Does love always make a man happy junk. Does love always make a man happy? Love and emotions

What could be more important than love? Perhaps nothing. This is one of the most wonderful feelings. But, unfortunately, not everyone managed to know her fully. Love pushes people to unthinkable actions, heats and gives a person positive emotions. But is it always?

I believe that love brings a large number of different emotions, ranging from passion to hatred, and vice versa. But, unfortunately, it does not always bring only happiness and joy. The greatest suffering is experiencing a person with unreserved love. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" can serve as a bright example. Young girl Tatiana falls in love with Eugene, who recently came to the village. In her soul there were strong emotions when this young man appeared on the horizon. Having a courage, Tatiana wrote a letter to Onegin, in which he admitted in his feelings. Some lines of her letters prove to readers that Tatiana suffered from love for a young man: "I never knew you, I didn't know the bitter torment."

A young man touched this message, he liked the sincerity of this girl, but unfortunately could not answer her with reciprocity. He did not love Tatiana, and he was not ready for family life at all. Tatiana was saddown by the answer of a young man, but could not change anything. After all, how can I get to love another person? The girl continued to live further, suffered, but still loved Onegin.

But not only unrequited love can bring suffering. There are such cases when the lovers were happy and enjoyed each other until they were separated. I will give a visual example from the movie "Diary of Memory", which was removed on the novel Nicholas Sparkle. Noah and Ellie fell in love with each other at a young age. But the parents of the girl were against their relationship, as the guy was from a simple poor family. Mom did everything to divide them. Living apart, they built their lives with other people. But in the soul, they still experienced love to each other. They spent their young years on those who did not like them at all. Because of this, there were a lot of suffering. After many years, they met by chance, their feelings were silent with a new force. But they lost so many years until they were together.

Love is, indeed, an incredible feeling that can bring a person at the same time and happiness, and suffering. In my opinion, it is better to try a great sense of love once than not to know him at all, afraid of suffering and mental pain.


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Themed Direction:He and she

23.09.2019 18:00:29

Love is the most difficult feeling that is characteristic of man. I believe that everyone in his life came across this feeling. Love can be different: maternal, passionate, deep, friendly, fleeting, strong and so on. She paints, elevates, inspires, but, unfortunately, does not always make a man happy.
Reflecting on this topic, I can not not appeal to the work of A.I.Kuprina "Pomegranate bracelet". A stories unrequited loves faith Nikolaevna for seven years. This love is "hopeless", "polite." The hero himself believes that God sent him this feeling as "huge happiness", as a reward for something. But can you really consider YOLTKOV happy? What gave him it, so far no one has an interpreted feeling? In the life of the hero, nothing was interested in, and every moment of the day was filled with thoughts, dreams and "sweet nonsense" about faith Nikolaevna. Where is happiness? As a result, Zholotko cums the life of suicide. Love does not bring her hero anything, except for non-efficient dreams and death.
In the story of A.I. Kuprina "Olesya" heroes are in love with each other, their love is mutual. When they together, their happiness there is no limit, they are good together. When parting on them there is a longing. Ivan Timofeevich wants to marry Oles and take her to the city. It would seem, here it is long-awaited happiness! But they are not destined to be together. You can quickly understand that it was the cause of their parting, but it does not change the essence: love and these heroes made unhappy.
Love is a wonderful feeling. It is multifaceted. Many gives confidence in themselves, makes life, eliminates loneliness and longing, helps forgive, but, unfortunately, someone makes any other circumstances. That is life. From this you will not leave.

Number of words - 286

Catherine, the essay is written independently, receives a "test", but you need to clearly build the logic of the composition: in the introduction there should be a liner to the main thoughts of the composition and the wording of the main thesis - the answer to the question of the essay theme. You give the definition of love:

And only one sentence is the answer to the topic of the topic:

If a definition is given to some concept, you also need to adhere to logic. You write:

First, remove "and so on." Secondly, the maternal, friendly love is indicated in a number of homogeneous members, and then the types of love for feeling are listed. It is necessary to delimit the definitions of love. The thesis is further argued by two works about love men and women. Therefore, it is logical to write definitions about the strength of a love feeling, eliminating the adjectives of the "maternal" and "friendly".
In the accession, you must, logically arguing, indicate that it makes a person unhappy and move to the argument.

Catherine, in writing Try to avoid categorical reasoning. Here you write:

Why "so far"? Definitions of the concept of "love" given a lot, unambiguous can not be.

When using the argument from the work, it is necessary to take into account the copyright position.
You ask a question:

You think the hero was not happy. Carefully read Yellow's letters to faith, his last letter. Check out the critical literature. Determine the copyright position: whether the hero of the hero is unhappy in love for faith Nikolaevna. If so, what then the cause of the tragedy.

