American sizes for children's clothing. US children's clothing sizes

When buying clothes, shoes or headgear, the main thing is that the size indicated on it matches your parameters. How to deal with the sizes on the tag if the clothes come to our shelves from different countries, for example, from America or Europe?

There is no single standard in the world, only in Europe an attempt was made to introduce a common EN standard. But not always the European standard is indicated on the label. But what about clothes from the USA or from China: their size parameters are very different, and American sizes are sometimes indicated in inches. Even in centimeters, we cannot always determine what size we need.

The sizing system adopted in Russia has existed for a long time, but European and American designations do not coincide with it. How can buyers not be mistaken in such cases? It is even more difficult for people ordering clothes in an online store.

Revealing the meaning of unfamiliar units

To facilitate the choice of the correct size of the dress or trousers you like, sometimes it is enough to convert incomprehensible units of measurement into familiar ones. The following information will be very useful for many:

  • 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters;
  • 1 centimeter corresponds to 0.39 inches.

In the same way, you can decipher any unfamiliar parameters that may be found on the label of a thing brought from a distant country.

Let's start to deal with the sizes existing in the world.

American major

Unlike Russian and European, American sizes are represented by a ruler from 0 to 22. Many have already learned to distinguish their international counterpart in letter designation. There are six main sizes:

Very small - XS;

Small - S;

Medium - M;

Large - L;

Extra large - XL;

More than extra large - XXL.

The fuller and larger the person, the larger the ruler parameter is required for him. For this case, American clothing sizes are grouped into XL size groups. The number of Xs before the letter L shows the size (the more letters, the larger the thing), there can be a maximum of 8 pieces. Accordingly, the sizes for large people will be special: from 24 to 28 or more.

Translation rule

Many sellers, using existing patterns, translate American sizes into Russian ones and put them on the label. This is done for the convenience of the choice of goods by buyers, since few can navigate in all the variety of measurements. How to get a domestic parameter from an American parameter? They take foreign size 46, subtract 10 from it, and get Russian size 36. Everything is very simple. But this applies only to men's clothing. To determine whether American sizes correspond to Russian or European ones, it is better to use special tables. But you should know: when buying any item from the USA, especially through online stores, be sure to check the parameters match, sometimes they differ. If possible, ask for specific measurements - a seller who cares about their reputation will most likely provide you with them.

Women's sizes

To determine the American sizes of women's clothing, you need to subtract the number 34 from the Russian. For example, the 48th Russian will correspond to the 14th American. European sizes are obtained by subtracting the number 6 from the Russians. We take the 46 indicated on the label, minus 6 and get the 40th European.

Outerwear for women in Russian sizes is easily translated into American designations. Just use the hint below:

Russian Size/US/International/Europe:

  • 40/6/XS/34;
  • 42/8/XS/36;
  • 44/10/S/38;
  • 46/12/M/40;
  • 48/14/M/42;
  • 50/16/L/44;
  • 52/18/XL/46;
  • 54/20/XL/48;
  • 56/22/XXL/50.

On women's clothing, with the American designation, the letters P or L may appear. They mean:

P - clothes for women up to 165 centimeters tall,

L - for tall, more than 182 centimeters.

American clothing sizes for adult women are marked as even, odd are used for young girls of adolescence.

They will correspond to Russian sizes (American / Russian):

  • 0(XXS)/38;
  • 1(XS)/40;
  • 3(S)/42;
  • 5(S)/44;
  • 7(M)/46;
  • 9(L)/48;
  • 11(L)/50.

In order not to make a mistake, when choosing clothes, you need to know the girth of the bust, waist and chest - these are the best parameters for correctly determining the desired model.

Men's sizes

Similarly, you can translate male American markings into Russian for the convenience of selecting trousers and shirts. For outerwear, the correspondence will be as follows (Russian size / US size):

  • 46-48/36-38;
  • 48-50/38-40;
  • 50-52/40-42;
  • 52-54/42-44;
  • 54-56/56-58.

There is a pattern of differences: in order to translate American sizes into Russian, it is enough to subtract the number 10 from our designation or add the same amount to the American one. For a more accurate selection of clothes, you need to know the circumference of the waist and chest, and when choosing a shirt, also the circumference of the neck.

