How to celebrate the birthday of kindergarten. Celebration of the child's birthday in kindergarten (photo report)

Birthday is the most joyful event in the child's life. It can be perfectly noted in kindergarten. Moreover, it is possible to spend this holiday and impromptu, without special training. For a gift design, you can make a large bright box where gifts for birthdayniks will be folded.

Under the phonogram of the song Y. Nikolaev "Birthday" Children enter the hall and become in a circle.


Today for small and adults,

For skinny and thick,

Obedient and disobedient

Cheerful and sad

Our most space entertainment

Under the name of the birthday!

Birthday is nice,

It's wonderful and funny!

Birthday Nadd.

Skip, honest people!

The birthday girl goes to the center of the circle.

You guys do not yaw

Together, helping the choir.

Happy Birthday Congratulations!

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Lead. And, of course, we wish ...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Lead. Grow (the name of the birthday) more!

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Be sure to be thickening ...

Children. No no no!

Leading. To be beautiful, kind, cute ...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Lead. And shouting, and fucking ...

Children. No no no!

Lead. Strong to be healthy, bold ...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Neat and skillful ...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. To mommy love ...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Strap often beat ...

Children. No no no!

Lead. Okay! So that candy fed ...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!


Maybe enough congratulations?

In the game we are time to play!

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Now instead of the traditional "punishing" we bake for our birthday an unusual cake. Grasp everything for your hands to get a long chain. Birthday, become the first and start "oven" Our cake!

The game "Cake" is held.

At the signal, the birthday name, standing first in the chain, begins to turn around him, winding the entire chain. When the whole chain rolls, you should stop. If the child is small and he is hard to turn the chain to independently, the leading becomes the first and helps the birthday party "Furnace Cake."

Leading.That's what cake turned out! What is it with us?

Children express various assumptions: with cream, with bananas, with ice cream, with cherries, etc.

But what is missing in the birthday cake? Of course, candles! Raise all hands up. That's how many candles! Oh, what a wonderful cake we turned out - delicious, sweet, with bananas, cream and candles! And now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake and will calmly go away, sit down on the chair.

Children sit down to the seats.

Leading. For a birthday, it is customary to give gifts. So today we prepared for our cute birthday book here is such a gift.

The presenter puts out and puts a small artificial tree at the central wall, on the twigs of which are hanging multicolored candy.

There are many wonders in the world,

But woe all the light -

Such a miracle like us

Overall there is no light.

Look, the defortion,

After all, there is on every branch

In wraps of bright, gold

Candies are swinging!

And in sweets those secret -

Guess or not?

First candy

With a tree removing,

What I will find in a candy,

I do not know yet...

The presenter removes a candy from the tree, carefully turns it and reads a note:

"There is a gift for all wonderful,

He is called friendly song! "

Children perform a song for the choice of musical leader.


Second candy

I take off the tree,

What is in this candy,

We now find out ...

"Without a dance of a cheerful holiday, not a bark,

You we will give our dance as a gift! "

Children perform a dance for choosing a musical leader.


And now another candy

I take off with a thin branch ...

"Waiting for you all now, guys,

Interesting riddles. "

The presenter makes the kids riddles.

Treats birds and animals,

Heals young children.

Through his glasses looks over

Good doctor ... (Aibolit).

The fat man lives on the roof,

He flies all above

Jam loves

And with the baby plays. (Carlson)

On sour cream it grieved,

On the window booze,

Round side, ruddy side,

Rolled down ... (Kolobok).

Grandma girl loved her little

Red hat gave her a hat.

Girl name forgot his

Well, tell me the name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

Father had a boy strange:

Unusual, wooden.

On the ground and under water

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere nose fussing your long.

Who is it? (Buratino)


Ay yes well done guys!

Guess all the riddles!

Another candy

With a tree removing,

In this candy,

Now we will find out ...

"Merry all in the world

Birthday note.

Games we know a lot

And now play them! "

Merry musical games and competitive games are held.


There was a lot of candies here,

In each hidden was a secret.

