How to make a glossy. How to make a glossy photo in photoshop

Inspired by the editorial work of Newton of the 90s, TIGZ Rice will reveal the methods for creating the perfect skin and the effect of "Cross-Processing" with gradients for a stylish, stylized view.

In this lesson you will learn how to create a glossy trendy photo in Photoshop - You will also receive tips on the selection of style, lighting and what the camera settings you use.

Inspired by colored places of later works of Helmut Newton, photographer Tigz Rice will tell you how to prepare your shoot, before working with the image in Photoshop.

She will show how to get glossy skin in Photoshop - And how to create the "Cross-Processing" effect with the help of gradients to get such a final result: cooler tones in shades and warmer on light parts of photography.

Step 1

First, let's take a look at the style of filming. Inspired by the archive of photos with women Helmut Newton, Didi drove black underwear with stockings and suspenders.

We also chose a leopard coloring for the top of the clothes. The rich color of red lipstick has completed the image of our model.

Let's pay attention to the lighting setting. In the 90s it was quite difficult to achieve the desired contrast. Now such an effect can be easily achieved by flash, but here I wanted to show you an example, as a similar effect can be achieved with the help of a natural light source.

Didi sat next to the open window so that the photo it turned out a hard direction on the right side.

Step 2.

As soon as you are satisfied with the source of the light, then take pictures. Once again, having sinking from the portfolio of Helmut Newton's portfolio, we chose a strong angular pose, making focus on Didi's feet. This image was removed with such settings: 1/160 seconds per F4, with ISO 200.

Step 3.

After the shooting is complete, select the best photo and open it in Photoshop. If you were filmed in RAW format, it should automatically open up in Adobe Camera Raw. If not, then go to Filter\u003e Camera FilterRaw. (Filter\u003e Camera Raw Filter) to access the settings panel.

Note: If you are unfamiliar with Camera Raw, we suggest you explore the lessons to work with this tool.

In the tab Maintenance (Basic) Make the exposure and white balance correction to balance the colors and further obtain this result as in the photos of Newton's Helmuta of the 90s.

For this snapshot, I also changed the settings in Contrast(Contrast), Sveta (Highlights) and Shadah (Shadows).

When you arrange the result, click View image (Open Image) or OK to apply settings and open an image in Photoshop.

Step 4.

Clean the image as needed by removing any stains, unnecessary parts and hair using the tool Point restoring brush(Spot Healing Brush Tool)

Now I have worked a little plastic on my leg, in the place where it is superfluous due to the fact that it comes into contact with the sofa.

Step 5.

Next we will focus on skin cleaning. Models in the works of Helmut 90s usually have impeccable skin, so you can make it a little better than you have done for a regular picture (although you can soften this fashionable glamor to create your own style version).

Press the CMD / CTRL + SHIFT + N key combination to create a new layer. In the settings, change the overlay mode on Soft light (Soft Light) and check the box Perform the fill with neutral color of the soft light mode (gray 50%) (Fill with Soft-Light-Neutral Color (50% grey)). Click OK.

Step 6.

Select a tool Lighter (Dodge Tool), in the Tool Settings, select Medium tones (Midtones) and set the exposure value of about 5-10%. Come on any dark textures on the skin to create a nice smooth tone. You can also use the tool Lighter (Dodge Tool) to emphasize bright places on your image to enhance contrast.

Step 7.

When you are pleased with the way your image looks like, let's continue and add the "Cross-Processing" effect. Create a correction layer by clicking on the icon below the layer panel and select Gradient Map ... (Gradient Map ...).

Step 8.

In the tab Properties (Properties) Click on the arrow, which is located near the gradient to open the gradient palette. Click on the gear icon, which is in this submenu, and in the context menu that appears, select Photographic tinting Photographic Toning to load tinting gradients.

Step 9.

Let's give the shadows of a cooler tone. Select Cobalt-Iron1 gradient.

Step 10.

This effect will be quite strong, so change the overlay mode on Overlapping (Overlay) and reduce opacity(OPACITY) up to 30%.

