Do you have a chance to give birth to twins? How to give birth to twins or twins naturally

Fortunately, now twin kinds are not a surprise for doctors, nor for the new mummy. Much up behind. Behind the first surprise, first anxiety and joy. Going the last, the longest week of pregnancy. A little more - and expectations will be justified, childbirth will begin, the same unusual - "double". What is their feature? What to expect and, most importantly, how to help yourself and children in this difficult business?

Most of the twins are born ahead of time - somewhere after the 37th week, and only 10% of the twins are "withstanding" to laid 40 weeks. The average duration of pregnancy for Troyen 34-35 weeks. And the body of the mother and the child in this period is not quite ready for childbirth, with which more complications are connected. Therefore, it is worth choosing a medical center in advance, which will lead such labor. The center must have a strong obstetric surgical service and extensive experience in sticking newborns. Maintaining such birth orders the most experienced physicians in the duty officer. And yet you should not wait for childbirth at home. Multiple birth is the case when it is better to meet the beginning together with doctors.

In most (80%) cases by the end of pregnancy, both twins are in the longitudinal position and occupy one right, the other left half of the uterus. In 50% of cases of the pretext (i.e., the head of both fruits is the head; One fruit in the head, the other in is in 44% of cases; Both fetus in a pelvic preview - in 6% of cases. In addition, it happens that one fruit is located in the longitudinal, the other - in the cross position or both fetas are transversely. You can accurately recognize these provisions when ultrasound. In the case of the head prepayment of both or at least the first fetus, natural delivery is possible. It is the opinion that the first to light appears that one of the twins who are stronger. It is a myth. The main role is played by the location of the twins.

How does it all start?

The period of disclosure is the first period of childbirth, during which, due to the battle, the cervix takes place.

40% of twin births begin with premature waters with immature cervix. In the normal water, the water is poured when the cervix is \u200b\u200bfully opened. The unprepared neck of the uterus is not softened, it is not shortened, the canal is closed; Such a state of the cervix says about the insufficient preparedness of the body to childbirth. The situation is exacerbated by the functional insufficiency of an overwhelmed, thinned muscles of the uterus, as a result of which the weakness of the generic forces is developing, the disclosure period is delayed. With weak fights, it is necessary to resort to the stimulation of generic activities by drugs.

In general, with multiple births, quite a lot of different medicines are used, and the future mother of twins should not be afraid of it. Anesthetics, means that eliminate spasms follow the dynamics of blood pressure, carry out the prevention of intrauterine hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of fruits.

If at the beginning of the disclosure period, the preempting part of the first fetus is above the entrance to a small pelvis (this is determined during a vaginal examination), in order to prevent the late expulsion of the water and the falling out of the small parts of the fetus and the bodies of the manufacturer, it is strongly recommended to comply with the bedding. With multi-ways, an artificial gap (amniotomy) is produced. After removal of excess of the oily water, excessive stretching of the uterus disappears, and the contracting activity is improved. Waters are produced gradually, since the rapid flow of water may cause a number of adverse effects: the fallout of the umbilical cord, the handles, premature delay of the placenta.

"Culmination" of childbirth

The second, the most "responsible" period of childbirth is the period of expulsion (sweating) - is also often delayed. The prolonged expulsion period represents a serious danger for the mother (due to possible infections) and the fruit (they are threatened with oxygen starvation - hypoxia - and infection). The period of expulsion in the "double" genus is delayed because two large parts belonging to various fruits are at the same time in the lower part of the uterus, to promote the long-term operation of the uterus: one of these large parts should be inserted into a small pelvis, and the second - to move up up .

Rare and extremely serious complication is the simultaneous entry into the pelvis of the heads of both twins, accompanied by the adhesion of the twins heads. This complication may occur when the first fruit is born in a pelvic preview, and the second is in the head. In a dangerous position, both twins and in those extremely rare cases when they lie in a common cavity, while the umbilies of both fruits can be intertwined and at the birth of the first twin, it causes the suffocation of both or one fetus - depending on the features created in Twisted Pupovins.

In order to speed up the period of expulsion and minimize the risk of generic injury, make a dissection of crotch. After the birth of the first fetus, not only the fruit, but also the maternal end of the umbilical cord is carefully tied up. This is necessary because in the case of a single-axis twin, the second fetus may die from blood loss (through the first fetal umbilical cord, if it is not bandaged).

After 20-30 minutes, the fetal bubble of the second fetus is renewed by resuming, the oily water is slow. If this is not done, then a belated break of the fetal fetal bubble is possible, as a result of which the expulsion period will delay. For the same purpose, as well as with the aim of preventing postpartum bleeding due to an interpretation of the uterus at double, the intravenous introduction of reducing agents (more often) is defined. At this stage, complications are also possible. For example, after the birth of the first twin, the second may take a cross position even if he was in the longitudinal gathering. In addition, after the birth of the first fetus, a premature not yet born twin (or general placenta) may come. At the same time, severe bleeding arises, threatening the health of the femoirs, and the hypoxia of the second fetus. The life of the latter can be saved only by immediately extracting from the birth paths. This is carried out with the help of obstetric operations (for example, the impulse of obstetric tongs). Premature pairing placenta after the birth of the first fetus occurs in 3-4% of the birth of the double.

