August 12 is a day in history. Russian Air Force Day

Published on 12.08.18 00:21

August 12, 2018 is the day of Silvanus and the Force. The Church on this holiday remembers the honor of the holy apostles from the seventy Siluan and Sila (Silos).

It is known about the Hieromartyr Silouan that he was a companion and companion of the Apostle Paul. Further history says that he was the bishop of the Greek city of Thessalonica, where he died, having endured grief and suffering for his faith.

Strength was also intkbbee a disciple of Paul. In the year 51, a meeting of the messengers of Jesus took place in Jerusalem, at which a message was written to Christians from idolaters about the observance of the law of Moses. Paul and Barnabas went to the Christians of Antioch, accompanied by Judas and Silas, who were instructed to explain in words the essence of the letter. After this, Saint Jude returned to Jerusalem, and Saint Silas remained with the Apostle Paul. Traveling through the cities and preaching, they reached the city of Corinth, in which Silas passed the rite of consecration to the bishops, and, having performed many miracles and signs, ended his life.

Truly heroic power is attributed to the Apostle Sila, identifying him with the Slavic pagan god Strongbog, who personified powerful strength and dexterity. They relied on him in numerous works in the field (after all, a lot of strength is needed in order to have time to collect both ripe rye and sow winter rye). According to an old belief, on this day Saint Sila puts his wonderful gift into herbs and roots, especially burdock.

If the mountain ash is well born, there will be a rainy autumn and a cold winter. If the berry also "burns with fire" - this means that the coming summer will be raw.

A gusty wind portends calm weather.

Air Force Day

Russian Air Force Day is celebrated annually on August 12. The event was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 949 of August 29, 1997 (as amended by No. 549 of May 31, 2006). It has been given the status of a memorial day. Solemn events dedicated to the holiday are held on the Day of the Air Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Builder's Day

Builder's Day is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and some other post-Soviet countries annually on the second Sunday of August. In 2018, it falls on August 12th.

The first celebrations were held in the USSR on August 12, 1956. Their prerequisite was the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 6, 1955 "On the establishment of the annual holiday" Builder's Day ". The initiator of the creation of the document was the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU N. Khrushchev, impressed by the visit to the large-scale and rapid construction of the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station. The date was fixed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”.

International Youth Day

International Youth Day is celebrated annually on August 12 across the planet. It was established by the UN General Assembly on December 17, 1999 (resolution No. A/RES 54/120). In 2018, the date is celebrated for the 19th time.

The idea of ​​approving the event was proposed by the participants of the World Conference of Ministers for Youth, held on August 8-12, 1998 in Lisbon. The first official celebration of International Youth Day took place in 2000.

The day of the met dawn

The day of the met dawn, which is usually celebrated on August 12. Dawn is the best time for declarations of love, romantic and friendly gatherings around the fire. This is the period when nature itself helps seekers find answers to their questions. Complete tranquility and sonorous overflows of birds fill life with true meaning, which is lost in an endless series of everyday problems and habitual city traffic jams.

Valentin, Angelina, Maxim, Pavel, Herman, Agnia, Ivan

  • 1323 - The first official peace treaty "Orekhovsky Peace" was signed between Veliky Novgorod and Sweden
  • 1851 - An improved sewing machine was patented by the American tailor Singer.
  • 1865 - During a surgical operation, carbolic acid (phenol) was used for the first time to disinfect instruments and hands of a surgeon.
  • 1908 - Production of a new model of the Ford T car began.
  • 1981 - The first personal computer is released by IBM
  • 2000 - During exercises in the Barents Sea, a disaster occurred, as a result of which the Kursk submarine sank
  • 2013 - The operation of a single emergency call number began throughout Russia
  • Nikolai Kalinin 1944 - Soviet conductor, composer, professor
  • Alexander Stolper 1907 - Soviet film director, screenwriter, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR
  • Oleg Kuvaev 1934 - Soviet geologist, geophysicist and writer
  • Helena Blavatsky 1831 - Russian writer, religious philosopher, founder of the Theosophical Society
  • Erwin Schrödinger 1887 - Austrian physicist, theorist, developer of quantum mechanics and Nobel Laureate
  • Clara Hitler 1860 - mother of Adolf Hitler
  • Vitus Bering 1681 - Russian navigator, officer of the Russian fleet, polar explorer.

Significant events in the world of music - BIRTHDAYS

August 12, 1932 born - Soviet and Russian composer, musicologist, pianist and teacher. For many years the name of this master has been included in the world musical elite. The composer's creative baggage includes symphonies, operas, ballets, numerous choral and chamber compositions.

And performance of works Slonimsky It is always an event to look forward to. Each author's concert, and even more so the festival of his music, each premiere or new production of his creations cause long discussions in the press. AT early 1999 Georgian director Robert Sturua staged an opera in Samara Slonimsky "Visions of Ivan the Terrible". He became the musical director of the performance. The premiere of the opera caused fierce controversy. The author's interpretation of the historical plot, the musical solution, and the stage performance were also criticized. But the performance is still with great success on the stage of the Samara Opera House.

