Calculate the calendar of crises. Calendar of age-related crises of a child by weeks, months and years: leaps and phases of development in childhood. Possible causes of violation of the norm


Growth jumps in infants up to a year can cause tantrums and strong whims for no reason. Surely every mother notices that even if a small child has no pain, his mood can be completely different. There are weeks when the kid is ready to have fun for hours without a break, and there are times when the whims simply do not end. Some attribute this to the weather, others to teeth and some other factors. In fact, everything is much simpler. There is a scientific explanation for mood swings - it's all about the growth and development leaps that every child periodically experiences.

The fact that children grow unevenly is not difficult to notice. There are days and even weeks when there is no significant gain in either height or weight, and then suddenly the indicators begin to suddenly increase again. The same happens with psycho-emotional development. Only in this area, jumps happen much more often and they absolutely do not coincide with periods of physical growth. New skills appear unexpectedly, the child opens the world from a completely different side. All this is directly related to the work of the brain and its transition to a "new level".

What are the characteristics of the leaps in psycho-emotional development?

Each of the developmental leaps hits the child like a squall or hurricane. The kid is literally "unsettled" by a huge amount of emotions and impressions, but it is impossible to stop the work of the developing brain. Do you think, for example, just to understand that the world around you is colored or to start distinguishing patterns?

Studying cans on a shelf in a store, wiggling twigs or even a drawing on their own clothes requires a lot of effort from the baby and at first he gets very tired of it. In the future, of course, all this will be perceived as natural processes, but when everything around is new, it is not so easy to accept and master it.

How to understand that a child is experiencing another developmental leap

The signs by which it is possible to determine the approach of the next developmental leap for each infant are individual. Someone does experience them without visible changes. However, in general it is:

  • unexpected screams and whims for no reason;
  • demand for attention and constant physical contact with the mother, in fact the child "does not get off his hands";
  • loss of appetite and sleep problems;
  • a wary attitude towards strangers.

Some mothers start to panic and think that their child is sick with something or is simply naughty. In fact, this behavior is quite natural. After all, it is not at all easy for a baby to find that the world is arranged much more complicated than it seemed before, and he is going through this situation not without difficulties.

When a child experiences leaps in psycho-emotional development (calendar)

Despite the fact that each child develops at an individual pace, everyone experiences the races at about the same time.

In total, up to 1.5 years, they occur 10 times, starting from: 5, 8, 12, 15, 23, 34, 42, 51, 60 and 72 weeks. The duration of each stage can be from one to several weeks.

If the child was born earlier or later than the term, then the countdown should start not from the actual, but from the theoretical moment. In premature babies, developmental leaps occur later than in their peers, since the brain must "grow" to the desired level before moving on to a new stage. A weekly and monthly calendar will help you calculate your child's growth spikes. The table of development peaks will tell you what to do when the child is very capricious and throws tantrums.

Peaks (in detail):

Is it possible to avoid the problems associated with leaps in development

Unfortunately or fortunately, all children experience leaps in development: both calm and capricious, and those who show strength of character from birth. And each has certain problems associated with them.

You should not be afraid of this and try to avoid it - after all, this is the only way a child can move to a new stage of mastering the world. In addition, seeing that your little one can do much more than before is a worthy reward for whims and the problems associated with them.

How to help your child cope with developmental leaps

Imagine that you suddenly woke up on an alien planet and around - a new, completely unknown world. It is unlikely that you will be able to feel comfortable. The same thing happens to a baby who is experiencing a leap in psycho-emotional development - new emotions, new impressions, a new look at familiar things. Everything around suddenly changes.

Only the mother remains a reliable support, so you should not take offense at the child for the fact that he seeks to be near you, is capricious, asks for your arms and requires attention. In this situation parents should be patient - after all, they are not only older, but also wiser.

Try not only to be close to your child, but also to support all his endeavors. Perhaps this is how you will contribute to the development of unique abilities, which in the future will be called talent. By the way, future geniuses show themselves from childhood and their developmental leaps are much more acute than those of other peers. However, do not forget that it is always difficult to make discoveries on your own. Therefore, you can gently direct the baby and his attention in the right direction. After all, who, no matter how mother feels it better than others, on a subconscious level?

