How to wean a dog to write at home: tips and methods of struggle. How to wean a dog to write at home: from a puppy to an adult dog. Reveal the reasons for incorrect behavior

When a dog appears in the house, or rather a puppy, then certain host habits are changed. So, at first, the baby needs to pay a lot of attention. At the same time, not only the games are understood under attention, but training and education. The sooner you begin to instill good manners, the less negative surprises you expect in the future.

One such surprises can be a habit of writing or shivering where it fell. The first mistake that the novice dog breeding allows is punishment. Instead of applying strength or scream, it is better to read the advice of professional film engines that will help you understand how to wean a dog to write at home.

The root cause of the problem

Before weaning the dog to shit at home, including writing to the sofa or in bed, you need to deal with the reasons for such destructive behavior of the puppy. Otherwise, learning the dog is impossible.

In the first days of staying a puppy in the apartment, he needs to highlight the place where he can write and shive. After all, the puppy walking, which has not yet passed the full vaccination complex is impossible. Therefore, your favorite can cope with the need of the house, but in a clearly definite place. Better if the newspaper, a diaper or a special toilet be in this place. Make sure that the puppy does not have difficulties with overcoming barriers (toilet walls may be too high for the baby). Therefore, it is better if there is a special diaper on the spot where he can write and shifted.

If the vaccination process is over, and the puppy can be removed to the street, then it follows from the first days to teach it to cope not in the apartment, but on the street and in a certain area, and not where it fell.

And here the owner has a number of issues, for example:

  • how to wean a dog to write at home?
  • what are the reasons for the animal can shift in the apartment?
  • how to teach a pet to cope need on the street?
  • is it possible to punish a puppy if he spoiled a sofa or a bed?
  • how to punish a puppy?
  • what should I do if the dog does the need for the wheels of the car or lawn? etc.

Despite the fact that there are many questions, for each of them there is an answer, and the effectiveness of recommendations How to wean a dog to shift at home is checked in practice and is used by experienced dogs. Following the advice, you can teach the PSA to protect the need on a certain area, and not where it fell.

Ignorance - as a reason

The first reason why your pet will cope in the apartment is the reason for ignorance. The baby simply does not know what to write to the sofa can not be shifted in the apartment in the wrong place. In addition, he does not understand where you can cope with the need for him until it is explained by the owner. And you need to explain on a tongue-friendly language. Having a puppy to the corner where it can cope with the need, you need to control the kid wrote in the same place. To do this, you can use special funds that are available in pet stores.

After the baby began to go out into the street, do not expect him to immediately understand what is required of it. At first, he can view the street as a place for games, and to write and crawl is still where it fell, including in the apartment. At the same time, it will depends on the owner and its perseverance, it will shift in the wrong place or clearly on a diaper or a newspaper. By the way, under the wrong place they understand not only the carpet in the apartment, but also the lawn, the wheels of the car, etc. Also, the dog should not cope with the need at the aviary or in the entrance.

The puppy urine system is still weak, so it's not always to withstand until the next walk. So do not be surprised if it will write between walks on the carpet in the apartment. At the same time, if the dog has no definite corner, then it will write it. If from the first days to teach it to cope in a certain place, then with further training hygiene there should be no problems.

Lack of attention - as a reason

Lack of attention can also be the reason why the baby will write and shift in the wrong place. So if you walked a puppy or an adult dog in the morning and left alone for the whole day, then do not be surprised that by returning you will set a spoiled sofa or a leaned bed. This is the most real protest.

The decision of the PSA to shift in the wrong place is nothing more than a desire to show that he does not want to stay alone. In this case, the question of how to wean a dog to write on the sofa or on the carpet in the house or apartment will help to answer the technique that is used to wean a puppy nibble things in the house. So, the dog should be accustomed to their care, but so that she understands, they did not throw it, and the owner will return to her. After the dog understands that he was not thrown, he would stop shrouded on the carpet or write to bed.

Disease - as a reason

If the animal has helped the street until a certain moment, and recently it began to shift and write in the wrong place, then the dog fell ill. Recently, pets are increasingly translated on dry food, which, although useful, can provoke the development of urinary system diseases. Due to problems with the blade system, the dog can start writing in the wrong place due to incontinence. If you notice that the dog suddenly began to write where it fell, then you should contact the veterinarian and conduct a survey.

