Cake from sweets with your own hands. How to make a festive cake from candy. How to make a cake made of candy for a man

Sweets love almost everything, therefore cakes from chocolates acquire every day all the most popular. No wonder, because such products look solemn and festively. In addition, such a gift is easy to make it yourself!

Candy Cake: Master Class

You will need:

  • Candy;
  • Cardboard;
  • Corrugated paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Two-way tape or glue.

Execution Instructions:

Cut from cardboard Cut the frame for the cake. Stick with a tape or glue on the basis of the candy so that they are securely held, but in order to, at the same time, they could be disconnected.

Spread the corrugated paper, cut the petals and strips from which you can make flowers. Color size, in line with the size of the candy. By the way, the buds themselves can also be put small sweets.

Wrap the candy with a strip and glue her petals to it, slightly twisting the edges. Sweets should easily be removed from flowers.

Collect sweet buds in a bouquet and attach to the prepared frame. Flowers can be decorated with green leaflets from corrugated paper, beautiful beads, rhinestones, ribbons, sequins and even small figures.

How to make a cake from candy?

You will need:

  1. Candy;
  2. Styrofoam;
  3. Round box with cookies;
  4. Box Raphaelo;
  5. Corrugated paper;
  6. Double-sided tape;
  7. Scissors;
  8. Beads;
  9. Termoklay;
  10. Foil;
  11. Toothpick;
  12. Candles;
  13. Beautiful fabric.

Execution Instructions:

Cut the bottom layer of foam. The first must be the biggest. Treat edges with sandpaper and plunder it with a beautiful cloth.

The second layer is a biscuit box. It also needs to be placed with a cloth using double-sided adhesion. Cut the strip of corrugated paper, 4 cm wide. Sharpen the cut ribbon to the middle layer, like the ruffle. Attach sweets to the sides with the help of bilateral scotch.

For the bottom layer cut the corrugated strip slightly above the base itself. Get it to foam, using tape. Stretch a little top edge paper to get a waist.

At the junction between the base and the shutter, glue beautiful beads on the thermoclay. Side fasten sweets.

Now proceed to the design of the upper layer consisting of the Raphael box. Plue it with cloth, attach the corrugated paper and stick candy.

You have 3 layers of different sizes. Wrap each beautiful ribbon and tie a bow. The lower "cake" of the cake decorate with candles, and the upper - by any colors. Stick to the base of candles to half the toothpicks on double-sided tape.

Foil or brilliant paper cut the petals for colors.

Stick leafles to scotch, forming a flower. The tips of the petals stretch a little and with the help of a pencil, move each to the bottom.

Finished candles attach to the lower layer of the cake.

Cake from candy with your own hands: how to do?

You will need:

  • Candy several species;
  • Bilateral and ordinary tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Gift ribbon;
  • Whatman;
  • Glue;
  • Gift paper;
  • Toothpicks.

Execution Instructions:

With cardboard or color paper, make so many "cortes" as necessary for your cake. If you do not want to prepare yourself to prepare the levels of the product, you can buy in the store round candy boxes of different sizes.

Now, glue with the help of bilateral tape candy to each level. So that the cake is brighter, attach different sweets to each layer. It is recommended to start with the top "Korzh".

Each row after that, tie out a colorful ribbon. Fill empty gaps can be filled with flowers.

Using gift paper, cut the squares of 10x10 cm. Take the candy, open it on one side and insert the toothpick. Wrap the end of the candy and secure it with scotch. Make such flowers about 20 pcs.

Instead of gift paper for the manufacture of colors, you can take corrugated. Cut the petals from it and attach them in a circle to the candy with the toothpick. Now the flowers can be decorated with a cake.

Candy Cake: Photo

As you know, the best gift is a gift made by your own hands. Candy Cake - Original Solution! Such a gift can congratulate the child happy birthday, give an elegant cake on the anniversary or decorate them a romantic evening.

