Men's hairy feet

The researchers spent much less time, studying the reason for the attraction of men to the feet of women than the usual representative of a strong sex, while on the street, devotes slim limbs to their gaze. Perhaps the man is simply fascinated by legs and can not break away, but, in any case, it concerns only heterosexuals. So what is special in the maiden legs?

Chief Researcher

Before rendering the final verdict, the psychologist Leon V. The Selzer conducted an independent study, during which he studied all the work of biologists engaged in human evolution. But the specialist came to the conclusion that all theories are inconclusive, limited and undisclosed. That is why Dr. L. V. The Selzer decided to find a true answer independently.

First experience

Scientist during work made two unexpected discoveries that fully answer the question why men prefer women with long legs. Conclusions confirm that most men act intuitively. Studies have shown: the first half of men who prefer women with longer legs than those are observed in representatives of the beautiful floor whose growth reaches 160-165 centimeters; The second half of men prefer the ladies who have a higher leg length in relation to their body.

Secrets of beautiful male legs

Punched legs - the headache and the secret dream of many men. Sometimes legs with weak and ugly calfs are hidden under the widespread guy's free pants. The reason for this inconsistency is on the surface - by paying a long time training with the press and arms, men forget about the muscles of the legs.

Features male foot training

Men's foot training consists of three main stages: an increase in muscle mass, growth of power indicators and working out muscle quality. To increase muscle mass, you will need to do exercises involving as many muscle groups as possible. Beautiful embossed legs are easy to get with heavy, but unknowing workouts. To achieve proportions, you will have to train not only pronounced, but also passive muscles.

Of course, in the gyms there is everything to get out of the sports club on strong and relief legs, but at home you can achieve good results. The main thing is not to be lazy and pay intense training for at least three days a week.

Squats for beautiful hips

Those who do not know how to pump up their legs is recommended to start with squats. Sats give the greatest increase in muscle mass and strength, and also have a load on various muscle groups. It is important to take into account that the exercise with legs placed on the width of the shoulders strengthen the external side of the hip, and the normal layout of the legs will use the muscles of the inside.

For effective increase in muscle mass is not enough to perform ordinary squats. More efficient squats with an elongated foot, as well as in the Sumo and Plie technique. You can complicate the task using a barbell or dumbbells. At the same time, the bar must be held on the shoulders, and dumbbells - in smooth hands. Exercises with weighting agents well pump the muscles of the front and back surface of the thigh, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks.

Exercises for embossed CFR

Before pumping caviars will not be superfluous to learn that the leg muscles includes three main groups: anterior tibial, camber and calf. Beautiful relief can be achieved if paying attention to all three muscles.

The rise on socks is a simple, but rather effective exercise for ICR. To perform it, it is necessary to stand up on the step (or any small elevation) so that the socks stood on the surface, and the heels hung. Lifts should be performed as slowly as possible, concentrating the load in the ionic muscles. The effect will noticeably increase if you exercise on one leg. Later, to increase the load, you can take dumbbells in your hands.

The rise on socks perform not only standing, but in the sitting position. To do this, sit on the edge of the chair, and the socks put on a stand with a height of about 10 cm. Next, the heels are lowered as close as possible to the floor, and then very slowly rising on the socks. To increase the load and increase efficiency between the knees, it is recommended to clamp some object.

In addition to regular workouts, you need to walk more, more often climb the stairs, run and ride a bike. In addition, it is impossible to forget about the stretching of the muscles - it will help to restore their length and reduce the risk of injury.

This fact is indisputable and long known. Let's talk about the sexuality of a man. First of all, according to the data of absolutely all surveys, when meeting a man, a woman appreciates his ass and arms. And, as always, there is an animal substantiation under this. If a man has strong hands, then the subconsciousness tells us that he is a good minider and a real defender, for such a man woman feels like a stone wall. And the strong ass and legs of the men say that he can run quickly and fill prey.

Strong legs and character of a man

From the point of view of the character of a man, strong legs talk about his strong leadership qualities, and that the man is firmly on his legs. Such a person is always confident, enterprising, strong, active, punching through life.

