How to iron men's shirts: from the collar to the tips of the cuffs. How to iron men's shirts: professional secrets

A neat appearance and clean clothes are a guarantee of success for any person. And a strict suit with a perfectly ironed shirt adds seriousness to a business image, showing everyone around them that they have a strong and purposeful personality in front of them! But how to iron a shirt quickly and easily, becoming a real master in this matter?

How to iron a shirt?

In order for the shirt to retain its beautiful appearance for a long time, each housewife must follow a certain algorithm for ironing things and storing them in the closet:

How to iron shirts correctly - choosing the optimal temperature on the iron

It is very important to choose the right temperature

To prevent the shirt from spoiling during ironing, it is necessary to choose the right temperature for a certain type of fabric. Below are recommendations for different types of shirts:

  • Cotton shirt - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 150 ° using the wet steam function and with strong pressure of the iron on the item;
  • Cotton shirt with polyester content - recommended to be ironed at 110° with a little steam;
  • Linen shirt - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 210-230 ° using a large amount of steam and with a strong pressure of the electrical appliance on the item;
  • Shirt made of linen fabric with the addition of cotton - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 180 ° with a large steam function and with a strong pressure of the electrical appliance on the item;
  • Shirt made of "compressed" or "wrinkled" fabric - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 110 ° without using the steam function;
  • Shirt in viscose fabric - it is recommended to iron at 120°, you can use the steam function. The thing must be dried well so that ugly traces of water do not remain.

How to iron men's shirts

Good advice is half the battle

If a caring woman or a neat man wants to know how to iron men's shirts correctly and quickly, then they should use the following recommendations:

  1. A men's shirt should be ironed in the following order: collar, cuffs, sleeves, placket, shelf, back. In this case, the following algorithm should be observed: first, small parts and hard-to-reach areas of the fabric are ironed with an iron, and then large “area”.
  2. When ironing large parts on a shirt, the appliance needs to be moved only in the direction of the equity threads. You can’t leave the iron on one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric for a long time and put too much pressure on it - this way you can irrevocably ruin the thing. Heed this advice so as not to “twist” or burn your clothes.
  3. All additional information about the temperature at which it is recommended to iron a men's shirt can be found on the product label - this will save you a lot of questions and allow you to maintain a high-quality look of the shirt for a long time. In addition, this item still needs to be washed correctly, following the instructions on the label.

Why is ironing shirts so simple and easy?

In fact, ironing a shirt is a simple and easy task, if you approach this matter with a soul. Below are the parts of the shirt and a detailed description of how they should be ironed and steamed:

How to iron a shirt collar

From frequent and improper ironing, the collar can quickly fray

A wet collar should be ironed from the wrong side: start from the corners and move gradually towards its middle. Then this sequence is repeated with the front side of the shirt. At the same time, you can’t “touch” the place of the fold and iron the rack at the shirt. Thus, the collar must be completely dry. It is considered perfectly ironed if there are no wrinkles left.

How to iron shirt cuffs

Cuffs are ironed from the inside

This information will help if the hostess is interested in how to properly iron a men's shirt with long or short sleeves. The cuffs on the sleeves are ironed first from the inside, and then the sleeves are turned inside out and ironed again. When there is a double cuff on the shirt, it must be unfolded and gently ironed on both sides, then folded in half, given the desired width and ironed so that the buttonholes lie on top of each other.

Shirt sleeves - how to iron quickly and easily

Arrows on shirts - mauvais ton

The sleeve of the shirt is folded in half and the seam is smoothed, then it is turned inside out and ironed from the wrong side. Do the same with the second sleeve. After that, the sleeves of the shirt are joined together and ironed from the seam to the edge of the product so that there are no “creases” left. But if there are sleeves on the ironing board, the process is much faster. And in no case is it recommended to iron the “arrows” - this is bad manners.

How to iron the front of a shirt

It is very important not to damage the buttons - they can melt

The front of the shirt is always ironed from the right shelf. It is necessary to put the shirt with the right side on a special ironing device to iron the yoke and the top of the product. Then the rest of the shelf and the space between the buttons are ironed. They do the same with the left side of the shelf - this process is faster because there are no buttons on this side.

