The influence of modern fashion on the health of adolescents. The impact of fashion trends on human health Youth fashion and its impact on health

MOU "Aksenovskaya Secondary School".

Research work.

On the topic: "The influence of fashion trends on health."

Did the job

Yulia Viktorova

8th grade student

Teacher: Elena Dolzhenkova



1. Introduction…………………………………………………P. 1

2. General information about the tattoo…………………………….Page 3

2.1 The impact of tattoos on health ………………………..Page 4

2.2 General information about piercing ……………………………..Pg. 5

2.3 Impact of piercing on health. …………………………Pg. 6

2.4 The influence of clothing on health…………………………….Pg. 7

2.5 The impact of high heels on health………………...Pg. 8

3 Research work.

The influence of fashion trends on health…………………..Page 9

4 Conclusion……………………………………………….Page 10

5 Appendix No. 1…………………………………………... Page 11

6 Appendix No. 2…………………………………………..Page 12

7 Annex No. 3……………………………………………...P.13

I Introduction.

Young people are simply obsessed with fashion. Girls and boys are ready to endure any inconvenience, just to "be on top" in the society of their peers. Modern media impose fashion trends that have a negative impact on health in many ways. The fashion trend is captured by the younger generation, who want to imitate their idols and leaders in everything.

Many young people, getting tattoos, piercings, wearing high heels, do not think about what all this can lead to. Parents are very concerned about the health of their children. Thus, I believe that this topic "The influence of fashion trends on human health" is an urgent problem of the modern world.

The purpose of the study: to identify health problems that are indirectly or directly related to fashion.

Research objectives:

1. To study the literature on the topic: "The impact of fashion trends on health"

2. Conduct a survey of students of the municipal educational institution "Aksenovskaya secondary school"

3. Find out the impact of fashion on health

Methods: - theoretical - the study of popular science literature.

Analytical - analysis of research material.

Testing - conducting test tasks.

2. General information about the Tattoo

Drawing on the body of drawings made in one or more colors - a tattoo - has become widespread among young people. A tattoo is the introduction of non-removable, indelible pigments into the skin in order to create a text or image on the body.

The history of the tattoo has 60 thousand years, it was applied in ancient Egypt. The mummies found were 4 thousand years old, but the drawings on them are distinguishable. In primitive society, ancient people depicted drawings on their bodies indicating belonging to a tribe, clan, social status and supposedly possessing magical powers. The so-called "transitional rites" were associated with the tattoo: the initiation of young men into men, relocation to the afterlife. Tattoos were endowed with the magical properties of protecting warriors in battle, protecting the elderly from disease, etc. The patterns of men were a constant war color, an indicator of valor and militancy. From women's tattoos, it was possible to find out if a woman was married and how many children she had.

In some cases, getting a tattoo was considered a punishment. In Japan, criminals wore the hieroglyph INU, meaning “dog,” on their foreheads. During the First World War, deserters were labeled with the letter D, and in Germany they knocked out numbers for victims of concentration camps.

With the spread of Christianity, the custom of tattooing almost died out. In the 19th century the tattoo was the privilege of sailors, miners, foundry workers, who used it as a symbol of brotherhood, solidarity, loyalty to traditions. Early 20th century was marked by a great surge in fashion for tattoos, even aristocrats were fond of her. By the middle of the century, this fashion trend is almost completely forgotten.

In modern society, a tattoo is becoming part of the global beauty industry, an attribute of youth fashion. The tattoo hasn't had the bad reputation it had in the past for a long time. Nevertheless, a person should think carefully and decide for himself whether he needs it, because the image applied to the body will remain with him for life. Tastes and preferences change quickly, fashion passes, so do not rush to decorate yourself with a tattoo. It is difficult to remove it, although modern science has developed laser removal methods, but even their use does not always allow this to be done.

2.2. The impact of tattoos on human health.

Henna tattoos, which have become especially popular recently, are extremely dangerous. And not the henna itself, but the paint in which it is included. The dye contains a very strong allergen, and in many people can cause lifelong allergies to sunscreen, painkillers, as well as clothing and eye shadow containing the same dye. There were cases when seemingly healthy teenagers developed bronchial asthma after tattooing. In addition, paint particles enter the lymphatic vessels, and through them - into the lymph nodes, which become like a storm sewer clogged with mud and cease to perform their protective immunological function.

Removing a tattoo will not bring relief, because the paint particles that have got into the lymph nodes have time to do their dirty work. As a result of a decrease in immunity, herpes, pustular skin diseases occur, a virus is activated that causes the appearance of papillomas. Cystitis, kidney disease may appear.

When applying a tattoo, handicraftsmen are likely to get hepatitis and HIV infection. The fact that someone goes from head to toe in tattoos - "and nothing" (a typical argument of teenagers) - is not a reason for reassurance. First, it is not known how “nothing” they are. Secondly, all people are different - some are stronger, others are weaker. No one knows where his weak spot is.

2.3 General information about piercing

Piercing - piercing various parts of the body.

Now you will not surprise anyone with a pierced navel or lip. In fact, it has a thousand-year history. In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs and their families inserted golden piers inlaid with precious stones into a pierced navel or ear - a sign of wealth and power. In India, women pierced the wing of their nose after marriage, and men pierced their tongue as a sign of a vow to remain silent.

In the Middle Ages, piercing met with fierce resistance from the church. Even women stopped wearing earrings. Tongue piercing was used only as a punishment for perjury. For many years in Europe, a negative attitude towards body piercing persisted. He was considered a sign of renegades who had no place in a decent society. The piercing was used to "stigmatize" those who did not deserve respect and trust: gypsies, criminals, enemies of Christian morality.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, piercing regained popularity. The French introduced the fashion for it, and the European aristocracy again began to adorn themselves with diamond earrings.

A global youth piercing epidemic broke out at the end of the 20th century and spread everywhere. Musical culture played a major role in this. Many singers, trying to stand out and emphasize their individuality, made piers. Hundreds of thousands of fans followed the example of their idols.

2.4. Impact of piercing on health.

Piercing is dangerous infectious inflammation at the puncture site, bleeding. The tearing out of the earring and the formation of large scars and scars are quite common phenomena. Punching the eyebrow, you can damage the facial nerve, and the face will be distorted by a spasm. An earring in the tongue can cause its partial numbness. There have been cases when a tongue piercing caused a brain abscess - a localized purulent formation. This inflammation is caused by a common bacterium that lives in the oral cavity of every person. It is impossible to completely sterilize the oral cavity, and when piercing the tongue, the threat of infection always exists. A ring in the lip or tongue can injure the gums and cause crushing and decay of teeth, excessive saliva production, involuntary leakage from the mouth, impaired speech, difficulty chewing and swallowing food, accumulation of bacteria and bad breath, even if the piercer uses sterile instruments. In addition, two large vessels pass under the tongue, and if they are touched, a large blood loss is inevitable. In addition, if the “imposter piercer” does not guess with the puncture site, the tongue muscle may be damaged.

Insertion of a "tunnel" is a procedure in which a hole with a diameter of a few millimeters is created in the earlobe. If in the future a person wants to remove it, then the ear will be mutilated. "Tunnel" is the only type of piercing that leaves a mark for life.

But all this is not the worst. So, as if the sterilization technology is broken, then, "innocent" piercing can lead to a fatal disease. Such as AIDS, hepatitis B and C, blood poisoning, etc.

In addition, piercing is contraindicated for people with blood disease, skin diseases, diabetes, people with slow wound healing.

2.5. The effect of clothing on health.

Many girls believe that cold weather is not a hindrance to look attractive and go out in short jackets and trousers or skirts with a low waist. Even knowing that this can lead to very serious consequences - these are various inflammations! The cause of inflammation can be thin linen, hypothermia of the legs, sitting on cold benches or even worse stones and clothes blown by an icy wind. Open tops or very short jackets can cause kidney disease.

Also, with spasm of the lumbar muscles, the load on the intervertebral discs is not uniform, which leads to impaired blood supply, reduced flexibility and reduced motor activity of the spine - scoliosis and kyphosis.

2.6. High heels

The first heels appeared among eastern riders in the 12th century, but it was generally difficult to call them heels. These were some kind of blotches that served a very practical purpose: men nailed them to their shoes so that the foot would hold firmly in the stirrup when jumping. But who and when invented the real heel is not exactly known, but it is generally accepted that this happened in the 17th century in Spain with the light hand of craftsmen from the city of Cordoba.
They developed the structure and design of the heel, the main forms of which were beveled inward and "French" - with a "waist" in the middle. In the Rococo era, the heel moved closer to the center of the shoe, thereby, as it were, reducing the leg. Over time, the shape of the heel underwent various changes: from high heels-glasses to wide square ones, which were invented specifically for girls who danced the twist.
And finally, in 1950, the Italian fashion designer Salvatore Ferragamo invented the famous hairpin: he proposed a long steel stiletto rod as a support for the heel.

2.7. Health effects of heels.

When a girl stands on a high heel, her center of gravity shifts and because of this, pressure on the spine increases. This pressure is wrong, so long walking in heels often leads to displacement of the pelvis and vertebrae, inflammation of the digestive system and pelvic organs, curvature of the spine, and osteochondrosis. In addition, when walking in high heels, the fulcrum changes: you walk almost on your toes. Because of this, the calcaneal tendon is hardly used when walking and can atrophy, which leads to limited movement of the ankle joint and muscle deformity.

In addition, walking in high heels is quite traumatic. Often, lovers of stilettos have a dislocation of the leg. The heel will fall into a small hole on the pavement and dislocate the foot - the least that can happen to you. Very often, such lovers have fractures in winter, because there is no stability and support, such boots are very slippery.

3. Research on the influence of fashion trends in the Aksenovskaya secondary school.

For practical work, we chose grades 7-11

Methodology: questioning. The guys were asked to answer 10 questions (see Appendix 3). 19 people took part in the survey

1. How do you feel about tattoos and piercings? (Positively answered - 16 people.)

2. Do you have a tattoo? (Positive answer - 0.)

3. Do you have piercings? (Positive answer - 0)

4. Would you like to have them in the future? (Positive answer - 15)

5. Will you get pierced or tattooed when you turn 18? (Positive answer - 15 people.)

6. Do you know the history of piercings and tattoos? (Positive answer - 3 people.)

7. Would you be interested in their history? (Positive answer - 12.)

8. Do you think that this hobby can be dangerous? (Positive answer - 19)

9. Do you buy trousers, low-waisted skirts or meek jackets for the cold season? (Positive answer - 14)

10. When buying winter shoes, do you choose high or low heels? (Positively answered - 9.)

Analysis of the study showed that most of the students chose positive answers, and almost everyone knew about the harmful effects on the body. This means that students are more than positive about fashion trends.

