If a child is conceived while intoxicated. Drunken conception

Often, two people of the opposite sex are brought together by alcohol. They engage in sexual intercourse without thinking about the consequences. But alcohol is a strong toxin that negatively affects almost all organs. Alcoholic drinks drunk before conception can damage the health of the unborn child and his mother.

Reasons to refuse sex while intoxicated

The drunken conception of a child is fraught with consequences. A man who is in excellent health, according to statistics, has about 25% of abnormal sperm. They cannot participate in the conception of the fetus, since they are inactive. If a representative of the stronger sex drinks alcohol, the number of abnormal sperm increases. This means that conception may not occur at all. But, if this happens, the fetus cannot be healthy. It will develop in the womb with multiple pathologies.

If fertilization occurred with the participation of an egg and a sperm cell without pathological changes, as well as damage, the risk of developing congenital diseases is small. However, it increases several times if the paternal or maternal cells have been exposed to alcohol.

Consequences for a child who is conceived while intoxicated

Often, children who were conceived while intoxicated have severe nervous system problems. All diseases have their own characteristics and severity, as well as consequences. They can be treated, but it is better to think a hundred times before engaging in sexual relations "in degrees."

What to do if a child is already conceived while intoxicated

More often than not, people do something first, and then they start thinking. In the case when a woman becomes pregnant and during conception she or her partner were not sober, in order to increase the chances of the baby being born healthy, she should adhere to the following recommendations:

All actions have consequences. People who drink alcohol often do not think about what this can lead to. Alcohol can be consumed, but in moderation. To preserve your health, as well as your future children, it is not recommended to have sexual relations.

How to neutralize the effects of alcohol

There are times when a person drinks an extra dose of alcohol not on purpose, this is how circumstances develop. There are several rules, following which you can neutralize the negative effect of alcohol on the body, thereby preventing the conception of an unhealthy child. The main ones are:

How to neutralize the effect of alcohol on the body.

  • Drink activated charcoal. It quickly absorbs toxins and removes them from the body. Activated carbon can be drunk before, during, and after a feast. It has practically no contraindications.
  • Empty the stomach and drink a mug of green tea with honey. Alcohol dramatically dehydrates the body and also lowers blood glucose levels. Green tea helps to speed up metabolism, remove toxins, restore water balance, and honey increases sugar.

It is advisable that after taking the last dose of alcohol (if it is small) and having intercourse, about 3-4 hours have passed. During this time, the body will be able to remove the maximum of harmful substances. If the birth of a baby as a couple is planned, then it is recommended to give up alcohol completely 2-3 months before the time when attempts at conception begin. Alcohol abuse leads only to sad consequences.

According to most, conception and alcohol are incompatible. However, anonymous polls show that every third pregnancy occurs when one of the partners is drunk (less often both). Such statistics suggests that alcohol does not harm the unborn baby in any way. But why, then, is it forbidden to drink alcohol during pregnancy? If you understand the fertilization process from the very beginning, everything becomes clear.

Society has a negative attitude towards alcohol in early pregnancy. But it is generally accepted that there is no negative effect of alcohol on the conception of a child in men. Therefore, future fathers drink without fear when planning a pregnancy. But intoxication as a result of drinking ethanol (and even worse - drug use) noticeably affects sperm, altering their activity and quality.

At conception, two genetic sets merge - male and female. To think that only the expectant mother should prepare for pregnancy is irresponsible. Only one sperm is needed, but it must be the best.

A man should not drink before conception for the simple reason that alcohol equalizes the chances of healthy and strong cells with pathological ones. About a quarter of spermatozoa in modern young people have various kinds of disorders. In the competition for the egg, the strongest, healthiest and fastest wins - this is what happens in people with a sober lifestyle. If the dad-to-be skips a few drinks before conceiving, then alcohol and sperm will interconnect. Strong and healthy cells will be on a par with pathological ones. As a result, the chances of success for them will be leveled.

Men think that beer does not affect the conception of a child. In reality, this low-alcohol drink is a natural source of estrogen. Therefore, among the representatives of the stronger sex, who are addicted to it, the body changes its structure according to the female type. The influence of beer on the conception of a child in men is obvious: testosterone levels in the body decrease, hyperestrogenism is formed, libido is suppressed and the quality of seminal fluid deteriorates.

