The best marriage proposals. How nice to propose to a girl

If you opened this article, then most likely you are tormented by one question: “How to propose to a girl?”. This is a very important stage in the life of every man, as it is the first step towards creating his own family. Therefore, you simply have to make sure that your proposal is remembered by your soul mate for life (in the good sense of the word, of course :)).

A lot of girls dream of a beautiful declaration of love and an unforgettable marriage proposal from their boyfriend. They dream, dream .. and in the end they receive an offer: “Let's live together”, “Move to me”, “Let's sign”, “Well, since you are pregnant, then we will get married”, “Let's get married”. There is absolutely no romance! It's a pity, because this moment should be one of the most unforgettable in life.

What not to do when you propose to your girlfriend:

  • you can’t make an offer “as if by the way”, on the go;
  • you can’t offer to get married when you are in a state of intoxication - by doing this you show disrespect for your girlfriend;
  • it is impossible to chew, listen to music or otherwise be distracted by extraneous matters during the offer;
  • never propose to your girlfriend over the phone;
  • do not try to propose to your chosen one after having sex, in bed;
  • it is advisable not to make a show out of the proposal - many girls do not like too much attention to themselves at such moments. So, if you still decide to do something enchanting, for example, to propose on the air of some television show - think 100 times over it;
  • hiding the ring in food is already a hackneyed idea. Yes, and a girl can, after such an evening, get into a chair to the dentist;
  • if your girlfriend is not a fan of any sports game, do not try to propose at the stadium;
  • don't propose marriage in front of her entire family. For your soul mate, this will only result in extra stress;
  • if your girlfriend did not immediately answer “Yes”, but said “I will think about it”, do not make a tragedy out of this and do not express your complaints to her. For her, this is a very important decision in life and she is not obliged to immediately answer you with her consent;
  • do not propose if you are not 120% sure of your girlfriend!

Before you propose to your girlfriend, you must:

  • Talk to your lover about a possible life together.
  • You must be sure that both of you want it and that you don't have any disagreements about your future (living with your parents or separately, having children right away or in a couple of years, etc.).
  • Inform the girl's parents.

Note that you must inform, not ask their permission. After all, you live with the girl, not her parents, so even if they don't particularly approve of your marriage, you don't have to listen to their opinion. By talking to your parents, you will not only show your good upbringing, but also express your respect for them.

  • Pick your own ring.
  • Make a plan. If you can’t come up with anything original, we advise you to contact special agencies for organizing marriage proposals. .

You should pick up a ring without the participation of a potential bride. It is very important not to miscalculate with the size and appearance of the ring. How to determine the size of the ring on the finger, we will definitely tell you in the next article. But in order to pick up a ring that would be to the taste of your chosen one, you will have to sweat a little.

To do this, ask what rings your girlfriend likes the most, for this you can “accidentally” walk past a jewelry store window and ask her about it. You can also involve your mother, sister or girl's best friend in choosing a ring.

Be sure to think through all the little things: in what place will you propose a marriage, on what day (you don’t need to propose on those days when your beloved is loaded with other problems), what you will tell your beloved, how you will hide the ring, etc.

21 original ways to beautifully propose

1. Choose a beautiful restaurant, agree in advance with its administrator about the upcoming event. Plan everything with him down to the smallest detail: when you enter the restaurant with your significant other, what food will be served, how many candles will be and where they will stand, when the necessary music will play, when you need to turn off the lights. Well, then, in such a romantic atmosphere, it will be possible to get on one knee, get a ring and make a marriage proposal.

2. The version with dolphins will be very original (if, of course, there is a dolphinarium in your city :)). Swim with your girlfriend along with the dolphins, and then, when she gets out of the water, distract her for a minute, and at that time a dolphin will swim up from behind with a box on her nose. When the girl sees this miracle, propose to her.

3. There is another option, but it is a bit dangerous. You need to fly to your beloved .. by helicopter, propose, and take her to some beautiful place where you can relax for a few days.

