3 month old baby often. requirements for toys. Games and educational activities

Three-month-old children are already actively getting to know the world around them, showing positive and negative emotions, and getting to know their loved ones. During the third month of life, a child can gain about 900 g in weight, and also grow by 2.5 cm.

What can a child do

In the period of only the third month, the child is rapidly developing in all directions, and by the end of the month he can boast of many achievements:

1. The baby is able to turn his head 180 ° and focus his eyes on any object for about 40 seconds, watches moving and stationary objects, and always tries to find with his eyes the source of the sound that he hears.
2. To satisfy his boundless interest, the child knows how to raise his head and hold it for about two minutes. He can only do this while lying on his stomach, and raises his head, leaning on his forearms. The most active babies can already roll over on their tummy and back.
3. At the 3rd month of life, the visual functions of the baby are not yet perfect, and at this time the child may slightly "mow". In this case, you should not worry, it usually goes away in the next month.
4. The answer to the speech uttered towards the baby will definitely be a strong animation on his part, and if the child sees the parent's smile, he will definitely answer the same.
5. Three-month-old children get rid of the Moro reflex (startle at a sharp sound).
6. By the end of the third month, the child's grasping functions pass from the reflex stage to the conscious one.
7. If you put the child in a vertical position on a hard surface (crib, floor) and hold him by the handles, then he can confidently stand on his feet for about a minute. Often such procedures are not necessary.
8. The baby is trying to grab and hold the toy, fingering the toy, more and more confidently raising the legs and arms for viewing.
9. Reacts to light by turning its head towards its source.
10. Responds to parental conversations with “hooting”, “hooting” and other sounds.

Child nutrition

For a baby in 3 months of life, it remains normal breast milk. In most cases, at this age, you can still do without additional complementary foods or water supplements. The latter can be given only in a very hot period of the year, when there is profuse sweating. But this is not necessary, many children in the hot summer are completely satisfied with their mother's milk.

The best option at this age is considered six meals a day, every 3-3.5 hours. During each feeding, the child consumes approximately 130-150 ml, which is about 850-950 ml per day.

If a nursing mother's milk does not arrive in the right volumes to ensure complete saturation of the child, then the most popular reasons for this are: stressful disorders of the mother or her wrong. To solve this problem, it is necessary to correct your own nutrition (exclude junk food and add sour-milk and dairy products, animal protein to the diet, eat more liquid), ignore stressful situations, express the remaining milk into milk until it is completely empty. You definitely need to get enough rest. In most cases, this is quite difficult to do with a small child, but it is simply necessary, so let you have a daily lunchtime nap even at the expense of homework. Breastfeeding at this stage is very important for the baby.

If the above methods do not help to increase lactation, or the reason for the decrease in milk supply is more serious, then you should consult with your doctor about the introduction of complementary foods. It should be borne in mind that artificial mixtures are absorbed much longer in the child's body, so it is necessary to strictly follow the feeding regimen, as well as the instructions for their preparation.

Often mothers adhere to feeding "on demand". Although this method takes a woman a lot of time, it helps to organize GW (breastfeeding) without problems in the form of stagnation or lack of milk. Sometimes mothers complain that the child literally "hangs on": she constantly demands it and cannot calm down by other methods. In such cases, a woman simply needs a sling.

This device will help to carry out housework without hindrance, and the baby always has access to his favorite milk. In this case, he grows calm and confident in his safety.

Daily regime

The mode of wakefulness and sleep in an infant is formed by the 9-10th week of its extrauterine existence. Happy three months babies sleep 3-4 times, while the duration of each sleep session is approximately 1.5-2 hours. At night, children have a long sleep (about 9-10 hours), waking up only for a short time to “warm up” and feed.

To the child soon learned to sleep soundly 5-6 hours at night, it is recommended not to pay attention to him every time he wakes up, the slightest rustle, movement. Remember that a normal healthy child with breastfeeding will not sleep all night and 4-6 hours is a success. And kids fall asleep very easily and tend to sleep pretty soundly during street walks.

A child at 3 months needs to be on the street every day 3 times, staying in the fresh air for 1.5-2 hours. Outdoor walks are recommended under various weather conditions, if the air temperature is at least 10 ° and there are no serious precipitations.

Care and hygiene

Compliance hygiene rules for a three-month-old child is the key to his normal development and good health. Therefore, it is necessary that the parents of the crumbs start every morning with water procedures (wipe the child's eyes and face, clean his ears and nose).

Also during the day after each bowel movement should Be sure to change your baby's diaper or diaper., thoroughly washing it before swaddling. If he did not go "in a big way", then the diaper still needs to be changed after 2-3 hours of use and wash the baby.

In order for the child to fall asleep easily, and throughout the night the baby had a good sleep, you need to spend a bathing session with him every evening. Check the temperature of the water (best is 35-38°C) before lowering the baby into it.

Add to bath decoctions of various medicinal herbs(chamomile, echinacea, string, chicory) after consulting with a pediatrician.

Always wrap the baby according to room temperature, avoid overheating, hypothermia. Remember that swaddling should not be too tight. Sometimes children at this age no longer want to be in a diaper, listen to his desires: comfortable sliders and a blouse will be enough.

A three-month-old child can already afford to grab some object and pull it into his mouth, so it is necessary to free the space around him from everything superfluous (chemicals, small parts of toys, cosmetics, piercing objects, plants). Before giving any toy to a child, be sure to wash it with soapy water and rinse thoroughly, as at this age, children try to taste everything.

At 3 months, the baby needs to start regular sessions. This will normalize the state of hypo- or hypertonicity (if any), develop primary crawling skills, and also strengthen the general physical condition of the baby. The main types for a three-month-old baby:

Lay the baby on his tummy, then gently move your fingers along his back from the legs to the neck and back.
Do the same movement, after turning it over on its back.

For massage, morning time is considered optimal, its duration should be no more than 10 minutes, and also remember that these procedures should not be performed after the baby has eaten.

Games and educational activities

As mentioned above, at the age of three months, the accelerated phase of crumb development begins. With the help of games, the child can be helped in development. Use activities that are age appropriate:

To improve visual functions, it is necessary to show the child some toy (of medium size and moderate brightness) at a distance of 40-50 cm, and then slowly move it in different directions. With each week, you can move the subject a little further.
For development, musical toys that can be given to the baby or hung on the crib are very helpful (in this case, attention and a grasping reflex develop). Also, conversations of parents with a child, reading fairy tales, nursery rhymes are of great benefit.
Lay out several toys in front of the baby (not far away so that he can carefully examine them), which differ in color and texture, after which let the baby take each of them in turn. This game will help improve the child's sense of touch.
Turn the child on his stomach, and put a bright toy at some distance from him. The baby will definitely become interested in a colorful little thing, to which he will undoubtedly reach out.
To develop the infant's speech activity, it is necessary for the child to knead the muscles of the face. To do this, one of the parents must “grimacing” (stick out, puff out his cheeks, slap his lips), stimulating the child to repeat after a loved one.

