What size should the watch be? How to choose a watch

Have you decided to buy a watch? In this article, we will help you understand the various functions, mechanisms, glasses, water resistance and other parameters of a watch. You just have to decide which brand of watches you like the most.

It should be noted that the wristwatch on the hand must correspond to the time and place. Despite the fact that some models are universal, a gradation should be made between models for outdoor activities and wristwatches for secular entertainment. Most companies have a wide range of models, among which you can choose a watch for any situation.

Among the huge range of Swiss watches, however, there are certain patterns. Men's watches, as a rule, are characterized by strict elegance. Unlike them, women's wristwatches often play the role of decoration. Genuine watches can be anything - they are always reliable!

Quartz or mechanical? That is the question!

Undoubtedly, when choosing a watch, every person has ever wondered which movement is better and more durable - quartz or mechanical? After all, the mechanism is the first thing you need to pay special attention to when choosing a watch. The mechanism is the heart of the watch, in which all elements must work smoothly, with the most minimal errors.

What is the main difference between quartz and mechanics?

The main difference between quartz watches and mechanical watches is that they are used as an energy source that ensures the operation of the clock mechanism.

AT quartz watch the source of energy is a battery that feeds the electronic unit of the quartz watch and the stepper motor. The electronic unit sends a signal to the engine once per second, and the latter, in turn, turns the arrows. A quartz crystal provides a very high frequency stability of the generated pulses and, consequently, a high accuracy of movement, in addition, the battery is designed for several years of operation, so there is no need to wind the quartz watch.

AT mechanical watch a helical spring is used, located in a drum with a serrated edge. When winding the watch, the spring is twisted, and when unwinding, the spring sets in motion the drum, the rotation of which sets the entire clockwork in motion.

Which clock is more accurate?

With a mechanical watch, the accuracy of the rate depends on many factors, such as the ambient temperature, the position of the watch, the wear of parts, and adjustments. In a quartz watch, everything is simpler: the frequency of the pulses generated by the quartz oscillator is almost constant. And the engine and arrows are just an additional device, their job is to rotate on command.

Therefore, for a mechanical watch, a discrepancy with the exact time of 15-30 seconds per day is considered the norm, and the best result is 4-5 seconds per day. And if for a mechanical watch a deviation of + -20 seconds per day is considered a good result, of which + -5 seconds is almost the limit, then the bulk of quartz watches provide an accuracy of about + -20 seconds per month, and the best - up to + -5 seconds per day. year.

Even cheap quartz watches are more accurate than a mechanical chronometer. But at the same time, mechanical watches are considered many times more status and win in terms of image.


It is necessary to distinguish between waterproof watches and waterproof watches, because. most water resistant watches can withstand a small amount of water for a short period of time. Washing your hands or being in the rain will not damage a water-resistant watch, but showering, especially with gel, or being underwater for a long time will cause moisture to enter the case and damage the movement.

Unfortunately, very often people, having seen the inscription "water resistant" (water protection), boldly jump into the water to swim, and after that not very pleasant consequences await them. The problem is that some do not fully know what the number next to the water protection label means.

The specified water resistance meters correspond to a certain amount of pressure that the watch can withstand. Pressure is expressed in atmospheres, one atmosphere is equal to the pressure of a water column of 10 meters, but this does not mean at all that the watch can be submerged under water to a depth of 10 or 30 meters.

Class Designation
on the body
or watch face
with tube
scuba diving
I water resistance + - - -
II 3 atm (30 m) + - - -
III 5 atm (50 m) + ? * - -
IV 10 atm (100 m) + + + -
V 200-300 m + + + +

The degree of tightness of the watch

Hermetic watch 3ATM (30 min.) - 5 ATM (50 min.)

If the watch has the designation “Water Resistant” or “Water Resistant 30m” or 5 ATM (50 m.), The watch is designed and manufactured to withstand pressure up to 3-5 atm (minimum water resistance), in order to calmly endure accidental and slight contact with liquids (rain, splashes), but they are not intended for swimming or immersion in water or showering.