4. A "school option" is also possible. At night, you write the phrase “Marry me” on the pavement outside her window, and in the morning, when the girl wakes up, come to her with a huge bouquet of flowers and shout to the whole yard about your feelings for her.

5. You can make an intriguing birthday present. To do this, you must hide the box with the ring in several boxes nested in each other. Imagine with what impatience your girlfriend will open this box-matryoshka until she reaches the most important gift!

6. An offer to your beloved girl can be made for the New Year or Valentine's Day. On such days all dreams should come true. It will be generally chic if you do it high in the mountains, inhaling the fresh fragrant air. Such an offer will certainly be remembered much more than an offer in the same restaurant.

7. All girls dream of a prince on a white horse. Well, fulfill the dream of your beloved: you are a prince, the only thing left is to find a white horse. Imagine how surprised your girlfriend will be when she sees such a rider! Well, if you can find a knight's suit, then success is 100% guaranteed.

8. If you like skating, take your girlfriend to the skating rink, and you yourself leave for a minute and tell the whole arena about your feelings for her on the speakerphone!

9. Unforgettable will be a marriage proposal on the roof of a 9-storey building (if you can find a higher building, it will be even better :)). Bring a table, champagne, sweets, don't forget flowers and a ring. Quite a real and original proposal.

10. Arrange with partners at work (or institute) to bring a letter to your girlfriend in which you would write to her about your feelings. When she reads it to the end, you go in yourself and ask her a question.

11. Offer your soulmate to go on vacation for a week in another country. There, in a romantic setting, it will not be difficult to propose :).

12. Invite her to the place where you first met. Take sweets, champagne with you and propose to her.

13. On New Year's Eve, hang a box with a ring on the tree and tell your future wife that you have prepared for her a small gift that she will find on the tree.

14. Rent a balloon. In the evening, at sunset, high in the sky, tell your girlfriend that you love her very much and cannot imagine your life without her, and ask her to marry you.

15. Consider putting your photo on T-shirts. You can learn about applying to T-shirts on the Texprint website.

16. Make a video in which you tell a girl how you feel. Arrange with the administration of the cinema to show this video before the movie starts. Don't forget to come to the movie with the girl a little earlier so as not to miss your video :).

17. In the evening, on the seashore, write a marriage proposal on the sand. Spread a blanket on the sand, cover a romantic dinner and invite your girlfriend to see this beauty. The best time to propose is at sunset.

18. Offer to give her a foot massage and discreetly put your toe on the ring.

19. If you are in the village, you can leave a note to your beloved, in which the place of your meeting will be assigned (it is desirable that this place be a gazebo on the shore of a lake or river).

20. If you live together, then write a marriage proposal on your stomach, putting a box with a ring on top and a note “Sunny, if you agree, wake me up :)”

21. If your significant other loves adventure, you can do the following. You send your beloved a message saying that you are waiting for her at the entrance in 5 minutes. She gets out, but instead of you she sees your friend with a bouquet of flowers and a note that says: "Get on such and such a bus and go there."

She arrives there and sees another friend of yours with a clue. Etc. It turns out a kind of quest, at the end of which she will meet you with an offer to marry you.

In conclusion, I would like to say: it is not as important as proposing to a girl, what is more important is what feelings you have for each other! With a loved one, as they say, and paradise in a hut!

After lengthy meetings, if you are sure that your girlfriend is the one you would like to see as your wife and mother of your children, the question arises: how to make an offer that is touching, beautiful and original? This is a pretty serious question. After all, I so want everything to work out and you are answered with consent! How to make an offer so that this day will go down in your family history as one of the most beautiful?

When making an offer, you need to remember that this step will most likely be the beginning of your life together, so it should be thoughtful and beautiful. Here are a few very important details, without which it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a beautiful proposal:


All solemn events require champagne, celebration, fruit, chocolate, dance. This will create a general romantic atmosphere, thanks to which the girl will remember your proposal for a lifetime. Beautiful music will be the best accompaniment.