Used materials from sites:,

Get such a gift - real happiness! The higher and more beautiful, the better! Let us try to make a few simple cakes together, so that there is always an idea of \u200b\u200ban unusual gift. Believe me, it will surely come that hour when all ideas are exhausted.

General design principles

To prepare a cake from sweets, you do not need to have experience in this matter. With such a task, even a beginner can cope. It is enough just to have all the necessary components of the cake, time and desire.

Be sure to need a box that creates visibility of the biscuit. Candies are glued on it. Then these boxes are installed on substrates for cakes or foam. To be beautiful, candy in this form is tied with ribbons. At the request, there are several more floors of the "Cake". The top decorates to taste.

Candy Cake For Any Holiday

Required Components: 1 Box from Cookies, Termocles, Candy, Fabric, 1 Box from Rafaello, Foil, Candles for Cake, Beads, Foam, Ribbon, Bilateral Scotch, Corrugated Paper, Scissors.

How to collect:

  1. From the foam cut the base on which the entire cake will stand. It should be thicker than a box from cookies and coconut candies, and more in diameter.
  2. Box from cookies wrap with a cloth, stick with scotch.
  3. On the side of the box to wrap the tape from corrugated paper, it is also glued to the tape.
  4. On the paper to glue one kind of candy. It will be good if you can find candy sticks like twix or kinder.
  5. For foam, also cut the ribbon with the necessary thickness and glue it.
  6. With the help of a thermal stuff, glue beads, then with the help of scotch and other types of candies.
  7. Box with rafaello wrap the cloth, stick up the corrugated paper.
  8. At the top to attach again candy-sticks.
  9. All three basics to tie with ribbons, forming a bows.
  10. From foil cut petals, retain them.
  11. To the candles to put the toothpicks, wrap in scotch.
  12. Place the petals to get flowers, and in the middle of each candle.
  13. Claim the resulting colors the basis of the foam cake.
  14. Complete among themselves all three bases of the cake, the top is decorated to taste.

Tip: From above you can pour a slide of sweets or live flowers.

How to make a cake for a man

Required components: box (as biscuit for cake), candies of two types, glue-gun, ribbons, colored paper.

How to collect:

  1. The box must be punctured the paper desired color, attaching it with glue.
  2. On the side of gluing candy sticks and wrap everything with a ribbon.
  3. From above, lay out the rest of the candy and you can finish all alcohol in small bottles (Jack Daniels, Finlandia, Jim Beam, etc.).

Tip: You can add cake with fruit or berries in color.

"Basket" from candies with their own hands

Required components: 1 Big box from under sweets or cookies, handle for basket, glue, tape, wide satin ribbons, several artificial flowers, a piece of fabric 60x60 cm, candy and at the request of fruits, candy-sticks.

How to collect:

  1. Open box, the cover does not need it.
  2. Wrap it into the cloth, which is pre-lubricated with glue.
  3. Give a little quickly, forming all the bends and edges.
  4. On the edge of the box, put the scotch band, glue candy-sticks on it.
  5. Till their ribbon and make a bow.
  6. Inside the box, place the handle for the future basket, pre-lubricate in the right places glue. Give to dry out.
  7. If you got fruit, they must be flushed and dry them.
  8. Stir with sweets and fall asleep inside the box.
  9. Handle to deceive glue, wrap, too, in satin tape.
  10. On the surface to distribute artificial flowers, and ready.

Tip: So that the basket is even more beautiful, you can tie another bow on the handle.

Cake from juice and candy

Required components: about 10-20 small juice packs (0.2-0.25l), disposable gum, multiple satin ribbons, several sneakers, tweaks, bounty bantters and several ball biscuits, cake substrates for different diameters, three round boxes from Cookies of different diameters, bilateral scotch.