So, if the watch has the designation “Water Resistant 50m”, then this means that the watch is designed and manufactured to withstand pressure up to 5 atm. Such a watch must withstand the penetration of sweat, rain, water drops when washing hands, and also withstand short-term (accidental) immersion in water.

Hermetic watch 10 ATM (100 m.)

If a watch bears the designation “Water Resistant 100m”, the watch is designed and manufactured to withstand a pressure of 10 atm. These watches are suitable for water sports, but they are not designed for scuba diving. After exposure to sea water, the watch should be rinsed in fresh water and dried. Do not operate the winding mechanism in water.

Hermetic watch 20-30 ATM (200-300 m.)

Watches marked “Water Resistant 200m” and above can be used for scuba diving, but not more than 2 (two) hours.

Pressure expressed in atmospheres (1 atm - 20 atm) should not be considered equivalent to the depth of immersion in water. When diving, movements made at a constant depth increase the pressure on the watch.

About glasses in watchmaking

The most important part of a watch is the glass. It protects your watch from dust getting into the mechanism. Even a speck of dust, imperceptible to the eye, can disable the watch. The watch glass also protects the dial from minor mechanical impacts. Through the glass, we look at the dial. How clearly it is visible also depends on the glass. For clearer visibility in watches, more often sports ones, an anti-reflective coating (anti-reflective) is used. The price of a watch also depends on the hardness and quality of the glass in watchmaking.

Today, as a rule, 3 main types of glass are used in the watch industry:

  • Plastic (hezalit)
  • Mineral glass (artificial crystal)
  • Sapphire glass (synthetic or artificial sapphire)

Mineral glass (artificial crystal or silicate glass)

Relatively inexpensive, but harder glass than plastic. Less scratch resistant but stronger. The advantages of mineral glass are that it can withstand more significant loads than sapphire glass. And if in case of damage to the sapphire glass from its maximum permissible load, the glass breaks into pieces like a red-hot one and can damage the hands or the dial, then the mineral glass under the same load, at best, will remain intact, at worst, it will crack. Mineral glass is used throughout the watch industry (90%), which is why it is often referred to as "ordinary". This glass, despite its strength, is easy to break, but also inexpensive to change, since any size is produced in large quantities.

Sapphire glass

Sapphire is one of the hardest and most expensive substances on earth. It is number 9 on the Mohs scale, which is used to measure the relative hardness of various materials. (Diamond has the number 10, the highest possible hardness.) Sapphire is a hard, transparent material formed from crystallized aluminum oxide at high pressure and temperature. Due to this, sapphire has a distinctive feature compared to other types of glass - strength, transparency. Your watch may already be worn and scratched, but the glass is still like new.

However, sapphire glass can still be scratched, but only with something stronger than sapphire, such as diamond or synthetic materials containing silicon carbide and occupying an intermediate position between sapphire and diamond on the Mohs scale.

A number of companies (for example, Seiko) use combined glasses consisting of two layers: one, thick, of mineral glass and a thin layer of sapphire on top.

Sapphire crystal cannot be visually distinguished. Mineral and sapphire glass look almost the same.

Plastic (hesalite or organic glass)

This glass is used, with some exceptions, in inexpensive watches, as it is the cheapest material. This glass holds up well. It is easy to manufacture in almost any shape for any watch, which makes this glass affordable. Plastic glass has a fibrous structure and is difficult to break, which is why it is often used in sports watches.

All about the inscription Swiss Made

Inscription "Swiss Made" literally means "Made in Switzerland". If you see such an inscription on a watch, you, of course, are imbued with considerable respect for this watch, associating its origin with the glorious traditions of Swiss watchmaking.

The Swiss think the same way. They are so proud of Swiss watches, one of the symbols of Switzerland, that they protect them at the level of legislation. A whole set of laws has been developed to protect Swiss quality. And the quality of Swiss watches just needs protection, paradoxically, due to its impeccability. Swiss watches are known as the best around the world, and therefore, fakes have been haunting them all over the world almost since the beginning of the glorious history of Swiss watchmaking. It was to support bona fide manufacturers that the famous marking began to be used. "Swiss Made" and similar phrases (Swiss movement, Swiss quarz, Suisse and others).