Final stage

After the birth of both twins, the last period of childbirth occurs. In this period, the most important thing is to avoid bleeding. If bleeding occurs when a separated but not born placenta, it is removed from the uterus by external methods, and with an inseparable placenta - hand introduced into the uterus.

The born of the final carefully inspect to make sure of its intake and establish the character of twins (single or bilayer) - two or one fraction of the placenta and four sheets of the fetal shells in the partition between the fruits are determined during the bike double. The introduction of oxytocin, started in the period of disclosure or expulsion, continues in the early postpartum period for 15-20 minutes, while carefully monitored and selections from the genital tract.

When do you need an operation?

Despite all the complexities of twin genera, each second twins is born today without surgery. In the case when the risk of complications in childbirth is very large, doctors offer to make a cesarean section in a planned manner. The planned caesarean section is made at doubles at the 38th week of pregnancy, and at Trina - on the 35-36th week of pregnancy.

In half cases, after the start of natural labor, it is necessary to make an emergency caesarean section. Indication K are different complications of labor threatening mother or children's health.

First days after childbirth

After childbirth, mom and children continue to remain under the relictic observation of doctors. Reducing the tone of the uterus and its extracting can cause bleeding. The cutting of the uterus after delivery is slowed down (obstetrics call this condition to the sub-binding of the uterus). The sibling of the uterus (insufficient contraction of the muscles of the uterus) is accompanied by bleeding and can cause inflammatory postpartum diseases. Such diseases in multiple births occur somewhat more often than after delivery by one fruit; It depends not only on the slowdown in the involution, but also from a significant frequency of complications and surgical interventions during childbirth. A to avoid complications after delivery will help special gymnastic exercises, strengthening the abdominal wall muscles and a pelvic floor, earlier than feeding toddler breasts, as well as the preventive purpose of cutting drugs, if necessary.

Children born ahead of time, additional attention is also required and often treatment. Probably, the first days they will have to be in the separation of intensive therapy. Depending on their well-being, mother either will be invited to feed the baby's babes, or they will ask for breast milk for them. As soon as the children are strengthened, they will be transferred to the chamber to mom or in the nursery. Mom, until this time, you need to make a maximum of effort to restore the forces after childbirth, because then it will be quite a little time, because most of the day will have to devote to feeding babies.

In addition to ordinary difficulties, there are optional. Since children are born prematurely, weak, at first they are often bad, they are inactive suck. Therefore, in the first weeks twins, it is better to feed in turn, especially since they need to teach the chest correctly, and here without two hands can not do.

When the lactation improves, and the children are fixed, you can go to joint feeding, it will save time. Especially conveniently joint feeding, if the kids have the same day mode. Posit the correct pose will help the breastfeeding consultant or a pattering nurse of children's clinic. However, one or two feeding a day is better to save separately to pay enough attention to each child. If the children were born with a big weight difference, then the little one will have to feed more often. We must not forget that breastfeeding helps the twins faster to catch up with the peers in development, and the mother - to successfully recover after difficult births.


I fully agree with Natalie, read - and the hair stirred. I have a probability of twins and I will not trust our "professional" obstetrics. Exactly infusion on Cesarean. I want to wish the doctors of this area - so that you have a childbirth as you have. And do not say that there are professionals, there is a lottery, good if you're lucky.

03/28/2008 09:35:29, Maria

The article is certainly designed for doctors ... Did the woman in the last months of pregnancy twins, after reading this article, can be benevolently configured to natural labor? I have twins, I gave birth by Caesarean, and it was planned. I insisted on it myself. After your article, a dear author, I won't mind trying to give birth to myself. Now my kids are 11 months old, I am very glad that they avoided all these horrors - hips, squeezing, etc. ... Brrr

05/11/2006 13:47:59, Natali

Comment Article "Gemini: Birth and the first days of life"

Children turned out the diverse twins. - So? But the words of this "Gemini from only they will deal with one pregnancy anyway in one day. And yes, to determine where whose Sultans are simpler, but for the twins of the Children of Sultan from different mothers, no one for sure ...

Gemini and weather. Education of twins, weather: care, psychology, domestic issues. But on the other hand, the twins give birth independently and these are not isolated cases. Girls who coped with this task itself, share how it was.


i regret that I am reply late and glad that you still chose Cesarean. My pride lay perfectly both down our heads, briefly closer to the exit, a little more deeper ... Doctors spoke-come out alone, the second one will crawl behind him ... in the end ... In the process of the exit of the oldest, the younger turned over, followed by his head Belly ... And at each fight folded it in half.
outcome - Emergency Caesarean.
thank God, brains had enough without "childbirth in water" and TP, and under the supervision of a doctor .... so it would be unknown than ..

