Ideas for interesting gifts for a 4 year old boy. Toy vehicles and constructor. What can you give a girl

Nata carlin

At the age of four, the child begins to mature. The cute hats on the arms and legs were so amusing just yesterday, and now it’s already formed little man... Together with the physical aspect, thinking, emotionality is actively developing, the formation of personality begins. A New Year's gift for a 4-year-old child for the New Year should be chosen based not only on the wishes of the baby himself, but also take into account the age criteria recommended by child psychologists and toy manufacturers.

What is the right way to give a gift for the New Year to children?

As a rule, deciding what to gift 4-year-olds is not that difficult. However, not everyone is able to create a real fairy tale with Santa Claus, a Christmas tree and a New Year's miracle. Try to present everything exactly so that the baby perceives it, like good magic, then the surprise really comes out.

You can ask neighbors, friends to change into fabulous costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, or order actors at home.

After such a performance, the child's emotions will overflow, and his little heart will be filled with kindness and gratitude.

It is clear that on the eve of the holiday, parents have so many worries, but for the sake of the happy eyes of their baby, it is simply necessary to make such a surprise.

Can't invite actors? Make it easier - put a small present under the child's pillow, and as soon as he wakes up, tell him that at night, when he was already asleep, Santa Claus came and bent over his pillow, maybe there is something interesting under it? And when the child finds a small present, send him to the tree, under which and the main gift will be hidden... So simple for a kid.

How to choose a gift for a 4-year-old child for the New Year?

A gift for a 4-year-old child for the New Year should be chosen based on the following criteria:

  • Board or group game... At this age, communication with their own kind becomes very important for a child. Therefore, he begins to listen more to his parents, to reach out to his peers. Therefore, a board game or other game involving the participation of other people will be just an ideal gift to help establish contact with family and friends. It can be all kinds of puzzles, lotto, chess, dominoes, tactical games.
  • Sports development... Check out the sporting goods section of the toy store. However, do not forget that boys are much more mobile than girls. By purchasing sports equipment, you give an impetus to the development of a child's interest in sports and physical activities. An interesting solution is a small trampoline, hoop, skates or rollers.
  • Teaching materials... At the age of 4, a child has so many questions concentrated in his head that moms and dads simply do not have time to give answers to each of them. Expand your baby's horizons by giving him an educational game. For example, sets of letters, numbers, the English alphabet.

  • Creativity... It's no secret that kids just love to draw, sculpt, create. Sets of markers, plasticine, coloring pages are perfect. Mosaics, puzzles, needlework kits will be no less exciting and interesting.

Do you have a young animal lover growing up in your house and has been asking for a kitten, puppy or hamster for so long? So why not make him the most wonderful gift on this magical holiday - live, furry friend?

Can't afford to keep an animal in your house? Focus on interactive toys

What to give a 4-year-old girl for the New Year?

It is not difficult to choose a New Year's gift for a 4-year-old girl. Most parents use traditional gifts - toy sets of dishes, furniture, refrigerators, sewing machines, doll carriages, carriages with horses and cute princesses. However, you can use your imagination and give the baby a really impressive gift:

  • Painting projector... This is a unique device that projects onto the screen those pictures that a girl draws on a sheet of paper.
  • Music Box... By this age, every girl has many important secrets and trinkets that must be kept in the most beautiful, but secluded place. Therefore, an elegant box with music and a dancing ballerina will delight the child. Together with their mother, they will put hairpins, beads, rings, earrings there.

  • Interactive baby doll or doll... What can you give a 4-year-old child girl to captivate her attention for a long time? Of course, a doll. And not just a doll, but a real, almost living baby who talks, opens and closes her eyes, you can feed and drink her, change clothes and diapers. In this case, it is advisable to go with the child to a toy store and observe which of the dolls she likes best. Having received such a gift, the girl will be delighted!
  • Ponycycle... This is not the cheapest toy, but it will bring a lot of positive emotions. She is a small soft horse that you can ride. The girl must sit in the saddle, and the toy begins to move slowly, resembling the movements of a living horse.
  • There is an interesting service - fairy tale about the princess. Parents make an order in advance and for the holiday they receive a real, large, colorful book, which tells a story about their daughter. And even in the pictures it is not some unknown fairy-tale princess, but your daughter!

