Small wedding for 15 people ideas. Choosing a holiday to your liking, or why is it worth arranging a small wedding? Restaurant search criteria for a small wedding

Benefits of a small wedding

  • You can bring the most creative ideas to life with a fairly modest budget. The banquet, the decoration of the hall - these are the things that can be chosen according to the principle “better less, but better”.
  • You can use unusual decor and decorations, pay extra attention to details. A small amount will allow the use of more expensive and high-quality textiles and dishes, as well as floristry.
  • A small wedding is always more sincere and sincere. The newlyweds have more time for each guest. After all, now you can not be torn in different directions, trying to please each of the hundred guests, but calmly communicate with each one personally. In addition, only the most relatives are present at such a wedding, so wishes and congratulations will definitely be sincere and unbanal.
  • It will be easier for shy or uncommunicative newlyweds at a chamber wedding to relax and have fun to the fullest.
  • It will be much easier to organize a small number of guests.
  • All guests and their habits are well known to the bride and groom. There is no need to worry about the potential inappropriate behavior of an unfamiliar drunk relative.


Along with the advantages, a chamber wedding also has some disadvantages.

  • Global savings will not work. Along with the banquet, the wedding celebration has many more expenses that do not depend on the number of guests. For example, the outfits of the newlyweds, the stylist for the bride, the presenter and sound engineer, photographer and videographer.
  • It will be more difficult to find a venue for a banquet, as most of the halls are designed for at least 30-40 people.
  • It will be more difficult if several guests refuse to come at the last moment. At a large wedding, no one will notice the absence of three guests, while at a small wedding it will be almost half.
  • Conflicts with relatives are possible, especially older ones. In their understanding, "everyone" should be invited to the wedding.

Features of a small wedding

If you have weighed all the pros and cons and settled on the chamber format of the celebration. Here are a few things to take into account.

  • When inviting guests, be sure to tell them about the format of the event. Some may be taken aback by surprise. Newlyweds should prepare them in advance for the idea of ​​a small number of guests so that everyone feels comfortable.
  • Wedding professionals should also be warned. Host, operator, photographer - all of them must be ready, because a small wedding has its own characteristics. For example, not every photographer can properly reportage a celebration for 10 people. Large crowds of people are much easier to shoot beautifully. And the host, when preparing the script, needs to know how many people he will have to organize.

  • Convince yourself of the right choice. Having decided, do not back down from it. Many, having heard about the wedding format, will try to convince you. This should not confuse or scare, just do not discuss this topic. 10 people invited. Dot.
  • The program of the evening should be thought out to the smallest detail. There is a myth that at a small wedding leading to nothing, the guests will perfectly entertain themselves. This is not true. Of course, nothing will happen. If you want to save money on the leader, you will have to take over his duties. Prepare in advance a list of competitions, the order of toasts, entertainment for yourself and guests. Remember that at a chamber wedding, even one bored guest will be noticeable. If there are people of different generations among the invitees, make sure that everyone is interested. The best option would be to contact a professional host who will take into account all the details and hold a celebration. Reserve the right to relax and enjoy communication with loved ones.

  • An outdoor wedding would be a good option. It looks more sincere and touching, and a small number of guests will make its organization easier. In addition, this option allows you not to be tied to the time of painting and show flexibility and imagination when planning a holiday.

  • You shouldn't drag it out. The smaller the number of guests, the shorter the banquet should be. For 10-15 guests, the ideal duration will be 4 hours. Accordingly, do not count on too much food. The average calculation will be: 250 ml. strong, 500 ml. alcoholic beverages and 1 kg of food per person.

  • Provide a bright end to the holiday. Fireworks, sparklers, launching colorful balloons into the sky - all this will be a worthy end to the holiday and will be remembered for a long time.

  • For guests, you can prepare small souvenirs and memorable gifts. May they also never forget this day.

The most important thing to remember when preparing for a small wedding is that the celebration is arranged not for the sake of a banquet and delicious food, but for the sake of sincere emotions and genuine happiness. At a small wedding, you will get them in full! So go ahead, and advice and love!