The sizes of men's shirts (shirts) from American to Russian are translated as follows: size 37 corresponds to 14.5 inches, size 38 fits 15 inches. Here again, you can use the calculator.

Shirt size 39-40 is 15 1/2 inches in US, each size increases by 0.5 inches. The international designation will correspond, starting from 37 to 38 - S, 39-40 - M, 41-43 - L, 44 - XL, 45 - XXL.

Letters may be present on men's clothing, what do they mean? The answer is simple - labels for men below 170 centimeters are labeled S. With an average height of 170 to 182 centimeters, R is indicated. Clothes for tall men above 182 centimeters are marked with the letter L. Outerwear for people above 190 centimeters is marked with the letters XL.

Children's sizes

There should be no problems with buying clothes for babies under two years old: American children's sizes are indicated in an original way - by age.

But not all children correspond to such a sizing system, since the development of each follows an individual trend. Therefore, to facilitate the choice of clothing, the dimensions of the child's height in centimeters are given. The table of American sizes for children under two years old will look like this (size / height, cm):

  • new/43-49;
  • 3 months/50-58;
  • 6 months/59-66;
  • 9 months/67-72;
  • 12 months/73-76;
  • 18 months/77-81;
  • 24 months/82-89.

For older children (up to and including eight years old), the size system also depends on age and height. This size group is conditionally called kids. Starts with size 2T:

  • 2T corresponds to height 92-94cm;
  • 3T - height 98-100 cm;
  • 4T - height 104-106 cm;
  • 5 - height 108-110 cm;
  • 6 - height 116-118 cm;
  • 7 - height 120-122 cm;
  • 8 - height 126-128 cm.

For children after 8 years, other sizes are provided, starting from this age there is a division into boys and girls. This row is called Juniors, it corresponds to the age of 8 to 14 years. These sizes take into account not only the height, but also the volume of the figure of the children.

When ordering new clothes online on American sites or Aliexpress, many are faced with determining the size for their feet. Instead of the usual two-digit numbering, one has to deal with incomprehensible fractional numbers. How not to get confused and adapt the American shoe size to Russian accurately - this is not so difficult to figure out.

There are several systems for labeling products of the footwear industry in the world. American shoe sizes (USA) have nothing to do with Russian and European ones, so it’s just impossible to transfer the US shoe size to the one accepted in Russia. For this, special tables are used, according to which it is very easy to find the correspondence of the size range. The US shoe size chart is numbered from 1 to 14, with each number having a half designation. A similar gradation applies to English shoes, but its marking is different from American.

In addition to the length of the foot, the instep and width of the leg play an important role in choosing. The size grid of US shoes in this regard looks more advantageous than domestic ones. Each person will be able to choose boots or shoes for himself, starting from the values ​​\u200b\u200bof his own fullness of the foot. To do this, the Americans add letters to the digital values:

  • A and AA correspond to a narrow foot;
  • B is suitable for those who have a foot of standard width;
  • C and D indicate that the product is intended for owners of chubby legs.

It is worth knowing that many American shoe manufacturers may deviate from the accepted parameters for determining the size range. This, for example, applies to the well-known sneaker brand Nike, which offers its customers to focus on their own parameters. There are enough such examples, so many portals have special reference tables (Aliexpress is a vivid example) that help you easily determine the required size, knowing the parameters of your own foot.

Buying children's shoes, like clothes online, is a profitable decision, as it allows you to save a lot. Since a parcel from abroad can take a long time (this also applies to Aliexpress), you should choose shoes with a margin. As for the translation of the size of US children's shoes into Russian, here it is worth considering some features. The entire size range for children in America is divided into three main segments:

  • from birth to one year;
  • from one and a half to 6 years;
  • for teenagers.

Since the child's leg grows at an accelerated pace, in order to correctly determine it, it is necessary to measure it every six months, if the child is over 7 years old, quarterly for children from 3 to 6 years old, and once every two months for the smallest. This will help to choose shoes so that it does not cause discomfort to the child. For better orientation, you can use the following data:

Approximate age

Foot length, cm

American size range

Russian size range

In American stores, women's shoes are marked with numbers from 5 to 11, which distinguishes them from men's. The right choice depends entirely on knowing your own Russian size. Shoes may differ in height and width, although for most manufacturers this parameter is universal, although in America you can also find a letter designation that helps people with a non-standard foot to choose shoes or sandals that fit.