Remember that games must be stopped if the baby loses interest in them or starts to cry. At this age, children quickly get tired and easily switch to other situations. Therefore, do not be upset, but try to try these and other activities the next day.

In a three-month-old baby, the rhythm of feedings and dreams is already well traced. The child actively communicates with close smiles and sounds, loves to explore his hands and confidently lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms.

Newborn baby

The main thing that a newborn needs is bodily contact with the mother, warmth and breastfeeding. These needs will be the most important throughout the entire neonatal period - the first month of life.

Baby 1 month

The main achievements of the first month are weight gain from 500 to 1500 g, attempts to keep the head in the supine position and eye contact with the mother.

Baby 2 months

A two-month-old baby is very sociable and mobile: he smiles at his mother, reports his condition with various sounds and waves his arms and legs with might and main, sometimes hitting a suspended toy.

Baby 3 months

In a three-month-old baby, the rhythm of feedings and dreams is already well traced. The child actively communicates with close smiles and sounds, loves to explore his hands and confidently lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms.

Baby 4 months

At 4 months, most children can roll over and are increasingly interested in the world around them: their vision acquires an "adult" quality, and their hands are able to grab a toy.

Baby 5 months

A five-month-old baby is preparing to crawl - spins around the navel, rolls. May be interested in adult food. Often the first tooth is on the way.

Baby 6 months

At 6 months, they begin to introduce the baby to new food - they offer the first complementary foods. The child intensively communicates with loved ones, babbles, begins to manipulate toys in various ways.

Baby 7 months

At 7 months, some children are already crawling well, others are just trying to tear their bodies off the floor. Some master sitting before crawling. Many stand up with support.

Baby 8 months

An eight-month-old child, when asked to find an object, looks for it with a glance. The first onomatopoeic words appear. Most crawl well, can get up with support from a sitting position.

Baby 9 months

The kid can stand and step over, holding on to the support. There is a "tweezer grip" - the child can now take objects with the thumb and forefinger. Gums and teething teeth need increased chewing load.

Baby 10 months

At 10 months, many babies take their first steps. The kid is fascinated by picking up items in boxes and scattering them, closing and opening lids.

Child 11 months

At 11 months, many children begin to walk and master the actions with objects that correspond to their purpose: the doll is put to bed, goods are transported by car. Some children have their first words.

Child 1 year old

A one-year-old baby understands and fulfills simple requests, imitates the actions of children and adults, manipulates with a pyramid, cubes.

Child 1 year 3 months

The child actively and varied moves, knows how to run. Learns to use a spoon, knows how to drink from a cup. Compared to the first year of life, it almost stops in weight gain and growth.

Child 1.5 years

At a year and a half, the baby speaks about 40 words, the first sentences may appear. Interested in books - looking at pictures, turning pages. Learns to use pencils, begins to master dressing skills.

Child 1 year 9 months

At this age, the baby is usually already oriented in simple shapes and colors, watching with interest the children playing (“playing nearby”). Can finish the last words in familiar verses.

Child 2 years old

By this age, many children master the potty, learn to eat neatly themselves. The child can listen to the explanations of the adult, some children begin to ask questions.

Child 2.5 years

At two and a half years, children begin to say "I" about themselves. The kid can learn to ride a tricycle, throw and catch a ball, draw and sculpt from plasticine with pleasure.

Child 3 years old

A three-year-old child can dress and wash independently. Communicates with other children in the game, can follow simple rules. Very inquisitive and seeks independence.

At 3 months baby:

  • confidently holds his head lying on his stomach, leaning on his forearms;
  • finds one hand with the other, sucks his hands and examines them;
  • laughs out loud;
  • turns (rolls) on its side;

Some babies at 3 months:

  • grab and hold a toy in their hand;
  • roll over from belly to back and from back to belly.

Height and weight of a child at 3 months, data of domestic pediatricians

Height and weight of children at the age of 3 months WHO data

Nutrition for a 3 month old baby

Breast-feeding: usually 10-12 feedings during the day and 2-4 at night. The number of short attachments in a child of 3 months is noticeably reduced. During feedings, the baby often comes off the breast. Night breaks in feeding are usually 2.5-3.5 hours.

Baby care 3 months

Chair a breast-fed child becomes more regular and homogeneous, in the form of a creamy mass. The frequency can be different: every day at about the same time; up to 5 times a day, stool sour; and even once in 2-5 days. This is normal for children who are exclusively breastfed at 3-4 months of age - if the stool is still soft, the child does not need enemas and laxatives.

Dream. A 3 month old baby sleeps about 10 hours a night, usually there are 2-4 feedings between 4 and 8 hours. During the day there are 2 long - 1-2 hours and 2 short sleeps - 30-40 minutes each. The baby still falls asleep for a long time (20-30 minutes), sucking on the breast. At about 3 months, the baby begins to react to changes in the weather, the new moon and the full moon - he can sleep restlessly, act up for no reason.

Cognitive development of a child at 3 months

A child at the age of 3 months peers into a toy, a large pattern. Notices the toy in different positions:

  • lying on your back
  • lying on the stomach with the support of the hands on the forearms,
  • lying on the side
  • in the hands of an adult.

The development of a child at 3 months allows him to carefully follow the movement of large objects (human, animal), focus his eyes, follow with his eyes small toys that are different in shape, color, size. A 3-month-old child listens to the sounds of a rattle, turns his head towards the source of the sound. What else can a child at 3 months? Pulls his hands to the suspended toys, runs into the toys hanging low above the chest with his hands, straightens them, unclenches his fingers. Captures, attracts, holds toys (rattles).

Emotional and social development of a child at 3 months

At the age of 3 months, the child responds with a smile when he sees the face of the mother (recognizes). Smiling, humming, moving (revitalization complex):

  • at the sight of a loved one,
  • just hearing his voice
  • looking at the toy
  • in response to the singing of an adult, the sound of a musical instrument.

Attracts (holds) the attention of a loved one:

  • smiles
  • movements
  • cooing,
  • cry,
  • whimpering
  • restless movements.

It responds with a smile to both negative and positive soft exclamations and various facial expressions of an adult. Discontent, negative emotions shows when:

  • cut off contact with mother
  • sudden disappearance of a toy,
  • a sudden change in ambient temperature,
  • pain sensations,
  • restriction of movements.

A 3-month-old child shudders when he hears sudden sharp sounds, freezes (for a short while), examining the toy, hearing its sound. At 3 months, a child can listen to the singing of an adult, the sound of a musical instrument, and carefully look at people who are talking. At 3 months, the child is able to walk, awake on his own, and in response to lingering sounds (vowels) pronounced by adults. There are individual intonations of the voice.

Behind were three months from the time you brought the crumbs from the hospital. And if the first stretched, was full of worries, then the second and third flew by unnoticed, because the baby is growing and becoming more and more interesting. What can a child do at 3 months? Let's highlight his main achievements.

