How to make a doll spin on a wooden spoon. Doll from a plastic spoon. Master Class. How to make a sock doll

Being engaged in a club at the museum for the creation of folk dolls, the teacher showed us a simple doll on a spoon. Her history is unknown, some sources say that mothers occupied their children after lunch or dinner so that they would not interfere with household chores. I think this is quite possible. I made my own version, slightly changing the manufacture of sleeve handles, in that version there were no handles given to us by the teacher. Let's make such a wonderful together with your child do-it-yourself folk doll.

It will require: rags or cotton wool for the head, a piece of sewing or lace for an apron, a beautiful piece of colored fabric for a sundress along the length of a spoon and a width of 2o cm, a satin ribbon in the color of a sundress 20 cm long, white calico or chintz for an undershirt in size like a piece for a sundress, and for sleeves 14 by 9 cm, 20 cm lace on the bottom of the shirt, a red piece of chintz for the top scarf, its long side is 20-25 cm, a triangle of white chintz for the bottom scarf, 2 pieces of tea-dyed chintz on the palms of size 3 6 cm, white and red threads and of course a wooden spoon.

Sew a satin ribbon on the cut for a sundress to the bottom, connect the side seams. On the bottom shirt to the bottom and also connect the side seams, steam the seams. Stitch lengthwise for sleeves. Wrap a ball of rags or cotton wool with a thread so that it does not fall apart.

Attach an undershirt to the "neck" of the doll. For convenience, so that the assembly is uniform, you can collect the upper edge of the shirt on a thread. The doll's face is the convex part of the spoon.

Wrap a sundress on a shirt. Here I hastened to fasten the apron, you don't do it.

Make palms from two pieces 3 by 6 cm, bend 1 cm along the long edge, roll into a tube, finally bend along the short edge, so that it would be neat, fasten with a hidden seam, make several turns around the palm, do not cut the thread.

In the blank for the sleeves, tuck the edge and collect on a thread around the palm, for splendor, you can put cotton wool or rags inside the sleeve. Wrap a red thread around the palm, imitating cuffs and embroidery.

Attach the handle sleeves to the “back” of the doll and wind it with a red thread crosswise, without cutting the thread, wind the apron, make a knot under the apron, cut the threads.

Such do-it-yourself folk doll, front view.

View from the back.

Put a lump of rags into the spoon and fasten it to tie the lower white scarf, tuck the ends of the scarf inward, so they do not interfere and create additional volume for the head.

Tie a red scarf on top, you can do it like this - like a woman, i.e. married woman with children.

It turned out to be a bright and sincere doll. When making folk dolls, something inside wakes up and warms, probably this is the call of our distant and not very ancestors, who can even make something special out of a spoon.

Connections with ancestors and wonderful dolls for your collection, dear needlewomen!

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  • Rag or cotton wool for the head, a piece of sewing or lace for an apron, a beautiful piece of colored fabric for a sundress along the length of a spoon and a width of 2o cm, a satin ribbon in the color of a sundress 20 cm long, white calico or chintz for an undershirt in size like a piece for a sundress, and on sleeves 14 by 9 cm, lace 20 cm on the bottom of the shirt, a red piece of chintz for the top scarf, its long side is 20-25 cm, a triangle of white chintz for the bottom scarf, 2 pieces of tea-dyed chintz on the palms measuring 3 by 6 cm, white and red threads and of course a wooden spoon.

Preparation method

  1. Sew a satin ribbon on the cut for a sundress to the bottom, connect the side seams. Sew lace on the bottom shirt to the bottom and connect the side seams in the same way, steam the seams. Stitch lengthwise for sleeves. Wrap a ball of rags with thread so that it does not fall apart.
  2. Attach an undershirt and a sundress to the “neck” of the doll. The face of the doll is the convex part of the spoon.
  3. Make palms from two pieces 3 by 6 cm, bend 1 cm along the long edge, roll into a tube, finally bend along the short edge, so that it would be neat, fasten with a hidden seam, make several turns around the palm, do not cut the thread.
  4. In the blank for the sleeves, tuck the edge and collect on a thread around the palm, for splendor, put cotton wool inside the sleeve. Wrap a red thread around the palm, imitating cuffs and embroidery.
  5. Put a lump of rags into the spoon and fasten it to tie the lower white scarf, tuck the ends of the scarf inside.
  6. Tie a red scarf on top.