H the stage fate of another, earlier opera Slonimsky"The Master and Margarita" written in 1970-1972. For a long time, the work was banned. Only in July 2000 the opera was, as it were, “rediscovered” at the World Exhibition in Hannover, staged by the German Opera House in Rostock under the baton of the conductor Mikhail Yurovsky.

O one of the brightest world musical premieres was the production of a one-act ballet at the Mariinsky Theater Slonimsky "Princess Pirlipat, or Punished Nobility" on the plot of the first part of the fairy tale about the Nutcracker by Ernst Theodor Hoffmann. And again, the opinions of critics diverged diametrically - from stormy delight to categorical rejection.

H unceasing creative search - this is very typical for Sergei Slonimsky. But despite his considerable age, he remains a young and courageous experimenter.

was born August 12, 1943. The Soviet and Russian opera singer (baritone) has been singing since childhood - in kindergarten and at school. After a voice mutation, the young man sang again, now in the adult academic choir of the factory Palace of Culture. AT 1962 Leonid Smetannikov came to Dnepropetrovsk to enter the music school. He entered, studied and, in order to have the means to live, worked as a radio operator-illuminator at the Palace of Culture of Students. After graduation Smetannikov entered the L. V. Sobinov State Conservatory. December 8, 1968 he received an invitation to the SATOB named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, where he became an opera soloist and a year later he performed the first part (Eletsky in).

Z and for two and a half years he performed many small and large parts, including Zhuran in Tchaikovsky, and ataman Ignatiev in "Jakov Shibalka" Lensky, and even the Hedgehog in the children's opera "Teremok". The exam was the game of Figaro from The Barber of Seville by G. Rossini. The premiere of the performance was attended by the State Commission from the Conservatory, which rated the work of the graduate as "excellent".

Strives to systematically perform with concerts. He quickly gained strength as a singer. While still a 4th year student, he won the right to solo concerts. The first one took place spring 1970 and included arias, romances, songs. Spring 1971 Together with the best artists of the Opera House, he performed several works on Central Television. This was already a certain recognition of the young singer.

Z ubiquitous for Leonid Smetannikova became 1973. He became a laureate All-Union Competition of Professional Performers of the Soviet Song(Minsk), X World Festival of Youth and Students(Berlin), VI All-Union Vocal Competition named after(Kishinev).

Smetannikov was the first songwriter "Victory Day". He performed it on set TV show "Blue light" on the eve of May 9, 1975. V was invited to the L. V. Sobinov State Conservatory to teach at the Department of Solo Singing.

Ronald(Ron) David Mayle was born August 12, 1945. American musician, songwriter with his younger brother Russell is the founder of the group Sparks, where he writes most of the songs and plays keyboards.

Known for his stage image - old-fashioned clothes and mustache. During the band's live performances, he intersperses playing the synthesizer with pantomime miniatures.

May 16, 2008 Sparks began a UK tour during which they performed material from all of their studio albums in chronological order. At the Shepherd's Bush Empire in London on June 13 (this was the 21st show of the tour) Ron and Russell Mael performed all the songs on the album "Exotic Creatures Of The Deep".

M many musicians who liked the band's music Sparks, helped the team in creativity. Now in the team, except Rhone and Russell Maelov, includes: Steven Nistor, Jim Wilson, Marcus Blake, Stephen MacDonald, Dean Manta and Tammy Glower.

Mark Freuder Knopfler was born August 12, 1949. British rock musician, singer and composer, one of the co-founders of the band Dire Straits.

H gained the greatest popularity as a songwriter, lead guitarist and vocalist of the group Dire Straits. Until now, he has been engaged in a solo career, and also performed with other projects. Worked with many artists including Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, The Atkins couple(album Neck & Neck- the largest joint work). He has produced albums for many musicians, including, Chris Rea, Bob Dylan, Emilou Harris wrote music for films such as "Local Hero", "Princess Bride", "Cal", "Metroland", "Last Exit in Brooklyn" and "Wag".

In 2003 the artist had a motorcycle accident and canceled the tour in support of the album "The Ragpicker's Dream" (2002 ), but a year later he managed to return to the stage.

AT The performer went on tour three times in Russia.

Knopfler- one of the best guitarists who prefer finger picking technique. He was ranked number 27 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time.

August 12, 1954 born – American jazz guitarist and bandleader Pat Metheny Group.

E Go music can be roughly divided into two parts: Pat Metheny Group and participation in projects of other musicians, duets, solo recordings, etc.

G group Pat Metheny Group was created in 1976 by Pat Metheny and keyboardist Lyle Mays. Then the bassist joined them. Steve Rodby, which later had a great influence on creative collaboration Pat and layla.

Z outside Pat Metheny Group managed to show the most different sides of his musicality. He recorded compositions highly acclaimed by jazz critics.