The first question that arises when discussing the upcoming wedding is its format: will it be a big celebration with a banquet and a rich program, or a small and cozy celebration with the family. Read about the features of each option in our article.

When choosing a wedding format, rely, first of all, on yourself and your heart - it will tell you which option will give you a feeling of comfort and the most unforgettable emotions

"Pros and cons"

Both a small wedding and a magnificent holiday have both pluses and minuses.


The main advantage of a small wedding is its intimacy, comfort and warmth, which are determined by its very format. Next to you on your wedding day, only close, dear people who know everything about you and love you for who you are. They do not evaluate the decor and program of the evening, paying attention only to you. You will have the opportunity to realize all your ideas and ideas, without counting every penny, because a holiday in the family circle significantly saves your budget. Another plus of a small wedding is a wider choice of venues for the ceremony and wedding dinner, because even small halls will suit you. Cozy weddings are also an opportunity to celebrate on weekdays, since it is easier for a narrow circle of people to get out of work and put things off on the appointed day.

However, a small wedding also has its downsides. First of all, these are friends and relatives who are not invited: someone may be offended. Chamber holidays are devoid of scope and unique romance, when a father leads his daughter to the altar, and little angels shower the bride's path with petals.


A big wedding is a holiday that will be remembered for a lifetime not only by you, but also by your guests. Many times more emotions and congratulations, much more smiles and fun, dancing until you drop - these are the unconditional advantages of a great celebration. From a big wedding, you can make a real dream holiday: a ceremony according to all the rules, a banquet on a breathtaking venue, and a wedding morning in a magical place.

But to all the above points, cons are automatically added, and, first of all, this is the budget. It grows along with the number of guests: the costs of menus and alcohol, decor and printing, transport and accommodation are growing. The costs for the presenter and DJ are automatically added, which in a small wedding can be completely avoided. Sometimes having a big wedding is a necessity: because of a special position at work and in society, or as a tribute to parents. So, at a big wedding there may well be guests whom you don’t really want to see or don’t know at all.



For a small wedding, look for a cozy place where no one will bother you. Pay attention to the fact that it should be isolated from other visitors to the selected restaurant or suburban area. For a small family dinner, restaurants and cafes in any part of the city or gazebos in country hotels, as well as small studios, for example, a loft format, are suitable. When considering the site, be sure to keep in mind that guests should not get lost in too large a space. It's great if a place for a family dinner allows you to make additional areas for guests. For example, a photo zone, because you can’t do without joint photos for any format of celebration.


A big wedding is a big venue, and the bigger it is, the better. When asking the manager about the capacity of the site, choose the appropriate capacity as follows: your number of guests + another 20-30 people. This area will give you freedom of movement. And if not only dinner is planned in the hall, but also other zones, then the area should be calculated even more carefully.

If the wedding takes place in the summer or in a warm spring or autumn, then an outdoor area for relaxation or quiet entertainment must be provided. It's great if the dance floor can be moved to the street. For the ceremony area, calculate the place so that there is enough space for the bride and dad to enter the ceremony so that the guests can sit quietly without resting their knees on the row in front. Air conditioning in a room with a large number of people is also a must.

wedding day program


A busy wedding day program is not a very suitable option for a small and cozy wedding. It is best to lighten your schedule and pay attention to only the most important. You can start the day by shooting the tender morning of the bride: on this day you have nowhere to rush, so you can plan both a joint morning and a boudoir-style photo session.

After getting ready and having breakfast, you can go for a walk or to the registry office, depending on what is planned. If it is possible to transfer the painting in the registry office to another day, feel free to transfer it! If not, plan a photo walk after the registry office, so as not to rush and not count every minute. Even at a small wedding, you can arrange a symbolic, sincere ceremony: with vows and touching words. And dinner can be held without a host: calmly, at home for congratulations and toasts. If the wedding is youth and your friends are present, then you can hold a quest or an interesting master class right after dinner - everyone will be delighted!


A detailed program with thoughtful details is not just the key to the success of any large wedding, but a necessity, without which the celebration day will pass in chaos. The plan should be thought out step by step, starting in the morning. You should leave a margin of time for each step, because if something goes wrong, then the rest of the steps will be delayed and accumulate like one big snowball.