What to give a 4-year-old boy for the New Year?

It's no secret that little boys love cartoons with fairy-tale characters - Flash, Lightning McQueen, Paw Patrol and many others. If your child has a new hobby, you will not have to choose a gift for a 4-year-old boy for a long time.

It's very simple: buy a set of favorite characters for the boy in the store!

In addition, knowing the hobbies and preferences of the child, choosing a gift for the New Year will not be difficult:

  • Rail or road with locomotives and cars. Such kits can be with mini-equipment of a mechanical type or radio-controlled.

  • Machine on the control panel... This is a real hit for every boy! What could be more interesting than driving your own car, tank, airplane as smartly as your dad does?
  • Transformers... Any boy knows the names of the superhero robots from Transformers by heart. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and other characters cause a real storm of emotions in the hearts of boys. The toys themselves are interesting too. They transform from cars to armed with intergalactic weapons and vice versa.
  • Collectible cars... Many boys by this age already have real collections of small cars. Why not turn this hobby into a hobby? Buy additional models for your child and help build a real collection.
  • Developing kits... One of the most interesting are universal wooden and plastic construction kits. There are many options for kits, for the New Year you can buy one, and then, seeing the baby's interest in giving him others.

  • Constructor... What can you give a 4-year-old child as an interesting and developing toy? Of course, nothing can cope with this task better than a designer. However, keep in mind that at this age for the baby, sets with large elements are needed.
  • Table football, hockey, air hockey... An interesting option for a gift not only to the child himself, but also to the whole family. Sports battles will help bring the baby and all household members together.

Do not discount joint trips to the puppet theater, circus, skating rink, oceanarium, water park. Every minute spent with your baby, will become for him an additional and most desirable gift for the New Year.

December 24, 2017

When a boy turns 4 years old, he has already formed some interests, and you can find out by his games and preferences, which is more suitable for a gift. Some of the children excitedly play with cars, some love animals, and some are fond of dinosaurs. You know best what your child loves, and the choice of a toy should be made according to the child's preferences.

Educational toys

One of the favorite toys for little boys is a variety of construction sets. They develop spatial reasoning and engineering skills and keep children busy for a long time.

Watch a review of the Lego Duplo constructor suitable for a four-year-old boy, this video shows the parts and assembly of a fire boat with figures and additional parts:

The construction set is divided by complexity by year, and in order not to discourage the child's interest in construction, it is worth choosing suitable sets by age. If these are large sets, that is, options up to 5 years old, it is better to choose them, then what comes with an older marking at 4 years old will be even more difficult, the details are too small, they will quickly be lost, and you will not be able to assemble an interesting model without them. The child will be upset.

Means of transport

At 4 years old, a variety of vehicles, both for summer and winter, will become a wonderful gift. You can choose the right ones for the season so that the baby can use the gift right after his birthday.

Interest toys

The best toys for boys are often cars in completely different forms. There are never too many of them, if the kid is enthusiastically playing with his vehicle fleet, then he will be absolutely happy if all parents, relatives and friends give him a new typewriter.

Boys at 4 years old can be given clothes for their birthday, but since basically the clothes themselves will not give them any pleasure, so that the gift will cause joy not only from the parents, but also from the birthday boy himself, it is worth choosing sweaters, T-shirts, jeans and jackets with your favorite characters painted on them. Now there are a lot of clothes for boys with cars, star wars, minions, dinosaurs, superheroes, teenage mutant ninja turtles and other idols of four-year-old boys. In addition to clothes, you can donate shoes, backpacks, or stationery in a large beautiful pencil case.

Interactive toys

Boys really like various interactive toys in which they can press different buttons, control the course of the game, and see the feedback. Therefore, all sorts of transformers and talking robots are in such high esteem.

