How to drink Valerian pregnant. Instructions for safe use. Interaction with other medicines

Under modern life, Valerian reception for many of us has become the norm: stress, sleep disorders, overwork, gastric spasms. We love this tool for its naturalness, availability and efficiency. He is prescribed to many pregnant women leading their gynecologists. And this is perhaps the only situation in which a woman thinks about the feasibility and safety of the admission of this medicine.

Is it possible to take Valerian during pregnancy?

Valerian is a medicinal herbal plant. Its extract in pharmacology is produced in the form of tablets and drops. In addition, the pharmacy is also sold simply dry rhizomes, of which, for example, you can cook a decoction.

So from all this pregnant women are not recommended only tincture (drops) due to the content of alcohol in it. Yes, and then, negotiate doctors, in an emergency situation for lack of anything else you can use it, because you will not drink liter (the alcohol content in it is negligible). And sometimes drops are even preferable, since the essential oils contained in them help to quickly remove acute nervous excitement. As for the tablets, they can be taken without fears on any time. This is especially true in the light of the fact that many of the drugs are prohibited for receiving during the period of the child tooling, and almost everything is prohibited in the first trimester.

Medical studies show that Valerian does not have any negative impact on the fruit in the womb.

However, this does not mean that you can drink Valerian when you think about it in any quantities. There are specific reasons for which the doctor can prescribe this drug with its pregnant ward, and certain dosages of its reception.

Why prescribe Valerian?

Valerian has various influences on the body, but the most pronounced of them are soothing and antispasmodic. It is for this reason that pregnant women and apply to this drug. Perenaded, tired, something concerned, you can't fall asleep, quarreled or worried - the first assistant to you in this Valerian, because such a fortune is dangerous for the future kid. It is most likely to know everything and everyone knows about it. And as a relatively medical course valerian?

Valerian for the purpose of treatment is practically not prescribed pregnant women separately, and always in a complex with other drugs, because there are specific reasons for this, requiring not only soothing. Most often, Valerian during pregnancy is prescribed in with the threat of interrupt and in the latter - with late. Valerian helps to calm the uterus and remove the tone, which usually represents an acute threat to 16-18 weeks.

Valerian actually acts soothing, this action occurs in no instant, as, for example, in sleeping pills, but lasts for a long period of time. And if you take Valerian to the course, it has a certain therapeutic effect, since it has an accumulator in the body.

How to take Valerian during pregnancy: dosage?

Although Valerian extract is made exclusively from natural ingredients, it is impossible to take it uncontrollably. The doctor prescribes a certain dosage in each individual case, as well as the duration of the course of treatment.

Usually, pregnant women are prescribed 1-2 of Dragee 2-3 times a day. If it is drops - 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. A welded decoction from rhizomes valerians take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. Drink medicine should be addressed after half an hour after meals. Most often, Valerian treatment does not exceed the month, but in some cases there is a need to take the drug throughout the term.

If you decide to resort to the reception of Valerians of one-time, then you still need to notify your doctor about it: all the drugs that you took during the toasting period should be indicated. In addition, it should be discussed with it possible dosages and the feasibility of admission to Valerians in certain life situations.

However, we once again want to note: without the need to take Valerian during pregnancy it is impossible! Valerian reception in large quantities can lead to sleep disorders, nausea, impairment of heart and digestion, increased excitability.

Especially for - Elena Kichak

Approximate reading time: 8 minutes

To the soothing drugs when entering the child, doctors are advised to treat wary. Most are generally under strict prohibition, because they depress the nervous system, change the composition of the blood, which is undesirable for the fetus. However, Valerian for pregnant women seems quite harmless option. Natural origin, prevalence and soft action seems to be spoken in its favor.

But is everything so easy? Before you immediately write this drug in the best friends, it is worth understanding. For a start - the best solution is precisely the grass of Valerian during pregnancy, and it's not always necessary to do something with it. Sometimes it is enough just to pack in bags and put under the pillow.

Why do you need such an original and extravagant rite? It turns out that Valerian from insomnia during pregnancy helps. The advice is really somewhat exotic, but if you even partly believe the reviews of patients, then this option works quite well. Although the placebo effect as an explanation is completely impossible.