How to iron the back of a shirt

The back is the lightest

The back of the shirt should be placed on an ironing board and carefully ironed, moving the iron along the side: from the left seam to the right. The blouse itself is turned and ironed according to the following scheme:

"Side seam - seam of the right sleeve - turn - ironing the right side of the yoke - ironing the middle of the shirt - turn - ironing the left side of the yoke - seam of the left sleeve - side seam."

Compliance with this simple algorithm will allow you to easily and quickly iron any shirt without damaging its presentation.

How to store a shirt in the closet

A well-packed shirt takes up very little closet space.

A carefully ironed shirt must be hung on a hanger and after it has cooled from the iron, it is hung on other shirts. You can perform certain actions so that the thing retains its appearance for a long time.

In the wardrobe of a modern man, there will be at least a dozen different shirts. In addition to the obligatory basic set (classic white, plain office, everyday stripes or small checks), a stylish man’s wardrobe includes dress shirts with cufflinks or with decor on the front shelf, denim and plaid hipsters, colorful and summer models with a bright print. A shirt, as an integral part of a man's wardrobe, is an image component and a hallmark of a modern man. In a properly selected, fresh and well-ironed shirt, any man looks presentable. An impeccable appearance adds confidence to a person, he is usually successful in business and attractive to the fair half. Buying a stylish shirt is half the battle, only proper care of it will allow a man to look perfect every day and be irresistible on special occasions.

Proper washing and proper drying is the key to proper and easy ironing.

On the Internet you can find many videos and articles with clear recommendations on how to properly iron men's shirts. All instructions talk about the importance of proper washing and drying, as a prerequisite for quality ironing. Good housewives carefully study the tag of the purchased men's shirt, which indicates the composition of the fabric and outlines the features of caring for the product. Generally recommended hand wash in warm water without strong mechanical impact on the product. Do not rub a contaminated collar with a brush, it must first be treated with special detergents. It is better to dry the shirt on the shoulders and do not overdry. Such requirements are due to the properties of textiles and the features of the cut of men's shirts.

  • Only when washed by hand, white men's shirts retain their whiteness.
  • With all the textured variety of fabrics for shirts, they are distinguished by a delicate structure, therefore they require washing in a delicate mode.
  • With incorrect washing, strong spinning and improper drying, the hard collar and cuffs are deformed, the buttons break out “with meat”.

If you follow these simple rules and know how to properly iron a shirt, you can keep the color and shape of this item of men's wardrobe fresh for a long time.

To iron was a pleasure

A good iron, ironing board, sleeve block, spray gun is a necessary set for ironing men's shirts. A comfortable workplace in the dressing room, combined with the mastered ironing technique, allows you to get an impeccable result.

  1. An ordinary iron with steam and temperature control options. An expensive "fancy" iron without knowing how to properly iron men's shirts and without owning the technique does not guarantee the quality of ironing.
  2. Ironing board and block with a solid textile coating. The board configuration is convenient for ironing hard-to-reach places.
  3. Moisture sprayer. If a shirt treated with water is placed in a plastic bag for several minutes, the thing will be moistened evenly.

Shirts made of linen and pure cotton require ironing with iron heating up to 210-230, abundant steam and intense pressure will help smooth out the natural material. For shirts made of mixed fabrics (viscose), the temperature is set at 110–120; items made of fabric with a relief texture are ironed without steam, at 110.

Let's deal with the sequence

Young housewives can learn how to iron a shirt properly by watching a video tutorial. Demonstration and detailed commenting of all stages of ironing will help to remember the technique and algorithm of actions at all stages of ironing. True, there are slight differences in the sequence: some believe that it is right to iron the shirt collar at the very beginning, and iron it completely; others prefer to iron only the inside of the collar first, and iron the front side at the finish. Both methods are correct, each hostess can choose the option that is convenient for herself. The main thing is that there are no small folds in the corners and wrinkles along the contour line on the collar. The general rules and sequence of ironing are as follows:

Mastery Secrets

As mentioned above, the sequence of actions when ironing may vary slightly. Knowing the rules and mastering the technique, you can develop your own way of ironing. In this case, the end result is important. Recommendations, tips on how to properly iron a shirt, photos for each stage will help even inexperienced young housewives master the secrets of ironing.