  • Toys that repeat the speech after the owner.
  • Educational toys who sing songs, recite poems, and teach how to count.
  • Walking robots performing various actions.
  • Machines that open all doors, the hood and trunk rises, the horn works and the steering wheel turns.
  • Battery Operated Toys singing, glowing, talking and so on.
  • Musical instruments:
    1. Children's piano;
    2. Drum;
    3. Flute;
    4. Guitar.
  • Children's gadgets:
    1. Mobile phones;
    2. Children's computers with educational programs;
    3. Drawing tablets;
  • Board games type "Behind the wheel".
  • Books with sound buttons and moving elements.
  • Various educational computer programs for the little ones.

If you are invited to the birthday of a little boy who turns 4 years old, then the best option is to ask his parents about the tastes and preferences of the birthday boy before going to the store. You can choose a gift according to your own budget, it is absolutely not necessary to buy large and expensive sets, you can choose a cheap machine that will bring no less joy than a huge garage.

Listen if parents have any restrictions on toys. Many do not allow any gadgets at this age, even for children, someone is against their child playing with weapons and military equipment, someone does not buy scary cartoon characters such as transformers, for example. If you are invited to a holiday, try to adhere to the rules voiced by the parents, you can also ask them for advice on what to choose, because they know much more about the tastes and preferences of their child.

If friends of the baby are invited to the birthday, and little girls and boys will gather, then they can give simple toys:

  • Ball;
  • Soft toy;
  • A set of crayons for drawing on the asphalt;
  • A set of molds;
  • Simple cars;
  • Yulu;
  • Cubes.

And the parents of the invited kids can order for him birthday cake with recognizable figures of your favorite characters.

A little boy's birthday is a big event in the life of a family, which is eagerly awaited by parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, godparents, family friends and young friends of the birthday boy. And most of all, this holiday is waiting for the baby himself, for him it is an absolute joy of attention, games, gifts, balloons and cake with candles. Try to give your child an unforgettable holiday that he will remember for a lifetime.

Birthday is a special date and a great occasion to please your baby. Of course, the best gift for a 4-year-old boy will be the attention of loving people, a holiday and a sweet table in his honor. But as for toys or memorable gifts, difficulties can arise here. Each child is an individual, with their own preferences and secret dreams. And modern children almost always have everything, and it is very difficult to come up with something new. Fortunately, there are gifts that any four year old will love. We have collected the top 10 best ideas and over 20 more presentation variations.

What is interesting for boys 4 years old?

On the eve of their fourth birthday, children are making an impressive leap forward in development. More recently, a restless baby suddenly becomes reasonable and more balanced. Children become interested in relationships with peers, they strengthen their sympathies, and with someone they begin to compete or even quarrel. There comes a time when the child begins to ask for toys as a gift: “I want it like him (Petit, Misha, Vanya)”. But even a keen desire does not yet guarantee that the new acquisition will captivate the baby for a long time and will be useful.

Child psychologists advise to take a closer look at the boy's interests, his talents, which by the age of 4 are already beginning to appear. For example, gifts from the category of sports are more suitable for mobile children: a boxing set, a good ball, a superhero costume, a wall bar. "Clever people" will like various sets for experiments, a microscope, a telescope, encyclopedias. And, of course, any boy will be delighted with a new robot, transformer, track with cars, even if he already has such toys in a wagon and a small cart.

How to develop the most important areas for a child in 20-30 minutes a day

  • Three ready-made scenarios for complex developmental classes in pdf format;
  • Video recommendations for conducting complex games and for their independent compilation;
  • A flowchart for drawing up such activities at home

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10 best ideas

At the age of 4, many children still do not distinguish between “expensive” gifts and “cheap” ones. To the question "What to give you for your birthday?" the boy can answer: "Balloon, soap bubbles." It is very important to fulfill his desire, even if he asks for outright nonsense. But a good gift, useful from the point of view of an adult, can be presented as an additional one.

So what would any four-year-old boy be happy about?

    1. Robot. Having a home hand-held robot is cool. Moreover, today you can choose a model for every taste. Some robots are controlled by a remote control, walk, dance, sing. Others tell stories and answer certain phrases, teach. And there are also robotic dinosaurs with built-in sensors that allow you to hunt a moving object, growl and much more.
    2. Car track. A toy from the category "There is never too much." As a gift, you can choose a glowing track, a racing track with stunt rings, additional elements. In addition, any boy will be happy with a new car for the track, base, parking lot or station.
    3. Transformer. In fact, there are two toys in one: both a robot and a car (plane, helicopter, etc.). There are a lot of variations of transformers. Many boys collect Tobots collection. The toy perfectly develops fine motor skills of hands. The main thing is to pay attention to the flimsy details and the quality of the transformer as a whole.