And one moment. Be loyal to the fact that the schedule and daily routine after each jump change. In some periods the child will want to play more, sometime on the contrary - to study and "read" books with his mother. Therefore, there is no need to blindly follow the routine. A child is not a TV program, where everything is clear and at a certain time.

New Ability - New World!

After the child becomes restless and capricious, parents begin to observe him more closely and suddenly suddenly notice that he has new knowledge and skills. What was previously impossible to achieve even after long exhausting activities, for example, to teach how to assemble a pyramid or look for the corresponding pictures, comes as if by itself.

In addition, a pleasant bonus - after the baby has made a new leap, he again becomes cheerful and active, comfortably existing at the level that has become familiar to him, shows independence, actively applying new skills in practice. Mom has a "calm and quiet". True, this will not last long - exactly until the moment when the brain is ripe for the transition to the next stage.

Personal experience

Over the past 1.5 years, I received a storm of emotions, whims and hysterics from Max. Reacted to them, too, far from calm. Now I am a master of calmness and understanding of level 50)))) I thought all our teeth were being cut and magnetic storms. And no one suggested. These leaps are especially pronounced in sensitive, emotional and temperamental children.

Closer to the year, these are hysterics "mom do not cry", with not letting go to the toilet, terrible screams in the cold at -20 and at home if at least something is not the way he thought, all day on the pens ... by the year then I, of course, it was pumped up, but my psyche did not have time.

Calm angels during these periods can only whimper a little and their mother does not see anything special in their behavior.

I really hope that you will read this article on time and this information will be useful to you) It's still easier to realize that these are some kind of jumps, and not your child is trying to drive you crazy!

According to the book by Hetty Vandereit and Frans Ploy, "Is it naughty? So it is developing!"

Our children grow at a phenomenal speed, although this is hardly noticeable to the parental eye, but if you send your child for a week or two to visit his grandmother, the child returns completely different: a little older, a little older, a little smarter.

This rate of development is especially noticeable in the first year of life - the most responsible and most unusual. Indeed, it is in the first 12 months of life that babies turn from tiny defenseless lumps into plump nimble toddlers. Just imagine: in the first year of life, the baby grows on average by as much as 25 centimeters! A quarter meter in a year! Moreover, the physical abilities of the baby are actively developing: here he consciously moves his arms and legs, now he himself rolls over from his back to his tummy, but he is already sitting, then he crawls and grabs the toys, and now he tries to walk with his legs and even tries to eat with a spoon ...

But not only the body is developing rapidly, the brain is also actively working. Every day, every month, the number of neural connections increases, the baby's intelligence grows with him. Of course, such a rapid development requires huge energy resources and does not go unnoticed and without a trace. Let's talk about what growth and developmental leaps are in children under one year old.

The birth of a theory

This very interesting assumption poured into the masses after the release of the popular science book "The wonder weeks" - a joint work of two scientists of German origin Vandereit Hetty and Ploy France. These people are specialists in the field of child psychology and preschool development, behavioral biology and are authoritative experts in foreign scientific circles. They have devoted 35 years of their lives to observing the behavioral responses and development of babies up to two years old. One of the studies was the observation of the development of infants from 0 to 12 months without leaving the social unit, i.e. in the family and among loved ones.

Analyzing the results and experience of the conducted research, the scientists came to the conclusion that the baby does not develop smoothly, but stepwise, abruptly, and this is most noticeable precisely during the first year of life (naturally, he is the most impetuous and dynamic). A similar theory was later confirmed by physiologists: the child's growth is not a smooth continuous process, the child grows in leaps and bounds. This is due to the high energy consumption, because in order to grow, the body requires an enormous amount of resources. Therefore, he "accumulates" strength and then bang! In one night, the child stretches out a few millimeters. This process was called growth spikes in babies.

But Vandereit and Ploy distinguish, in addition to growth spikes, jumps in the baby's psycho-emotional development. Typically, these two processes do not always occur simultaneously, but both are stepwise. And if with growth everything is clear, and babies have grown, then what about mental development?