We sang and danced,

Happy birthday congratulated.

But now on a thin branch

Only one hangs sweetie.

And in the candy that surprise -

The birthday girl is waiting for a prize!

The host introduces a large bright box, in which a gift is hidden for a birthday room.

Laughter, joy and benefits

Gives all our kindergarten.

Be healthy, smart, handsome,

Well, most importantly - happy!

Children go to their group to tea drinking.

For final greetings, you can use wishes in verses on the signs of the zodiac, N. Ivanova verses.

You, baby Aries,

Not always the character of Rovna -

You go naughty,

Slightly stubborn and funny.

Us, sheep, do not bod

Smart Good Grow.

How nicely the calf

Facial expression -

Affectionate and good look

Like small calves.

Our calf is beautiful

Grow and be happy!


Gemini-child is

Good spring sign and summer.

Warm, bright grow,

Like a sun, shy!

Dear baby cancer!

You grow, not knowing the fight!

Bodry, be always, everywhere,

Like a river in river water!

Strong be, friend, with a diaper!

You are on a horoscope - Lion!

Lion on the sun look like

Jaughty and good!

Virgin is famous for the right

Affectionate and good temper.

All mile, kind and more beautiful

All the lucky maidy is our!

Our Baby Scales

Amazing beauty!

As scales, always be accurate,

Fair and honest very!

As scales, you be accurate,

Fair and honest!


Scorpio you, but not terrible

Cute, nice and home.

Grow, our scorpiesta,

Good, smart and good!

You are our little Sagittarius,

Well done and delets!

You grow happy, babe,

Get in the "top ten" metro!

You are our native crumb,

Our favorite oscillation!

Do not even bother

Good, mild be always!

Dear our Aquarius!

Tears you're growing up!

Be beautiful as the rain,

Like transparent Rosink!

Cute, native fish!

I am always glad to smile!

Be happy and skillful

And swimming boldly in life!

Baby birthdays are fun, noise and bright emotions. The organization of the holiday for a child in kindergarten allows you to spend a rich and memorable celebration, to give joy and impressions not only to the trainee, but also to all participants of the event.

If the birthday of the baby falls on a working day, then there is no need to refuse to celebrate. This is a great reason to abandon domestic gatherings and spend time unusually and interesting. Parents should think about how to celebrate the birthday of a child in kindergarten, in a familiar team of friends and buddies.

Marking a noisy event at home - not the most successful idea. Invite babies to the park, a game center or a children's room may be overhead and not always a convenient solution for parents and guests. But the holding of a holiday in the conditions of the kindergarten group simultaneously solves several tasks:

  • there is no need to look for a place where to celebrate others, since there are excellent conditions for games and entertainment;
  • children are in a familiar setting, they are organized and do not have discomfort;
  • the birthday of a child in kindergarten will not break the plans of other parents who will simply lead their children in the kindergarten and take them in normal time;
  • a birthday baby will be surrounded by the attention of friends, which is especially important and significantly for children is 5-6 years old.

Obviously, the idea to arrange a children's holiday in the garden is an interesting and attractive idea. The main thing is to competently approach the question and well think over all the nuances of the event. The holiday in kindergarten can be made much better than home.

Decision is made. How to organize a holiday for children in kindergarten

If you have a desire to organize a child's birthday in kindergarten, then first of all you need to turn to the educator. If the plans to carry out a noisy event with the invitation of animators, will require another permission from the administration. In any case, before moving towards the practical side of the holiday, all ideas should be coordinated with the educator. The teacher will help in organizational issues, support advice and recommendations, which is especially relevant in the case when parents of the birthday party will fully engage in the holding of a children's celebration.