Physical parameters

Every month, when you come for a routine examination at the clinic, the baby must be measured for height and weight. Many pediatricians rely on numbers taken from tables, and to a greater extent this is reasonable, since it allows you to see the dynamics of development as a whole.

Normal by 3 months:

  • weight is from 4.5 to 6 kg (an increase per month is about 600-800 grams);
  • height from 56 to 64 cm (an increase of 2-3 cm per month).

However, there are many factors that can affect the results obtained. These include height and weight at birth, genetic characteristics, type of feeding. So, it would be wrong to focus only on the tables compiled for artificial people when the mother is breastfeeding. When breastfeeding, weight gain can vary from 500 g to 2 kg per month. If the weight gain is small, it is worth consulting with a breastfeeding specialist: perhaps the technique of attachment to the breast is broken or the feeding itself is not on demand.

Important criteria for a discrepancy with the tabular weight are the general condition of the baby, his activity, interest in the world around him, as well as the fact that the child eats with appetite, urinates well (at least 12 times a day) and poops (about 6 times). If all this is observed, do not worry about the numbers on the scales.


Children at this age begin to understand what the regime is, and at the same time sleep for quite a long time: about 10 hours at night and about 7 hours during the day, divided into 3-4 intervals.

In total, the child should sleep 17 hours a day. Daytime sleep is just as important as nighttime sleep.

Baby's sleep still takes up most of the time

Bathing and walking

The baby should be outside as often as possible. Fresh air is an excellent prevention of respiratory diseases, benefits the cardiovascular system. Take your child in your arms from time to time while walking, thus providing him with maximum visibility.

The baby likes bathing more and more, especially if bright toys have appeared in the water. The requirements for the procedure remain the same: you can bathe at any time of the day, but it is better before evening feeding. In conclusion, it is recommended to rinse the child with water 1 degree lower than the one in which they bathed.

Changes in physiology

By this time, the head has become more proportional in relation to the body. Intensive growth continues, and during this month the crumb will stretch another 2-3 cm.
The digestive system has also changed. The stomach increased by 2 times, which explains the increase in portions of food consumed and lactation crises at this time. Continue to continue to feed your baby only breast milk, applying to the breast more often, and after a week the feeding regimen will return to normal. The nutrition of a nursing mother must still be balanced.

If the 3rd month of life is not in the summer period, when it is possible to get sunbathing in a natural way, the pediatrician can prescribe vitamin D drops to prevent rickets. Do not neglect this recommendation.

The coordination of movements becomes more perfect: the baby consciously takes the toys in his hands, examining them, examines his face with the help of his hands, rolls over. It is just as important to do gymnastics and exercises with the baby.


Some reflexes remain only for three months from the date of birth, others accompany the child all his life. By the time of appearance and disappearance of temporary reflexes, it is possible to determine whether the baby is lagging behind in development. At this time, the following are observed:

  1. proboscis reflex. The kid pulls out his lips in the form of a proboscis, if his fingers seem to tap on his lips.
  2. Sucking reflex. The baby is actively sucking on the pacifier.
  3. grasp reflex. Put your finger in the baby's palm - he will grab it tightly. A similar picture, but with less force, is observed when pressing the sole between the second and third fingers - the foot is compressed. The reflex fades by 4 months.
  4. Search reflex. Stroking the corners of the lips, you will see how the baby turns his head in response to irritation and opens his mouth. This reflex is very pronounced when the baby wants to eat.
  5. Moro's hug reflex. Its essence is that when patting on the table or on the thigh, as well as with unexpected noise, the baby takes his hands to the sides and unbends his fingers, after which they return “to their place”. From the side it seems as if the child is trying to hug.
  6. Support reflex. Holding the crumbs by the armpits leads to the fact that he bends the legs in all joints. But as soon as the soles of the feet come into contact with a hard surface, he begins to rest with a full foot and makes movements similar to walking.
  7. Bauer's crawling reflex. The child lies on his stomach, palms are attached to the soles of the feet. As soon as he feels the support, he will try to push off and crawl.

Reflexes play an important role in assessing a child's development

Core Skills

We can say that the development of a child at 3 months reaches a certain milestone, when the first results of his own success are summed up. The baby becomes more and more active. The skills of the child are manifested as follows:

  1. Baby confidently holds his head, lifts her from a position lying on her stomach, tosses her around. At the same time, he leans on his forearms, his palms are more often open than gathered into fists.
  2. Rolls from belly to back or sideways. If you observe that the child makes such an attempt, help him. Show the rattle within his line of sight, but slightly out of the way. The baby will first turn his head to the sound, then his shoulders and torso.
  3. Laughter and smiles will now please you more and more often. For the first time, a baby can laugh contagiously at exactly three months, for example, from the fact that dad sneezed loudly. The baby loves to talk very much, of course, so far in his own language, but the humming of babies delights the ears of not only parents, but also almost all the people around him.
  4. Can't stand long periods of loneliness. How else! After all, the child begins to realize what society is, listens with attention to an adult conversation. Therefore, if mom is not around for some time, he will confidently declare his displeasure.
  5. Hearing is already well developed, so if a loved one comes up behind and speaks, the baby will turn his head in his direction and be able to find him with his eyes. A child at 3 months is able to distinguish voice intonations and respond accordingly: to affectionate speech - with a smile and animation, to reproach in the voice - with alertness and crying.
  6. Grabs toys with hands. At the age of three months, a baby has already formed binocular vision, which makes it possible to give a correct assessment of the distance at which an object is located. Therefore, the baby is happy to hit the hanging toys with his hands, captures large bright objects.
  7. Pens in the mouth - the usual picture. Since the hypertonicity of the muscles that constrains the movements of the palms is behind, the hands become one of the first objects to be examined through the mouth.

Bright toys are very attractive

Games and gymnastics

Fitball training. Lay the baby on the ball with his stomach, holding the back with one hand, grabbing the thigh with the other. Roll it back and forth, left and right, while pronouncing all your actions.

An exercise that stimulates coups. The baby lies on his back, lift his right leg by the shin and move it to the left, as if throwing it. This is the most difficult moment in the coup for him. It is also worth performing the basic set of exercises recommended by pediatricians for this age.

Toys that are different in size and touch. Let's hold the baby toys of different geometric shapes, animal figures, smooth and embossed objects. This will stimulate finger development.

Gymnastics should be practiced from birth

Finger gymnastics. Massage of the palms and fingers should take place in the form of a game with nursery rhymes and rhymes. Suitable "forty-crow" or "girls and boys have 5 fingers on their hands."

Ku-ku, my bunny. Yes, children are very fond of playing games where parents cover their faces with their hands and then cuckoo. The main thing is not to skimp on positive emotions. You can play hide and seek by covering your face with a handkerchief and asking: “Where is mom?”

Who says what. It will be very interesting for the baby to listen to how a cow mooes, a dog barks or a cockerel sings in your performance, so diversify your activities with your baby with similar sounds.

In classes with a child, it is very important to maintain eye contact and explain all your actions in words. Sing songs more often, speak short phrases in rhyme. Communication has a significant impact on a child's behavior, so whether you're walking in the park while your baby is awake or changing a diaper, talk to him as often as possible.