Similar problems cause inflammation, which the animal could catch on a walk (Pet was moving or bought in a dirty reservoir). In the presence of infection and inflammation, the animal will be difficult to protect the need on the street and as a result, the dog can start writing in the apartment, and where he fell, and not on the newspaper.

And finally, if the dog pisses where he fell into the apartment, and even shit, then most likely this is a manifestation of the host of the host or the result of the suffering stress. You can not ignore such symptoms and you need to either contact the veterinarian, or change the way to interact with the pet. But to punish, applying physical force, it is impossible in a coma case, as it will only aggravate the situation.

Gold Rules of Education

These rules are verified in practice and make it possible to understand how to wean a dog to write in an apartment or in another wrong place. Moreover, it is possible to use these recommendations in order to teach the puppy to protect the need on a certain area, and to wean an adult dog to shit at home.

The rule is the first - no physical punishment and no scream. If you caught your pet for a dirty business in the wrong place - do not shout on a puppy or an adult dog. So an animal will understand that it is impossible to shift and write in your presence and will hide. But at the same time will continue to shine in an apartment or house. Also no need to poke a puppy in a puddle or a bunch. It may be so scare from the animal that it will start from fear there are its own excrement.

Better to show tact and patience. And most importantly, be consistent. That is, it is necessary to remove the dog at the same time every day. Regularity of walking is the key to successful learning. So the dog will understand that it is required of it and will attack his instincts. If you bring the dog to the street when it turns out, it is unlikely that she will understand what to shove and write it is on the street, and not in the entrance or apartment. Do not forget about the praise and encouragement that a pet should be received for a trip to the toilet in the right place. To do this, it is enough to tell the PSU "Well done" and to bestow it with a snack.

The rule is the second - watch the pet. Before the baby decides to pee on the carpet or on the floor he will whistle, spin, look for the "fifth corner". That is, you have time to attribute it to the newspaper or take it on the street. If you do it regularly, you will learn the baby to write in the wrong place. Well, to secure the result, make sure that the dog wakes up to fulfill your hygiene needs and install it at this time. Take the dog to the street at the same time every day, and the walkout mode and hikes to the toilet will be set very quickly. After that, your pet is hardly wanting to shine in the wrong place.

Third rule - use help. You can buy special disconnecting agents that are distinguished by a sharp smell. If you treat the sofa or bed, carpet or even the wheel of the car, then you can wean a puppy and an adult dog to protect the need in this place. If there is no such special means at hand, you can use vinegar. If you wash with acetic solution in the place where the animal has a habit of shifting, you can wean it from it.

By the same principle, you can wean a dog to write on the wheels of the car or shy on the lawn. By the way, the adult dog is learned from the habit of writing in the entrance or shifting in the aviary using the "FU" or "it is impossible". Although, as practice in the aviary, the dog does not shit, as it perceives it as a lair. True, in order for the animal to handle the need not in the aviary, but on a certain site, it needs to be regularly taken to walk. Otherwise, the owner will have to regularly clean the aviary, so that its pet content is comfortable and safe.

In addition to the fact that the owner of the puppy needs to be patient, he still would not hurt to familiarize himself with the peculiarities of the breed. After all, oddly enough, but learning an animal depends on such a factor as a breed, including.

Therefore, before weaning the PSA to protect the need for a house (both a puppy and an adult individual), you need to be patient, study the peculiarities of the breed and get acquainted with the recommendations of experienced dog breeders.

But, as practice shows, wean the Psa shifts in the wrong place, including in the entrance or on the lawn, is not difficult. The main thing is to find the right approach and remember the principle of regularity and sequence.

If you have a problem that the animal copes his need for an apartment, of course, you need to decide. And where to start depends, first of all, from age to write at home, if she is still a puppy? This is one of the main points in the upbringing of the baby. There are, of course, small decorative breeds of dogs, which the owners teach go to the toilet in a cat tray. However, the overwhelming majority of dogs are still displayed for this purpose to the street. It is quite another thing if your pet is an adult, and you didn't even suspect that ever you need to know how to wean because it began to start unexpectedly and being already successfully accustomed to the walk. Consider more each of these options.