The growth and development of the nervous system is a very complex and obscure process for a simple layman, which also requires energy resources (by the way, this is an explanation why newborn babies sleep a lot). This process affects the child's behavior, he cannot understand what is happening, but he is also unable to explain to mom or dad.

How to determine the period of growth and development spikes

So what are these obscure growth spikes in newborn babies? Surely, every mother has come across this behavior of her child: the child's daily routine gets confused, he sleeps badly, refuses to eat, is constantly capricious and crying for no reason, demands a "pen" and simply cannot live without a mother. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Mothers are often confused, they do not know what is happening with the baby.

They just can't understand the reason for this restless behavior. Hungry? Does your tummy hurt? Wants to sleep? Boring? Or maybe you're tired? No, it's probably hot ... or, on the contrary, cool? Particularly anxious mothers consulted a pediatrician, but the kids were completely healthy. This state is nothing more than a growth spurt. Another. Yes, yes, they are not one or even two. But more on that later.

Growth surges begin in infants, the symptoms of which can be confused with whims or soreness, almost from birth. And if your baby suddenly, without visible signs of illness (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, etc.) begins to behave as follows:

✓ Constantly naughty for no reason;

✓ He sleeps sensitively and restlessly;

✓ Eats poorly and refuses even favorite dishes, or, on the contrary, a very tiny baby literally "hangs" on the mother's chest, constantly demands her;

✓ Constantly asks for hands and requires increased attention from the mother,

Then, be sure that your baby is going through another crisis time.

When to expect growth spikes and how long they last

During such periods, the baby's nervous system and brain undergoes some changes. In particular, brain waves are emitted in a slightly different way, and the processes themselves in the cortex are more intense. This can be remotely compared with premenstrual syndrome in women, caused by a change in the level of sex hormones in the body. During this period, a woman is ruled by emotions, she is irritable, whiny, but cannot explain her behavior with reasonable arguments. And an adult woman - she is an adult, she knows how to express her thoughts and what she feels. And the child? Got the point? The child is small, cannot express what he feels, this sensation is unfamiliar, and everything unfamiliar is scary and incomprehensible. Where is the safest place? That's right, under my mother's wing.

How long do leaps in growth and development last?

Each child is individual and can experience this state in different ways. But usually this period lasts from a couple of days to a week. Moreover, surprise is very characteristic. The jump ends as abruptly as it begins. After a couple of crazy nights and days, you may notice that your child has become the perfect child for no reason.

He eats regularly and well, sleeps well and plays with himself. And, most importantly, an attentive mother will notice that after such a "shake-up" the baby learns a new skill, for example, has become or does it less often, has learned to sit and use it himself, walk more confidently, etc. The result of the leaps is the achievement and consolidation of a new skill. Now about the most important thing.

When to expect leaps in growth and development?

According to the theory of Vandereyt and Ploy, there are 8 such jumps in just the first year of life (some of them grabbed a sedative) !!! But in fact, at the first such "shake-ups" do not end (now, for sure, someone has fainted!), Obvious changes in behavior will appear less and less and completely disappear by one and a half to two years (and there the crisis of three years is not far off ...). Parenting is not easy, yes, yes))

The table below clearly shows when to expect growth spikes in babies, a calendar of its kind. Thanks to such observations, you can (at least morally) prepare for the "programmed" whims of your child.

A little tip: this calendar indicates approximate periods for babies born on time. If your baby was born a little earlier, add the difference between his birthday and the PDD (approximate date of birth). Accordingly, if the baby sat in the mother's belly and was born later, then subtract the corresponding difference.

Weeks of life

Growth spurt

5 (1 month)

8-9 (2 months)

12 (2.5-3 months)

15-19 (4 months)

23-26 (5-6 months)

34-37 (7-8 months)

42-46 (10 months)

51-52 (1 year old)

To make it easier for moms: the period shown in the table indicates the possible time of the developmental leap, but not its duration, so exhale!

How to behave for parents during this period

Undoubtedly, such a period is morally and physically very difficult for parents. Constant whims and tantrums unsettle, give uncertainty and simply deprive you of strength. But, no matter how sad it sounds, such moments are inevitable and there is no getting away from it. Is it worth talking about universal patience and forgiveness?