  1. Constructor. At 4 years old, you can safely begin to give the boy collectible "Lego". Also a good option for a gift would be a magnetic or metal constructor with bolts and nuts. In general, their assortment is very large: from block, wooden to velcro "Banchems".
  2. Machine on the remote control. Since childhood, men gravitate towards vehicles. Even in adulthood, they are not averse to driving a toy car. Therefore, you can safely give the boy a brand new jeep on the remote control or a shape-shifter, a racing car. You can choose a plane or a helicopter, but they will cost an order of magnitude more.
  3. Rollers. A four-year-old is already quite good at controlling his body and can learn to roller skate. Of course, it is better to opt for the 4-wheel option, or even the wheeled shoe covers. In addition, you can give a cool children's helmet, gloves and knee pads.
  4. A bike. Learning to ride a two-wheeled bicycle is not only pleasant, but also useful. For a boy of 4 years of average height, a wheel size of 16 inches is suitable. When buying, you should pay attention to the ability to adjust the height of the seat, the presence of safety wheels, a strong metal axle. The boy will love various stickers, warning bell, glowing elements on the bike.
  5. Kick scooter. Another safe option is to give the boy a scooter for his birthday. For 4 years, a model with two wheels in front is suitable. It is important that the scooter ride smoothly, not rattle, but for the mood - so that it shines when riding.
  6. Favorite hero costume. A gift, though not practical, but for the soul. Any boy will be happy to dress up in the costume of Spiderman, Batman, a character from the cartoon PJ Masks, to feel invincible.
  7. Tablet. At this age, you can give a boy a real, adult tablet computer. On it he will be able to view his favorite cartoons, play educational games, draw. Of course, it is worth installing parental control and an ad blocker before giving a gift so that the kid does not accidentally see anything obscene.

To find out what gift the boy wants for his birthday, you can watch video reviews of toys or a children's YouTube channel together.

Big gifts

If the budget allows, you can donate something solid for 4 years. At this age, the following will be relevant:

  1. Children's bed. A sleeping place in the form of a car, yacht or plane will not leave indifferent any boy. In such a bed, you can not only relax, but also imagine yourself as a captain, pilot, racer. It is also worth considering a very interesting option for a children's bedroom with a bed on the second tier and a desk and wardrobe on the first.
  2. Sports section. It is also called the Swedish wall. All kinds of ladders, rings, slide, ropes will allow the baby to throw out excess energy at home. In addition, in a sports corner, he will be able to train agility and strength.
  3. Battery powered car or electric ATV. A real vehicle for a boy will delight not only him, but all his peers. Even 15 years ago one could only dream of such toys.
  4. Giroskuter. Another newfangled toy that allows you to move around the board, controlling it with your feet. For 4 years, a mini model may be suitable if the boy weighs 18-19 kg.
  5. Trampoline. The home spring block is guaranteed not to collect dust somewhere in the corner. Babies at 4 years old really like jumping on trampolines, and if they are tired, just lie on their backs and sway.
  6. Swimming pool. For a birthday in the summer, a gift in the form of a pool with a fungus-roof or slide is perfect.
  7. Board games. Air hockey, sea battle, football, ping-pong - the boy will be fascinated by these toys for more than one year. And if he has a sister or brother, everyone can play together.
  8. Desk. At 4 years old, you can give a school desk. It will promote correct posture and will come in handy in the elementary grades of school.
  9. Easel. Another useful gift that diversifies the child's creativity. With the help of an easel, it is easy to study letters, counting. You can draw on it, and if there is a magnetic side, you can compose words from the alphabet on magnets.