Choosing a gift "From the kindergarten" child in his birthday

Planning an event and discussing his holding with the educator, it should be necessary to dwell on the question of a gift. A gift from the group is a tradition adopted in many kindergartens. Each group can solve this question in its own way:

  1. Purchase of presents is conducted centrally, money on their acquisition is allocated from parental contributions. In order not to provoke disputes and disagreements among the defers, the same gifts are bought for all children, the differences are possible in choosing surprises for boys and girls.
  2. Parents themselves are engaged in buying a gift by a gift, but at the same time the price limit is set, above which it is not recommended to acquire a thing.
  3. Sometimes caregivers introduce their own traditions of birthday greetings. Initiate the manufacture of crafts, collages or posters - the type of creativity depends on the age of children.

In order for the holiday to remember all the kid and impressed not only the perpetrator of the celebration, you should take care of souvenirs for all participants in the event. Small baubles will delight the Datvora no less than even dear toys.

Birthday child in kindergarten: festive table

Holiday without treat is not a holiday. But the holding of an event in the children's institution requires a responsible approach and accuracy to their preparation. The main goal is to prevent the health problems of pupils. Choosing a delicacy, one should give preference to confectionery without cream, stuffs, bright dyes and flavors. Cakes, cakes, rolls, creams, jelly, "colored" carbonated drinks, chocolate candies - all this is not the best choice for children's feasts. The use of such treats may end the disorder of digestion or allergies.

  • Cupcakes;
  • Cookies;
  • Biscuits;
  • Natural juices / compote;
  • Fruits (bananas, apples, pears).

Alternative to the birthday cake successfully will be a big loaf (without cream) with a jam and raisins, which can also be decorate with candles or fireworks.

Entertainment and games for the birthday of a child in kindergarten

For the development of a program for children, a birthday mother in the company with initiative girlfriends or relatives can take. An easier option is invited artists. The choice must be made on the basis of financial capabilities, as well as the politicians of the kindergarten itself.

The entertainment plan for the child's birthday in kindergarten should be drawn up with the age of children. The kids of three to five years with difficulty hold attention, they are more difficult to organize and engage in competitions. For them interesting will be round dances, rolling games, dancing. Particularly impressionable children can be afraid of bright costumes, makeup, loud musicThis must be taken into account when preparing the program.

Children in the preparatory and older group are easier to come to contact, actively participate in relay and creative contests, support games and quizzes. Composing the plan of the event, it is important to take care of the moderation in the game and entertainment, so as not to transport the psyche of the shoes.

A competent approach, a clear plan and consistency of actions are able to turn the children's birthday to a real holiday, which will remain for a long time in the child's memory as a joyful and pleasant event.

Comment Article "How to organize a child's birthday in kindergarten"

Tell me, pliz, where you can celebrate a children's birthday (girl 7 years old, grade 1) in the area of \u200b\u200bnew Cheryomushki? Man 5-6 (10 maximum), it is desirable so that it would not be comparable to a journey into space at cost ....


In TK Cheryomushki there is a children's center, the fairy tale seems to be called there on DR - animators are not bad, the labyrinth is a restaurant.
On AK. Vlasova has a cafe Kitchen on Your Way [link-1], there are culinary workshops, but it is not suited at all.
More on AK. Pilyugin is a children's club clubboard, you can also celebrate there too. You can note in the Darwinian Museum, we celebrated the 9th anniversary there, I liked it very much .. For the girl, I would choose Kitchen.

In the panorama is not quite fiscal, but still ... did there 4 and 5 years. In Cheryomushki there is a children's cafe, but there is more expensive

Children's psychologists believe that time orientation for children is one of the most important, responsible issues. We are talking about the formation of initial mathematical actions in the kid. In our garden, it is customary to give every child for a birthday gift, like ...


Well, now it's hard to advise something to advise on gifts, because all different amounts for gifts are laid, we collect money at the beginning of the year and at the beginning of the year we try to buy all gifts for a year immediately and cheaper from the volume and with the presence of more the probability that everything will be, gifts have been buys gifts in the same online store, they almost always have everything, and if not, they are quickly brought, well, they send quickly, the store is called kindergarten gifts can someone

for the whole year. Pointers are very symbolichek - all there are baccugs, Zublas, books within 100 rubles

Tell me, please, the situation is this: celebrating my son's birthday in the Children's Center, there will be animators. There is a room where you can 2. and about adults: if you came from the city near Moscow or another end of Moscow for a birthday and saw a pizza on the table ...