Every day the child's skills become more and more meaningful. And it is a great happiness to watch how a little man, day after day, explores himself and the world around him, learns something new.

Your miracle is 3 months old. This is amazing! Every month, the baby pleases you with new abilities, rediscovering such a familiar world to you. By leaps and bounds, his neuropsychic and physical development is accelerating. The behavior of the crumbs becomes more conscious, visual, auditory and tactile sensations are already more meaningful and have ceased to be instinctive.

His smile has become a constant companion - he enjoys familiar faces and objects, consciously waves his arms and legs, his torso and neck have become more mobile. He is constantly looking for new images, explores the space, keeps his eyes on interesting objects. In the fourth month, the most interesting toy for the baby is himself.

What's new

The main achievement of this month is the ability to keep your head and accurately follow the movement of an object, whether it be a toy or mother's face. In addition, by the fourth month, most babies develop binocular vision (the work of both eyes together), which allows them to judge the distance to an object and follow it.

The child grows up before our eyes: he already reacts vividly to sounds, recognizes his mother and rejoices at her every appearance. He is now generally much more interesting to communicate with adults. When communicating, the baby smiles, and sometimes even laughs. Only recently did you rejoice at the first smile of your handsome man, and now, less than a month has passed, as he is already laughing! Cheerful laughter can also make a child smile in an adult, but most often he laughs when he is tickled and played, for example, thrown up.

Tries to pronounce vowel sounds (similar to the sounds "a", "s", "y").

What does a 3 month old baby look like?

Physical development of a child at 3 months

Gradually, the child begins to turn from back to side. If he doesn't do it on his own, play and help him. Show your baby bright objects or sounding toys a little to the side, but within the edge of the child's line of sight. The child will turn his head, and after the head, he will first turn his shoulders, and then his torso. Some babies can also roll from their stomach to their back.

At 3 months, a significant part of the children keep their heads along the axis of the body. Shifted to a sitting position, the child holds the head straight for a few seconds before it collapses forward. The back is still round.

Being in the hands of an adult in an upright position, the child holds his head and torso quite well.

In the prone position, the child rests on the forearms. It is due to the support on the forearms that by 3.5 months the baby can raise his head almost to an angle of 90 degrees, keep it straight and try to look in front of him, and make attempts to scratch the surface in front of him with his fingers.

If you put your feet on a hard surface and support your child under the armpits, then he can periodically rest against it with his feet for several seconds. But the legs are still bent at the knee and hip joints. You should not use this motor skill of a child as a physical exercise, because the musculoskeletal system is not yet ready for standing and walking.


If during this test the child strongly rests with straightened legs, stands on his toes, and when the upper body is tilted forward, he makes repeated and quick stepping movements, you should immediately contact a pediatric neurologist. Such standing and gait are not signs of accelerated development of the child. On the contrary, it is a sign of retardation and brain damage. After all, such “standing” and “walking” are normal only for the first weeks of life. This is the so-called automated gait of a newborn, inherited from monkeys. Some of the trendy methods of accelerated development of children abuse this and other "simian" reflexes. Their authors claim that children from birth already know how to walk and crawl. Lacking the necessary scientific knowledge, they do not understand that these reflexes only superficially resemble real human motor acts.

During this period, small movements of the hands become diverse, one can even speak of the consciousness of many movements.

From 3.5 months she brings her hands together and plays with her fingers. Closer to 4 months, he presses his palms one to the other, and then spreads them.

test game
When a bright and especially new toy appears in the child's field of vision, one can observe the movements of both hands in the direction of this toy with an attempt to touch and grab it. This is how the grasping function manifests itself.

Let the child make as many groping movements with his hands as possible. At the same time, the child must see the object that he feels. To do this, put an object in the child’s hand and draw his visual attention to this object. The shape, size, texture of such objects should be varied, but easy to grasp. Talk to your child all the time, name your actions. Closer to 4 months, along with the name of the actions, pronounce the sounds that you heard earlier from the baby: “abu”, “agu”, “boo-boo”, “ah-ah”, “oh-oh”, “ga- ha ”, etc. This will contribute to the development of the baby’s speech.

Continue to use the toy trapezoid rocker attached to the crib or playpen. With age, the use of these toys changes. From simple looking (at 1 month) and touching (at 2 months), a child from 3 months moves on to grabbing a toy. The distance to the toy is the child's outstretched arms or lower. Swinging toys are difficult to grab: they are repelled from the hands of the child, so they begin to annoy him. Toys should be well fixed and almost motionless. If they are movable, then they should at least be comfortable to grip, so do not hang balls, smooth round objects, etc. It is better to hang rings, bells, etc. Even before the child learns to grasp the toy well and pull it in the mouth, you need to take care of the safety of the baby. The crossbar (rocker) must be securely attached to the crib or playpen so that the child does not pull it onto itself along with the toy. The toy itself must be large enough and securely fixed to the rocker so that the child cannot swallow it. At 3 months, the child is already consciously hitting hanging toys with his hands. If the toys are suspended at different levels, then the child deliberately hits the lower toys, then stops and observes how the toys suspended above move and make a sound.

It is also useful to purchase a special developmental mat with irregularities and objects sewn to it for them to be captured and felt by a child lying on his stomach.

During feeding, the baby begins to hold the bottle or mother's breast with his hands.

At this age, a healthy child during active wakefulness can sometimes experience anxiety of the tongue: its periodic protrusion, movements back and forth.


If such anxiety persists when eating, and even more so interferes with eating or is accompanied by other developmental abnormalities, it is necessary to contact a neurologist.

Mental development of a child at 3 months

Vision. The kid independently fixes his gaze at first on stationary objects nearby, later examines objects in the room. For several minutes he can consider one object, looks from one object to another.

Fixes eyes on your face when someone else is holding the baby upright in front of you. A clear and sustained eye-to-eye reaction when breastfeeding or interacting with an adult.

Follows with his eyes the movements and large movements of adults who have fallen into the near field of vision of the child, looks after the departing.

The child confidently follows with his eyes and turning his head how you move the toy in all directions: not only horizontally - right and left, but also vertically - up and down. The distance to a bright toy, which can be followed by a glance, increases to two meters.

Convergent strabismus appears less and less often - only when looking at the object very closely. With convergent strabismus, the lines of sight and pupils are not parallel, but shifted inward - towards the midline of the face. That is, while the child "mows" to the nose.


Strabismus from only one eye (the diseased eye can squint either inward or outward) or persistent bilateral convergent strabismus when looking into the distance is the basis for a visit to the optometrist.

By the end of this month of life, the so-called revitalization complex appears - a positive emotional reaction of the child in response to an affectionate appeal to him from an adult. In order to evoke this complex, you need to bend over the awake child lying on his back so that he fixes his gaze on your face. Speak softly to your child for a minute or two and smile. At first, the child will look and listen, and then he will smile, move his arms and legs, and even, perhaps, make a few short sounds.