4. Conclusion.

Fashion is a way of life in this historical moment. It concerns every person and all aspects of his life - from the shape of the heel to literature, from the scent of perfume to architecture. But we must not forget that not everything that is fashionable is good for health. Some fashion-driven hobbies can be harmful and life-threatening, and some can leave permanent injuries.

It inspires optimism that health care, passion for exercise equipment, etc. has become fashionable lately. And this is thanks to various television programs. Especially with the participation of the check-in.

I would like to wish the guys that they would choose the fashion that did not harm their health.

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fashion and health

Fashion has entered people's lives since time immemorial. Fashion brings variety, gives us the opportunity to change our appearance, make it more attractive. The saying goes: "Tastes could not be discussed". Nevertheless, discussions about fashion are going on among artists, fashion designers, art critics, and sociologists. And for some time now, doctors have also started talking about fashion, in cases where this “windy person” conflicts with the requirements of hygiene and even damages health.

Fashion and health are inextricably linked with each other, depend on each other. No wonder there is a proverb: "There is no finer dress in the world than the bronze of the muscles and the freshness of the skin." Unreasonable adherence to fashion can cause diseases, and serious ones. Clothing should not only be fashionable, decorate us, emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws, but also fulfill its intended purpose - to protect from cold, rain, sun, dust and dirt. Clothing should not constrain, interfere with blood circulation, breathing. Unfortunately, we don't always remember this.

Regardless of what fashion reigned, people who are slender, with good posture, fresh skin have always been considered attractive. In other words, hygienists are for fashion and beauty, which cannot be without health. And health will never go out of fashion.

Every woman wants to look fashionable, stylish, unique, however, sometimes they forget that strictly following fashion trends or adhering to a certain style, you can forever lose the most precious thing - health. And no need to be surprised - fashion and health are closely intertwined and interact with each other. Doctors strongly advise, if you have any doubts about what to choose - fashion or health - you should opt for health after all. Believe me, fashion comes and goes, but health can be easily lost and very difficult to return.

The word "fashion" has a Latin origin "modus", which translates as "measure, method, rule." This meaning continues to this day. The concept of "fashion" is associated with the idea of ​​beauty, which mankind has been striving for for many centuries. This desire is inherent in people of all age, national, professional groups. But the idea of ​​beauty is not the same not only among different peoples and times, but among different generations of the same time. In this regard, there is no absolute standard of beauty.

Nature endows a person only with his inherent features. These innate properties can be improved by your own work: to improve the shape of the body, to make the gait light, the movements graceful, the appearance elegant. This is health work. Imitating your "beauty star" without taking into account natural data often turns into the opposite, both in appearance and its effect on health. In this aspect, fashion for beauty has a negative meaning.

The word "fashion" in relation to various aspects of human life: clothing, makeup, behavior in society, construction, interiors of various premises, brands of cars, etc. The original meaning of fashion was related to clothing. We put on a suit and it becomes part of ourselves. People around us perceive us along with clothes. As the French couturier Pierre Cardin put it: "Fashion- it is a way of expression, it is a reflection of the individual qualities of an individual in social and moral aspects". By the cut, tailoring of a suit, one can determine the time (epoch or certain historical milestones), a person’s profession, social status, character traits (modesty, virtue, etc.).

The French sociologist of the last century Gabriel Tarde wrote: “Fashion, although fleeting, manages to fix certain moments of the social process.” Continuing this idea, the Italian writer A. Moravia considers fashion from the point of view of aesthetics: "Fashion- it is a story that cannot be debated, argued about, cannot be denied. Indeed, peoples who have no history do without clothes.”

Nowadays, fashion keeps pace with scientific and technological progress. The new attracts attention, is tested by life and time, and adjusted accordingly. The promotion of various fashion trends pursuing commercial interests should not adversely affect health. Blind imitation of fashion can be harmful

Fashion- these are periodic changes in certain forms of any sphere of human existence: art, speech, clothing, command, etc. Despite their imperious, vivid expression, such changes are short-lived, because they are associated with an inexorable thirst for novelty, a person's craving for diversity. If style expresses the desire for the eternal, then fashion expresses a beautiful moment. Changes in fashion are marked by rhythm, like the breath of life itself. Fashionable outfits can be influenced by the artistic trend, and the whims of individual charismatic dandies, and political events, nostalgia for the past, and reflection of the fashion for human health.

There are several versions of what were the motives for the emergence of fashion. One of the versions is climatic and the first to appear was clothing necessary to protect the human body from cold and heat, while maintaining health. Another version is moral, which says that people have become embarrassed by nudity. Supporters of the third version - social - these are the first items put on by a person on the head, body, limbs were, in fact, a costume designed to demonstrate the status of the owner, to highlight the leader, sorcerer, girl or old man. So what is the root cause that made a person dress up. Most likely - this is a passionate desire to change their natural appearance. To change oneself, by all means - this is the initial impetus for the emergence of clothes, costumes, hairstyles, regardless of the health benefits.

Adam and Eve became the first victims of fashion and sewed a girdle from the leaves. Adam's descendants, having received their body and skin as their first clothing, invented more and more new types of "second skin".

Fashion in the modern sense - as a frequent change in the types and styles of clothing was the brainchild of the Renaissance. Since the 15th century, this area of ​​mass application of the creative forces of fashionistas, artists, tailors. It embodied a thirst for the destruction of the familiar, traditional and the search for a new, unknown, sometimes aggravating health. It was hard for fashionistas in the 19th century, for some Turgenev girls. Fashion requirements were as strict as military regulations. One of the fashion attributes of that time was the corset. This design of metal plates and whalebone tightly tightened the waist, sides and chest. The young ladies sometimes did not have breakfast and did not dine in order to fasten the corset tighter. The corset tightened the chest and made it difficult to breathe freely. And hence all sorts of illnesses, and weakness, and fainting spells, into which nervous ladies now and then fell. And also consumption, which mowed down the Turgenev girls. Therefore, doctors have repeatedly objected to such violence against the female body. Subsequently, corsets replaced petticoats, which were made of a hard material - horsehair, to better hold the shape of the dress. Further, horsehair in skirts was replaced with crinoline - it consisted of thin metal strips hemmed to the fabric. Here is such a uniform - a circle, worn by women and girls. Ladies got very tired at balls and during visits.

Hats, bulky wigs disrupted cerebral circulation, caused headaches and dizziness.

The omnipotence of fashion of the 20th century turned into the fact that in pursuit of it, a person, having tried on all the masks and outfits, found himself genuine, eternal and undying, only temporarily immersed in the illusion of the world with all its seductive divine beauty. Synthetic fabrics have become the most fashionable novelty of the decade. Doctors have proven that the use of synthetic materials is much more dangerous for humans. Than corsets and criolin skirts. The fashion of the 50s and 60s turned to the young. The youth of the post-war generation already appreciated practicality in clothes and was looking for an opportunity for self-expression. It is generally accepted that the style of the 1950s was the most elegant and charming in the history of the twentieth century. The ideal housewife and with a vacuum cleaner in her hands had to look perfect early in the morning - with full make-up, high heels, hair styled hair to hair. A small round hat was obligatory, coquettishly shifted over the eyes, which in winter was replaced by a “meningitis” - a small hat that covered only the back of the head. In the 1950s, dresses with a rigid frame were worn; they weighed from 4 to 20 kg. For men, very tight trousers came into fashion - pipes, which were dressed “with soap”, and nylon shirts. But this style of fashion did not take root, as health suffered from it.

The universal style of the 90s is rather not a style, but a new approach to clothing, a new principle for creating a costume and image. The basis of the wardrobe is not very expensive clothes, the quality of which, thanks to new technologies, has increased significantly compared to the past decade. There is a kind of unisex uniform that has spread all over the world and in all social strata: jeans, a T-shirt, loose trousers, a sweater and comfortable shoes - flat shoes or sneakers. Since ancient Greece, body culture has not received as much attention as in the 90s: beauty parlors and aesthetic surgery have been added to the numerous sports clubs that arose back in the 80s.

Sometimes, blindly following fashion and striving to become more feminine and sexy, we harm our health. To find a compromise is not only to preserve health, but also to protect oneself from the grumblings of elders. They know well what is useful and what is not. But for some reason they forget that at one time they also liked what was fashionable and erotic, but not always good for health. So, what fashionable topics are most often discussed?

I want to lose weight!

In order to have a slim figure, some girls try to eat as little as possible, not getting the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microorganisms for the growing body. As a result, the metabolism, the activity of all organs and systems is disturbed.

Almost a craze for diets, weight loss has become a fashion that cripple the health of many. Teas for weight loss, body shaping preparations, separate meals, do not eat after 18, wrapping, coding ... what they haven’t come up with yet, but they haven’t made anyone happy and healthy. A person feels happy when he gets what he wants. Imagine yourself feeling when you are constantly feeling hungry, you are beckoned by windows with muffins, delicious sweets, and you are forced to give up all this. Sound familiar? Is it possible to have a good mood at the same time? Note that skinny saleswomen are always less friendly than full ones. Although there are exceptions.

Eternally dissatisfied expression, suffering look, bruising under the eyes do not add charm to the girl. So is it worth making radical sacrifices for the sake of some extra grams in the waist or on the hips, if this does not make you more beautiful and happier? We must not forget that men are not at all enthusiastic about thin girls with model parameters. And for a serious relationship, most men will prefer a woman with more significant virtues of character, and not the one whose main problem in life and whose task is not to gain extra pounds. What to do? How to find a compromise? Do not chase the parameters of the beauties from the podium. You don't have to look up to your friend. You have to listen to your body. And it’s better to reduce portions of food whenever possible than to completely abandon everything “delicious”. Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, sometimes allowing yourself small weaknesses.

The diet of schoolchildren aged 14-17 should consist of meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, fruits. It will help to be slim and healthy physical education and sports, water procedures.