In such moments, a child needs a mother more than ever, do not reject him and try to give him maximum time and attention. The difficult period will pass more painlessly, if the baby is interested with you, distract him! Interesting activities in the form of walking in an embrace, pleasant songs and stroking, measured swinging or even reading books will do just fine. The little screamer may be interested in interesting patterns on wallpaper, carpet, curtains. Show him what is happening outside the window, how cars drive, people walk, tree branches sway.

If the baby is breastfed, he may often ask for breast. There have been cases that the baby sucked every 20 minutes. It is very difficult for a mother, especially when there is no one to expect help with the child. If the baby does, try feeding first and then breastfeeding. If you find it difficult to keep this pace and you know that the baby is not hungry, try to distract him with another activity. Get a bath, let it swim, put on soothing music, take a walk in the park, weather permitting.

Summing up

In conclusion, I would like to say that your child is unique, unrepeatable and develops at his own individual pace. Growth leaps in newborn babies are inevitable, but it should be remembered that after each storm there is a clear sky. Look at things more positively, after another leap in development, your baby learns a new skill, can do more, gets older and stronger!

A growth spurt is the next stage of development in a child's life. During the first year of life, the little man develops at an extraordinary speed, acquires many skills. In the first 12 months of life, babies grow by about 25 centimeters, and their weight doubles. Kids surprise their loved ones with the incessant development of physical abilities: yesterday the baby could not roll over from his stomach to his back, and today it is already rolling all over the floor. And tomorrow he wants to eat with a spoon.

"Ay, what's happening to me?"

Rapid development concerns both the body and the brain: there are more and more neural connections, the intelligence of the baby is growing. Scientists have found that babies do not develop evenly, but in leaps and bounds. This is because the body needs a lot, even a lot of resources to grow. One fine night - once! - and the child becomes 2-4 mm taller. And all thanks to the "accumulated" forces. It is these processes that are called growth spurts in children under one year old.

Growth and weight norms of a child under one year old


Age Low rate Norm High rate N. indicator Norm. B. Indicator
0 ≤ 2,8 3,3 3,7≥ ≤ 45,3 47,1 53,0≥
1 ≤ 3,6 4,3 5,5≥ ≤ 49,7 52,3 57,5≥
2 ≤ 3,8 5,0 6,7≥ ≤ 52,9 55,8 60,9≥
3 ≤ 4,4 5,7 7,6≥ ≤ 55,5 58,7 63,9≥
4 ≤ 4,9 6,3 8,1≥ ≤ 57,7 61,1 66,5≥
5 ≤ 5,5 7,0 8,9≥ ≤ 59,5 63,9 68,6≥
6 ≤ 5,8 7,4 9,4≥ ≤ 61,1 66,1 70,4≥
7 ≤ 5,9 7,7 10,0≥ ≤ 62,6 67,4 72,0≥
8 ≤ 6,4 8,0 10,3≥ ≤ 63,9 68,8 73,4≥
9 ≤ 6,6 8,3 10,6≥ ≤ 65,2 70,2 74,9≥
10 ≤ 6,8 8,6 11,0≥ ≤ 66,4 71,9 76,5≥
11 ≤ 7,0 8,8 11,3≥ ≤ 67,6 72,8 78,0≥
12 ≤ 7,2 9,0 11,6≥ ≤ 69,0 74,2 79,3≥

Mental and emotional development of the baby most often occurs regardless of the physical. The child does not understand what is happening to him, and therefore becomes more capricious, requires more attention, asks for hands more often, sleeps restlessly, refuses breast or formula, or, on the contrary, eats more often and more than usual.

Mothers, of course, are worried: maybe the baby's teeth are about to come out? Or is he tired? Tummy worried? Tired of the toy? Hungry? Frozen?

It turns out that the child is completely healthy, but experiences serious discomfort due to stretching of muscle tissue and blood vessels. The development of the nervous system also requires energy costs - therefore, by the way, newborns usually sleep a lot. A toddler in a crisis may seem mischievous and capricious. - but parents just need to support their baby in this difficult time. Moreover, the crisis often lasts no more than a week, sometimes a couple of days.