Scope of application

And in what other cases are prescribed to the tool? As it turns out, Valerian during pregnancy from pressure helps good.

She is also prescribed from:

  • gastric pains;
  • excessively nervousness;
  • with increased fatigue;
  • stress;
  • tachycardia.

And from the headache during pregnancy, Valerian is prescribed. True, it does not always help, it already needs to take into account the reasons and degree of relevant sensations. Doctors pay attention to both. For example, in migranes, ordinary painkillers are not triggered, special: "Antimigres" and others are used.

And this is not all situations in which the tool helps. Often Valerian with a tone of the uterus leads the body into a sense. After all, it is no secret that spasms can be associated with excessive excitement, stress, fear. In this case, soft soothing is what you need.

How to use?

It would seem that a wide range of action that many of us is well known. What problems can there be problems? But in fact, the dosage is still extremely important. 2 Tablets for 1 reception - this is quite enough. The maximum of the day you can drink 6. But with an increase in the named quantity, the reverse reaction will go, that is, the risk appears that the pressure will rise, the susceptibility of the nervous system to stimuli will increase.

And pay attention to what kind of form take this medicine. So, the alcohol tincture is extremely undesirable, so drops of valerains during pregnancy to drink only in extreme cases, with a strong disorder, when others, more secure ways are simply not at hand. And, of course, this is not an option for constant reception.

More doctors can prescribe a drug course. As a rule, we are talking about 2-3 weeks, during which 3 tablets are accepted for 3 pills. After such treatment, women note that it becomes easier to relax, pressure stabilizes, the amount of sudden muscle cramps decreases.

The alcohol tincture of Valeriana is extremely undesirable, so drops of valerian during pregnancy is worth drinking only in extreme cases, with a strong disorder, when there are simply no other, more secure ways at hand.

Contraindications and side effects

Since we are talking about quite safe for future medicine for future mothers, then the contraindications in Valerian women are connected only with individual intolerance. This is capable of manifest as classical symptoms of allergies and unpleasant side effects. This is drowsiness in combination with the inability to fall asleep, increased nervous excitement, flatulence, diarrhea, reaction inhibition.

As a rule, patients already know about cases of individual intolerance, since the medicine is very popular. And with him, most likely, at least once, but in life already faced. But sometimes it happens that the reactions of the body because of the restructuring also change. Therefore, it is definitely known whether Valerian is harmful for pregnant women, only after the first reception.

That is why the medicine needs to be careful. Starting with pregnancy with Valerian in tablets, then you can go to the decoction of the root. The one, firstly, has a stronger impact on the body, secondly, it is much more complicated to control the dosage.

Placebo Tablets and Effect

With respect to Valerian tablets, sometimes on different resources you can read that their effectiveness is equal to the placebo effect. In fact, it really is, it only works in relation to not all drugs and not even all forms, but only pills.

Make a concentrated remedy in this form with a sufficient number of active substance - expensive. Therefore, some manufacturers are chitryat. Understand whether you are in front of you pills, it is possible for the price: it will be surprisingly available. As a rule, this is the basis for suspicion.

There is another way to establish that something is unclean. Just let the cat sniffing, if, naturally, the medicine is not covered by some shell. The beast does not react in any way? Then before you "Dummy".

Valerian at different times of pregnancy

You can or cannot be taken anyway, it depends in many ways, and on what time a woman is on. There are no special surprises here. Everything is pretty clearly shown in the table.

As you can see, the tooling time matters. So, Valerian during pregnancy in the early deadlies is considered more dangerous. This is due to the fact that the placenta is not yet formed, as mentioned above. therefore use the medicine is best after consulting a doctor.

Is it possible to drink Valerian during pregnancy a boy?

In anticipation of the child, women become very concise. And any, even the most ridiculous rumors, begin to seem true, especially if they scare. It also concerns that when having tolerance of a male baby, Valerian can not drink, because it allegedly oppresses the nervous system.

In fact, there is no difference in science depending on the floor of the child. But if you are very afraid to harm the baby, you can consult a doctor, honestly talk about this hearing. The gynecologist will not laugh: he understands the state of a woman. Therefore, it can be frankly share your experiences.

