Foundation or powder. What is better to choose: powder or foundation. Powder for problem skin

Every woman wants to look attractive without making any special efforts. But every day we are all exposed to stress. Polluted ecology adversely affects the delicate skin of a woman's face, which requires additional protection. For this, powder and foundation were created. Modern developments in the beauty industry have made it possible to make these products as useful as possible. But, in view of certain skin characteristics, women sometimes face a choice: what is better for them, powder or foundation?

More recently, dermatologists have urged women to be careful when applying foundation. The dense structure of the cream clogged the pores and prevented the normal breathing of the skin. As a result, redness and rashes appeared. But all this is behind us. The composition of modern tonal creams includes many components that nourish and restore the skin. Antioxidants contained in the cream prevent aging, and sunscreens protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

What are the benefits of powder?

On the other hand, powder, which for a long time held the palm. A delicate product that evens out the tone of the face, makes the skin velvety. Now there are a lot of types of powder and they differ not only in color, but also in consistency. Regular loose powder blends beautifully into the skin. The only inconvenience is its structure, so it is customary to use it at home. A compact powder has been created for permanent use. It allows you to touch up makeup in any conditions. Thanks to its composition, it is an ideal option for women with dry skin.

Cream powder combines the advantages of foundation and powder, which is their kind of symbiosis. However, women with oily and combination skin types should avoid using it.

Pros and cons of tonal means

To appreciate all the advantages of foundation or powder is possible only by choosing them correctly. The main criterion for choosing a cosmetic product is the type of female skin. The easiest way is for the owners of the normal type. Both are perfect for them. They can be used alternately to even out skin tone and give it a velvety finish. For women with dry skin, powder cream is more suitable. If regular powder is chosen, then before applying it, it is advisable to use a light moisturizer. In the event that you have oily skin, then powder is the best option for you. It will remove excess shine and give the skin a matte finish.

As for the foundation, it is advisable to use it very sparingly. Choose the tone that best suits yours. Apply with light movements, and do not rub it into the skin. With the right choice of product and application, you will not have problems, whether it is powder or foundation.

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It is very rare to find a beautiful woman who naturally looks like this and does not use any cosmetics. Do you think actresses are naturally beautiful and incredibly sexy? They work hard to look like a million dollars. Why don't we work on ourselves?
All negative factors primarily affect the appearance of the skin of the face. And as you know, the face is. And so you need to fight for a beautiful skin condition. The cosmetic industry does not stand still, and is constantly improving its new technologies. There are many effective means that will help to find beauty. Foundations and powders are in the first place to create an attractive look in minutes.

How to choose a foundation?

Back in the 90s, dermatologists were wary of foundation and advised to abandon this tool. At that time, tonal foundations had a very dense structure. She, of course, performed her corrective functions well, but also did not allow the skin to breathe. The pores were clogged, and very often an allergic reaction and reddening of the skin, sometimes rashes, appeared. All these side effects are long gone. Today, the improved composition of cosmetics is completely different from the last century.
Today, cosmetic companies offer not just matting preparations that even out the complexion, but also a high-quality cream with regenerating components for the skin of the face. Now foundation is a must. After all, this tool protects the skin from industrial pollution, soot and other dust in large cities. Many contain vitamin E, which nourish the skin. But for the summer period of time, a tone-cream with UV protection is perfect.
These tools must be used wisely. Tonal foundations are selected individually for each type and complexion. After all, you should not buy a cream a few shades darker if you have fair skin. It will look like your face is burned in a solarium. It is recommended to apply a resistant foundation no more than 4 times a week. Sometimes the skin needs to be given and rested from cosmetics.
Every night before going to bed, you need to thoroughly wash off your makeup. Water procedures do not take much time. And you do not overwork and the skin is good. If this is not done, then over time, skin problems may occur. Makeup removal is a very important element in skin care.