How to collect:

  1. Round boxes to lubricate glue from below, even set to substrate the appropriate size.
  2. Around the largest box to decompose the packaging with juice.
  3. Put the gum so that the juices do not move and the cake did not crumble.
  4. Next to tie the ribbons over the rubber band so that they are not visible.
  5. Top to put the second box already with the substrate, secure.
  6. The whole box is around to attach a scotch, to attach bars to it, alternating them among themselves.
  7. Take the ribbon again to look prettier.
  8. Attach the third substrate with a box that is already glued with scotch.
  9. Glit biscuits Barney, wrap the ribbon, but lightly, so as not to crush sweets.
  10. Upstairs decorate a cake to taste.

Tip: So that the substrates are bright, they can be placed with cloth or corrugated paper.

A gift for newlyweds

Required components: Candy of different types (including chopsticks like twix), substrate, corrugated paper of the desired color, double-sided tape, satin ribbons, round box.

How to collect:

  1. To begin with, a round box must be glued to the substrate. Bilateral scotch will help in this.
  2. Next, the top and sides of the box wrap the corrugated paper, again using adhesive tape.
  3. Around glue candy-sticks, and on top of some ordinary (to taste).
  4. Take the candy that are glued to the side, ribbon, and the cake is ready!

Tip: To give a special value cake, you can use thematic additions. For example, a figurine of the bride and groom, two pigeons or a sign of Yin and Yan.

If your task is to prepare a cake cake, then you can use not only them. You can still add waffles, chewing gum, chocolates, bars, sweet dragee like M & M's.

To make a cake original, use additives. It can be whole nuts, small or light fruits, flowers, alcohol (if only a cake is not for children), cotton twigs or spruce / pine. For children, you can add typewriters or small dolls.

Cake as a gift just just collect. It must be turned into something unusual! The minimum that you can do is wrap it into a transparent film (it is often used in bouquets) and top tie on top. Do not forget to make a bow!

To truly please the adult cake, instead of a round box (internal base), you can use a bottle of some alcohol. For example, champagne, wine, brandy, liquor or something else that loves a birthday party.

For those who have no round box from under cookies or candies, you can also use a cans. It sounds, of course, not very, but if you wrap it with paper or cloth, no one can guess. Or try cutting the cardboard box yourself.

In the children's cake, you can stick not only ordinary candles, but also fireworks. Imagine what delighted the smallest guests will be. Arrange them a real holiday! For this purpose, by the way, it is better not to use a substrate, but a foam or small pieces / plast oasis (floral sponge). In them, salutes will be better in them, and they will not have to adapt to scotch or glue.

If you are going to the thematic party, be sure to specify its dress code. If a certain color is needed, then this is not a problem. Simply pick up candy required color and play with shades. It turns out unusual, because most often there are multicolored cakes.

Candy cake is an ideal gift for any event. Be sure to keep our "recipes" and recommendations on their preparation. They are made enough simply, so there should not be difficult for difficulties! Successes!

Candy cake is a real chocolate bomb that fights on its taste and decoration. Such a treat does not require special storage conditions like cakes with cream and fruit, and in order to prepare it, it is enough to use scissors and glue.

To please a relaxed person with a sweet surprise in the form of a cake, it is not necessary to be a confectioner or to love the baking process. With the help of your own fantasy, a pair of grieving candy and girlfriend, spending some free time, you can create a real masterpiece - Cake Cake.

Of course, various materials can be used to create certain design elements, so the exemplary list is below what may be required during the work process:

  • dense cardboard;
  • styrofoam;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue pistol;
  • bilateral and ordinary tape;
  • pVA glue;
  • toothpicks or bamboo sticks;
  • color corrugated paper;
  • various candy.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to make the basis of the cake in the form of a round cylinder, the diameter and height of which will be equal to the diameter of the future cake. Such a frame can be glued from dense cardboard or cut out of foam. For smoother edges, the foam cylinder must be sanded with sandpaper. If it is planned to make a product from several tiers, then you need to make several cylinders;

As a foam base of the cake, you can purchase a fisherr in the store for confectioners, then the task will be much easier.

