo on the thigh, which can take almost all the legs or be small and small-awake. Why images on hips are considered the prerogative of women? The thing is that men rarely shook these places, and the girls are the opposite. Women's hips are a symbol of grace and sexuality, so all representatives of beautiful sex seek to emphasize them.

Trends Tattoo for the thighs are the images like: bows, cats, butterflies, panthers, flowers, birds. Chinese dragon looks stylishly, while not so important black and white it or color. Red Dragon means hostility, love and passion, black - respect for parents. Remember! Tattoo color plays a big role. Lovers picker will enjoy the pistol for garter. The owner of this picture is perceived as a sexy and passionate nature that craves adventures.

What other tattoos on girlfriends are popular in our time? There are a lot of beautiful images storing a secret meaning. For example, tattooing constellations and sprockets are becoming increasingly fame, as well as flocks of small birds flying out of any picture.

Soreness, practicality, aesthetics

Many girls do not think about what will happen if you fill the picture on the hips. In fact, these places can modify and stretch over time. The skin is simply exposed not only to age-related changes. When losing weight, hips can blame, they will be fulfilled, by the way, too first. It turns out that the tattoos on the hip is not very practical. In view of this, drawings of a small size are welcomed, since they are smaller than all the deformation.

Another drawback is quite painful applying. The skin on the hips may be too sensitive, especially on the inside.

At the same time, tattoos on the girlfriends have one significant advantage. They look very aesthetic. With their help, you can visually pull out the leg and hide the completeness. It is worth noting that the tattoo itself looks extremely sexy!

Modest young ladies can become owners of beautiful flowers or ornaments. Ethnic motives are also becoming increasingly popular. Bold girls are suitable for something nontrivial and provocative: lizards, tigers.

Consider the tattoo on the outside of the thigh will look much better than on the back or front. What image to fill, solve only you, the main thing is to contact a competent specialist and choose the plot in the soul! Below are photos of tattoos on the thigh from different tattoo masters.

Women's tattoos on the thigh help to decorate any female representative, emphasize her individuality. Such a full drawings may have different sizes - to be small or spread to the whole thigh of the girl.

Variety of female tattoo drawings on Lyashki

As for the images themselves, their plots can be completely different.

For example, the hip tattoos are popular in the form:

Pretty stylish pattern - image of a Chinese dragon made in color or black and white. If this is a black and white tattoo - it is due to respect for the ancestors or parents. Red dragon - a sign of a love feeling and passionality. Golden dragon - a symbol of wisdom. It turns out to be important even the colors of the tattoo and should be remembered.

If the girl depicts a pistol on his lashka, most likely, you are most likely a real coquette, distinguished by special sexuality and filled with the spirit of adventurism.

More pictures of stars and even whole constellations are popular. Often, women on the hips depict small birds that fly out of some other drawing.

If you contact a professional, he will be able to pick up a suitable plot and composition or will offer a catalog of tattoos, of which you already find the image that you most like, impressed or suitable in meaning. Fortunately, the hip zone for girls involves the possibility of applying a variety of tattoos - concise or intricate, simple or frightened, nothing symbolizing or carrying a special meaning.

Features of the choice of tattoos for girls on the thigh

Significantly the choice of the preferences of the Customers. As a rule, today most often on the hips, the girls are applied to themselves (order c) tattoo jigs and paint.

They believe that this is how the wealth of their inner world is transmitted. Among other things, such a full drawings allow emphasize the physical beauty of the body, immediately attract attention and rushing into the eyes - for example, on the beach.

When choosing a tattoo, it is necessary to think whether it will have the same meaning and value after a certain time, which has at the moment. If not, it is better to apply a temporary tattoo (made by henna) than forever capture on your skin what for you will lose its value after a certain period.

In general, tattoo on the hip for a woman is a good solution if a suitable drawing is selected and is working on its application a good master.

An image in the thighs area becomes an extremely popular phenomenon, which is preferred as guys, so girls. This is not surprising, because the drawing applied in this part, the body has its advantages:

  1. the large volumetric surface of the hip allows you to apply images of any shape and sizes;
  2. the skin of the thigh is practically not subject to age-related changes, which means that the drawing will be beautiful and bright for many years;
  3. if you wish, the tattoo is very easy to hide under clothes, that is, the presence of a tattoo will not affect the professional career and on the attitude of others to the person;
  4. the hip zone is covered with sufficient thick skin with a good fatty tissue, the process of applying a tattoo will not cause a lot of pain.

Tattoo themes on the thigh

Tattoos on the thigh are in demand among the population of all ages, they are stuffed with both male and female body. True, the themes used in the tattoo, girls and guys are still different. The representatives of the beautiful half of mankind prefer to apply flowers on the hips, beautiful abstractions, cute animals, fairies, inscriptions, mystical catches of dreams and flirty lace garters. Men choose as a drawing abstraction in the style of "Tribal", fiercely predatory animals, epic patterns of battles ,.

As a rule, women's tattoo is not only an element of decoration, but also carries a certain hidden meaning. The men's tattoo most often has only decorative meaning.

Flowers are one of the most sought-after girls. Gentle and beautiful plants are always perfectly composed, creating incredible paintings. In addition, historically every flower was assigned a certain meaning, so that applying it to the body, it is so possible to carry a hidden message.

The dragon theme in the tattoo is of particular importance, these mystical creatures are found in various cultures and symbolize certain qualities. Thus, the Chinese dragon, undoubtedly, is a symbol of strength and wisdom, and the European image of this being personifies a powerful destructive power, perseverance, trick.

Like girls, men often turn to the theme of animals as a drawing for a tattoo. However, as it should be the strong floor, the guys prefer to portray the bodies of ferocious and recalcitrant predators on the body: tasted wolves and bears, sanguilding tigers, firewood dragons who revealed the mouth of marine monsters.

Realistic paintings in a male tattoo

Unlike women who want to fill the tattoo with any sacred meaning, the guys most often use tattoo on the thigh as a decorative decorationTherefore, inflicting the image, they try to use the existing space to use the maximum, as a result of which the prudent works of art are born with a detailed plot.

Pictures opening with the eye can be performed on different topics: sea battles, epic battles, liked moments from a favorite film.

The remarkable view of the male hip tattoo are realistic images of portraits of people, characters from films, skulls, dragons. Deciding on such a type of tattoo, you must not regret the time and means to search for a decent wizard, which will qualitatively and beautifully draw the drawing. Otherwise, a spoiled image will not bring joy to his owner nor others around him.