Now in fashion are heels of various lengths and shapes, which can be the most bizarre: expanding downward, columnar, wedge-shaped or stiletto. People are accustomed to this attribute of women's clothing, but what do they know about the history of high heels? From the very beginning, the appearance of heels could be caused by two main reasons: aesthetic goals (increasing the height of the wearer of heels), practical needs dictated by certain goals for using heels in everyday life.

The first mention of shoes on a "stand" - the prototype of the modern platform - we find in ancient Greece, where it was used by theater actors to visually increase their height. Platform use then spread to China and Japan, where the wearing of such shoes replaced the practice of swaddling women's feet in order to stop their feet from growing.

The next period of time when we see the adoption of the practice of wearing shoes with heels dates back to the 15th and 16th centuries. This age of the Renaissance was characterized by an accentuated aspiration upward, symbolizing the elevation of man above reality. This desire is well manifested in the fashion for shoes. So, shoes - chopine, which were like sandals on a platform made of wood or cork, became widespread. The height of the heels of such "sandals" was from 14 to 60 cm, which is similar to stilts, and the question arises of how women kept their balance. In the 17th century, during the Baroque era, the image of the modern heel was born from such sandals. However, at first it was still a platform with a cutout under the arch of the foot in the form of an arch. Of course, speaking about the origin of fashion for heels, one cannot fail to mention such a very recent invention, which, nevertheless, revolutionized the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe aesthetic properties of shoes - the invention of stiletto heels. It happened in the 50s of the twentieth century, in France. Stiletto heels came in handy as never before. And very soon, almost all the stars flaunted them, setting an example for the rest of the women on the planet. Now, just like many years ago, women wear heels to stand out from the crowd, to emphasize their fragility and grace.

Effects on the body of shoes with heels:

Doctors say that the frequent wearing of high heels negatively affects the female body.

1 . St ops and fingers . According to medical statistics, for every man suffering from flat feet, there are ten women with a similar problem. Due to the shift in the center of gravity, the load on the forefoot increases by 5-6 times. Calluses (thick hard calluses that are difficult to get rid of) form on the sole and on the bone at the base of the big toe, pain under the heads of the metatarsal bones and static transverse flatfoot that develops over time.

2 . Co. flank joints and calf muscles . In shoes with high heels, the natural distribution of the load on the muscles of the legs is disturbed. Payback - deformation of the calf muscle and shortening of the Achilles tendon. The last pathological change leads to the fact that the transition from high heels to low heels causes severe pain when the Achilles tendon is stretched. As a result, a woman cannot change into house slippers and is forced to wear high heels all the time. In addition, the redistribution of muscle work leads to an increase in the load on the knee joint, which eventually turns into arthritis. Plus, swelling, spider veins are symptoms of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

3 . By spine . In order for the body to maintain balance in heels, the spine has to bend unnaturally in the lumbar region all the time (otherwise the woman would fall to the floor due to a shift in the center of gravity). This leads to an uneven load on the anterior and posterior edges of the intervertebral discs, and sooner or later women end up in the office of a neurologist complaining of back pain.

4 . Vn morning organs . When a girl is constantly in high heels, the position of all her internal organs changes, which undoubtedly affects their work in a not the best way.

5 . Go brain . Memory deterioration and slowing down of thought processes are the result of walking in high heels. Deterioration of blood flow to the head leads to constant migraines. The only way to protect yourself is to choose shoes with high heels only in extreme, most special cases. And the rest of the time to spend at a height of up to 5 centimeters - not so spectacular, but safe

In recent decades, shoes of the "sneaker" type have been fashionable, which are used for everyday wear. Sneakers - sports shoes. They have a soft flat sole without a heel, which, in combination with a hard back, adversely affects the muscles of the lower leg, contributing to an abnormal relaxation of the muscles of the whole body, which in turn can cause postural problems. Most running shoes are made from synthetic materials, which are stronger than leather but less hygienic. Due to the low vapor and moisture permeability, feet and sneakers sweat in hot weather and indoors, which contributes to fungal infections of the foot. Therefore, sneakers should only be used for physical education.

bare belly

In ancient times, women were pulled into a corset to make the waist as small as possible. Today, girls starve themselves to show others their waist. Many find it erotic. But the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev speaks indignantly about bare navels. And doctors advise to be prudent. Jeans and skirts, sitting well below the waist line, expose the kidney area as well. And cold kidneys remain grief and suffering for life. Chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis are long and difficult to treat, and in the future, when you become pregnant, serious problems may arise.

If you can't refuse this kind of clothing, try to wear it only in warm weather. And let you always have a thin sweater or blouse with you, which you can wear if it gets colder or you return home late. No matter how fashion changes, whatever fashion designers come up with, we must remember that only a healthy, well-groomed and happy woman looks feminine and erotic.

Mini skirts

A real discovery in the 20th century was the appearance of a miniskirt, with the accession of which a real cult of long legs is established. The miniskirt created a truly new ideal and provided new opportunities for women. And what about health? Under the influence of systematic hypothermia, women develop circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs, inflammatory diseases of the uterus, ovaries, bladder occur, and disorders appear. menstrual cycle. Irrational clothing (thin stockings, light shoes combined with short clothing) in the cold season leads to impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities, bluish-red seals appear on the skin of the lower leg. This disease is called symmetrical erythrocyanosis.


The rejection of a headdress in the cold season (even in winter) also brings its sad results. At an air temperature of -10°C, body heat losses increase by 17%, and with an open neck in such conditions - up to 27%. Cooling the head leads to a violation of the blood circulation of the scalp, atrophy of the hair follicles, hair loss and early baldness. Often inflammation of the facial nerve, frontal and paranasal sinuses develops.


Another fashion trend is sunglasses. Such glasses have plastic filters of green, purple, pink, blue colors. However, many colors do not protect from the sun, but on the contrary, cause a blinding effect and eye fatigue. Not very transparent and rough plastic requires a strong strain on the organs of vision. Glasses with colored filters block up to 50% of the light, which causes pain in the eyes and headaches. People with normal vision are advised not to wear sunglasses indoors and on cloudy days. Now they produce photochromic glasses that darken from the sun's rays, and become transparent again in the shade.


Nowadays, trousers have become a universal subject of both men's and women's toilets. The "Jeans period" showed that a combination of fashion and practicality is possible. It all started with the fact that Levi Strauss, an immigrant from Bavaria, settled in California and opened a workshop for tailoring pants for miners and gold miners. In 1853, his factory began to produce overalls from brown fabric intended for awnings and tents. The fabric was delivered from the Italian city of Genoa, so the Genes stamp flaunted on the bales. However, the Americans read this name in their own way, and even then this fabric, which bears little resemblance to modern jeans, was called “jeans”. The blue color of jeans, traditional for us, appeared by chance. The stocks of tent tarpaulins that had suddenly run out were replenished with thick blue twill made in the French city of Nimes. De Nimes means "from Nimes": this is how the name of the blue denim "denim" was born. However, the new fabric could not withstand the weight of gold nuggets and mining tools, and then, so that the pockets would not tear, they were secured with metal rivets. So in 1873, the original riveted jeans appeared - trousers made of strong fabric and with metal rivets, ideal for farmers, cowboys and other representatives of the American working class. The clothes turned out to be so comfortable and practical that by the middle of the 20th century, jeans were worn by all middle-class Americans. Around the same time, women won the right to walk in pants, and jeans became unisex clothing. And with the hippie era, as a sign of universal freedom, jackets, skirts, dresses and sundresses began to be sewn from denim, and the jeans themselves were transformed from ordinary pants into a fashionable wardrobe item, decorated with ribbons, embroidery and stylish wear.

Since then, denim has taken its irreplaceable place in the life of Americans. Over time, jeans moved to Europe, and during Perestroika they also appeared in the USSR. With difficulty, but very persistently, Soviet youth won the right to wear "bourgeois" clothes, which at that time was impossible to get in our country, and those rare lucky ones who brought jeans from abroad enjoyed the fame of successful fashionistas. But less than a decade later, in Russia, jeanswear became casual and affordable. Note that high fashion designers also could not bypass jeans. And although for a long time denim pants were considered the lot of only the middle class, now all the best designers certainly produce collections of fashionable denim clothing, the most popular and affordable of which are skinny jeans with a low waist.

Contraindications for wearing low-waisted tight jeans:

1. Jeans that are too tight interfere with normal blood circulation, especially in the pelvic area (and, accordingly, the genitals). The consequences are obvious: circulatory disorders and edema.

2. Skinny jeans compress the nerve endings, which can cause unpleasant pain, such as tingling and burning in the legs. Studies have shown that changing from tight jeans to wider ones completely eliminates these symptoms.

3. Rubbing. And, as you know, rubbed places are a gateway for microbes and pathogens of various diseases. For example, under such conditions, the probability of activation of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (thrush pathogens) increases 15 times!

4. Violation of heat transfer also does not contribute to the preservation of healthy microflora.

5. Wearing tight jeans (especially with a high percentage of synthetic fibers) causes a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the skin, muscle bone tissue, which leads to failures in their regeneration. And in combination with a violation of the surface microcirculation of blood, a slowdown in the inflow and outflow of blood and lymph, fats in the subcutaneous layers break down more slowly, the cells hardly breathe, which can lead to the appearance of cellulite.

6. Pressure on the internal organs can adversely affect reproductive function. Already at 12-15 degrees Celsius, hypothermia of internal organs occurs, which can lead to pyelonephritis, cystitis, sciatica and inflammation of the appendages, and this can lead to impaired reproductive function.


Piercing is one of the most fashionable trends today in decorating your beloved face and body. The word "Piercing" comes from the English pierce - to pierce, to drill. Strictly speaking, piercing refers to the insertion of objects into holes made for this purpose on the face or body.

The art of piercing is extremely ancient. In times far from us, this procedure was more common among the strong half of humanity, as it often spoke of belonging to a tribe or rank, and served to demonstrate power and masculinity. Currently, piercing performs decorating, erotic and other functions.

Earrings appeared precisely as a male adornment. Earrings for men were already made in Ancient Asia 7 thousand years ago. For the ancient Egyptians and Assyrians, the earring symbolized a high position in society. An earring in ancient Rome denounced a slave. The ancient Greeks, who wore earrings, earned their living by prostitution. Caesar's centurions wore nipple rings as a sign of bravery. Rich Greek women and wealthy Roman women wore pearl earrings with pleasure, demonstrating to others their wealth and high position.