Inexpensive but interesting options

To please a 4-year-old boy, it is not necessary to spend tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles. There are inexpensive gifts that your baby will like no less:

  1. dominoes;
  2. board game (walkers, loto);
  3. with molds for the lock;
  4. a set for creativity: an album with paints, felt-tip pens, stamps, stickers, modeling dough with molds, plasticine;
  5. backpack with an interesting picture;
  6. builder's set;
  7. a cake with your favorite cartoon character (you can bake it yourself, and if you have no experience in decorating, buy an edible picture);
  8. make a show of soap bubbles from a gymnastic circle and a solution of detergent, glycerin and water;
  9. organize a quest as a gift - for example, search for a pirate treasure on the map.

Also, the boy will certainly appreciate the unusual presentation of the gift. You can make a large papier-mâché kinder with your own hands. Or fill a large box with helium balloons with a tied gift. When the baby opens it, the balls will rise and the present will hang in the air.

When everything is there

The situation when a child has a million different toys is quite common. In this case, a list of unbroken gifts will come in handy:

  1. kigurumi (plush animal pajamas);
  2. boxer set;
  3. rocket station;
  4. microscope;
  5. synthesizer;
  6. telescope;
  7. bed linen with cartoons;
  8. archaeological excavations (search for dinosaur bones, which are then connected as a constructor);
  9. encyclopedia of interests;
  10. large helium balloon (for example, in the form of a hero or a motorcycle)

If a gift is being picked up by someone else's child, you can consult with his parents. They know their son better and will probably be able to suggest something.

What can you give a girl?

Most gifts that are suitable for a four year old boy will also appeal to a girl. For example, the same bike, scooter, roller skates. But if you want to give a girly gift, you should take a closer look at the following list:

  • kitchen;
  • "Baby Burn" with accessories and clothes;
  • stroller for dolls;
  • a set for sculpting "Play do" (cakes, dentist or other);
  • dressing table with a mirror;
  • doll (pregnant, cupcake, LOL, Barbie);
  • children's cosmetics, jewelry, perfumes;
  • a set of rubber bands and hairpins;
  • house for dolls.

There are a lot of ideas for a present for a four-year-old child. But the best will be the one he has long dreamed of. By the way, not always a desirable present costs 5-10 thousand rubles. To please the kid, you need to listen, understand his aspirations and desires, and then make the dream come true.

A four-year-old child is already a fully developed personality, having his own opinion on everything. At this age, children are very curious, they do not sit still for a second. There are so many interesting things in the world! Four-year-olds continue to study the world around them from new angles, each new day brings them important discoveries. And of course, they expect something very special from their birthday.

At the age of four, the birthday boy consciously accepts gifts and congratulations. He himself can choose who to call for his birthday, what dishes to serve, and can express his wishes for a gift.

“What to give a 4-year-old child for his birthday? How to please your baby? ”- many parents ask these questions. It would seem that it could be simpler - after all, the child is still very small, he will be happy with any toy. But in children's stores there is such a large selection of dolls, toy cars and play sets that they just dazzle. From some toys the baby has already grown, and some of them are not yet mature enough. How to choose the toy that the birthday boy will like?

Parents of a four-year-old can find some time for themselves while the child plays with his toys. At this age, he is already quite capable of getting carried away with something without attracting adults.

  • At the age of four, the child begins to be interested in role-playing toys. Plush hares and bears are no longer interesting to him, they remain in the room as an interior detail and are less and less involved in games. The four-year-old goes to the next level - to games that develop hearing, vision, speech and fine motor skills. After all, school is just around the corner, it's time to start preparing for it and mastering new skills. Cubes, mosaics, puzzles, plasticine, construction sets and creative kits - all this can interest a child.
  • Role-playing games that imitate the actions of adults also continue to be popular. Boys imagine themselves to be car drivers or builders, girls enthusiastically put dolls to sleep or "cook" sand cakes, imitating their mother.

If you take into account all these features, you can easily choose what to give your child for 4 years.

Doll - for a girl, a car - for a boy

For the girl, the doll was and remains the most desired gift. Even if you present the birthday girl with the tenth Barbie in the collection, she will still be grateful to you. Better yet, buy a bed, table, or dollhouse. And if the funds allow you, then the whole house. Any girl will be delighted with such a gift.

What can you give a child for a boy for 4 years? He'll be happy to get a radio-controlled car or helicopter. If your kid already has such a toy, get him an electric car. Sitting behind the wheel of your own car, your baby will be able to feel the same adult as dad.