Thank you all for the support and advice. My miracle happened. Exactly at 38 weeks, my boys appeared by the COP. No matter how I wanted to give birth to myself, but in reality the choice of the doctor was correct. Babes for twins were rather big and they were not going to get out. And during the operation, there were still surprises, which no one suspected. Therefore, all that is not done for the better. But I now told everything and give birth to COP itself. True, I liked the first option more, but what you won't go, for the sake of health and well-being of your favorite chad.

How to help them? Hello. I want to adopt a boy and a girl. They were born premature 900 grams. Now the girl has a bunch of hernia and obstructive bronchitis. And the boy has congenital heart disease, there was an operation. Now he is disabled ...


My son was born almost seven-month with a weight of 1.400, for the year she scored a normal weight, went a year, develops normally, a very smart boy, but in a psychological plan very hard - a child with a pessimistic look at everything, comes up to reflections "I don't live better", It does not know how to empathize with others, sometimes becomes aggressive.
In the first years of life, it could be written off on whims, the features of the child, then made MRI brain - turned out to be organic brain lesions (some foci do not work), as a consequence of prematurity, underdevelopment of the brain, although in the first years it was Many has been done: they were constantly treated at the neuropathologist, they made a massage 4 times a year, and the like. Sometimes it is very difficult to communicate with the son, although he is already an adult boy, to understand, he understands how to behave, but nothing happens. With two such kids it will be difficult if not to say more.

05.12.2008 13:23:19, La Marie

My friend was born a girl earlier than 7 months.
She and with the eyes of the problem, and with neurology, in 2 years it does not sit and does not go ... a very heavy child.
She says: save saved, and did it cost? ...

I think that those who are less than 1,500 are born have to have healthy health problems, and that it is not worse than one know how everything will be in a year or two.

03.12.2008 23:33:03, i want to become mom


i gave one-way boys at the 40th week, no one was in a hurry and did not stimulate, in ~ 13-00 the contractions began, both, one 2960 were born, the second 2980, gave birth to the CPSIR in Sevastopol

I myself twins. Mom gave us for 34 weeks, or ...

Pregnancy. Gemini and weather. Education of twins, weather: care, psychology, domestic issues. I have a lot of "for" that there may be twins or twins :) And I would love it very much! I have only 7th week went by Ber., And I have not yet been on ultrasound.

I want to give birth to twins .. pregnancy. Gemini and weather. Education of twins, weather: care, psychology, domestic issues. I want to give birth to twins. Hello! Always jealous of the Mama twins, I imagine how difficult it is, but it's insanely interesting ...


and in our family there were no twins, I dreamed, I bought Claostil Beginte and on the 4th day of the cycle 5 days took, then with my husband the night prosecoles - the result is twins, good luck to you.

04/30/2006 19:42:43, Mama22

In a woman, only one egg and, accordingly, one child is also ripening for one menstrual cycle and, accordingly, one child is born. In order for bike twins to be obtained, you need to simultaneously ripe and fertilized two eggs. In nature, this happens extremely rare. There are cases when one egg cell, fertilized in the usual way, at the earliest stage of its crushing is divided into two separate organism with absolutely identical genetic material (this phenomenon has the name of polyembrium). As a result, one-way twins are born. The reasons for the development of this process of science are still not established due to the complexity of the biochemical mechanisms regulating the division of the cell.
Nowadays, more than 100 million twins live on Earth and on the observations of the doctors of large perinatal centers, and recently multiple pregnancies are becoming more and more. To date, the birth of twins falls once per hundred childbirth, while for the 80s the number of multiple pregnancies was four times lower. For what reason did the percentage of multiple pregnancies increased?

First, consider the causes of multiple pregnancy in general.
The complexity is that the causes of multiple pregnancy are not yet sufficiently studied. Nevertheless, it is proved that two or more follicles can ripen in one ovary. It has also been proven that ovulation can occur simultaneously in both ovaries. In addition, in one follicle there may be two or more eggs.
In the emergence of multi-flow the role of heredity (especially on the mother's line) is not subject to doubt. Multiple pregnancy is more common in families, where mother or father or both spouses are from twins. So, in 31 of the three hundred fencers with twins in the history of their relatives were instructions for multiple pregnancies.
Apparently, genetic predisposition to multiple pregnancies is coded by many genes. Moreover, for pregnancy, the genetic features of the female organism (including the possibility of simultaneous maturation of two eggs) play a decisive role (including the formation of identical twins, the father's hens can be contributed to the formation of identical twins.
Of great importance is the combination of genes of both partners (the homogeneity of their composition) and the patterns of inheritance, which are observed through the generation, two (there is a theory that the twins are "transmitted" through the generation), and most often, in the side branches of the genus (i.e. Inheritance with cousins \u200b\u200band sisters).
The frequency of the twins can be associated with the belonging of spouses to a specific ethnic group. So, in China, it is 3 per thousand births, in Scotland -12.3 per thousand, in Nigeria - 57.2 per thousand.
These differences are associated with fluctuations in the frequency of the bike twins, as the birth of one-way duals around the world keeps approximately one level - approximately 3.5 genera from a thousand.
Currently, the impact on the frequency of multipleness of geographical, socio-economic, household and other factors is studied.
Maturation of several eggs in about one time can occur under the influence of hormonal changes in the female organism, both natural and artificial.