Everything that can be moved to another day should be moved so that the wedding schedule is a little more free.

Start the day by shooting the preparations - such a magical morning is not to be missed and left as a keepsake in a family album. After the cathedrals, arrange a touching meeting: there is nothing more exciting than the moment when the groom sees the bride for the first time. While the makeup is fresh and you are full of energy, go for a walk. This is followed by a touching ceremony, when the Pope will lead you to the altar, and the guests will shed tears of joy. Next - congratulations and a wedding dinner full of surprises, entertainment, toasts and gifts. And an enchanting conclusion, which should be thought out very carefully so that the guests do not get bored. Putting a beautiful end to the holiday is something that all newlyweds should plan.

Images of the bride and groom


When preparing a small wedding and planning your image, you can follow two different scenarios:

  • Choose a dress without relying on the price: you already save on the site, decor and host, so the dress can be anything - let you be brilliant, even if only your closest ones will see you.
  • Buy or sew a dress that is more affordable, sweet and romantic, or, on the contrary, bold and cheerful, like the mood of the wedding itself. A dress for a family wedding may not even be a wedding dress at all, but in this case, think over your image in a non-trivial way - nevertheless, this is not an ordinary day.


The image of the bride must be thought out not just carefully, but to the last thread. A dress at a large wedding can be one for the whole event (in this case, it should be suitable for walking and ceremony, as well as dancing and active entertainment) or you can prepare several dresses. The first is more solemn, lush or with an interesting finish, such as to produce a “Wow” effect, and the second is more convenient and comfortable for an active evening program. For a stylish shoot in the morning, you will also need the appropriate outfit: a bathrobe, peignoir or a light dress. You will also need different shoes: for the ceremony, choose shoes with heels (of course, if you are used to wearing them). These shoes will make your walk more aristocratic and beautiful. And for a walk and dinner, it is better to choose shoes with lower heels with a comfortable shoe.



The best decor for a small family or friendly wedding will be your emotions and smiles. You can not pay attention to the decor at all if a site with a self-sufficient and original decor is chosen. These can be themed areas, decorated, for example, in a marine style or in the style of a hunting lodge. There may be restaurants resembling an apartment, or loft-style rooms. If you can’t find a suitable venue, then a small wedding is an excellent opportunity to create such a venue yourself: rent a studio whose background allows you to turn it into the hall of your dreams. And together with the decorator, plan all the zones so that they meet all your wishes.


Decor at a big wedding is a very important part of it, because it is what catches the eye when guests first come to the site. The first zone - very important for a large wedding - is the Welcome zone. Guests arriving at the festival should relax from the road and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of celebration. If someone's road was long, then a little refreshment will not hurt. Therefore, it is worth providing drinks and light snacks in the welcome area. They should be decorated in the general style of the wedding. At a wedding dinner, be sure to pay attention to the serving, as this is one of the ways to show care for each guest. Wedding printing should also be thought out - it is best if it is custom-made and signed with the name of each guest.

Festive dinner


What is dinner for a small wedding? This is an opportunity to chat, eat delicious food and have fun, so feel free to choose an original program for him. When guests have a bite to eat, you can invite them to take a master class: for example, floristic or cigar rolling. And at the very beginning of the holiday, you can hold a culinary master class. For example, cook together delicious pizza or pasta, meat according to a special recipe. After dinner, leave time to watch movies or to complete the quest, as well as board games.


For a big wedding, a gala dinner is not just food, it is a well-thought-out program from the first to the last minute. By the beginning of the banquet, there should be cold appetizers or salads on the table. Hot snacks should be served approximately 20-30 minutes after the start of the banquet. After an hour or an hour and a half, you can serve hot dishes. Until then, do not plan any active entertainment or dance blocks. Congratulations must be correctly divided between other parts of the program, so as not to spend the first three hours of the holiday for incessant toasts and gifts.