At this age, with a bang went: pizza, Potatoes Friend, children's kebab from a chicken, a lot of liquid. It was almost not triggered to fruit (but it depends on children), the cake - only the candles blew and everything, I had to drag it entirely !!! On pizza and the kebab did still dozakaz, but children's boothes remained practically intact. The menu was at the signing of the contract.
Parents ordered themselves. Started the celebration at 11 am, and finished at 8 pm (although they planned at 3 days).

If there are a lot of games, then it is necessary that I could run up, quickly intercept drink - eat and run on.

And necessarily a cake!

Kindergarten. Kindergartens and pre-school education. Yesterday was a meeting, head. Children. The garden suggested not to give children on the birthdays of gifts, motivating this by the fact that our children do not surprise anything. The parents agreed, half silent, one I ...


I found a cool way about gifts. I do not buy a sweet enemy, I do not buy someone else's sweets. Therefore, always when I go to visit where there is a child, I go to Galamart, there are many very cheap toys for children. I like about Tom that there are a lot of useful developing toys. And puzzles or smells, plasticine. And one more time I bought a girl for 5 years such a thing, there was drawn the princess and she needed all sorts of beads and glistening on the dress. They went to the set. Girls were singing from delight and the whole compash was occupied by a needlework. So the next day, all mothers had to go and buy such princesses to their daughters.

It seems to me very useful to give the ball-transformer ball Flat Ball for the Nature Games. During the flight, it turns into a plate. (Look at the example [link-1]). Also, BEARSFRIEND monkeys are suitable for girls and boys, they are interactive and cool [link-2] hmmm what else? And I also really like the glowing constructor [link-3], it also fits all kids. All toys around 300-600 rubles. Well, in the children's world still go. There is full of all) write what idea you liked))

We celebrated the birthday of the very first in the class. Everyone really liked everything, and some kids said that they would invite him to their own and organize the birthday of crumbs in kindergarten. This kind of holidays is now becoming more and more popular. This is understandable.


we just celebrated daughters dr. Together with it made a list. She dictated me who would be invited to me. And first called the last name of the child, and then it would be said or not. On my question, why does not invite Sasha-Lena-Masha. The answers were about such: few friends, offend girls, hooligan, swears with a mat (!), I do not know how to behave badly, learns poorly. But this is the second class of English gymnasium.

In childhood, everything is perceived completely differently - and the trees are big, and friends forever, and the birthday is the best holiday. It is a pity that it is necessary to wait so long! Therefore, a child is waiting for every birthday miracle and magic. Parents completely under the power of doing this miracle and make a birthday unforgettable, especially if the celebration is organized not only at home, but also in kindergarten: the baby will experience himself a real hero of the day, and the joy will share all the guys from the group.


Start preparing for the celebration of the birthday in kindergarten you need in advance, at least 2-3 weeks before the "day x", then you can provide all the little things and you will not be upset because you did not have time to do something or buy. It is best to make a plan and act according to its items:

  1. To talk to the educators, find out how to celebrate birthdays in the group, which treats can be brought, is it possible to invite animators. If you entertain children yourself, it is necessary to enlist the support of the staff of the group, as well as contact the music director of the kindergarten - for a small remuneration he will be happy to help you and participate in the holiday.
  2. Prepare a birthday scenario and buy everything you need to decorate a group, holding games and contests or to find animators in advance and book their performance on the right day.
  3. Buy surprises and gifts.
  4. Buy treats, disposable dishes, garbage bags to remove.


For a birthday in kindergarten, prepare the child a special, festive outfit, make a girl. You need to decorate and group - so that it has been clear from the threshold that the day is special today.

You can come early or ask for educators so that they make the decorations on the eve of the holiday. Nothing supernatural will not need: the joyful mood will create flags, balloons and colorful stretching "Happy Birthday!". In addition, you can hang a photo of a child in the "Corner of the Birthday" (if it is not in the group, do it yourself - in a sheet of cardboard, decorated with drawings or stickers, ride "corners" for a photo) or bring a wallpaper, created at home with the baby.