04/02/2006 16:14:58, tip

Two twin sisters gave birth to one day in a pair of twins. This unusual event occurred on Tuesday in the US state of Georgia. The kids were born ahead of time, but, according to doctors, they are completely healthy, reports CBS News.


IMHO All (childbirth) are specially adjusted. Cesarean can be done at any time, even with a difference of 5 minutes.
"Sisters learned about what should give birth in one day - January 1, 2005 - when both were on the sixth month pregnancy ". Girls on 21 (!!!) year, Mom did not tell them in childhood about what monthly and why they can be, and may not be ...... my friend with gynecological problems (monthly every seven or eight months) and she learned about pregnancy for 3 months, and here ...... Yes, both. The likelihood that they both with the same problem are negligible

Good luck.
Olya, Katya (07/20/99), Seryozha and Alenka (3.03.2001)

05/25/2001 17:32:08, Olya

I wrote dichorial diamen. Twin and, indeed, girls were born absolutely different, and my girlfriend wrote "Monochorial Diagnus. Double" and her boys are very similar. In general, they write that the same twins have two amnion more often, one amnion is less common, and even less often (and worse), when there is no partition between them and they are in one "bag." Read some special literature - it is very much. Even in the encyclopedia for adolescents, cases of multiple pregnancy are disassembled and there are a lot of pictures. And there is a placenta, then there may be two them, but if they were originally closely arranged, they could and would be fighting on ultrasound m, bing, it looks like one placenta. But, as a very good doctor told me, what the difference you look like or not like, boys or girls, just been healthy.

24.05.2001 15:37:27, Coluntar Catherine

Gemini and weather. Education of twins, weather: care, psychology, domestic issues. Good day! Luban! You have absolutely no reason for concern. Our twins are 15 months. Pts. Much understand, except for words - Mom, Dad, Baba, Grandfather, on! Yes! Many concepts ...


good day! Luban! You have absolutely no reason for concern.
our twins are 15 months. Pts. Much understand, except for words - Mom, Dad, Baba, Grandfather, on! Yes! Many concepts determine the syllables - ha! (Doggy, i.e. - Gav!) Ko (chicken, so the chicken says), etc. In general, completely normal - the twins begin to speak later than ordinary peers, they perfectly understand each other without words, so there is no need to strain. Often, the situation is aggravated by the parents themselves - the child will burst with his request with him and mom's understandable interjections, Mom performs. You should be stricter and persistent in the requirement of uttering a request, words. But it is at an older age. Now it's too early. Everything has its time...

14.04.2000 15:05:43, Lyuba

Many couples want twins, and the question of how to give birth to twins is relevant to them. In recent years, cases of multiple pregnancies occur more often than before. It is quite clear to the desire of women to shoot at a time, proven doubly a feeling of happiness. Even possible complications in the surgery and in the process of upbringing cannot scare future parents.

How is the conception of twins

In order to understand how you can conceive twins, find out how multiple pregnancy occurs. Monthly in the middle of the female cycle there is a ripening of an egg, which, leaving the ovaries, moves towards the uterus. In the event that when moving the egg met with a sperm, and fertilization occurred, then in the uterus it arrives, ready for further development.

In other cases, there is a bilayant nature of pregnancy. It is clear from the name that 2 eggs feared with different spermatozoa and together got into the uterus. In such twins, genotypes are similar to 50 percent, and externally kids may not be very similar.

Statistics state that one birth of twins falls on 100 births. At the same time, twin boys are born more: 104 pairs in comparison with 100 couples twin girls.

How to conceive twins naturally

A sufficient number of conditions and recommendations are known to how to give birth to twins, at least increase the chances of the onset of multiple pregnancy. Thus, it is possible to increase the likelihood of the performance of your dreams. Here is some of them:

  • According to the doctors, the long abstinence contributes to mobility and increase the vital activity of sperm, which increases the likelihood of conception of twins.
  • It was noted that after stopping the reception of contraceptives, the ovaries begin to produce many eggs, actively restoring the number of hormones. This contributes to the occurrence of twin pregnancy. The same effect manifests itself after taking drugs in the treatment.
  • If twins have already appeared in your family, then you have a gene for. The factor of heredity is more often manifested by the maternal line. Some women have several eggs, this phenomenon is called multiple natural ovulation.
  • From the age of women depends on the occurrence of multipleness. After 35 years, the concentration of the hormone is increasing, responsible for the activity and development of eggs.
  • According to experts, during cyclicity of menstruals 21-22 days there is a high probability to conceive twins.
  • During breastfeeding period, hormones are intensively produced, which contributes to multiple pregnancy.
  • In the uterine anomaly ("twin" uterus) is also a great probability of the appearance of two kids, because it is divided by a dweller, the uterus is considered to be intended for twins. Such a deviation occurs in 5% of women.
  • Men of African and Middle East of origin, thanks to genes, more often become the fathers of twins.
  • Women of high growth in comparison with low fair sex representatives are most predisposed to multiple pregnancy due to the characteristics of the body structure.