Hearing. If a mother or a well-known person comes up behind a child lying or in her arms and speaks to him, being out of his field of vision, then the baby turns his eyes or head towards the speaker and sometimes finds him with his eyes.

At this age, the child often responds with a smile to the conversation, begins to distinguish the adult caring for him, the mother from others by the appearance: he smiles at her more than at another adult. If a mother comes to the baby's bed and leans over him, he looks at her attentively and expectantly. When she talks with the child, he smiles happily, sometimes hums. If an unfamiliar adult approaches, the baby looks at him calmly, without a smile. If he is silent, then the child looks away. If the mother leaves and immediately after the mother, a “stranger” leans towards the child, the child expresses dissatisfaction, does not immediately look at the “stranger”.

Some children already, upon reaching 3 months, begin to distinguish intonations of the voice and react to them differently. If a child is spoken to affectionately, then he smiles and perks up. In the case of a reproach, an irritated voice, a negative reaction appears.

Pre-speech development of a child at 3 months

The intonations and differences of the cry, described in the previous stages, become more pronounced and are better distinguished not only by the mother, but also by other relatives. The sound expression of the emotion of discontent matures and becomes more developed - instead of screaming, whimpering and crying are more often noted. Unlike a scream, these sounds are intermittent and are accompanied to a lesser extent by motor restlessness.

The child begins to laugh and squeal in response to the adult's joyful communication with him: flirting, tickling the neck or chest, etc. During the revival complex, when the adult flirts and during comfortable wakefulness after eating, cooing or cooing is characteristic. When cooing, vowel sounds continue to predominate, but more and more often in combination with indistinctly pronounced consonants: “b-u”, “v-i”, “a-a-bm-bm”, “bl”, “u-gu”, “ boo", etc.

Up to 3 months, pre-speech activity was carried out regardless of the use of hearing. After 3 months, the child begins to pronounce sounds under the control of hearing. Therefore, a real dialogue with the child becomes possible: you repeat his sounds or syllables after the child, while he falls silent and listens to you, and then begins to hum more actively and louder. You can stimulate dialogue by speeding up and slowing down the pace of your speech. A similar effect is also achieved by changing the volume of the voice. Gradually, in turn, the child in his cooing begins to imitate your sounds and their intonation. During such a conversation, it is necessary that the child sees your face, peers into your facial expressions while making sounds and tries to reproduce not only sounds, but also your facial expression and facial movements.

Talk to your baby constantly when you are caring for or around him. Accompany your actions with words. When feeding, say: "Open your mouth"; when dressing - "Give me a pen"; when playing - “Take the bear”, etc. Call the child by name, and not “baby”, “baby”, etc.

Denver test at 3 months

Rough moves- Lying on his stomach, he rises on his elbows.

subtle movements- Follows the gaze in the range of 180 degrees, blinks in response to visual stimulus.

How to feed a baby at 3 months

Breastfeeding: Usually 10-12 feedings during the day and 2-4 at night. The number of short attachments in a child of 3 months is noticeably reduced. During feedings, the baby often comes off the breast. Night breaks in feeding are usually 2.5–3.5 hours.

During feeding, the baby is even more distracted than in the third month. Do not scold him for this or take away his chest. Be patient and calmly wait for him to start sucking again.

If the baby is on IV
The daily volume of the mixture - from 2 to 4 months 800-1050 ml (800-900 ml) or so - from two to four months 1/6 body weight - 750-800 ml of the mixture.

It must be remembered that the frequency of feeding a child up to 1 year:

  • From the first days of life to 3 months - 7-8 feedings.

  • 4-6 months - 6 feedings.

  • 6-12 months - 5 feedings.

What is the chair of a child at 3 months? And how much does he write?

The stool of a breastfed child becomes more regular and homogeneous, in the form of a creamy mass. The frequency can be different: every day at about the same time; up to 5 times a day, stool sour; and even once every 2-5 days. This is normal for exclusively breastfed babies at 3-4 months of age - if the stool is still soft, the baby does not need enemas or laxatives.

Children from three months to one year urinate 12-16 times.

Approximate regimen of a child at 3 months

A 3-month-old baby sleeps for about 10 hours a night, usually with 2-4 feedings between 4 and 8 hours. During the day there are 2 long - 1-2 hours and 2 short sleeps - 30-40 minutes each. The baby still falls asleep for quite a long time (20-30 minutes), sucking on the breast. At about 3 months, the baby begins to react to changes in the weather, the new moon and the full moon - he can sleep restlessly, act up for no reason.

After the third month, the baby already lives according to the regimen of the day and wakefulness, sleeps 16-17 hours a day, daytime sleep 4 times for 1.5-2 hours.

The child should spend a lot of time outdoors - 5-6 hours a day, you need to walk with him on the street. Except for frosts above 10 degrees.

The sun's rays strengthen the body and it produces vitamin D, which is simply necessary to increase immunity and prevent rickets and anemia. In extreme cases, take the stroller to the balcony or loggia, just make sure that direct sunlight or rain does not fall. Be especially careful to protect your baby from drafts.

Infographic - baby sleep duration depending on age

Educational games with a child at 3 months

Take a toy

Putting the baby on his stomach, lay out the front 2-3 bright toys and rattle them. If the little one tries to reach one of them, put your palm under the foot of the leg - having felt the support, there will be an attempt to push off. This educational game for a 3 month old baby will help him start crawling earlier.

Bunny (soft toy game)

One-two-three-four-five (Take a toy, shake it)
The bunny came out to jump (Up and down)
Looked around (Turn your head)
Turned around (Rotate the toy)
Looked up and down (Tilt back and forth)
ran (run)
Afraid (Hide behind your back)
Where are you, bunny, respond! (Show)

What should be the first rattle

It should be quite noticeable - colored, bright or shiny, with contrasting patterns. Combinations of red, yellow, blue, green colors are preferred, as well as elements of black and white patterns (cells, stripes, waves, spirals, dots and circles). And it certainly should be very easy!


  • Rattles with a corrugated or rough handle.

  • Rattles in the form of a ring and with a handle in the form of a stick.

We listen to music

Turn on different music: funny children's songs, classical, lullabies. Try to perform some actions in time with the sound (clap your hands, spin with the child in your arms, sway, sing along).

Young children are recommended to listen to such audio recordings, which are dominated by instruments with vibrations in high tones: harp, flute, bell. At the same time, the baby's breathing begins to adjust to the rhythm of the audio recording being played and normalizes.

It is also known that classical music, for example, Vivaldi or Mozart, is great for listening to babies. It has been scientifically proven that the melody from the violin concerto “Vivaldi Night” absolutely corresponds to the biological rhythms of the brain that it produces in a dream.

Today, in specialized children's stores, CDs with such music are on sale, on which the heart rhythms of the crumbs are superimposed, which helps to calm the babies.

For those kids who are excitable and often restless, it is best to play slow music (adante, adagio) - as a rule, this is the second part of most instrumental concertos and sonatas.

