Homemade sandbox. Myth or reality? Homemade Miracle Sandbox with Kinetic Sand Home Sandboxes

Fantasy kids sometimes enjoy even adults - for young children, all rebuild items and materials can become elements of an exciting game. Even a simple sandbox for them is a storehouse of many options for interesting activities. The game in the sandbox is universal, not one generation changed, and she is still loved and popular.

Each stage of the child's development corresponds to the "sandy" stages: very crumbs are shrinking the sand just like that a little older - they make cakes, build houses and whole locks that even destroy then sorry.

Only the overall sandbox in the yard looks so that the child does not even want to let her, or the time of year does not allow to mess in the sand. The modern gaming industry has found an output! Now you may not depend on the whims of nature or the features of the local playground. Moreover, to arrange a sandbox for your child is quite real even at home. It is also convenient to take it on trips. For the cottage, for example.

We are talking about a compact sandbox of wood with dimensions of 50x39x9 cm. From the range of our store. It is equipped with a fabric cover with a zipper - "zipper". All materials are natural and environmentally friendly.

Tactile mixes, kinetic sand harmoniously complement this set of homemade creativity. Together with the child, look for treasures, build locks, leopat the kulichiki - the choice is unlimited. Let the fantasy of your baby manifest itself to full! Surely some kind of game methods he will tell himself. A large number of variations provides colored sand - it is to create a deserted landscape with camels to the seabed with its inhabitants.

The small sizes of the sandbox make it very mobile - play bad weather at home if it's warm and dry out on the street - rendered into the courtyard or on the balcony. For children from year to three years, this will probably become a favorite pastime. By the way, you can choose rubber balls as a filler, with them, as in a dry pool, are also entertaining. But the sand has its own useful features, in addition to the usual entertainment.

What gives a game with sand for baby? Develops a shallow motorcy, fantasy, perfection, thought and designer abilities, patience, eyemeter - pleus a lot! Psychologists are confident that the sand is able to absorb negative emotions, there are even special therapy based on this theory (at one time formulated by Jung). Sand classes will calm down a child, help get rid of the effects of stress, fear will help to express desires and emotions. The sandbox from the tree will add a feeling of harmony, will allow you to feel intimacy with nature.

The child builds his own world, he is a person, he is a creator! For the further development of the personality, this is very important factors.

Big plus - After the games in such a homemade sandbox you will not have to clean the whole apartment, because special materials do not create a mess and do not scatter. If you still have not come up with a gift to a child - it is undoubtedly one of the best options!

With such a creative platform, a small fanity is easier to reveal and express their natural talents. Another bonus - the baby will be passionate about and busy, which will give an opportunity to make their affairs, just looking at him.

Models made of wood are considered the most durable than plastic, and serve significantly longer. In addition, a tree is a natural material that does not cause allergies.

  • Safely. Kinetic sanding sand is made of purified quartz crumb. Viscosity provides the addition of 2% of a special modifier - silicone polymer. Fluffy mass is absolutely not toxic. Does not cause irritation or allergies, even hitting the body. A special composition prevents the formation and accumulation of harmful bacteria and other microorganisms.
  • Simply. The game does not require instructions. Simple simply, as with any other material for modeling. The constructed figures retain the form well and do not stick together, while maintaining the planned composition.
  • Practical. Does not stick to hand and clothing. Does not leave traces on the molds and the working surface. It is easy to assemble from the table and is ready to use at any time.
  • Universally. Suitable for a child of any floor. Play equally interesting to one or more children. Helps to develop creative thinking and logic from the child.
  • Available. Working without intermediaries, we offer moderate prices for kinetic sand.

Where to buy and how much costs

In our online store, a huge selection of certified toys from Kinetic Sand, 1Toy and other brands is presented. All products can be ordered with delivery. For pre-school institutions, the optimal choice is to buy kinetic sand in Moscow thematic sets. The set may also be sandboxes and accessories with molds for modeling.

Do you remember your last trip to the sea? How was it nice to sit on the beach and buried hands in the sand. From this, the soul became calm and happily, I did not want to leave anywhere. Yes, water and sand, this is a universal natural material that does not only soothes, but also inspires.