Several dance blocks should be planned, and the closer to the end of the evening, the longer they should be. Guests can be offered both entertainment in the form of a show program, as well as various master classes, quests, special zones (for example, a cocktail bar with a bartender show or a hookah zone). End the evening unforgettable! Just do not forget to discuss with the restaurant the possibility of using pyrotechnics or other special equipment when planning it.

A wedding is an event, first of all, important for the newlyweds and the closest people. I want to sincerely rejoice and share my happiness only with those who are truly dear to my heart. "Magnificent" ceremonies are becoming less relevant, young couples often prefer to celebrate the event in a narrow circle.

Someone does not want to make a show of marriage, but someone simply cannot afford to pay for a large-scale holiday. Everyone has their own reasons, but a smaller number of guests does not mean at all that the celebration will go worse. Quite the opposite. For example, consider how to organize a wedding for 20 people.

In the minds of many people, a wedding is associated with a large number of people, with full tables, and so on. But these are already outdated ways of celebrating, a more relevant option is a chamber wedding, at which only selected people are present - those who are really happy to see.

There are many explanations for why young people choose small celebrations. Consider the main advantages of a small wedding:

  • there are only close and dear people who do not flatter and do not envy. The most sincere and kind wishes sound from the lips of those present, the atmosphere itself becomes warmer and more friendly;
  • savings. Whatever one may say, a wedding is a costly affair, so the more people will be present, the greater the costs. It is better to spend the saved money on a honeymoon trip or buy something necessary for living together;
  • it is possible to decorate the hall with high quality, since the saved funds will remain for this;
  • all invitees feel comfortable and natural, therefore they are happy to take part in competitions and do not hesitate to do so;
  • more relaxed environment. As a rule, when there are many guests, conflict situations and even fights appear. All this often happens against the background of alcohol intoxication. It is difficult to control the situation when the team is large. With a small number of invitees, everything goes much easier and calmer.

Carrying out a marriage in a narrow circle of friends and relatives, you should not refuse a photo shoot and beautiful outfits.

First of all, the celebration is done for the young, so make full use of all wedding paraphernalia.

A small number of guests does not reduce the solemnity of the event - this is worth remembering. A mini-wedding allows you to realize any idea and fantasy, and you don’t have to worry that someone won’t like something.

Close and dear people under no circumstances will condemn either the appearance of the young, or the treats, etc.

Where to hold a wedding for 10-20 people - 4 interesting options

The main positive feature of a small wedding is the fact that it can be held anywhere. It will be possible to accommodate all the guests, no one will have to crowd. Consider the best options for a wedding for 10-20 people.

In nature, in a country house

Spending a wedding celebration in nature is the right decision. In order for the environment to fully correspond to the event, you need to take care of decorative elements and lighting in advance.

There are many advantages to this option. A day and evening spent in the fresh air is significantly different from being in a confined space. The territory for the celebration is not limited to a certain footage, which allows you to put a table in the desired place, allocate an area for the dance floor, etc.

Bright natural colors, the fragrance of flowers will give the right mood and make the evening wonderful. The bride and groom will be able to enjoy each other's company and the environment of loved ones in a romantic setting. A photo session against the backdrop of nature will be impressive and bright. By the way, you should not refuse a professional cameraman. To show originality, you can arrange an outdoor wedding ceremony in a country house. If desired, a wedding banquet can also be arranged there.

This option is very good, because it allows you to retire from the bustle of the city.

By the pool or on the boat

A company with about 20 people will be well accommodated on the ship. At the same time, you can organize a themed celebration with a marine bias.

Such an unusual holiday will be original and memorable. You can use the service of the registry office and hold an outdoor ceremony right in the sea or on its coast. There will be a lot of pleasant impressions.

When planning such a wedding, there is always the opportunity to choose the route that is most suitable for the young. This will give you the opportunity to get a great view from the deck and enjoy the surroundings.

The time of the sea celebration is agreed in advance, if you wish, you can spend not only the evening, but also the night on the ship.

What could be more romantic? On the ship there is an opportunity to make a beautiful and unforgettable photo session. Photos will not be boring and of the same type, definitely. You won't find a better photo zone. It is also a good option to organize a mini-wedding by the pool.