You have a puppy at home

In this case, problems in general, and no. All kids initially use any surface as a toilet that will like them. First, they do not understand how can be different, secondly, still physically do not know how to hold back. In order to protect your apartment from the total "recording" and "quenching", it is desirable to highlight a small space (aviary, room) with a floor coating, convenient for cleaning. Now let's talk about how to wean a dog to write at home. By the way, it will also relate to the learning to commit "big works" on the street. The most important principle is to try not to punish the dog for "bad" behavior, but diligently praise for "good." The first time, while the puppy does not have vaccinations and it is impossible for him to the street, they teach him to go to the toilet in a certain place of the apartment. Using newspapers, special try more often to bring a puppy there when he woken, just woken up, you just saw that he began to sniff the floor or spin on the spot. Praise for "correct" malfunction. To beat or shout on the dog if she did it wrong, it is impossible. The dog can not not go to the toilet, and he will not understand what you want from him. But the owner he will definitely begin to be afraid and avoid. If you see that the puppy is trying to pee, throw the keys to the floor, hit your hands, it will distract, then grab the hands and run to the diaper or newspaper, or outside, if you can already. In the hands of the dog will hold back to the leash as much as possible, will lead on a leash - leave a "gift" for neighbors in the entrance.

How to wean a dog to write at home if she is already adult

In order to cope with the problem coming from such a pet, you will need to work hard. This will require large reserves of patience and constancy, as well, and any qualified film science, which is before applying any measures towards the animal, you need to identify the reason why it started to behave. What can they be? First of all, think if the animal is great. The diseases of the urogenital system are characterized by frequent urges to urination, the dog simply cannot "touch" until the ridiculous time of walking. If the animal has no feeding and walking mode, there may also be a problem. The pet's body adapts to regular meals and walks. The owner can lose the credibility of the dog, then she can show aggression or write at home.

An animal may be boring if it is a service or hunting and anything is busy, he needs more attention, so it is simple way it simply attracts it to himself. It is clear that if there is no mode, it needs to be established, infections - cure, load an animal with work or more attention to it. But what about the authority? Is close to this next problem: how to wean a dog to mark at home, if you understand that it is jealous of another animal, child or your spouse / spouse? Both of them are related to the hierarchy of the pack. First of all, do not indulge the dog, tell her her place in the flock and in the apartment, explain that it is the last and it should obey all family members. You should not beat her, scold, too, a good stop factor will be the prohibiting team "Fu!", When she just sat down to make a "case". Immediately need to withdraw a pet to the street.

There are moments that strongly darken the joy of communicating with the pet. The dog does not understand that it is impossible to crawl in the house, therefore it is necessary to gain patience, go to the goal and gradually, walking the dog, teach it to cope with the need out of the house. About how to teach a dog to chioplost, as well as about the reasons that pets are forced to shift at home and will be told here.

Why the dog shits, the reasons may be set.

Little puppy who recently appeared in the apartment does not know about the rules of cleanness. On the street, he is still early to walk, as he is in quarantine mode on vaccinations, so he is familiar to cope at home. When a quarantine and a puppy passes, it will be possible to walk away, during the walk he will look for contact with his relatives, discover the new one and will not cope! Nobody explained to him, for which the puppy walks on the street and not until the help of his needs will be. Running out on the street, the puppy will gladly guide the need at home. With very great pleasure, because on the street he won't want to spend time at this time and will endure how much it can.

When the puppy comes to a puppy that it is necessary to make it necessary to do during the walk, then in this case there will be no guarantee that the puppy is not emptied at home. The reason for this is not a fairly developed urine system in a puppy and he simply may not wait for another walk.

If you get rudely with a dog, show her that there is no desire to bring it to the street, she will understand it and makes "things" at home, without trying to do it on the street. Dogs require attention. If they do not get it, they can start protesting. The protest will be simple: the dog will set the goal to make a puddle at home, so it will be in the street to be what "protest" in the apartment.

It happens that the dog has already matured, "cooled", accustomed to do business on the street, but for some reason began to shift at home.

A dog can write if you feed it only dry food.

There may be several reasons for such behavior:

  • the probability of illness - the dog should be taken to a survey in a veterinary clinic;
  • abuse dry food;
  • the dog peered on one of the walks;
  • experienced recent stress or resentment on the owner;
  • if the dog was left out of attention for a long time, sadness, longing and sense of loneliness can provoke the dog on the rug;
  • joyful meeting with the owner, positive emotions, joy. This can lead to the relaxation of the muscles of the intestine and the formation of "troubles".

