Flowers from foamiran schemes and patterns. How to make flowers from foamiran: small, large, growth flowers, field, roses. Compositions, paintings from flowers from foamiran with their own hands. Foamiran with Aliexpress

There are a huge number of areas for applying talents in needlework, the market does not stand still, and manufacturers offer new materials for various types of creativity. Such material is foamiran. It has recently appeared on the market, but has already established itself as a noteworthy material. It is used by both experienced craftsmen and beginners. It is also recommended to purchase it for children's creativity. Works from it are quite interesting, and it is very easy to use.

For the first time who saw flower bouquets from foamiran, they will seem very refined and even natural. That's why creativity from foamiran is gaining popularity. It will be very interesting to create your favorite flowers from a simple material, while they will amaze you with their beauty, and will not be inferior in appearance to real flowers.

The use of foamiran to create a flower arrangement is especially popular, since the flowers are as realistic as possible. You can also use beautiful flowers in women's jewelry and accessories, for a variety of decor of various things and interior.

At its core, foamiran is an artificial suede of a plastic structure. Released in sheet form, sheets have different sizes, colors and thicknesses. The structure of the sheets can be different, the thickness is about 1-2 mm. Simple and clear lessons on working with the material can be found below.

For example, a rose or fuchsia, beloved by many women, will delight you with its nobility and beauty, and you can create a bouquet of any size and color.

Fantasy compositions work especially well with such material. They can stand indefinitely in pots and in a vase. Due to the huge variety of material, different textures, colors and sizes, the realism of colors is close to one hundred percent. Even in one bouquet, each flower is individual. A bright summer bouquet for curtains, consisting of various flowers, will look great on cold winter evenings.

It can be:

  • All familiar indoor roses;
  • Marigold;
  • Rose hip;
  • Cymbidium;
  • Physalis;
  • Wisteria;
  • Gladiolus;
  • Glamelia.

Flowers that have a large volume of petals, such as giant peonies, are especially good.

How to make flowers from foamiran: the necessary materials guide

If you have tools such as scissors available, then you can create your own bouquet of flowers from foamiran. However, manufacturers took care of the consumer and invented many devices to facilitate work and the possibility of creating diverse products.

Will be very helpful:

  • Figured composters;
  • Molds;
  • Special machines.

You can make huge color accents using acrylic paints.

It is very interesting that to give a special shape, sometimes they resort to the help of an iron, but in this case, you can use your fingers. Body temperature is enough for foamiran to take the necessary shape.

It is impossible to stretch the material strongly, as it is prone to tearing. For joining parts, hot glue is well suited. It is recommended to start creativity with small flowers, they are easier to perform. Of course, peony is more effective on less voluminous flowers, such as rose, snowdrop, daisy, mimosa, geranium, alstroemeria, but you can practice and fill your hand. A large bouquet of daisies in a pot will fit well into the interior. Prepare your stencils ahead of time.

Different small flowers from foamiran: we use fabric

The level of difficulty when working with the material and creating small flowers is very simple. Arrangements of small flowers can form a silhouette for decoration, such as a headband or comb. A small inflorescence will decorate a hairpin. And small flowers (pictures) will fit on a hairpin.

A figured hole punch will help in such a situation. You can purchase several different types, for more interesting shapes.

Of course, working with small details is painstaking and requires a lot of concentration, but the result is just as beautiful as voluminous work.

Creative process:

  1. We start by determining which flowers will be created.
  2. Next, take a sheet of the desired color.
  3. To work with a hole punch, it is necessary to cut out squares of size for a hole punch from sheets of foamiran. The peculiarity of such work is that foamiran will definitely get stuck in the hole of the hole punch, and in order for this not to happen, it must be used together with sheets of draft paper.
  4. When the bases are ready, they need to be painted with paint to create a more realistic appearance of the petals.
  5. In order for the leaves to rise and take the desired shape, place them under the iron for a few seconds.
  6. We glue the blanks of stamens to the flower with glue.
  7. If there is a need for registration, wire is used.
  8. We cut out leaves from green sheets, warm them up well and fix the mold. The ends of the wire must be hidden.