Such a party will definitely be fun and rich in emotions. Guests can arrange jumping into the pool, swim. Newlyweds can also afford to jump into the water right in their wedding attire. Such fun is extreme in a sense, so be sure to consider the safety of the celebration, especially if children are present.

The main thing is not to forget to invite a photographer who will fully conduct photo and video shooting.

In a restaurant, cafe

A restaurant is a practical option for celebrating a wedding. The advantage in this situation is that you can choose a good and expensive hall or cafe, because with a small number of guests, the budget will be less expensive.

You can allow more expensive meals, live music, etc. a luxury that for a large company will require huge financial costs, but in this case it will be affordable. The area for dancing will be large, everyone will be able to relax and spend a pleasant evening.

It would not be superfluous to invite a professional presenter who will fill the atmosphere with a real holiday, organize competitions and entertainment. Another important positive point is the fact that the attendants of the banquet hall will fully control the table and its filling, clean up dirty and empty dishes in time.

For twenty people, many waiters are not required, two are enough. Again, money is saved.

Out in nature - picnic style

It will be quite original to spend a wedding day in nature by organizing a picnic. The idea at first glance seems simple, but this option allows you to spend time in a friendly and warm atmosphere.

There are many advantages to such a holiday, the most important is saving money. No need to pay for expensive restaurants or cafes, order different decorations, pay service personnel, etc.

Guests and newlyweds can be accommodated on cozy blankets with pillows. As treats, various grilled dishes are suitable. One can only imagine how romantic it is to be in such an environment. Of course, you need to think in advance about the place where the holiday will take place. It is important that it is located away from the bustle of the city, and none of the outsiders bother you.

If the season for the wedding is summer, then a territory where there is a shadow is definitely chosen.

In this video you will hear many useful tips on how to organize a small wedding:

In the evening, you can arrange gatherings around the fire, sing songs and even dance. You can't imagine a more romantic setting.

Weddings in a narrow circle of friends and relatives are becoming more popular. Young people prefer not to invite unfamiliar people to the celebration, but enjoy the company of their closest and dearest. A mini-triumph will allow you to realize any idea or fantasy, while not being afraid of any condemnation or criticism. All guests will feel comfort and real fun. How many people do you think should be at a wedding?

Weddings are very different, from chic and stunning in their scale celebrations, to modest family and discreet events. Marriage can be customized for any wishes and financial possibilities, but it must be taken into account that a significant day should touch the hearts of the newlyweds and their guests. A wedding script will help create the right atmosphere.

A wedding without a script risks turning into an endless and boring feast with family and friends. Contests and various plot twists are important precisely because they do not let guests get bored. People who do not know each other get to know each other in the process of various games and relay races.

If the wedding is designed for a small number of guests (from 10 to 30), then the presence of a toastmaster is optional.

Who to entrust the preparation of the script and holding?

  • The most organically in the role of leaders will look witness and witness. They, as close associates of the newlyweds, will be able to write a script in tandem with the bride and groom, and then beat him at the wedding;
  • If at the wedding for the most part there will be people of adults and advanced years, you can entrust the holding of the event parents of a new family. Well, the script can be found on the Internet and corrected according to your personal wishes;
  • If you do not want to involve guests in organizing a wedding, invite friend from the side. In fact, he will take on the role of toastmaster, but he will not have to pay money (payment can be arranged by holding paid contests, from which your presenter will take the money for himself).

At home or in a restaurant?

You can hold a beautiful wedding both in a restaurant and at home. But a homemade feast will cost much less than finding and booking a hall, paying for a buffet and the work of attendants.

wedding at home


  • saving money;
  • the ability to adapt to any situation (including quickly washing a white dress with a wine stain, hemming a witness’s unexpectedly torn pants and finding props for the contest);
  • the ability to send "overdone" guests to sleep in the next room;
  • no need to go home after a tiring but happy day, taking numerous gifts with you.


  • "simplicity" and lack of entourage;
  • the monotony of wedding photos (the home environment is not conducive to luxurious photo shoots);
  • the likelihood that in the process of stormy fun the interior of the apartment can be seriously damaged;
  • lack of space;
  • self-service.

wedding in a restaurant



  • serious spending;
  • limited actions (all problems and tasks will have to be solved on the spot, with the help of improvised means);
  • the need to return home with "luggage" of gifts, alcoholic beverages, etc.