The muscles of the intestine can relax and because of fear before the punishment. Maybe the dog was tightly punished for a random bunch recently, so the fear of punishment forces it to unwittingly make a new bunch. There is a vicious circle that is very difficult to break. This is one of the reasons why the dog cannot be punished with the manifestation of aggression and beating!

The above-described puppies and young dogs, not learned to control the bladder and intestines. Adults, dogs become restrained.

Adult dogs can shift for reasons:

  • metty territory;
  • pregnant women may have involuntary urination.

How to wean a puppy shit at home, several effective means

Understand the puppy to shit, in several ways.

If the puppy, recently taken from the breeder, struck to the cleanliness, should find out what methods it was done and subsequently consolidate the result, not inventing anything new.

The situation when a puppy on quarantine, it is still impossible to bring it to the street. The new decor for a puppy is stress. In such a situation, the pool in the house is provided! To this, you need to be prepared and put on the "noted" place several layers of the newspaper. And then in three or four places, too, it is necessary to decompose the clean newspapers, putting on top of each of them in obligatory manner already marked with a puppy newspaper. Puppy must feel his smell.

After eating and sleep, the puppy must be attached to the laid newspapers and watch where he likes the most. The location of clean newspapers can be changed. Gradually, the number of such stacks should be reduced. Soon, only one place will remain, which is most convenient for the puppy and to which he will have time to get used to. In the process of teaching the puppy tray, it should be encouraged after "successfully done work". In the case of "errors" a puppy can not be scolded - he is simply scaredAt the same time, he will not understand why he screams. But because of the fright puppy, the efforts spent on the teaching it to the pureliness can go on no. Instead of hard punishment, the puppy should be attributed to the right place, talking to him with a strict, but in a quiet voice. We will have to suffer two or three weeks, while the puppy will not be an understanding of what is so achieving from him.

The "newspaper method" does not guarantee the result and apply only to puppies to three-month age. To achieve a successful result, patience is needed and the puppy should not be released. The decomposed puppy newspapers can perceive, as an interesting entertainment and disseminate all the apartment of the shreds of newspaper paper. A good alternative to newspapers - ordinary trays, which at first need several pieces. With trays, it is necessary to come as well as with a newspaper.

The puppy can be accustomed to walk on the tray, for this it is placed where he had previously gadil.

You can teach the tray and in such a way. Set the place where the puppy constantly strives to go. Usually it is a certain one place. After the appearance on this place, the next puddle should thoroughly flush several sheets of the newspaper. Then these newspapers are laid on the bottom of the prepared capacity or tray. The tray is installed in the favorite Puppy Place for Corporate Your Need. It is still possible to decompose absorbent diapers, as the puppy may not always have time to reach the tray. After cooking, a puppy lend to the tray and give it to sniff.

For better development of the material it is worth applying the so-called "negative reinforcement". As soon as the puppy again "incorrectly led", it is necessary to talk to it in strict colors, to rope, to launch something safe into it, but frightening. Something suitable ball, soft sneakers, newspaper. The main thing is that the dog caught a connection between his act and unpleasant consequences for itself.

The tray is recommended to decompose also absorbing films.

When quarantine is over, you can walk the puppy on the street. And it is necessary to bring out to the street before the puppy is attacking in the house! You can watch the puppy. His behavior will tell you that it's urgently time to take it for a walk. The puppy will begin to bruise or suspiciously search for the "privacy place" - a signal to the fact that it should be quickly laid out!

Important. Walking a puppy must be done at the same time! The dog should get used to the permanent regime.

How to wean an adult dog shit in the house

If the dog in infancy was not taught to protect the need for the street, then in the adulthood this can be achieved only by the constancy of the regime. To bring a dog to the street for a while at least three times per day. Subsequently, when a positive result is reached, the number of walks can be reduced to two. The main thing is to take into the same time and walk the dog in the same places.

Important. Dog be sure to walk in the morning and in the evening!

The time of the walking can be installed on the behavior of the dog. As soon as the dog starts to show anxiety, it should take it for a walk. Usually it will all happen approximately at the same time. On the street, the dog should actively walk for about an hour! To successfully do all the "deeds", the dog needs fresh air and mobility during walks.

Errors and basic rules of accumulation to cleanliness

Beat and poke a puppy in the deed can not, he still will not understand.