You can make such small flowers as cineraria, camellia, gypsophila, anthurium, kosmeya, glamelia, hibiscus, water lily, sakura flowers according to Alla Shvolak's MK.

The largest handmade foamiran flowers: description

To create a large "mint" flower, more material is used.

It is advisable to stock up on sheets of various colors (green, red, etc.), because in the process of work, inspiration and a desire to create an unusual composition may come.

Materials are required standard. In hobby stores you can find many interesting decorative elements for foamiran. The amount of material depends only on the flower bud itself. Of course, you can make the bud more voluminous, but then the main effect of a living plant will be lost.

As a rule, the petals of a large flower are of different sizes, and begin to increase towards the edge. Petal templates can be found, printed and used. Also the bases can be drawn by yourself. You can make contours on the material with a needle or a toothpick, you will also need a pattern.

After they are cut out, they need to be shaped. Tenderness and realism will add heat treatment. For example, using an iron works well. If the iron is in the low temperature mode, then the petals will twist a little, and the desired effect will be achieved.

Also use light, thin and sharp objects such as needles to draw on the petals. You can squeeze out small veins, depending on the type of flower. At this stage, use paints and various decorative materials. By changing the shades of colors and adding various elements, the technique becomes more complicated, but the result will exceed all expectations.

White lotus flower petals are very easy to draw even on your own.

Popular flowers:

  • Magnolia;
  • Cyclamen;
  • Scabious;
  • poinsettia;
  • plumeria;
  • Hypericum;
  • Gamelia;
  • Primrose;
  • Lisianthus;
  • Brunei;
  • Eucharis;
  • Clerodendrum;
  • Begonia;
  • The Scarlet Flower;
  • Meadow curly color;
  • Gardenia;
  • Phalaenopsis.

They are loved by Olga Sirotyuk (Davydova) and Svetlana Popova, who are happy to share the results of their work on the Internet.

Self-made flowers from foamiran: types of crafts

Foma, a very easy-to-work material. And therefore, you can create flowers of any size and type from it, and any interior compositions with sweets.

Features of creating some colors, because the main stages and principles of working with the material are approximately the same for everyone:

  1. Mac turns out very bright. Black boxes inside red petals are made from ordinary black thread. To give a wavy shape, the blanks of the petals are twisted between the fingers and squeezed with the fingers. For a poppy, 2 rows of petals are enough.
  2. For chamomile, it is enough to make a yellow core in the form of a fringe, and wrap it with several layers of white petals.
  3. Gloriosa flower features are large and long stamens and petals. As well as beautiful thin stems with large green leaves.

Additional items may be required.


  • Lush details (for beginners);
  • Elements from terry material.

Protea is a large flower, so the basis is a foam ball, on which fringed petals are attached. The base for the cactus will also be a foam ball. Succulents are made in the same way. Cactus needles can be any thin materials at hand, for example, the bristles of a paint brush. Phloxes are very interesting flowers.

By making the base white, you can fully show your imagination, and with the help of paints, revive the flower, give it, for example, blue hues.

A very exotic flower - aquilegia, there are a large number of purple colors, original gray buds. The shape of the petals resembles a lily, very easy to make. Petals bent towards the bottom are attached to the inner stamen with a fringe, and petals of various shades must be attached additionally. Glue carefully.

Freesia on an interesting topic, these are small flowers, the fastening of which is feasible with the help of beads on a branch. It is necessary to make a whole inflorescence, so the bouquet is obtained already from one branch. A Christmas motif hung on a chain looks good.

Interesting wild flowers from foamiran: doing a project

A bouquet of wildflowers will gradually create a spring atmosphere in the interior.

Such flowers are suitable for a romantic atmosphere and setting.

Good for headbands, brooches, bracelets.

The inflorescence of small (mini) white flowers looks very interesting:

  1. Clover is a very beautiful and concise flower. In a bouquet with additional flowers it will look very organic.
  2. Lavender - very bright flowers, despite the fact that the flowers are blue small, but from the foam you get an excellent bright bouquet. The stem is easy to make. Add there more bright yellow cups and red buttercups.

Nadezhda Konovalova presents master classes, her artificial compositions are close to natural flowers.