Step 11.

Now let's make the opposite and add a little warm tones.

Repeat steps 8-10, instead, select Sepia 5 gradient.

Step 12.

Also put a tick Inversion (Reverse) in the gradient map panel to apply it to the brightest parts of your image.

Step 13.

Finally, add a little grain. To do this, first highlight all layers on the layers panel, right-click and select the context menu. Convert to smart object (Convert to Smart Object) to merge everything into one smart layer.

Step 14.

Go to Filter\u003e FilterCamera.Raw. (Filter\u003e Camera Raw). Click the tab Effects (Effects). The amount, size and roughness of your grain will fully depend on the size of your image.

Step 15.

When you are satisfied with the result, click OK to return to the Photoshop main window and save the file.

Strictly speaking, it was shot not a portrait, but a simple Hadshot - a working tool for casting. Well, not the essence, you can also work on it. What to do if there is no makeup artist or he did not cope with the task? Torture a card in Photoshop-e, of course! This frame was obtained as a result of shooting (ISO 50 | 1/125 | F / 9):

2. Not in vain say that the photo is very cruel. The fact is that in life, we generally do not notice anything like that, especially if a person is sympathetic to us - after just a couple of minutes, attention is entirely switched to communication. In addition, in life, we are extremely rarely rude so close to those with whom we communicate: with 100%-value of the head of the girl on my 30 "monitor is the size of 4 times greater than its real physical dimensions ...

So, we must first fix the small flaws of the skin:

3. Very often different people will wait to show skin treatment and then, after I show this process for a long time and look with a dumb question: "Type, et al. ... And where is the magic?!" And there is no her here! \u003d :) Everything is very simple and simple.

I make every next operation on a new layer, in order to if you suddenly go to the steppe, I could always simply remove this layer and start the operation to re-on. Of course, in Photoshop-e there is History and runs Undo. But then the fact is that the History is only 20 steps by default. This value, of course, can be enlarged in the system settings, but then Photoshop will crack a lot of resources. And in any case, the technical retouching, which is done at the very beginning, requires the commission of a very large number of small actions, therefore, no matter how much levels in History - they still will be finished fairly quickly.

Therefore, a new layer and work with the Healing Brush tool with such settings (the brush should be 100% rigid, otherwise there will be dirt on the edges, the size of it each time is selected individually for each individual lesion damage:

4. By easy, but rather prolonged manipulation time with Healing Brush, after the first stage of technical retouching, we get skin skin without temporary defects:

5. But major flaws of the frame remained:

6. Therefore, on the new layer we repeat item 4, but only with a larger tassel. But if in p.4 from the retouushera does not need anything other than attention and a wooden ass for a good perfection for the monitor, then, at this stage, it is necessary to be more attentive. And do not just drag the texture from clean skin to damaged areas, but also take into account the overall black and faceted pattern and the form of the face, because it is easy to get a perfect other person at this stage of retouching:

7. At the previous step, you can stay and stop, but if you do for more stringent customers with more hard requirements, it is required to repeat P.6, finally removing the folds under the eyes:

8. Well, as a final stripping, I sometimes use the Plugin ImageNomic Portaiture (although in 90% of cases I will eat without it and without any other plugins - work should be organized so that it can always be done on standard products Photoshop-a):

9. Even if I use Portraiture, I always exhibit such parameters so that it is stripping only low-frequency noise (which, by the way, is more difficult to neutralize manually) - FINE and MEDIUM engines (responsible for high and mid-frequency noises) stand on negative values (-20 and -10, appropriate), LARGE engine - on positive (+20):

10. After that, we get a "doll":

11. And so that this effect does not cut the eye, I remove the transparency of the STEP 3 Retouch layers and Portraiture up to 30%, for everyone. It turns out such a straight face, not devoid, while skin textures:

12. After that, I create a new empty layer and fold it in Mutiply mode. On this layer, I draw a shadow with a translucent soft tassel, where they should be added where to add them:

13. After that, a similar layer is created for highlights, which develops already in SCREEN mode:

14. The shadows are blurring Gaussian Blur-Ohm:

15. The glare is also, but the radius of Blur-A is raised smaller - the glare should be more rigid. Moreover, the harsh will be glare, the more brilliant skin will look like. Here the necessary balance is selected between the radiance of the skin and its mattiness, it is selected solely for the taste:

16. And after that, the transparency of the layers with highlights and shadows is regulated, to obtain a more realistic imitation of lighting:

17. Next - additional Adjustment Layer-Ohm Curves rises the total contrast of the picture (what a little crawled colors in the direction of saturation is even nothing, only for the benefit, in my opinion, although it is good, of course, you need to compensate or Apply the contrast to the L-channel in Lab, or to make another method that do not affect chromaticity):

18. And one more curves rises brightness and "shiny" hair:

19. And so that not glitter, what you do not need, limit the Curves layer so rude, but a very effective mask:

20. After that, we make a copy of the STEP 2 Retouch layer, raise it up and process with the Other -\u003e High Pass plugin with a radius, for example, 2 (this parameter is selected for each specific case individually - you need to know what will happen with this picture where it will be printed on what and so on:

21. By 100% zoom, we switch the mode of addition on Soft Light or Overlay and see the degree of Sharpe - it suits us or not? You can try different modes of addition of this layer with the rest of the picture (Soft Light - as a result of "scarcit" weaker, Overlay is stronger):

22. Well, for control. If something does not suit, then change the transparency of the layers and we have achieved the best ratio, if there is such a need for this:

And so, in fact, the result. Who does not like an excessive grotesque processing and puppety pictures - can focus the result with PP. №5-6, to get your version. Well, yes, this, of course, not complete processing of the whole picture, the mass of the nuances remains behind the scenes (work with clothes, hair, background, and so on):


Open photo. Make a copy of the main Ctrl + J layer so as not to damage the snapshot during retouching.

The snapshot is somnam. To correct this flaw in the main menu, select Image ("Image"), Adjustments ("Properties") and Levels ("Levels"). In the INPUT LEVELS window, move the white slider to the left to brighten the image.

On the toolbar, choose Healing Brush Tool ("Attending Brush"). Find clean skin on the face, clamp on the ALT keyboard and click on this site. The tool will remember the sample. Move the mouse over the problem area and click the left mouse button - the program will replace it with a reference fragment. Thus process all the image.

Now you need a form of face and nose. From the Filter menu ("Filter") select the LiquiFy command ("Plastic"). On the toolbar, find Push Left Tool ("Offset"). Set not too high values \u200b\u200bfor pressure and hardness so that the retouching was neat. When you lead the cursor up, the image below it is shifted to the left when you pull the mouse down - right. By changing the size of the brush, make the sulfur faces already, and the nose is thinner. You can cancel the unsuccessful action by clicking the Reconstruct button ("Restore"). Click OK when the result will suit you.

Now you need to make a gloss image. Make a copy of the Ctrl + J layer. Choose Filter, Blur ("Blur"), Gaussian Blur ("Blur over Gauss"). Move Radius slider until, in your opinion, skin defects will not cease to be noticeable. Remember this value - in this case, 2.7 pixels. Filter Do not use - click Cancel.

In the same Filter menu, go to the Other group ("Other") and choose High Pass ("Color Contrast"). Expose the value you remember in the previous step - 2.7 pixels. Click OK.

Now apply Gaussian Blur with a radius equal to 1/3 of the value you remember. In this case, R \u003d 2.7: 3 \u003d 0.9 pixels.

Invert Ctrl + i layer, applying mode Assign Linear Light ("Linear Light"), transparency to lower up to 50%. Click Alt and click on the Add Layer Mask icon (add layer mask) on the layers panel. Choose on the toolbar soft brush white and paint problem areas on your face and neck, not assigneling, hair, eyebrows and other clear contours. Drain the Ctrl + E layers.