Septum piercing (nasal septum piercing) was common among militant cultures. For Septum piercing, animal fangs were used (spread by Irian Jaya), sometimes jewelry was made from the leg bone of a dead enemy. The larger the fangs, bones or other decorations are inserted, the angrier and more terrible the expression on the warrior's face.

Lip piercing is widely used throughout the world, however, only two tribes make lip piercings with insertion of a ring: the Dogon tribe of Mali and the Nuba tribe of Ethiopia. In all other cases, special lip earrings made of wood, ivory, metal, and quartz crystals were used for lip piercings. Tongue piercing existed as a ritual among the ancient Aztecs of Central America and some tribes of the Northwest. Shamans pierced the tongue during rituals to achieve a certain change in consciousness and connection with the gods, and the blood was used to calm the gods.

Health Hazard:

Are there health risks in piercings? Many experts agree that piercing is dangerous, even if it is done in a special salon, since piercers, as a rule, are not very versed in human anatomy and medicine, except for how to treat the surface after a puncture. But with the wrong puncture, you can damage large blood vessels and cause severe bleeding, and hitting a nerve can cause irreparable harm to human health. When piercing the eyebrows, the nerve plexuses can be affected and the muscles of the face are partially paralyzed.

Allergic inflammation of the wound is the most common problem faced by those who decide to pierce. The reason is simple - absolutely all earrings contain nickel. For example, in gold of the 583rd test, the ratio of gold and nickel is 14 to 10, and in gold of the 750th test, respectively, 18 to 6. Even a small admixture of nickel is enough to cause an allergy - skin irritation on the earlobes. If an infection still affects it, then real suppuration may occur - with weeping wounds and crusts.

If the navel is pierced, it is very important to know the thickness of the jewelry. If it is chosen incorrectly, the wound will be delayed for a very long time. Another undesirable consequence for women with nipple piercing is damage to the milk ducts. If you uncontrollably pierce the auricle in its upper part, hearing may deteriorate. According to doctors, piercing the cartilage in the nose or ear is more dangerous than making a hole in the earlobe. Surgeons say that when making holes in the upper part of the ear, you can get an infection and completely lose the sensitivity of the ear. Nose rivets are also dangerous, as the infection can affect local blood vessels and spread to the brain.

The most serious danger is an infection that can enter our body due to non-sterile instruments. Deadly diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, tuberculosis and tetanus can be transmitted.

There are other concerns as well. Foreign experts studied dozens of cases of sudden blindness and came to the conclusion that poisonous components contained in metal jewelry can cause not only acute inflammation of the cornea of ​​​​the eye, but also of the brain. All patients who developed an inexplicable inflammation of the cornea “decorated” their faces with trinkets. Many patients came to the doctor late - poisonous metals have done their job. At first, they began to sweat profusely. Then bleeding, and all this ended with inflammation of the eye. Young people did not even suspect that a seemingly harmless ring or other decoration could be the cause of a sharp deterioration in health. But doctors warn that "tunnels" in the ears are dangerous to health.

Oral piercings increase the risk of gum disease and cavities, and often lead to tooth decay. Among the dangers of a mouth piercing are the risk of choking on the jewelry, loss of the sense of taste or the ability to taste at all, prolonged bleeding, crushing and decay of teeth, excessive saliva production, involuntary leakage from the mouth, damage to the gums, impaired speech, difficulty breathing, chewing food, and her swallowing. According to scientists, piercing in order to appear more attractive, teenagers, ironically, can damage that very attractiveness and their health.

In addition, the piercing is fraught with ugly scars. If the rings in very sensitive places cling to clothing and pull on it, then jewelry can easily tear the skin. The scar tissue that forms on a girl's chest when she gets a nipple piercing can block her milk ducts, and if she doesn't get medical attention, she won't be able to breastfeed her baby in the future.

For quite a long time, medical scientists have been collecting generalized data on piercing victims. Most of those who applied for help are people from 16 to 24 years old. And every third case has serious complications. Half of the victims require medical intervention, even surgery.

Most often, complications occur with punctures of the tongue (50%), genitals (45%) and nipples (38%). Causes of complications - bacterial microflora of the oral cavity, genitals, skin; the proximity of blood vessels in the puncture area; non-compliance with personal hygiene and puncture care regimen; allergic reaction to the material of the decoration; non-sterile instruments and low qualification of the master.


Literally translated from English, "tattoo" - "indelible word." Those who study tattoos agree that the term “tattoo” itself was introduced by the famous traveler Captain James Cook after his voyages to the hot lands of Oceania and Polynesia. "Tatu" in the dialect of the islanders meant "draw". in Javanese "tatu" - "wound"

Nowadays, a tattoo (hereinafter tattoo) is understood as a shallow introduction of dyes into the skin by means of piercing and cutting tools in order to obtain a long-lasting and stable image, pattern or pattern.

It is clear that in different regions of the Earth, the tattoo acquired special features. For example, among the peoples inhabiting the north-east of Siberia and Alaska (Chukchi, Khanty, Eskimos, Nenets), images of totemic patron animals of the tribe - the Bear, the Whale, the Deer - were cultivated. The Scythian leaders and princesses had drawings of horses, rams, mythical creatures. Body, arms, legs, face, genitals were covered with tattoos. This was done both to indicate belonging to a particular clan-tribe, and to intimidate the enemy in battle. For example, among the ancient Slavs, warriors applied a facial tattoo to themselves.

Our ancestors had a very popular herbal, floral ornament, conveying the juicy living feeling of a plant filled with juices, powerful vitality. Its samples, in contrast to not so long-lived tattoos, which disappear with their owners (unless special processing or specific storage conditions are applied), have been preserved on bone-carving art products, for example, caskets and plates dating from the 18th century. from the collection of the Museum of Ethnography of the Peoples of the USSR.

Let's not forget about special shamanic tattoos, connected in meaning with the healing, predictive, ritual and incantational practice of a shaman, often the leader of a tribe. A similar function was carried by a tattoo in Asia, where it also served as an amulet (for example, among the Burmese).

A great contribution (including on the topic of tattoos) to the general treasury of the study of the peoples of the Micronesian region was made by our famous compatriot, ethnographer Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay. Observing the natives, he noticed an interesting fact that for many tribes of Oceania, tattooing symbolized the achievement of marriageable age, for both men and women. In the same place, in addition to the distinctive symbols of belonging to a particular genus, a tattoo was a sign of high social status, as, for example, on the islands of Samoa.

Hunters and fishermen could tattoo symbols of the sea or forest, animals or fish for good luck in hunting or fishing. And the New Zealand Maori tribe cared so much about the accuracy of the reproduction of facial tattoo designs (moko) that its leaders put them, for example, as personal signatures on contracts when selling their lands to the British in the 19th century.

Europe was practiced by tattoo-trading people - merchants, artisans, and also warriors. Among these classes, guild or professional solidarity is still widespread. Sometimes this could be expressed in the application of the mark of the profession on the body.

A tattoo (as sometimes with a stigma) was punished, marking not just the guilty, but especially cruel murderers, rapists, thieves and horse thieves, without making any special distinctions between the male and female sexes.

The priestesses of love had their own insignia: uncomplicated hearts, the names of remembered lovers, possibly pornographic symbols, the names of brothels or places where hetaera hunted. Tattoo flourished especially among sailors who had seen enough curiosities around the world. Many of us (and quite rightly, it should be noted) associate sailors with mysterious and broad natures. Indeed, who could go on a long voyage without seeing land all this time, eating breadcrumbs, corned beef, ale, often without fresh water. It seems natural that a person who has spent a long time in the confined space of a ship wants to test foreign curiosities on his skin salted by sea and ocean winds. And the tattoo, among other indispensable attributes, has become a sign of a sailor.

You should not think that the images applied in those days were the height of beauty and grace. Not at all. In the course were the simplest drawings and plots. For example, a turtle could mean that its carrier crossed the equator, an anchor - that the Atlantic was submitted to the young man. But since sailors had to visit different countries and continents, sometimes among the general mass of standard tattoo themes, real masterpieces could come across that remind their owners of the adventures they experienced. For example, the hand of one could well be decorated with tribal signs of the Tahitian islanders. The leg of the other is to wrap around the eastern dragons. The torso of the third is to cover the mysterious symbols of the Indian tribes. Naturally, having returned home in a successful scenario, the sailors simply could not help but become an object of increased interest among both ladies and men who had not been to the sea.

The military also enjoyed respect for tattoos, which had its own reasons. The knights of the Middle Ages did not disdain to apply tattoos on campaigns, because a tattoo cut off from the body of the deceased and specially processed could serve as a kind of funeral for his relatives or a sign of belonging to a closed social group, a secret society.

Problems with tattoos

1. Infection . It is possible to bring an infection if you are not careful enough to handle the tattoo immediately after it is applied. At the slightest suspicion of an infection, you should consult a doctor;

2. Allergy . It happens that the pigments that make up the paint cause an allergic reaction;

3. Granuloma . A granuloma is an inflammation that looks like a dense nodule. If dense subcutaneous nodules form around the tattoo, it is most likely a granuloma. Except in advanced cases, it is treated and is extremely rare.


fashion clothing health wellness

Human nature provides for his constant striving for excellence in order to remain competitive. This essentially normal phenomenon is realized in various, including distorted, forms, depending on social factors and the level of self-awareness of the individual.

In our work, we examined the most common, easily accessible, mass forms of decoration among our peers, aimed at achieving a certain superficial standard, perceived by many as an increase in social status. Even a brief review of the technology and risks of such forms of decoration popular in the mass consciousness and practice as piercing, tattoos, jeans, corsets, heels, shows the presence of many terrible dangers associated with them for the health and life of a person who decides to use them on himself. Therefore, we can reasonably conclude that the passion for external decoration, often hiding the inner emptiness, the lack of culture and potential for the development of the human personality, the desire for standardization is directly dangerous to health, and sometimes life. We see the prospect of our study in the further popularization of knowledge about the impact on health of fashionable attributes. “Everything must be perfect in a person”,- said the great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. But what is unhealthy cannot be beautiful, much less beautiful!