What can be made from foamiran except for flowers: creative needlework

In addition to flowers from foamiran, you can make a large number of accessories. For example, you can make toys, various dolls. Depending on the availability of additional improvised means, you can come up with and make various forms. For example, the simplest version of the doll is made of foam balls in the shape of a body and head, covered with sheets of foam.

At the same time, you can sew a dress for a doll from any fabric. In addition to the doll figures themselves, you can create their accompanying components, such as doll furniture or a car.

It is not uncommon to find a master class (program) for creating Easter baskets and accessories.

Using the step by step tutorial:

  1. You can make crafts yourself, such as, for example, a star. Very profitable, multi-colored and brown elements look bright. They can also be decorated with sparkles (choose and create a brilliant accent variety of crafts).
  2. The creation of paintings using artificial suede is gaining relevance. The composition in the Hawaiian manner turns out to be voluminous. Of course, not all elements can be made of plastic material. As a rule, part of the picture is drawn, and part is created using foam. For example, a simple image of a flower vase can be depicted three-dimensionally and realistically. In such a picture, a vase and related elements are drawn, but the flowers are made of thick foamiran.
  3. A figurine of a fiery rooster will be an excellent souvenir in the new year. Patterns of details are made in advance.

Such a handmade souvenir will delight you with its individuality and unusualness.

Tips: which foamiran is better for making flowers with your own hands

Foam, the material is new, but manufacturers have already developed entire lines. And for each work, a certain type of material is suitable. Each type is good in its own way, the quality does not make it worse or better for work, but only means that it is intended for some type of activity. For example, Foam Eva sells Iranian plastic suede specifically for making flowers. This material differs in that it is very plastic and porous. The sheets are not very thick, but not thin either, about 1 mm. The standard parameters of the sheets are 60x60 cm, but sometimes you can find sheets of a larger size.

At the same time, the thickness of the entire sheet can be different, and the edges are not clearly shaped. But such material is very plastic, strong, can be stretched, and keeps its shape after working with it for a long time. The most important thing for realism is the palette of shades, the colors are not only presented in a variety of ways, but the shades are as lively and real as possible. This is very important for creating flowers. Chinese manufacturers produce more diverse forms of sheets. They can be much thicker, respectively, not very suitable for flowers.

Flowers from foamiran (video)

Flat, unusual, exotic magical crafts will delight everyone. Creativity and following the instructions is the key to success. You can attend scrapbooking courses where you can get a template and ideas for decorating an apartment, as well as a set of skills and technologies.

Foamiran is an ideal material for making artificial flowers. They can be used for interior decoration, wedding floristry, creating unique accessories for women. This article will teach you how to make flowers from foamiran with your own hands.

open foma

In order to create any flower from foma, you will need:

  • Foamiran of various shades;
  • Scissors, both regular and curly;
  • Glue (hot glue, moment or second glue);
  • Iron;
  • Wire or wooden toothpick;
  • Foil;
  • Any paint for tinting products (acrylic, oil, pastel);
  • Tool for applying paint (brush, sponge);
  • Molds (to create a realistic flower texture);
  • Accessories (beads, rhinestones, stamens).

The photo shows all the materials needed to work with foamiran:

These tools and materials can be easily purchased at almost any craft store.

To create more complex flowers, such as ranunculus, peony and orchid, in addition to materials, you will need patterns. A pattern is a schematic representation of parts of a future product, made of paper, cardboard and other materials. To create realistic products, needlewomen take real flowers and circle them on cardboard or paper, thus obtaining a unique pattern. It looks like this:

Each needlewoman will have such a scheme, because any flower that nature has created is unique. If there is no time to do botany, the easiest way is to resort to the experience of other needlewomen and use ready-made patterns to create your own product. Even if you use the same patterns all the time in creating a particular flower, it will still be unique. Because when processing foamiran, it is impossible to give all products the same shape, these are the features of this wonderful material. To use ready-made patterns in your work, you just need to transfer them to thick paper or cardboard and cut them out. It is very convenient to store cardboard blanks in signed envelopes. To transfer the pattern to foamiran, simply circle the patterns with a toothpick. Next, cut out the details, and you can start working.