Metheny claims that he plays what he would like to hear as a listener. He was especially influenced by Brazilian music. He himself has a certain influence on young musicians. This is evidenced by some of his compositions performed by other musicians. Some young musicians play Pat Metheny Group and other projects.

was born August 12, 1969. English pop/folk singer-songwriter, best known for her hits "Twist in my Sobriety" and Good Tradition from debut album "Ancient Heart". Subsequent releases did not have a similar commercial success, but this did not stop her from maintaining her reputation as one of the most poetic and enigmatic pop singers.

P first album Tikaram recorded at 19. The singer later recorded a cover of "Loving You" included in the tribute 1990 "The Last Temptation of Elvis".

She participated in the BBC Texts In Time: Picture in the Poem series, setting the poem "Not Waving But Drowning" by English poet Stevie Smith to music. AT 1995 the song was released as a single Tikaram "I Might Be Crying". For the Italian exhibition Viaggio di Italia, the singer wrote a song Have You Lost Your Way?(1995 ), later released on her single Wonderful Shadow. AT 1997 sang a duet with Christiano Prunas by recording a single "Dove Sei".

To composition Tikaram "Twist in my Sobriety" sounds in the movie "Bandits" 2001, a "Don't Shake Me Up"- in "Princess of Spice" 2005 . She co-produced the short docudrama Solas. She played a restaurant singer in the French film Farewell Morocco, singing the song Nat King Cole "Blue Gardenia".

P about recognition Tanita Tikaram, she considers herself a successor of song traditions Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison, Leonard Cohen and Ricky Lee Jones.

BUT singer's album "Can't Go Back" went out in 2012.

And performer of Russian chanson was born August 12, 1972.

P professional musician, arranger, poet, singer, composer, producer graduated from an adult music school with an accordion class and the Institute of Culture and Art with a class in folk instruments. C 1990 Mikhail Inozemtsev performed in St. Petersburg cafes, clubs and restaurants, at weddings, banquets and other events. His repertoire includes author's and other people's songs, retro variety art. AT 2005 Mikhail Inozemtsev moved away from the restaurant stage, created his own recording studio "Northern Motif". Performers of various musical genres are recorded here - A. N. Lobanovsky, K. N. Belyaev, S. B. Kataev, Zhemchuzhny Brothers.

In 2012 album released "My Destiny - Performs songs by Mark Usvyatsov".

P Evets currently lives in St. Petersburg.

Significant events in the world of music - DAYS OF MEMORY

August 20, 1561 born - Italian composer and singer, organist and harpsichordist, author of the world's first opera and member of the Florentine Camerata. Studied music in Florence. He worked as a singer and organist in local churches. Subsequently, he served at the Medici court, first as a singer (tenor), later as a court composer. His first compositions were music for plays and madrigals.

In the 1590s Peri met with Jacopo Corsi, the main patron of music in Florence. They decided to try to recreate Greek tragedy as they understood it. They experimented with "monody", which led to the emergence of the aria and recitative. Peri and Corsi invited the poet Ottavio Rinuccini write a libretto. Their joint creation "Daphne" traditionally recognized as the first opera. It was staged during the carnival 1597-98 in Venice.

Rinuccini and Peri worked together on the next opera "Eurydice", which premiered October 6, 1600 in Venice. The composition uses recitative, which, together with arias and choirs, served to develop the action. Subsequently Peri wrote (including in collaboration with the Florentine composer Marco da Galliano) 5 more operas, as well as works in other genres, timed to coincide with various events in court life.

- Czech composer, musicologist-ethnographer and teacher - occupies the same place of honor in the history of Czech music of the 20th century as his compatriots did in the 19th century B. Sour cream and . It was these major national composers, the creators of the Czech classics, who brought the art of this most musical people to the world stage.

Leosh was born July 3, 1854 in the land of dense forests and ancient castles, in the small mountain village of Hukvaldy. He was the ninth of 14 children of a high school teacher. His father, among other subjects, taught music, was a violinist, church organist, leader and conductor of a choral society. Mother also possessed outstanding musical abilities. The childhood of the future composer was poor, but healthy and free.

FROM At the age of 11, the boy began to earn a living by joining the choir of one of the churches in the city of Brno. Then he worked as a teacher's assistant, organist, and later as a teacher. study Janacek continued in Leipzig and Vienna. By this time, about 1880, he was already known for his choral works, compositions for string orchestras, violin and piano sonatas, and songs. Janacek wrote theoretical articles, edited collections of Moravian folk songs.

T Janacek's creative activity unfolded in full force in early 1900s when his opera was staged "Enufa"(“Her stepdaughter”), the success of which inspired the composer to further work. Operas are of great interest Janacek "The Beginning of the Romance", as well as "Fate". Soon a song cycle appeared "Diary of the Lost", orchestral rhapsody "Taras Bulba", operas were staged with great success "Katya Kabanova" and "Cunning Chanterelle". The last opera Janacek "From the House of the Dead" written on the theme of "Notes from the House of the Dead" by Dostoevsky.