Valerian from scabies

Patients are often interested in both unconventional ways of using known drugs. For example: does it help from scabies or not? As the main active substance - no. But it can remove irritability associated with itching, as well as simply with common discomfort, which is experiencing a woman suffering from this disease.

What kind of dosage form is better?

Above mentioned above, several dosage forms were mentioned: alcohol tincture (drops), pills, decoction. Since we are talking about the same agent, then the difference cannot be called critical. Nevertheless, she is still there.

The alcohol tincture acts much faster than all other options. But because of availability of alcohol Pregnant such a tool prohibited. Conditionally, you can take it in small quantities when the level of stress is very large. Or when there was a need to quickly calm down, and there are no other alternatives at hand.

The decoction many are compared in efficiency with the previous form, but it is allowed to accept it, since alcohol is absent here. True, here there are also its moments. First, for some women, the decoction of efficiency is comparable to the alcohol tincture, and for some - no.

Secondly, not in each pharmacy you can find exactly such a dosage form. But on the Internet there are enough self-preparation recipes. In principle, this is really easy, another thing is that it takes time.

In addition, it is painful how concentrated is the composition, there will be no overdose, problematic. So, taking into account the last decoction, it is impossible to definitely call a completely safe solution. Planning to take such a means, consult with your doctor watching you.

And finally, pills. Some in terms of the number of active substance are "pawners", others help, but not always immediately. That is, there may be problems with the selection of a specific option.

Thus, with respect to each dosage form there are nuances. If you are not sure what kind of Valerian to choose, ask the doctor to advise the confidence of the manufacturer, read it yourself reviews on the Internet on different sites. So there will be more chances to find a working remedy.

Combination with other medicines and analogues

Valerian is perfectly combined with other drugs, with the exception of sedatives. Use during pregnancy several medicines affecting the nervous system, a bad idea. The effect may be too strong, instead of relaxation will be depressed, depressive condition.

But with the rest of the medicines, Valerian works great. Except for drugs affecting the work of the heart and pressure should be advised to the doctor.

As for the analogues, there are quite a lot of calming down. But only a small part is permitted pregnant. Among them is a dye, however, it is considered in terms of possible side effects worse than Valerian. Most often, this composition advise to drink before bedtime. And again, medical advice is needed here.

Valerian - an excellent tool to which many have become accustomed to both mandatory medicine in the first-aid kit. It acts gently, soothes, normalizes pressure, helps to fall asleep. But in large quantities it is capable of calling the opposite effect. In addition, during pregnancy, it is very rare, but individual intolerance can develop to Valerian.

Pregnancy is an important period in the life of a woman. During him, she should be careful to its own body. It should be cautious and responsible to treat their nutrition and the use of medication. Many of the latter are contraindicated during the baby tool. At the same time, during pregnancy, it may be necessary to receive drug action drug. In such cases, you need to choose the safest tools. One of them is considered. This substance is a means of plant origin, which belongs to a number of natural tranquilizers.

Valerian during pregnancy

Certain use of Valerians is permissible on any lap of the baby.

It must be borne in mind that not every form of Valerian can be used by pregnant women. The most popular form is the tablet. Applications of valeroans in the form of a beam root or tincture on alcohol as it is better to avoid.

The self-configuration of the fund is strictly prohibited. A pregnant woman's medicine can be prescribed an exclusively qualified doctor who is constantly observed and aware of all the features of a particular person.

In no case can not be allowed to except the dosages specified by the doctor. Such a neglect can provoke the occurrence of adverse events of an undesirable nature, which are able to cause pathological consequences, up to miscarriage.

Valerian at different times

In the first trimester system of the body, the fetus is only formed, the same applies to the placenta. For this reason, the negative impact in the first months of pregnancy is the strongest. Many attending specialists adhere to the opinion that it is not recommended to take this drug before the occurrence of 16-18 weeks of the baby tool. Of course, this does not concern cases of emergency. In general, in the first trimester, it is desirable to reduce the list of medicinal medicines to zero.

After the onset of the 16th week, the prescription valerian pregnant seems more secure. Despite the fact that during this period the nervous system of the child occurs, the placenta is already quite formed to reduce the negative impact to the minimum. In view of this, in the presence of emotional bursts, Valerian is prescribed in pregnant women.