  • Shirts made of natural fabrics (cotton, linen) are ironed with pressure at high temperature.
  • Expensive silk shirts are ironed through a thin cotton fabric, it is not recommended to use gauze for this purpose - traces remain from it.
  • Woolen shirts are ironed inside out only. Woolen clothes tend to “shrink” a little when washed, so the ironing process should resemble “light stretching”.
  • Shirts made of fabric with a sheen will not fade if ironed from the inside out.
  • Dark and colored shirts are moistened only with a spray gun, white spots remain on them from the steamer.
  • To avoid shiny spots, it is better to iron a dark shirt from the wrong side, trying to touch the surface of the fabric less.
  • The shelf is ironed from top to bottom, the pocket on the shelf is ironed from bottom to top.
  • Monitor the condition of the soleplate of the iron, if dirty, clean it with special products.
  • Water is not poured into the iron steamer tank from the tap, lime impurities leave dirty marks on things. It is recommended to boil the water and stand it, such a precaution will extend the life of the iron.

How to iron a shirt collar so that it stands up nicely

The collar, like the whole shirt, should be ironed when damp. The reverse side of the collar is ironed first, the iron should move from the corner to the center. The front side is ironed in the same way. So that the fabric on the collar does not move and ugly wrinkles do not form, the collar should be ironed without pressure. You can not bend and iron the collar on the rack. When a man puts on a shirt, this detail itself takes on a natural shape. At all times, fashionable men are no less worried about their wardrobe than women. To keep the shirt collar in a standing position, special magnets were invented. Now there are more devices and methods for stiffening the collar:

  • Buttons on the collar serve to maintain the shape, and are also an element of decor.
  • Removable plastic collar tabs. The liners are removed before washing, after ironing they are inserted into the pockets on the back of the collar.
  • Moisturizing the collar with a special spray (water solution of starch and fragrances).

Memo notes on cuffs

Cuffs are the visible part of a men's shirt, so iron them with extreme care. The compacted fabric is well moistened and is first ironed on the inside, and then on the front side until completely dry. Double cuffs are processed in several steps: the unfolded part of the sleeve is ironed without a fold, then the cuff folded to the desired width is ironed and an arrow is formed (according to etiquette, an ironed fold on the cuffs is allowed).

We iron the sleeves correctly, remember the rules of etiquette

The sleeve is the most complex element of a men's shirt. A high-quality ironing board with a pad will help you properly iron a long-sleeved shirt. If the surface of the table is used for ironing, then a terry towel rolled into a cylinder can be adapted instead of a block. Sleeves are ironed in the following sequence:

If time is running out, then you can iron the shirt quickly, with folds on the sleeves. But in such a shirt, a man who cares about his image is categorically not recommended to take off his jacket. Correctly ironing the sleeve of a men's shirt means taking care of the appearance of a man. Good housewives know how to organize household chores so that they have enough time for high-quality ironing. Having the experience of ironing a shirt with a long sleeve, it is not at all difficult to iron a shirt with a short sleeve correctly. The absence of cuffs and the short length of the sleeves make the process much easier. However, all other requirements are also relevant for ironing a summer shirt.

The last stage of ironing: front shelves and back

Even though the fronts and back are straight panels compared to other parts, ironing armholes, shoulder seams and fronts requires some skill. In order not to stretch the thing, the iron is carried out along the shared thread from top to bottom.

You should start from the right shelf: first, the bar with buttons is ironed. The places around the buttons are slightly pulled back and carefully processed with the nose of the iron. At the same time, thermal effects on accessories should not be allowed - buttons can be deformed or fade. The left bar is ironed so that the loop holes do not stretch. After that, iron both shelves, paying special attention to the armholes.
The back of a men's shirt is ironed by turning the shirt from right to left according to the scheme: 1. Right side seam => back => left side seam => left yoke; 2. Right side seam => back => right yoke.