At the same time, various diets should be avoided, such a passion significantly reduces the chances of double pregnancy.

Women who born twins

American scientists have conducted a number of studies and argue that who gave birth to twins is better. It was found that such female representatives for a long time retain reproductive function. In the experiment, data were used about 60 thousand women born in the period 1807-1899 and had children, 4.6 thousand of them were twins.

After analyzing the available information, scientists came to the conclusion that there is an unconditional connection between the birth of twins and longevity. According to research materials, it is proved that the life expectancy of the mothers of twins is more.

Many married couple are trying. Some wish the child to grow with a brother or sister of one age. And others simply want to immediately make a big family. Despite the fact that twins are born quite rarely, there are certain factors, thanks to which you can significantly increase the likelihood of two kids at the same time.

What does the birth of twins depend on? In the first place here are factors such as lifestyle, genetic predisposition and even ethnic affiliation of partners. If the married couple is firmly configured to the birth of twins, the following information may be quite useful.

What are the twins?

The birth of twins is due to the type of fertilization of the maternal egg. The most common are voiced and in the first case the embryos appear from two different eggs with simultaneous fertilization. Concreated in this way, children usually have both external and sexual differences.

As for monosigital twins, their conception occurs as a result of splitting one fertilized egg to two equal parts. The development of monosigital fetus is always characterized by the emergence of children of one sex with an identical set of genetic signs, one group of blood and almost one hundred percent external similarity.

Reasons for the birth of twins

The main reason for the development of two embryos at once in the natural way of conception is the abundance of healthy, highly active spermatozoa in the man and the presence of a ready-to-fertilization of the egg. Strengthens the effect of a unquestioning adherence to the recommendations of a specialist, conducting a healthy lifestyle, as well as a predisposition to the conception of several kids from one or both partners.

Other reasons for the birth of twins are the consumption of products or drugs that make up the elements of which cause hyperview. However, doctors extremely rarely recommend this kind of drugs to avoid the emergence of various kinds of complications during pregnancy, although they are pretty effective.

Genetic predisposition

The increased probability of the appearance of several kids at the same time is in families in families, which recorded such cases on the maternal line. So, if a woman's mother or grandmother gave birth to twins, she appears enlarged chances to also give birth to twins.

However, not so simple. Huge importance in this case has a combination of it from both partners. More often, heredity in terms of the birth of twins manifests itself after one generation. But even during the proportion of the above circumstances, the chance for a prosperous outcome of the twin conception is no more than fifty percent.

With weak heredity or insufficient power of sex hormones of partners, the probability of birth of twins or twins varies from five to fifteen percent.

Factors contributing to the emergence of two or more kids at once

As statistics show, the chances of the birth of twins or twins in a healthy woman without genetic predisposition make up just about three percent. In general, there are a number of factors, the presence of which increases the likelihood of two and more kids at the same time.

The probability of birth of twins increases if:

  • there were already cases of birth of twins or twins in the maternal line;
  • a woman has African roots (Europeans go in second place for the probability of born twins, followed by Asian and Latin American);
  • the woman had successful pregnancies (such a tendency is associated with an increase in the possibilities of the human body);
  • a woman has a high growth, leads a healthy lifestyle, feeds fully or has some overweight.

Food and vitamins

In families in which partners led an unhealthy lifestyle, poorly feed and neglect food intake rich in vitamins and useful trace elements, significantly reduced the probability of twin births.

With the conception of the child and directly when it is tooling, any vitamin complexes are helpful. However, as practice shows, the birth of twins becomes more likely with an active admission to food with a high folic acid content, which today can be purchased almost in any pharmacy.

Good, full-fledged food, rich in fresh, environmentally friendly products, entails not only the appearance of a healthy child, but also increases the birth chance for twins. Significantly less such chances in people with insufficient weight.

If we talk about full, good nutrition, it should provide a uniform weight set without harmful to health and self-witness. Naturally, trying to increase the likelihood of twins by any ways, it is better to take advice in advance in an authoritative clinic. After all, only the use of knowledge of the prepared, experienced and practicing doctor makes it possible to hope for a positive result.

What is the likelihood of twins, if you resort to the help of a specialist?

Appeal to an experienced specialist can increase the probability of conception of twins. In modern medical practice, quite professional doctors are presented, which are able to help give birth to twins almost any pair.