In the third trimester, the tool is usually recommended for use for insomnia therapy and gravity in the stomach. In some cases, it is prescribed as a drug to expand coronary vessels, reduce manifestations of hypertension, as well as slowdowns of heartbeat.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of drugs include the following:

  • migraine;
  • early toxicosis in women during pregnancy;
  • late pregnant women;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feelings of fear and anxiety;
  • tachycardia, arising against the background of stress;
  • hysteria;
  • heartburn caused due to nervous overvoltage.

Often, women arise the need to take a sedative drug due to experiences regarding the health of the child. For example, an emotional splash can happen after receiving tests or survey results.

At the same time, the tincture on alcohol is better not to use pregnant women. This does not concern the case of the emergency need for the effect of the effect. In general, at the time of the whole period of the child tooling, you need to use ethyl alcohol to zero.

In addition, practice shows that both the need to take Valerian during pregnancy

Valerian is known as a safe popular sedative and sleeping pills, however, most drugs based on it during pregnancy are contraindicated. Its influence on the state of the future mother, the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus has been little studied, so no one can say for sure how it will affect and will not harm.

Sometimes doctors are still prescribed pregnant drugs Valerians, taking responsibility for this decision. In this case, take the medicine should be strictly in accordance with the recommendations, by no means exceeding the dosages and without changing the drug, as this can provoke the appearance of side effects.

At the same time, there are still questions, how appropriate is valerian during pregnancy? Is the drug effective with serious diseases? In what cases from Valerianka is better to abandon and choose more secure ways to reduce the alarm and stress?

Is it possible to take Valerian to pregnant

Valerian is part of many drugs, bars and homeopathic agents. Some of them are contraindicated during pregnancy, the reception of others will admit. Despite the fact that over the past few decades, more than 200 scientific and clinical studies have been conducted in Europe, which studied the efficacy and safety of Valerians, its influence on the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus remains unclear. In this regard, in the instructions on the use of many drugs it is indicated that during pregnancy, it is better to abandon them.

Excerpt from the instructions for use in Valerian Forte

The confirmation of the fact that Valerian is safe for the future mother and child, no. At the same time, it does not apply to teratogenic drugs that can cause congenital malformations from the fetus. Today there is no reason to believe that the admission of Valerians during pregnancy can affect the development of the fetus, as well as there is no reason to believe that the tool is completely safe.

According to the leadership of the World Health Organization, the use of Valerian is allowed only to appoint a doctor and under its supervision.

Valerian is released in different dosage forms. Valerian in drops of pregnant women is contraindicated due to the content in the tincture of 70% ethyl alcohol. The use of valerian extract in tablets or decoction rhizomes and roots in some cases is allowed. When appointing Valeriana, the doctor must take into account how much a woman is needed by this drug and whether it will benefit from exceeding possible risks for the fetus.

On a note

In Australia, Valerian extract is ranked as a safety category A and allowed to use during pregnancy. According to the statistical analysis of BOS R. and co-authors conducted in 1998, the number of children born with developmental anomalies, and cases of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy after the use of Valerians do not differ from those in women, Valerian who did not accept.

In which cases, Valerian is prescribed during pregnancy

Valerian has a slight sedative and sleeping pills. It is used for nervous tension, insomnia and other sleep disturbances. Valerian also contributes to the weakening of spasms of smooth muscle organs, so during pregnancy it can be prescribed with an increased tone of the uterus. Since one of its reasons is an emotional tension, this also justifies the appointment of Valerian.

Sometimes in the first trimester of pregnancy, Valerian is prescribed in the threat of miscarriage. However, it is used only as an additional means in comprehensive therapy. In the third trimester, the symptoms of late gestosis can be the indication.

Valerian also has light spasmolitical, choleretic and hypotensive properties. Therefore, both in the early and later pregnancy, it can be prescribed during tachycardia, angina, hypertension, violation of coronary blood circulation, cholecystitis, functional disorders in the operation of the digestive system.

With complex diseases, Valerian is used only in complex therapy, but during pregnancy, this drug is rarely prescribed. More often, women ask the Doctor to appoint Valerian when they are tormented by anxiety and excitement, which during the child's expectation, the case is completely ordinary and does not require the use of medicines.