Additional Information

It turned out to be a bright and sincere doll. When making folk dolls, something inside wakes up and warms, probably this is the call of our distant and not very ancestors, who can even make something special out of a spoon.

See website for more details.

Connections with ancestors and wonderful dolls for your collection, dear needlewomen!

You can make eyes for dolls or soft toys yourself from any suitable material.

I bring to your attention a master class for creating eyes for dolls from disposable plastic spoons.

We will need:

  • two plastic spoons
  • PVA glue,
  • a piece of sintepuh,
  • Super glue.

Step 1: Cut out the desired eye shape from paper. We apply to the spoons and circle.

Step 2: Carefully cut out our future eyes.

In the process of cutting, the spoons burst a little. These are the scary preparations. Sand the edges a little.

Step 3: We take 4 pieces of paper, a little more than our eyes.

Lubricate abundantly with PVA glue and glue the eyes. We wrap the edges inward.

Here's what happened.

Let it dry and apply the second layer in the same way. The paper may tear slightly during the gluing process and wrinkles may occur. Straighten out carefully.

This is after the second layer.

How neat the paper is not glue, there will be wrinkles for any, so you can sand it a little. But the main thing is not to sand to perfect smoothness, if this is not intended. Folds create veins.

Involuntarily, the question may arise, why paste over with paper, because you can draw directly on the spoons.

Firstly, if you draw immediately on a spoon, then as a result the paint spreads and some kind of watery layer is obtained. How much then do not cover with varnish, it will not be right. And the paper is quite loose, the paint on it is very well fixed. It turns out a completely different texture.

Secondly, the plastic is too smooth and over time the paint will chip off, but on paper it will last forever.

Step 4: On the back of the eyes, glue a little synthetic fluff with super glue so that the eyes better connect with the doll's face.

Step 5: And now we put our eyes on the face of the doll.

I want to say that for such a peephole it is desirable that a tightening be made in the eye area on the face of the doll. From the inner to the outer edges, otherwise then our eyes will look like headlights on a car - very bulging.

The scenario of the master class contains interesting informative information about the traditions of the Russian people and its folklore, where the creative work of children of primary preschool age in making dolls on a spoon is presented in a playful way.




Scenario of the master class "Doll on a spoon"

The purpose of the master class: to make a do-it-yourself play doll with the joint efforts of children, parents and educator.


To acquaint children with the history of making play dolls;

To master the technology of making a play doll on a spoon;

Raise interest in the traditions of the Russian people, the desire to please loved ones with a hand-made toy;

Develop fine motor skills of hands, creative abilities of children.

Children watch a fairy tale staged by the children of the preparatory group.

AT: So we looked with you a fairy tale about a mother goat and an evil wolf.

Opened the goat door

And they all disappeared.

AT: - Who found the kids and saved them from the gray wolf?

Children: - Mom-goat.

AT: - And let's praise her, prepare your hands.

Children perform movements according to the text of the nursery rhyme "Goat-trouble"


Day-to-day busy(rub palms)

She - pinch the grass(pinching fingers)

She - run to the river(fingers run across the table)

She - to guard the goats (point fingers)

Take care of little kids!

AT: And our children also have mothers, and our mothers also have mothers - these are our grandmothers.

Our grandmother is very kind

Grandma always helps us.

Children give cards to grandmothers.

AT: Many mothers in the world

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mom

She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mommy!

AT: Today, our mothers came to our group to show how their mothers and grandmothers played with dolls, and not simple, but funny, and did it with a simple wooden spoon.

Her history is unknown, some sources say that mothers occupied their children after lunch or dinner so that they would not interfere with household chores.

Screening of the presentation film "Doll on a Spoon"

2 It will require: rags or cotton wool for the head, a piece of sewing or lace for an apron, a beautiful piece of colored fabric for a sundress along the length of a spoon and a width of 2o cm, a satin ribbon in the color of a sundress 20 cm long, white calico or chintz for an undershirt in size as a piece for a sundress, and on sleeves 14 by 9 cm, lace 20 cm on the bottom of the shirt, a red piece of chintz for the top scarf, its long side is 20-25 cm, a triangle of white chintz for the bottom scarf, 2 pieces of tea-dyed chintz on the palms of the size 3 by 6 cm, white and red threads and of course a wooden spoon.