And art Leos Janacek in the twilight of his life, he received general recognition in Germany, England and America. He taught at the Prague Conservatory and received many awards. The composer is gone August 12, 1928.

September 5, 1912 was born John Milton Cage- American composer, philosopher, poet, musicologist, artist. Pioneer in the field of aleatorics, electronic music and non-standard use of musical instruments, cage was one of the leading figures of the post-war avant-garde. Critics called him one of the most influential American composers of the 20th century.

P first music lessons cage received from private teachers in Los Angeles and some relatives. He began playing the piano in the 4th grade, but showed more interest in reading and was convinced that he wanted to become a writer. AT 1930 John went to Europe. It was here that he created his first works using complex mathematical formulas. However, the composer was dissatisfied with the results and left the finished pieces. Connection cage with the theater also began in Europe.

cage returned to the United States in 1931 . He met various important Southern California artists, including the pianist Richard Bachlig who became his first teacher. cage decided to finally leave painting and concentrate on music.

John Milton Cage best known for the three-part composition "4'33" 1952, during which no sound is played. The content of the composition is to perceive the sounds of the environment heard during the performance as music, and not just as four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence. This composition has become one of the most controversial works of the twentieth century. Another famous invention cage- a prepared piano (various objects are placed between the strings of the piano - paper, coins, paper clips, etc. - which leads to a change in the sound of the instrument), for which he wrote numerous works, including some concert pieces, the most famous of which are Sonatas and Interludes (1946-48 ).

(Lester William Polsfuss) born June 9, 1915. American guitar virtuoso, songwriter, recording innovator, and one of the inventors of the electric guitar, which made possible the modern sound of rock and roll. He is credited with many recording innovations, and although he was not the first to use this kind of technique, Floor one of the first experimented in the field of sound overdubbing, "delay" effects, phase effects and multi-channel recording.

R revolutionary in nature were not only the technical devices of the musician, but also the style of his playing. He used a variety of playing techniques - ranging from trills, ending with a variety of chord progressions. Style Woods Paul distinguishes him from his contemporaries and serves as an example for hundreds of guitarists around the world. AT 1950s he recorded with his wife Mary Ford. He is one of the few musicians who has a permanent exhibition in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Les Paul guitar

R the first solo records were the result of experiments with magnetic sound recording Woods Paul released in 1948Lover and Brazilian. The guitarist's work was in jeopardy when December 1948 he was in a car accident that damaged his entire right arm. During the operation Floor demanded that his broken arm be mended at such an angle that he could play the guitar again. AT 1950-1952 Les Paul participated in the development of the electric guitar, which received his name - "Les Paul", which became one of the most popular electric guitars among rock musicians.

AT For the last years of his life, the musician performed once a week at the New York Iridium Jazz Club. August 12, 2009 Les Paul died at the age of 95 after serious complications caused by pneumonia.

AT USSR was first released on LP in 1956.

Significant events in the world of music - SIGNIFICANT DATES

August 12, 1877 Thomas Edison announced the invention of the first sound recording device.

August 12, 1958 American music weekly Billboard published the Hot 100 chart of the best-selling 45s in the US for the first time.

August 12, 1966 made an official apology for his phrase about what is much more popular than Jesus Christ.

August 12, 1967 the band's first public performance Fleetwood Mac on the national jazz and blues festival in London.

August 12, 1989 at the BSA Luzhniki took place Moscow International Peace Festival with Scorpions, Bon Jovi, Cinderella, Motley Crue and etc.

August 12, 1994 opened rock festival "Woodstock-94", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of its famous predecessor.

Updated: April 11, 2019 by: Elena

The list of holidays in Russia on August 12, 2018 will acquaint you with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays August 12

On August 12, Russia celebrates 5 holidays, including 1 international and 2 professional.

Air Force Day (Air Force Day)

The blue expanses of the fifth ocean beckon with their infinity and fascinate with the depth of sensations. The dream to conquer the heavens has long become a reality for many. How wonderful it is to soar into the sky and feel the beauty of flight. But this is where the romantic notes in the work of military pilots end. The sky has long been another area where reliable protection is required. It is these tasks that, first of all, are performed by the Air Force of the country. Not surprisingly, this army unit has its own special holiday, which is usually celebrated in mid-August.

When asked what date Russian Air Force Day is celebrated, even military aviators cannot answer unambiguously. You can hear several radically different versions concerning, first of all, the date in August. Some call the date of the Day of the Russian Air Force the 12th, others the 18th. It turns out that there are even more aviation and relatives of aviation holidays. And this is directly related to the history of the development of Soviet and Russian aviation. Nevertheless, we will try to figure out when to congratulate husbands and fathers on the holiday of heaven, what date is Air Force Day in 2018.