  1. Next, the foundation needs to be caught with color corrugated paper. The place of jacks around the cylinder circumference can be beautifully reeling with beautiful braid, beads or decorative cord. After that, on the side of the cylinder in a circle, candy is glued with the help of bilateral tape;
  2. Important stage making decoration for cake. Such decor can be sweet flowers from candies. They are made by all according to one principle: to a skeleton or toothpick adhere to a tape candy, the petals of corrugated paper cut out and also primed to the toothpick. Of several such colors, you can collect a composition for decorating the cake from above;
  3. When all the elements of the sweet design are ready, it remains only to connect tiers among themselves, attach the top decoration and give a sweet surprise of man-made beauty.Https: // V \u003d 34CaeipByZM

With the addition of juice

Cake from juice and candy will be remembered for children for a long time. It will be the center of attention at the orphanage, so it will not soon want to disassemble into separate sweets and eat. Such a cake can be round, like previous options, and can be made square.

List of essential materials and tools:

  • penoplex 1-2 cm thick;
  • cardboard square box;
  • corrugation;
  • scissors and glue;
  • juices in small rectangular packaging;
  • candy;
  • double-sided tape;
  • satin ribbons and additional decorative elements.

Master class in steps:

  1. From the fastener to carve a square substrate on which to install and fix the juices. Sing the substrate to reorganize the satin ribbon, the juices can also be tied up;
  2. Cardboard box Plug paper and candy and fix it on juices. It is not necessary to do this so that the angles coincide, it is possible to shift so that the angles of the upper tier "watched" on the sides of the lower;
  3. Take a form of a cake using artificial flowers, butterflies, toys, gates from tapes - those elements that will harmoniously look at the color scheme and stylistics.Https: // V \u003d udxjev_r79q

Gift for March 8

Mom, grandmother, sister or girlfriend on the holiday of the eighth of March you can please a delicious eight cake from candies

To make such a gift should be prepared:

  • penoplex or foam;
  • gofrobumaga "Floral" colors;
  • sucks or toothpicks;
  • green translucent packaging film;
  • glue;
  • narrow scotch;
  • candy sticks and round candies in a colorful wrapper.

Method to make a cake from candy on March 8:

  1. From foamflast (foam) to cut the eight by the Stationery knife. As a template, it is possible to circle a bit of twist two round plates of different diameters. Walk with shallow sandpaper on the edges, smoothding cuts;
  2. The lateral sides of the foam eight can be caught first corrugated paper, making a small scatter on the top of the numbers. Then stick candy sticks, half though and gluing tile tiles so that they are not visible;
  3. Each toothpick has a slightly pointed edge. To it to climb a scotch tape with a round candy, strengthened it for the tails. Gofrobumaga cut into strips with a width of 2.5 cm and 6-10 cm long (depending on the size of the candy). Each strip is twisted in the center and folded in half, stretching the middle slightly. Attach each candy for three such petals, and the spring crocus is ready;
  4. Piercing foam in the sharp end of the toothpick, fill the surface of the eight with flowers from candy. Green paper filter cut into squares, which folded several times diagonally and fasten AZ to the middle to the trimmed toothpick so that the corners turn out to be up. Such greenery leaves fill out the lumens between crocuses;
  5. Cake is almost ready, you can add only additional emphasis in it - an artificial butterfly, God's cow, beads, etc..Https: // V \u003d LQ54_RTCKNQ

Cake Candy and Chocolate

The cake of such a plan can be made by the main recipe for cake cake, using chocolates and candy for the decor, but there is another way to collect a cake from individual segments.

In this case, use:

  • color dense cardboard;
  • line;
  • stationery knife and scissors;
  • glue and double-sided tape;
  • corrugated paper;
  • candy and chocolates.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. From color dense cardboard on a template cut and collect hollow, opening cake segments;
  2. Inside each segment put candy, the side surfaces arrange with chocolates, and the top of each segment of the paper and / or sweets flower;
  3. Create segments together to make a cake, and you can call sweets on a delicious feast.