As you can see, both options have their pros and cons. However, a good scenario for a wedding without a toastmaster for the closest will compensate for any shortcomings and help people relax.


Before writing a script, choose the direction in which you will move. It could be:

The basis for creating your script you can take the classic plan for wedding celebrations.

  1. bride and groom meet with a caravan, and the mother-in-law sprinkles the young couple with millet. Then the newlyweds are seated in a specially designated place and the parents give a parting speech (opening words prepared in advance). Then the word is passed to relatives and friends of the newly-made family.
  2. After all the invitees have drunk a couple of glasses and the first toasts have been made, you can proceed to the competitive program. Active games are diluted with table games. Relay races are held in between meals and congratulatory words (if guests express a desire to make a toast). Leading events, focusing on the mood of people, can announce musical breaks (disco).
  3. First dance of the bride and groom is announced when the guests have drunk no more than 3-5 glasses of alcohol. It is very important to correctly bring the script to this touching moment. For example, a musical gift from parents may be presented before the dance, and beautiful poems may be read by close family friends.
  4. Toward the end of the festive evening, it is announced disco and group games(for example, boys against girls). ALL guests must be involved in the final competitions. The scenario of a home wedding without a toastmaster can be planned without a disco, replacing it with karaoke singing or dance mini-competitions.
  5. After cutting the wedding cake or loaf. Parents conduct a rite of farewell to the bachelor life for children. Mothers remove the veil from the bride and “hand over” the young wife into the reliable hands of her husband. A beautiful point will be the lighting of a wedding candle, which symbolizes the birth of a new family.

Suitable competitions, mobile and table

The scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster in a narrow circle can be "seasoned" with the most bold and unusual contests, which guests warmed up by alcohol will take with a bang.


Pairs consisting of girls and guys (at least 6 pairs) are called to the center of the hall. Then the representatives of the stronger sex are offered to kiss their partners, voicing the places for the kiss.

For example, "I will kiss Marina on the cheek." It is impossible to repeat, which complicates the task for the following applicants.

The losers are those who did not find a place for a kiss.

heart gift

Couples again participate in the competition. Men write on a piece of paper what they plan to give to their companion. And women, not suspecting what they are going to give, tell how they will use the gift. This is a rather fun contest, because in the process, girls can dress up for a holiday in a new frying pan or hang new earrings on the wall.

inflatable tango

Several people go to the center of the hall and randomly split into pairs. On a signal (when the music starts), the people who are in a pair should unite in a passionate dance, holding the inflated balls between their stomachs. Those who burst the balloon the fastest, while performing the original dance, will win.

Walls have ears too

This competition can be held to raise money. The hosts prepare facts about the bride and groom in advance, and the guests need to guess whether the named facts are true or false. Whoever makes a mistake pays a "tax".

my beloved

You can take any number of people to the competition. Everyone is invited to name the most beautiful part of the body of a person standing next to them. When everyone in a circle voices their option for the neighbor on the left, the host announces that now the “place they like” needs to be kissed.

young mother

For the competition, you need to prepare plastic bottles and nipples that are put on the bottles.

As a "feeding" you can use sprite, cola or fanta.

The winners will be those who drink the contents of the bottle more accurately and quickly.

guessing game

Several men are seated on chairs. The bride, blindfolded, is brought to the participants of the competition. She must find her betrothed, feeling only the noses of the guys.

Knot for good luck

Several couples are selected from those who wish. The united guys and girls are placed shoulder to shoulder and tied with their touching hands. Next, the contestants, using only their free hands, must lace up the sneakers and tie a bow on it. Those who quickly and "purely" cope with the task will win.

You can easily create funny wedding scenarios without a toastmaster, the main thing is to make an effort and not be limited by standard canons holding a celebration.

The more creative and funnier the organization of the celebration, the more pleasant the guests and newlyweds will remember this exciting and joyful day.