As for the place, it can be almost anything. Just not at home! You can propose in a restaurant, in nature, in another city - the main thing is that you like it there, and it was something unusual!

In order to beautifully propose to a girl, the place must be memorable, romantic, in general, to match the reasons for his choice. Maybe your couple has your "special" places, think about them, choose the most romantic and feel free to ask the main question.

Girls really like it when their guys remember important details of their relationship. You will move her to tears if you propose in the place where you met or kissed for the first time, where you spent your first vacation, etc. Remember what is dear to her, what place she remembers more often, what photos she keeps, etc.

And, of course, choose the right moment. If a girl needs to study for an exam at the institute, and you make an appointment with her at a restaurant at eight in the evening, it’s clear that this is not the best day to propose.


Buy flowers - this is the first thing to take care of. Just give your favorite flowers. If a girl loves lilies, and you give her roses, it will make you think about how well you know her and how much you want to please her. Keep in mind that some people like flowers in a basket, others - in cellophane. But did you have time to find out what flowers your girlfriend prefers?

Wedding ring

This is a very important action and the main thing here is not to get into a mess. After all, you need to choose the right engagement ring. How to do it? You can go to jewelry stores and casually ask what the girl likes, you can ask a friend or mother of the future wife to help you in this matter.

Be sure to find out in advance before proposing to a girl - if your bride wants to choose the ring herself! Since some girls are very scrupulous in matters of jewelry. Many girls now know what kind of ring they want to see on their hand, so buy the rings together later.

You can also, as if by chance, walk past the jewelry showcase and casually ask what exactly she likes. Or you can ask her mother, sister or friend to help you choose a ring.

The words

This is also very important. Just do not repeat the "hackneyed" phrases from the movies. Rather, tell her how much you love her and how much you want to be with her. Listen to your heart, and do not give out memorized speech - words should come from the soul.

It would seem that a simple sentence “Marry me!”, But sometimes it is very difficult to pronounce. The stage of creating a family is the most important decision for a loving couple and, of course, you want this moment to be remembered for a lifetime. There is no specific answer to the question of how to make an offer, but there are a number of tips.

Make an offer unexpectedly. After all, what could be better than a surprise, and even more so such a pleasant one. Choose the moment when the girl does not expect anything like this from you - and act! However, it should be understood that the situation must be appropriate, you should not make an offer, for example, in a supermarket.

The first option that you can propose to a girl is quite common. You invite your beloved to a good restaurant. In order to make such an offer, you need to pre-book a table, buy flowers, buy a ring, put on a classic beautiful suit, prepare a speech - and pronounce the main words in your life at the right time.

Despite its popularity, this method is very effective and works almost flawlessly. Live music, which can be performed by a violinist, can add efficiency and romanticism to this method.

The second option is that you propose to a girl in public. At the same time, options are possible both from a narrow family circle at some common celebration, and proposals publicly, for example, on the radio. You can propose at a party or at a karaoke bar while singing her favorite song.

This method is especially effective in rooms where there is a small stage and a microphone, after reading out a speech that lists all the advantages, as well as a story about the history of your relationship.

The next step should be a declaration of love and a marriage proposal. It's best to have a cheat sheet handy when delivering a speech in such an exciting environment, as your over-excitement can simply ruin everything.

An extreme romantic confession can be made by booking a hot air balloon flight.

If you have enough funds, you can propose to a girl during a trip to Paris, or, for example, on exotic islands. By the way, in the same place you can hold a wedding ceremony according to their customs. It is very spectacular and will surely be remembered by you and your bride.

If you and your fiancee are skydivers, divers, or just about to become one, you do not need to say how beautiful it is to propose to a girl. It will be unexpected, beautiful, romantic and, at the same time, extremely exciting.

You can invite your beloved on a trip around the night city in a limousine or, climbing onto the roof, admire the starry sky. Why not a place for a proposal?

Soon the concert of her favorite band? Do your best, and she will know about your intentions from the lead singer of the group. And you with a ring and flowers will be nearby.