Powder - girlfriend foundation

The powder evens out the skin of the face well, as well as. But if you compare it with tone-cream, then the powder makes it much softer and more careful. This is the last and final touch in makeup. This cosmetic product makes the skin velvety. In you can find a lot of varieties of powders for every taste and color. They differ not only in color, but also in composition.
The most popular type of powder is loose. It perfectly complements the foundation. Crumbly means that it is in powder form. And taking it with you to “powder your nose” somewhere will be extremely inconvenient. And therefore it is suitable for home use in the process of daily makeup. But it is very durable and economical. This powder will last for a long time.
Compact powder is designed to always be at hand for a woman. It should be in every lady's makeup bag. The powder is easy to cope with the shine on the forehead. This is a great motivator.
For owners of sensitive skin and allergies, there is an antiseptic powder. It contains special soothing and healing components that will quickly and effectively bring the skin of the face to life. Therefore, there is also a special powder for problem skin.
Powder in balls is a decorative decoration. Reflective components come into the composition, they soften the contours of the face and rejuvenate the skin. It is worth applying such a powder in a thin layer, do not get carried away. This powder is great for parties and other events. You will look incredible.
Women who are given beautiful and even skin can use translucent powder. It will protect the skin from external pollution and remove oily sheen from the face. So effective both in winter and summer.

Alternative solution: cream powder

Probably, many thought, but what is better to choose for yourself? Powder or foundation? In the women's arsenal should be both means. After all, if you need persistent makeup, then you first need to apply foundation, and complete the makeup with powder. Without such a procedure, in any way.
Now let's get to the alternative - cream powder. What is she like? This is one of the favorite means of every woman. Powder and foundation in one bottle. Inside which are collected all the advantages of two products for the skin. Using this tool, you both motivate the skin and remove oily sheen. You need to choose such a tool wisely.
For owners of combination and oily skin, silicone oils should be included in the cream powder. Such a tool will not cause allergies and other skin redness. She well evens out the skin and tone of the face, for which she is to be thanked. More mature skin requires a more fluid foundation. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin well. Well, for problematic skin, you need a cream with antiseptic components.

Being beautiful and attractive is not difficult. You need to monitor your appearance and skillfully use improvised means. With the help of good makeup, you can become an incredible beauty.


  • Which is better foundation or powder?

Cosmetics are designed to help girls remain irresistible! Any makeup is the creation of a face tone. It all starts with him. Foundation, powder will help to improve the surface of the skin of the face. But which of these tools is better? Or maybe it makes sense to use both of them at the same time?

Makeup artists assure that foundation with powder complement each other. And this is definitely true! If you use them together, you can hide the visible cosmetic defects of the skin, make the skin velvety to the touch. It's so easy with tonal means to make the skin more flawless, give it a well-groomed appearance, smooth out the tone. Of course, if you choose the right cosmetics of the right quality.

Of course, in many respects the choice of means directly depends on the type of skin. For example, a liquid foundation is an option for combination skin, and it is also suitable for owners of oily sheen. Such products contain an abundance of fine powder - it helps to adsorb excess fat from the surface of the epidermis. After applying such a product, the skin does not shine, has a velvety appearance, even color. A mattifying powder will help fix this effect or touch up makeup during the working day. Indeed, sometimes it is simply necessary to correct some flaw in the make-up, it is very difficult to make such a make-up that will last in perfect condition throughout the day. Of course, be sure to first check any of the purchased products for allergic reactions!

If the skin is dry, it is worth choosing a foundation that will lay down in a fairly dense layer, helping to hide red spots. These creams contain an abundance of nutrients. Such skin just needs extra moisture. And many products will simply dry out the already dry epidermis. Compact powder will be a good helper for such a cream. With the help of powder, you can freshen up your makeup in no time!

If the skin is of a normal type, choose just a day cream with UV filters and pigments in the composition - this will be quite enough. As a rule, there is nothing special to hide with tinting agents, it is enough to slightly smooth out the tone.

It is necessary to use tonal products not only to give the necessary tone to the face, but also to protect sensitive skin from the wind. Also, such products help moisturize the skin, nourish the necessary vitamins. Few women can boast of the ideal condition of the epidermis. Age spots, large pores, pimples - well, who is immune from this? It does not matter which of the above you are faced with, it is enough to choose the right foundation with powder to hide all these flaws!

To make the face look well-groomed and fresh, it is necessary to use decorative cosmetics. Which is better: foundation or powder, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these products, and which product do stylists prefer?