The main rule is not shouting to the dog! It is useless to shout at the dog, as the cries during the "crime" or after it will provoke a dog to make their business in secret, hiding from the owner. Any meaning of the dog's dog and will not see! Beat a pet and poke the nose in the "deed" too useless. A puppy will not understand why it is so coming and offended. Or it can be afraid and start eating your excrement.

Only sequence in action and constancy will result in the result! The dog should be walking regularly and every day at the same time. If you periodically lazy or skip dog walking, then there will be no result. And in no case to scold the dog after she made things at home can not! She is not guilty that the owner is too lazy to bring it or he is very busy!

Be sure to be a dog to encourage delicacy while walking after she did his affairs on the street. Praise and stroke on the withers, too, will not be superfluous.

Means for reappeting a dog Shoot at home

In pet stores there are proven funds that allow you to simplify the procedure for teaching the dog to choplope. These funds are not a panacea, but as an addition to the main methods.

Antigadine can be used, in those places where the dog is actively marked.

Folk remedies are also applicable and should not be bypassed. These tools have smells:

  • attracting a dog;
  • repulsive dog.

Attracting dogs by smell, the means are used to handle tray. This will allow the puppy faster to get used to it. In pet stores, the tool can be selected in the form of droplets or napkins with impregnation. Such napkins lay on the bottom of the tray.

The means, the smells of which do not attract the dog and force it to avoid places treated with similar means. These funds should handle places that the dog is trying to actively mark! An example of such a means - "Antigadine" ("anti-meter"), which is convenient to apply in the form of an aerosol. With the same task, the folk remedy is quite cope with the table vinegar. But it must be used in very small doses. Vinegar is able to deprive the dog's nude! You can simply wash the floor with a solution of water and vinegar from just a few drops and it will be enough for the dog to be wary to the washed site and did not attend it to leave there "label."

It is convenient to use and absorbing diapers in places where the puppy strives to leave the puddle. After use, the diaper is thrown out.

If the dog does not cope on the street

It happens that the dog does not want to do their affairs while walking. Standing withstanding all the "hard" walks, coming home the dog will rush to your usual place and instantly make your affairs. In such a situation, a systematic approach and patience is needed, but not a rough and tough punishment of the dog.

Walk the dog after eating, it will help solve the problem.
  • after meals, the dog should walk for a long time. Walk should end only after the dog was forced to make his affairs. To this case, the dog should be encouraged by a delicacy and tell her a few tender words. Praise the dog stands in the future. If the dog made business at home, it is worth talking to it to talk in a moral tonality;
  • mandatory on the street for a dog physical activity. Prolonged active games with a dog will force her to make their affairs;
  • dogs, as well as other creatures, I want to communicate with yourself like. To acquaint a dog with relatives as early as possible. Then the dog in communication will imitate his relatives, will be more relaxed and it will be easier to do their affairs while walking;
  • so that the dog stops shifting at home, it will take a lot of time and patience. It is important to encourage the dog after proper behavior. It is also necessary to punish the home toilet, but without beating, screams and other manifestations of aggression. A not bad punishment will be a strict conversation with the expression of discontent. Dogs perfectly feel intonation and understand that they were very guilty;
  • you can capture water with you to the street. Throwing around, the dog will want to drink. The water will eventually force the dog to make a "case" on the street;
  • on the street, the dog should actively run and play. Mobility will make its intestines and a bladder. And encouraging after the "case" will consolidate the understanding of the dog about proper behavior on the street.

Important. The dog is the creation of a slightly and sensitive! The beast perfectly feels the mood of the owner. If the dog does not hurt, it will respond to any request of the host. Otherwise, the dog will begin to stubborn and do the owner. These factors can be used to teach the dog to be practical on the street. If the dog does not want to do this, you can pick up your favorite toy and express discontent with the corresponding intonation in the voice. The toy can be returned when the dog made his affairs, at the same time and praising and encouraging it.

At first, the dog with inappropriate can try to suffer and not empty on the street. It is worth depriving her the opportunity to "bring everyone home" - to take a walk actively and longer, showing care and love for the dog. The dog will appreciate it and respond to the owner's requests.

Just on this question, you can find out the answer and video material.

Joyful event - the acquisition of four-legged friends is sometimes darling the feces on the floor, coatings. There are situations when an adult dog, accustomed to the street, begins to urinate indoors.

Therefore, the question sounds how to wean a dog to write at home and what are the reasons for the bad habit of shifting in the wrong place? Today we will talk, how to wean, techniques and means exist.