But, perhaps, almost the most important thing for a modern woman, what the men are talking about - this is about his endurance. Here we are talking about a sexual aspect.

Man with strong legs in bed

A man with strong legs in bed like God. He can deliver a woman just not earthly bliss, masterfully operate with strong legs non-stop. With such a man, the woman will forget everything in the world and the watches will turn into minutes.

Why are the strong legs are so important for a man?

Because they appreciate women.

How important are the strong legs for a man

Not long ago, the questions of the intimate sphere were something shameful and vulgar. It was more a male topic, and rather a man intently and without shame looked at women, threw men's magazines with naked beauties, retired in the bathrooms. Previously, sexual bodies exposed only women to show, and there were exclusively male magazines. Now there has been a lot of naked men with bare pops and a languid look.

Male foot value for woman

Emancipation in the modern world has so much progressed that women now carefully look at and study men. They want sex and think about the proximity, neither less than the men themselves. Although, as it is still considered, thanks to different polls, men about sex think more often.

And so, if only women took care of appearance and figure, now men have to pay due attention to this. For hours, they disappear in the hall, they are engaged in football, martial arts, anything, if only to build an ideal courageous body: strong legs, cubes of the press and a huge biceps.

As we said before, it is strong legs that are sexually attractive for a woman at a subconscious level. Getting acquainted with such a man, a woman expects much from such relationships. And, I must say, not unreasonable. Since the strong legs of a man are not only aesthetic pleasure, but also worthy use in practice. You can compare such a man with a thoroughbred stallion who warms the soul and pleases the eye. In bed, he masterfully operates the pelvis and strains the biceps of the hip is no worse than professional jumps on the races.
Of course, in the modern world, the male to achieve success is needed no more muscle, but brains.

But, tell me to be honest: for what kind of man a woman will go to the edge of the world: for a stupid swing or smart botan?

Woman instinct will push her in a pitching hand.

Of course, we exaggerate the situation a little to understand it as much as possible. In the life of some strong legs, not enough, everything is more than individually. There is compatibility or not compatibility of temperaments, characters and life priorities.


From all this, we will make such a conclusion. Strong male legs can tell us a lot, but in pursuit of an ideal way, pleasing eyes, do not forget about the soul and development of your inner world.

And remember that strong legs do not happen without good priests. All about pumping priests you can find on the site

27/11/03, lacosta007
I adore when the guys go in shorts in the summer, if they have beautiful legs! Well, just ready for them to walk and admire! And if these legs are still shoddowed into stylish kediki, then I am not myself at all. Even in his company, in the summer, when we go somewhere, I specifically lag behind two steps from the others to admire this beauty :)

10/12/03, Lento4ka.
according to the statistics of a woman, first of all, looking at the man pay attention to the ass, and I on my feet. Long, slim, slightly wheel (and you can not slightly) - it is a very pleasant spectacle

20/02/04, Fraudroge.
Accidentally stumbled upon .. Love the topic .. I love it, only in my opinion there are no such thing .. they are very thin and hairy, or housing and not very hairy (but then the knees knots, och ugly), or fat (like owner itself) . Then it is at all .. I ran away

14/03/04, Bastinda
And why only the girl should have beautiful legs? After all, both men and women have. It means that the beauty of watching both the fact and that is nice. I am at least nice. So it turns out that when a beautiful, smart, charming, high, slender brunet, with brown eyes, suddenly find beautiful legs, I start at him to scatterly staring :-) And or that is because brunettes with brown eyes - my weakness, then Lee because the legs are beautiful, do not discern ...

21/03/04, Skycloud.
Yeah, guys also need to follow their hands. They should not have nails, like FRODO in the film VK-)). In addition, I remembered one idiotic case when I saw this topic. I remember (and I have a nails not an ideal form), I chose my boy as a child, so that he had beautiful nails, and so that our future child had a nails in him, and not in me-))). Yes, then I was still quite naive, but I remembered it with a smile, seeing this topic ...