If these arguments are not enough for patients, then doctors recommend making sure of everything on their own. The effect of alcohol on the spermogram can be checked as follows: pass the test and evaluate the result, then refrain from alcohol for at least 3 months and repeat the procedure. Comparative characteristics will shock you.

Impact of alcoholic beverages on women's health

The woman has even worse prognosis. Ethanol affects ovulation. From the moment of birth, a girl has a certain amount. If during her life a woman consumes alcohol, then it destroys the genetic set of future gametes. The oocytes lose their quality, their membranes are destroyed, and breakages occur. Even if the girl does not plan to become pregnant now, the negative effects of alcohol may appear in the future.

Alcohol and ovulation with subsequent conception are incompatible concepts. Regular consumption of alcohol (even if it is drinking beer 3-4 times a week) causes depletion of the ovaries. Effective beer phytoestrogens cause hormone-dependent diseases - endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts. Stronger drinks affect the brain, heart, and liver by disrupting circulation. Drunken conception causes detachments, hematomas, miscarriages and incomplete self-abortions.

Tracking the effect of alcohol on a woman's eggs by analogy with examining the quality of male semen is an unrealistic task. But in patients who abuse alcohol, menopause occurs earlier, tumors of benign and malignant origin are more often formed, and life expectancy is reduced.

How much not to drink before conception when planning pregnancy

Couples planning a baby wonder how long alcohol should not be consumed before conceiving. If we are talking about frequent consumption and large doses of alcohol, then it is advisable to exclude such situations completely, and not only in preparation for pregnancy. A healthy lifestyle when planning is half the way to having children without congenital abnormalities.

It is clear that most adults fail to get rid of alcohol completely. Holidays, birthdays, corporate parties - one way or another alcohol is present and consumed. Therefore, it is important for a couple to observe a clear time range during which alcohol should not be consumed when planning a pregnancy. It is recommended not to drink to a man before conception for at least 3-4 months. During this period, a full cycle of spermatogenesis occurs. Only by giving up all bad habits can we assume that a man is ready to conceive.

For a woman, the terms are the same - 3-4 months. It is important to completely eliminate alcohol with the onset of the menstrual cycle in which conception is planned. Egg maturation begins in the first days of menstruation and ends with ovulation in about 2-3 weeks.

As you can see, a man has to prepare more for planning a pregnancy than his partner. This proves once again that the responsibility lies not only with the woman.

The consequences of drunken conception

Drunken conception is dangerous with consequences that can arise directly during pregnancy or after the birth of a baby. Sometimes parents forget that alcohol was drunk on the day of fertilization, trying to find the causes of the problems in something else. However, the conception of a child and beer can be affected, not to mention the stronger drinks. Without finding an explanation for the problem, parents take the situation for granted. In fact, conception while intoxicated is to blame.

Fetal alcohol syndrome (drunken conception syndrome) is accompanied by psychophysical disorders of varying intensity, which can occur at different stages of a child's growth. If conception took place after alcohol, then it can lead to the following consequences:

  • intrauterine growth retardation, characterized by insufficient body weight and short stature;
  • pathological abnormalities in appearance (cleft lip, cleft palate, deep-seated auricles, orbital defects;
  • cardiovascular diseases, defects;
  • liver dysfunctions (alcohol during conception affects not only the hematopoietic organ of the parents);
  • deformities (splicing fingers together, short feet, deformed chest).

Each couple hopes that alcohol during conception will not affect the health of their unborn baby. Indeed, most parents have a lucky break. However, statistics show that 10 out of 1000 newborn babies face the serious consequences of their parents' consumption of alcohol during conception.

There are many cases of unplanned pregnancy and alcohol intoxication. Under the influence of alcohol, responsibility and self-control are lost.

Drank alcohol without knowing that she was pregnant

Alcohol in the first month of pregnancy can have an irreparable effect on the unborn child. There are many known cases when a woman did not know about pregnancy and drank before the delay. How serious the consequences of carelessness will be depends not only on the quantity, but also on the quality of the alcohol.

It is believed that alcohol in the first days after conception or in the first week after conception will not harm the embryo. During this period, the woman has not yet learned about the new position, since the fertilized egg moves towards its goal within 5-10 days after fertilization. If the expectant mother drank alcohol in the form of a glass of wine or a glass of beer, then nothing threatens her and her baby. The development of the child during this period does not yet depend on the woman, because the blood circulation between them has not yet been established.