3 Sew a satin ribbon on the cut for a sundress to the bottom, connect the side seams. On the bottom shirt to the bottomsew on lace and also connect the side seams, steam the seams. Stitch lengthwise for sleeves. Wrap a ball of rags or cotton wool with a thread so that it does not fall apart

4 Attach an undershirt to the “neck” of the doll. For convenience, so that the assembly is uniform, you can collect the upper edge of the shirt on a thread. The doll's face is the convex part of the spoon.

5 In the blank for the sleeves, tuck the edge and gather it on a thread around the palm, for splendor, you can put cotton wool or rags inside the sleeve. Wrap a red thread around the palm, imitating cuffs and embroidery

6 Attach the sleeves-handles to the “back” of the doll and wind them with a red thread crosswise, without cutting the thread, wind the apron, make a knot under the apron, cut the threads.

7 Such do-it-yourself folk doll, front view

8 View from the back.

9 Put a lump of rags into the spoon and, fixing it, tie the lower white scarf, tuck the ends of the scarf inward, so they do not interfere and create additional volume for the head.

10 Tie a red scarf on top, you can do this - like a woman, i.e. married woman with children

11 It turned out a bright and sincere doll. When making folk dolls, something inside wakes up and warms, probably this is the call of our distant and not very ancestors, who can even make something special out of a spoon.

The teacher lays out shreds of cloth and spoons. Children choose the ones they like and look at them. Then the necessary materials are selected: red and white threads, white fabric for the head and handles, cotton wool, triangular fabric for a scarf. All this is laid out on an individual tray and the course of work is repeated.

AT: - And now, guys, let's play a little, come out to the middle!

Mobile game "The goat went out for a walk"

The goat went out for a walk

Stretch your legs.

The goat kicks its feet

Screaming like a goat:

"Be-ee, be-ee!"

The children sit down.

AT: - Guys, now we will help our mothers to make a doll, and when it is ready, we will name it. Every person has a name. So pupae have names, and they can be different. For example: Arina, Sveta, Ksyusha, etc.

Children make a doll with their mothers, and at the end, the teacher invites everyone to stand in a circle with a doll and play a game-acquaintance "You and me", where each child introduces us to the name of his doll (He speaks on behalf of the doll)

Game progress.

Hand in hand friends(Children hold hands)

And they said, “You and I are us!

I am Katyusha, I am Vityusha

I - …

AT: And now let the dolls make friends. Let's teach them to be friends!

Game exercise "Come to me"

Come to me (beckons finger)

I beg you.

Come to me (strokes his friend on the shoulder)

I'll tell you a secret.

Shu-shoo-shoo, shi-shi-shi(whispers in ear)

The kids swirled.(circling in pairs)

Russian folk game "Club", "Brook", "Round dance with a wall"

At the end, everyone is invited to taste the cake with tea.

AT: Rastabars-bars

Let's drink tea from a samovar

Delicious with pretzels

With kalachi, breadcrumbs

With Russian pies.

After tea drinking, the teacher offers to put the pupae to sleep with a lullaby.

Bye bye, bye bye

Doggy don't bark

Belopapa do not whine

Don't wake our Masha.

Dark night - can't sleep

Our Mashenka is afraid...

Doggy don't bark

Don't scare our Masha!

Our Masha will sleep

It will close its eyes.

The children of the pupae are left to sleep, and they themselves quietly leave the group outside so as not to wake the kids.

Advice to parents

It is very important that the child himself gives the doll a name.
It is important that the child helps to choose the material, hold, tie, straighten, etc. up to self-production, especially by an older child for a younger one.Don't forget to thank your child for helping!
Be sure to be interested in how the child plays with the doll, ask questions, praise for the imagination, for the care and affectionate treatment of the doll.
In such a game, the child develops: communication skills, initiative in setting the task (dress the doll, make dishes for her, etc.), will as the ability to keep the image inside and complete the task, needlework, role-playing and a very important game with substitute objects (any available material and objects), etc. Learn lullabies for the doll with your child.
I foresee questions about the design of the face. Since the doll is play, you can make out the face, but it is hardly necessary. The child will often lull the doll, and open eyes will cause contradiction, in addition, the child experiences different emotions and moods through the doll, and the stamp in the decorated face will interfere more than contribute to such a deep internal connection.

Used Books

  1. E.I. Yakubovskaya, Candidate of Art History; N.V. Eremina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher-folklorist "Traditional folk holidays in educational institutions"
  2. I.A. Boychuk T.N. Popushin "Introducing young and middle-aged children to Russian folk art