Currently, the change in the twins is most often solved by applying an extracorporeal fertilization method. The conception of children in this way can do the young couple not cheap. However, the introduction of several healthy spermatozoa in the Mother's eggs in artificial means significantly increases the likelihood of achieving the desired goal.


What does the birth of twins depend on? This question is still not fully studied and remains shrouded in secret. However, probably it is known that the increased probability of conception of two and more kids is transmitted through generation.

It is worth noting that there is a sufficient number of families in which there are cases of conception of several twins, twins and even triples. There are also such families where twins or twins are grandparents, cousins, nephews and nieces. Therefore, the answer to this question is best known to nature. Good luck to you!

Twins - These are a variety of children. Such pregnancy occurs with the simultaneous fertilization of two eggs with different spermatozoa. Each fruit is formed in a separate placenta.

Twins can be both similar and completely different. The same applies to the floor.

Scientists managed to establish that the predisposition to the birth of twins is transmitted genetically by the maternal line.

The probability of conception of twins is 3 times higher than the conception of twins. It is also noticed that twins are more often born in women of older.

At 20-30 years old Future mom has 3% chance Begin twin naturally. BUT aged 30-40 years These chances are increasing to 6% .

With each subsequent pregnancy, the opportunity to conceive twins also increases, because the birth of a child in most cases is accompanied. And women with a small abundant mass of the body are much more often pregnant.

In addition, according to research, moms who are breastfeeding and pregnant during this period, more chances to conceive twins.

How can you conceive twins?

It is easiest to conceive a twin residents of the Middle East and Africans. An important meaning in the creation of twins is also played by a geographical factor.

For example, in the village of Copan (Carpathians) for 50 years, 54 couples of diverse children were born. Residents of the village say this is due to the healing source of water, which is in the village. It is he who creates favorable conditions for the birth of twins.

Therefore, many people who want to become doubly happy parents go to this source. And some couples happened to conceive twins after a trip to this magical place.

In the Rostov region, in the village of Denisovka also recorded amazing phenomena. There for every 500 people account for 19 pairs of twins. This affects fruitful land.

Local residents say that they are known how to get pregnant twins. In their opinion, even after passing in this village, the husband and wife will be able to conceive two children at the same time.

Artificial fertilization and twins

Doctors know about the secrets of conception of diverse children. The method like nothing else contributes to their birth.

After all, thanks to this method at the same time, several eggs are fertilizedwho immediately transplant the woman. The likelihood that in this case two babies are very large.

If you really want to give birth to twins, but Eco is not an initial method for you ,. He will tell you how to make your dream in life.

Before going to the doctor Learn all information about your kind, take the history of diseases (own and husband), and then go to the qualified council.

How to conceive twins of girls?

With the conception of the girls twins, the posture in which you make love is of great importance. It is better to refuse in this case from deep penetration. The missionary posture is suitable.

Also there is a special dietwhich allows you to raise the chances of conceiving girls. In the daily diet you need to turn on sugar, spices, fragrant herbs, jams. It is recommended to avoid foods containing caffeine and salted food.

Another method is built on the theory of blood of blood. It is believed that this particular factor determines the sex of the child.

Insofar as blood women updated every three years, and men every fourIt is necessary to conduct a countdown, which starts from the last large blood loss: operations, abortion, childbirth.

Depending on whether the blood will be more young at the time of conception, you will be able to determine the floor of the future kid.

How to conceive twins of boys?

  1. Guided the desire to become parents of twins boys, You can use posture with deep penetration, which are good because Y-spermatozoa is easier than the short distance to the uterus and they live less than their X-rivals. There is information that the favorable penetration of spermatozoa data is much more efficient after a woman's orgasm, since substances that contribute to the resort of y-spermatozoa are distinguished.
  2. Do sex before ovulation. To put up the time of this process of the female body is necessary due to the short life expectancy of Y-spermatozoa. It will increase their chances to get to the ripened eggs faster than their fellow.
  3. Stick special dietwhich provides an exception from the diet of dairy drinks, crabs, sauces, baking, bread, waffles, green lettuce, string, raw, nuts,.

    Instead, actively use, fruit juices, with soda, all varieties and, sausages, eggs, biscuits, cookies, semolus, all fruits and dried fruits (,), black. Solitize food more, eat canned food and dishes cooked on yeast.

Sure, All these tools give a very small percentage of probability. Male twins conception. But in the struggle for his dream, as they say, all the methods are good.

Go to your goal and do everything in order to achieve the desired. Believe me, your works will be decent rewarded.

Let them not double, but one child. But the happiness of motherhood and paternity is not in the number of children, but how much you can handle with the responsible role of parents.

Expert comment

The human body is designed to carry and the birth of only one child. How it would not seem strange, but multiple pregnancy from the point of view of medicine is considered as an anomaly.

The process of conception provides for the participation of only one egg and a single spermatozoa. When two eggs are formed, the ability to get pregnant twins. At the same time, children can be of various sexes and unequal blood group affiliation.