Below are a few schemes for creating different colors:

Simple Options

After selecting the scheme and preparing the material, you can proceed directly to work. Making flowers from foma consists of the following steps:

  • Transferring the pattern to foamiran;
  • Cutting details;
  • Toning parts of the flower with various types of paint;
  • Processing parts with an iron and hands, as well as molds;
  • Direct assembly of the product.

It is worth starting work with simpler flowers, such as dandelion, aster, crocus. To create them, you do not need certain skills, it is enough to have the necessary material at hand.

How to make simple flowers from foamiran, you can see in the selection of video tutorials below:

We make marin root

Let us consider in more detail the described work with foamiran using the example of creating a terry peony flower.

Tools and materials for work: light pink and green foamiran, glue, scissors, dry pastel, toothpick, hair straightener.


Transfer the pattern to cardboard, then with a toothpick to foamiran. The easiest way to do this is to cut the fom into strips of the required height. Tint the petals of the first and second row on both sides with dry pastel (using a sponge or a damp cloth) as shown in the photo:

The petals of the third and fourth rows must be tinted by 2/3:

For the petals of the fifth row, tinting is needed only 1/3. We make the core more saturated:

We circle the green leaves according to the template and draw the veins with a toothpick:

After the tinting stage, it is necessary to cut out all the details:

In this MK, foamiran is processed with a hair straightener. Heat the petals until their edges begin to curl inward. Fold the petal in a spiral, unfold, and then carefully, so as not to tear the material, make a boat-shaped recess in the middle. Repeat this operation with all the petals:

The leaves also need to be heated on an iron and twisted between your fingers, so they will take on a more natural look.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

Foamiran is an unusual and pleasant to the touch material. Artificial suede is used to make interior decorations, luxurious bouquets, decorate postcards, create unique hairpins and headbands. Today, the editors of the magazine site have prepared for their readers 11 step-by-step instructions on how to make flowers from foamiran with your own hands. We will also offer you useful recommendations from the masters, as well as talk about how to properly care for finished products.

Incredible, exquisite and lively foamiran jewelry attracts at first sight

Ranunculus is a very delicate creature with lush buds and a variety of colors. This flower can now often be found in the most luxurious bouquets. The dimensions of the ranunculus are from 7 to 10 centimeters in diameter, and outwardly it looks a bit like a peony or a rose. A blooming ranunculus may look like a poppy.

How to make ranunculus from plastic rubber:

IllustrationAction Description
To give texture to the petals, the foma sheet must be ironed through crepe paper. So it will become a little thinner and get a characteristic relief.
You can pull the petals on bottles or a small light bulb.
Circle the petal patterns. It is better to do this with a white pencil, so there will be no marks on the material. Do not use sharp objects for tracing, they can tear the sheet.
Before cutting out the petal, give it a shape on a convex object, slightly stretching in the desired direction.
After stretching, cut out the petal so that the template mark line is not visible.
After making petals of different sizes, make some of the smallest blanks by toning them with a sponge and pastel.
Make the core of the flower from a bead or foil ball. Wrap the workpiece with foamiran and stretch the material so that there are no wrinkles.
Fix the tight center of the flower with hot glue.
Trim the head with scissors at the base.
Attach the base to the stem wire and glue it with instant glue.
Wrap the stamens around the head and glue them with hot glue.
Fasten the tinted petals together so that you get a small circle with a diameter about the center of the flower. When gluing, make sure that the petals are about halfway on top of each other.
After creating the core of the ranunculus, glue the petals sequentially from smallest to largest in a circle.
The gluing technology is simple - each petal should be approximately halfway on the previous one.
Glue 4-6 layers of petals in this way. The more petals, the bigger the flower will be.
Cut out the sepals from the green foma and pull them lightly to shape them.
Glue 5 sepals on the base of the flower, they can be lightly tinted with powder.
Put a floral tube on the wire and fix it with instant glue.

How to make a rose from foamiran

Rose is the queen of flowers, it is a recognized standard of beauty and sophistication. Delicate rose petals are protected by sharp thorns.

This flower has many varieties with different colors, uniform or at the tips of the petals. The most popular Foamian crafts workshops are associated with rose buds.