An offer to a girl can also be made in an original way. To do this, you can arrange flash mobs that have recently become popular for your soulmate, involving a large number of mutual friends, as well as absolutely strangers who are ready to help you, people. It is noteworthy that with this method, the essence of a flash mob can be completely different and is limited solely by your imagination.

If your girlfriend has strong nerves and is not against practical jokes, you can make a little action out of your proposal. Invite the girl somewhere for a walk or dinner, asking someone or hiring a courier to deliver her a box with a ring. And you can pretend to be surprised too.

And finally, you can propose to a girl in contrast. Those. it should happen in the most everyday environment. For example, on an ordinary gray morning, when she will make coffee, you will invite her to look out the window and see a banner placed there in advance asking her to marry you.

Or put her ring in the most inappropriate and everyday place - on her dressing table, for example. This method requires two important things - a carefully thought out continuation and at least 1 hour of free time for both of you.

Proposal to your girlfriend

Creating a family is an important life milestone, a responsible decision for every couple, and if you decide to be together in sorrow and in joy, then it is necessary that the moment of the marriage proposal be remembered for a long time. Here are some tips for the groom:

  • First and foremost, to avoid surprises and discord in future family life, before making an offer, weigh the pros and cons. Talk to your future spouse about your upcoming family life, make sure your ideals and values ​​match. When you make sure that you and your future wife are looking in the same direction, you can proceed to action. Make sure you both aspire to such a life. But despite the talk of family life, the proposal itself should come as a surprise. Choose the moment when the woman does not expect it.
  • When you decide to propose to a girl, you will need to tell her why you want to marry her. The most important thing here is not just to mint the cherished five words that almost all men pronounce. If you are concerned about how to make a beautiful proposal to a girl, then remember - it should be classic, but at the same time individual.
  • Explain to your future wife why you want to marry her. For example, you can focus your speech on the fact that with her appearance, your life, and you yourself, have changed a lot for the better, that you really want your girlfriend to always be with you.
  • Talk to the girl's parents. Yes, such a ritual is no longer mandatory. Many years have passed since the daughter was considered the property of her parents, and her marriage necessarily required the consent of her father. But there is still something respectful about asking for the blessings of the bride's parents. This, moreover, will help, in the future, to establish good relations with them.

And last but not least, don't expect your lady to say yes right away. Remember that it takes time to make such an important decision.

How not to propose marriage

In the desire to exceed the expectations of his beloved, many men begin to go too far. A surprise is great, but don't hide your wedding ring in your food, it's no longer relevant. This has been shown in dozens of films, so you won't get a prize for ingenuity.

No need to try to propose to a girl at sports games, the stadium will not allow you to achieve the attention and focus that such an event deserves. Don't complicate your life with limousines and garlands of flowers and balloons. The head should be free from vain problems. The most important thing is you and her, and what binds you.

Don't expect a woman to say yes right away. You offer to spend your whole life with you. This is a difficult and rather serious decision. If your lady of the heart said, "I'll think about it," treat it with dignity and understanding and give her some time to think. This decision must be conscious and come from the heart.

Now you know how to propose to a girl. Good luck!

A young man who is preparing to take a very important step - to offer a girl to become his wife - must thoroughly prepare for this event in order to look worthy in front of his beloved, and in response to receive the desired “yes”. We advise you to explore all possible ways of how to beautifully propose to a girl, and then decide on the option that is acceptable to you.

7 ways to propose beautifully

Are you sure you know your future soul mate well? The chosen method of making an offer will directly depend on its nature. Think about what your beloved expects from you, feel her state of mind. If your girlfriend is modest, restrained, present an engagement ring in a warm, cozy home environment or tête-à-tête in a restaurant. Well, if she loves publicity, then it is better to make a loud confession on the radio or TV, or in a suitable public place.