If alcohol in the first week of pregnancy was consumed in large quantities and mostly strong, then a miscarriage or its threat is not excluded. As you know, ethanol penetrates into all biological fluids. During pregnancy and without it, alcohol is found in the pelvic organs. Large doses of spirits cause intoxication of the ovum, even if it has not yet been implanted. Therefore, expectant mothers should completely eliminate alcohol during pregnancy.

Alcoholic drinks with IVF

In the protocol of in vitro fertilization, drinking alcohol, including beer, wine, champagne, is not recommended. A woman's body, under the influence of hormones, works hard to produce high-quality oocytes in sufficient quantities. In addition, the drugs used in the protocol (Gonal F, Puregon, Clomid, Menopur, Pregnil and others) have a toxic effect on the liver. If you additionally take alcohol, then problems with this organ in the future cannot be avoided.

IVF and alcohol are incompatible concepts. Infertility requires a responsible approach to treatment. In theory, alcohol can be drunk after follicular puncture prior to embryo transfer. During this period, the embryonic cells are outside the woman's body. However, no one can guarantee that alcohol will not affect the result of in vitro fertilization.

Drunken conception often happens by accident. The couple has been trying to conceive a child for a long time, but all attempts are unsuccessful. Then the process is postponed, and the partners can afford to relax and have a glass or two. But it happens that the desired conception occurs precisely during this period, which becomes a cause for concern. What is the effect of alcohol on the conception of a child in the female and male body and are the consequences for the fetus possible?

Alcohol and conception are incompatible things for a woman. Eggs are laid in the female body even before birth and are consumed throughout life. Their quality can be influenced by various factors, including an unhealthy lifestyle, including the use of alcoholic beverages.

According to studies, the consumption of spirits in the amount of 100 grams can reduce the chances of successful fertilization by 2 times. With regular and prolonged use of alcohol, the frequency of anovulatory cycles increases, which can cause infertility.

Of course, drinking one glass of wine from time to time is unlikely to somehow affect the success of conception. However, after fertilization, alcohol is contraindicated, since in the first weeks of pregnancy, the unborn child is most sensitive to the effects of negative factors on him.

The effect of alcohol on conception in men

The influence of alcohol on the conception of a child in men is much more serious. As soon as alcohol enters the body, it has an immediate effect on sperm.

It is believed that men have about 25% of abnormal spermatozoa, but they have practically no chance against the rest of the healthy and full-fledged number. Alcohol, on the other hand, can reduce the activity of healthy sperm, thereby lowering their chances of getting to the egg first.

Successful conception is also facilitated by seminal fluid, which ensures the viability of the sperm. Alcoholic drinks negatively affect its composition, as a result of which the semen will not be able to protect sperm from the aggressive environment of the vagina.

It is important to remember that it is just as important for the future dad to monitor their health before the planned pregnancy, as it is for the mother.

Sperm renewal takes about 3 months, so it is important to give up bad habits, including alcohol consumption, at least during this time, before pregnancy. Then it is most likely that healthy and strong germ cells will take part in the process of conception.

Consequences of drinking alcohol during conception

The emergence of a new life in a state of intoxication is called "drunken conception." This does not mean that the spouses were very drunk, just a couple of glasses of medium-alcoholic drinks are enough.

It is important for parents to know whether there will be consequences if fertilization occurred in alcoholic intoxication. Opinions differ here, some are convinced that alcohol does not have a negative effect, but scientific research claims the opposite. Let's try to figure it out.

Of course, no one has conducted a study involving pregnant women in the early stages with the help of alcohol intake. However, non-pregnant girls were injected with hCG, creating a false pregnancy state, in order to test the effect of alcohol on progesterone levels. As it turned out, alcoholic beverages significantly lower its level, which can interfere with the normal fastening of the fetus and lead to miscarriage.

The first days and weeks after conception are decisive for the further fate of the fetus. If damaged by negative factors, early miscarriage is possible. Often a woman may not even notice him.

But if a miscarriage did not occur and there was a strong impact of negative factors from the outside, the risk of developing abnormalities increases:

  • anomalies in the structure of the body and face;
  • deviations in mental or physical development;
  • lack of weight or small stature at the time of birth;
  • changes at the genetic level;
  • pathology of the central nervous system.