Now you need to clarify and darken individual parts of the image. Create a copy of the top layer Ctrl + J. Add an inverted layer mask to it, as in the previous step (Alt + Add Layer Mask). Application Mode Assign SCREEN ("Lightening"), transparency 10-15%. Make sure that the layer mask is active - it should be drawing on it. Choose a soft brush of white and, changing the diameter, clarify the forehead, cheekbones and chin girls. Swipe a light bar in the nose center. Stress the bright glare on the lips, hair and under the eyebrows. Drain the Ctrl + E layers.

Again, create a copy of the top layer and apply an inverted layer mask to it. Now the imposition mode is Multiply ("Multiplication"), transparency - 10-15%. White soft brush with an active layer mask impose shadows on the face of the model: on both sides of the nose, on the temples, along the cheeks and around the chin. Dink the area around the lips and eyes, emphasize the shadows on the neck. Drain the layers.

In the older times, it was customary to send the portrait before the match, to appreciate the beauty of the future bride. Time has changed, and with it technology. Now few people interested in the portrait are increasingly passionate about the photo. Make any photograph as a glossy magazine will help the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor, the licensed version of which you can at an affordable price!

  1. We open a photo, make a copy using Ctrl + J, now you can proceed to changes in the photo.
  2. When flashing a photo, let's go to the main menu and select the "Image" item (image), "Adjustments" (Properties), "Levels" (level). In the INPUT LEVELS icon there will be an image illuminator, moving the slider will allow you to make a lighter your photo.
  3. For an even color of the face in the photo we use another combination. Open the toolbar where you can find Healing Brush Tool.

    By increasing the photo, we are looking for the skin area that will be after all parts of the face. By pressing the alt key and holds it with a click on this site. Thus, the sample memorization has passed. You can only click the mouse to the plots that you need to correct and give the face a flawless look.

  4. If you wish, you can adjust the nose and oval faces. In the Filter menu, we will find and select the Liquiifi command line, and in the panel of our tools, choose Push Left Tool. For easy retouching, we advise you to set small values \u200b\u200bfor hardness and pressing. We shift to the left cursor up, and to shift to the right moving the cursor down. From the selected brushes depend on the parameters of the face. It turns out something wrong, just cancel the action when presstruct is pressed. Would you like to save? It's just done by pressing "OK".
  5. Give gloss. Copy using Ctrl and J, then choosing FilTier, find Blur and Gaussian Blur.

    Improve the photo to the desired level at your discretion using the RADIUS slider.

    The pixel value approximately must be 2.7. Apply the filter in this case without need. Click Cancel to complete.

  6. After completion, the Gaussian Blur is again applicable, but already with a radius of 0.9 pixels (this is the third part of the previous step).
  7. Pain those parts of the skin who need correction. To do this, again resort to the copying of the photo layer using Ctrl + i. In the blending mode, choose Linear Light

    and lower transparency up to 50%. Clicking and holding the alt key with a mouse on the Add Layer Mask icon. Turning to the toolbar by selecting a white soft brush, proceed to the core of the skin, to correct the problems. Try not to hurt the contours of other parts of the face. We connect the layers of the photo combination of Ctrl and E keys.

  8. We emphasize the contours of the face with light glare and tones. We make a copy of the upper layer (Ctrl + J), add a layer mask (Alt + Add Laver Mask), overlay in SCREEN mode. Note, you need to make changes to the active layer mask. Soft white brush, adjusting the diameter, lighten the necessary sections. Make the slope of the layers (Ctrl + E).
  9. The dimming of some areas of the face (eye, lips, neck and temporal part) will give naturality to your image. To do this, copy the top layer and apply the layer mask. Use the overlay in Multiply mode by setting transparency by 10-15%. Soft white brush impose shadows. At the end we drain the layers.
  10. Enjoy photo editing.

Video: How to make a glossy photo in Photoshop

Inspired by the editorial work of Newton of the 90s, TIGs Rice will reveal the methods of creating the perfect skin and the effect of "Cross-Processing" with gradients for a stylish, stylized view. In this lesson you will learn how to create glossy View In Photoshop. You will also receive tips on the selection of style, lighting and what the camera settings you use.