A whole unhealthy industry has formed in modern society, earning a lot of money by spreading the most wild and unhealthy standards of behavior, consumption, nutrition, decoration, clothing, etc. Let's help ourselves and our peers to prevent the harmful effects that arise when interacting with fashion in order to preserve the most precious thing we have - health and life!

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Presentation on the topic: Fashion and health in the modern world

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WESTERN DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOWState educational institutionSecondary school "School of Health" No. 384Project work on the topic: "Fashion and health in the modern world"

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Clothing is one of the oldest inventions of mankind. Its main function is to protect the body from various environmental influences (chemical, mechanical influences, insects, dirt, climatic phenomena, etc.). Some believe that it arose from a sense of shame to hide a person's nakedness. Now clothes also have an aesthetic function, through it a person expresses his style, worldview, way of life. But what is the relationship with health? When choosing clothes and shoes, you need to think first of all about the benefits. Otherwise, the wrong choice can lead to malaise, and even illness.

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In the language of youth In the second half of the 20th century, the notorious Mary Quont showed the world a completely new style of clothing, which was called "youth fashion." trousers, capris, dropped to the hips, combined with short tight tops in bright colors. Piercing and tattoos in the most conspicuous places are in fashion today. They wear ripped jeans, attracting attention, although sometimes it would not hurt to think about the fact that fashion does not always have a beneficial effect on health.

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Today's youth all over the world prefer denim clothing. It is comfortable and fashionable. And going out into the street, you can see models of different types, styles and colors. This fashion came to us from the 70s of the XX century. The trousers were designed to be low-rise at the waist. And even skirts were then worn on the hips. Such clothes are very effective if you have a young chiseled figure, a toned stomach. In Europe, the famous brands that dictate fashion were the first to pick up this trend. With us, this clothing has taken root because it is young, keeps everyone around in good shape. Because when you appear in society in such jeans, absolutely everyone can notice which thongs are worn and which tattoo on the sacrum.

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Doctors against low-waisted trousers Doctors warn: jeans can be hazardous to health if they are low and narrow. Tight-fitting pants can put so much pressure on your lower abdomen that they pinch a nerve in your pelvis and cause numbness in your thighs. Yes, and it is easy to catch a cold in our capricious weather.

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Shoes are an essential part of the wardrobe. The history of footwear has more than one millennium. There is an opinion that shoes appeared 26-30 thousand years ago in the west of Eurasia. Researchers believe that the first boots in the history of mankind were something like footcloths made of bearskins, insulated from the inside with dry grass. True, these are just guesses: fur shoes with hay insoles have not survived to this day. Fashion does not stand still, it is rapidly moving forward. Today, high-heeled shoes with a narrow or rounded toe are in fashion. As well as fashionable sports shoes.

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High-heeled shoes with a narrow toe are especially harmful. It sharply impairs blood circulation in the legs, exposes the muscles of the lower leg and foot to strong tension and rapid fatigue. A high heel reduces the area of ​​the sole by 30-40%, limits movement in the joints of the foot and the force of contraction of its muscles. This greatly affects the movement of blood. In addition, such shoes force you to maintain a balance posture for a long time, strain the muscles of the spine and tire the nervous system. Limit the time of wearing high-heeled shoes as much as possible. Maintain good physical shape (shaping, swimming). Alternate different types of shoes. Give your feet a rest. If you experience pain in your feet, contact an orthopedist.

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Modern lifestyle The emergence of a new look at sports and fashion has become a real social phenomenon today. Sneakers are no longer purely sports equipment. Now sports shoes belong to everyday urban wardrobe, sometimes having nothing to do with sports. When choosing such shoes, you need to remember: The constant wearing of sports flat shoes often leads to flat feet. With the development of flat feet, the most important function of the feet decreases, the mitigation of shock loads during fast walking, running, jumping. Subsequently, difficulties appear with long standing in one position, and the smoothness of gait is also disturbed. Muscle pain when walking, posture disorders, joint problems - these are the sad consequences of such a disease as flat feet.

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PIERCING One of the current trends in youth fashion is piercing and tattoos. The history of piercing goes back many millennia. Since ancient times, a person has tried to decorate his body with punctures, sometimes punctures on the body symbolized a person's belonging to one or another caste, to one or another layer of society. By piercing certain places on the body, people pursue various goals. This desire to decorate your body, stand out from the crowd, draw attention to yourself.

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Piercing is not just a fashionable entertainment for young people, it is fraught with many dangers Doctors describe the case when, after a tongue piercing, a young woman developed a brain abscess. Bacteria from the oral cavity through the wound in the tongue can enter the bloodstream into the brain. And in the same way they can get into the brain through wounds in the navel, nasal septum, that is, through those places that are fashionable to pierce. The biggest dangers with piercings are infections and nerve damage, so piercings should not be done at home or with friends. Ear piercings also turned out to be unexpectedly dangerous: a lot of nerve endings are concentrated there, so an incorrectly pierced ear can be the cause of impaired vision and hearing. If you still decide to decorate yourself with a piercing, it is better to contact professional institutions with a good reputation, where you will be served well and where you can get qualified help in case of an infection.

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Tattooing is the process of applying drawings to the body by introducing dyes under the skin. The word "tattoo" is derived from the Tahitian "tatau" and "ta-tu", which means "wound", "sign". The first tattoo machine was invented in 1891 by the American O'Reilly. The art of decorating yourself with a tattoo can be considered one of the oldest. The history of tattoos goes back thousands of years. The first samples of tattoos were found during excavations of the Egyptian pyramids. On the mummies discovered there, which are at least 4 thousand years old, tattoos are clearly visible. With the help of a tattoo, a person seeks to stand out from his surroundings, to express himself. Drawing a certain pattern on the body is a way of expressing the inner "I". In the field of criminology, special attention was paid to the study of the symbolism of tattoos in those convicted of criminal offenses, among whom the wearing of tattoos was common. Knowing the meanings of drawings, inscriptions, their traditional location on the body, a law enforcement officer can easily determine the tendency of those previously convicted to certain types of criminal manifestations. Often tattoos became the reason for arrests, but the passion for painting the body, the desire to instill fear in others was always stronger than caution among criminals.

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Tattoos are dangerous It should be taken into account that tattoos can cause irreparable harm to health. When making a tattoo, you injure the skin and inject a dye under it. Although the needle does not penetrate deeply, each time you run the risk of introducing germs or viruses under your skin. If you make tattoos with already used, “dirty” needles, you can get AIDS, hepatitis and other equally dangerous diseases. Even a temporary tattoo can be harmful to health, according to doctors who warn the public about the dangers of allergies and other complications after tattooing. Perhaps, before deciding whether it is necessary to put such an ornament on your body, you should think not only about your health, but also about your career and reputation. When applying for a highly paid position, you may be denied a prestigious position only because of visible body painting, so as not to cast a shadow on the image of the enterprise. If you still decide to take such a step, you need to contact professional institutions where qualified specialists are engaged in this.

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A mobile phone is another fashionable toy that has captured the youth A mobile phone is not only a means of communication, but also an image accessory by which others judge taste and financial condition. Recently, cell phones have gained immense popularity. In many large cities, the number of registered cell phone numbers exceeds the number of residents of these cities. In the youth environment, even a certain cultural slang has developed, so cell phones are called sotik, mobile phone, mobile phone, mobile phone. But is it really so important what the means of communication is called, the main thing is that everyone needs cell phones. A cell phone is very high-tech, has many functions, such as a camera, video camera, player, the ability to send not only text information, but also voice and video messages.

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Mobile danger Scientists warn mobile phone owners that outwardly harmless tubes can cause numerous diseases. Many people prefer to wear their phones on their chests. Then, during a call, an electromagnetic field appears at the level of the heart. According to scientists, this can cause arrhythmia and other diseases of the heart muscle. Mobile phone radiation can have a significant effect on the human brain and cause the formation of cancerous brain tumors. The same can be said about text messages. Recently, scientists have expressed concern that sms negatively affects the work of internal organs. The fact is that the electromagnetic radiation that occurs at the time of sending an SMS message is directed to the internal organs. Therefore, when sending sms, you should move the phone away from you as much as possible. In this case, during typing, no negative impact on the body occurs.

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The desire to keep up with the latest trends, the desire to always look in accordance with world fashion becomes the main credo of life for young people. But no matter what the upcoming season promises, you will be fashionable and stylish only in what really suits your figure and existing image. The choice of any outfit and accessory depends, first of all, on yourself. What you wear should be in harmony with your health, and reflect only the dignity of the figure. When deciding to radically change your appearance (tattoo and piercing), remember that fashion is capricious and changeable in its preferences. We wish you to always be stylish, beautiful and healthy!

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Assessing the impact of modern fashion on adolescent health

Almetyevsk 2012


1.1. Youth fashion…………………………………………………………….5



1.4. Skinny jeans with low waist ………………………………………..12

1.5.High heels…………………………………………………….…12-13

List of sources and literature……………………………………….….…16


In our time, fashion has captured the minds of most people, and this is quite justified: fashion is a mass mental phenomenon. This problem is extremely relevant in recent times: a teenager must, with a certain frequency, abandon his former ideas about the beautiful, useful, pleasant and accept those views on the properties of things, the behavior of people that fashion approves. Huge cities have entwined the blue planet with a network and made young people stand out against the backdrop of the "urban". Every day, millions of teenagers meet in the subway or on the streets and, in order to decorate their lives, everyone tries to look unique. Teenagers become more susceptible to the dictates of fashion and believe that “beauty requires sacrifice”, neglect risks, try not to pay attention to well-being. It is important that exotic manifestations of fashion have firmly entered the everyday life of adolescents and have become serious factors that are potentially not indifferent to health. Not always these funs pass without a trace, without affecting the health of the younger generation.

The above indicates the existence of contradictions between:

The need for teenagers to look fashionable and attractive, and the imposition of unhealthy standards of behavior, consumption, nutrition, decoration, clothing, etc. by the media.

Awareness of the importance of adolescents to lead a healthy lifestyle and the lack of a "healthy fashion" program in the school.

The identified contradictions identified the problem of our report, which is related to the need to develop a draft program that will help adolescents develop a conscious attitude to their health when choosing fashion trends.

A conscious attitude to one's health is in the field of attention of specialists, teachers, parents, peers, who, if problems are found in adolescents, will provide the necessary support.