Templates and patterns for foamiran roses

You can make a template yourself by simply disassembling a living flower into petals. Please note: you will not find two identical forms. For a template, choose thin cardboard or thick paper. Just circle the petals spread on the cardboard and cut them out along the contour. You can use ready-made templates and patterns. Just print them out on your printer.

In needlework stores, you can find one-piece templates that you can cut immediately on a foma sheet.

How to make a large foamiran rose

IllustrationAction Description
Cut out petals of three sizes and sepals according to the template.
Protone the blanks: petals along the edge, sepals - over the entire surface.
Heat the petals on a warm iron to give them the desired shape.
The petals are shaped by twisting and stretching the material.
Make a wire stem and wrap it with green duct tape.
Make a drop-shaped core out of foil, fix it on the stem with hot glue.
Stick the petals of the bud successively on the core so that they completely hide the foil. Gradually leave the ends of the blanks free to simulate blooming.
Heat the sepal blank on the iron as well and give it a shape.
In the center of the sepal, make a hole for the stem, thread the stem through.
Glue the sepal with a glue gun so that it fits snugly against the bud.
To create a full rose, continue gluing the petals, gradually increasing their size.
The more layers of petals, the larger the rose will be.
The final touch to a full rose is the sepal.

From such a rose you can make an ornament - a brooch or a hairpin.

Small foamiran roses - video master class

Small roses are the basis for decorating small hairpins, brooches and even rings. It's easy to make them. You can even use a special hole punch with a finished shape. How to do it easily and quickly - in the video:

Related article:

Types of material and options for its use; hairpins, headbands, flowers and foma dolls, how to use material for scrapbooking and children's art; where you can buy and which one is better to choose for needlework - read in the publication.

Lily making master class

Lily is the princess of the flower world. Its large bright inflorescences are a recognized symbol of purity and innocence.

Step-by-step production of an artificial lily in a master class:

IllustrationAction Description
For a lily, you will need to stock up on ready-made stamens and pestle.
The base of the flower is held together with adhesive tape. The pistil is in the center, the stamens are around it.
After fastening the parts, unfold them as shown in the photo.
For the texture of the petals, you will need special molds - they can be found in needlework stores.
Place the mold on the fom and heat it on the iron, then press the parts tightly until cool.
Cut the petals with veins along the contour with scissors.
Each petal will need a rigid frame so that it bends in the right direction. For the frame, use a thin wire wrapped in material to match the petal.
GIF 2 The wire is carefully glued in the center of each petal.
SKR 8 The workpiece must be slightly bent, as shown in the photo.
SKR 9 Using a lighter, heat up and slightly stretch the edges of the workpiece.
SKR 10 Lightly tint the base of the petals with pastels.
SKR 11 Make lily leaves in the same way as petals. Use appropriate molds.
TFR 12 Gather the petals and leaves with a strip of green sticky tape.

Hydrangea from foamiran - video instructions for making

Lilac or hydrangea - these inflorescences of small flowers are gorgeous. The work on their manufacture is long and painstaking.

To make small flowers, it is better to stock up on a figured hole punch, it will greatly simplify the task. The process of creating a hydrangea flower in this detailed video:

Do-it-yourself growth flowers from foamiran

Huge foamiran flowers are an interior decoration for a home or a trading floor. Such an unusual decor will immediately attract the attention of guests. To create such a flower, you need to use the same templates, only increased in size. For cutting, it is better to take a rolled foamiran, it will not limit you in the dimensions of the blanks.

Using this technique, you can make an unusual interior, a fashion store, or a living room.

Related article:

The simple magic of wildflowers

Wildflowers, for all their simplicity, can become part of a very sophisticated composition, fresh and delicate. They look good if you pick up a lot of flowers of different colors and shapes.

How to make some of your favorite colors - in our instructions.

How to make a chamomile flower - instructions for beginners

Chamomile is just a seemingly simple flower. It is not so easy to make it from Thomas - it will take patience and a lot of miniature details.