In Switzerland, these marks of origin are protected by several authorities, the main one being The Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry, which has issued a list of Swiss quality conformity parameters (Verordnung Swiss Made). Their illegal use is punishable by huge fines and seizure of products.

To be eligible for the Swiss Made label, a watch must:

  • Have Swiss movement
  • To be assembled within Switzerland
  • Pass the final quality check in Switzerland

Today, only about a hundred watch companies can label their products with the inscription Swiss Made, since their products fully comply with the above requirements.

Swiss Made markings may appear on the dial, watch case or bracelet, and may be translated into other languages, but in any case they must correspond to the information contained in the certificate, which must be attached to the branded watch.

We offer you a list of questions that will help in making a decision on choosing a watch:

  • Do you prefer mechanical watches, or is quartz more suitable for your case due to its reliability and convenience?
  • Do you have one watch and wear it every day?
  • Do you prefer a strap or a bracelet?
  • Do you prefer Roman numerals on the dial or Arabic?
  • What watch shape do you like? Circle, square or modern "barrel"?
  • Does the color combination match your clothes?
  • Would you like something brighter, more modern or more classic design?
  • Is this brand known in your circle?
  • Is the set of functions approximately the same as you would like?
  • Do you like design?
  • Is the watch the right weight and size?
  • Do they sit comfortably on the hand?
  • Is the clasp comfortable?

We have tried to highlight the main points in the purchase of watches that are usually of interest to our customers. We hope this book will help you make your choice.

1. How to choose a watch?
2. About Swiss quality. swiss made
3. Quartz or mechanical?
4. The mechanism is the heart of your watch
5. Waterproof. 8 threats to watch tightness
6. Types of glasses
7. Dial and hands
8. Body material
9. Material of bracelet/belt
10. Rules for the use of watches
11. Warranty service
12. Watch dictionary
13. Buy authentic!

Despite the fact that every girl today has a mobile phone, or even more than one, women's watches have not lost their relevance. We will tell you what nuances should be taken into account when choosing a watch for a gift for a girl.

Everyone knows that giving a watch is a very bad omen, it means separation. Therefore, girls try to choose watches on their own.

Of course, you can choose the color: gold, silver, set with diamonds, combined black and white, with a red dial, on a watch case-colored bracelet or on a black, brown, gray strap. If Japanese watches can afford to fall behind or run ahead by as much as thirty seconds in a month, Chinese watches - 30 minutes in half a year, then Swiss watches are not allowed to!

Gold, silver watch. Classic is always appreciated!

A watch is an accessory that always makes a certain impression. If you want to look like a business lady with an impeccable image, choose expensive models in a classic style.

Moreover, the higher your status, the more expensive the watch should be. The accessory can be made of gold, silver or be decorated with these precious materials.

bright watch-romantic style

If you are a romantic candy girl who loves bright accessories, you can choose a model from the All Colors of the Rainbow series. On sale there are watches from salad to glamorous hot pink. Due to their inexpensive cost, you can buy a dozen of these products and change them in accordance with the outfit.

Choice for the most "reckless"

Such girls most often put strength and reliability at the forefront. A waterproof and shockproof Casio watch can be a good choice. They are presented mainly in three colors: black, white and gold. The watch is equipped with an accurate stopwatch with a split chronograph and a countdown timer, it is possible to set five independent alarm clocks with an hourly signal. The cost of branded watches for adults is from ten thousand to 50 thousand rubles, white ones are cheaper.

Tradition or nanotechnology. What to choose?

Important criteria for choosing a watch are such concepts as clockwork, glass, backlight, strap, bracelet? So, for example, Casio is a quartz watch, their batteries last for 5 years. The battery of a conventional watch lasts approximately two years. Mechanical watches that are wound by hand can last almost forever if they are genuine Swiss made. But such accessories need to be handled quite carefully and carefully, although there are devices in the line of models that provide shock resistance and similar “chips”. There is only one problem - they can cost as much as an apartment.