Sweet design with tea

Most sweet teeth love to drink sweets hot fragrant tea. Why in this case, do not please your favorite sweet casket with tea and candies.

For the manufacture of such a gift except desire and free time, you will need:

  • penoplex;
  • dense cardboard;
  • corrugated paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • acute knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • double-sided tape;
  • candy and individually packed in beautiful tea bags (Greenfield).


  1. From a piece of fasteners of a suitable height, cut and stabbing a ring, one and a half-centimeter width - it will be the base of the casket. Cardboard cut the bottom and casket cover - two circles of the corresponding diameter;
  2. The surface of all structural elements is punctured by corrugated paper selected color. Cardboard of the corrugation can be glued to double-sided adhesion, and to polyplex - only with the help of a glue pistol;
  3. Glue the bottom to the base. On the outer side of the sidewall caskets on bilateral scotch attaching tea bags, a little braziness on each other. Candy and paper reorganize the casket cover and attach it to the base. Inside the candy-tea gift can be put on candy and the same bags with tea.

For a man

Among the men sweet tooths are not less than among children and women combined, so each of them will delight the cake from sweets, special, if you add it to "male" elements, such as alcohol in small bottles (Jack Daniels, Finlandia, Jim Beam).

To make such a sweet gift, you will need:

  • round box (better tin) from under cookies;
  • a piece of polyplex from which you can cut a circle of a larger diameter than the box;
  • glue gun;
  • corrugation;
  • satin ribbon;
  • candy sticks.

How to make a candy cake with your own hands for a man:

  1. Out of the fastener cut round cylinder, in height equal to the biscuit box, but for several centimeters of larger diameter;
  2. Pnekleklex cylinder and the outside of the box to smoke paper, then stick candy on the sides, overlap both tiers of cake atlasal ribbon, which tie on a beautiful bow;
  3. Bear among themselves the tier of the inferno and the box. From above to the box put fruits, sweets and / or alcohol. Perhaps add some decorative elements, and the cake is ready. Httpps: // V \u003d b7pqarsrlra

Cake from candy in kindergarten

For such a treat in kindergarten, you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paper;
  • candy.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. From the cardboard, glue the bases of two or three tiers of the cake of various diameters, to reorganize them with colored paper. You can use both conventional colored paper and corrugated. Joints of the joints to close with such elements of the decor, like a braid or lace;
  2. To the sides of the design elements glue candies. Confectionery rectangular shapes in a beautiful wrapper are suitable. You can take one kind for all tiers or separate for everyone. On top of the rows of candy decorate a tape from a narrow lace or satin;
  3. Connect among themselves all tiers with glue. It is possible to grind the composition with a soft toy, flowers or a number equal to the number of years fulfilled by the birthday man.

If instead of candies in one of the tiers to attach to the sidewall, for example, small bottles with soap bubbles, then each of the guests will also receive a small presentation for memory.

Unusual "Masterpiece" in the shape of a heart

For Valentine's Day or, on another memorable occasion, a favorite or beloved can be pleased with an unusual gift in the form of a heart, to create which will be required:

  • dense cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • white and red corrugated paper;
  • candy "Raphaello" and Bar "Kinder";
  • additional elements for decor (beads, ribbons, flowers and other).

Priority of actions:

  1. From dense cardboard, cut two identical hearts. Around the perimeter of one of them, retreating 1.5-2 cm deep into the glove of the rectangular strip, the width of which is equal to the height of the "Kinder" bars;
  2. The resulting box and a separate heart can be saved from all sides corrugated paper (red outside and white inside);
  3. With the help of bilateral tape on the side of the box, glue the bars, and glue the cover in the form of a heart in several places with scotch inside so that it can be opened;

In the middle of the box, pour candy "Rafaello", and the top of the cake-box is made to your liking. In this case, the decoration of the cake can be made of a small soft toys, flowers from sweets, jewelry boxes, for example, a ring, if a man decided to make an offer of his hand and hearts in this way.