What is better to use: powder or foundation, what to look for when choosing cosmetics in a store? To begin with, it should be clarified that both products perform the same functions. They are designed to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment, as well as to mask imperfections, even out the tone of the face.

The foundation has a liquid or creamy consistency. Modern cosmetic companies produce it in various color shades, and also use several packaging options. On sale you can find foundation in a tube, in a jar, in a bottle with a dispenser. The benefits of this tool include:

High covering ability;

The presence of caring components in the composition;

The ability to change the shade after mixing with a day cream.

But liquid foundations also have disadvantages. We are talking about limited shelf life and not enough natural result. Only a very good foundation can be applied so that it is almost invisible, but the skin will look smooth and well-groomed.

Powder also has many benefits. It is easy to use, when applied in 1 layer, it is almost invisible on the face. In addition, a woman can powder throughout the day when the need arises. With foundation, this is almost impossible.

Loose or compact powder has a fairly long shelf life, as it has a dry or dense consistency, it does not contain fats that can quickly oxidize. Unfortunately, it will not work to mask a serious defect on the face with the help of powder alone, unless, of course, we are talking about a denser cream powder.

What product should a modern woman choose? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. In this case, it is necessary to take into account your own needs and initial external data. Ideally, both products should be present in the cosmetic bag.

The foundation is perfect for women who have serious defects on their faces: pimples, scars, black dots. This product covers imperfections well and evens out skin tone. After using it, the woman looks very attractive. Foundation is also recommended for use in cases where you need to be on top. It is perfect for evening make-up, for going out. You also need to consider the time of year. In the heat, applying a liquid foundation is not very comfortable. During such periods, it is better to abandon too "heavy" makeup, to allow the skin to breathe. In addition, in the heat, the foundation can simply “float”. In the cold season, on the contrary, it protects the face from exposure to low temperatures.

Powder loose or compact is ideal for young girls who do not have serious skin problems. It is best to use it during the daytime. The powder is very comfortable to use, as a woman always has the opportunity to touch up makeup, remove oily sheen. For summer, translucent powder is just perfect. It perfectly mattifies the skin, gives it freshness and a uniform tone. Even if there are small dotted rashes on the face, you can correct them with a special pencil, and then powder your forehead, nose, chin, cheeks.

There is an opinion that powder is suitable for oily skin, and foundation is suitable for dry skin. This is only partly true. The lines of modern tonal products are so diverse that every woman can find a tool that is right for her. For example, make-up artists advise choosing foundation not only by color, but also by purpose. Cosmetic companies produce products for dry, oily, combination, aging skin. If you choose the wrong tone, it will be very noticeable on the face, which is unacceptable.

Powder is also available for oily, dry and other skin types. In some cases, it is recommended to use both liquid tone and powder. That is, you should first apply foundation on the face, and then powder. This allows you to increase the durability of makeup, make the face perfectly even, uniform in color. It is important to remember that neither regular foundation nor powder is suitable for the area around the eyes. Special products are needed to even out skin tone in this area.

When choosing between foundation and powder, women need to take into account the condition of their own skin, weather conditions and many other factors. Professional stylists advise having both liquid and dry foundation in your cosmetic bag.

The habit of powdering the face appeared more than one thousand years ago, and for a long time not the most useful means were used for this purpose: a mixture of lead and chalk, rice starch, rice or wheat flour. Most modern powders are based on talc (one of the softest minerals), and there is no harmful lead in the composition at all, its role is played by zinc oxide. Also, the composition may include white and red clay, flower oils, moisturizing ingredients and vitamins, which allow the product not only not to clog pores and not provoke inflammation, but, on the contrary, take care of the skin.

Which is better: powder or foundation?

Powder and foundation belong to the same category (actually, foundation), but at the same time they have different characteristics and properties. At the same time, there is no and cannot be an unequivocal answer to the question of which is better: under different circumstances, both powder and foundation can come in handy.

The foundation has a liquid or creamy texture. It allows the product to merge with the skin, providing an even coverage. Due to this texture, additional useful components can also be added to the composition: caring oils and anti-aging ingredients.

Different tonal creams provide different coverage density, so they are suitable for girls who almost do not need tone correction, and for those who need to hide noticeable flaws: mask acne, acne marks or scars.