So that the ironed shirt does not wrinkle

Shirts are moistened before ironing, and they need to be ironed until completely dry. The ironed shirt must be cool, only then it can be hung on a coat hanger. Ideally, if you hang one shirt on one coat hanger, but in a limited space you can hang several shirts one on top of the other. According to the rules of good manners, you can not wear the same shirt for two days in a row, it is customary to change it every day. It is convenient if the shirts are hung on a coat hanger in the order they are used, so you do not have to iron wrinkled shirts again. An ironed shirt can be stored folded, for this you need to remember the factory packaging. A properly folded shirt (with a plastic lock inserted into the collar) will help out those who go on a business trip. Before a business meeting, you can do without ironing: just unfold the folded shirt and hang it on a hanger.

Ironing and ironing is a necessary treatment for most fabric products, because clothes and linen not only acquire an attractive appearance, but with the help of an iron, defects that form during washing and wearing can be corrected.

Despite the fact that there are more and more fabrics that do not require ironing, we, apparently, will not give up the use of an iron anytime soon. After all, in addition to the above advantages, there is another, no less important - high temperature contributes to the death of various bacteria, as well as dust mites.

Another issue is that many of us do not like ironing. When it comes to handkerchiefs or pillowcases, you can still put up with it, but ironing men's shirts for some it becomes almost torture. However, if you or your husband work in an office where a dress code is required, this process cannot be avoided.

Meanwhile, ironing a shirt is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Today we will tell you how to do it.

In our article "How to iron fabrics" we have told you how to iron various fabrics, so we strongly recommend that you read it so as not to make mistakes and not ruin your favorite thing.

How to choose the iron temperature

How to iron a shirt

Before you start ironing, you must select the correct temperature setting for the iron, depending on the type of fabric:

  • Pure cotton - 150 C
  • Linen - 200-230 C
  • Viscose - 120 C
  • Cotton with polyester - 110 C
  • Cotton with linen - 190-200 C
  • Silk - up to 160 C

How to iron a shirt

It is best to iron a men's shirt when slightly damp. If the shirt is dry, you can wrap it for an hour in a damp towel, cloth, or, after moistening, put it briefly in a plastic bag. It is good if you have a spray bottle with clean water on hand so that you can spray it on the fabric if necessary.

Start by processing those parts shirts , where the material is sewn in two layers, that is, from the cuffs and collar.

How to iron a shirt

The collar is first ironed from the inside, and then from the front. It is stretched and ironed in the direction from the ends in the middle, and also at the fold, until the collar is completely dry.

In order for it not to wrinkle in the future, a piece of cardboard cut out in shape or other rigid material is placed under it. Don't throw away these tabs when unpacking a shirt you just bought, they might come in handy.

Following the collar, straighten and iron the under-collar area and the double yoke. To do this, it is convenient to pull it over the edge of the ironing board.

The cuffs, like the collar, are ironed first from the inside, then from the front. Iron the fold on the cuffs, then straighten the entire sleeve and iron from the shoulder to the cuffs on the front side. You can use a special small ironing board to iron the sleeves.

It's time to pat the back. It is folded in half, the crease is leveled, first one and then the other side of the back is ironed. After that, lay out and iron the strip in the middle.

The front of the shirt is ironed like this: first, the straps with buttons and loops, and then only the halves themselves. Between the buttons, gently stroke the nose of the iron, trying not to touch them, because they can melt from high temperature. Please note that there may be pockets on the front halves of the shirt, which also have buttons, do not forget to bypass them so as not to spoil them.

There are few lucky people in the world who do not feed bread, just give them an iron and a pile of laundry, preferably more. Ironing can hardly be called a favorite pastime of contemporaries. Most of the people who are forced to serve this duty are interested in the possibility of reducing the time for this. The question is especially interesting: "How to iron men's shirts?" After all, there are usually a lot of them, and there are a lot of different details on them.