On a note

In the forums, pregnant women often write that doctors prescribe Valerian at low placenta. From this often an erroneous opinion is formed that Valerian raises the volume of the placenta. In fact, doctors give it in comprehensive therapy as a light soothing. The expediency of its purpose in this case is determined individually.

Efficiency of funds

Valerian has the property of accumulating in the body, so it does not have a fast but stable effect. As a rule, it is manifested after 2 weeks of regular reception, when a sufficient amount of active ingredients are assembled in the body. It is not necessary to expect a result from one-time reception of Valerians, in emergency cases it is ineffective.

Despite the fact that Valerian is often taken during stress, or when they cannot fall asleep, its effectiveness in these cases is due to the effect of placebo. Studies have shown that one dose of the drug does not cause objective improvements in the emotional state or sleep quality.

Valerian is not a highly efficient means. Due to the low biological activity of the components, it is ineffective in the treatment of severe disorders of the nervous system, when drug treatment is necessary. The antispasmodic and hypotensive effects of Valerians are also weak, therefore it is not used in a high-quality main drug.

Most often, Valerian is prescribed when a light sedative or sleeping pills are necessary. Very often in such cases you can do without special drugs. During pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully assess the feasibility of the use of Valerians, because its safety during this period is not confirmed.

How to take a remedy at different times

Dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment with Valerian during pregnancy should determine the doctor. They may differ depending on the disease and severity of symptoms, as well as other factors that only the doctor can evaluate. At the same time, it is not a decisive factor, on what date of pregnancy is a woman.

All nuances of admission of Valerians during pregnancy must be coordinated with a doctor who will take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient

Typically, doctors are prescribed 1-2 tablets of Valerian extract or 1 tablet spoon of the beam 2-3 times a day. Since Valerian is part of various drugs, and the number of active substances in them can differ significantly, the dosage can also be different.

On a note

Valerian's decoction can be prepared at home. To do this, you can use both independently harvested rhizomes and roots (Valerian trades are not used) and raw materials in filter bags that are easy to find in any pharmacy. To prepare a decoction, it is necessary to pour 20 grams (2.5 cent. L.) Dry roots of Valeriana 200 ml of hot water and warm in water bath for a quarter of an hour. Approximately an hour when the decoction will cool, it needs to be strain. First, the tool will have a light yellow shade, and when the color will be too darker.

Also from the rhizomes valerians can be prepared in the infusion. For this, a tablespoon of crushed rhizomes is poured with a glass of boiled water and leave for 12 hours. Broth and infusion can be stored 2-3 days, preferably in the refrigerator.

The course of treatment Valerian can be from one week to a month, after which it is recommended to take a break. It is not necessary because Valerian is addictive, but because the organism accumulates the active substances of the drug and during prolonged use may occur overdose. It is important to remember that overdose may occur at once or daily exceeding the prescribed dose. At the same time, an increase in one-time dose does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, in the case of stress or insomnia, it does not make sense once again.

What funds with Valerian can be taken during pregnancy, and which no

Valerian is part of various drugs, including bid and homeopathic drugs. Their use, you need to coordinate with a gynecologist, which observes pregnancy, even if the tool is considered relatively safe and not contraindicated during pregnancy.

Famous funds based on valerian and the possibility of their use during pregnancy:

  • Biologically active supplement evening dragee. In addition to Valerian extract, mint and hops are included. Bad produces different pharmaceutical companies. In the instructions for the use of some funds it is indicated that they are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, others are allowed to appoint a doctor. When applying, we need to take into account that the mint contains many ethers, which can stimulate generic activities. Hop during pregnancy is contraindicated, as it can influence the hormonal background;
  • Biologically active additive Valerian P. It includes valerian extract, vitamin C and auxiliary components. The use of funds during pregnancy is permissible from the second trimester to appoint a doctor.
  • Valerian Forte ARTERIUM Preparation. Tablets contain valerian extract and 40% ethanol. During pregnancy, take the drug is not recommended due to the lack of data on its safety;
  • Preparation New Passitis. Release in the form of syrup and tablets. Syrup contains ethanol, so during pregnancy does not apply it. The tablet includes Valerian, Melis Drug, Hop, Buzin, Passiflora, St. John's wort, Hawthorn and Guyfenesin. The drug is contraindicated in the first trimester, in the late dates, applying is permissible in the presence of testimony and by appointing a doctor. Components of new-passite can interact with other drugs, reinforcing or relaxing their action. As a means affects the development of the fetus is unknown;
  • The drug percean company Sandoz. Valerian extract is included in Valerian extract, peppermint leaf extract and melt and additional ingredients. During pregnancy, the drug is not recommended due to a lack of security data.