The argument again need to turn to the main thought of your essay:

and ask yourself a question: is this example proved the main idea?

The second argument is superficially, without support for text, it is poorly working on the disclosure of the topic, only general reasoning:

What was the cause of parting and tragedy - about it and it is necessary to write in the argument, this is an essay theme.
Since the introduction is given to the definition, what love is, the conclusion you do the corresponding:

This is a logical error, but you saves the continuation of the offer:

But this is a thin thread, logically binding with the theme of the writing. And again uncertainty in words: "Somecircumstances. "
Elena to write a taught essay, you need to work on speech. You allow coarse speech errors:

Speech error, lexical endability of words "I came across a sense"

loves Faith Nikolaevna. Love This "hopeless", "polite". - Speech error, repeating words.

So, Catherine, work on the logic of the composition, carefully refer to the text of the literary works - and the "standings" you will receive.

Criteria points K1: 1; K2: 1; K3: 0; K4: 1; K5: 1; Paid:;

Final score - 4 standings

1 Option Writing

Love. Everyone treats this word in its own way and for many centuries a person never found a clear explanation for what love is. Does she make a man happy? Should she do it? I think definitely yes. Any love that she was not, makes a man happier, let him even suffer. I have not yet found such a person who would say, I lived life, not love, on the contrary, many regretted that they loved too little. There will be millions of responses to this question above, since everyone has his own love, every person feels and perceives it in his own way.

This is a philosophical question that will have a thousand opinions, because people of different ages will answer him. After all, the truth love is perceived differently depending on age. It is difficult to recognize it, but it is small children who can love to love this, as they are not burdened by society, which imposes their ideals to them, they love a person, because he just is, he is near. Such quality to love persists, alas, not every person.

In pursuit of personal well-being of the attention of a wealthy person, we perceive as true love, correct. But will the happiness after? Probably it will be if a person sought to welfare. Therefore, answering the question above it is possible to answer with confidence that yes, love makes a man happy if he wanted what he wanted, and it doesn't matter that: money, another person, moving through the career ladder.

I believe that you should not condemn the people who choose a career or welfare, this is their life and their way, an unauthorized person never understand the souls of another person. It is better to choose your love and strive to keep it, it's your way that you will need to go through yourself.

2 OPERATION OPERATION Always Love Does Man Happy?


  1. Introduction
  2. Love on the side of good
  3. Love and emotions
  4. Shades of love
  5. In childhood
  6. Output


There is no such person who has never experienced a sense of love. It is laid in us since birth and goes with us in life, then fidgeting with a new force, then athighted. Initially, people are in finding love, seek her. Love is that feeling that the strength and completeness of sensations exceeds other emotions.

Love on the side of good

It is believed that love on the side of good. Slightly, engraves the soul, awakens only positive in man, gives faith in good, gives impetus to the awakening of the best qualities. But how to explain the fact in the past that war flared up in the name of love, brother walked on his brother, and the friend became an enemy? Throughout history, the situation has not changed. And now people lose their mind because of love. Many of them are ready for everything. This "all" includes, both self-sacrifice and active activities for the benefit of love and the development of hatred in up to the murder.

Love and emotions

Love attracts many emotions. It is accompanied by not only joy and happiness. Next to her, jealousy, sadness and suffering. Love is unable to make everyone equally happy. As laughter is bitter, and tears with tears of joy and love. For one person, she is a gift and is the highest good and enjoyment. For another - painful suffering. Why is that? Yesterday we loved, I hate today. I think everything is very individual and depends on the characteristics of the nature, the upbringing and psychological development of man.
During the life, our love chooses various objects of adoration.

Shades of love

Like all feelings, it is not subject to reason and control it is almost impossible. I believe that love has shades. Her power depends on who we love. Love for mother alone, another friend, to the third knowledge. If you consider this option as love for an inanimate subject and to a living being, it becomes obvious that the love of living is stronger, bright and emotional. If you lose any beloved thing, a person does not feel so much burning as in parting with a close man. It turns out that for happy love the object should be with us. Losing it, we continue to love, but there is a mixture with a feeling of bitterness. We love, and we hurt from it. The person is alive and healthy, but not with us, and we suffer from it. Maybe it's about excessive egoism? The Bible says that love forgives everything and does not seek her. And we cannot let go from themselves who love. We cannot rejoice at him if he is good, but not with us. Passion inherent in love is especially destructive. Passionate nature is more susceptible to love, which does not bring happiness.

In childhood

We love from childhood and inspire love for others, but no one warns about her dark half. We see weeping mothers. After all, if they were not loved by us, no deed could bring them pain. We see pride for us and love in their eyes, but if they were not loved by us, they would have anyway. We see a dog that squeals from the joy that we came, and her sadness, when we are far away. And we see someone else's PSA, which passes by, without looking at our side. Hence the conclusion that love is interconnected with sadness and suffering. Love, of course, happiness, but always mixed with grief and pain. Perhaps, thus, love is strengthened and checked, but again through pain. No other way. Yes, there are people, confident that love brings only happiness. But there are others who see dependence in it, loss of themselves, illness, evil. One enjoys, the other grieves.