The actual birthday celebration is usually organized after breakfast (convenient if you immediately take a child) or after day sleep (if the baby stays for the whole day).

Distribute to all the guys the attributes of the celebration - caps, dulls, serpentine. Of course, fun is impossible without a fun presentation, games and competitions. Perhaps 2 options:

  1. Entertain children independently or with the help of kindergarten workers - educators, Muzbobnik. Remember the games of your childhood, look for scripts on the Internet, prepare a lot of small prizes so that no one left without awards, encourage your fantasy and a great mood and generously share all this with the guys. Competitions should be interesting and accurate for most children, you must alternate moving and noisy games (dancing, dances, sports) with more calm (riddles, patterings, drawing).
  2. Invite professionals if it is withstanding your budget and is allowed by the Rules of the kindergarten. Be sure to explore the reviews about the work of the animators, see the video of the speeches. It is not necessary to invite one person - he simply will not be able to keep the attention of a noisy group of kids, and the team is minimum of two three. Please note that crumbs from a nursery or a younger group can be frightened by the impressive size of growth dolls, a loud voice or a bright makeup of clowns, but a fabulous fairy or a mini-performance of the puppet theater will appeal to them. Older children will appreciate the show of soap bubbles and any interactive fun.

Even if in the group it is customary to celebrate "Birthday Days" once a month or season (winter, spring, autumn and summer), you can still make your baby's birthday in kindergarten's bright and memorable, using the "Show Program" in mini -Variate - a few balls, a couple of competitions and a small treat.

Sweet table

All items of the festive menu must necessarily coordinate with the educator - in some kindergartens it is fully forbidden to bring a treat, in others there is a strictly limited list of allowed products. An agreement can be an arrangement with kitchen workers - you pay a certain amount and bring products, and the chefs of a kindergarten bake a festive loaf and boil compote or kissel.

Allergenic products, carbonated drinks, cakes and cakes with oil cream and cream are strictly prohibited in the gardens. Bringing to the sweet table most often you can:

  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas);
  • shortbread;
  • baking without cream, better home;
  • caramel, marshmallow, marmalade;
  • juices (more convenient in small bags with a tube).

And do not forget about bright disposable plates, spoons, cups and napkins, as well as mandatory cleaning of the consequences of the celebration. Educators at the table with children do not sit down, so they can be presented separately to the tea box of candies or a small cake, but only at your request.

Gifts and surprises

Gifts should be a lot. Take care to make every child with a small souvenir: stickers, calendar, icon, magnetic, honestly "mined" in the competition. Awards can hand the birthday man - after all he is the hero of this day! Let the children take home and caps, shoes and balloons - as a reminder of fun and joy.

Special article - a gift to the perpetrator of the celebration. Usually in kindergartens use such options:

  1. The same gift for all children (or "boy" and "girls"), bought by representatives of the parent committee for funds from the "Gift Fund", which is presenting an educator during the holiday.
  2. The gift acquires parents within the agreed amount, gives an educator or a leading program.
  3. A birthday present creates one-laugherfronts right during the holiday - it can be appliques, coloring, simple crafts, a funny newspaper with prints of palms. The solemn presentation of such a surprise can be accompanied by reading poems or a song. Such unusual congratulations and general attention will surely like the birthday man.

And some more important points: take a camera or a video camera so that the memory of the celebration is preserved for a long time. The role of the operator can take on dad or someone from your friends. After printing, take some group photos to kindergarten, then other parents will be able to see the joy of their babies and, perhaps, take note of some of your ideas.

As you can see, the organization and holding of a birthday party in the kindergarten is troublesome, but these are pleasant things, and the happy love of the birthday name will certainly become a better reward.