Sometimes Valerian preparations are recommended to replace with glycine or dyeing. The drug Glycine produces different pharmaceutical companies. It is prescribed with a decrease in mental disability and psycho-emotional tension. Its use is also possible only by appointing a doctor.

The motherboy is used as a light sedative, as well as with the hypertonus of the uterus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia. The effect of the drug for pregnancy and the fruit was also not studied.

Do instead of Valerian, the motherboard, decides only the doctor

Another alternative consider homeopathic agents. They practically do not contain active substances and the effectiveness of them is equal to the effectiveness of placebo. The probability of influence on pregnancy or the appearance of side effects they have extremely small.

During pregnancy, medications need to be treated very carefully. The feasibility of prescribing the drug can only determine the doctor.

What can be dangerous Valerian during pregnancy

Valerian has a brandy effect on the central nervous system. How does it affect the development of the fetus and can cause violations in development, it is not known. Due to the lack of scientific evidence, it is impossible to consider it safe. Although Valerian is not considered a teratogenic agent and some drugs based on it are allowed during pregnancy, in the early deadlines, it is advisable to refrain from its application. In the first trimester, all organs and fetal systems are laid, and any negative impact from outside, including the reception of some drugs, can provoke pathologies. Whether Valerian will have such a negative impact, it is not known.

Conduct experimental studies on pregnant women is unacceptable, and the actual confirmed data on the use of Valerians have no pregnant women.

According to the reviews of doctors, in some cases, especially with long-term use, Valerian can cause the opposite effect. Instead of a slowing impact on the nervous system, it can have an exciting effect. As a result, nervousness, insomnia, rapid heartbeat and increased pressure may appear. Also, instead of the antispasmodic action, Valerian can provoke Hypertonus of the uterus, which threatens the miscarriage or premature childbirth. The highest risk is observed with the debt of valerian when planning pregnancy or in the first trimester.

Other valerian side effects are also not always desirable during pregnancy:

  • Drowsiness, inhibition, apathy, fast fatigue;
  • Nervous overexcitation, insomnia;
  • Heart palpitations;
  • Tone of the uterus;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Headache;
  • Dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • Shivering in your hands.

The risk of side effects increases in case of overdose. Therefore, the medicine is not recommended to take in large doses or for a long time. Overdose symptoms may be hearthole, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. When allergic drugs may also appear skin rashes and itching. In these cases, it is necessary to stop receiving Valerian and contact your doctor.


Like any other drug Valerian has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is impossible to take the drug.

So, Valerian is contraindicated at:

  • Allergies;
  • Hypotension;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Infarction and stroke;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and intestines.

Valeryan can not be taken with hypotension, as it lowers pressure. Also, the drug may affect blood clotting, which in a complex with other factors can lead to the formation of blood clots and blood clogs.

During pregnancy, no doctor can say one hundred percent confidence that the drug is safe. If pregnant women have clear indications for the use of Valerians, treatment should be only under the control of the doctor. Often, women cannot notice themselves that certain symptoms are caused by the use of medication, and not physiological changes as a result of pregnancy.

Use a greater dosage than appointed, or to prolong the course of treatment it is impossible, it can provoke an overdose. In addition, one-time reception of a large dose of the drug will not provide a more pronounced effect, but may harm the woman and the fetus.

It should also be borne in mind that valerianas are produced by various drugs, including complex. They may contain an unequal amount of active ingredients and additional components. Contraindications may differ, so to avoid negative consequences, before starting reception, it is better to carefully read the instructions.

Such dietary supplements are uniquely contraindicated during pregnancy: it is not known how safe they are, but it is well known that they are useless

In general, it is necessary to make aware that possible anxiety, problems with sleep and various alarms during pregnancy are normal. Trying to immediately get rid of them with Valerians do not stand. At a minimum, Valerian will not likely help, because it does not apply to potent means. At the same time, it is impossible to be absolutely confident in its safety for the fetus. Therefore, someone, and a pregnant woman from the application of this fund, it is certainly better to refrain.