How to congratulate Happy Air Force Day

Professions related to military aviation are complex and require excellent knowledge, high physical and moral fitness from applicants. Guys who are confident in their life goals or have an example of a father go into this area. Therefore, quite often in the families of aviators, children follow in the footsteps of their parents, and aviation holidays have become not just professional, but family ones. Here they know perfectly well how cool it is to congratulate relatives, and what gift for Air Force Day to give to a husband or dad.

Builder's Day

The builder is one of the most peaceful and oldest professions. It does not stop in development, specialists try to use new technologies and modern solutions in their business. This makes it possible to preserve old buildings for successors and significantly increase the life of new buildings. Construction is hard work that requires high skill, and therefore people who have chosen this field of activity have their own professional holiday, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of August.

history of the holiday

For the first time this holiday was celebrated about half a century ago, in 1956. The corresponding celebration was ordered to be established by Nikita Khrushchev. During his reign, the construction industry developed rapidly, it was decided to increase work in this direction, they wanted to provide housing for every family of those times.

It was then that the construction of the famous "Khrushchev" began. At the same time, a campaign was launched to combat the cult of personality, which led to a ban on any artistic elements and a reduction in space in new apartments.

Gradually, the whole country was covered by construction, a huge number of new facilities began to appear - schools, residential buildings, hospitals. It was in those years that the famous Luzhniki Stadium appeared. Therefore, it was decided to widely celebrate the Builder's Day, which was celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country.

International Youth Day

Youth Day is dedicated to the category of people under 25 who give hope to the public for a brighter future, new discoveries and progress in various fields of science. It is this category of people that makes up a third of the total population of the planet, while according to the latest data, half of them remain unemployed.

Representatives of international youth organizations created this holiday to educate young people, unlock their potential and strive for the best. Today, the number of deaths of children per day from hunger and poverty reaches 30 thousand. To prevent the development of statistics, it is necessary to motivate young people to work in state-owned enterprises, where there is a guarantee of career growth. It is a familiar situation when enterprises recruit young employees with work experience. And at this stage, most young people have great difficulties.


The initiative to create a holiday was shown by an international organization for youth affairs in 1998. This year, on August 10, a conference was held at which the problem of educating young people regarding various International programs relating to employment was discussed. The Program of Action was adopted in 1995 by the United Nations. The first celebrations took place in 2000.

Each year, the holiday reveals a specific theme, which is determined by the nominal slogan:

"Changes in the planet's climate, youth - it's time to act."
"Migration of the young generation is a developing branch of progress."
"Youth Fight Poverty".
"Youth for the Nation's Mental Health".
"The vital activity of youth in a society built on the interaction of all generations."

In different countries, the holiday has additional celebration dates, depending on the traditions of the state.

Silvanus and Strength

The folk holiday of Siluan and Sila is celebrated on August 12 (July 30, old style) of each year. On this day, the Orthodox celebrate the memory of Silos (Silos) and Silouan - two of the seventy apostles, companions of St. Paul. Other names of the holiday: Xiling Day, Siluyan, Power Day.

In Russia, on the day of Power and Siluan, people judged the weather. For example, it was believed that if this day turned out to be cool and cloudy, then rain should not be expected. But the imminent rain was foreshadowed by the strong twinkling of the stars at the dawn of that day. The evening rain on Silvanus and Sila, in turn, foreshadowed prolonged precipitation.

It is known about the Hieromartyr Silouan that he was a companion and companion of the Apostle Paul. Further history says that he was the bishop of the Greek city of Thessalonica, where he died, having endured grief and suffering for his faith. Silas was also a disciple of Paul. In the year 51, a meeting of the messengers of Jesus took place in Jerusalem, at which a message was written to Christians from idolaters about the observance of the law of Moses. Paul and Barnabas went to the Christians of Antioch, accompanied by Judas and Silas, who were instructed to explain in words the essence of the letter. After this, Saint Jude returned to Jerusalem, and Saint Silas remained with the Apostle Paul. Traveling through the cities and preaching, they reached the city of Corinth, in which Silas passed the rite of consecration to the bishops, and, having performed many miracles and signs, ended his life.

The day of the met dawn

What is dawn? This is the beginning of a new bright life, this is a gentle virgin nature, this is awakening from sleep, this is hope, this is love! Every sunrise, every new day is already a holiday. August 12 - the day of the met dawn. This is the day when it is worth remembering that life is already happiness, and meeting new dawns every day is the highest blessing!

How to note

To live life happily, you need to look for happiness in every day, and you need to start in the morning. The best way to celebrate this day is to take a morning walk or jog right at dawn. You can meet the sunrise even after seeing the sunset: why not stay overnight in a tent somewhere in a beautiful place, enjoying the beauty of nature, the sincerity of silence and the harmony of solitude.

Do not be afraid to wake up the child early so that everyone can enjoy the rising sun together. For children, this is a real miracle and joy! Take a bedding, tea and sandwiches with you - this is so that the feeling of hunger does not distract from the beautiful :)

Gratitude is the goal of any sunrise and this holiday. Saying "thank you" to every pre-dawn minute, we find peace and happiness.