When buying a new thing, it is recommended to try it on, and this should be done with the whole pair, because the legs may differ from each other. Fortunately, modern online stores allow you to try on before making a purchase, which helps a woman make the right choice. You can translate the US women's shoe size into Russian using the following information:


Russian size range

American size range

Men's sizes in America differ from women's and are numbered from 7 to 14. If, using the ratio of US and Russian shoe sizes in the table below, you get a half result, then you should focus on a larger parameter. Boots, boots or shoes with a long nose for men, you need to take more, but the choice of sneakers, sneakers and similar sports shoes should be approached especially carefully and seek help from the manufacturer's website, where you can find the size range.

The average male US shoe size in Russian can be found in the table below:


Russian size range

American size range

How to translate US shoe size into Russian

It is not always possible to use the above tables. How to translate US shoe size into Russian in this case? To do this, you can use special formulas that help determine the value, having a calculator at hand. Before calculating, you need to know the length of your foot in centimeters and convert them to inches by dividing the length of the foot by 2.54. You can immediately use a measuring tape in inches - it will be much easier.

In order to correctly determine the length of the foot, you need to circle its contour, standing on a blank sheet of paper. After that, it is necessary to measure the distance between the two furthest points with a ruler. This will be the required length (DS in inches). The following formulas must be applied to the resulting value in order to find out the corresponding value:

  • for men = 3 × DC in inches - 22;
  • for women = 3 × DC in inches - 20.5;
  • for women (according to the FIA ​​scale) \u003d 3 × DC in inches - 21;
  • for children = 3 × DC in inches - 11.67.

Video: matching US and Russian shoe sizes

With the development of Internet technology, the purchase of imported products has become popular. Among them are often products from the USA, which is famous for its excellent quality. It must be understood that the Americans have their own standards, in this regard, before purchasing, it is advisable to convert the US shoe size into Russian in advance.

How to translate US shoe size into Russian?

When purchasing an imported item, you need to carefully look at the size of the item. If the country of the shoe manufacturer is the United States, then you must immediately translate the size into Russian. This can be done in two ways:

  • Using a special formula. It provides for the calculation on a foot measured in inches in advance. To calculate the male size, you need to multiply the length of the foot by three, and then subtract twenty-four. Women, for this, need to multiply the length by three, and then subtract twenty-two and a half. The calculation of children's shoe size differs in that eleven and a half are subtracted from the extracted number.
  • Use of generally accepted layout tables.

Shoe size tables American size -> into Russian

When buying things on the Internet, it must be borne in mind that the sizes of foreign shoes and ours are different.

To avoid an unpleasant situation in which the shoes did not fit, it is advisable to translate the sizes in advance. This is quite easy to do with tables. They are compiled separately for men, children and female audiences.

For men

Men, as the main parameter for determining the size of a foreign thing, need to know only the value of their Russian size. Based on it, you need to find a suitable column in the table, and after that, immediately look at the value in the line below. This method is quite simple to use.

Russian sizeUS size
39 6
39,5 6,5
40 7
40,5 7,5
41 8
41,5 8,5
42 9
42,5 9,5
43 10
43,5 10,5
44 11
44,5 11,5
45 12
46 13
47 14
48 15
49 16

For women

For women, domestic company shoes have different size standards than American shoes. Similar to the male version of the size calculation, a conversion table has also been created for women. Thanks to her, it is possible to accurately determine the proper size of the upcoming new thing.

Russian sizeUS size
34 4
34,5 4,5
35 5
35,5 5,5
36 6
36,5 6,5
37 7
37,5 7,5
38 8
38,5 8,5
39 9
39,5 9,5
40 10
40,5 10,5
41 11
41,5 11,5
42 12

For kids

Everyone knows that before buying children's things, it is advisable to look at the size in advance. American companies produce a line of shoes separately for children under the age of five, as well as from five to ten years.