IllustrationAction Description
Using the miniature template, draw and cut out 30 small white foamiran petals.
From a strip of yellow foma, make a fringe. Carefully cut the material with scissors with a minimum distance.
Give the relief to the chamomile petals with tweezers. Just warm up the blanks and run the tweezers over the hot material.
Bend the stem wire at the tip so that you get a hook. Insert the tip of the fringe into it.
Rotate the stem while gluing the fringe to create the center of the flower.
Heat the finished core over a candle. The fom will become thinner and the core will look very natural.
Glue the first row of petals with a hot gun.
Fasten the second row so that the lower petals are placed between the upper ones.
Close the reverse side of the flower with a curly detail. You can then attach a hairpin or brooch pin to it.

Poppy flower from foamiran: pattern and video instruction

Another favorite wild flower is the bright poppy. It looks great in the company of daisies, and by itself in hairpins and brooches.

The peculiarity of this flower is its middle. How to make it from plastic suede is described in the video instruction:

Aerobatics: peony flower

Delicate and luxurious peony is a complex design of many petals of different shapes and sizes. In the center - sharp details with an uneven edge, along the edges - rounded blanks.

We make templates for foamiran roses on our own

Using the template, you can make foamiran roses of the same size Foamiran has become one of the most popular materials for crafts. In other words, it is a plastic suede, which includes vinyl acetate. Most often, this unusual material is used to create unusual flower arrangements, in the manufacture of toys, as well as for cupbooking. Foamiran has a huge color palette, which allows you to create incredibly realistic crafts. It is also worth noting that foamiran has a very plastic shape, it is easily stretched and easily acquires the desired shape. Thanks to all the properties of this material, it became possible to create artificial flowers that look alive. Roses are very beautifully made from this material.

We make patterns for roses from foamiran at home

Such a fake as a foamiran rose will be an excellent decoration in the interior or a beautiful decoration for any gift.

Creating such a rose does not require much effort.

First you need to prepare the workplace and all the tools that you may need in the process.

To make foamiran roses of different sizes, it is recommended to make several petal templates in advance

To create one rose, you will need:

  • Foamiran of any color you like;
  • Green foamiran to create petals;
  • Finished parts of stamens (can be found in any store "All for Needlework");
  • Iron;
  • Sharp awl;
  • Medium sized scissors, also sharp;
  • Glue gun.

To create roses or other flowers from foamiran, you will need a template. The template is made from paper. In the future, rose petals are cut out according to its parameters. Templates can be printed or drawn by yourself. If you use ready-made templates, you will notice that all the petals come in different sizes. This is done so that you can choose the required size for a future rose.

If you draw yourself, you should choose thick paper. For example, drawing petals on cardboard is much more convenient than on plain paper. Cardboard is also easier to trace when you need to create patterns for the product. So that the manufacture of templates does not take much time, needlework experts suggest that you study the stores in advance. Very often in shops that offer products for needlework, you can find not only a ready-made template, but also special forms. Thanks to these forms of petals and leaves, everything can be cut directly on the material.

You can also use the whole template. These patterns consist of several petals at once. Using such templates saves a significant amount of time.

Ready-made foamiran rose pattern: print or draw

Flowers from foamiran look like living things, so they can decorate almost any item.

If you do not have a printer, then templates for making roses from foamiran can be drawn

It has become very popular to decorate with small roses:

  • Albums for photos;
  • Photo frames;
  • Mirrors;
  • Jewelry boxes.

Also, flowers made of plastic suede are decorated with headbands. From such flowers, original wreaths for little princesses are obtained, which look like real wreaths of fresh flowers. Also, flowers from foamiran can be combined with flowers made using the kanzashi technique. By combining several techniques, you get incredibly beautiful paintings that you can decorate walls in the style of classicism or art deco.

It is also worth remembering that flowers come in different varieties, for this reason the pattern for each type of rose is different in size and shape.

Due to the variety of shapes, you can create the most unusual bouquets. If it is not possible to find a pattern in a store or draw it yourself, then you can print it on a regular sheet. Most often, any master class on making roses from foamiran is accompanied by a ready-made template that can be downloaded. The correct scheme of the petals is a guarantee that the rosette will turn out neat and beautiful.

Cooking a rose petal template from foamiran with our own hands

When the petal template is ready, you can start making a flower.

You should choose a specific template based on the dimensions of the composition to be performed.