Day of the Russian Air Force.

Air Force Day is celebrated in Russia on August 12 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 1997 No. 949 “On the Establishment of Air Force Day”.
On this day in 1912, the Russian Military Department issued Order No. 397, according to which the State of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was put into operation. August 12 is considered to be the beginning of the creation of Russian military aviation.
Air Force - a type of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to conduct reconnaissance of enemy groupings; securing air supremacy; protection from air strikes of important areas of the country and groupings of troops; air attack warnings; destruction of objects that form the basis of the military and military-economic potential of the enemy; air support for ground and naval forces; airborne landings; transportation of troops and materiel by air.
Festive events dedicated to this Day are held on the Day of the Russian Air Force, celebrated on the third Sunday of August.

International Youth Day.

August 12 is International Youth Day. Established by the UN General Assembly in 1999.
On this day, outreach activities are held to raise awareness among young people about the World Program for Youth, adopted by the Assembly in 1995.
The World Program of Action for Youth calls on governments to consider the possibility of young people participating in policies that affect them. Governments should strengthen their financial support, education assistance to young people, and create conditions for the realization of their potential.

Events that happened on August 12.

1323 - after thirty years of war between Novgorod and Sweden, the Orekhov peace was concluded between them.
1479 - The Assumption Cathedral was consecrated in Moscow, which was built for four years under the guidance of the Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti. The cathedral was built on the site of the first stone cathedral in Moscow, built in 1326-1327. during the reign of Ivan Kalita, and was built on the model of the Assumption Cathedral of the XII century in Vladimir.
1654 - Prince Yuri Baryatinsky defeated the troops of Grand Hetman Janusz Radziwill near Shklov.
1658 - The first police force in North America, the Ratelwacht, is formed in New Amsterdam.
1792 - Catherine II approved the sentence to the Russian publicist and publisher N. I. Novikov - 15 years in prison.
1824 - poet Alexander Pushkin was expelled from Odessa. At the time of the Mikhailovsky shutter, he created his best works. In 1826, Nicholas I summoned him to Moscow and removed him from disgrace.
1840 - on the Tsarskoye Selo railway near the Tsarskoye Selo station, a collision of two passenger trains occurred. 7 people died, 78 were injured.
1851 - American Isaac Singer received a patent for the first sewing machine.
1865 - English physician Joseph Lister first used phenol during an operation to disinfect the surgeon's instruments and hands. As a result, mortality after surgical operations has fallen by a factor of three.
1877 - American astronomer Asaph Hall discovered the satellite of Mars - Deimos.
1887 - On August 12-14, the first train passed on the route Vienna - Constantinople.
1896 - Gold was found on the Klondike River (Alaska).
1898 - The Hawaiian Islands are annexed by the US.
1912 - Negro immigration to Canada banned for one year.
1918 - In the United States, a ban on the sale of alcohol at railway stations was introduced.
1933 - the first match of the football team of Ukraine (with Turkey) took place.
1944 - France began to receive gasoline from England through the Pluto oil pipeline, laid along the bottom of the English Channel.
1949 - in London, because of the starlings located on the minute hand of the clock, Big Ben began to strike the time with a delay of four and a half minutes.
1950 - The US Department of Defense first issued a handbook on how to defend against a nuclear attack, after which the country began a boom in the construction of shelters.
1952 - thirteen defendants in the fabricated case of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, among whom were several prominent Jewish poets (L. Kvitko, P. Markish, D. Bergelson, D. Gofshtein), were executed in the USSR, and this execution is also known as "Night executed poets.
1953 - The world's first hydrogen bomb is successfully tested at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.
1959 - First launch of the American Polaris A-1 submarine missile, which could carry a 1 megaton nuclear warhead.
- In Little Rock, Arkansas, a mob tried to prevent two black students from entering a high school, who were forced to go there under the protection of the army.
- In the USSR, the sale of "durable" goods on credit is allowed.
1960 - Press censorship introduced in Ceylon.
- Echo One, the first telecommunications satellite, launches from Cape Canaveral.
1962 - the Soviet spacecraft Vostok-4 was launched with Pavel Popovich on board. For the first time in history, two spacecraft appeared in Earth orbit at the same time: Vostok-3 with Andrian Nikolaev launched the day before.
1970 - Janis Joplin held her last concert at Harvard University.
- A Soviet-West German treaty was signed in Moscow, which fixed the obligation of the parties to strictly observe the territorial integrity of all states in Europe, the inviolability of their borders (including the western border of Poland along the Oder-Neisse, as well as the border between the FRG and the GDR).
1974 - Turkey issued an ultimatum to Cyprus demanding the creation of Turkish autonomous regions.
1975 - nuclear explosion "Horizon-4" 7.6 kilotons.
1978 - Japan and China sign a treaty of peace and friendship.
1979 - Kimberlite-4 nuclear explosion of 8.5 kilotons.
1981 - The IBM PC went on sale for $1,565, - 4.77 MHz processor, 16 kilobytes of memory (expandable to 256), operating system - DOS 1.0.
1988 - Martin Scorsese's film "The Last Temptation of Christ" was released on American screens, which, even before its release, acquired a scandalous reputation and caused protests from religious organizations. An even more noisy campaign, including a statement by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and rallies of citizens, took place in Russia when the film was shown on NTV in November 1997.
1991 - in the UK, it is forbidden to walk, breed and sell fighting dogs without a muzzle.
1999 - Ukraine decided to close all sobering-up stations.
2000 - the Kursk nuclear submarine crashed in the Barents Sea.