Ask your girlfriend if she agrees to spend the day off at a picnic, if she has any other plans. If everything goes well, start preparing. It is clear that this will not be a simple baked potato picnic, everything must be organized in the best possible way. Choose a picturesque place on the edge of a forest or near a river, where a tent will be set up in advance.

To create a festive mood for a girl, save her from cooking, take care of it yourself. Let your beloved just rest from all worries, think only about you. Think of a way to set the impromptu table with delicious, beautifully decorated dishes.

Do not forget about the solemnly opened champagne, a huge bouquet of flowers and the highlight of the program - a ring, dressed on a lover's finger. You will need to get on one knee in front of the girl, gallantly deliver a speech or read a suitable poem.

Want to enlist the support of your friends? Invite them to a picnic, they will tell you how beautifully you can propose to a girl. Successfully passing contests, tests, games, show yourself as a real hero-superman, then your chosen one simply cannot refuse you.

Instead of a picnic in nature, it has become popular to propose to a girl on the roof of a high-rise building. How did our hero do it? Watch the video:

At home

There are girls who do not like publicity, they prefer to keep everything personal behind the closed doors of their home. Then it is better to make an offer at home.

Do you live with a girl? So, you have all the trump cards. Prepare a surprise for your beloved - while the girl is not at home, decorate the house with rose petals, line the path from the front door to the bedroom with them, let her bare feet touch the sincerity of your feelings. Light a lot of candles, turn on relaxing music, prepare a small buffet with champagne, sweets.

Meet your beloved at the door with a large bouquet of flowers, while she is shocked by everything that is happening, take your hand into the bedroom, kneel and propose. Open the box with the ring, put it on the bride's finger.

If the girl is still living separately, you will definitely have a conversation with the girl's parents, receiving their blessing. Dress solidly, take out your festive suit, tie for this, stock up on flowers for her mother and a bottle of good wine or cognac for her father - everyone likes to receive gifts. Well, a gift for the bride is kept by a magic box. The formula for success is simple:

  • Be punctual, don't be late.
  • Think over the words with which you will thank your parents for such a good daughter, tell them why they loved her.
  • Be sincere, say what you think, and then you will see tears of happiness in their eyes.
  • After that, go to the main thing - announce that you intend to legitimize the relationship and have come here to ask for the hand of their daughter and get consent to the marriage.

In public

Do you guess that the girl wants to hear a proposal from you not alone, but with a large number of people, as a confirmation of your boundless love? So follow your dream! Believe me, this will flatter her pride and play to your advantage. If you think carefully about how beautifully you can propose to a girl in a public place, then you will find a lot of suitable places for such an occasion - a metro station, a shopping center, a square, a theater, a concert venue, a park.

Does your girlfriend love theater? So, she just needs to hear a marriage proposal right from his stage. Gain courage, go on stage and say the cherished words in front of all the honest people. Believe me, the support of the large hall will play its role, the answer of the beloved will be positive.

Can you sing? Gather your friends, sing a serenade with them under the girl's balcony. Let the whole house know that you are in love, that your chosen one is the best of all! But you shouldn't propose like this if the girl lives on the top floor of a very tall building, otherwise you won't be heard.

And at night, lay out your confession with the help of lit small bright candles, as shown in the photo. The effect will be amazing!

Watch in the video how beautifully an ordinary guy proposed to a girl with the help of friends.

At the restaurant

A marriage proposal in a restaurant is an unfading classic. So they did in the old days, so do connoisseurs of good taste and gallant manners now. Beautiful clothes, exquisite dishes, romantic music - all this is conducive to pleasant conversations, emotional intimacy, it is not for nothing that the restaurant has heard the most such proposals.

Do not rush to propose to the girl immediately upon arrival, limit yourself to a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Continue to constantly look after your lady, show all kinds of signs of attention, let her feel like a real queen.

When the moment is right, take out the box with the ring and invite the girl to accept it as a sign of your love and desire to be together all your life. To make the proposal more original, try to negotiate with the waiter, let him unexpectedly bring a ring on a tray covered with a beautiful napkin or cap on top. And then take the initiative.