What will take:

  1. Sunbed, house.
  2. Vinegar 9%.
  3. Tray, disposable pelleys.
  4. Antigadine.

Methods of struggle

As soon as it appears in the family, the puppy needs to be understood that it will be able to cope. To start, determine the place, put your personal toilet, eat the floor with a newspaper, pellecomms.

  • Fekes, urine, clean the material from the surfaces, which is in the tray in the puppy.
  • Removing the excrement, put them back.
  • Treat spoiled surfaces with special means that do not like animals. Vinegar and spray with the smell of citrus, for example.
  • The second stage is the fastening of the material passed. Believe the baby in the tray after each meal. Paper, fabric is impregnated in the urine. Only so pet will understand what they want from him, and quickly learn to run on their own to your toilet.

Do not be angry, it is forbidden to beat, shouting on a puppy. Just patience, care will help in this difficult question. Separate breeds are trained quickly, others will need up to a month.


When the first stage of the educational moment is behind, you can move to the final - to ask for the street for the need. To do this, it is necessary to carry the kid more often for a walk after quarantine.

Early in the morning to learn be sure to control the process, do not return to the house if he did not write. In the room, follow the desire to make a puddle or a bunch in a timely manner, you need to quickly endure the courtyard.

The first days of teaching to the street of a small pet will be troublesome for you, you need to run into the courtyard several times a day until you understand what you need to ask.


Any learning does not end without it. Separate for the pussy delicacy. Each time after a successful hike in need - praise. So the dog quickly will die the lessons that it is required of it. When the process is settled, to remove the tray with newspapers in the house.


Some kids, going for a walk, suffer before arriving in the house and then make a puddle, defecate. Therefore, it is necessary to stay on the street for a long time until the physiology takes the top and the baby goes to the toilet. After the correct action, give your favorite cookies, praise affectionate words.

Play a lot in the fresh air

In the process, the dog will have to unwit the blade and intestines. In addition to socialization, the physical development of the puppy is easily accustomed to the toilet on the street.

Contact with fellow

In the company, the pet will be able to feel relaxed, take an example from others. Accordingly, quickly learn to the toilet. Praise the baby, say pleasant words of approval, let's taste.


It must be, but without hands and high voice. The intonation is rigid and convincing. The emotions of the host animals are catching well, so the puppy will be able to understand what did wrong.



Sometimes it happens that the appearance in someone else's house, already a rather big dog, becomes stress for everyone, and for an animal especially. Therefore, the puddle on the carpet can happen from changing the place of residence, the new situation and family. Adaptation, time and understanding.

How to teach to ask for a street:

  • How they brought a dog to the house better go immediately on fresh air.
  • Install the routine of the day. The mode is the basic rule for the normalization of the process.
  • Follow the first month behind the pet, only the paw rises near the sofa or it is impossible to get to the courtyard urgently.
  • Control the process on walks. Do not go to the house if the pet is not defecated. Be in the yard for a long time, as long as nature does not take your own.

Poor adult dog habits

If, if you suddenly, your educated pet began to shit on the bed, the carpet that did not have been noticed before, then look for reasons much deeper. Perhaps such an action is a sign of a serious illness.

Lack of clothing in cold weather, especially in decorative rocks, can cause colds, infection and occurrence of heavy ailments. Girls are written in the apartment up to 1.5-2 years.

It is caused by the formation of a hormonal system, is normalized after the first birth. Perhaps hereditary predisposition that accompanies a bad habit.

Main factors:

  1. Health, epilepsy.
  2. Genetics.
  3. Loneliness.
  4. Incompretable exit to the street.
  5. Violation of the routine of the day.
  6. Lack of attention, care.
  7. An animal shows jealousy, insult.
  8. Age changes, urinary incontinence.
  9. Method of territory.
  10. The owner loses authority, respect. The cause of such a relationship can be rudeness, cruelty, assault. Either, on the contrary, permissiveness, excessive kindness.


Little dogs up to 4 months can not be outline, you need to observe quarantine. Therefore, after you have determined the angle for the toilet, start the lessons.

Patiently demolish all the puddles and bugs. Teach to the tray, newspapers and pellecomms. This is the only output until the end of the home imprisonment.