11/02/06, _Murka_
Daaaa ... Rarely you will see this :) So I saw, only I first drew attention to the lubricant muzzle and brains (political convictions, interests are the same as me - a complete set). The most interesting thing is that with the relative thin feet, in disticking from most guys, he doesn't have skinny (oh yes, there are such copies - the wider shoulders, the swirl is pumped, and at the same time, the flows of such legs, sometimes more threesome, Bouueeeee!), Well, in view of the physique Of course, he has such, of course. The long, normal proportional body thickness of the leg, with weak vegetation, is straight ideal :)

10/10/06, Muscle
I have never paid attention to men's legs. For me, so better than their always were hidden under the pants. I do not like shorts on men. But recently I had to get used to the type of naked men's legs. In training almost everything in shorts. Here it became clear what beautiful legs are, and what is ugly. Throughout the freight legs look at the freight, but also pumped, too, look oh as ugly!

12/10/06, Mika.
Are you sure that allegedly "skinny" men's legs are sucks? Everything in nature is reasonable - they should be like that. And the bodybuilders, of course, can dig monster-like legs - but it is unnatural. He will throw a rocking chair - and the legs will quickly become "skinny" - the body, resisting unnaturalness, quickly "eating" is unnecessary, not provided by the nature of meat. You still ask - what is the men's peasants such narrow, skinny - it would be necessary to dig ... Woman nature due to thicker legs shifted down the center of gravity - so that the baby is more convenient to wear and resistance to the baby. That's all! And in women, the lower body will always be more complete than the men. A controversy against nature! And where did you get that thin legs in men - is it ugly?! It's all about aesthetics, not in thickness ...! :-) My legs are quite thin, but I love in the summer in shorts to walk. So women immediately shoot with eyes! ... ;-) When in trousers - not so ... ;-)

13/10/06, Monopsyhe.
I like asthenic buildings - thin and high, and on the "base" of this physique, they may have muscles - it is very nice and sexy, such a guy will never be a "fast" swing, will remain beautifully "fragile." But the main thing is the legs ... it's beauty ... And indeed, the guys are much less likely than the girls there are aesthetic legs ... But I was lucky on this subject :) or I have legs - the main selection criterion? .. At least, I strongly excite long trained legs with tight as iron muscles, flexible like a ready-to-jump panther ... Mmm ... Kyski :)

19/02/07, Devacha
First, the guys should be straight !!! Proportional to their growth. Not very hairy. I love)) aesthetics - the most important thing.

19/02/07, Xversadiferro.
i'm just a fetishist in beautiful legs)) Of course, the legs should be slim and straight, the ankle should be thin, the line of caviar smooth, and the shape of the kneel is beautiful) fingers must be well-groomed, and the heels are pink, besides, if the paw is narrow, then then Even the feet of large size looks attractive) moderate hairiness tolerance.

04/10/07, Devacha
Adore! According to statistics (or I am so often found), beautiful straight legs are usually at high guys. Therefore, if the guy is high, and even with such legs ... then you can))) The legs are the most awesome, that there is a man that the girls have that the guys are already, probably, everything else.))

16/01/08, Avdotea
Hmm ... Beautiful in my understanding - this is that and proportional, and not overgrown hair, it is found that such a miracle is extremely rare, but if it is found, then just poured. In addition, often even possessors of beautiful legs manage to spoil them stupidly selected clothes. The only normal place where you can more or less inspect and evaluate them - these are competences for sambo.

16/01/08, Devacha
I have a great friend, almost brother, so he has Thaaiac legs !!! When I am visiting at night, I often see it in shorts and a T-shirt, for example, and these legs ..... ooo ... finally, there are no words ... just perfect. So would admire. It's beautiful! Divine! In a person, everything should be beautiful !!!

07/05/09, Laziness to invent Nic
Oh yeah, this is the topic)) In fact, very sexy beautiful feet in the guys, however, it happens not so often, especially if the guy does not engage in sports - either fat, or skinny, or some kind of trouble configuration, in general, garbage Some. I generally love short and crystal. Or let the usual size, but fleshy and embossed.