For this you need:

  1. Cut the foamiran into strips according to the height of the petal.
  2. The finished template must be applied to the strip, and circle it with a toothpick or a soft simple pencil.
  3. For one rose, the required number of petals is approximately 5-6 small and 10-11 large.

Some needlewomen prefer to create heart-shaped petals. What shape the petal will be is only a matter of taste and preferences, the main thing to remember is that the more blanks there are, the more magnificent the bud will be.

To create a beautiful flower, it is necessary that the petals retain the shape of a droplet.

After the petals are carefully cut, you can proceed to the next process. Next comes the shaping of the petals. To do this, use a warm iron. For convenience, the iron can be turned over and fixed on the stand. A cut petal is applied to the edge of the sole. It is not recommended to hold for a long time. The application time should be no longer than 2-3 seconds. After the heated petal, you need to fold it into an accordion, and scroll its ends in different directions. After the petal straightens and stretches from the middle to paradise. Such manipulations can be done with all parts of the future flower. The beautiful shape of the petal depends on the speed of the work. Foamiran is well formed while warm.

How to make a rose pattern from foamiran

To make the rose look truly alive, it is necessary to cut out the sepal detail from the green sheet of foamiran.

The leaves of this detail should be much longer than the petals of the flower.

In order for the sepals to look natural, it is necessary to make cuts along the entire edge of the part with scissors.

To make a template, you should use a real rose petal.


  1. With the help of an iron and hands, having gathered the ends of the part together, it is necessary to process it according to the same principle as the petals.
  2. The next step is to assemble the pattern into a finished product.
  3. First, a small part of the bud is collected. To do this, glue one of the small petals to the stamens, and envelop the second.
  4. Next, the petals are glued in a circle.
  5. After the bud is connected to the larger petals.
  6. To make the product neat, it is necessary to cut off excess protruding threads.
  7. At the end of the structure, a sepal is attached.

This is the easiest and fastest way to make a beautiful rose from foamiran patterns. By creating flowers in this way, you can collect incredibly beautiful bouquets that will decorate any home. A step-by-step instruction for creating flowers from foamiran is an indispensable tool for people who are just starting to practice.

Flowers from this material can decorate outfits, create brooches and even jewelry. Working with flowers from this unusual material is quite simple, and if you have imagination, you can create the most beautiful and original things. Needlework has long been considered a very useful occupation. Making flowers with your own hands is a very interesting activity that you can do with your children. Working together with children brings them together, and also allows children to develop creatively. Thanks to progress, there are many interesting materials that are completely safe for children's needlework.

Master class: foamiran roses according to the template (video)

It is worth noting that methods have been developed for making flowers from foamiran without the use of an iron, which makes the work absolutely safe for children. In addition to roses, flowers such as lilies, daisies, rosehip inflorescences, daffodils, asters and chrysanthemums can be made from foamiran. Any products decorated with handmade flowers look elegant and original.

In this master class, we will learn how to make beautiful flowers from foamiran, namely pink dahlia. Dahlia, one of the most autumn flowers. […]

Here is a fern flower I propose to do with me. The flower can be used to make buttonholes, brooches and compositions. For creating […]

If you look at a rudbeckia flower, you can decide that it is a chamomile, only a bright yellow color. Rudbeckia flower has about 40 varieties. […]

Etlingera - popular name - Malayan rose. A very beautiful and unique plant. The Malayan rose has leaves one and a half to […]

We already made various types of orchids at the master class, used orchid flowers for decorations, today I suggest you make another […]

I propose to make such an aster for novice craftswomen, as my first flower. To create a needle aster you will need: Iranian yellow, […]

In nature, the dendrobium orchid has a lot of varieties, different colors. So I suggest you make two types of dendrobium orchids in two […]

At the master class today, I propose to make a branch of purple bells from Iranian foamiran. I suggest you make such a branch of a bell from foamiran. […]

Gloxinia is a perennial houseplant. The stalk of gloxinia is short with large succulent leaves in the form of an oval and a juicy green color. […]

Florists often use gypsophila flowers for decoration and addition to bouquets. Today at the master class we will make such beautiful […]

Hibiscus is a beautiful flower that can often be found on the sea coast in Turkey. It is a plant with very beautiful flowers, but […]