The problem of the development of modern fashion and its influence on

adolescent health.

1.1. Youth fashion.

The theme of fashion, endlessly imposed by the media, is extremely attractive to today's teenagers. Consideration of fashion trends from a variety of perspectives makes it possible to reach many problems and phenomena that are indirectly and directly related to the spiritual and physical health of children. Fashion is a capricious girl. She is groomed and cherished, cherished and idolized, but she, like a windy person, is terribly fickle. Nowadays, very often young people are interested in fashion, what to wear in a given period of time, how to decorate themselves. But there are no limits for fashion, there is a huge scope for the fantasies of fragile minds. Many foreign clothing samples attract young people not because there is admiration for Western, imported ones, but because these models express well the values, social roles that young people willingly accept: a sporty silhouette, brightness, swiftness, openness, democracy. What is the object of fashion - it is not so important. It is customary to wear jeans - which means you have to buy, regardless of whether they look beautiful or not; it is customary to have a piercing - which means you have to make a puncture, no matter in what part of the body. Here the position “to be like everyone else” has completely different mechanisms. The goal is no longer to master the wealth of the fashion object, its cultural content, but an attempt to take a place in people's relations with the help of possession of things - to get closer, at least outwardly, to the respected and "powers of this world", to arouse admiration, envy. The fashion object remains "unread", indifferent to the child. Here, fashion is blind and superficial and therefore can lead to negative consequences. Power over people with the help of fashion items is not a very reliable guarantee of gaining authority or being liked by others.

1.2. Tattoo.

In society, it is widespread, especially among young people, to apply drawings on the body using the tattoo technique, made in different styles: body art (color tattoo) and a simple tattoo.

This trend is increasingly capturing the younger generation, driven by the desire to imitate their idols and leaders.

A tattoo is the introduction of non-removable, indelible pigments of one or more colors into the dermis in order to create a text or image on the body. The word tattoo (tatu - abbr.) comes from the Tahitian ("ta" - drawing, "atoua" - deity). The history of the tattoo has 60 thousand years, it was applied in ancient Egypt. Different tribes of Europe and Asia, Indians of North and South America, inhabitants of Oceania were tattooed. The Mayori tribes from New Zealand wore (this tradition still exists) on their faces mask-like tattoos - mocha. The patterns were a permanent war paint, an indicator of the valor and social status of the owner. Japanese aboriginal women with a tattoo on their face indicated their marital status. From the patterns on the lips, cheeks and eyelids, it was possible to determine whether a woman was married and how many children she had. The so-called "transitional rites" were associated with the tattoo: the initiation of young men into men or relocation to the afterlife.

Tattoos were endowed with magical properties: protecting adults in battle and hunting, protecting the elderly from disease. In some cases, the tattoo served as a punishment. In one of the Japanese provinces, as a punishment for a crime, robbers were put on the forehead with the hieroglyph I NU - “dog”. Also, slaves and prisoners of war were marked with a tattoo, making it difficult for them to escape and facilitating their identification.

During World War I, deserters were marked with the letter “D” in England, and in Germany, using a tattoo, numbers were beaten out for victims of concentration camps.

With the spread of Christianity, the custom of using tattoos as an integral part of pagan rites began to be eradicated and practically died out. The punishments were so severe that tattooing almost ceased to be used among Europeans until the 18th century.

The "main territory" of the tattoo, where the tradition of antiquity was not interrupted and is widely practiced today, is Polynesia. Captain James Cook made a significant contribution to the revival of tattoos in Europe. Returning from a voyage in 1769, he brought from Tahiti not only the word "tattoo", but also a Polynesian who was completely covered with tattoos, who became a sensation, the first living "tattoo gallery". Mostly from Polynesia in the 18th century. as a "souvenir" sailors brought to Europe outlandish pictures on their own skin. But then the 90s of the XX century come, and the tattoo becomes part of the global beauty industry, an attribute of youth fashion. The tattoo has long since lost the bad reputation it had in the past.

Tastes and preferences change quickly, fashion passes, so do not rush to decorate yourself with a tattoo. It is difficult to remove it, although modern science has developed laser removal methods, but even their use does not always allow this to be done. Yellow and green pigments are especially resistant. Tattoos using henna, which have become especially popular recently, are extremely dangerous, and not the henna itself, but the paint in which it is included. The dye contains a very strong allergen and in many people can cause lifelong allergies to sunscreen, painkillers, and clothing and eye shadow containing the same dye. There were cases when seemingly healthy teenagers developed bronchial asthma after tattooing.

In addition, paint particles enter the lymphatic vessels, and through them - into the lymph nodes, which become like a storm sewer clogged with mud and cease to perform their protective, immunological function. Removing the tattoo will not bring relief, as the paint particles that have entered the lymph nodes have time to do their dirty work. As a result of a weakened immune system, herpes, pustular skin diseases occur, and a virus is activated that causes the appearance of papillomas. Cystitis, kidney disease may appear. When applying a tattoo, handicraftsmen are likely to get hepatitis and HIV infection. The fact that Sasha or Pasha is tattooed from head to toe - and nothing (a typical argument of teenagers) - is not a reason for complacency. First, it is not known how “nothing” they are. Secondly, all people are different - some are stronger, others are weaker. No one knows where his weak spot is.

1.3. Piercing.

As ancient as tattooing is the art of piercing - piercing various parts of the body. Now you will not surprise anyone with a pierced tongue or navel. Piercing is perceived as one of the areas of body art.

In ancient Egypt, the daughters of the pharaohs were pierced by the navel and inserted into it gold piers inlaid with precious stones. Indian women pierced the wing of the nose after marriage (in some provinces this rite has been preserved). Some Indian men pierced their tongues as a sign of a vow to remain silent. The invasion of piercing into the life of Europeans occurred in the Middle Ages. Sailors and pirates adopted this tradition from the Eastern peoples and brought it to the Old World. But here the non-Christian custom met with the fierce resistance of the church. Women even stopped wearing earrings for a while. Only tongue piercing was used as a punishment for perjury. For many years in Europe, a negative attitude towards piercing has persisted. He was considered a sign of renegades who had no place in a decent society. Even in the paintings of medieval artists, the puncture of the body is a discrediting sign. They were "stigmatized" by those who did not deserve either respect or trust: gypsies, Saracens, criminals, in general, enemies of Christian morality.

But what a changing world! In the XVI-XVII centuries. piercing became popular with representatives of the European aristocracy. A global youth piercing epidemic broke out in the 90s of the last century and spread on both sides of the Atlantic. It was preceded by "its own Middle Ages", when piercing was the marking of hippies, punks, sadomasochists, vagabonds, alarmed by rock culture. Such a fashionable hobby for piercing is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. Infectious inflammation at the puncture site, bleeding, non-healing wounds, tearing out of the earring and the formation of large scars and scars are quite common. Punching the eyebrow, you can damage the facial nerve, and the face will be distorted by a spasm. An earring in the tongue can cause its partial numbness. There have been cases when a tongue piercing caused a brain abscess - a localized purulent formation. All of the above is not the worst. If the sterilization technology is broken, then a seemingly innocent piercing can lead to such deadly infectious diseases as AIDS, hepatitis B and C, blood poisoning, tetanus. Despite all the warnings of doctors, piercing is popular among the younger generation.

Are there health risks in piercings? Many experts agree that piercing is dangerous, even if it is done in a special salon, since piercers, as a rule, are not very versed in human anatomy and medicine, except for how to treat the surface after a puncture. But with the wrong puncture, you can damage large blood vessels and cause severe bleeding, and hitting a nerve can cause irreparable harm to human health. When piercing the eyebrows, the nerve plexuses can be affected and the muscles of the face are partially paralyzed.

Allergic inflammation of the wound is the most common problem faced by those who decide to pierce. The reason is simple - absolutely all earrings contain nickel. For example, in gold of the 583rd test, the ratio of gold and nickel is 14 to 10, and in gold of the 750th test, respectively, 18 to 6. Even a small admixture of nickel is enough to cause an allergy - skin irritation on the earlobes. If an infection still affects it, then real suppuration can occur - with weeping wounds and crusts. If you uncontrollably pierce the auricle in its upper part, hearing may deteriorate.

The most serious danger is an infection that can enter our body due to non-sterile instruments. Deadly diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, tuberculosis and tetanus can be transmitted.

There are other concerns as well. Foreign experts studied dozens of cases of sudden blindness and came to the conclusion that poisonous components contained in metal jewelry can cause not only acute inflammation of the cornea of ​​​​the eye, but also of the brain. All patients who had an inexplicable inflammation of the cornea “decorated” their faces with trinkets. Many patients came to the doctor late - poisonous metals have done their job. At first, they began to sweat profusely. Then bleeding, and all this ended with inflammation of the eye. Young people did not even suspect that a seemingly harmless ring or other decoration could be the cause of a sharp deterioration in health. But doctors warn that "tunnels" in the ears are dangerous to health.

Oral piercings increase the risk of gum disease and cavities, and often lead to tooth decay. Among the dangers of a mouth piercing are the risk of choking on the jewelry, loss of the sense of taste or the ability to taste at all, prolonged bleeding, crushing and decay of teeth, excessive saliva production, involuntary leakage from the mouth, damage to the gums, impaired speech, difficulty breathing, chewing food, and her swallowing. According to scientists, piercing in order to appear more attractive, teenagers, ironically, can damage that very attractiveness and their health.

In addition, the piercing is fraught with ugly scars. If the rings in very sensitive places cling to clothing and pull on it, then jewelry can easily tear the skin. The scar tissue that forms on a girl's chest when she gets a nipple piercing can block her milk ducts, and if she doesn't get medical attention, she won't be able to breastfeed her baby in the future.

For quite a long time, medical scientists have been collecting generalized data on piercing victims. Most of those who applied for help are people from 16 to 24 years old. And every third case has serious complications. Half of the victims require medical intervention, even surgery.

Most often, complications occur with punctures of the tongue (50%), genitals (45%) and nipples (38%). Causes of complications - bacterial microflora of the oral cavity, genitals, skin; the proximity of blood vessels in the puncture area; non-compliance with personal hygiene and puncture care regimen; allergic reaction to the material of the decoration; non-sterile instruments and low qualification of the master.