On this page you will learn about the significant and memorable dates of the summer day on August 12, what famous people were born on this August day, events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from around the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and the day of August 12 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk tales. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The day of the twelfth of August left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, like who was born on this summer day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the twelfth day of August August 12, what events and significant dates he was marked by and what he remembered, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, just interesting to know.

Who was born on August 12 (twelfth)

George Soros (Eng. George Soros, Hung. Soros György, real name - Schwartz; born August 12, 1930, Budapest) - American financier, investor. A supporter of the theory of an open society and an opponent of "market fundamentalism" (in this direction, close to the social ideas of Karl Popper). Creator of a network of charitable organizations known as the Soros Foundation. Member of the Executive Committee of the International Crisis Group.

Caleb Casey McGuire Affleck Born August 12, 1975 in Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA American actor, director.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (née Hahn, German von Hahn). Born July 31, 1831 in Yekaterinoslav, Russian Empire - died April 26, 1891 in London, England. Religious philosopher of theosophical (pantheistic) direction, writer, occultist, spiritualist, traveler.

Missy Higgins (08/12/1983 [Melbourne]) - Australian pop singer, songwriter and actress;

Dominique Swain (08/12/1980 [Malibu]) - American film actress;

Iva Maioli (08/12/1977 [Zagreb]) - Croatian tennis player;

Pete Sampras (August 12, 1971, Washington) is an American tennis player.

Matlyuba Alimova (08/12/1954 [Andijan]) - Russian actress;

Deborah Wally (08/12/1943 [Bridgeport] - 05/10/2001 [Sedona]) - American actress;

George Hamilton (08/12/1939 [Memphis, Tennessee]) is an American actor and film producer;

Alexander Stolper (08/12/1907 [Dvinsk] - 01/12/1971 [Mokva]) - Soviet director;

Pauline Frederick (08/12/1883 [Boston] - 09/19/1938 [Beverly Hills]) - American actress;

Vladimir Purishkevich (08/12/1870 [Kishinev] - 02/01/1920 [Novorossiysk]) - Russian politician of the far right, monarchist;

Jacinto Benavente y Martinez (08/12/1866 [Madrid] - 07/14/1954 [Madrid]) - Spanish playwright, Nobel Prize in Literature, 1922;

Avdotya Panaeva (08/12/1820 [St. Petersburg] - 04/11/1893 [St. Petersburg]) - Russian writer and hostess of a literary salon;

Vitus Bering (08/12/1681 [Horsens] - 12/19/1741 [Bering Island]) - traveler, officer of the Russian fleet, captain-commander;

Christian III (08/12/1503 - 01/01/1559) - King of Denmark and Norway (since 1534). The eldest son of the Danish King Frederick I and his first wife, Anna of Brandenburg.

Dates August 12

In Kyrgyzstan - Day of the employee of the penitentiary system

Georgia celebrates Didgoroba

In Thailand - Queen Sirikit's Birthday, aka Mother's Day

According to the folk calendar, this is Silvanus and Strength

On this day:

Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt from the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty, died in 30 BC

Vitus Bering was born in 1681, the man who opened the strait between Asia and America for Europeans

in 1828, Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva, a nanny who hid the mugs from the young poet, died

Helena Blavatsky, theosophist, founder of the secret doctrine, born in 1831

George Stephenson, inventor of the steam locomotive, died in 1848

Isaac Singer patented a sewing machine in 1851

Erwin Schrödenger, founder of quantum mechanics and the terribly complex equations of his name, was born in 1887

Wilhelm Steinitz, the first world chess champion, died in 1900

in 1920, Valentin Filatov was born, the first to put bears on motorcycles

in 1930, George Soros was born, a financial genius, easily able to squander the world economy

Mark Knopfler, one of the founding brothers of the cult band Dire Straits, was born in 1949

in 1953, the world's first hydrogen bomb was tested near Semipalatinsk

Matlyuba Alimova was born in 1954, with whom Budulai fell passionately in love

François Hollande was born in 1954, a pale shadow as President of France

Ian Fleming died in 1964, but the 007 spy case lives on

in 1969, Tanita Tikaram was born, who considered it a good tradition to perform Twist in my Sobriety every time.