I think love brings happiness only to those who appreciate it and loves truly, no matter what. He loves and rejoices from what he loves the other more than himself. Happy love is one who is sincere in their feelings and does not think evil. A man is given love, but whether she will bring happiness to him, only depends on him.

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What is love? Love is a gentle, beautiful feeling that a person can experience. She enlisters, makes it in a different way to perceive the world around, admire and admire those who love, and even commit feats. True love has an inexplicable power over man, she makes it better and happier. But is love always brings happiness? Unfortunately, not always. The greatest suffering is experiencing a person with unreserved love.

In the work of Alexander Kurin "Pomegranate Bracelet" we see an example of unrequited love. Yolks in love in Verra Sheina. He writes her letters who always remain unanswered, and in his birthday gives a beloved pomegranate bracelet. The gift causes a storm of indignation. For a small yellow official, the love of the princess faith Shiny became the meaning of life. But when he was forbidden to even think about her, he could no longer live and committed suicide. True love is often not happiness, but a tragic outcome, because it is not always mutual.

Thus, love is an incredible feeling that can manage people, one it gives happiness, and others are sadness and disappointment. Love does not always make a person happy, because it is often unrequited and unreserved. But I believe that it is better to try a great sense of love once than not to know him at all, afraid of suffering, disappointments and mental pain.

Must make laughing , "Fly" and, above all, do.

Unfortunately, the traditional and archaic ideas about the fact that true love Always associated with suffering, and tears are a normal phenomenon when you are in a relationship with someone.

This concept goes its roots in classic image of romantic lovewhich caused so much harm to many generations of lovers. It is because of this, even in our time, many people have a somewhat distorted picture of what attachment is, as well as what the relationship should be based in a happy pair.

Today in our article we invite you to reflect about it together.

True love should not be a source of tears

Maybe at some point in your life, someone from your nearest environment told you something like this "it is what it is. You just take it or leave him. There is always one who is always crying in relationships. This is normal."

Sometimes what is considered normal, hazards hazardous and destructive ideas. Consequently, you should clearly understand that love does not mean suffering. The one who makes you cry, actually not love you, or, even worse, loves but chooses the wrong and unhealthy way for this.

Romantic love, or love-suffering

Than more pain, more passion, more attraction, the greater the most. These are the very classical ideas that I left the ideal of romantic love, and we often meet them in movies or classical literature.

  • Believe it or not, this approach still determines the life of modern young people. Thinking that jealousy or proprietary feelings are the main sign of love, they are sometimes bind into very dangerous relationships.
  • Romantic love, in addition, recognizes only the first stage of love, full passion. It cannot be transformed into a stronger and stable feeling, mature love.
  • Another misconception that is connected with romantic love is that it is inseparable from suffering and tears. This is part of the relationship, and we just have to take this fact as a given. Actually, this is completely wrong.

Surely even among your friends there are many people for which love is so destructive feeling that brings only. These people are extremely unhappy, their self-esteem is striving for zero, their relationship is built on dependence, and they constantly suffer pain and tears.

They do not believe the idea that when you love, you should not hurt from it.Healthy true love never seeks to destruction.

Conscious, mature love

No one is born, knowing everything about love. To acquire this knowledge, we must survive frustration, mental wounds and even in some cases, to be alone, to register themselves again.

  • Never be blaming yourself for failures or think that "love is suffering." It is not so, or at least it should not be.
  • Conscious love always begins with so simple and, at the same time, important things like love.

Only when you feel confident, your not understated and you know exactly what you can deserve to join healthy, responsible and happy relationships.

  • Mature, true love always begins with your inner harmony.
  • Confident man, without emotional problems and with good self-esteem, will not project their fears on a partner Or be an obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bcomplete control, afraid of possible betrayal.

Because the one who loves does not betray, and the one who respects is worthy of trust.

True love should make you laugh

Make happy those we love, is of great importance for us themselves . Unfortunately, there are those who do not agree with that.

  • For some, it is completely normal to force a partner to suffer. So they pursue a very clear goal: to control.
  • At the same time, such people are extremely surprised, seeing the tears of the partner. Usually they say: what are you offended from scratch?Familiar phrase?

In this case, you must understand that you have a person who unable to empathize and be responsible for their actions.

One who really loves you will strive to make you happyand, bring smiles and joy even in rainy days.

Since the power that makes your pair is stronger in every smile. Each manifestation of care strengthens your relationship, by making your relationship more durable.