At work or school

Do you want to make this working or school day of your girlfriend the happiest? Then arm yourself with flowers, a treasured ring - and head straight to where she is now. Your appearance will be unexpected, but this is the beauty of the moment! Imagine how surprised everyone around will be when you appear in the office or audience with a bouquet, fall on your knees and ask for her hand! Such a touching moment will not leave her indifferent.

On the radio

You will never guess what other way to beautifully propose to a girl! If a loved one listens to radio programs that convey congratulations on her birthday and other holidays, this is an occasion to call or write a letter to the host of the program and order a song for her, and at the same time make an offer to the girl right in front of an audience of thousands! Let the whole country hear that there is a man who loves her more than life! This will reach the very depths of her soul.


Fork out, buy a ticket for two to some romantic place, for example, the city of lovers, Paris, is suitable for this. The final destination of the trip does not play a special role, the main thing is that you will be just the two of you, dedicate unforgettable moments to each other. Traveling will help you relax, give vent to feelings. A new environment, a variety of impressions will enliven emotions, and you will guess how beautiful it is to propose to your beloved girl.

Candlelight dinner, a luxurious bouquet of roses, romantic music and a cherished velvet box with an engagement ring… Beautiful, but too banal. Many modern girls want something more sophisticated and enchanting. We offer 15 ideas on how to propose to the girl she dreamed of. Be original, don't be afraid to express yourself!

A marriage proposal is a touching moment that occupies one of the first places in the women's rating. The story of this romantic step will be told to friends, colleagues, relatives, your future children, so it is important to make the proposal in a special way. You should not follow a simple path and limit yourself to standard phrases: “Let's get married” or “Marry me”, “Move to me”, said in an ordinary setting, as if by chance.

How to propose to a girl effectively and beautifully

In order to make a girl happy and hear the same “yes” in response, it is enough to show imagination and, of course, carefully prepare. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend exorbitant amounts of money - sincerity and an extraordinary approach are much more valuable.

If you are sure that the chosen one is ready for a serious step in creating a family, you have been dating for a long time, then you can safely act. When choosing an option, you should focus on her preferences, interests and hobbies. So, if your chosen one is a bright personality and loves to be in the spotlight, then you can make her an offer to marry in a public place - on stage, during a performance by your favorite artist, during a football match, at work. If she is not happy with this, it is better to choose secluded places where you will be alone. For some, the presence of loved ones at this momentous moment is important - parents.

Everything must be perfect, the plan must be thought out to the smallest detail. So, you can resort to the help of friends and acquaintances. Get inspired by our selection of unusual ways to propose to a girl. They are also suitable for young people who want to propose a girl they like to meet.

Top 15 ideas to propose to a girl

  1. The dream of many girls is not only a beautiful wedding, but also a romantic marriage proposal made by a loved one during a trip, vacation at sea. Choose the right destination for you - secluded islands with white sand or a trendy luxury resort. And then turn on your imagination. So, you can make a marriage proposal to a girl on the deck of a snow-white yacht, in a beautiful place on the seashore, during joint diving or just on the balcony of a hotel room, admiring the sunset.
  2. Every woman dreams of a fabulous surprise. It can be a box with butterflies, inside of which lies an engagement ring.
  3. If your chosen one loves vivid impressions and adventures, you can make an original proposal to her during a romantic balloon flight, during an evening boat ride on the river or horseback riding.
  4. A classic of the genre is a hidden wedding ring. Set up a real quest. Hints can be transmitted through strangers, sent to mobile.
  5. A romantic confession with a proposal to marry can be placed on a billboard in her area.
  6. A ski lift in a winter resort or a cable car can be a great place to propose. An abyss will stretch under you, adrenaline will play in your blood - what could be better?
  7. You can decorate the phrase “Marry me” beautifully - lay out the letters with burning candles in the sand, fresh flowers, or use fallen leaves in an autumn park.
  8. While relaxing at sea, you can organize an unforgettable adventure. Write a note proposing marriage, immerse it in a beautiful antique bottle, seal it securely and hide it on the beach. You can search for the treasure together or accidentally find it on the way.
  9. The original option is to order a cake with the inscription: "Be my wife." Afterwards, you can enjoy a delicious dessert together. You can also invite a girl to meet.
  10. An invitation to the theater is always romantic. Put on evening clothes, arrange with the administration to make an offer during the intermission or after the performance on stage.
  11. A movie for your beloved - you can make an interesting 5-minute video with a confession of your feelings and a proposal to meet or get married at the end. Show it to your chosen one at home, and after the end, present a ring and a bouquet.
  12. Fireworks. Cherished words can be accompanied by colorful fireworks. You can order a professional organization or ask friends to light colorful fireworks on command.
  13. In a limousine or vintage car. Rent a luxury transport and go on a romantic walk around the city. A carriage is perfect for these purposes.
  14. Romantic picnic - you can arrange it on the beach while relaxing at sea, in the forest or in the park. Candles, rose petals will help to complement the atmosphere, and the ring can be put in a beautiful shell or oyster.
  15. Ask a street artist to paint a portrait with a proposal to marry.