Inspired by colored places of later works of Helmut Newton, photographer Tigz Rice will tell you how to prepare your shoot, before working with the image in Photoshop.

She will show how to get glossy skin in Photoshop And how to create the "Cross-Processing" effect with the help of gradients to get such a final result: cooler tones in shades and warmer on light parts of photography.

Step 1

First, let's take a look at the style of filming. Inspired by the archive of photos with women Helmut Newton, Didi drove black underwear with stockings and suspenders.

We also chose a leopard coloring for the top of the clothes. The rich color of red lipstick has completed the image of our model.

Let's pay attention to the lighting setting. In the 90s it was quite difficult to achieve the desired contrast. Now such an effect can be easily achieved by flash, but here I wanted to show you an example, as a similar effect can be achieved with the help of a natural light source.

Didi sat next to the open window so that the photo it turned out a hard direction on the right side.

Step 2.

As soon as you are satisfied with the source of the light, then take pictures. Once again, having sinking from the portfolio of Helmut Newton's portfolio, we chose a strong angular pose, making focus on Didi's feet. This image was removed with such settings: 1/160 seconds per F4, with ISO 200.

Step 3.

After the shooting is complete, select the best photo and open it in Photoshop. If you were filmed in RAW format, it should automatically open up in Adobe Camera Raw. If not, then go to Filter\u003e Camera FilterRaw. (Filter\u003e Camera Raw Filter) to access the settings panel.

Note: If you are unfamiliar with Camera Raw, we offer you to work with this tool.

In the tab Maintenance (Basic) Make the exposure and white balance correction to balance the colors and further obtain this result as in the photos of Newton's Helmuta of the 90s.

For this snapshot, I also changed the settings in Contrast(Contrast), Sveta (Highlights) and Shadah(Shadows).

When you arrange the result, click View image (Open Image) or OK to apply settings and open an image in Photoshop.

Step 4.

Then clean the image as needed by removing any spots, unnecessary parts and hair using the tool (Spot Healing Brush Tool)

Now I have worked a little plastic on my leg, in the place where it is superfluous due to the fact that it comes into contact with the sofa.

Step 5.

Next we will focus on skin cleaning. Models in the works of Helmut 90s usually have impeccable skin, so you can make it a little better than you have done for a regular picture (although you can soften this fashionable glamor to create your own style version).

Press the CMD / CTRL + SHIFT + N key combination to create a new layer. In the settings, change the overlay mode on Soft light (Soft Light) and check the box Perform the fill with neutral color of the soft light mode (gray 50%) (Fill with Soft-Light-Neutral Color (50% grey)). Click OK.

Step 6.

Select a tool Lighter (Dodge Tool), in the Tool Settings, select Medium tones(Midtones) and set the exposure value of about 5-10%. Come on any dark textures on the skin to create a nice smooth tone. You can also use the tool Lighter (Dodge Tool) to emphasize bright places on your image to enhance contrast.

Step 7.

When you are pleased with the way your image looks like, let's continue and add the "Cross-Processing" effect. Create a correction layer by clicking on the icon below the layer panel and select Gradient Map ... (Gradient Map ...).

Step 8.

In the tab Properties (Properties) Click on the arrow, which is located near the gradient to open the gradient palette. Click on the gear icon, which is in this submenu, and in the context menu that appears, select Photographic tinting Photographic Toning to load tinting gradients.

Step 9.

Let's give the shadows of a cooler tone. Select Cobalt-Iron1 gradient.

Step 10.

This effect will be quite strong, so change the overlay mode on Overlapping(Overlay) and reduce opacity(OPACITY) up to 30%.

Step 11.

Now let's make the opposite and add a little warm tones.

Repeat steps 8-10, instead, select Sepia 5 gradient.

Step 12.

Also put a tick Inversion (Reverse) in the gradient map panel to apply it to the brightest parts of your image.