Why are watches so expensive, you ask? Swiss watches are made by hand. Each smallest detail is made by a highly qualified craftsman, polished, decorated, manually adjusted balance, the course is debugged twice. Such products may have the most expensive sapphire crystal... Why all this in our age of nanotechnology? Everyone knows that a Swiss watch is a world-famous company, therefore, an accessory should serve the buyer faithfully for a lifetime, because this is a representative class product. Nanotechnology is not yet capable of this.

Neutral watch colors

Practical people argue that a neutral choice is the most correct. If a girl does not have the opportunity to wear one watch to work, another to the theater, and a third to a fitness club, it is best to choose the color that is guaranteed to go with any of her outfits, that is, black, gray, white or gold, who - something will add more brown. But if a girl loves everything bright, loves unimaginable combinations of colors, shapes and types, perhaps she will also want unusual, bright red or aqua colors.

Some nuances when choosing women's watches

When choosing an accessory, be sure to take into account the shape of the hand and the size of their future owner. For a graceful handle, models on a thin leather strap are ideal. Alternatively, it can be a chain or even a ribbon. Bracelet watches are suitable for ladies with beautiful long fingers. If the wrist is wide, it is better to choose a more massive model.

When not to wear a watch

Every lady should know that the only thing you shouldn't wear a watch with is an evening dress. The image should be decorated only with jewelry.

They say they don't watch happy hours. If this accessory does not play such a significant role in your life, then choose the watch that you liked at first sight, because, as practice shows, this choice is the most unmistakable!

Fashion trends

Feminine miniature watches are making a comeback this season. They can be worn with almost anything. This is the best option for older women and young fashionistas. Most world brands offer a "golden mean" (diameter up to 20 mm).

However, large chronometers with large bracelets and a brutal strap appear in fashion collections this season. The key place is given to accessories of discreet colors with an open mechanism.

In 2019, conciseness and minimalism are in the price. On the dial, only the hands and emblems of the manufacturer flaunt. The most complex electronic models are becoming more functional and simplified.

Trendy watches with long straps wrapped around the hand several times surely do not leave the fashion catwalks. They can be decorated with rhinestones, buttons, intricate weave of different colors. The leader of the tint palette is rich chocolate, delicate mint, exquisite cream, rich gold and pleasant caramel.

As for colors, burgundy, blue, emerald, red dials with straps of a neutral shade are considered the most relevant.

Stylish women's watch. A photo

Men's watches have become more of an accessory that complements the image than a way to check the time. Despite this, they are still very popular. Let's figure out how and which watch is better to choose.

  • classic - suitable for suits or more formal looks. They are also called status, as they put on such products for all sorts of secular receptions or business meetings. The price of such accessories is usually high;
  • everyday - an option for everyday use, not too frilly. Suitable for everyday work, under the office dress code and the like. Prices for this type of medium (you can find both cheap and quite expensive);
  • sports - by name it is clear that this type of accessory fits a sporty, sometimes marine style. They are more resistant to external stimuli. The price depends on what exactly you want to get from this type, what kind of "filling" they will have.

Which watch mechanism for a man to choose

The main component of any watch is its mechanism. Depending on its type, the accessory is divided into mechanical, quartz and electronic. And here the question arises: what kind of watch to choose for a man - mechanical or quartz, electronic or analog, with or without automatic winding? Let's take a closer look.

Mechanical watches- the choice of classic men, they are quite a prestigious type, thanks to timely care they will last for quite a long time. Resistant to external influences, but sensitive to moisture, dust and temperature changes. The power mechanism of such watches is a spring system. But such a device may not work accurately, which is why you can often find a quartz or electronic core in mechanical watches.

If you are going to buy such a watch, it is advisable to take the mechanics with automatic winding, although this does not exempt you from periodically adjusting the time.

Quartz watch- more accurate model - plus or minus 15 sec / month. Battery operated (sometimes solar). Amenable to temperature influences of the environment. A quartz watch for a man should be exhibited twice a year. If the quartz crystal inside the movement starts to age, there is a chance that the accessory will start to rush.