  • Install a dog toilet in a place where "surprises" most often happen.
  • The newspaper is wetted in Urin Pet and sifut the tray.
  • Pelics put in the habitat of the baby. Perhaps the situation will be when it does not have time to reach the destination.
  • Usually dogs learn quickly, prefer to deteriorate there, where they were before.
  • The main thing is to correctly send and motivate delicacy.

When quarantine is over, you need to go to the street. There may also be difficulties. Take a newspaper or pellery with you for a walk. The first time will have to be sick, while the baby does not take care of bushes.


Cruel treatment with any animal to good does not bring exactly. Therefore, screaming, beating strictly prohibited. Such actions of the owner can lose authority. Next, it will be exactly hard to cope with animals. It is easy to offend the dog, but it's hard to return confidence.

Rules of behavior for the owner:

  1. Strict voice. Express the annoyance. Puppy must be felt and aware of the slip.
  2. Toy, treat. The fact that the most prefers the pet must be defined and returning on the street after the completion of emptying.
  3. Start to acquaint with prohibiting teams - Fu, it is impossible.

Tools of struggle

  • Scold.
  • Eliminate stain with vinegar, citrus.
  • The special spray "Antigadine" is recommended.
  • Work out the mode - for example, after receiving food or rest.
  • Do not allow stressful situations for a long time.
  • Walk until it runs down the need.

Why does the puppy refuse to go to the toilet on the street?

  1. Fright, stress.
  2. Nervous experiences.
  3. Hormonal failures, pathology.

The lack of attention may be seriously affected by the character of dogs. Look at the thematic video as correctly and without psychological consequences to undergo training.

Every dog \u200b\u200bbreeder knows that sometimes even raised and accustomed to the toilet dog makes puddles at home. And it can also be described from the oversupply of emotions, envy the owner or a close family member. And the animal can make a puddle, frightened. Puppy or adult dog - no values. The pet from this is not insured, and the age is not here. Why the dog is written, what are the reasons and what to do in this case?

Why dog \u200b\u200bmakes puddles

First of all, it should be found out why the dog is written. Causes may be different. Consider the main of them. So why this happens:

  • Disease. The dog is accustomed to the toilet, but recently began to often make puddles at home, including in a dream. At the same time there are no exciting factors. It is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian so that it will require the necessary research. The dog may have diseases of the kidneys or bladder, cystitis or hormonal failure. Usually such diseases are "pursued" adult animals - aged after 8 years. Sometimes the reason that the dog is written in a dream is the weakening of the sphincter. In such cases, prescribe Vitamins V.
  • Age. Puppy simply is not yet accustomed to the toilet. Or he is still very small to hold back. In this case, the puddles of the house appear at night or during the day - if the owner does not quit the pet enough.
  • A dog or a puppy is written at the sight of the owner from joy. This may also be.
  • Loud sounds, salutes and even strict punishments lead to the fact that the dog does puddle. Causes here are clear - the pet is written from fear. This means that the animal is buggy and very emotionally.
  • The puppy can not tolerate for a long time. Often, puddles in this case appear at night. Pay attention to periods between walking. Perhaps began to withdraw a pet on the street not so often.
  • Irregular feeding. It can also lead to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of the animal will not work regularly. The owner's task is to teach a pet to go to the toilet "on the schedule". Accordingly, it is also necessary to adhere to a certain feed mode. And the animal can drink too much, for example, because of the heat, so it is difficult for him to restrain and endure.
  • Demonstration of submission. The puppy is written at the sight of the owner, demonstrating him his submission. This usually passes until animal reaching for 8 months.
  • Resentment. Yes, the dog can revenge the owner for something, making the puddles at home.
  • Estrus. During this period, the animal can walk in a small more often than usual. A hormonal background may occur, and the dog will make puddles even in a dream.
  • Noncompatacy. An animal can constantly make puddles at home due to the fact that he did not teach him to cope on the street.

From the reasons - to action

Knowing the reasons why the dog makes puddles at home, you can move to action. What to do to stop it? Let's look at detail.

So, if the cause of such behavior is a disease, then everything should decide the visit to the veterinarian, which will prescribe treatment. Puppy peeled in a dream, an adult pet started making puddles for himself - think if he had no hypocheaverity? This failure can occur due to inflammation of the organs of the urogenital system. To learn about the presence of inflammation will help urine analysis, one can also conduct an ultrasound study of internal organs for pathologies. In any case, the pet cannot be scolded for this, since, first, it is useless; And secondly, it may lead to the fact that the animal will be written from fear.