Important points to remember

  1. Date - it is better to make a marriage proposal on a significant day for your couple or on the holiday of all lovers, the New Year.
  2. Attributes - having bought an engagement ring, do not forget about a large beautiful bouquet (preferably from your girlfriend's favorite flowers) and a bottle of champagne.
  3. Scenario - draw up a detailed plan of the event from start to finish, providing for all the nuances.
  4. Helpers - in organizing a fabulous marriage proposal, you may need the help of friends, colleagues, loved ones. At such a crucial moment, moral support is also urgently needed.
  5. Place - the atmosphere should be romantic, pleasant, memorable. It may be associated with a special event for your couple. A universal option is a vacation at sea, a small island, a moonlit beach, a balcony in a hotel room. A more extreme and original way to propose dating or starting a family is on the roof of a high-rise building, while flying in the sky, under water.

If the girl did not accept your marriage proposal or asked for time to think, perhaps she is simply not yet ready to start a family. Give her time to make a decision. You should also not make claims or sort things out, as well as perceive what happened as a tragedy. Maybe it's for the best.

Recently, such an important event as a marriage proposal has turned into a boring and mundane “Let's live together” or “Let's get married”. Where is the romance? After all, every girl wants to remember such a moment for the rest of her life and remember it with warmth. We bring to your attention 44 ways What a beautiful way to propose to a girl!