Ready scripts

Option number 1

Option number 2

Some dream of a chic wedding celebration, while others see a small wedding in their dreams, an evening for a small company that has gathered relatives.

How to hold a small wedding?

A small beautiful wedding under the splash of waves, a romantic evening at a table decorated with candles and flowers, sincere congratulations, the warmth of friendly hearts, the eyes of a beloved and beloved - what could be more beautiful than this.

For a wedding, it is very important to write a script. Any celebration, even a small one, cannot be left to chance.

For a wedding, you need to choose a cozy, beautiful place.

Perhaps it will be a restaurant or a small hall of your favorite cafe, a wedding can be celebrated at home or outdoors. Everything, of course, will depend on the chosen style of the wedding.

You can choose a beautiful place in the park, in the forest in the clearing, in the gazebo on the river bank. When the number of guests is small, it is not difficult to choose a place.

Ideas for how to hold a small wedding can be different.

For example, arrange a holiday in the bosom of nature in a cozy country house or restaurant on the banks of a lake or river. Home evening by candlelight by the fireplace will add even more soulfulness to the wedding. In the open air they put soft chairs, ottomans, do not forget to stock up on blankets in case of a cold evening.

In the circle of close people, you can change the usual course of the ceremony. It will look great at sunset, and candles, colored lanterns will make it magically fabulous.

It is important for such an evening to have a properly composed program. You can spend the evening on your own without a toastmaster. The highlight of the wedding can be live music. Musical styles are selected according to the taste of the guests.

Guests can be entertained with board games. Surprise gifts for the winners are prepared in advance.

The banquet is turned into a little adventure. The game is invented independently or invited by professionals. In the production, all invitees are given roles and small tasks. We need to think about the older generation, arranging for them a zone of quiet games. It's a good idea to organize an open-air cinema. For newlyweds, places of honor in the last row.

Let's talk about the details

You can spend a family holiday dinner at one large table. Decorate it with flowers, candles, greenery. Serving appetizers should be in portions so that they do not clutter up the entire table.

It is good to set the buffet table in addition to the main one. It can be filled with sweet, cheesy, hot and cold snack tables.

Funny contests and games, wishes in the form of love mail, a wish book, letters from the future, gifts for guests and newlyweds will make the celebration alive, fun and unforgettable.

For a photo session of the newlyweds and for photos with guests, you need to take care of the photo zone. Create a special decor in it.

If the wedding is organized on your own, then you need to choose a leader from the guests. His main qualities are organizational and oratory skills, wit and endurance. He will have to make toasts, give the floor to those present for wishes, and manage the entire course of the wedding.

A big load will fall on him, so inviting the pros will be the right decision. Let all the relatives relax and rest on the holiday. The host organizes the evening correctly, he knows how to cheer up the company, fill in the pauses, and make solemn moments romantic.

What's so great about a small wedding?

  • the number of guests is not very large;
  • the warmth and cordiality of what is happening;
  • everyone is covered by attention;
  • you can easily find a language of communication with everyone;
  • you can have a themed wedding;
  • lack of panic something not in time.

Saving budget funds is also a positive side of a small wedding.

This does not apply to wedding attire, hairdresser, banquet host, photographer. Just saving on reducing the number of invitees. We must not forget that this is a wedding, and not an ordinary family evening.

Well organizing a wedding celebration for a small number of people is just as serious a task as organizing a large event.

Ordering a dress from a dressmaker;

Ordering an outfit via the Internet;

Buying jewelry in a store or ordering via the Internet;

Do your own hair, manicure and make-up;

Pick up a restaurant and cafe in the suburbs with a mandatory tasting of dishes;

A cottage or a house is also suitable;

Products and alcohol are bought in a wholesale store;

Cakes are baked by relatives;

The decoration of the hall is carried out on their own;

Host of the guests.

Making an unpopular decision is a sign of wisdom. When deciding to hold a small wedding, the newlyweds act wisely. This decision will receive the approval of relatives and the young themselves will be satisfied.

The main thing is the understanding that the amount of expenses does not make family life happy. You need to love yourself and choose what you like, save your energy, time and money.

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