A separate table has also been created to calculate the subject size of such shoes. An important point when placing an order is that it is advisable to buy it half a size larger, since children grow very quickly, and imported ones are often more expensive than domestic items.

Sizes for children from one year to five:

Russian sizeUS size
21 5,5
22 6
22,5 6,5
23 7
23,5 7,5
24 8
25 8,5
26 9
26,5 9,5
27 10
27,5 10,5
28 11
29 11,5
30 12

Sizes for children from five to ten years:

Russian sizeUS size
30 12,5
31 13
31,5 13,5
32 1
33 1,5
33,5 2
34 2,5
34,5 3
35 3,5
36 4
36,5 4,5
37 5
37,5 5,5
38 6
38,5 6,5
39 7

Sizes for the smallest (under the age of one year):

Russian sizeUS size
16 0,5
16,5 1
17 1,5
17,5 2
18 2,5
18,5 3
19 3,5
19,5 4
20 4,5
20,5 5

American Foot Width Designations

In addition to length, there is another important ordering criterion, like the width of the foot (fullness). Usually she is asked when ordering things for adults. The exception is some teenage shoes. To calculate the correct size according to the width of the foot, US companies use two standard well-known methods:

The letters of the Latin alphabet are from A to E, of which the latter indicates the widest foot size. For a more reliable calculation of the appropriate size, numbers are used in addition to letters.

  1. The letters of the English alphabet N, M, as well as W, which in turn denote a narrow, normal and large foot width.
  2. The first method provides for a separate classification of sizes for male and female audiences.

Deciphering the width of the female foot is shown in the table:

Width sizeDecryption
4AVery narrow width
3Anarrow width
2Atight shoes
BAverage foot width
Cwide foot
Ddouble width
Etriple width

A separate table of values ​​has been additionally created for the male audience:

Width sizeDecryption
3AVery narrow width
2Anarrow width
BTight fitting
CComfort Width
DAverage Width
EFor wide feet
2Edouble width
3Etriple width
4EThe most complete

Tips for buying shoes online in the US

In order for the purchase of shoes on American sites to be successful, you need to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

    1. Pay attention to the shoe manufacturer. Choose a trusted company that produces a quality item.
    2. Buy shoes a little more - so you will definitely be sure that the foot will be comfortable and the shoes will not rub.

    1. In addition to the length, you must first measure your foot width. This will give more guarantees to get the right thing.
    2. For small children, it is purposefully necessary to order things for growth, since delivery can take up to three months, and the leg will grow at the same time.
    3. In the case when the legs are prone to frequent swelling, it is important to measure the width of the foot in the evening, in order to avoid discomfort and rubbing of the legs in the future.
    4. In order to save money, pay attention to the currency of the sale of goods. The websites of American brands often list prices in rubles, which have already been converted at the old exchange rate. Based on this, it is recommended to compare prices in dollars and rubles, and then choose a more suitable currency.
    5. Read the terms of delivery carefully. Not all online stores can do direct delivery to the Russian Federation. In this case, many work through intermediaries. Intermediaries help to make a payment in the event that the buyer cannot pay for the purchase with our card.

  1. If delivery is made through intermediaries, then it is recommended to choose a seller with intermediaries whose warehouses are located in a tax-free state that is beneficial for you. Well, if the official website of the seller says that the delivery is direct, then no tax will be charged.
  2. Adults are advised to buy the right product at the end of the season. At this time, in many stores, prices are discounted and gifts are offered.

To simplify the sizing process, you need to use ready-made tables. By adhering to the basic rules for choosing shoes on American sites, the risk of buying the wrong product becomes minimal, and the process of purchasing a new item will be a pleasant pastime for you.

Attention customers!

From January 1, 2019, in accordance with the new customs rules, the limit for duty-free import of goods from foreign online stores by mail will change.

Now: duty-free at the address of one buyer you can receive goods with a total value of up to 1000 euros and weighing up to 31 kg per month.

From 01.01.2019: duty-free to the address of one buyer it will be possible to receive goods of a total costing up to 500 euros and weighing up to 31 kg per month.

USA-SALE Will send you to the USA! We will arrange for you a private shopping tour to New York according to our program New York City Sale all information on t.+79667554387 and +79627061167 as well as on the website

Attention customers!