Svetlana Shzyazhkina specifically for
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I saw the best example of my parents the other day. The dad of a four-year-old girl warned in advance that the girl had a birthday and asked her to congratulate her along with the children, he himself brought a gift for her (books in the box) and prepared surprises for children: in the same gift bags for everyone (and for birthdays too) chalk, chocolate Eggs, candy on chopsticks and something else (I did not look). Mom with dad volunteered and playing with children. The teacher also gave a book and all over the balloon. Children at this age are still at the same time want to be in the center of attention along with a birthday party, so we arranged with the day of the birthday of the girl the day of the fourth, because they are already almost 4 years old. They played, believed, painted, taught (repeated) rhymes about 4. Made a general gift - appeal with fourth and flowers in a vase. We studied to talk compliments and express good wishes. And the occupation did not disappear, and everyone had fun, and congratulated the child.

Wallgazets and posters for birthday
Sample Birthday Congratulations Plan (Birthday). Here congratulations Girls Lisa 4 years old.http: //
Birthday view:

One, two, three, four, five!
Who will be congratulated?
Whose dreams fulfill?
For whom are flowers?
Who will be proud today?
Will there be a big cake?
Candles will poison?
And open gifts?
For whom this verse?
And in the eyes of fun - whose?
Who is ahead today?
Birthday, come out!

Mom (teacher):
How much (Lisa) today?


Mom (teacher):
We are 4 times to fuel! Veleering!
We are 4 times in clate! Girlfriend!
Well, Lisa, turn!
Well, Lisa, worship!
And once again we will tinker!
And again in your hands.

Mom congratulations (teacher):
My girl is four.
What can she wish?
So that the dolls do not shalie
So that the boys did not tease
To grow old enough,
And happily was!

Guys, give gifts so nice, help and you finish me this beautiful newspaper.

Task "Give a Gift".
Making a collective gift or poster.
Game "Groceries".
You help each other
Answer questions
Only "yes" and only "no"
Give me a friend:
If "no" you say
Then knock on the legs,
If you say "yes",
Chlock's hands then.
An old grandfather goes to the garden.
Is it true, children? ... ("No!" - Children knock on legs)
His granddaughter drives there?
Answer friendly ... ("Yes!" - clap your hands)
Birthday - Merry day? ... (Yes)
Are you waiting for you and jokes? ...(Yes)
Are you alright with humor? ...(Yes)
Now we do charging? ...(Not)
Birthday congratulations? ... (Yes)
Or send to grandmother? ... (Not)
Give her a chocolate unit? ... (Yes)
Kiss sweet-sweet? ... (Yes)
Happy Birthday Congratulations!
And, of course, wish:
Grow lizant more ... (yes)
Be sure to be thorough! ... (Not)
Be a healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes)
And shrieking, and fucking ... (no)
So that parents love! ... (Yes)
The strap so that they beat more often! ... (Not)
So that ice cream fed! ... (Yes)
Maybe enough congratulations?
Is it time to play games? ... (Yes)

In this game, you must keep the kids all the time in a tone, do not let them get bored, change the intonation, wait for those who are lagging behind, encourage.

The game "walked a king in the forest."
Children take hands and form a circle. In the center of the circle - "King" (boy), in his hands he holds the "crown". All water dance and sing:
Walked king in the forest, in the forest, in the forest,
I found myself a princess, princess, princess.
("King" chooses a "princess" and puts on her head "Crown")
Let's jump with you, we jump, we jump,
(All bounce)
Undermine the legs, undercut, underminate,
(tighten with legs)
Handles praise, praise, praise,
(clap your hands)
Flood with legs, sweep, sweep,
(put on legs)
Head we sing
(swing heads)
First begin!
(The girl returns to his place).
There was a king in the forest, ...
("King" chooses a new "princess").

Game "Ball".
The presenter throws up a balloon. While he flies, you can move, touched the floor - everything should be frozen and not smile. Who did not fulfill, dropping out of the game.

Game "Sign".
The presenter announces the topic, for example, "Mom and Kid". Adult calls an animal, a child - baby. At the same time, we crossed the air ball from hand to hand.

