Best wishes and congratulations to the teacher on his birthday. Happy birthday greetings to a kindergarten teacher from parents. Happy birthday wishes for kindergarten teacher

dear teacher,
You are like family to us.
happy birthday accept
Congratulations from us!

Thank you for your patience.
We wish you inspiration!
Thank you for love
For taking care of kids!

We wish you health
And good luck and good
Let luck smile
Will not leave for a hundred years!

Happy Birthday!
Inspiration at work
Don't let your patience run out
And all worries will disappear.

You - health and good luck,
Let fate bestow happiness
All tasks are resolved
And God will not leave you in trouble.

All the children gathered, both mothers and fathers.
Our teacher was born today.
For your work and for your patience
We will say all together to you: "Happy birthday!".

We wish you peace, comfort, warmth
And so that your life is calm,
Health, prosperity, for inspiration,
So that our children have enough patience.

The teacher is pride.
After all, not everyone is given
Be responsible and wise
Kind, bright, at the same time.

Our beloved teacher
Have fun on holiday.
May life protect you
How are you our kids.

Let everyone in the family cherish you
Let them kiss, do not scold,
May love and care
Protected from misfortune.

So that always and according to the regime
Your life has passed.
Strictly, clearly, as in a pharmacy:
Breakfast, afternoon tea, quiet time.

So that in kindergarten at work
You need to follow the schedule:
frolicked, talked,
Have dinner and sleep.

Let the pain go away like in childhood
The course of treatment without words:
Plantain on the knee
Sneezed, farted - and healthy.

So that dreams always come true
It was easy to get them:
Write to Santa Claus
Or ask relatives.

Let as in childhood carefree
Everyone loves you, everyone will forgive you.
Hundreds of happy moments
And miracles boil around.

The teacher is a fairy fairy,
Mary Poppins, Lady perfection
The baby will hug, regret
Knows everything about the golden childhood.

You have become like a family to all of us,
Both parents and our children,
We gratefully wish you
To be the happiest in the world!

So that there is no sadness in your eyes,
And let life sometimes not be fun,
If wrinkles suddenly appear -
Let them appear from laughter!

The job of a caregiver is not for everyone.
But you radiate light, kindness.
And the children's loud laughter is heard,
Whom they loved with all their hearts.

We thank you tenderly,
For the fact that you are here as a second mother!
Your contribution to children is invaluable,
But you fight hard for them.

We wish you smiles, warmth,
Great happiness to you in this life!
And let the cherished dreams come true
But not with time, but right there, overnight!

It's your birthday today
With a deep sense of respect
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts:
Parents and kids!

You are the second mother for the guys,
Believe me, there is no kinder lady!
We wish you continued patience
In work - great inspiration,

Love, confessions egozyat,
Obedient, smart guys.
Attention - warm every day,
Health to you, and long years!

Patience, perseverance, a huge salary,
The same to be fresh, full of ideas,
May the world around be filled with happiness
And in life, always let everything be Okay!

You are like a friend to children, like a mother,
You always rush forward to help,
We sincerely wish you on a holiday
More good, less bad!

For the kids you always
Friend, hope and support.
Let the years not age you
And do not tire of controversy.

Have fun, smile
Sing, laugh, have fun
And an example for the kids
Stay as before.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Dear teachers, kindergarten workers and veterans of preschool education!
September 27 - national holiday "Day of the educator and all preschool workers." The idea of ​​this holiday is to help society pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood in general.
The system of pre-school education is the first link in general education; it has retained its best traditions and is constantly evolving, taking into account the real needs of residents.
An educator is not only a profession, the essence of which is to give knowledge. This is a high mission, the purpose of which is the creation of a personality, the affirmation of a person in a person.
Sincere admiration is caused by your amazing ability to reveal talents, awaken curiosity in your wards, teach diligence, perseverance, determination, kindness, responsiveness and love for your Motherland.
With all my heart I thank you, dear educators, for your pedagogical skills, love for your work, concern for the well-being of our children!
I am sure that your kindness and enthusiasm will turn every day for kindergarten students into a day of joy and happiness!
With all my heart I wish all kindergarten teachers and employees further success in their professional field, good health, happiness, well-being, inspiration, joy of creativity and love of pupils!

Congratulations to the teacher in prose

Our dear teacher! Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the holiday!
Let me express my deep gratitude to you for the enormous and invaluable work that you invest in the development and upbringing of our children! We understand that it is not easy, but, nevertheless, you are doing an excellent job with your duties and doing much more: you treat our children with love, and this is the main thing. We sincerely wish you a wonderful mood, great success in everything, decent wages and good health!