1. Street from the thermal insulation material even ring.

2. You will need two circles from cardboard. Cut one of them to diameter one centimeter more than a ring of fasteners. It will be a lid. Second Make an equal footing of the fastener.

3. Cover the paper strip, the length of which must correspond to the internal perimeter of the ring. The size of the colored coating in the width should be equal to the height of the ring plus its width and another centimeter (as the paper should be slightly beaten and on the outer side). Plug the blank of the fastener with a sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of paper.

4. Read what to continue to work Wait for the glue drying, then lubricate the rings and bend the paper so that it sticks.

5. Wait for drying and proceed the paper residue by wrapping it on the outer side of the ring.

6.Close the same paper cardboard circle, which is designed for the bottom. After drying, glue the bottom to the workpiece.

7. Cut the strip of paper to decorate the outside of the fastener. Measure the girth of the ring is just the necessary length length, and the height should be two centimeters more than the height of the billet-circle plus another centimeter for converting to the bottom. Place the paper outside and wrap the paper residue. Two centimeters Leave on top to make a flirty ruley.

8.Rece up on the bottom corrugated paper and override on its size.

9. Corobochka will be almost ready when you will lead to a proper view of its upper part (cover). Reduce the previously cut blank on both sides.

10.Grecy Ryush. You will need a strip of paper of another color, but slightly smaller than the diameter of the lid.

11. Sign in half the strip over the entire length and glue from the bottom of the cover.

12. Source a piece of ribbon, make a loop and glue it on the side of the cover. With its help and will open the "box with candy".

13. In the lower photo, it is shown how everything should turn out from the wrong side of the lid.

14. And this is how the billet for the cake should look at the side and above.

15. Preparation has been reorganized and it can be "facing" candy.

16. To finish the work, you will need two bilateral scotch bands, at their length equal to the girth of the box. Stick them on the side.

17. Therefore to attach candy on sticky tape, and then drag them with a fabric ribbon and tie it on a bow. Cover from "Cork" decorate with flowers and beads, and the cavity of the box fill in sweets. All is ready!

When going to present a gift to someone, we very often think about it to be an unusual, joyful and original. I always want to leave pleasant memories of an expensive person. Even if the event is not a grand, but a gift is just a symbolic, manifesting a creative approach, you can deliver particularly bright and memorable impressions.

What do you think most often? Of course candies. Beautiful box is definitely nice, but quite trite. But running his fantasy in flight and putting a little effort, it is possible to present it with a special sophistication. How to circumvent generally accepted stereotypes? Here will help the original idea, such as a cake made of sweets made by your own hands. With the help of your favorite sweets, you can create a simple and completely unique gift that will be necessarily appreciated.

Sweet gift "Macs in chocolate"

Special skills and skills will not need. The manufacturing process is pretty simple even for beginners. The main thing is the desire and a bit of effort. After the first independently made cake, you can easily make more complex compositions.


  • a piece of foam or any other dense material;
  • corrugated paper of various colors and shades;
  • pVA glue (you can take a hot pistol);
  • scotch bilateral;
  • candy (absolutely any to your taste and color).

So, if everything you need at hand can be started.

1. From the foam cutting the round base of the required diameter. It is not forbidden to use any other tight material, or make the basis of cardboard, or take ready, for example, a biscuit box. As for the form of the product, there are also no restrictions - round, square, oval and even triangular if you wish.

The resulting workpiece is covered with paper with glue. Paper color choose depending on the tone of the candy labels. Instead of paper, you can also take a color foil. After the past, we leave our future cake to dry for several hours.

2. So far, the basis will dry, you can train the sickness. So that the cake looked more accurately, the tips on the wraps of candy on both sides tightly tighten. They should not be visible.

Then you can proceed to gluing. To do this, take double-sided adhesion and stick it to the side surface of the base. We will be attached to him with our candies.

Protective paper from bilateral adhesive can not be removed not all right away, but as the sickness glues. So we avoid the sticking of unnecessary garbage and the adhesive basis will not dry. To make a cake to be smooth and beautiful, confectionery needs to be tightly placed to each other. We perform everything diligently.