Powders tend to be dry in texture (creams are not as common yet) and have less coverage. It is unlikely that she will cope with serious shortcomings, but she does not face such a task: powder can make the tone of the face more uniform, matte the skin and even out its relief. Also, when using powder in its "pure" form, be sure to apply a moisturizer first and let it absorb properly.

Foundations adapt to the needs of different skin types, cosmetic brands produce versions for dry, oily, normal and even aged skin. But with powders, not everything is so simple: most of them are not suitable for girls with very dry skin, but there is a solution for them. For example, the NYX Professional Makeup brand came up with Hydra Touch powder, which includes moisturizing ingredients - extracts of chamomile, cactus, chlorella algae and wheat germ.

Most often, you don’t have to choose between powder and foundation. If you don’t have any special skin problems, use foundation to correct the tone, and apply powder on top, which will prevent the appearance of oily sheen and fix makeup.

Find more information about foundation creams here:

6 main types of face powder

The first image that arises at the mention of powder is compressed dry powder in a beautiful package with a mirror. Indeed, compact powders are the most popular, but far from the only ones. We talk about each type of face powder in more detail.

Compact powder


The same powder with a mirror and a powder puff (or sponge), which can definitely be found in any women's bag, backpack or evening clutch.

  • It can be used both to create daytime makeup (on its own or in a duet with foundation), and to adjust it during the day. Use compact powder for an instant matte finish.
  • Compact powder can be applied in a denser layer than loose powder (a sponge is suitable for this), or spread with a translucent layer with a powder puff or a wide fluffy one made of natural pile.
  • Be careful when choosing a shade: due to the denser texture, compact powder is more noticeable on the face than loose powder, so the tone must be matched perfectly. How to choose the powder of the desired shade, we will tell a little lower.

Loose powder


The second most popular type of powder. Loose powder is lighter in texture than compact and more like fine flour.

  • It does not cover redness or other skin imperfections, its main task is to mattify the skin and fix the foundation. It is applied in a thin layer over foundation with a wide brush. Loose powder perfectly removes oily sheen and evens out the tone of the face.
  • Correcting makeup with it during the day is not so convenient. As a rule, loose powder is produced in large round jars that take up enough space. In addition, the brush is rarely included in the kit.
  • There is another reason why loose powder is best used at home: when applied, powder particles scatter in all directions and can stain clothes.
  • Loose powder blends perfectly with the tone and is perfectly distributed over the skin, but you should not apply it if the moisturizing or nourishing cream is not completely absorbed: the powder will eventually become stained.
  • Loose powder is almost impossible to go overboard with, but if you do apply too much, just go over your face with a clean, wide brush. All excess will be removed immediately.
  • The shade of loose powder can be a little darker or a little lighter than your skin tone. Most likely, the difference will not be noticeable on the face, since the product lays down in a translucent layer.

Cream powder

In its properties, it is more like a light creamy foundation, but a little more dense - so much so that it can be placed in a compact powder package. Cream powder is also convenient to take with you, you need to apply it with a sponge or, on local areas, with your fingers. Such a powder has the highest degree of overlap, so in some situations it can even replace foundation. An ideal solution for girls with dry skin who are not suitable for regular compact powder.

Mineral powder


Externally, mineral powder is no different from ordinary loose or compact powder, but its composition is different. It does not include substances that cause an allergic reaction, but includes caring ingredients and beneficial minerals. This type of powder can be used by everyone, but it is most suitable for sensitive skin.

Powder in balls

There are not many cosmetic brands producing powder in balls, so it can hardly be called very popular. It is sold in round jars, like loose powder, inside there are balls of pressed powder (plain or colored - the latter help to make light). The main feature of this type of powder is that it contains light-reflecting particles that give the face additional radiance and freshness. Such a powder is suitable for daily use, but girls with oily skin should be more careful in handling it: shining particles can add unnecessary shine to the skin.

baked powder


Another fairly rare version of face powder. As the name implies, it is baked in a special way at a temperature of 60°C. You can “recognize” it by a certain structure: the composition of the powder is heterogeneous and more like the surface of some distant planet, shiny streaks are noticeable. There are two types of baked powder: matte and glossy. Glossy powder contains more luminous particles than matte powder. Baked powder can be used by girls with any skin type. It can be applied both with a brush and with a sponge.