I want to dedicate this article to this article. You will agree that there is hardly a child who passes past the sandbox and does not want to tinker in it a little. However, as my practice shows, the public sandboxes are loved by the children much less than homemade. It is at home that they are ready to conduct a significant part of their time in it. Why?

In fact, everything is simple. For children, the limited space that they can overlook. Homemade sandboxes Fully satisfy this need. They not only create a sense of security and security, but also provide the opportunity to create three-dimensional figures and landscapes.
In the home sandboxes you can deal with objective activities, which is extremely important for a child, you can build "your worlds", where different events occur.
In addition, when playing in the sandbox, the kid has the opportunity to enjoy and satisfy individual game. Only through her the child can go to the collective game, learn to listen and interact with other people. Therefore, the homemade sandbox is simply indispensable if you have several children. Each of them you can organize their own world.

All games, both with wet and dry sand soothing impulsive, too active children and frequency of clad, fed and disturbing kids. They develop small motility, tactile sensations and coordination of movements. In addition, perfectly affect the development of all mental functions: speech, thinking, attention, observation, imagination and memory.

What kind of children's games in the sandbox can be?

If you have a baby from 1.3 to 2.5 years, In the sand, we dig, peep, pour, drunk, swing, tear, throw, build, break the kulichiki, etc. Little kids love to feel the moment of destruction: built a kulik - broke, built a small castle - broke. Do not deprive him of this pleasure.

From 3 to 10 years The director's game is already actively used. Of course, the level of the game is different and highly depends on age. The director's game itself is individual and collective, and we remember that for a better development of a collective game, a child must first be satisfied with individual. It is important! Therefore, if you have not one child, then create each of them a personal sandbox. This is completely accurately affected by their future joint games.

What are the features of the director's game in the homemade sandbox?

  • First of all, it is often an individual game, both for a child of three years and for a child of ten years.
  • IN 2-2.5 years An adult need to show how to play and then keep the child until he goes into an independent game.
  • IN 3 years A child in this game learns plotthemes, i.e. compile scenes and manage objects. In this case, the subjects we perform toys, i.e. The child composes the plot, speaks for all the characters and is also managed by all.
  • In preschool age, the child learns to manage his imagination. A little baby 3-4x years The idea is born as it were from toys. For example, he saw a typewriter and wanted to play it, he had a plot from here. And the older child has everything exactly the opposite. He first wanted to play something, he was born his idea in an imaginary space, and he realizes it. He learns to manage his imagination, its ideas, implement their ideas.
  • The child is mastering the substituents, i.e. When any item can become any character. He can play not toys, but by different deputies: pebbles, branches, bumps, etc.
  • The director's game is preparing a child not only to an independent game, but also to the game with partners.

And the sandbox is simply ideal for the development of all these skills! In games, including in the sandbox, the initiative of the child is born and manifests itself. I have no doubt that you will watch your baby with interest how your baby creates "his worlds" there. Directly in the sandbox, the child learns to build their activities, because it is necessary to plan everything, to build a sequence of actions and in the end, to get a one-piece and deployed plot. That is how it actively develops thinking, imagination and creativity, works out the interaction skills. After all, if you have two sandboxes for each kid and they want to play together, you will have to learn to negotiate, hear another and constructively defend your opinion.

I hope you now agree with me that you need to pay more attention to children's games in sandboxes? About how to make a sandbox at home and organize the whole process, we speak the article which will soon appear on our website.

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Homemade "miracle sandbox" with kinetic sand

Hello! Today I decided to tell you about the unusual entertainment for the child - a homemade miracle sandbox filled with alive sand.

My little daughter loves games with sand. In the summer, she sulfted a long time in the beach on the beach and in the courtyard sandbox, receiving great pleasure from this classes. But the summer ended, the days became short, and the weather is cold, and my child and my child began to spend at home. The daughter quickly bored all her toys, and then I decided to organize a homemade sandbox for it.