Digital Watch- are special in that they have a digital display. Sometimes their accuracy depends on the weather (but not all models). To date, there are a lot of "smart" watches for men, equipped with all sorts of devices. For example, a player, various sensors, a Bluetooth headset, even the ability to receive calls from your phone. Most often, such models are more suitable for a sporty or casual style, but there are exceptions.

If you have a choice - analog or electronic watches for men - you need to decide what you will combine and wear them with, and what you want to get from them, what functionality.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a watch for men is moisture resistance or water resistance. Before buying, be sure to find out what characteristics the watch has and what will happen when you get into the rain with it or want to swim without taking it off. There are special tables and charts for this.

Which company to give preference when choosing?

There is an answer to topical questions about which company (brand, brand) to choose and which manufacturer is considered the best.

Everyone knows that Switzerland is famous all over the world for the quality of its watches. Among the brands of this country, it is necessary to highlight such as Rolex (included in the list of the most expensive), Tissot, JeanRichard, Omega, Longiness, Jaguar, Patek Philippe, Davidoff, Breguet, Appella, Certina.

Japan is also not far behind in the development of watches. Here you need to name Casio (the Casio G-Shock model is considered the most durable, and with many technical applications), Seiko, Citizen, Orient.

Korean brands such as Essence and Romanson also made their way to the market of the best. Italy is represented by Police and D&G, while England is represented by FCUK Royal and London. Do not forget about the shark of the market - the United States, which became famous for such production by Apple, Breda, Fossil, Garmin, Luminox, Hamilton, etc.

It is impossible not to mention the most famous luxury fashion brands, which also produce their exquisite wrist accessories. These are Armani, Dior, Gucci, Chanel and others. Porsche, Ferrari, Jaeger LeCoultre, Aston Martin - you have heard of these companies as car manufacturers, but they have also been noticed in the watch industry for a long time.

Before buying expensive men's watches, think about whether you really need them. And if such a purchase still happened, you can always take out insurance.

Swiss or Chinese?

Which Swiss men's watch is better to choose, and what do they say on the forums about Chinese manufacturers in contrast?

First you need to figure out how to distinguish Swiss products from others. When buying an original, you must provide a box and a company passport with stamps. Also pay attention to the presence of the Swiss Made inscription, which indicates the fact that the watch is made in Switzerland. In order to apply such a marking to a product, it is necessary to comply with Swiss quality parameters, which are checked by the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry.

Well, now it is clear why the prices for real Swiss watches are high. But if you do not have the ability or desire to pay huge sums for an accessory, we offer you a list of Chinese manufacturers of men's watches.

If you think that China is a lack of quality, then it is not, because there are actually good products there. Pay attention to the characteristics of models and prices of such brands: WEIQIN, SKMEI, SKONE and WEIDE. Here you will find both quality and reasonable price.

Appearance: color, shape, size

Don't know what color and shape of the case, type and length of the strap is better to choose? There are several points worth paying attention to.

Color is one of the defining factors of your style. This year you can see models of different colors and prints, plain and playing with colors. And what to choose?

First, decide for what purpose you are buying a watch. With what and where do you plan to wear them? It would be nice to have at least one plain watch in stock without any prints and flashy colors. Match them to your suit both in color and price category (you can’t wear a suit cheaper than a watch). This accessory should complement the image, and not compose it. For example, if you already have some kind of gold element in your look, then a gold strap will not always be appropriate, despite the fact that the purchase was expensive. You should always prefer elegance to pretentiousness.

Buy versatile menswear, but don't forget to wear sportswear under sportswear or jeans, and combine the classics with a more elegant outfit.

The strap is a class indicator. When choosing it, you need to refer to your preferences, what do you prefer - metal, leather, rubber or even wood. Always check the fastening mechanisms for reliability, the elasticity of the strap and the absence of cracks on it. Metal bracelets are more durable than leather ones, but rubber is considered the most durable.