Powder for different skin types: how to choose and use?

Powder for dry skin

  • Look for moisturizing and caring ingredients in the composition: vegetable oils, vitamins, flower extracts. For example, Hydra Touch Powder Foundation moisturizing powder contains a whole scattering of ingredients useful for dry skin: extracts of cactus, chamomile, Chlorella algae, wheat germ.
  • Mattifying powder will not work for you (this will dry out the skin even more), but cream will be the best solution.
  • Even if you choose a cream-based powder, be sure to use your regular moisturizer before applying it. Apply it with massaging movements and wait until the product is properly absorbed.
  • You should not actively layer one foundation on top of another: in the case of dry skin, the risk of getting the effect of a layer cake is especially high.

Limit yourself to one translucent layer of moisturizing foundation and spread over powder. It is better to use for this purpose not a flat sponge, which is included in the powder kit, but a fluffy brush: this way the coating will turn out to be weightless.

  • Do not apply powder to areas that are very flaky or dehydrated the most: usually these are the cheeks and the area around the nose.
  • If you want to add some radiance to your skin, use a mineral or reflective powder.

Powder for problem skin

  • Give preference to mineral powder. This does not contain oils, waxes and fragrances, which, as a rule, are in the composition of ordinary powder: they can have a negative effect on problem skin.
  • It is better if the following marks are on the packaging: “for sensitive skin”, “non-comedogenic”, “does not cause allergies”.

Powder for oily skin

  • Any matting powder suits you - both compact and loose.
  • Avoid products with reflective particles in the composition: they will provide your skin not with a beautiful glow, but with an unpleasant oily sheen.
  • Waterproof powder is also a great solution for oily skin.
  • Before applying powder, use a primer: it helps to mattify the skin and control sebum production.

Try this beauty trick: Before applying foundation or powder, wipe your face with an ice cube. It will help to narrow the pores a little and delay the appearance of oily sheen.

  • Apply powder in your case as follows: first, go over the entire face with a brush, and then add another layer of the product to the T-zone.

How to choose powder according to skin color? 3 rules

You can buy powder a tone lighter than your skin, but the difference should not be greater! Powder two or three shades lighter can give the skin a not too pleasant ashen shade.

If you have light porcelain skin, choose a powder with a pink undertone; if you have dark skin, look for an option with yellowish or orange pigments. If you have a medium skin tone that is neither pale nor dark, try powder with a delicate peach sheen.

Always test the powder on the face and compare the resulting shade with the color of the neck, and do not apply the product on the wrist, as is often recommended to do with (this, by the way, is also a mistake). To check if this or that powder suits you, apply it not only on the cheeks, but also on the jaw line.

How to apply powder correctly?

Depending on what type of powder you use, you should follow certain rules for applying it.

How to apply dry powder?

Take a small amount of powder on the brush and shake off the excess by running the brush along the back of your hand.

Spread the powder starting from the following areas: cheeks, forehead and area around the nose.

Apply powder around the edges of your face.

By the way, dry face powder can be used not only for its intended purpose. Read more about how this tool can still be useful in makeup.

Unlike dry powder, cream powder cannot be applied with a powder puff or brush - most of the product will simply be absorbed into it. As a result, it will not work to distribute the powder in an even and even layer. Use a special sponge or brush, or apply cream powder directly with your fingers, like a foundation.

In general, when using cream powder, you should follow the same rules as when using any cream textures. The most important thing is thorough shading: cream products look more natural on the skin than dry products, but on the condition that there are no stains or streaks left on the skin. Therefore, pay special attention to shading and do not forget to apply powder on the temples and along the hairline.

Apply cream powder with a dry sponge for light, weightless coverage and a slight touch of tone. Or use a dewy tone to get fuller coverage and hide imperfections.

How to use powder in balls?

Powder in balls is also dry in texture, so it is best to apply it with a wide fluffy natural bristle brush. Preliminarily mix the balls in the package with a brush in a circular motion (if they are colored, this will help to mix the colors), and then apply the powder on the face with a translucent layer in the same circular motion.