In addition, it must be taken into account that music, along with text, has a great influence on babies. It has also been proven that live music has a better effect on the baby than audio recording. That is why, no audio file can be compared with a lullaby that mom sings on her own.

Good to know

The use of headphones while listening is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that the design of any headphones is such that they generate directional sound, while the hearing aid of the crumbs is able to capture only scattered.

Miracle bracelet

Put on the arm (or leg) of the baby a bracelet made of knitted fabric, on which bells and bells are sewn. The development of coordination, the study of their arms and legs, as well as orientation in space will be much more interesting.

Exercises on the ball

Get a fitball. Now the child can already lie on his tummy for a long time, and hold his head for some time. Putting it on a large inflatable ball, shake it back and forth, carefully, left and right. Orientation in space and the vestibular apparatus develop.

finger games

Fingering our fingers, we say:

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is daddy
This finger is a mother
This finger is Vanechka.

They bend the child's fingers and say:
One two three four five,
On the other hand again:
One two three four five.

Don't forget the massage! With jokes and rhymes.

Do I need to go to the clinic at 3 months? Vaccinations at 3 months

Yes. Scheduled medical examination is carried out in 3 months.


  • Pediatrician.

  • Neurologist.

  • Other specialists, if they did not examine the baby at 1 month: an orthopedist and an ophthalmologist (oculist).

Scheduled vaccination:

  • The 1st DPT vaccination is against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (the 2nd is carried out at 4.5 months, and the 3rd at 6 months).

  • Against poliomyelitis (the 1st in a row, the 2nd is held at 4.5 months, and the 3rd at 6 months).


  • General (clinical) blood test - taken from a finger (main indicators: hemoglobin, red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, ESR).

  • General urine analysis (color, transparency, pH, presence of protein, glucose, erythrocytes, bacteria are determined).

  • General analysis of feces (coprology - the consistency, color, pH, fat, blood, leukocytes are determined).

Video blog - 3 months

Tim is 3 months old. Games/Doctor/Vaccinations

Gymnastics for a child 3 months. Learning to roll over.

Massage for a 3 month old baby How do I massage

3.5 months. Vaccinations/Sleep/Mode/Games

A baby is born with a fully formed visual apparatus in the womb. During the first days after the birth of the baby, the new world around him appears with blurry contours. As the baby grows, so does visual function. It will be interesting for future parents to find out how newborns see, and at what age babies begin to clearly distinguish between mom, dad and everything that surrounds them.

When the child begins to see

Young parents are often concerned about the question: “Do newborn children see and how well their vision is formed immediately after birth?”. The eyes and visual system in children are fully formed closer to the 28th week of pregnancy. This means that the newborn is born with fully developed eyes. A specially designed part of the brain is responsible for the perception of visual images. Therefore, the child begins to see from birth, but at first the blurry outlines of people and objects.

What does a newborn baby see in the first month

At the age of one month, a child is interested in black and white shapes, patterns, pictures or photographs. Most of all, babies like to look at the face of mom, and especially dad, if he has a brutal look with a beard and mustache. The baby clearly distinguishes between parents and large objects at a close distance no further than 60 cm from his eyes. If adults are approximately at this distance, then their child will react to them with facial expressions, gestures and make sounds.

The list of how newborns see the first month of life:

  • From a blurry picture, a one-month-old baby highlights large bright objects. Because the center for processing visual information in the brain of a baby has not yet been fully formed.
  • The kid begins to follow the movement of large objects. Gradually, the child develops the ability to fix his eyes, first for a few seconds, and then longer.
  • The child can already distinguish between parents approaching him or passing nearby. More often he recognizes them by sounds and smells, but the month-old baby also remembers the outlines of faces.
  • A newborn in a month sees a bright toy and examines with interest the multi-colored rattles suspended above his crib or in a stroller. A one-month-old baby does not yet distinguish colorful shades; he is attracted by the bright appearance of an object nearby.

The presence or absence of light

Scientists have proven how newborns see light, babies begin to react to bright lighting while in the womb. Under the conditions of the experiment, the researchers directed a beam of light to the belly of a pregnant woman, while the 8-month-old embryo wrinkled and turned away. After birth, up to the age of two months, bright light objects, along with large objects, are the only visual elements that an infant perceives.

Outlines of objects

To understand how newborns see, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that children of the first days of life cannot fix their eyes. Infants distinguish only the outlines of large objects, but only from a distance of 20-30 cm. Everything around them seems fuzzy, blurry, lacking contrast. In the first weeks after birth, visual acuity varies from 0.005 to 0.015 units.

When the child begins to focus

At the 7th month of pregnancy, the vision of the fetus is almost completely formed. It remains the case for the development of the brain center responsible for visual perception, which begins to process pictures from the age of 4 months after the birth of a child. Therefore, up to four months, babies can only see the world in a two-dimensional image. From this age, the little one is able to focus on stationary and moving objects.

It has long been known about how newborns see objects, all children develop according to a standard scenario. After childbirth, due to compression of the cranium, swelling and swelling of the eyelids, the baby perceives the surrounding space vaguely. Closer to the age of one month, the baby sees objects in black and white. As the baby grows, the arsenal of visual perceptions is replenished with a variety of colors, first red and yellow at the age of about 3 months, later green, blue and other tones.

How do babies see at 1 month

Parents are often interested in how newborns of one month old see, how to understand that the development of visual perception is formed normally? At 1 month, the main objects that the baby distinguishes are sources of bright light and the mother's face. The baby wanders around the room with his eyes, because it is still difficult for him to focus his eyes on the surrounding objects.

What colors does a baby distinguish at 2-3 months

At the age of two months, the child, in addition to white and black, begins to distinguish between red, orange and yellow colors. A three-month-old toddler is already following moving objects with his eyes, perceives the absence and presence of light. But it cannot yet capture the visual image in widescreen. A baby 2-3 months old sees all surrounding objects in two-dimensional space. A newborn baby begins to see normally from about five months of age.

Improving visual function from 4 to 6 months

After three months, starting from the fourth, green and blue are added to the palette of colors that babies distinguish. The visual parts of the brain and the central zone of the retina of a child at 4–6 months old provide the ability to see a three-dimensional image with many shades of colors. Babies at this age are actively exploring the world around them, examining objects. Toddlers turn their heads in all directions and can fix their eyes on both stationary and moving objects.

When does a child begin to recognize parents?

A newborn baby begins to see his mother clearly from about 3 months. At this age, the crumbs begin to function binocular vision, that is, the ability to see synchronously with both eyes. So that the baby can clearly see the facial features of the parents, it is better to keep him in an upright position at a distance of no more than 30 centimeters. You can use facial expressions to communicate with your baby.

Visiting an ophthalmologist

At the age of one month, a mother with a baby for the first time can come to the clinic for an appointment with a pediatrician. During control examinations, specialists check the physical and mental indicators of the formation of the child. Certain reflexes testify to the correct development of a monthly baby. Normal speech progress is indicated by the child's ability to communicate discomfort through a reflex cry. Visual skills at the age of one month are limited to observing large brightly lit objects.