If the only fertilized egg is divided precisely in half, copying the genetic code, it turns out single twins. The copying mechanism is known, the reasons are not clear. One way or another, the appearance of monosigital twins does not depend on the fact of conception.

Split eggs occurs later. If for some reason it will occur later the stages of the zygota - the twins are obtained, first described in Thailand - Siamese.

Causes of the formation of several eggs

The female cycle normally provides for the appearance of only one egg. It appears and includes the mechanism of the second phase. This happens throughout the child's child's age. The greater the stock of follicles, the longer the period of menstruation period lasts.

Hormonal changes contributing to the formation of several eggs:

  • reception of hormonal contraceptives for three months with their subsequent cancellation;
  • medical stimulation of ovulation;
  • heredity;
  • doubling the uterus in the embryonal period.

Rebound effect

This is an egg formation after the abolition of a hormonal preparation. When receiving hormonal contraceptives, the ovaries "rest" during the three months. The hormonal cycle is supported artificially.

The ovaries function in turn. In one month, ovulation occurs in the left, in the other - in the right. After the break, "triggered" both appendat. At the same time, two full-fledged eggs are obtained.

Rebound effect - phenomenon, though planned, but uncontrollable. The appearance of it spontaneously.

Ovulation stimulation

Medicate stimulation leads to the ripening of several follicles at the same time. When ovulation, two or three eggs appear. Everyone is fertilized or alone.

Healthy factor

The predisposition to the conception of the diverse twins is inherited by the female line.. As a rule, through the generation. If the grandmother gave birth twins, granddaughter has every chance. In the absence of abortion. Forced cessation of pregnancy, regardless of twins or one fruit, destroys the initial genetic installation.

Anomalies of the development of uterus

Full doubling, or the presence of a partition in the body leads to an increase in the production of egg cells. They are formed on demand. If the uterus is one, it takes one eggs.

Additional factors that promote twin conception

The conditions are independent of the body of the body of a woman, but affecting it relate to additional factors.

Climate factor

Under certain conditions: duration of the daylight, humidity and natural radioactive background, the work of appendages is activated. In the ovaries a few egg cells are formed. In some localities, an increased amount is noticed.

A trip to such places for one or two days does not guarantee the birth of twins. The formation of the egg takes place within two weeks.

Age factor

Women over 33-35 years old hormonal splash occurs. The synthesis of the folilliliculosulum hormone increases at times.

So several eggs are formed, but it is not a fact that each of them after fertilization turns into an embryo. Implantation depends on the state of the health of the woman.

With multiple ovulation, only one child may appear. Or not one.

Eco as a family planning tool

With in vitro fertilization, after stimulation of the ovaries, several egg cells are obtained. Fertilize four or six. In different countries differently.

Surrive either all embryos or two. Under all conditions, all other children are destroyed, except for two.

therefore Eco can guarantee the birth of a multi-dual twin, Or may not guarantee anything. There is no confidence that fertilized eggs delay in the uterus in the artificial subset.

Nowadays, twins appear much more often than about 10-20 years ago. The reason for the modern "doubling" kids is in the lifestyle of today's moms.

Already in youth, many of them begin to take contraceptive pills or treat infertility with powerful means that stimulate the work of the ovaries.

Of course, one desire to give birth to twins is not enough, but what to do when the couple wants to become parents at once two kids? How to raise a chance to give birth to twins and what factors contribute to this? Finally, what floor is the easiest way to be "doubling": boys or girls?

Who are such twins?

Twins are born when two different spermatozoa reaches two actively working eggs at once, but the formation of fruits occurs in separate placenta. That is why twins can be very similar to each other, and they can be born absolutely different.

Birth twins: Normal or deviation?

The body of the future mother is designed to carry only one child - a boy or a girl, because the pregnancy is multiply, no matter how strange it sounds, refers to the discharge of anomalies.

After all, the conception is ideally actively involved only one egg cell and, accordingly, one spermatozoa, and everything else is "oddities" and malfunctions in the body.

The mechanism of "photocopying", in which the fertilized egg is divided in half and copies its genetic code for each kid, not really studied. However, it is definitely known that the appearance of twins does not depend on the very fact of conception, since the egg begins the division process much later.

What is the probability of bobbin pregnancy?

How to conceive twins? In fact, it is much easier than to give birth to twins (somewhere three times), especially if the future mother is already an adult experienced woman. At the time, at 20 years, the conception of two kids at once, there are only 3% of the probabilities, in 30-40 years old the chance of becoming a mom of twins is doubled (this is all 6%).

Each new pregnancy also increases the chance to give birth to twins: extra kilograms who pick up a woman after childbirth, help her get pregnant twins.

Most often, the twins are born in African and natives of the Middle East, especially if it passed them in the genetic code. Finally, women who got pregnant during breastfeeding, also have every chance to give birth to twins.

What affects the conception of twins?