Well, follow the advice below from professional iron workers, and very soon ironing shirts will turn, if not into a favorite, then certainly into an easy task, the result of which will delight you with the impeccable aesthetic appearance of shirts.

The first thing to start with is going to the store. To have less ironing, you need to know how to choose a men's shirt. For example, ironing is contraindicated for a shirt made of “wrinkled” fabric. It would be useful to have a couple of such models.

Pay attention to the content of synthetic fibers in the fabric from which the men's shirt is sewn. The higher their percentage, the easier the thing is ironed, however, along with this, the harm caused to health by artificial materials also increases. They do not pass air well, thereby reducing its circulation, and can cause an allergic reaction of the body. On the other hand, 100% natural fabric is the hardest to iron. The decision is up to you.

Iron setting

On the wrong side of the product, find the sewn-in label, which schematically shows the iron. Notice the number of dots drawn inside it. For example, if there is a drawing with two dots on the diagram, then your iron should be set to the same setting, in this case, “Silk”.


It is with him that ironing begins. How did you think? Men's shirts should be ironed from the wrong side of the collar. Then you should iron its front surface.


First of all, go over the cuffs with an iron on both sides, starting from the wrong side. The button must be carefully “go around” in order to avoid its indentation and melting and damage to the surface of the soleplate of the iron.

Smooth out the sleeve from the forearm to the cuff. In order to avoid wrinkles, you can use a miniature ironing board, on which the sleeve is put on and ironed. Or roll a terry towel into a roller, insert it into a difficult-to-iron part of the sleeve and iron it thoroughly with steam.


Position the shirt on so that it fits the whole floor. The most difficult thing here is the area from the chest to the shoulder. Spread it with your hands so that the iron can easily repeat these movements without making unnecessary folds. Ironing the bottom of the floor is no longer difficult. Ironing buttons should be avoided for reasons already mentioned.


This part of the product is ironed last, starting from the shoulder area and ending with the bottom. The main secret: before each touch of the iron, straighten the product with your hands.

Now the acute question of how to iron men's shirts is off the agenda. It remains only to apply the theory in practice, master the method and use it constantly.

How to iron a shirt with long sleeves or short sleeves? Initially, it may seem that ironing a men's shirt is a difficult task, but in fact there is nothing terrible here.

It is enough to follow some rules and recommendations that will help make the process of ironing the product easier.

Preparing for ironing

Before you iron a men's shirt, you need to prepare auxiliary items.

On hand should be:

  1. Iron. The main item that helps to iron the shirt. Therefore, it is desirable that it be good, with a steam function, and a built-in spray gun. If it is not there, it’s not scary, then you will need a separate spray bottle with clean water.
  2. Water in a spray bottle. Without it, it’s good not to iron a shirt. Therefore, you should check in advance that the iron or spray container is full.
  3. Board for ironing linen. It is desirable that there be a large and a small one (for sleeves). If it is not there, then on the table, for example, it will be more difficult to cope with the task. With a small board, the process is greatly simplified - it is easy to iron small details of clothing on it.
  4. White, or light-colored diaper (gauze). You need to take a cotton, medium thickness fabric. Synthetics won't work. It will be needed to back it up during ironing between the product and the iron, so that there are no traces of the sole of the iron or the shirt does not lose color. You can also use it instead of a small ironing board. If you fold the diaper and put it inside the sleeve, it will be easier to iron it without forming an arrow. Instead of a diaper, it is allowed to take an ordinary thin towel or cotton sheet.

These are the basics of the preparatory stage.

Experienced housewives know many secrets on how to make ironing shirts easier and faster.

Using proven tips on how to properly iron shirts, the event will take place without any difficulties, iron marks on the fabric, unsmoothed wrinkles and other troubles.