Interesting video: Like the Valerian root acts on the body

Despite the fact that Valeryanka is considered a lightweight drug in the public consciousness, take it during pregnancy with caution. This is stated in the manufacturer's instructions. The medicine may harm even a healthy woman, because during the period of the child's hatching, it becomes very vulnerable. That is why it is not necessary to take pills for prevention or calm. It is better to consult with the doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

How does Valerian act?

Preparations based on valerian extract - vegetable natural agents that have a sedative and antispasmodic effect. They act mainly on the central nervous system, eliminate irritation, soothe, normalize sleep. Valerian Forte removes the spasms of the smooth muscle of internal organs, due to which their normal operation is restored, decreases with pain syndrome. This is important for pregnant women who suffer from increased tone of the uterus or often nervous.

Valerian-based drugs act gently. They have a cumulative effect, manifested immediately. Preparations have a beneficial effect on the bloodstream, the discharge of bile and digestion as a whole, improve the work of the heart muscle.

The healing effect of the plant was known in antiquity, the folk healers have successfully used it in the treatment of ailments. For the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, valerian rhizomes are used. They contain more than 200 active substances. Despite the fact that the plant is used for a very long time, its impact on the human body is not fully studied.

Indications for use

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  • tachycardia;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • anxiety, anxiety;
  • bad sleep;
  • heartburn;
  • early and late toxicosis;
  • elevated uterus tone.

The decision to appoint any medication during pregnancy should take only a doctor. Even such innocuous drugs should not be applied independently, because they have contraindications and side effects. Before you to register Valerian a pregnant woman, the gynecologist will appreciate the term of pregnancy, the state of its health and related diseases.

In some cases, the decision to appoint medications will be premature. If there is no threat of miscarriage, and the future mother is worried about subjective reasons, its lifestyle should be analyzed. First of all, it is necessary to observe the regime of labor and recreation, to sleep more, not nervous.

Valerian Tablet can be replaced with watching a favorite film, walking in the fresh air, a pleasant conversation with friends. Native and loved ones need to protect the woman from experiences, physical labor and worries. The calm course of pregnancy, when the future mother does not bother anything, does not require preventive reception of drugs of such a plan.

With the symptoms of early toxicosis, you can cope with the revision of your diet. It is necessary to eliminate the harmful food (fried, fat, smoked, acidic products), diversify the menus with useful products (fruits, vegetables, dairy products, eggs, low-fat varieties of meat and fish). It is relying to eat several times a day with small portions - then the symptoms of toxicosis will significantly decrease without medicines.

Instructions for use and dosage

Valerian extract preparations are produced in the form of tablets, drops and dry raw materials for brewing. Usually, pregnant women discharge the tablet shape, because the drops contain ethyl alcohol. Valerian should be used in a complex with other, stronger medications.

The tincture of rhizomes valerian can sometimes be assigned to a pregnant woman, despite the contraindication. If the condition requires emergency measures, and the tablets do not help, you can openly drink 15 drops of alcohol infusion (with strong excitement, tachycardia, abdominal spasms). It will help relieve pain and quickly reassure the future mom. It is not necessary to abuse the drug, it is better to consult with a doctor who will select safe and effective means.

You can also take a decoction of Valerian root, brew teas with this grass. There are vegetable sedative fees on sale, which includes this grass. Before use, it is necessary to make sure that the remaining components of the tea are shown during pregnancy.

Valerian should be used no more than three times a day 1 tablet. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. The doctor may write a great dose if it deems it necessary. In this case, it is necessary to focus on its recommendations, and not on the manufacturer's instruction.

The medicine is used for half an hour before meals, drinking a small amount of liquid. You can drink Valerian in the evening - it will help to normalize the disturbed sleep. The reception rate lasts up to a month, depending on the state of the patient. The pronounced effect will appear only two weeks after the start of therapy.

The decoction of valerian rhizomes should be used as follows. Pour 3 tbsp. l. dry material glass boiling water. After a complete cooling (after 1 - 1.5 hours), it needs to be strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day before or after eating.
The effectiveness of the beam is higher than that of the tablets, so its action will be noticeably in a few hours. Safe daily branch volume - 1/3 cup.