The size of the wrist can be determined by clasping it with a centimeter. If your wrist does not exceed eighteen centimeters, then a watch with a case of medium diameter (up to 42 mm) will suit you. If the wrist is more than nineteen centimeters, then you can safely measure the model with a case with a diameter of up to 46 mm.

When choosing, do not lose sight of the quality of the watch case. Titanium alloys are highly valued. And as for glass, sapphire glass and crystal are considered the best, and mineral glass of less quality, but still good. Please note that there are no scratches on the product that you are going to buy.

The form is also an important factor when choosing a men's watch. How to choose a shape? Take what you like best and look more beautiful on your hand. Basically, the round shape is in great demand, followed by the rectangular shape. These are the two classic types that men prefer. There are also wrist accessories of a square, barrel-shaped form, various figured ones.

Which sports model to choose

Which watch for sports to choose so that they are comfortable and do not interfere while running or exercising? If you are a fan of sports hobbies or just do it for yourself, take a closer look at sports-type products.

There are many different watch technologies, from heart rate monitors to chronographs. Mobile phone factories are increasingly producing smartwatches with many features that you may need.

Sports belts are often made of metal, leather, fabric, or rubber. It should be taken into account that the option with a metal bracelet is heavier, which makes it uncomfortable, or even inconvenient to wear them. And the fabric and leather must be treated with a moisture-repellent agent. Rubber is more wear resistant, which is good for sports. A feature of sports watches are also large clear numbers and resistance to external influences.

Why are they? After all, almost any of our mobile devices shows the time.

However, wrist watch adherents fundamentally disagree with this, because for many, wearing a watch is an underline of status, a tribute to fashion, a stylish thing and just a multifunctional mechanism with which you can quickly find out the time.

What do you need from a wrist watch and how to choose a watch, to enjoy this mechanism for many years, will be discussed below.

How to buy a watch

The first question to ask yourself if you want buy a watch When and where will I wear them? Watches are not always just a thing that allows us to be punctual, because they can tell a lot about the habits or character of a person.

The main thing in choosing a watch is to choose a model that contains all necessary useful features. For example, if you will go in for sports in a watch, then you need to look at shockproof models, as well as watches that will show your pulse. And if the watch will serve you more as a fashion accessory, then the main selection criterion will be the appearance of the chosen model, while you don’t have to think much about such characteristics as water resistance and shock resistance.

Another important parameter of wrist watches is their cost.

The price of the watch includes:

  • Reliability
  • Accuracy
  • Brand
  • Additional options (calendar, repeater, chronograph and others)
  • Production material
  • Series limited.

Regardless of whether you buy women's or men's watches, you need to pay special attention to the criteria listed below.

1. Mechanism

The mechanics in the watch is the best option for organized people who will not forget to wind the watch themselves.

The quartz movement does not require additional winding, and their time error is less in comparison with mechanical watches. All you need is to change the battery in time.

2. Bracelet or strap

Basically, it's a matter of taste. The leather strap is comfortable and beautiful. The disadvantage of such a strap is that it needs to be changed over time.

The service life of a leather strap depends on the quality of workmanship and varies from 2 to 5 years. Of course, this is an additional expense, but by doing so you will also refresh your watch.

The metal bracelet is practical and adjustable to the desired size. This is a durable construction, and to update it, it is enough to apply a light polishing.

The disadvantage of the bracelet is that the link connections can break. In order to avoid such troubles, it is recommended to purchase a bracelet more expensive.

3. Body material

The most popular watch material is metal. Given the price and quality, the choice falls on stainless steel.

Nothing bad can be said about the now fashionable ceramics. Ceramic watches are wear-resistant and very beautiful. They retain their original appearance for a long time and do not even scratch. However, the strength of such watches may not withstand very strong impacts.

4. Coating

On sale you can find watches in almost all colors and shades. The best choice is PVD coating, which has excellent toughness and durability, good scratch resistance.

Pay special attention to the number of microns in the spray - the more, the better. Such watches can please you with their beautiful coating for up to 15 years.

5. Functionality

Functional stuffing in modern watches can be extremely diverse.