Also, if the animal pisses in a dream or at night, check how much water does it drink per day? Perhaps the house is constantly too hot, and the pet needs more water to quench thirst.

If the adult dog began to write, then the first thing is necessary:

  • make a walking frequent;
  • take advantage of special releasing sprays;
  • treate to teach an animal to teams that are allowed to go to the toilet.
  • Noticing that the dog was going to do a puddle, the owner should say the "Fu" team and slap in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cereal.
  • When the dog will make his affairs on the street, it needs to praise.

It is impossible to scold an animal for the puddle, which it did not with you. The dog does not compare the punishment with the puddle made for a long time.

Noticed that the animal often or constantly tolerates on the street to play the need at home? Increase the duration of walks, take the dog active games and exercises. Another trick is to take a walk water and a bowl for her. Running, the animal will want to drink. Well, then faster wants to please right.

If a puppy is written to 4 months - this phenomenon is normal, the pet is still unable to restrain itself. It is not worth offended by his "surprises". It can make puddles both at night and day. You need to engage in its upbringing. You can learn a puppy to walk in one place at home, checking it with newspapers or putting a tray there. At the same time, the pet must be carried in this place immediately after waking up, 10-15 minutes after eating; Noticing that he is squatting for helping needs. After the puppy pecks in the right place, it must be praised.

At the age of 10 months, the puppy must already learn to go to the toilet on the street. The depths of the house may happen, but it is rather an exception than the rule. Walking the animal is necessary at least five times per day. Walks should be long and associated with a pet with something pleasant. It is necessary to correctly adjust time - about half an hour after eating.

It happens that the puppy is written away from joy at the sight of the owner or when meeting with family member. In this case, you need to act as follows: coming home, for some time you do not pay attention to the pet (do your affairs, change clothes, ignoring the dog). Movie through the excitation of the pet should decrease, after that you can say hello to him. The reasons for such behavior are that making puddles for themselves when meeting, a puppy demonstrates its submission. The same behavior of the owner must be in the event that an adult dog is written away from joy at a meeting or at the sight of the owner.

If the dog is written from fear, then it should be protected from strong experiences. In her house she should have a place where she calmly retire from noisy companies, noise streets, salutes or thunderstorms. At the same time to encourage her fears and no time to calm down. Often a puppy can be written from fear. It should be studied from such behavior in childhood, because over time, such behavior can only be fixed.

If the puppy is written from fear, in no case should it be punished. It should be understood that he is still small, and it can be frightened by anything (even if it comes to puppies of fighter rocks). You need to engage with animals, teach it to teams, including you can come up with a special team to protect your needs.

Sometimes the animal makes the puddles not from joy or from fear, but called the owner. A pet can be jealous, revenge for something or just to exercise its dominant behavior. Thus, it shows that he does not recognize the authority of the owner. What to do? Pay attention to myself, on your Manera of the upbringing and training of the animal. Did you break the dog? You may need to tighten the training, use adequate punishment for disobedience.

Also should not ignore such a cause as a lack of attention. Perhaps a puppy as a non-standard way is trying to draw attention to the owner. Some breeds need caressing constantly. Do not forget to communicate with your pet.

To warn the behavior of the dog when she makes puddles under himself or shit at home, easier than correct it. The owner from the first days of the appearance of the puppy must constantly train it and train. It is necessary to observe the animals and notice whether it happens that it is written from fear, from joy, when meeting with the owner or in a dream. If it happens, you should adjust the behavior of the pet. Praise him for fixing needs on the street, scolding the puddles at home. It should be borne in mind that puppies can often make puddles because of fear of the owner. In this case, you should reconsider your attitude to the pet. Maybe you should not be too strict?

Effective solution to the problem will be only in the case of the correct detection of the reason why the dog is written. What causes such a reaction? From joy or because of fear, fault of that disease or demonstration of character. As soon as the owner understands why, he will already halfway into solving the problem.

In any case, the owner must be borne in mind that the correction of such behavior will require time. In addition, it is important to choose the right tactics of upbringing and stock patience. Only in this case will be the result. Do not forget about a positive attitude - this is not the last thing in training and pet training.

The owners of large guard species should not put a cross on their pets, even if they are written in adulthood. Why? Because any dog \u200b\u200bat any age can be relevant. If it does not work independently, it is better to seek advice or help to experienced breeders.