Signs of a growth spurt in babies

During periods of crises, children experience more intensive processes in the cerebral cortex. It will not be difficult for a mother to understand her child if she remembers a strange state during the period of premenstrual syndrome, when irritability, tearfulness, despondency roll in - emotions that have nothing to do with logical arguments. I would like to hide away from everyone. Likewise, the baby wants to find peace in her mother's arms.

What to do?

When a baby is born, it takes time for the child to get used to his parents and vice versa. We can say that there is a "grinding"... Days and weeks pass - the family forms its own way of life, its own regime. All, in general, are happy. And suddenly another growth spurt - and it seems that everything is back to normal: you have to get to know and get used to each other from scratch.

It is important to remember that it is difficult for the child himself during this period. He especially needs the support of parents who are confident in their actions. Mom and Dad are not scared, not confused, but calm, still attentive and caring. So they make it clear to the baby: "Do not worry, we love you cheerful and sad, calm and not so much. Everything is in order. We are always ready to help."

Take note

A 3-month-old baby, who until now has slept almost all night, suddenly shows anxiety, requires motion sickness before bedtime, and often wakes up. A baby is not born with the ability to fall asleep on its own. And during this period, physiological stability is just established. How can this crisis be mitigated? Try to combine the methods of falling asleep from the birth of the baby: either at the chest, then in the arms, or in the stroller - so the child will not get used to just a certain "ritual".

Growth jumps in children under one year old. Calendar by week

Let us remind you that out of the "difficult" 2-5 weeks indicated in the calendar, it will be difficult with a baby sometimes only a couple of days, and sometimes one or several weeks.

The periods of leaps in the development of the child by month look like So:

1 The newborn is experiencing the so-called "longing for the womb", he still hopes to return to a more familiar, comfortable world for him. On the other hand, he begins to demand more impressions: one kid wants to listen to various melodies, the other wants to look at pictures or objects, and the third wants long gentle strokes. The baby becomes a more active listener and observer, his gaze seems to brighten. Parents begin to better understand the "like" and "dislike" signals. The first smiles appear.
2 The baby wants to be with mom - all the time. New discoveries generate interest - and stress at the same time. She is needed nearby - the closest, caring, dear. The kid begins to understand that there is he and separately - the world. Examines his hands, legs, experiments with their "use". He wants to take a toy, but so far he can only hit it. His attention is attracted by more and more various objects: a doorbell, developing curtains, meowing of a cat, a lamp on, rustling leaves. Makes sounds, listens to himself. "Communicates" with toys.
3 The baby is learning smooth transitions, his movements are no longer "inhibited" (for example, when he reaches for a toy). He feels that he can be controlled: body, voice, eyes, head.
4 This spike is characterized by sudden mood swings. The child often wakes up at night (although, perhaps, without tears), does not want to be alone in the room, requires undivided attention. Physical activity reaches a new level: the baby squeezes the toy, turns, shakes, tastes. The sounds get more complex too.
5, 6 Coordination of movements of arms, legs and body appears. The child makes the discovery that there are distances, distances and that he is in this huge space - just a crumb (albeit quite loud). He is frightened by the disappearance of his mother from the room. And even if the baby is already crawling, he is worried that his mother is moving faster. Shyness may appear in the presence of strangers or unfamiliar people. Some babies play with the nipple or pacifier more than they eat. Apathy sometimes attacks. The usual sounds disappear from the mouth.
7, 8 This is the time for serious research: for example, an infant can concentrately rub mashed potatoes between his fingers or carefully examine bread crumbs. Speech skills are actively developing. The baby often clings to mother's clothes. There is a sharp distinction between "friends" and "foes". The baby is jealous of her mother for everything, in every possible way tries to keep her near him: either by screaming and whining, then by pressing and kissing. Lethargy and indifference to the environment may appear. Many babies lose interest in food or begin to feel whims while feeding.
10 The urge to throw things is at its peak. The child grabs at his mother, even if she does not go anywhere. Requires not just presence, but undivided attention. Possible:
  • apathy;
  • protests against changing diapers or dressing up;
  • jealousy;
  • mood swings;
  • loss of appetite;
  • disturbing sleep.
12 A one-year-old child is incredibly curious. Moreover, it is not your own toy that is interesting, but the neighbor's. And how intriguing are the various objects in the hands of mom and dad! The toddler is able to break, break, spoil any thing that comes his way. And still pulls everything into his mouth. Now that the baby is moving on its own, parents should be extra vigilant! And great patience. The child wants to be independent, but far from everything he succeeds (for example, catching a ball). It causes irritation, screaming. The same reaction arises to prohibitions: "Don't touch! Don't run! Don't do that! Don't shout!" Remember: mom's emotions have a wonderful effect on baby's behavior.