Game "Merry Martyrs."
(the game of children really liked, repeated five times)
Lead says words:
"We are cheerful monkeys,
We play loud too.
We are in your hands slack
We are kicking
Inflation cheeks
Skump on socks,
And each other even
Tags show.
Together jump to the ceiling,
Finger will bring to the temple.
Outstand the ears
Pickle on the top of the top.
Wider mouth open,
Grimasi will be concrete.
How I say figure 3,
All with grimes of Zamri! "

In a large box, "Caparaway" is entered - a gift.

Very often, parents are suitable for the musical leader and ask for a child's birthday in the circle of kindergarten. Therefore, I developed a standard script plan that is suitable for groups of all ages. Currents can vary according to age-related features. For consideration, material entertainment is provided on the theme of the child's birthday in kindergarten. The script includes games, songs, contests, as well as the photo of the birthday name for a visual example.



"The birthday of a child in kindergarten"

For fun music, children enter the hall.

Veda: Guys, we gathered today in this wonderful hall of no accident, because ...
Today! For small and adults,
Slim and thick,
Obedient and disobedient
Cheerful and sad
Our coolest,
The most space
Representation, under the name ...

Children: Birthday!

Veda: And I invited us all today on your birthday the birth of Supitidze Artem. And today it turns 5 years! Let's greet it! (Vedas. Invites Artem to the center of the hall, draws attention to what he is elegant, etc.).And you know guys, that the days of births are made all sorts of chasing, congratulations, sculptures and players ... And today, Artem, we will congratulate you only, because you have the most notice today. Your birthday holiday.

Veda: And congratulations from us will be not ordinary. Now I will read the wishes of Artem, and you will help me. Answer yes-yes-yes, on those wishes that you like, and no no, no, which, well, will not want to want to wish Arteom .. Only you need to scream loudly. And at the end you need to smoke together happy birthday! Agreed? Ready?


Happy Birthday Congratulations!

Children: Yes, yes!

And, of course, we wish!

Children: Yes, yes yes

Grow artemke more.

Children: Yes, yes!

Be sure to become thorough!

Children: No, no, no!

Be beautiful, kind, nice!

Children: Yes, yes!

And screaming, and fucking.

Children: No, no, no!

To mommy love!

Children: Yes, yes!

Strap so that beat more often.

Children: No, no, no!

OK OK. So that chupped chups feed!

Children: Yes, yes!
Veda: And all together happy birthday!

(All this time, the birthday room is in the center of the hall).

Veda: ( praw children). Guys, Well, what day is the birthday without a festive cake, right? Here we are now and bake it. And will help us guess, who? (Inexication to the song Crocodile Genes), genes and Cheburashka come to the hall. They specially came to you today, Artem to congratulate you on your birthday!

Gena: Cheburashka: Hello guys. (Hello with a birthday room, make it complements).
Veda: Dear gene and Cheburashka, help us bake a cake for the namemanship.
H.: With joy. Better, get up soon in the circle!

Game "Cake"

All children are taken by arms and lined up in one long chain. Ahead of all gene, behind Cheburashka. On the team, children begin the "Cake oven": the gene turns around him, winding the entire chain. Cheburashka is spinning until a big "cake" is turned out. Condition - hands do not exercise. As soon as the whole chain turns around Cheburashka, you should stop.

Cheburashka: So the cake turned out!(asks children)And what is your cake today?

Responses of children: With pineapple, with jam, with cream, with berries and bananas ...

Gena: And what is missing in the birthday cake? Of course, candles. Raised all the hands up. That's how many candles! And now everyone let him take himself on a piece of our delicious cake.

Children scatter in different directions.

Veda: Here is what our cake turned out: delicious, sweet, with pineapples, ice cream, jam and candles!

So far Speaks with children Cheburashka is trying to call the gene, but he does not hear him.

Cheburashka: Gena! How much can you call? Do you have bananas in your ears?

Gena: Bananas? Where are bananas? Who has bananas?(searches for children in hands, under chairs)

Cheburashka pulls the Bouta Banana.