  1. The first way to propose to a girl is a classic of the genre, it will require you to have a rose in your teeth, a ring in a velvet box, and the proposal is made on your knees.
  2. Invite your soul mate to a restaurant and ask the waiter in advance to put a ring on the bottom of the girl’s favorite dessert. Just be careful that such a marriage proposal does not result in injuries.
  3. If you know an administrator in the theater, ask him to let you go on stage after the performance and propose to your girlfriend.
  4. Come to her office in the middle of the day with champagne, a red rose and a ring and propose in front of her colleagues.
  5. Write on the pavement with chalk under the windows of your beloved: (name), will you become my wife?
  6. Order for the girl her favorite song on the radio and propose to her live.
  7. Gather your loved ones in a restaurant or cafe and make a romantic proposal to your beloved in front of everyone.
  8. Ask friends and relatives to gather near her entrance, draw posters with the inscription "Will you become my wife?", and arm yourself with a ring and go to propose.
  9. Ask someone to deliver a telegram to the girl's office in which you describe all your feelings. A few minutes after the delivery, enter her and ask the most important question.
  10. Create a page on the Internet for your couple: post memorable photos there, write a cherished question. And then send an SMS to the address of the page on which she should go.
  11. Take several boxes of different sizes, put a ring in the smallest of them. Each box can be presented as a gift - the very process of unpacking makes you curious. You can also take a glass or plastic box, fill it with foam, and put a ring at the very bottom.
  12. Take a large beautifully designed box and send it to the girl in the office. Hide yourself inside the box and when your beloved opens the gift, propose to her with a ring and a bouquet of roses in your hand.
  13. Invite your loved one to a romantic picnic and tell her about your feelings there.
  14. Get up early, prepare breakfast for the girl, complete with a rose and a velvet box. After waking up with a kiss, ask her the main question.
  15. Scatter rose petals on the bed, and place a box with a ring in the center. Tell her that this gift will tell her about the depth of your feelings. When your loved one opens the box, say that you want to spend the rest of your life with her. Such an offer is impossible to resist.
  16. Prepare a romantic dinner, put a cloth napkin threaded through the ring next to the plate. When the girl takes a napkin to put on her lap, she will find the ring, and then hear your proposal.
  17. Offer her a foot massage and discreetly put a ring on her toe.
  18. Take your loved one on a date to a place that means a lot to you. Grab a basket of champagne and fruit to celebrate your engagement as well.
  19. Order a cake or pie in the store with the inscription “Will you marry me?”, You can surprise your beloved with a masterpiece prepared by yourself.
  20. If your girlfriend regularly subscribes to a magazine, place your offer on one of its pages. And be there when they start reading.
  21. Buy your beloved a watch or a bracelet and put a note "Let's get married" in the box.
  22. Arrange a romantic dinner, buy a bottle of wine, and when you pour it into a glass, discreetly place a ring on its bottom. When your chosen one finishes the drink, she will also see the ring.
  23. You can also propose to a girl on New Year's Eve: hang a ring on the tree and ask her to find a new decoration.

  24. Invite a girl to a restaurant and ask the chef to write “Let's get married” with chocolate cream around the dessert on the dish.
  25. Take a rubber toy and attach a ring to it. Prepare a scented bath with rose petals for your significant other, and while she takes it, put a toy with a ring in front of her.
  26. Prepare mussels or oysters for her, put a ring in one of the shells.
  27. Write a sentence on a piece of papyrus and seal it in a bottle. When you are on the shore of the reservoir, pretend that you found it in the water. Let the girl open the bottle first and read your message.
  28. Buy phosphor stars and write your offer on them. When your beloved goes to bed, she will definitely see a marriage proposal on the ceiling.
  29. Glue pointer arrows all over the apartment and let them know that if the girl manages to reach the end, she will be in for a surprise. The last arrow will point to you holding the cherished box with the ring in your hands.
  30. In frosty weather, you can write a sentence on the windshield of her car.
  31. Invite your soul mate to a football or hockey game, and during the break, ask the commentator to say your proposal.
  32. Write on the sandy beach "Will you marry me?" capital letters.
  33. Arrange a romantic cruise on a yacht or ship and propose in the middle of the sea.
  34. Before she wakes up, leave a ring with a small note on her pillow and go to the bathroom.
  35. Take her up in a balloon, take the ring with you, and tell her that if she doesn't marry you, you'll jump down.
  36. Buy concert tickets for her favorite artists and ask the entertainer to propose on your behalf.
  37. This method can be called a treasure hunt. Leave your narrowed hints, and hide the ring in the chest yourself, close the lock, and hide the key. When the girl finds the key according to the clues, she will be able to find a note and an engagement ring there.
  38. Hire a plane to write a simple phrase "Marry me" high in the sky.
  39. You can rent a billboard and paste a large photo of your beloved there and write the words “Marry me” next to it.
  40. Fill her room with balloons or flowers, and plant a soft toy with a note and a ring in the center.
  41. Write poetry and read it to your loved one.
  42. Organize a fun party and propose in the midst of it. You can also make a surprise offer by contacting special agencies.
  43. Write a diary about your relationship and leave it in a prominent place. End with the date you are going to propose and write that the story won't end until she answers.
  44. In winter, on the snow under her windows, write "Marry me!".

And most importantly, when proposing to a girl, be yourself and show her your love!

We wish you happiness!