Reasons why people get pierced and tattooed:

Teenagers decorate themselves in an exotic way for various reasons. Many succumb to the flow of fashion without thinking about anything. Others believe that thanks to this they will look more attractive, that this is precisely what they lack to perfection. Body decoration also serves as a way of expressing independence, a way to emphasize one's individuality. Psychologists note that adolescents are motivated by the desire to annoy their parents. This need for self-expression seems to stem from a reluctance to follow conventional norms and a rebellious spirit. Some people are driven by deep psychological and emotional needs. They believe it will help them to assert themselves. And those who experienced bullying and violence in childhood believe that piercings and tattoos will allow them to feel like masters of their body.

1.4. Low waist skinny jeans

High fashion designers could not get around jeans. And although for a long time denim pants were considered the lot of only the middle class, now all the best designers certainly produce collections of fashionable denim clothing, the most popular and affordable of which are skinny jeans with a low waist. Our trainer, who came to the urological department of the hospital for an examination, was amazed by the company that gathered there: instead of the old men and women, the wards were filled with young girls of about 20 years old. “Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys. It has always been age-related, but now it’s youth… Victims of fashion!” – phlegmatic commented the attending physician. As professional doctors admit, it’s generally difficult for them to resist seeing a fashionably dressed girl or guy on the street in the cold and not automatically noting: chronic inflammation of the appendages, the prospect of prostatitis, curvature of the spine ...

1.5. High heels

Now a variety of heels are in fashion: both their length and shape vary, which can be the most bizarre: expanding downwards, columnar, wedge-shaped or stud. People are accustomed to this attribute of women's clothing, but what do they know about the history of high heels? From the very beginning, the appearance of heels could be caused by two main reasons:

Aesthetic purposes (increasing the height of the wearer of heels),

Practical needs dictated by certain goals of using heels in everyday life.

So, when making shoes, people noticed that the part of it that is adjacent to the heel wears out much faster than the rest. Therefore, gradually a certain thickening appeared on the sole and in the back of the shoe, serving the practical purpose of increasing the life of the shoe. However, at this historical moment, it is still impossible to talk about the emergence of heels as some kind of special "stand" for shoes. Meanwhile, scientists have not yet fully figured out where the fashion for heels comes from.

It is only known that the first mention of shoes on a "stand" - the prototype of the modern platform - we find in Ancient Greece, where it was used by theater actors to visually increase their height. The next period of time when we see the adoption of the practice of wearing shoes with heels dates back to the 15th and 16th centuries. This century - the century of the Renaissance - was generally characterized by an emphasized upward aspiration, symbolizing the elevation of man above reality (hence the upwardly aspiring form of Gothic architecture of that time). This desire is well manifested in the fashion for shoes. Of course, speaking about the origin of fashion for heels, one cannot fail to mention such a very recent invention, which, nevertheless, revolutionized the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe aesthetic properties of shoes - the invention of stiletto heels. It happened in the 50s of the twentieth century, in France, at a time when many fashion designers worked towards creating models that emphasize the youth and beauty of women. And here, again, the name of the inventor remained under the cover of the darkness of history: for example, several well-known French fashion designers are arguing about the primacy of creating this shoe model. Stiletto heels came in handy as never before. And very soon, almost all the stars flaunted them, setting an example for the rest of the women on the planet.

Now, just like many years ago, women wear heels to stand out from the crowd, to emphasize their fragility and grace.

The only way to protect yourself is to choose shoes with high heels only in extreme, most special cases. And the rest of the time to spend at a height of up to 5 centimeters - not so spectacular, but safe.

Conclusions on the theoretical part of the study

The theoretical part of the study allowed us to conclude that:

Piercing and tattooing are not just punctures, but a real surgical operation with all the ensuing possible consequences: allergic reactions, purulent inflammation, blood poisoning. This means that they must be done in specialized medical institutions in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.

Before applying a tattoo, you need to clearly imagine the time when the tattoo gets tired and you want to get rid of it. If a pinpoint scar remains at the site of the piercing for piercing after removing the jewelry, then at the site of the reduced tattoo there are often ugly scars and scars.

Given the above, it is preferable to get a temporary tattoo and use special clips instead of piercings.

Skinny jeans don't have to be everyday wear. They need to be alternated with loose-fitting trousers or skirts. Shoes with high heels should not be worn daily, but only occasionally, on holidays.

So, any of the fashion trends we have considered, to a greater or lesser extent, negatively affects health. Decoration methods associated with surgical intervention are more dangerous to health than fashionable clothes and shoes, since the harmful effects of the second group are more distant and, if desired, they can be stopped in time.

List of sources and literature.

1. Ozhegov, S. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. Moscow: RAN; Ros. fund of culture, 1994. S. 206.

2. Likhoded, V.L. Tattoo-mystery, history, life. [Text] / V.L. Likhoded, - M .: Labyrinth-press, 2005. S. 101-148.

3. Valeulina I.R. Tattoo. Part of your body. [Text] / I.R. Valeulina. - M .: Phoenix, 2006. S. 37-46.

4. Vasiliev A. European fashion. Three centuries. [Text] / A.Vasiliev. — M.: Slovo, 2007. S. 24-49.

5. Pepugova O. Fashionable tattoos and piercings. [Text] / O. Pepugova. — M.: Vladis, 2007. S. 16-29.

6. E. Tucker. Fashion History [Text] / E. Tucker, T. Kingswell; per. from English. y.i. Turcha nina. — M.: AST, 2003. S.84-102.








Until now, there are conversations, disputes and discussions about what to wear, how to walk, how to talk, how to say hello ... Many say, “This is already outdated, this is the last century! Now it is no longer fashionable! Now it is fashionable to do this, to wear this…”, etc. In this article, we will talk about modern fashion and its influence on us.

Everyone knows what fashion is (m ode - the temporary dominance of a certain style in any sphere of life or culture.), but not many people can explain the essence of this phenomenon and its impact on society. The following question arises: “And what does it, this very fashion, determine?”

Fashion defines the style or type of dress, ideas, behavior, etiquette, lifestyle, arts, literature, cuisine, architecture, entertainment, etc., that is popular in a society at a given time. Yes, and in fact, now on the street we are unlikely to see people who walk in wigs and wear huge hats with feathers in sunny weather. It's not fashionable. Now they wear a short haircut, a light cap and sunglasses.

Yes, it is certainly very easy and convenient. The same applies to many other things - shoes, T-shirts, jackets, pants, manner of speaking, etc. Nowadays, a person tends to wear something light, simple, comfortable, beautiful and very practical. On the one hand, this is very good, but on the other hand, there are “excesses”. In this article, I just want to draw the reader's attention to such things.

So, what does fashion offer men now?


Some guys pierce their eyebrows, noses, pierce their ears, insert insane rings and earrings. You ask them this question: “Why? Why spoil yourself?" They will answer you - that it is fashionable, it is beautiful.

Personally, I do not see any beauty here. The most likely reason for such an act is the desire to stand out from the crowd, to emphasize one's individuality. And what can such self-expression lead to? How can it affect health? Who thought about it? Why didn't our grandfathers do such nonsense?

We owe piercing as a culture to African tribes and peoples from the shores of Polynesia. Often, the degree of punctures and the size of jewelry testified to the social status of a person. What status do you want to emphasize with your piercing? Yes, and what do you know about your piercing?!

Any normal doctor will tell you that piercing is not only a very dubious tribute to fashion, it is also dangerous for your health. If anyone has read or leafed through books on Shiatsu (traditional Japanese practical therapy), then it is explained in detail that our body consists of a huge number of acupuncture points, each of which is responsible for the work and health of a particular organ. By doing a piercing, you run the risk of damaging any of the vital acupuncture points. Accordingly, there is a risk of disturbing the well-being of a particular organ.

And, yet, have you ever wondered why powerful and famous people do not get pierced, like Putin, Obama, Xi Jinping, David Cameron and others? Yes, because they DO NOT need such a way of self-expression! A strong person expresses himself in a completely different way.


As an example, take the same jeans. One of the sore topics of a modern man is to buy normal jeans or trousers. Now it is quite difficult to find "classics" - jeans of a classic cut. As a rule, these jeans are comfortable, fit well, do not tighten the legs, do not dig into the body and do not show everyone the “fifth point”, do not hang, etc. In other words, they look good with any fashion. As for me, the obsessive attempts of market traders or sellers in a store to “sell” me a completely unnecessary thing under the pretext of “it's fashionable” only cause a smile. Compare "classic" and "fashion" jeans in the pictures below. I think that for an adequate person, comments are unnecessary here. By the way, if you doubt what is fashionable now or not - take the "classics". Classics are always fashionable.

Another problem I consider torn jeans. If a thing is torn, then it is damaged. If you rip your shirt, will you wear it? What if your pants are torn? Why are you wearing ripped jeans? For example, I get the impression that the fashion to wear ripped jeans comes from poverty. Only those who have nothing else to wear will wear rags. And they presented it to us as a fashion ...

The famous fashion designer, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, answering readers' questions about his attitude to jeans, answered:

“And the terrible thing is that women wear jeans. It is especially terrible when a plump woman in jeans walks by. I think that if you wear jeans, then only dark blue. And now all these torn, washed out, frayed jeans are an abomination, as if they all crawled out of the garbage dumps. I can't look at all this. In general, jeans as work clothes are a cool idea. When the dark blue is deep, the jacket, white shirt looks luxurious, and when the jeans are torn, it's just terrible.


The art of tattooing is believed to be around six thousand years old. Each tattoo has a meaning and a certain content. For an uninitiated person, this is just a random collection of drawings and decorations on the body. The meaning of a tattoo can also be judged by the color and style of the tattoo.

For example, a scorpion tattoo symbolizes: danger, pain and death, hatred and envy, malice, devilish forces, reconciliation of battle and victory over enemies, salvation or the birth of life, eroticism and sexuality, exotic addictions, duality. In a word, there are many meanings. Think about it, what do you want to say with your tattoo?

When making a tattoo, you must understand that this is a drawing that you apply to your skin once and for all. It won't be easy to remove it later. And what looks cool today may look silly tomorrow. Moreover, with age, due to skin aging, even the most beautiful drawing can lose its attractiveness.