Another, which has already become a classic, option is the children's railway. This toy has been tested by more than one generation of boys and still continues to be popular.

For young artists

All children love to draw: with porridge on a plate, paints on paper, crayons on the asphalt or felt-tip pens on the wallpaper. The older the child becomes, the easier it is for parents to control this "pictorial process." At the age of four, the child already understands that there are special devices for drawing. To the delight of moms, wallpapers are being replaced by albums and coloring books. If your little one has a craving for painting, buy new markers, pencils, paints and sketchbooks for him. You can purchase a set of stained glass paints for a young artist to create his masterpieces on glass. An interesting gift option is a wooden construction toy. You must first collect the parts of this toy, and then paint it.

Let's play hospital?

Role-playing game sets remain relevant for four-year-olds. Children can play endlessly, coming up with new stories. Games "to the store", "to the cook" or "to the hospital" can captivate your child for a long time.

The girl will surely be delighted with a toy kitchen with a set of plastic food. Every day, you are guaranteed to receive your daughter's fried eggs or boiled soup. The boy can be presented with a toy drill or a whole set of tools. They look almost like real ones, but they are absolutely safe for a child.

Interactive dogs and kittens

Psychologists recommend buying toys that give your child a clear, specific image of the animal. A purple cow with wings is not the best gift for a four-year-old. But the interactive puppy, so similar to the real one, will become a friend and loyal companion for the kid.

For creativity and development

Constructor, puzzles and mosaics are interesting and, most importantly, useful gifts. In specialized stores, you can buy unusual options: magnetic and wooden constructors, prefabricated cars, helicopters and entire towns. At four years old, a child will not yet be able to assemble a large puzzle or construction set on his own, you will have to help him.

Present your child not only with a new toy, but also the time spent with your beloved parents.

For sports and active

Children at this age are very active, their energy is in full swing. Sometimes you just need to get it back on track. A variety of sports equipment will help you with this. If your child celebrates his birthday in the summer, give him a tricycle, scooter or inflatable pool. For winter, you can buy a sled, ice or snow scooter.

A great gift for a boy or girl is a sports complex. A four-year-old can already use a slide, a horizontal bar, a rope or a swing. The main thing is not to leave the baby alone, he should always be under the supervision of adults.

For musical children

Does your daughter constantly re-sing songs from TV screens, imitating her favorite singers? Then you can easily answer the question of what to give a child to a girl for 4 years. She will certainly be delighted to receive a toy microphone as a gift. Modern models allow you to create various sound effects such as echo or applause. You can purchase a sound mat for little fidgets. It will be interesting for the child to move in a perky rhythm to the music. Both boys and girls will like such a gift.

Favorite cartoons

Modern children begin to master the technique very early. At the age of four, they can already watch cartoons or even play simple computer games. Present your child with a CD with his favorite cartoons, the child will be grateful to you for this. At this age, children like Masha and the Bear, Smeshariki, SpongeBob. But you can introduce the kid to our Soviet cartoons. "Well, wait a minute!", "Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile", "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All", "A Kitten named Woof" - these cartoons will always be relevant.

At the age of four, children are more aware of many things and understand very well what a birthday means. They have the right to decide for themselves which guests will come to their holiday, and can express directly what kind of gift they expect from adults. If the baby wants a surprise, parents and guests will have to take their own initiative. Thinking about what to give a child for 4 years, you need to find out what his needs are at the moment.

First of all, the features of the physiology and psyche of children at this stage of their development are important. Even yesterday, toys in the form of cute bunnies, tiger cubs and bears were relevant for them, and although they like them now, children are beginning to gravitate towards more complex games and devices. They continue to improve their skills in role-playing games, experiment with special creative kits, and are increasingly addicted to board games.

Starting from the age of three, children's activity is inextricably linked with productive activity, so kids are passionate about creating their own houses and cities from the designer, they can spend hours folding mosaics and puzzles. Such classes are of undoubted benefit and are valuable in that:

  • contribute to the formation of such qualities in the child as willpower and determination;
  • help to develop various skills, thanks to the development of fine motor skills;
  • develop creative imagination and the ability to think outside the box.