How much time to take medicine and in what doses - only the doctor defines. If there is no need for the desired effect, this should be informed of the doctor. Any indisposition associated with the reception of Valerians should also be a reason for consulting with a specialist.

In early terms

The main indication for the appointment of Valerian in the early periods of pregnancy is the threat of miscarriage due to the increased tone of the uterus. A woman is shown bedding. Additionally, antispasmodic preparations are prescribed (for example, but-shlu), which will relax the muscles and remove the hypertonus.

Valerian helps normalize sleep, reduce blood pressure. Irritability and anxiety inherent in women at the beginning of pregnancy is successfully eliminated by plant preparations. Toxicosis, expressed by nausea, vomiting, fatigue is also bought by Valerian. Without these testimony, it is not necessary to propagate the medicine.

2 trimester

Restrictions for admission in the second trimester is significantly less, drinking Valerian can be without fear. The baby in the womb has already formed, is the improvement of his bodies. From harmful effects, it is reliably protected by the pocent. Woman feels more calm, less nervous, her hormonal background has stabilized.

Especially effective preparations based on vegetable raw materials with an increased tone of the uterus. This violation can lead to miscarriage or premature childbirth, therefore the benefits of reception of Valerians are not subject to doubt. Doctors often prescribe the drug in 2 trimester if there is indications for this. An independent reception should be excluded, because the child's nervous system is being formed.

3 trimester

The third trimester is characterized by intensive preparation of mother and fetus for future birth. A woman often torments heartburn, meteorism, signs of gestosis (swelling, increased pressure) may appear. Many celebrate sleep disorders, pregnant can not take a convenient posture, nervous and worried.

Valeryanka will help cope with excitability, nervousness, heartburn. She will calm the woman and normalizes her sleep, reduce blood pressure by extending the vessels. In addition, the grass improves digestion, and many pregnant women are faced during this period with constipation.

What is dangerous overdose?

Despite the fact that Valeryanka is a vegetative preparation of soft action, it is possible to use it only in the dosage recommended by the doctor. Dose excess leads to:

  • head pains;
  • traces of the gastrointestinal tract (pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, constipation);
  • increased excitability, irritability;
  • allergies;
  • excessive drowsiness, lethargy;
  • trembling limbs;
  • expanding pupils;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • violation of the work of hearing and vision organs.

When the specified symptoms appear, urgently apply for medical help. If the condition causes fear, you need to call an ambulance. It is extremely dangerous to treat overdose on its own - this can lead to miscarriage or severe pregnancy complications.

If necessary, doctors make the stomach wash, will conduct activated carbon therapy. Symptomatic treatment will be prescribed aimed at preserving pregnancy.

Allergic response to the drug should not be ignored by the doctor. Reception Valerian should be immediately stopped, because allergies are dangerous not only for the future mother, but also for the fetus. Subsequently, the child can negatively respond to valerian extract, up to severe allergic manifestations (anaphylactic shock, swelling).

Is there any contraindications?

Contraindications for admission of Valerian during pregnancy:

  • allergic reaction, individual intolerance;
  • liver diseases;
  • enterocolitis;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • mental disorders;
  • apathy, lethargy, depressive condition;
  • preinstorm.

Valerian should be drunk with caution to those who suffer from hypotension, reduced pressure. The drug is able to reduce it even more.

Long-term drug intake at the beginning of pregnancy can provoke miscarriage, so it's not worth it. Like any medicine, Valerian has a number of side effects:

  • allergies (rash and redness on the skin);
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • inhibited reaction;
  • flashing of black dots before eyes;
  • constipation, diarrhea.

When these symptoms appear, you should stop accepting and visit your attending physician. It will cancel the drug and replace it with another, similar to action.

Analogs of the drug

What is better to take a pregnant woman in a particular situation - should solve a specialist. It comes from the period of pregnancy and the status of a woman at the moment.

Depending on the testimony, the doctor may replace Valerian with other medicines. As a sedative agent, dye-based drugs are often used. This is a healing grass that has a spectrum of action similar to Valerian. Medications based on it are also used for a long time, have a cumulative effect.