Congratulations in verse happy birthday kindergarten teacher

Kindergarten teacher
I bow down low
I understand that work
Difficult, hard work.
Let life be like a fairy tale
Where dreams come true
Where everything is beautiful and bright,
You deserve this!
We want to wish from the heart
The biggest miracle!
May all the "princes" and "princesses"
You will always listen.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Dear our educators. With all my heart and with great gratitude, we congratulate you on the day of the Educator! We will never get tired of saying thank you again and again for all that you do for us and our children. Thank you for your kind and sympathetic hearts, for your professionalism, for the love and care that you give to our children.

Congratulations on the holiday to the educator

We give children in safe hands,
And we lead to the kindergarten without much effort!
After all, in the morning, barely opening your eyes,
The kids are ready to go to kindergarten!
And all because a friend is waiting for them there,
They call the teacher
Reliable, caring, gentle and strict!
He reads books and sings loudly
Walking, painting, watering flowers
And he teaches the alphabet, and plays skits!
Today we all heartily congratulate
Much happiness, good luck!

Congratulations to the teacher from the parents in verse

Your work is not easy
We understand it!
But you are responsible
We trust you children!
Let me congratulate you
Happy holiday!
And we hasten to wish you joy!
Success in raising children,
And in life it was always great!
More good, warm days,
Salaries only to you decent!

____________(name)! Congratulations on March 8! We wish you a cheerful mood, good health for many, many years, a creative mood! We know how much you love children, how you treat them! Thank you for this, for your work! May this spring holiday bring you many smiles, joy and flowers!

Congratulations to the best teacher of the year in verse

God's gift was given to you by nature -

You are the best teacher of the year.

Skillfully communicate with children,

Treat with care and gentleness.

You taught a lot of kids:

Wishing you from the bottom of your heart to live beautifully,

Thank you parents!

Congratulations to the kindergarten teacher in the nursery group

The manger needs good hands,
In kind, open smiles,
In honest and loving, soft hearts,
To raise them in kids.
We are happy to say
In a manger - such an educator.
We are glad to congratulate him now -
So take it easy!

Congratulation teacher happy birthday

___________(name and patronymic)! Congratulations on your birthday! We wish you spiritual strength, good health, great joy and success! Your family well-being and warmth!

Children are the flowers of life, and those who raise them are special people and deserve special congratulations. I would like to make the teacher's birthday unforgettable and collect the most necessary and relevant congratulations. To do this, you do not need to be a writer at all, you can simply use our options for congratulations. We have specially selected relevant and positive words of wishes. Feel free to add interesting facts from yourself, beat the profession of a person who is in love with his work. Choose from the proposed options what is most suitable, the main thing is that your intentions will be real. Such a congratulation will be a pleasant surprise for the teacher.

You love children very much.
They give you the same answer.
From family and friends
Happy birthday to you!
You, dear educator,
We love you with all our heart, really
Don't need it, you know, we're different,
Our love is your reward!

You are replacing mother for children,
You watch them in the garden
You understand all their whims,
No nerves and no fuss
You spend every day with them.
And happy birthday now
We want to congratulate you together,
A wonderful, kind pair of phrases!

Dear educator,
You are a nice teacher
And a great person
We will never forget you!
We all say thank you
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy birthday
And we wish you good luck!

You are like a fairy tale for children.
You are kindness and wisdom: two in one.
Warming the hearts of children with the warmth of the soul,
You work day after day.
We wish you happiness on your birthday.
You are a bright person, God bless you.
Let the angel protect from adversity
From grief, resentment and anxiety.

You are from a bright children's world.
You are always young at heart.
You gave the heart to the kids.
How much tenderness and warmth in it!
Happy birthday to you, dear!
Kindness and health, love
I wish you today.
May all days be beautiful!

Your working days:
Trouble, stomp,
Kids are one family
Riddles and toys.
May there always be life
With a bright, good mood.
Peace, sun and warmth!
Happy Birthday!

Hold the baby's hands tightly.
The world with you is both more interesting and kinder.
You, like a ray, illuminate everything around.
Your childhood is the best, true friend.
Let the joy be the sun to shine
In your life. And I don't want to be bored.
And may happy moments await you.
From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your birthday!

Kind, sincere, cordial,
Impeccable in life and work.
Educator, here is your confession.
May your wishes come true.
Accept our congratulations
On your wonderful holiday, birthday.
Everything that people call happiness
Let life surround you.

Second mother for children
You are so caring, honey.
You are full of fabulous ideas.
You attracted children to you.
On your birthday from the heart
We want to congratulate you.
Let happiness hurry to you
Love and joy with him.

The teacher is from God and you can’t argue
Any child is happiness for you and you can’t hide it.
You sit with the kids and read them fairy tales,
And everyone, as an adult, you perceive,
And even on my birthday, I forgot about the guests,
And all your free time you spend on children,
But since you are freed, then take it soon,
For a birthday cake, flowers and congratulations to friends!!