Children are slowly mastering the games with the rules. They need this in order to learn how to control their thoughts and actions, to accept failure in a balanced manner, to understand and follow the established rules not only in games, but also in real life. In this regard, giving a child for four years can be a good logic game that will help the child train memory, logic, attention, and develop his intelligence. Even simple walkers, dice, games, in which victory depends on chance, can benefit a four-year-old child - they help develop calmness, patience, teach children to manage their emotions, restrain anger and resentment despite defeat.

For physical development at this age, you can give various sports equipment, devices for gymnastic exercises, children's transport, but do not forget about games that require accuracy and dexterity - for this you can give the birthday boy a high-quality ball, a hoop, a set of rings for throwing on poles , table football and hockey.

No less important is the gender of the child, in this matter it is better to focus on the interests of the baby, which are obvious in children at this age. And general advice is not enough here - after all, there are boys who prefer board games to racing cars, and some girls are more interested in drawing or assembling a designer than playing with dolls. So the mistake can be avoided only by taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

What to give a girl for 4 years: video

What to give a child for 4 years: educational gifts

Among the gifts contributing to all-round development, books are perhaps in the first place. High-quality illustrated editions will help the kid learn to read, master the oral counting, they expand the child's vocabulary. It can be a children's encyclopedia, a colorful book about flowers, fruits, seasons, animals.

From the age of three, children begin to master board games, as a rule, they are aimed at solving several problems - the development of fine motor skills, attention and memory, logical thinking, coordination, reaction speed and ingenuity.

Choosing what to give a four-year-old child, you can focus on the following interesting and useful games:

  1. Drakosha dragi- this exciting game allows the kid to feel like a real dragon, in order to defeat him he will have to blow with all his might to get the fire fruits. In addition to being in a good mood, during the game process, the child develops lungs and trains facial muscles, improving articulation.
  2. Crocodile dentist... This game is for one or several children, because the point is to find a bad tooth in a crocodile. The toy teaches the child coordination, quickness of reaction and attention, in addition, it clearly shows an educational moment - it shows how important it is to brush your teeth every day.
  3. Assemble and disassemble... The game with rules and tasks is a construction against the clock. The child will have to build the necessary structure from various parts in the allotted time. The kit includes a timer that counts down the time. The game trains fine motor skills, develops coordination, spatial memory, dexterity.
  4. Monkey island Is a fun and exciting game that helps your kid develop memory. As you progress through the levels become more difficult, which makes the gameplay even more interesting and intense.
  5. Funny pirates- card table walker. The set contains a set of cards and three cubes. The game is designed for two and four players. A similar game is the Forest Fairies. Both of these toys train attention, reaction speed and children's memory.

For four-year-old children, quite simple but interesting games such as Caterpillars, Fishing Cat, Colorful Elephants, Mikado are also suitable. You can pick up and more complex versions of the games. For the formation of logical thinking - Bunnies, children's poker Yams, Zverokubiki, Law of the Jungle. To develop memory and the ability to concentrate - the Memory, Elk Catch, Mosquito, Superhead Legs, Ocean simulators.

To develop a quick reaction in the kid, you can bring him as a gift a table children's bowling, games - For nuts, Funny monkeys, Long jump. There are also special educational games - Etazhiki Mathematics, Associations Professions, Learning to read a primer, Chest of knowledge, for a younger preschooler they are necessary to prepare for school. For the development of intelligence, attention and memory, a gift can be a set of puzzles, a magnetic board with letters and numbers, Dienesh blocks, mosaics.

Read also:

day regimen of a child at 4 years old

At the same time, parents and guests may have a natural question - how to choose a gift for 4 years? In fact, you can pick up any of these games for a gift for your baby, the main thing is not to make a known mistake - choose the one that they like. You need to proceed from the interests and preferences of the baby.