Cheburashka: And here he! Guys, rather get up in a circle. We will play the game Changing Banana!

Game "Dogon Banana"

Children get up in a circle. Cheburashka las in a banana in a circle. The gene is trying to catch up with a banana. You can sick, move, let the banana in the opposite direction. At the end of the game, the banana turns out to be at the genes in his hands.

Gena: U-'! This is not a real banana. I do not play like that.

Cheburashka: Do not worry, board. We have both real bananas. It's time for our guys to eat. And at the same time we check, the friendly guys gathered here.

Game "Who will eat the banana faster?"

Veda Kids for 2 teams. Teams are built in 2 ranks. Each team gets on a banana. On the team you need to bite the banana and transfer the following. Whose team will eat the banana all the fastest, she won. Condition: Banana should be enough for everyone. Vedas Pravit children.

Cheburashka: And I still know the game about kids. Let's play?

Veda: Guys, you probably remember with what babe you were before and moms all the time peelled you. And so I wanted to shake and you broke out of the diaper all the time. Remember? Here we now play the game ...

Game "Baby Dissolux"

The presenter causes three teams of 2 people. One player from the team is given a roll of toilet paper. At the signal, players begin to wrap their comrade. The task of the other child stand younger. He wins the one who fastened the fellow comrade. Choirs help the gene and Chebor.

Veda: Well, how, conveniently you in diapers? Oh, no? Then my team quickly melts.

At the command of the infants tear "diaper", freeing from them. The baby won the baby who fastened from the diaper.

Veda: And now who will quickly collect trash?!

As a rule, children are glad to clean the scraps of papers, quickly cleaning the playground for the following games.
After gathered garbage, put the children.

Gena: Cheburashka, as we have fun! Come on to play!

Cheburashka: Who to play with? Look. The guys tongues stick to the nebu.

Gena: Truth? Horrible! Urgently need charging for the tongues!

Now we will make riddles, and you quickly guess them.


Cheburashka: On the lakes, in the swamp
Of course you will find them
Grees, laughter,
Puratelase ...

Children: Frogs!

Gena: In heaven is easy to float
Figure ... (Show if not guess).

Children: airplane.

Cheburashka: I come with gifts, shook the lights bright.
Elegant, funny, for the new year I am main. (Christmas tree).

Gena: If it was not, I would not say anything (language).

Cheburashka: Look, the gene, the tongues of the guys got off! So it's time to sing. What are they singing at the bottom of birth?

Children: That's right, "let them run awkward"!

Departments of children in a circle. Gena and Cheb. Can take a birthday center, dance with him. On loss children dance arbitrarily.

Song in honor of the birthday boy "Let run awkward".

Veda: Guys, well, what about the holiday without punishing? Rather in the circle!

Veda: Guys, and who is the biggest trees, raise your hand?
Probably none of you love to be a chinese, however, guys? But today we have a fun holiday - a birth, and at the birthday day everything is allowed. So let us now lose a little with you? Agree? Then I declare a contest for the best zada. And our guests will help me in this.


(To make a game in another room more inflated balloons. Two participants are selected. The team should be collected and kept as much as possible balls for the definition. Who has more balls, he won. You can play several times. The last time he plays a gene with a birthday party.)

Cheburashka: Look at yourself, gene. Are not you ashamed? I took all the balls in children. Just a real greedy.

Gena: Oh, and the truth is somehow shame. But now I am now distributing all the guys on the ball, and we will arrange a real salute in honor of the birthday room. (Takes the balls).

Air balloon salute

On the team, children throw balls up and scream: "Hurray!"

Gena: See, Cheburashka, how cool everything turned out.

Cheburashka: I see. I like it too. And now, since you are now not the Gena Gena, carry our gift to the birthday man.

Gena: So be. For such friendly guys and such a wonderful birthday, nothing sorry for me. Only here our gift was very heavy. So let's go now all together in the group and congratulate our birthday boy. (Children go to the group, poke candles, make a desire, once again congratulate the birthday party).