Soon graduation in kindergartens and schools. Everyone is preparing for this holiday. In this master class, I will show you a gift idea for […]

We have already made an orange flower from foamiran clematis at one of the master classes. But today I offer you a terry clematis, which […]

In this master class, we will make a gladiolus from foamiran. Let's make it in orange colors so that it looks beautiful in autumn […]

Lavender is a pretty lilac flower that is often used in field bouquets. Today we collect lavender from foamiran using hole punches. Fast […]

Here is such a flower from foamiran - I propose to make a yellow cup. To create a kupavka you will need: yellow, green foamiran; wire No. 28-26, […]

Today at the master class we will make daisies from foamiran. With our own hands we will create two types of this flower. Some small pink daisies. Second […]

Today I suggest you make a buttercup flower and a bud of this flower. More than 600 species of buttercups are found in nature. What is it like […]

In this master class, we will make a small twig of foamiran eucalyptus and thin sheets of greenery that can be used as decoration […]

Very often, various kinds of beautiful plates are used to decorate walls, in this master class I suggest you decorate a plate with roses […]

Today we will make flat flowers from foamiran, which are usually used to create hairpins. This time we will make decoration with […]

In the spring, a lot of different first flowers bloom, many of you and I have already considered how to do it in master classes. Snowdrops, lilies of the valley, daffodils, tulips, […]

The sun is just beginning to bake and thawed patches appear, spring flowers begin to surprise us with their flowering. There are a lot of early flowers, some start […]

Spring is coming and one of the first flowers to appear is the blooming mimosa. Here is such a small sprig of mimosa from foamiran […]

In this master class, we will make with our own hands a beautiful exotic flower from foamiran from the ginger family, namely pink turmeric. […]

Geranium is an indoor flower for interior decoration. It comes in several varieties. Tulip-shaped geranium differs from other species in flowers, they […]

Today at the master class we will make blue flowers from foamiran. They are used as an addition to bouquets and as a decor for various […]

From foamiran, you can make various flowers, small and large, small and giant, simple and complex. And today at the master class we […]

At the master class we will make large flowers from foamiran. A beautiful arrangement of such large flowers will decorate any floor vase, will decorate […]

Often, to create flower arrangements, brooches, hairpins or headbands, not only blooming large flowers are required, but also small buds. AT […]

Flowers from foamiran - author's master classes with photos

On our blog you will find detailed master classes on creating flowers from foamiran. To make almost any flower, you must first learn the intricacies of working with the material. The sequence of making a flower from foamiran is as follows: blanks are cut out according to the pattern - templates, then they are tinted with pastels or paints in the desired shades, after which each petal is shaped by heating, twisting, grinding, stretching or using mold, and at the final stage the bud is glued together. At first glance, making a flower from foamiran with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears, but not every girl succeeds the first time. It is important to know the principle of assembly and the sequence of formation of the petals, as well as where and in what quantity to apply glue, for example, to make a rose, the petals need to be glued in a circle with an overlap, and for a tulip, the petals are often attached to the base.

We make flowers from foamiran with our own hands

In the master classes you will find detailed instructions with step-by-step photos of assembling various flowers from foamiran, the most popular of which are roses, peonies, orchids, tulips, daisies, lilies, callas, etc. Also, each lesson contains a pattern or an example of a template for making a flower. We will teach you how to prepare petals for a flower without using separate patterns and patterns, while also saving foamiran. Often we post instructions for making jewelry based on flowers: headbands, brooches, hairpins and others. Using them, you can learn how to properly fix the flowers on the base so that the decoration will serve you longer. These master classes are suitable for beginner needlewomen, because. they contain fairly detailed instructions and diagrams on how to make flowers. Questions that arise can be written in the comments.

Compositions and bouquets of flowers from foamiran

Recently, it has become popular to make beautiful interior compositions from foamiran or even unusual, original bridal bouquets. Such accessories and interior items are good because foamiran flowers look as natural as possible, they keep their shape for a long time and do not fade, so the bouquet can stand for more than one year. You can form a flower arrangement from foamiran in a free style on the stems or use a special porta bouquet.