Presentations for children who are fond of creativity

Developing a child's creativity is very important at any age. If the kid loves to draw, sculpt and create his own small and large masterpieces from improvised materials, then it will be quite simple for adults to decide what to give a child for 4 years:

  • sketchbook, books with stickers;
  • a set of coloring pages, regular and water;
  • drawing board or children's easel;
  • wooden and plaster figures for painting;
  • new pencils, markers;
  • a set of stained glass paints on glass;
  • clay, kinetic sand, dough and wax modeling clay;

At this age, children can already learn a variety of skills using useful creative kits:

  • for soap making, which include tubes with colored soap, molds, decorative items;
  • to create puff candles, bubbling bath bombs;
  • for sewing soft toys;
  • for applications;
  • to create hair ornaments - hairpins, hoops, bracelets;
  • to create plasticine paintings;
  • for painting bas-reliefs.

Buying a musical instrument as a birthday present is a good choice. These activities help children develop creativity, ear for music, memory, rhythm and fine motor skills. At four years old, babies can buy children's analogs of these devices, which are easier to use.

  1. A baby piano complete with a highchair and a microphone, it is suitable for both girls and boys. This is a bright and beautifully designed toy of different colors, which, at the same time, has a lot of functions, including connecting headphones, recording melodies and voices.
  2. An equally interesting surprise will be the electronic guitar, which comes with an amplifier and microphone. Its form is designed for use by a child, so it will be convenient for him.

There are other wonderful children's instruments that can be given to the hero of the day - trumpet, harmonica, drum, pipe. True, some parents prefer to buy real instruments, such as a piano and a violin, for their kids as early as 3-4 years old, so it is better to discuss this issue with them.

What to give a boy for 4 years: video

What gifts to give boys and girls

Differences are already clearly visible in the character, behavior and inclinations of four-year-old children of different sexes. Girls are characterized by femininity, gentleness, discretion, while boys demonstrate masculinity with all their appearance. Their games, in most cases, are also different. Girls love creative activities, play a lot with soft toys and dolls, boys like outdoor games, cycling, football, construction sets. However, the priorities of those and others can be subject to changes quite often, and this should not particularly bother adults - children try themselves in all aspects that interest them.

When the question arises of what to choose for a girl's birthday, it is necessary to take these features into account and have a good idea of ​​what hobbies are of primary value for her. By the way, girls often start speaking earlier than children, their speech is better developed, so they love songs, reading and memorizing poetry. Why not surprise them in the form of a large beautiful book with poems or musical performances of fairy tales recorded on an audio disc. A pink children's organola, xylophone or metallophone are also suitable for a child.

A baby who is not indifferent to creativity can be given an original gift in the form of a book-constructor Magic Castle. This creative kit includes dolls and stickers. The girl will be able to build a beautiful two-story castle with her own hands, and then furnish it with furniture and decorate it with chandeliers. The most interesting thing is that reusable stickers and fairy-tale characters can be changed, and lockers and beds can be rearranged.

Other gifts that always delight the girl:

  • growth sets for role-playing games - Hospital, Supermarket, Kitchen, Cleaning, Laundry, Nanny;
  • children's dressing table with many accessories - large and small mirrors, children's cosmetics, varnish, hairbrushes and toilet water;
  • wrist watch;
  • board games;
  • a stand for elastic bands, beads, children's decorations in the form of a tree, a beautiful box;
  • an elegant dress and a small original handbag to match the color;
  • from sporting goods - children's skis, skates, rollers, sleds Vatrushka.

A gift for a boy, in accordance with his inclinations and needs, can be as follows:

  • Lego;
  • a collapsible road with cars or a railway;
  • artist's suitcase - the set includes art supplies and a sketchbook;
  • 3D puzzles with three-dimensional wooden or cardboard elements for assembling male-themed mosaics;
  • Spyglass;
  • a set of a young Chemist, Magician;
  • board games-puzzles, labyrinths.

A four-year-old active boy can also be given sports gifts - an electric car, a snow scooter, a pedal car, skates, a two-wheeled bicycle with safety wheels. And the boy will also be interested in such toys as a large toy garage, radio-controlled racing cars, figures of robots and dinosaurs, a set of locksmith tools, a model of a spaceship.

If the parents, guests, relatives of the baby do not know what to give the child for 4 years, it would be a good idea to distribute the presents between the donors. Thus, gifts will not be duplicated, and the child will receive many interesting and useful things for his birthday.

What to give a child for 4 years: video