Still, it must be taken into account that some tattoos (for example, tigers, dragons and the like) suggest a certain demeanor of its owner, his appearance, character traits. What if you don't match your tattoo? All sorts of problems in communicating with others may begin. And, yet - a separate topic of army and prison tattoos. It would be a huge stupidity to get such tattoos for no reason. Therefore, before applying a tattoo to your skin, think carefully. Better yet, drop the idea right away. Nature has already taken care of our beauty. The clean, natural look of your skin is always better than any tattoo.

Smoking and alcohol

A separate issue is smoking and alcohol. Modern girls, to my regret, have taken smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages as a fashion, excused by the fact that we are worse than men? However, guys also suffer from such a “fashion”, only here the motivation is different - to look older, more independent, more independent, more courageous. What needs to be emphasized.

Tell me, are you pleased to communicate with a person who reeks of nicotine or fumes? Personally, I don't. Unfortunately, among young people, poisoning has now become fashionable. And I sincerely feel sorry for today's youth, who stupidly copy bad habits and, thereby, also set a new example for others.

I will not tell everyone the well-known things that drinking alcohol is bad, that it kills you, that it affects genetics, the moral and physical health of your unborn child, that it is a kind of drug. You know all this yourself. If you don't give a damn about yourself, your family, your people, then smoke and get poisoned. Only then do not say that everything around is bad, that our country is bad, there are goats and freaks around. First, look at yourself and ask, what did I do (did) in order to be better? Maybe it's better to start with yourself?

About women's fashion

Now let's talk a little about women's fashion. It must be said right away that many phenomena in men's fashion, and the problems associated with them that were mentioned above, such as piercing, tattoos, smoking and alcohol, are also relevant for women's fashion. Therefore, for a change, we will not repeat ourselves here, but touch on some other points.

There is one of the “fashions” in our modern world that copies the style, behavior, manners of girls of “easy virtue”. Of course, no one seems to impose such a fashion, however, thanks to the same media, the views of a certain part of society, omissions in education, etc., this style has a significant impact on modern women's fashion. How do women who choose this particular style in fashion differ from others?

First of all, these are clothing that obsessively advertises all the “charms” of the owner, and bright, sometimes excessive and defiant makeup, designed to tightly “stick” the attention of the opposite sex to itself, and the special demeanor of the “bad girl” (in its various versions) - all this is aimed at demonstrating sexuality, attractiveness, accessibility. In a word, continuous game on instincts.

By the way, what a romantic epithet: "a girl of easy virtue"! Although, right now, drop everything, and start to “behave easily”, immediately all issues are resolved “easily”. Here is another moment of unobtrusive propaganda of this way of life, in this case through generally accepted formulations!

However, in the case of the prostitutes themselves, the question is clear. These are the features of their "work", so to speak, their style. Whether this is good or bad is another question, but here's the trouble: there are a considerable number of women who consider this lifestyle to be fashionable. Don't agree with me? Then just take a good look around. You will immediately meet a lot of examples - women living in this fashion style: from clothes to demeanor, and often combining both. And, after all, they seem to be absolutely normal women who have a family, an ordinary job, who consider themselves decent people. What prostitution?! What do you! No no! And, these women are sincerely sorry. After all, they, without thinking about the consequences for themselves and others, mindlessly copy the lifestyle that is completely unnatural for them, and which, as something modern, bright, attractive and “fashionable”. They do not even suspect that they are the real victims of fashion.

"What's wrong with that?" You ask. For example, the same clothes that expose all the “most intimate” to the public, they are often simply uncomfortable. And so short, and even constantly riding up skirt (note - of course, I exaggerate a little, but still ...) - do not sit down, do not stand up. A blouse with an excessively deep neckline - that's what you see so that nothing superfluous is exposed. Shoes with huge heels - how not to twist your leg, and, God forbid, run in such shoes. And try to walk around the city in such shoes all day long! In the evening you will dream of house slippers. I think many women understand what I'm talking about. However, we will return to high heels a little lower.

So, in the summer, this style of clothing is half the trouble. Can be attributed to the heat. And in winter? Try to dress in this style at minus twenty, and walk along an icy road in high heels, walk around the city, that way, for 2-3 hours. Represented? Here, despite the mouth-watering legs and other delights, it is not far from various problems - from banal hypothermia with various complications, to elementary injuries. And, after all, they dress and walk! Despite everything.

And, like an iron motif - one thoughtless: "Beauty requires sacrifice." And who will be the victim, you thought? That's right, it's you.

So, we have the first minus - this fashion is already, at least, unhealthy. Not to say dangerous.

The next minus here is the possible reaction of others. First of all, those to whom (or against whom) such a fashion is directed are men. Tell me, girls, by dressing like this, what do you hope to achieve from men? Attention? You will achieve it, just not the attention that is expected. First of all, you will get the attention of an animal type, so to speak, lust. Do you want that? No? And why, then, provoking a man to the appropriate reaction, you then indignantly declare that all men are cattle, that they only “want” you? That men are only interested in you in your chest / legs / .... / another part of the body, but you, as a person, are absolutely not interesting to them? Why?

First, decide on your own priorities - what do you want to attract to yourself - a lustful animal with the aim of "sleeping" for one night, or, to find a person with whom you can start a family, raise children. Both the style of your fashion and the style of your life must match the chosen solution. By the way, not all men like the style of fashion described above - under the "girl of easy virtue." As a rule, first of all, men with an “animal” mental structure “peck” at him. As a response, they may begin to “glue” you, give you greasy compliments, they may try to “grope”. This type of men, as a rule, takes care of a woman in this way. And do you need it? Think about it. However, the reaction of the rest of your environment may also not be in your favor - either they will look at you as a person who is not friends with the head, or they will openly laugh, or they will “hang a label” as a representative of a certain profession.

And, thirdly, most importantly - what does this fashion call for? What example does he set? What do you think, just because we got a surge of tolerance and romanticization of the profession of a prostitute? When, during the years of perestroika, thousands of fools went “on the panel” in the hope of earning a happy future, and as a result they ruined their lives? This is the merit of the fashion for a certain lifestyle, the romanticization of the image of a prostitute, so unobtrusively palmed off on us by the media. By the way, the film "Intergirl" is very relevant here.

Of course, most women who choose this style of fashion do not engage in prostitution. But, do not forget that by choosing such a style, you create a very specific image of yourself. Are you of such an opinion about yourself? Remember, too, that our children copy us in the first place. They absorb everything like a sponge, they watch how we dress, what we say, how we behave. And, if the mother dresses and behaves appropriately, so the daughter will strive for the same lifestyle, will behave, imitating, first of all, the mother. And, if you miss quite a bit in matters of education, do not stop in time, do not explain to your daughter what and how, then there will be only one step to the “oldest profession”. And, well, if you're smart enough not to do it.
Summing up, I will say that such a "fashion" is primarily aimed at cultivating animal instincts in humans - the predominance of sexual desire over moral standards. And as a result - to the degradation of the whole society as a whole.


Let's touch a little more on another element of the women's wardrobe. Many women have high heels.

Do you know where the fashion for high heels came from? Its roots stretch back to the time of the Roman Empire. High-heeled shoes in ancient Rome were worn by women involved in prostitution to stand out from others and be more noticeable in the crowd. And thus, to attract potential customers. By the way, hence the fashion to dye hair in a bright (usually fiery red) color.

Some researchers of this issue argue that walking in high heels not only makes the figure slimmer and optically increases the length of the legs, but also causes chemical changes in the woman's body - the production of endorphins in the blood ("happiness hormones") increases, self-esteem increases.

But, not everything is so rosy - there is a negative impact of high heels on human health. And the approach to this should be special, wearing high-speed shoes is a whole philosophy. Again I will mention the well-known expression "beauty requires sacrifice." Indeed, for the admiring glances of fans, increased self-esteem, women often have to pay with their health. In addition to positive chemical reactions, there are also negative physical changes. In general, from the point of view of medicine, a heel above 4.5 cm destroys not only the foot, but also the knee joints, pelvic bones, affects the female organs, can lead to the prolapse of the walls of the vagina, prolapse of the uterus, and also affects the spine, and , respectively, on the brain. A woman's posture changes, and as a result, a violation, curvature of the spine and related diseases. There are also a lot of negative points - from convenience to the price and reliability of this "fashionable" shoe.

However, almost all women wear high heels. They wear it because it's fashionable.


Also, your health is badly affected by such a seemingly harmless thing as makeup. Even the smallest dose. It is not surprising, because the composition of all paints, powders, shadows, pencils, varnishes, etc. is a solid chemistry. And, despite the constant advertising and assurances of manufacturers, this chemistry is far from harmless to the human body. Plus, when using makeup, the skin on which the makeup is applied breathes worse - the pores become clogged, we have a lack of oxygen supply to the skin. And this is where it all starts: the rapid aging of the skin, and the loss of the natural tone of the face, and acne, etc.

I'm not talking about the fact that makeup, if you already use it, you need to be able to use it correctly. There is an unwritten rule: makeup should be invisible, it should only emphasize a little, enhance the features of a person. There is nothing more attractive than natural female beauty.

Girls, if you want to be really respected, loved and fought for by real men, just be natural: minimum makeup, no piercings, no high heels, wear knee-length and longer dresses, and, of course, develop your inner world!

This article did not aim to analyze all the negative phenomena in modern fashion. If you carefully look around, you can find a lot of all sorts of "fashionable" dirty tricks. Rather, I wanted to once again draw attention to the fact that everyone is already in sight, but, alas, it has become a familiar norm for us. Well, fashion is unpredictable, it manages to change several times a year. Don't chase after her. Yes, and the fashion that lasts for a long time is also not always harmless and correct. Often, very much the opposite. How not to remember in this regard a line from a poem by Agnia Barto: "Following fashion, do not disfigure yourself".

We have Natasha fashionista,
She's having a hard time!
Natasha has heels
Like adults, high
Here is such a height
Here's a dinner!
Poor thing! Here is the sufferer
It goes, a little does not fall.
Baby with open mouth
Can't figure it out:
Are you a clown or an aunt?
On the head - a cap!
It seems to her - passers-by
Don't take your eyes off her
And they sigh: - My God,
Where did you come from?
Cap, short jacket
And mom's coat
Not a girl, not an aunt,
And no one knows who!
No, at a young age
Keep up with fashion
But, following fashion,
Don't spoil yourself!