The US Postal Service USPS has once again raised its rates.

Shipping cost in 1 pound(0.45 kg) is now $64.75 (via Mail Express International) and $48.00 (via Priority Mail International). Shipping cost via First-Class Mail International starts from $13.25.

You can familiarize yourself with the new tariff grid.

To calculate the delivery of your parcel, use.

Google Glass will be manufactured in America.
The expected novelty - a breakthrough in technology - computer glasses from Google will be produced in the US in California (Santa Clara). This is a prime example of the return of electronics manufacturing to the US. This decision will be a response to the US President's call for a "Made in America" ​​manufacturing revolution. At the same time, components for glasses will mainly be supplied by Asian companies.
According to a source close to the company, the first limited edition of 2000 copies will be released in the next few weeks. Also, Google has finally announced the full list of winners of the competition, who will be the first to be able to purchase an experimental product. The points are expected to cost $1,500 and are rumored to go on mass sale later this year.

American postal workers promised to resolve the issue of improving the forwarding of correspondence from the United States to Russia as soon as possible.
The largest number of parcels entering Russia comes from the United States. In 2011, their share of the total volume of imported mail amounted to 36.42%. American online stores are very popular with Russian buyers, so special attention should be paid to creating favorable conditions for Russians to receive goods from the United States.
At the same time, US Post is recommended to consider the possibility of pre-sorting items according to postal codes intended for addressees from the Siberian and Far Eastern regions, as well as going to the European part of Russia and the Urals. This will optimize the process and delivery time of shipments to the end user.

Previously, England could hardly be called a trendsetter. They focused on the fashion houses of Italy, France and Spain. Over time, everything has changed. Now it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of "Burberry", "Topshop" or "Paul Smith".

Fashionistas and fashionistas from all over the world tend to buy elegant English clothes. Usually these are restrained suits, dark raincoats or plaid clothes. The British are famous for their quality and solidity, so you need to choose the right English clothing sizes to carry them for several seasons.

How to translate Russian size into English? The sizes of clothes of different countries are very different from each other. This is due to the characteristics of the parameters of people, their preferences, and so on. Correspondence tables will help us to accurately determine the English clothing sizes. The article is divided into several sections (links are clickable):

English sizes of women's clothing

Women have always been attracted to fashionable clothes. Visiting English boutiques and leaving a lot of money there is the dream of any girl. If this is not possible, you can buy original items in English online stores. In order not to throw away the purchased item when it reaches you by mail, correctly determine your size according to the tables below.

Size chart for blouses, dresses, tunics, jackets

Trousers, skirts, shorts size chart

Some British manufacturers strive to stand out, so they produce clothes with sizes that are different from the rest. Be sure to check the size grids with the seller or look for them on the website.

Jeans Size Chart

English sizes of women's underwear

The sizes of women's bras are determined in a standard way. Use a tape measure to measure underbust and bust. Find the resulting sizes in the presented ranges in the table. The resulting English bra size should be in the form: 34A, 36F, 42E and so on.

Bra Size Chart

These tables are suitable for translating clothing sizes into English from Russian. Women's sizes are suitable for standard figures. If you have non-standard parameters, it is better to try on the item in the store before buying.

English men's clothing sizes

English clothes look very good on men. Check out the collections of famous designers, and you will definitely want to buy a couple of things in the online store. Before buying, be sure to take all measurements from your body. This will help you not to make a mistake when choosing the right size. If you order clothes in an English online store, look at the size charts on their website, they may not match ours.

Size chart for shirts, sweaters, vests, robes, jackets

Size chart pants, shorts

Jeans Size Chart

English sizes for men's underwear

Determining the size of underwear is very simple. With a centimeter ruler, measure the circumference of the waist and hips. Compare the obtained values ​​with the table below. Thus, you can get the English, Russian and international size of men's underwear.

Underwear Size Chart

This completes the sizing. Nothing complicated in translation of Russian clothing size into English no. When using the charts on our site, always measure yourself accurately. No need to flatter yourself or exaggerate the size, otherwise you will have to exchange the item.

Never miss the opportunity to try on an item before buying. If this is not possible (buying a thing on the Internet), consult with the seller about English clothing sizes.