It was very simple to do this, because on the Internet, ready-made sets for games with live sands of the house are sold. One of these sets I ordered for my daughter, and now I want to offer you my overview of this interesting product.

Set "Home Sandbox" with Live Sand

What is the set of

A set of "home sandbox" is a small square bath, filled with special living sand. The sandbox is made of high-quality plastic, has convenient low-sidelights, as well as a lid that protects sand from random scattering, dust and moisture in breaks between games.

What is "live sand"

The homemade sandbox is filled with a bulk white substance that looks like a fine sea sand, but in fact it is a unique material called "live sand", widely used lately for children's games and educational activities. It is a mass for modeling, the main components of which are natural small sand and crushed shell.

Also, the material contains a small percentage of special binding additives, as well as safe and non-toxic organic oils, are also used in the production of cosmetic products. It is these additives that give the living sand viscosity, plasticity and pleasant structure.
Live sand has unique characteristics: it is soft to the touch, it is good to sculpt, perfectly holds the shape, slides through your fingers, but it does not scatter on separate grains and does not stick to the skin and surrounding surfaces.

Such sand is ideal for both laying of simple figures with the help of molds and for the construction of entire locks and other complex designs. It is also nice to just go through his hands. Live sand is the perfect material for children's games at home, because it does not dry up, does not scatter around the apartment, does not pack the floor, furniture and child clothes. Comfortable plastic sandbox makes such games comfortable and even more exciting.

Properties of live sand:

  • Environmental friendliness (made of natural components without the use of harmful impurities and dyes);
  • Hypoallergenicity (not annoying even on gentle and sensitive skin of kids);
  • Hygienicity (in such sand is not possible the development of bacteria and other microorganisms);
  • Completely dissolved in water, so after washing hands on the skin there will be no one of the sand.

What are useful for games in a homemade sandbox:

  • development of shallow motility, because the baby will need to be very tried to make a neat sand figure;
  • development of ambitiousness and ability to focus, as sandwriting requires patience and accuracy;
  • the development of imagination and fantasy, because from living sand you can create an infinite number of various figures, and also come up with something new;
  • development of communication skills and collaboration during the modeling together with adults or other children;
    Relaxing effect (when playing in the sandbox, the sandbox massage the baby's palms, which gives the child a pleasant feeling and helps calm down).

How to handle homemade sandbox

  1. Before proceeding with the game, you need to carefully dry your hands so that the moisture does not spoil the sand.
  2. If water still got into the sand, then you need to extract wet pieces from the sandbox as soon as possible.
  3. It is advisable not to use a sandbox in the place where straight rays of the sun will fall on it.
  4. During the game, you should ensure that the child does not put sand in the mouth. Although this material and non-toxic, it is impossible.
  5. It is impossible to pour the contents of the sandboxes on tissue and paper surfaces, since while the live sand can lose some of its properties. For games, it is best to use plastic or glass tanks, as well as a loaf.
  6. It is impossible to add conventional sand into the sandbox or other bulk substances, as it will worsen the quality of the living sand.
  7. If the sand woke up on the floor, then the ball can roll out of the remaining material and collect all the grains with it.
  8. After classes with sand, you just need to rinse your hands with water without using detergents.
  9. Live sand should be breathed, so when stored, the sandbox cover should not be covered tightly.

My impressions about homemade sandbox with "alive" sand

I think this set is a very successful purchase. The daughter of the sandbox caused a huge joy, and now she plays with her every day. And it is not surprising, because living sand is a very unusual material: plastic and pleasant. I myself, too, with pleasure, helping my daughter to cost sandy palaces. I find many positive moments in such games.

First, the child is cheerful and passionate, manifests a fantasy and expressing in creativity. Secondly, I know for sure that the daughter plays with a clean and safe material that does not contain bacteria and garbage, unlike urban sandboxes. And thirdly, while the daughter is busy, I can distract a little and give time to myself or homemade. The plastic sandbox itself is very convenient: the sand is always in one place, it is easy to get to the right moment, and then just cover with the lid and remove for storage. So I am very pleased with the homemade sandbox, I consider it a great toy and recommend all my parents!