Powder brushes

When choosing makeup brushes, buy the most expensive option you can afford: good brushes, alas, cannot be cheap. This rule is true for any brush, regardless of its purpose. We will tell you more about the specific characteristics of powder brushes.

How to choose a powder brush?

  • A brush for mineral, loose and any other dry powder should have sufficiently long, soft and fluffy bristles that perfectly distribute the powder without weighing down the makeup. The best option is a wide, dense, but fluffy brush with a rounded tip.
  • For loose, compact, mineral and any other dry powder, buy a brush made of natural bristles, while cream should be applied with a sponge.
  • Sometimes separate brushes for mineral powder come across for sale - they look almost the same, but have a denser structure: this is how the villi literally impress useful minerals into the skin.

What is better to apply powder - with a sponge or a brush?

Dry compact, mineral, loose and ball powder (i.e. any powder with a dry texture) are best applied with a natural bristle brush. As a rule, goat hair is used in their creation. Cream powder is applied with a sponge - dry, to create a translucent coating, or wet, to make the tone more dense.

How to apply powder with a brush?

To learn how to apply powder with a brush, watch our video tutorial.

Types of powders by color and properties

Mattifying face powder

There are many matting agents, they often contain polymer particles, clay, corn starch, tapioca. As the name implies, the main task of such a powder is to rid the skin of oily sheen. For dry skin, this powder is not suitable, but even if you have oily skin, it is better to look for a product with a reliable composition. For example, NYX Professional Makeup's Stay Matt But Not Flat Powder contains vitamin E, so the skin will feel comfortable. Choose the compact option to keep a reliable mattifier close at hand.

Translucent Powder

Transparent white powder is used to mattify the skin, as well as fix makeup - it will not be able to hide acne, redness and other skin imperfections. Using translucent powder can create a natural look, but if you overdo it, your face will look like you powdered it with flour.

What else is useful to know about translucent powder:

Bronzing Powder

Can be used for and also instead of . For a natural look, choose a bronzer shade that is one or two shades darker and warmer than your foundation. If you have fair skin, choose peach, honey and beige-pink shades, for medium skin tone - bronze with pink undertones, for dark skin, terracotta, copper or amber options are suitable. Girls with very light porcelain skin should not use bronzing powder, it will create the effect of dirt on the face.

This powder has been one of the brand's bestsellers for several years now - and for good reason: the product provides an even, silky finish for the whole day! Use it to mattify your skin and give your makeup phenomenal hold.

Compact powder Affinitone, Maybelline

This powder is different in that it is suitable for absolutely any type of skin, even for dry ones. It contains vitamin E, which is excellent for skin care. The powder is distributed in a fairly dense layer, but does not clog pores and does not betray its presence in any way. Presented in five shades.

Moisturizing powder Hydra Touch Powder Foundation, NYX Professional Makeup

Formulated with botanical extracts and hydrating ingredients, this moisturizing powder not only perfectly eliminates shine, but also provides all-day comfort.

Loose powder Souffle D'Éclat Poudre Libre Translucide, YSL

This soft pink loose powder contains micro-pearl particles that help to give the skin a subtle natural glow. This veil powder is suitable even for sensitive skin!

Bronzing powder Sun Fabric, Giorgio Armani

Bronzing powder in no time will help create the effect of tanned skin, emphasize the contours of the face and even out skin tone. You can choose from four shades: from light brown to terracotta.

Compact Powder Color Clone Pressed Powder, Helena Rubinstein

Compact powder from Helena Rubinstein has a truly valuable property: it blends perfectly with the skin tone (hence the word "clone" in the name). In addition, she has a very compact size, so the role of the most faithful beauty companion is within her power - Color Clone Pressed Powder will fit even in a small clutch.

Loose powder Naked Skin, Urban Decay

The pigments included in the powder will help to quickly hide skin irregularities and create the perfect relief. In addition, this loose powder has a silky texture, so it is a pleasure to apply it on the skin.