Events August 12

"Orekhovsky Peace" concluded

This document is the first peace treaty concluded by Veliky Novgorod with Sweden. It was concluded by Prince Yuri Danilovich concluded it with the Swedish king Magnus Eriksson after the Thirty Years' War. This document determined the northwestern border of the Russian state along the Sestra River and secured the lands that are part of the northern "neighborhood" of modern St. Petersburg.

In 1478, the Novgorod land lost its independence, it was subordinated to the princes of Moscow, the Moscow State, and later the Russian princes, the Orekhov Treaty was considered as a valid international agreement between Russia and Sweden. The Orekhov Treaty In total, it was in force for more than 270 years.

The acquisition and use of expensive computers before the advent of personal computers was quite problematic for ordinary people. Computers have been installed in large corporations, research centers, universities and government agencies.

In 1981, IBM introduced the first personal computer, ushering in the modern PC era. In its first year of sales, more than 130,000 units were sold, and by 2000, more than 140 million personal computers had been sold worldwide.

August 12, 2000 - a disaster occurred that led to the sinking of the submarine "Kursk"

In 2000, during an exercise in the Barents Sea, the Kursk submarine sank as a result of a disaster. It was found at a depth of 108 meters with 24 torpedoes and 24 cruise missiles on board.

At the time of the disaster, 118 people were on the boat. All died. On September 26, the President of Russia signed a decree perpetuating the memory of the crew of the boat. In honor of those who died as a result of the disaster, one of the peaks of the Caucasus Range was named "Kursk".

August 12, 1865 - Joseph Lister first used phenol to disinfect hands and tools.

In 1865, an English surgeon used carbolic acid as an antiseptic during an operation, and after that he founded a whole range of antiseptic procedures. In addition to hands, the surgeon also disinfected instruments and clothing. Joseph Lister's innovations have saved millions of lives and revolutionized surgery.

They said that on Silin Day, even a weak man becomes a hero. The signs said that right now you need to work hard in order to be healthy, powerful and active on other days. Various rituals were held on August 12, aimed precisely at giving strength to a person.

In addition, prayer services are held in the Orthodox Church on August 12 in honor of Saints Sila and Silouan. These apostles were disciples of Saint Paul. According to tradition, the Council of the Apostles took place in Jerusalem around the year 51, as a result of which Paul and Barnabas were sent to Antioch in order to clarify the message of the council.

Together with them, Silas also went there, who tried to help Paul in all matters. So, with sermons, the apostles visited Cilicia, Syria, Philippi and Macedonia. In Corinth, Silas was ordained to the status of bishop. During his life he performed many good deeds and miracles.

As for Silouan, he wandered for many years until he became a disciple of the Apostle Paul, who ordained him to the status of Bishop of Thessalonica. However, scientists are also inclined to believe that Sila and Siluan are one person, as evidenced by the similarity of names. In any case, the holiday has always had a double name.

On August 12, the people paid special attention to rye - it was possible to start sowing. There was a belief that witches, having drunk milk today, die. However, they drink so much milk that they beat a cow to death. But when the witch dies, she will never be resurrected.

On August 12, the memory of St. John the Warrior, who lived during the reign of the Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate, is venerated. He served in the imperial army, and therefore, had to take an active part in organized persecution of the followers of the Christian faith.

However, since John himself believed in Jesus Christ, he tried to warn believers about possible raids and raids, helping them escape from prisons. When the emperor found out about this, he imprisoned John in prison, where he awaited execution. However, in 363, after the death of the emperor, John was released.

He died at a ripe old age, and today the relics of John are considered miraculous. It is customary to pray to John on August 12 to ask for justice if a person has been offended, or grief has happened to him. Prayers were also made with a request for the return of the stolen.

People said that if you serve a prayer service to John, then the thief will reveal himself. And if the offender did not want to confess, then they told fortunes, and to whom the sorcerer pointed, he had to swear his innocence before John the Warrior. And if a person lies, then, according to signs, the saint will punish him.

Folk omens August 12

At this time, blackberries ripen

A common tradition on August 12 is to pick burdocks from three different bushes and apply them to the legs if pain is observed in this area.

They noted that rye was ripening by August 12, and if this happened, they said that the ear would be strong, which means that we could hope for a rich harvest.

Rainy and windy day - there will be prolonged rains

Cool and cloudy weather - in the coming days it will be dry and no precipitation is expected

We hope you enjoyed reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read. Agree that it is very useful to know the history of events and dates, and also those famous people who were born today, on the twelfth day of August, August 12, what mark this person left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world with you.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the authenticity and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading expands your horizons and develops imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

What is interesting and significant in world history on August 12, science, sports, culture, politics?

August 12, what events in the world history of science and culture are famous and interesting for this day?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on August 12?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on August 12? What religious holidays are celebrated on August 12? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the national day on August 12 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of August 12? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on August 12?

What significant historical events on August 12 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial Day of which famous and great people on August 12?

Which of the great, famous and famous died on August 12?

August 12, the Day of Remembrance of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

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Events of the day 12 August 2018 - dates today

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