Thank you for your hard work, care,
For treating children like family.
Native teacher, let them not forget
Come visit on weekends!
On your birthday, I personally wish
As a teacher, I can honestly say
That your work is personal, I respect it very much,
Flowers at your feet, from the heart I will bring.

Island of joy and light
There is for children.
Like a bright planet
It beckons with its beauty.

Kindergarten accepts them
With joy and kindness.
Childhood gently flows
It has a special warmth.

Happy Anniversary

Within your walls we grow up
Days fly like falling leaves.

Educators special,
Children's fiery hello.
Your games for study,
Open the world of knowledge.

More happy laughter
We wish you such a day.
collective success,
To everyone in the profession of a saint.


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Really needed!

Kindergarten teacher
We really need to congratulate
How much did he invest in kids
Hearts, caresses, fairy tales, books!

stay young
And so beautiful
And it is still necessary to become
You head of the garden!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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We wish you long life!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Kindergarten teacher!
Would you like to sit in silence
Yes, you have to work forever!
May the day be calm
The holiday will be beautiful!
Let out of life paths
It will be the happiest way!
We wish to live long
In peace, joy, good luck!
Do not hurt and do not grieve,
See the benefits from children.


Purchased and owned by the site.

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And let the faces of the children brighten

May the sun always warm you.
Let the clouds not float above you.
And let the faces of the children brighten
Meeting your eyes!

We wish you simple happiness.
Love relatives, their understanding!
And congratulations on this day!
May your wishes come true!

Let the management remember too
That the teacher does not chic.
Will help you financially!
Let justice triumph!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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The country is proud of you

You give care to children
And awaken the hunt
To the knowledge of peace and goodness.
The whole country is proud of you!

Being an educator is not easy.
After all, you are a huge island of love.
We congratulate you today
And we wish you a happy life!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Congratulations from parents!

Congratulations teacher,
We greatly respect you!
You are the owner of all the praises,
You are a great magician!

Eyes gentle, clear
Children see it every day!
We wish the beautiful
You had a life!

Congratulations to the kindergarten teacher

Purchased and owned by the site.

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Be happy, healthy!

We are raised by our mothers
Dads, relatives, life,
The teacher is the best
Because he is an expert!

The kindness of any
Inspire always in a hurry!
native educator
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Be happy healthy
All my 120 years!
Be ready for life
Consisting of victories!


You read books to us
Take for a walk.
You are so beautiful -

happy birthday congratulations
And we wish you
To be less tired
They smiled at us more often.

Happy birthday congratulations
dear teacher,
The garden has become our second home,
And you are the second mother.

We give you our toys
And we will read poetry
We are with you today
We will sing and dance.

We promise that we will
To behave,
We wish you a birthday
Lots, lots of joy.

Our favorite teacher
We congratulate you together.
There is no better, that's for sure -
Let's be honest right now.

We wish you patience
We are fun to play with
And from crazy pranks
Never get tired.

Happy birthday teacher
Our beloved, dear.
Today we have gathered together,
Congratulate you with a crowd.

We wish you health
Laughter, joy, kindness,
Strong nerves, fortitude,
Inspiration, warmth.

Our dear teacher,
We congratulate you.
birthday for you
We wish you happiness.

You are beautiful as always
Open for communication.
The whole group will shout: Hurrah!
We love you! Happy birthday!

Birthday caregiver
Celebrates ours today.
We congratulate the whole group
On a day so beautiful you.

health wishes,
Strong nerves to you from us.
Let the mood be
Together with us the highest class.

Happy birthday teacher
We want to wish you:
To make life fun
And there was always enough strength:

Put everyone to sleep
And eat in the canteen.
Gather us in the yard
Somehow, to teach something.

One to lift the pantyhose,
Pull the jacket on for someone else.
Oh, of course, and work,
Wish this on your enemy.

These are all jokes, of course.
The holiday is for all of us.
And today we take a moment
Let's sit quietly for you!

With you we will know the world
It's very interesting with you
You teach us good
And behave properly.

We know the letters with you,
We also study numbers
From the bottom of my heart today
Happy birthday congratulations!

We wish you long years
You are an excellent teacher
Can you give advice
We read books with you!

Happy Birthday to you,
Our beloved teacher
You are our best friend
Clockwork, funny friend.
Be very happy
Cheerful, young, beautiful.

We are for you, educator,
We give congratulations
Let's talk on your birthday
A verse for the whole group.

Today you have toys
We'll bring ours
And invite you for tea
In our doll house.

We want to be cheerful
Cake and candy to eat
And we promise firmly
What will we listen to you