How much alcohol will not harm the offspring

When planning a child, it is recommended to completely eliminate strong drinks at least 3 months before conception. Of course, many couples are parents of absolutely healthy children due to "drunken conception", but the situation can be compared to a game of "roulette".

Someone will be lucky, but for someone, conceiving a child in alcoholic intoxication will have consequences. Therefore, it is so important to approach the issue responsibly.

If a rare intake of alcohol before fertilization does not always have a strong negative effect on the female body, then after pregnancy it is important to completely abandon it. The child eats the same as the mother, alcoholic beverages can cause serious harm.

The baby has a high chance of being born with drunken conception syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of deviations in psychophysical development.

What to do if conception occurred while intoxicated

If a woman finds out about pregnancy and is sure that alcohol was taken at the time of conception, do not be nervous and panic. In the case when alcoholic beverages are not a regular occurrence, the likelihood of problems during the period of gestation or the birth of a baby with deviations is extremely small.

In the case when drinking is a constant occurrence, it is worth pulling together and trying to get rid of the addiction. If necessary, you should seek help from family members or specialists. It is important to remember that strong drinks during pregnancy can be extremely dangerous, the future baby is completely dependent on the mother, so you should think about his health.

It is necessary to register with the antenatal clinic, consult a gynecologist and notify the doctor about taking alcohol during the period of conception. You should monitor your health, undergo prescribed examinations and adhere to the doctor's recommendations.

How to prepare for conception

To increase the chance of successful fertilization and to minimize all negative risks and consequences for the unborn baby as much as possible, it is necessary to responsibly prepare for pregnancy. Ideally, preparation should last at least 3 months. During this period, it is worth adhering to some recommendations:

  • give up bad habits - alcohol, smoking and drugs have an extremely negative effect on the body;
  • eat properly and in a balanced way, taking care of saturating the body with vitamins and microelements, you should forget about exhausting diets;
  • move more and walk in the fresh air;
  • avoid stressful situations.


Often, couples accidentally conceive under alcohol, which becomes a reason for worry. Rare use of alcohol is unlikely to harm the baby, but regular use can lead to consequences.

Alcohol has a particularly negative and powerful effect on male germ cells, provoking the development of abnormal male cells. If the egg cell is fertilized by a defective sperm, there is a risk of developing abnormalities, physical and mental impairments are possible.

Drunken conception, what to do, what threatens conception in a state of alcoholic intoxication of a man and a woman? This is a very common "practice" in our country. A lot of children accidentally "get" just after the partners use alcoholic beverages. The fear of a possible pregnancy decreases, sexual desire increases, and this is the result - children of drunken conception. By the way, what are they, what diseases are these children likely to have? Do I need to have an abortion if fertilization took place in such an unfavorable environment?

The consequences of conception in a drunken state can indeed be. But the only fault for this will be the man, or rather, his defective sperm. It should be noted that this problem mostly applies to men who abuse alcohol. If the alcohol intake was a single dose, then it is unlikely that it will somehow affect the quality of the sperm. What consequences can drunken conception have in this case? Most often, this is a spontaneous abortion at a very early stage. Up to 5-6 obstetric weeks. It turns out that a woman only finds out about her pregnancy by making a test, and she suddenly starts her period. And many, with such delays, are in no hurry to make tests. And a little belated bleeding is mistaken for a slight malfunction of the menstrual cycle.

And how will alcohol during conception, taken by a woman, affect the egg? In fact, most likely not at all. But alcohol can greatly affect the development of pregnancy if a woman drinks 5-7 days after ovulation. By that time, many eggs have already managed to penetrate into the uterine cavity. Accordingly, there is already a close connection between the ovum and the mother's circulatory system. Then alcohol can lead to severe malformations of the embryo, sometimes incompatible with life.

How to understand if the alcohol taken by the father and / or mother influenced the child? First you need to make sure that the pregnancy is progressing. This can be done in 2-3 weeks of delay in menstruation. If everything is in order, the doctor will see a fetal egg in the uterus with a living embryo in it. If alcohol has affected, then the fertilized egg may be empty (without an embryo), or the embryo will have no heartbeat.

In Kievan Rus, a young man under 30 was prohibited from touching alcoholic beverages, and women were not allowed for life. At weddings, the newlyweds could only drink spring water, and it was impossible to think about alcohol - after all, they could conceive a child in the next few hours. It was a reliable way to protect future generations from diseases associated with alcohol consumption, even kvass was banned. People already in those years knew about the influence of alcoholic beverages on the developing fetus. Thus, drunken conception in those days was almost impossible.