Summing up

Horse racing is characterized by suddenness - you can never guess when the crisis will begin, when it will end. After two or three exhausting days and nights, you suddenly see a cute, smiling child in front of you. The kid plays on his own, patiently waits for you while getting ready for a walk, eats with appetite, sleeps sweetly. And most importantly, he certainly acquires some new skill: he rolled over from his stomach to his back, became more confident in holding a spoon, and suddenly crawled. Isn't this a reward for parents for hours of fatigue and even powerlessness?

There are many calendars of crises for children under one year old. Of course, it is possible and even necessary to get acquainted with such information, but you should not panic if the development of the baby has gone beyond the theory. Each child is completely different. And if the development of your baby does not cause any comments from the pediatrician and other doctors, relax and enjoy watching the age-related changes of your child. Better yet, buy an album for recording the first months of life - your child will then be incredibly interested in reading about himself!

All parents, without exception, are worried, and sometimes frightened by situations when suddenly, a baby begins to cry for no reason, his sleep deteriorates, he refuses to breast. They are trying to create good conditions for him (change the diaper more often, put on lighter things, cover with warmth, reduce the noise in the room to a minimum), but most often this does not improve the situation. What's the matter?

It turns out that there are developmental crises in children under the age of one year, as well as a special calendar indicating when to expect another deterioration in mood. These periods cause a dramatic change in the baby's behavior. Not everyone has heard of them, since others are more often heard, and babies are somehow unreasonably forgotten, but this does not mean that they do not experience similar problems in their few months of age.

What is a crisis schedule for a child under one year old?

According to the observations of child psychologists, for many years who have studied the behavior of infants, their whole life is divided into light and dark moments. In the table of crises that lie in wait for a child under the age of one year, which they compiled, this is expressed in the form of weeks of the baby's life, going in order. Each of them is colored either neutral (white) or gray - the very beginning of the crisis. Black means directly the time of crisis, and a cloud with rain, apparently, mother's tears - those days when parents are ready to climb the wall.

But not everything is so bad and hopeless, because in addition to the gray-black periods, there are also sunny ones, when the baby is cheerful, active and enjoys life in the literal sense of the word. In total, up to a year, there are 7 crisis periods - 5, 8, 12, 19, 26, 37 and 46 weeks. They last from two to five days and have their own characteristics.

Why do crises occur in a child under one year old?

Having carefully looked at the calendar of crises of a child under one year old, one can see some regularity - the "black" days are always followed by sunny ones, and there are not so few of them, and you definitely should not fall into despair.

But why these unpleasant time periods occur is not entirely clear. It turns out that it is they who indicate that the baby is growing up. The fact is that at this time there is a so-called growth spurt, but not physically, but psychologically. It's just like a child wears the same pants all winter, and then over the summer it grows sharply by 3 sizes and these are no longer pants, but shorts.

The same thing happens with the psyche, which is very vulnerable in babies. As soon as the child begins to perceive himself as something separate from his mother, the first crisis occurs. Then he realizes that he has a right to his own feelings - and this is the second and so on.

It is impossible to completely avoid crises of the first year. But to mitigate their manifestation is quite within the power of the parents, especially the mother, since the baby trusts her the most. In acute periods, it is necessary to spend as much time with the child as possible.

Physical contact is very important, especially in the first half of the year. It is necessary to talk with the baby, swing in his arms, show affection and care. Then he will not feel such anxiety, because the mother's confidence will gradually be transferred to him.