Changes on a hormonal background contribute to the active formation of several eggs.

The reason for this becomes:

  • active reception of hormonal contraceptives, which then stops sharply;
  • stimulation of ovulation by a medication method;
  • hereditary factor;
  • doubling the uterus, coming by the formation of the embryo;
  • climatic features of the region of residence;
  • mom's age.

Rebound effect

When a woman takes hormones for a long time (even 3 months of reception), her ovaries "rest". After a long break, both appendat "are launched" at the same time, which contributes to the formation of two eggs.

Ovulation stimulation

The stimulation of ovulation with medicines leads to the fact that in the body of the future mother matures several follicles. Thanks to this, two appears on the light, and sometimes three eggs, of which are fertilized or all or one.


It is much easier to conceive two kids at once to those women whose grandparents have already gave birth to twins. However, if they are at least once interrupted pregnancy, the initial genetic installation of their body will be destroyed.

Anomaly of the uterus

Anomaly - doubling or partition in the uterus, which leads to the fact that the "production" of eggs is significantly enhanced.


Sometimes the probability of conception of twins affects what region the future mother lives, what is there light day, humidity and even radioactive background.


33-35 years - this is the period when the woman's body occurs a noticeable jump in the formation of folillicularity hormones and their synthesis, which also contributes to the formation of several eggs. Unfortunately, not each of them ultimately becomes an embryo.

We increase the chances of conception twins naturally

In order to increase the chances of conceiving twins naturally, you can use the following tips.

Reception in genetics

For the birth of twins, it is worth consulting with a geneticist, which will ask for a future mother's data about the childhood and history of the disease (her and spouse). The recommendations of the doctor are likely to be such:

  • receiving folic acid (daily);
  • fighting harmful habits (successful);
  • the use of products responsible for stimulating the ovarian function: grains, eggs and even walnuts (a few months before conception).

Selection Pose in Sex

Try to conceive twins can be tried and on your own. To do this, you need to have sex in a missionary position and necessarily with deep penetration.

The fact is that it allows semen in large numbers to settle on the walls of the vagina, and then the case is already the case, as they say.

Double conception on the table

The chance to get two eggs, ready for fertilization, falls 1 time by as much as 200 menstrual cycles. Future mothers who have actively engaged in sex during this period will be dissected by the birth of twins.

To determine the ideal time for conception, you need to count on the start of menstruation 200 months (this is about 16 years).

Exactly the same cyclicity accounts for the share of eggs, which decided to share, and in theory it is quite realistic to trace when it starts to ripen. To help you here, this table, based on the female and male moon phases, which will tell about the probability of conception of twins in 2015 (hurry!).

Folk methods conception twins

Experts in this area say that having sex for the birth of twins is best when the moon passes through the constellation of twins and fish.

Best to the case best before the new moon - then the kids of the same sex appear on the light, or after the full moon - this is how the chance increases the chance to conceive peaceful kids (boy and girl).

The use of herbs and diet is another way to make it folk methods. A decoction of Sage, rich in phytoestrogens, helps in this, and because of the replenishment of hormone deficiency.

Give preference to protein products: milk, low-fat meat and beef liver, and increase the reception of "hormonal food": seafood, bean and carrots.

Features of the conception of twins girls

To conceive the girls twins, you need to have sex in a missionary pose without deep penetration. Sit on a special diet that includes sugar, honey and fragrant herbs, and refuse products containing caffeine and salt.

You can try to conceive two girls right away, based on blood rejuvenation. According to this theory, the blood of women is updated once every three years, and men are once every four. It wins that floor whose blood according to the results of calculations is more young.

Differences of the conception of twins boys

To conceive twins boys, it is worth experimenting with the poses for sex: let them be "deep", certainly delivering an orgasm. The fact is that the penetration of the necessary y-spermatozoa occurs much more efficiently after the woman enjoyed.

To increase the likelihood of success, it is necessary to include tea, coffee and juice in your daily diet, as well as fish, meat and other high-protein products. Add salt into the food, go to all sorts of canned food, black chocolate and fruit.

"Double" conception: Eco to help

Eco is a good chance to try to conceive two children and thereby "shoot" two at once. The success of the method today is from 25 to 50% of one-lodge and 25-35% (percentage of the total probability) of biscuit pregnancy.

During conception, two eggs are transferred to the vitro in the vitro to the uterus. There may be three of them if the lady was already the third attempt to Eco, but none of them was crowned with success. It is impossible not to say that the process of transferring embryos does not mean pregnancy (neither a simple, nor "double") is just an attempt of fertilization.

Is there a way to get pregnant twins with 100% probability?

Unfortunately, even taking all the estimated funds, you will not be able to conceive twins with a probability of 100%. It is not worth a despair: go straight to the goal without regard to doubt.

Yes, perhaps, after that you will have no twins, but one baby, but also strong and healthy. After all, happiness to be a real parent is not how many kids appeared for one "Sent", but how much you could cope with such a responsible role.