In Ancient Sparta, on the contrary, slaves were heavily drunk, forced to give birth to sick children. They were then shown to young Spartans, so that they would be horrified and give up alcohol themselves. This was also an attempt to protect their future from the negative consequences of libation.

Unfortunately, the problem of conceiving a child in alcoholic intoxication is still happening. Such misfortune also happens in a completely prosperous family. And if a drunken conception happened, this means that the child is already traumatized, and it will be problematic to be born completely healthy.

It is highly desirable that at least 5-6 hours pass between the intake of intoxicating drinks and sexual intercourse. During this time, a certain amount of alcohol will already be excreted from the body. And this is only if the dose was small. At high doses, one should abstain for several days. But nevertheless, you conceived a child in alcohol intoxication, the consequences frighten and upset you.

  • Mom must first of all calm down and no longer touch alcohol until the very end of pregnancy. If the parents are not addicted to alcohol, everything can end quite well. If this is not the case, try to pull yourself together and overcome the addiction. Do not try to satisfy yourself with the use of "weaker" drinks, this will not help the baby.
  • Tell your doctor about the problem. He will prescribe additional studies and diagnostics. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's requirements, to take additional vitamins, and special ones created specifically for pregnant women - the so-called "prenatal vitamins". Why exactly them? They contain more folic acid, iron and omega group polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the development of the brain in the developing fetus. These drugs are better than other multivitamin supplements for women during pregnancy, and contribute to the normal course of pregnancy.
  • You need to be a lot in the fresh air, move a lot and actively, engage in fitness specially designed for pregnant women, preferably under the supervision of a trainer.
  • I will need to adjust my diet. It is necessary to remove harmful products from it. This is especially true for fast food, raw seafood, uncooked meat.
  • You can partly reassure yourself - if there was only a single intake of intoxicating drinks before conception, then violations may not develop. But you should still be careful and control yourself.

Why is drunken conception dangerous?

And what does this mean for the developing fetus? Very often it bears simply catastrophic consequences for him, and above all by the fact that already defective, damaged cells are involved in this process. The embryo initially begins to develop with pathologies, even if "just" a glass of beer or wine was drunk the day before. It also happens that such a pregnancy turns out to be unwanted or undesirable, such a baby may simply be unnecessary for its parents.

"Drunk" cells are often unviable, most of these pregnancies end in miscarriages at such an early stage that a woman does not have time to find out about her - in the first two weeks. Most often, especially if the parents' body is not adapted to a large amount of alcohol, the conception of a child in alcoholic intoxication does not occur.

But it also happens that the diseased embryo remains. And with it all health problems remain. Such conception is fraught with various disorders in the development of the child, from minor damage to the central nervous system, to its irreversible forms, the most serious of which can be called fetal syndrome.

Fetal alcohol syndrome

These are deviations in the psychophysical development of the child, different in severity. The cause is the mother's drinking before and during pregnancy. These deviations are manifested already at birth, do not disappear with age. The child has profound mental retardation, a deficit in height and weight. He is restless, does not sleep well in the hospital, often refuses to breastfeed, sometimes he is physically unable to do so. He may have hearing and vision impairments. Other organs are also malformed. Even if this syndrome is not expressed, the child has difficulties in learning, he most often needs training in auxiliary institutions, in severe cases he cannot study at all. Often these children are deeply disabled, needing medical support all their lives. Even small amounts of alcohol during conception can cause such disturbances, especially if both parents were drunk, or they abused alcohol for a long time. People with this pathology rarely live up to 30-35 years old, most often they are infertile.

Consequences for the fetus

Possible developmental delays already at this stage. He may have insufficient height and weight, and internal organs may not develop properly. This delay can be of varying degrees of difficulty, depending on how drunk the parents were.

In such a baby, intrauterine oxygen starvation is possible - due to the fact that the placenta is not functioning properly. The consequence of this can even be intrauterine fetal death.

With such conception, damage to the endocrine system often occurs, with a very severe disease of the thyroid gland - congenital hypothyroidism, leading to disability.

Long-term consequences

Outwardly, they do not manifest themselves in any way, the child is the same as all children. Only he has a weakened immune system, in infancy he often gets sick, lags somewhat behind in physical development, and later begins to speak. Restless at night, emotional state is unstable.