3. Now go to decoration. Fantasy and ingenuity is also welcome here. You can use various decorative elements: paper or fabric flowers, figures, soft toys, etc. Do not forget about the event you are going to congratulate, and choose decorations with the appropriate motive.

For example, for congratulations to school teachers, you can use in addition to the colors of school attributes: handles, rules, a small notebook or something like that. Do not be afraid to invent, originality is always welcome.

4. Well, in our case, it turned out such beauty. We hope that the one who receives a gift to this kind will appreciate the efforts and originality.

Consider another option: for the birth of a child. In addition to unusual design, our cake will be also with a surprise that will necessarily cause delight in the young birthday man.

Kindder Surprise with a Secret

The birthday of a child is always a wonderful and magical holiday for any family. The little culprits of the celebration receive many different gifts, including, of course, and sweets. You can make a delicacy very peculiar. Children love all unusual, so our idea will be appropriate.

It will take the following to work:

  • kinder chocolate (the number of chocolate depends on the desired size of the cake);
  • kinder surprises or other candy for filling the box (quantity also depending on the size);
  • dense cardboard for the manufacture of the base (you can use a ready-made round box, for example, from "raffaello");
  • dense paper;
  • pVA glue or hot gun;
  • scissors;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • little fine elastic;
  • lace, satin ribbon, rhinestones, bow and other decoration decor;
  • threads and needle;
  • children's box for jewelry (you can use any other toy).

Now you can start.

1. First, lay out all the kinder chocolates in one line to determine what diameter is the future cake. Apply dense paper to chocolate. On both sides, we add a centimeter on both sides: so then you can glue the box. Meze the height of the chocolate and draw a rectangle. With one of the sides, we draw arbitrary teeth and gently cut everything.

2. The cloves on our triangle bend inside, and the rectangle glue. It turned out a round detail - the basis for the future box. We measure the diameter of the obtained billet. From the cardboard cut the circle. This is the bottom of the cake. The diameter of the circle should be made by a pair of centimeters more than the desired diameter. This is necessary in order for the chocolaners to rely on. Otherwise, they can pop up.

4. Now you wear a thin rubber on the workpiece. It takes it not to tightly, so that candy stops under it. Then begin to place our chocolates under the gum close to each other. When all the calms are in place, you need to make sure that they are tightly pressed with a rubber band. If the design is weak, the rubber band should be tightened. Otherwise, the chocolates can simply fall out either begin to fall over the side - it looks not very attractive.

5. It remains to make a lid for a box-cake. From the cardboard cut the circle. Circle diameter make a little more, so that the lid can put on the box. From thick paper, we make a blank with a tooth, similar to the first part. Her height should be no more centimeter. We glue the cloves to the cardboard circle. The cover is practically ready.

6. We start decoking the top of the product. From above, the lid can be decorated with bows, rhinestones, ribbons, flowers, etc. You can accommodate even decorative candles. In general, it all depends on your imagination and resourcefulness. In this example, the product is decorated with pink lace. In the center of the lid set a box in the shape of a bunny. It has a main gift for a little girl - beautiful earrings. Bunny is attached to the lid with several stitches. You can attach it with the help of glue.

7. The box itself can be filled with candy, kinder surprises or something else that your fantasy will tell you. Inside, you can put a gift itself, if it is not very large.

8. Now we close the box with a sweet surprise. To decorate a rubber, which is inserted inserted a chocolate chocolates, we say around the cake of a satin ribbon. Tie a beautiful bow and decorate it with a butterfly. In several places stick lollipops. Sweet surprise ready!

In a similar way, you can get a product of any size, and put everything in the inside anything. Such a gift will definitely like not only a child, but also an adult. In general, things made and decorated with their own hands always carry the charge of positive emotions and are remembered for a long time. After all, the soul is invested in them, and they carry the warmth of your hands. Create, invent, fantasize and delight your loved ones.