But do you need everything that will be there? After all, it can be: a backlight, a calendar, a second time, a tachometer, an alarm clock, not to mention modern electronic models that even have their own operating system. Choose for yourself the necessary functions, because the price of the watch and your comfort depend on it.

6. Brand

Here are some tips on how to buy a watch from a good brand.

Opinions about watch companies differ significantly, because each has its own object of desire. If someone buys a watch from a luxury company, then others cannot afford it, so everyone chooses a watch according to their financial capabilities.

The golden mean is Fashion watches. They are much more affordable than high-end brands, and yet include a variety of (and sometimes very bold) design ideas.

It is known that all the most famous Fashion-brands have their own watches. These watches are made of high quality and good, durable materials. Well, outwardly, such models are beyond competition, because no one understands styles and new trends better than Fashion brands.

Here is a short video about how to buy (choose) a watch.

How to buy women's watches

So, let's assume that you have already saved up money and are ready to go shopping in order to buy women's watches. The following are the main criteria that are important for choosing a watch if you are a woman.

1. Decide on the style of your watch

For a woman, this is very important, because the style of the watch should be combined with her wardrobe. In addition, it is the style that can tell a lot about her temperament. It can be styles: romantic, sports, fashion, classic and others.

2. Find the perfect size

Take a closer look at the size of the dial - large models are very popular now.

However, if you are the owner of a small wrist, then too large a mechanism on such a hand will look extremely ridiculous. Therefore, we recommend choosing a watch that matches your physical data.

Carefully study how the watch sits on your hand: it should sit tight, but at the same time ride a little on the hand and not leave a mark on the strap.

3. Decide on a color

Watch fashion has the widest range of colors, for the correct choice of which you need to decide where you will wear future watches.

For example, if you want buy women's watch for every day, it is better to choose classic tones: golden, silver, metallic, brown or black. For models for the summer, light and bright colors are suitable. If you wear women's watches on vacation or for a walk, then models with funny pictures and prints will do.

Remember that in any case, the color of the clock should not annoy you. On the contrary, it should cheer up and "pleasing to the eye."

How to buy men's watches

Every man, first of all, wants to show his individuality with the help of watches. A man wearing an expensive watch automatically becomes respected, he is self-confident and dynamic. Every real man strives for this, and we will tell you how to buy (choose) a men's watch.

Any watch model is individual both in terms of technical and psychological characteristics. For men, the following are important: technical characteristics, material, design and watch brand.

For some representatives of the strong half of humanity, individuality is an important criterion, for others it is the sporty spirit of watches and elegant design.

However, the number one criterion for any man is emphasizing his position in society.

Here are some practical tips for how to buy a men's watch

1. Do not buy a watch "in haste", just to quickly resolve this issue. It is better to save up money for a worthy brand so as not to regret an unfulfilled dream. In extreme cases, you can buy a used watch, but of a well-known brand, and simply update it in a watch shop.

2. There will always be a person in life who will criticize your choice, so when choosing a watch, think only about your tastes and preferences.

3. Find the "golden mean": your watch should combine an expensive movement and a beautiful design. Do not forget that no matter how high-quality the mechanism is, it will not be visible (and, conversely, no matter how beautiful your future watch looks, you will not get proper pleasure from it if it constantly breaks down).

4. The same applies to the manufacturer: no matter how famous the company is, you will not enjoy it if you do not like the design of such watches.

Interesting Facts! Did you know that Einstein wore one of the most famous and expensive brands - Patek Philippe, and Fidel Castro was an adherent of the equally famous Rolex and Omega. So: expensive watches absolutely do not guarantee you to become a famous scientist or politician.

5. Large watches can be fashionable and beautiful, but don't forget your wrist size. After all, because of too large hours, the sleeves of the shirt may not be fastened. Do you want to change your wardrobe?

6. Advice! You can insure an expensive purchase and not be afraid that the watch will break or be stolen.

7. Please note that not all colors and materials of the body will be combined with your clothes. Versatile watches that suit any style of clothing are considered to be models made of platinum, white gold or stainless steel.