In school years, it is distinguished by instability of attention, rapid fatigability. Poor motor skills, hyperactivity, and delayed speech development are also noted. The child gets tired quickly, it can be difficult to concentrate, attention is severely impaired.

The older ones have sexual dysfunctions, including infertility.

But even if the child does not have external manifestations, they can affect the next generations. And in the mildest case, it will be reduced immunity.

People often have the misconception that only spirits are dangerous. In fact, any alcoholic beverages are dangerous at this time. And it is quite understandable that with a drunken conception, a born child is more likely to suffer from alcoholism.

If only the father was drunk at conception

Bad, of course. The harmful effect of alcohol on spermatogenesis was known back in Ancient Greece, reflected in mythology - the son of Zeus, Hephaestus, was born with signs of cerebral palsy, because the thunderer himself loved to drink alcohol.

Initially, about 25% of abnormal cells are present in the sperm of any man, but their number can increase if he regularly and before abused alcohol.

What happens if the future father was drunk before conception? The risk of developing pathologies in a child immediately rises by 50%.

Alcohol instantly enters the bloodstream, and after a few minutes is present in the man's semen. A pernicious process of damage to healthy cells began. They will no longer recover to a normal state, and there will be practically no truly healthy ones left. A fetus is possible.

As a result, the risk that fertilization with a pathological sperm cell increases sharply, which means that the unborn child will be born with a large number of deviations.

Next, the sperm develops within about 90 days, after which it dies. So the male cells will be "drunk" all the time. It is hard to imagine, but alcohol drunk on New Year's Eve will have an effect on the male body until the end of March. In other words, alcohol affects the sperm in the body at all stages of their development, so men planning to conceive a child should give up any drink not only the day before, but at least three months before it. Even if the father was sober during conception, his cells may be damaged, and the unborn child, his physical and mental development, will suffer.

In short, "drunken conception" through the fault of the father can occur within 3 months after the last drinking of alcohol.

If only the mother was drunk at conception

Here the situation is a little different. It is believed that the alcoholic state does not particularly affect the physical development of the child, as the egg matures every month from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until ovulation. However, his psyche is formed already in the very first weeks of pregnancy, and the alcohol drunk will adversely affect the health of the baby. In addition, even a small amount of strong alcohol does not have the best effect on the rest of the eggs in the ovaries - they also turn out to be damaged. The situation is unambiguously aggravated if the mother has drunk before.

Consequences of conception in alcoholic intoxication

Parents who consider themselves to be “moderate drinkers” often do not think about how this may threaten their future baby. Indeed, what could be so terrible in a glass of good dry wine during dinner? At the same time, they point to countries where wine is traditionally drunk a lot, and there are no consequences for the offspring. They cite France as an example, with its culture of drinking wine. However, in this country, people of the older generation drink mostly, and this tradition does not apply to young people, especially women.

The consequences of such a rash step can be irreversible violations of the physical and mental development of the child, various disorders, cleft palate, cleft lip.

If the parents continued to drink alcohol during pregnancy, the developing fetus may experience drunken conception syndrome. After all, when the mother drinks, alcohol enters the fetus' blood through the placenta, and his liver cannot remove it from the body, the child is forced to “drink” with the mother, to get used to drinking.

Academician Tobolin told how, in his youth, he was summoned to a newborn child with incomprehensible symptoms - the baby fought in convulsions, screamed continuously, and just died before our eyes, the doctors could not understand anything, because all the indicators were normal. The case was saved by an old nurse who advised to let the child suck on gauze soaked in alcohol. The baby immediately calmed down, the convulsions stopped, the baby fell asleep. It was hard to believe - the newborn had a classic withdrawal syndrome, he was born already an alcoholic. His parents were also heavy drinkers. But the baby also had other disorders - microcephaly, polydactyly, a heart defect was suspected.

The academician notes that at that time it was an isolated, unique case. But now there are more and more such children.

Scientists have conducted a study with laboratory mice - how quickly the next generations get used to alcohol. They gave the animals food soaked in alcohol. The conceptions turned out to be drunk.

As it turned out, the first generation of mice took about two months to become alcohol dependent, the second - a month. And already the fourth generation of mice were initially born with pronounced signs of alcohol dependence. And their life expectancy was reduced several times.

So conception while intoxicated is a spit into the future, which is a danger to future generations.