Simple tips on how to iron shirts correctly:

  1. First of all, it is desirable to get a good iron with different temperature conditions and programs. Such a device perfectly smoothes any material, and is able to turn an unloved activity into pleasure. With it, even the most capricious fabrics will be ironed with high quality, if you set the temperature correctly.
  2. In order for a short or long sleeve shirt to respond well to heat treatment, it is advisable to dry it on a coat hanger, and not on a clothesline. The product should be ironed without waiting for complete drying, let it be still a little damp, so even the smallest folds will be smoothed out easily.
  3. If you have to iron a shirt made of natural or rayon silk, then a sprayer is not required. It is better to iron such a fabric completely dry, but through a smooth, damp diaper or towel.
  4. A very important point is the regular replacement of the water filter in the iron, and the actual liquid itself. Water in an iron or a spray bottle must be filled with distilled water. Normal, can leave stains on fabrics and create scale in an electrical appliance.
  5. All shirts should be ironed on the right side. From the inside, only dark-colored or embroidered shirts are ironed so that there are no traces of the sole of the iron. The white shirt can be ironed through the fabric.

It is also important to choose the right heating temperature of the iron when ironing fabrics from different materials. Some fabrics require a high heating temperature, while others, on the contrary, require a low one.

Temperature regime

For those who are just starting to learn how to properly iron a shirt, the tag on the product can help. As a rule, it contains all the necessary information: the composition of the fabric, the appropriate temperature for ironing the product, washing tips.

But if for some reason there is no label, then the following table can help:

What material

Optimal temperature


fit 70 degrees

- do not use steam.


fit 60-80 degrees

- light steam;

- weak pressing of the sole.

also 60-80 degrees

- without moisture;

- do not use steam;

- light pressure of the iron.

allowed 180-200 degrees

- good hydration;

- intense steam;

- strong pressure.

suitable 140-170

- strong pressure of the sole;

- good hydration;

- intense steam.

Cotton + linen

can apply 180-200 degree

- medium steam;

- strong pressure;

- ironing through a damp cloth.

Cotton (header) or cotton + synthetics

allowable 110 degrees

- very weak steam, or without it;

- no moisture.

can be set to 110-120 degrees

- pressure is weak;

- through moistened tissue;

- intense steam.


only 60-80 degrees

- ironing from the wrong side;

- steaming;

- light pressure of the sole.

fit 120 degree

- ironing through the fabric or from the inside;

- steaming;

- Light pressure.

Before you start ironing the product, it is advisable to try the iron on a flap of the same fabric. The temperature of the iron should be low, then you can gradually increase it and check the result - this is especially important when ironing a shirt without an informing label on the product.

If the sole does not stick, the iron glides easily, and the folds straighten out, then the temperature mode is chosen correctly.

Ironing a shirt

Short sleeve shirts are easier to iron than long sleeves. The difference lies only in the presence of this longest sleeve, which also needs to be ironed correctly.

How to iron a shirt collar? The collar is placed inside out, and ironed from edge to edge. Then the same is repeated on the front side, and again ironed from the inside out.

Front side

The shirt should be laid out on the board with the front side, and carefully iron the shelf from the side of the buttons, and then the other side with the loops.

Especially carefully you need to iron the gaps between the buttons.


The product is turned over with the back and carefully smoothed out, then the side seams are ironed and go to the yoke. It is worked out from the middle, after which they unfold the shirt, and move towards the sleeve, first one, and then the second.

How to iron shirt sleeves, first of all, depends on whether arrows are needed or not.

Short sleeves can be ironed simply on both sides, then they will turn out with arrows. If they are not needed, then a towel rolled into a roller will help to iron the sleeves of a shirt without arrows. It is put into the sleeve and ironed from all sides (in case there is no small ironing board).

The long sleeve is ironed in the same way, but it should be worked out more carefully so that creases do not form on the fabric.


It is advisable to start steaming a long sleeve from the cuff. First you need to unfold the cuff and iron it from the wrong side, and then from the front side.

So, it’s not at all difficult to put a shirt in order. An ironed shirt must be hung on a coat hanger so that it does not wrinkle.

Over time, this task will only take a few minutes to complete. Well, for starters, you can practice on old shirts.