07/05/09, Comeon.
I am a guy and I have a hairy legs, perhaps even for too for 17 years. It is unpleasant to himself, it seems and shaving do not want to (and not for anyone) and it is impossible to take a halter. So it goes. So I would like in shorts in the summer.

07/05/09, fea.
Beautiful legs are primarily long or at least not short, and definitely straight legs. The male figure in the proportionality of addition and forms, personally for me, much more beautiful than feminine. Do not accept the foot curves, it is better to face, let it be a curve, but not the legs. In general, everything below the navel on both sides, the sexiest part of the male figure and therefore should be in perfect order. And yet, I do not like skinny men, thin legs and the lack of ass, you absolutely do not awaken sexual desires and are not extremely attractive.

20/11/10, Victor9.
I heard from women that I have a good figure, beautiful legs that shorts go. However, in childhood I did not hear anything like that, and therefore did not go in shorts - it seemed to me that they were decent only to young children. It seems that beautiful male legs like only adult women, and sometimes do not even like the girls.

23/11/10, Victor9.
it is a pity that our boys do not know that women like their legs. If they knew it, they would not shy to walk in shorts. In the ancient Greece, strong people were portrayed with naked legs and even naked, and old men depicted packed in clothing. So it turns out that our schoolchildren look like old men. In England, shorts are a school uniform.

07/02/11, Gumagia.
Guys in shorts, mm undoubtedly I like when they go in shorts, especially knee. I like leg shoes))

I love beautiful legs in boys. Slender lamb, nomusomous. If tanned and completely without vegetation, it is super. The main thing is that the boy does not hide them under the palsions (which are called bridges and "shorts" - knee-length). If wearing shorts, then the shorts must be shorts - centimeters at least 20 above the knee, and not "short pants", as it happens in most cases. I have latitive legs (48 cm in a fattest place), run, I go a lot and go on a large. I delete the sword above the knee, for it is ugly and does not go to me (especially when in short shorts I go). The longest shorts of me - 25 cm above the knee. And, I can say, the girls are just doing that they are shooting with eyes (and sometimes cameras - 2 times! Honestly!) Conclusion: Boys, if you want the girls to know with you, wear the shorts shorter (above the knee), not Experiment. It's very sexy :)

19/08/17, lavandarose
I am 54 years old, (not gay!). Because of his absolutely healthy way of life, I feel like a guy for 20 years! I bought on Second-hand: -thels of shorts with brushes from below. Shorts of shorts about 25 centimeters. Some - white, other denim blue colors. - How many pairs of multicolored ballet cells (usually young girls are wearing them) -ake-free T-shirts - sleeveless. When I did it all on myself - there was something unusual. I decided to go around the city in the dark. That was what. Girls and women gave me pleasant and tender smiles. I went to visit my acquaintances and all expressed admiration for my slender legs (although a little bit light hairy). Evenings went to the shops where the saleswomen gave me pleasant smiles and compliments. And at the bus stop one girl came up and so looked at my legs, when I threw one for another and talked with a girlfriend on the mobile phone - I thought she was strangling saliva. But her boyfriend came and she went with him. Like this! Make conclusions yourself!

19/08/17, lavandarose
Here I want to clarify the length of my elegant shorts, which I really like to wear and wear: from the upper part of the belt to the very bottom of the shorts (where the brushes are located) - about 25 centimeters. I will also tell you what ballets I like to wear under my elegant shorts (I have 40-41 legs size). 1. Made with drawn bright flowers (very beautifully look at my legs). 2. Invicious color with sharp socks and black bows. 3. High-colored, barely covered fingers of my legs. 4. Very bright red ballet stones, giving my legs beauty and sexuality (look very beautifully). And when I go around the city with a warm summer evening, it is elegantly dressed in such shorts and ballet stakes - it is inexplicable sweet and pleasant feeling. Warm summer air gently caresses my slender legs and at this time you feel like a young 20-year-old boy. Like this!!!