8. When people say that a quartz watch is more accurate than a hand-wound watch, it's usually about small amounts, so don't put too much emphasis on it.

9. Maintain on schedule, take care and keep your watch clean, then it will last a very long time.

10. In principle, no one needs a very expensive watch, we just often want to have one, but an expensive and really high-quality thing. But still, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive brand with extra features or precious materials in order to satisfy your ambitions.

12. Do not treat men's watches as an investment. The vast majority of mechanisms do not retain their value for a long time, but there are truly unique items that increase their price over time. Only here it is unlikely that you will benefit from your watch, at least your grandchildren will.

How to buy an electronic watch

The principle of the mechanism in electronic watches is no different from quartz models. The only difference is how the information is transmitted to the dial. Electronic clocks in our time in everyday life can be found almost everywhere: camcorders, mobile phones, cars, washing machines and other appliances and devices are often equipped with such a mechanism.

But the closest to us physically are wrist electronic watches. So, how to buy (choose) an electronic watch?

Not only low price and accuracy, but also variety of functional we are attracted by electronic watches, which can not only show the time, but also have the following functions:

  • Humidity measurement
  • Temperature measurement
  • Alarm
  • Camera
  • Calculator.

And this is just the most common list.

It should also be noted that in many models of electronic watches there are two ways to show time - pointer dial or liquid crystal display.

We advise you to select those functions in the electronic watch that correspond to your lifestyle. For example, for lovers of outdoor recreation or an avid fisherman, models with a barometer are suitable, and for athletes, models that measure distance or heart rate.

Before buy electronic watch, be sure to carefully read their description and operating rules (quality watches, albeit inexpensive ones, always come with instructions).

Special attention should be paid parameters favorite hours. The fact is that it is the parameters that determine the main characteristics of an electronic watch: for example, replacing batteries (you must clearly understand how this happens and whether you can carry out this process yourself).

In addition, electronic watches differ in their beauty. You can choose the watch according to your own style.

How to buy a gold watch

Gold watches are models in which the case and (or) individual parts are made of gold. More often than not, people who buy a gold watch want to have a combination of a gold bracelet and a watch. But even here you can get confused in the abundance of choice. So how to buy (choose) a gold watch?

Wristwatches today are an indispensable accessory for every woman. This is no longer just a device for measuring time, but an exquisite addition to the outfit. Therefore, they are subject to increased requirements not only in terms of accuracy and reliability, but also in terms of aesthetics and fashion.

History says that women were the first to use wristwatches. While the men continued to wear expensive timepieces in their waistcoat pockets on a chain, the ladies sparkled with beautiful jeweled bracelets, demonstrating luxury and taste.

Women's watches must necessarily fit a handbag, dress, shoes, hat. And fit into the overall image! It is not for nothing that the most famous fashion houses are engaged in the creation of models for ladies. Women's Timex watch will become an exquisite decoration that performs important and necessary functions.

What should be a women's watch

They must match the image of the owner. Experts believe that a lady should have not one, but several, made in different styles. Then it will be easier to pick them up to the outfit. For example, to go out into the world, you must have a watch made of precious metals, decorated with semi-precious or precious stones.

For everyday work - functional and inexpensive, in harmony with a business suit. For training in the gym you need a sports model. It's bad taste to wear expensive pompous watches to work or to the gym. Others may take this for a lack of style or just a desire to brag.

The material of the bracelet is very important in terms of appearance. For working, everyday models, a leather strap is best suited. For solemn occasions - a metal bracelet made of gold or platinum, for sports - reliable and practical plastic.

The glass that protects the dial determines the life of the movement. Sapphire glass is usually placed on expensive models. Cheaper mineral or crystal are not as reliable. A simple hardened one will quickly become covered with microcracks, which will lead to a breakdown of the mechanism.

Waterproof is more important for sports options. However, it is worth giving preference to splash-proof ones so as not to remove them in the shower or when washing your hands.

Original or copies - what to prefer

Value for money is an important parameter in any product. Women's watches are no exception. It is better to choose products of well-known brands, since even the best and indistinguishable copy at first glance will quickly show differences during operation.