Reflexes corresponding to the monthly age of the child:

  1. Grasping, - putting his finger on his palm, the little one will grab it.
  2. Search, - barely touching the cheek, the baby will turn his head in search of an “irritant”.
  3. Sucking - swiping a finger near the lips, the baby will immediately begin to smack his mouth.
  4. Protective - putting the baby on the tummy, he should immediately turn his head to the side.
  5. Moro reflex, ― slamming on the surface where the baby lies, he will immediately spread his arms and legs to the sides.
  6. Reflex "automatic gait", - if you put the child in a vertical position, holding the armpits, the child begins to confidently move his legs, imitating steps.

The vision analyzer in a one-year-old child, including the main visualization organ (eyes) and the perceiving areas of the cerebral cortex, is fully formed. In addition to full-fledged visual perception, which an ophthalmologist can confirm, a child at 12 months old should crawl on all fours, sit confidently, actively master walking skills, know 10–15 words, and hold toys in their hands.

Why do you need a professional examination by a specialist every six months

After the first six months of a baby's life, it is imperative to show an experienced ophthalmologist. A professional doctor will check the child's eyes, whether they are healthy, see equally well, visual acuity, whether eye movements are symmetrical. A visit to the clinic will help make sure that the formation of the eyes goes according to the age period, and there are no factors that interfere with the development of the visual apparatus in the crumbs.

What signs should parents of a newborn look for?

A child who can speak, if something bothers him, will definitely inform his parents about it. But when it comes to a newborn, adults will have to carefully observe the behavior of their child, the only way to notice suspicious symptoms of an incipient eye disease or visual impairment in time. Pathology can be suspected because the baby squints, rubs his eyes, blinks often. Defects in the formation of the visual apparatus make themselves felt when the child stumbles upon interior items, does not respond to bright objects in front of the eyes, etc.

Warning signs of abnormal development or eye disease crumbs:


Child development at 3 months. New milestones in your baby's life

The development of a child at 3 months includes both physical and emotional stages. We often focus on the stages of our child's physical development and have little understanding of the importance of our child's emotional development. Understanding your child's stages of emotional development will help you understand your child's behavior. This will help you understand how your child may feel at certain times and will allow you to help him in this or that situation. It is important to remember that each child develops in their own unique way depending on their personality.

Development and care

At first, you may think that caring for a baby is an endless cycle of feeding, changing diapers, and soothing the baby. But in the near future, there will be signs of growth and development of your child.

By 9-12 weeks, the baby will become stronger. When you hold it vertically, you will see that the baby holds the head almost without hesitation. This suggests that the muscles of the neck of the newborn are strengthened. By this time, the muscles of the upper body begin to develop.

When you look at the baby, you will see that his hand coordination is not as erratic as it used to be. A child of 3 months of development, knows how to open or press to his chest, grab everything that comes to hand in his fist: colorful hanging toys, fabric and other objects and pull them right into his mouth.

Video: Games for the development of fine motor skills

There are many benefits while holding a baby in your arms. This helps him learn to feel comfortable and safe. This not only develops the bond between you and your child and strengthens it.

The rate of development of a child at 3 months

Feeding and sleep

A child needs sleep much more than an adult. Over a 24-hour period, the average newborn sleeps for 16 hours. Even at three months, a baby needs to sleep for about 15 hours in a 24 hour period. The baby still won't sleep well all night and still needs to wake up periodically to feed. The length of the sleep and wake cycles depends on your child. At this time, the child will sleep 4-5 times a day for about 2 hours and 4-6 hours at night.

It may also depend on how you feed your baby. If it is bottle feeding, then these babies start sleeping through the night a little earlier than those who are breastfed. Some babies sleep through the night as early as 3 months of age, while others take a year or more to get into this sleep pattern.

As the baby matures, it will gradually wake up over longer periods. By then, your little one will have been sleeping for about 13 hours in 24 hours, with only one hour of daytime. During the day, your child should sleep on the same schedule.

Don't forget to take care of your health. As a breastfeeding mom, don't overindulge in quick snacks, it won't make you feel good. In addition, the amount of milk depends on the nutrition of the mother. Start the day with a bowl of healthy food such as various cereals, various cereals soaked in milk. This is the perfect source of energy to fuel your body all morning long.

The development of an infant at 3 months of age will bring many surprises. Hearing and vision will improve dramatically. Children of this age turn their heads more consciously and smile at the sound of their parents' voices and still prefer to play with brighter toys because they sharper contrasts are easier to recognize than monotonous ones.

Your child's eye coordination will improve enough to follow an object left, right, up, or down.

Video: Follow the sound

Faces are especially interesting to 3-month-old babies. Look at him, and he will look into your eyes without taking his eyes off, what is most interesting, the child will also stare at his reflection in the mirror.

Height and weight at 3 months

The growth and development of a newborn at 3 months of age is one of the most rapid periods of growth. Your baby will grow from 2-4 cm in length, and will gain 600-900 grams of weight this month. These are approximate indicators - your child may grow both faster and slower, but there will be all growth spurts.

If your child is picky or wants to eat more than usual, this is probably due to rapid growth. This is especially true during the day, as the child is especially active at this time. If you are breastfeeding, your baby may want to eat more often, perhaps even every hour. This can lead to the fact that the mother will not have time to collect milk and the child will have nothing to feed. Perhaps in this case you will have to introduce complementary foods with a mixture, but you should do this carefully, since the baby’s stomach is not used to such food. You can consult your pediatrician about this. When formula-fed, the baby can also eat more. To do this, you need to slightly increase the volume of the mixture.

Video: Causes of insufficient breast milk

Pay attention to signals when your baby is hungry (tongue sticking out, sucking thumb or other objects) and full (turning away from food or falling asleep after feeding). If fussiness continues for more than two days, talk to your doctor.

The doctor will measure your child's weight, length, head circumference and track it on a standardized growth chart (there are different charts for boys and girls). Whether your child is large, small, or medium in size, if the growth parameters remain consistent over time, you are likely to be fine.

If your baby was born prematurely, keep in mind that growth and development should not be equated with that of a full-term baby.

Communication with others

At three months, your baby becomes an increasingly unique person. This stage is called "hatching" by some psychologists, when children come out of their "shells" and begin to react and relate themselves to the world around them. Part of this induction process involves interacting with people and smiling out of pleasure, otherwise known as the social smile.

If you have a normal baby development in 2 to 3 months, then crying is no longer your baby's main way to get your attention. In fact, 3-month-old babies should cry for no more than an hour each day. If the crying exceeds this, or seems excessive to you, a visit to the pediatrician is necessary because the tears may be due to a health problem.

Instead of crying, your baby begins to communicate in other ways, such as cooing and making vowel sounds (“oh” and “ah”). Engage your baby in conversations by responding to these sounds and talking about what you do when you are together. Say, "I'm going to change my diaper now" or "It's time to eat." Your child will delight in listening to the sound of your voice and looking at the expression on your face as you speak. Eventually, he will start making his own sounds and making his own gestures. Conversations are also a great way to communicate with your child.