Powder with the effect of healthy radiant skin Belle De Teint, Lancôme

Don't let the modest packaging fool you, this powder hides a truly powerful tool under the lid. The composition contains caffeine, which effectively fights signs of fatigue, as well as apricot oil, which is responsible for nourishing the skin. The effect is provided not only external, but also internal.

Compact powder "Perfect tone", Vichy

Mineral-based powder contains SPF 25, which will provide the right level of protection from the sun. The powder can be used both as an independent foundation and as a make-up fixer.

In a cosmetic bag, a woman has a wide variety of products. But it often happens that it is not necessary to use them at the same time. What is better powder or foundation? This question is interesting and relevant. To answer it, you need to figure out what kind of means it is.


This is a wonderful assistant that evens out the tone of the face and gives it a matte and velvety finish. There are many types of powders, differing in color and consistency.

  • Loose powder spreads well and evenly on the skin of the face. However, its main drawback is the structure. Due to the fact that it can crumble, it is recommended to use it at home.

  • Compact powder is a great option to take with you and use when needed. Due to the successful composition, it is recommended for women with oily skin.

  • Cream-powder - the optimal combination of foundation and powder. Creates a beautiful matte effect, hides skin imperfections. But it is not recommended for women who have sensitive facial skin.

Tone cream

This is a cream that contains colored pigments. It is used to even out the tone of the face and to mask imperfections on the skin.

  • It is a moisturizing cream that performs a nourishing role. And then, it has a toning effect. Perfect for light make-up.

  • Liquid. Helps hide imperfections on the skin. When applied, a thin even layer is formed. It contains powder, so it is recommended to use for oily skin. It helps to mask pimples, spots, rashes, blood vessels, bruises under the eyes.

  • Mousse. When using it, the makeup will last for a long time. Helps to mask minor skin imperfections, but may not be able to cope with larger problems. Perfect for girls with mixed skin types.

Disadvantages of cosmetics

  • Foundation can lead to clogged pores. Due to its frequent use, problems with the fat balance of the skin begin to arise.
  • The wrong tone can ruin the entire makeup.
  • Powder must be applied with a brush, which can be difficult at first for a beginner.
  • Due to the crumbly structure, you need to be careful when applying it. Powder particles accumulate in folds and wrinkles.
  • Possibly uneven distribution over the entire face.

Do they harm

It all depends on the type of skin and the chosen product. For normal skin, both products are safe. If the type is dry, then it is better to use a cream powder that will not overdry the skin. With oily skin, the choice should be stopped on powder.

Use the foundation with different skin types should be very careful. It is important to apply it in a thin layer, with light movements and to choose the right shade.

Operating principle

Each cosmetic product has its own advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to them, you can make a choice in favor of any one.

The powder helps dry out the skin. When applied, the face acquires a matte effect and velvety, the color evens out. But with these positive aspects, there is one negative. It cannot mask visible imperfections on the skin (rashes, redness, wrinkles).

Concealer, on the other hand, does a great job as a concealer. It is able to hide pimples, freckles, small inflammatory processes, mimic wrinkles. But at the same time, it does not matte the skin and cannot get rid of oily sheen.

And now cream powder is also popular. It's a creamy texture that glides onto skin to give it a matte finish without drying out the face.

Choice according to skin type

What is better to apply directly depends on the condition of the skin.

  1. Normal type. With such skin, you can use both powder and foundation. But at the same time, for daytime makeup, preference is given to foundation, and to create an evening look, it is better to use powder.
  2. Dry skin. It is better to refuse the use of powder. It is able to dry the skin, so it will not hold well.
  3. Oily skin. It would be ideal to use powder. It is able to absorb excess sebum and prevents the formation of oily sheen. But if you want to use foundation, then you should choose not very greasy, which is easily and quickly absorbed.
  4. Combination skin. It is very difficult for her to find a good remedy. Cream powder will be optimal.

depending on the weather

An important role in choosing the right tool is played by weather conditions. There is an opinion that in winter it is better to apply foundation. It is more oily, so it will be great to protect the skin from cold exposure.

In summer, when it is hot, you should stop using any means. But if there is a great need, it is better to choose powder. It is lighter and clogs pores less.

Where to stop depends on the condition of the skin of the face. However, there is a universal remedy - cream powder, which is suitable for any girl.

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