Video: Singing baby

Possible problems

Every newborn baby develops at its own pace at 3 months. But it is worth talking to a doctor if the baby has any misses at this stage of development at 3 months, especially if he was born prematurely. However, you should contact your pediatrician if you notice that the child does not do the following things at 3 months:

  • Doesn't respond to noise
  • Does not follow people's faces or other objects with eyes,
  • Doesn't smile
  • Doesn't pick up toys or other items.
  • A number of experts offer parenting advice, specifically on how to get your child to sleep through the night. Listen to advice, but trust your instincts. If letting your baby cry (Ferber's method) doesn't work for your baby and goes against your beliefs as a parent, don't do it;
  • You may have been advised by friends or family members that starting your child on solid foods may help him sleep through the night. Take your time, wait at least one more month. Pediatricians recommend that newborns should not eat anything other than breast milk or special formula until they are 4-6 months old.

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When and how do newborn babies begin to see

A child is a long-awaited miracle in every family. They prepare for its appearance in advance and study any information with love: books, articles, information on the Internet.

But the books read and theoretical information from the network will not be able to answer all the questions that young parents will have with the birth of a baby. And one of the main questions #8212; When does a newborn begin to see?

Formation of the child's vision

One of the first subjects of discussion is how and when a newborn begins to see. The eyes of a child begin to form even in the womb - from the fourth month of embryonic life.

And on the seventh or eighth month, the fetus already actively reacts to light, can turn to it or, on the contrary, turn away if it is too bright, the baby is able to distinguish between day and night. Parents are concerned about whether newborns can see.

With proper intrauterine development, the baby is able to see immediately after his birth. The question is, how do they see the world?

Features of vision in the first days of life

An infant who has just experienced birth cannot be expected to have the sight of an adult. The picture of the world for him is still very blurry, and even painful, as bright light unusually cuts delicate eyes. Therefore, often after birth, babies are in rooms with subdued lights to minimize stress.

It is worth noting that from the very moment of birth, it is most convenient for a baby to view everything and everyone around him from a vertical position. So it is easier for him to concentrate, although the child will be able to hold his gaze on something for at least 10 seconds only after four months. And before that, his eyes will be able to focus for only a couple of moments, they will, as it were, “slide” over the object of interest.

At the beginning of his life, the child only sleeps, eats and wets the diaper. Although it is interesting to consider the space surrounding him, it is still unpleasant and uncomfortable due to swollen eyelids and reddened eyes. Swelling appears when passing through the birth canal during delivery, but goes away on its own after a while without third-party intervention. Most often, the eyelids during wakefulness are half-closed, squinted.

There is an opinion that newborns see everything upside down, upside down. This is not so: they are not able to analyze what is in front of them until they perceive what they see. It has been proven that newborns can see far away. Best of all, the baby distinguishes objects at a distance of about 25 cm - this is the space from the eyes of the crumbs to the face of the mother during breastfeeding.

Therefore, even with artificial feeding, it is recommended to take the child in your arms - this is how it is most comfortable for him to consider his mother and remember her features. And even at such a tender age, it is possible and necessary to establish eye contact, to attract attention. True, in order to succeed, given how newborn children see, several conditions must be met:

  1. First of all, catch the right moment - not immediately after feeding or when the baby intends to fall asleep.
  2. Raise, supporting the head and under the ass, at arm's length.
  3. Do not make sudden movements, give the child time to concentrate his eyes.
  4. Smile: positive emotions are always more pleasant to observe.
  5. In an attempt to attract attention, you should not raise your voice: the baby can be upset, capricious, start crying, and then you should not expect a positive result from eye contact.

How vision develops in the first month

There is absolutely no point in worrying if at first the baby noticeably squints with her eyes. This happens often, because the process of controlling your vision has just started. Simply put, a child at 1 month old is just beginning to learn to look at the world with its variety of objects that have intricate shapes, bulges, sizes and are at completely different distances.

During this period, it is necessary to show pictures with pronounced contours: circles, curls, stripes, etc. for eye training. It is recommended to hang toys, rattles or simply objects that attract the eye above the crib.

Babies love to look at things in a calm environment. Do not hang a homemade or purchased mobile directly above your head. It is better to place such a design closer to the legs, behind them or on the sides of the crib. This position will help concentration and not create unnecessary stress on the muscles of the neck.

But the leader in winning children's attention has been and remains the human face: his baby looks at him most intently, noticing all the changes. At the same time, information, moods are transmitted and read, the child learns not only to see, but also to feel.

Vision changes at 3 months

Children begin to see the environment more or less clearly and realistically, but still not in the colors we are used to, but in black and white. They have already examined and remembered the closest people who often caught their eye - mom, dad, sisters, brothers - and are even able to distinguish between them.

This is especially easy if relatives have special features. For example, dad has a dark mustache / beard, mom is fair and wears glasses, sister is fair, but smaller than mom, brother also has a small face, but dark and without a mustache / beard.

At three months, again, temporary strabismus can be observed. This is the result of the imperfection of the eye muscles, which by this age have not yet grown stronger. In order to make both eyes look at a certain object at the same time, even if it does not move, a lot of effort is required from a small person.

Progress in the first half

At about the sixth month of life, the baby is able not only to begin to distinguish between family members, but also to recognize them, greeting them with a happy smile and cooing. The basic color scheme is already available to him, but rich yellow and red colors attract attention more than others.

That is why it is recommended to buy the first rattles, teethers in this color - they will definitely attract and retain attention. By six months, the child's eyes look familiar to us and should not mow.

If even a slight beveling of at least one eye is noticed, this is a reason to contact the family pediatrician, who, after the examination, will tell if there is a need to visit an ophthalmologist.

New mothers, especially those with their first child, are prone to over-anxiety and may exaggerate some symptoms. For example, it happens that a baby has a wide bridge of the nose due to genetic heredity, and an erroneous impression of squinting eyes is created.

Such a delusion can be debunked by a pediatrician, while reassuring worried parents. Your baby's vision can also be checked at home with a simple test. You need to take a small flashlight with a not very bright light, direct its beam into the eyes, holding the flashlight itself at the level of the bridge of the nose at a distance of 20-30 cm from the face.

It is necessary to monitor the reflections of the beam in the pupils: if it is in the middle, then there are no problems with vision, and if the glare deviates in any direction, a professional consultation is needed.

Do I need to rush to the doctor

approximately how a child perceives the world for months

When a child begins to see, it is necessary to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist as early as possible - he will be able to give professional advice on proper eye care even from the first day of birth. Do not be afraid of the complexity of the procedures - as a rule, everything is simpler than it seems at first glance.

Of course, if the baby does not have problems with neonatal conjunctivitis, which sometimes happens in the first week of life. In this case, both or one eye begins to fester, but this attack is easily curable and in no case affects visual acuity in the future.