Olive oil is a natural cosmetics for face and body. How to apply olive oil to your skin. Olive oil hair mask

The beneficial properties of olive oil for our body have been known for a long time. It was used to care for the body, nails and skin, as well as supplement them with food. Thus, it was possible to benefit from this remedy in several ways - by applying it internally and externally, through the skin. Today the situation has not changed, and many women and girls continue to enjoy the magical properties of this product. This article will show you how to use olive oil for your body to get the most out of it.

You will learn more about the beneficial properties of olive oil, thanks to which it is used in cosmetology, from the video.

How do you get

For the first time this remedy was noticed in Ancient Greece. The Greeks obtained olives from Egypt and used them to obtain oil, which was so popular among them that it was called liquid gold. Olive oil is obtained by pressing the fruit of a tree that grows in warm regions. A high-quality product is stored in its pure form only five months after packaging. After that, its beneficial properties come to naught, and it becomes unsuitable for cosmetic procedures. But at the same time, it is quite possible to eat it.

Beneficial features

The benefits of olive oil are undeniable. It perfectly removes cholesterol from the body, allows you to strengthen the immune system and fill the body with strength. This product also has a very good effect on the skin.

You will learn about the beneficial properties of olive oil for the face and how to use it from the video.

You can provide your body with proper care with this tool in several ways: with the help of wraps, masks, scrubs, or adding to a cream or body milk.

This product is considered a solution to many problems, as it allows you to simultaneously soften, moisturize and fill the epidermis with life. The main beneficial component of olive oil is vitamin E. It helps to make the skin firmer, smoother and more elastic. And such a remedy will save dry skin from peeling and other problems characteristic of this type of epidermis.

Due to such an abundance of useful properties, olive oil is popular among ordinary girls and among manufacturers of professional cosmetics.

How to choose a quality

If you do not know which product is better to buy, then these tips will definitely come in handy for you. First of all, to determine whether the product is of high quality in front of you, its appearance will help. Natural olive oil should have a greenish or pale yellow tint. The taste of this product gives off a slight bitterness.

If we talk about the manufacturer, then the oils that are created in Mediterranean countries are considered to be of the highest quality. It is these funds that are worth buying. The product can be refined or unrefined. I get the first option by exposure to high temperatures. This makes the remedy less useful.

Therefore, it is better to buy unrefined oil, which contains many more useful components.

In order not to be disappointed in the purchased product, try to avoid fakes. And having bought it, store it in suitable conditions - at a temperature not higher than fifteen degrees, avoiding the sun's rays on the bottle.

Fight cellulite

Olive oil is one of the most famous ways to fight cellulite. For maximum noticeable results, apply the product during the wrapping process. A popular wrap recipe is to combine pure olive oil with coarse sea salt.

Sea salt is a great way to flush excess water out of your body.

To prepare the product for wrapping, you just need to dissolve the salt in a glass of warm water, adding a few drops of thick olive oil and the same amount of any ether to the liquid. The finished mixture is cooled and then applied to problem areas: abdomen, thighs, waist.

To make the effect more noticeable, you need to wrap yourself in cling film, and wrap yourself on top in something warm, for example, a blanket or a downy shawl. After you have wrapped yourself up and started to warm up, time out for half an hour and lie still all this time. When the allotted time has passed, the mixture can be safely washed off. This procedure only works well if you wrap regularly, that is, twice a month.

Another wrap recipe is more concentrated. You don't need water anymore - take 250 mo of pure olive oil and add a couple of drops each of juniper, lavender and lemon. The mixture should be slightly warmed up, but not brought to a boil. When it gets warm, apply the oily liquid to your body. From above, as in the previous case, you need to wrap yourself with cling film and something warm.

Such wraps should be carried out regularly, only then you will notice progress. Use this product twice a week and the cellulite on your thighs will either disappear completely or become less noticeable.

We use for massage

Another way to treat your skin with olive oil is through massage. In this case, such a product is used as a base, which can be supplemented with any other essential additives.

This method of application is very good due to the fact that during the massage you warm up the body, which means that nutrients penetrate into the body faster. Before using this product, it needs to be slightly warmed up. The temperature should be comfortable so as not to burn your body when touched.

Massage is a procedure that can be used not only to relax the body, but also to tone it up or give the body a clearer shape. Let's take a look at a few popular massage formulations.

The most popular option is massage oil with a soothing effect. To make it, you will need an olive base and a few drops of lavender ether.

The opposite effect is achieved by combining olive base with peppermint. Having done a massage with such a product, you will tone your body and activate your mental abilities. If you want to massage your soul mate, then you can use a special composition that increases libido for this. To prepare it, you will need to add a few drops of bergamot, patchouli or ylang-ylang oil to the heated base.

Masks for different skin types

Various creams, masks or scrubs can also be prepared on the basis of olive oil.


If you want to cleanse your skin, add coffee, salt, or sugar to warm olive oil.

Olive oil is not only a food product that occupies a worthy place in the diet, but also an excellent skin care product. Queen Cleopatra used olive oil to care for her face and body, and the Greek poet Homer praised this product as “liquid gold” due to its wide range of beneficial properties. For several millennia, the elixir has not lost its popularity and is in increasing demand as an ingredient in recipes for facial beauty.

In order to fully experience the beneficial effects of this wonderful product, you need to choose it correctly.

  • There are several ways to produce olive oil, but the best quality can only be obtained by mechanical means. The cold pressed product is accompanied by the inscription on the label "Extra Virgin". Such a product is perfect in its aroma and taste, does not contain additives and preservatives, and all the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved in it. For facial care, it is better to choose this particular category.
    The varieties Olio vergine and Olio di sansa di oliva are made from the seeds of the fruit and the remnants of the pulp, it is used for frying, and Refined olive oil (refined) is refined, almost all useful elements are lost during production.
  • When buying, you should pay attention to the presence of the DOP / IGP / PDO mark. Each of them means that production and packaging are carried out in the same geographical area. This has a positive effect on quality.
  • “Age”, on the other hand, impairs the properties of this product. If a large oil consumption is not planned, it is better to choose a small container, since after five months from the date of production, the benefits begin to fade away.
  • It is important to store the product correctly. A dry, dark place that is protected from too high or low temperatures is best for this, for example, a kitchen cabinet shelf that is not in contact with the stove.

Folk remedies recipes with olive oil

Facial cleansing can be done only with olive oil or using it as a peeling component.

  • The easiest way for every day is to apply the product slightly warmed in a water bath on a cotton pad and wipe the face, including the area around the eyes. The procedure is quite suitable for the removal of decorative cosmetics.
  • To prepare the peel, you will need to mix olive oil with oatmeal or bran, apply on the face in a circular motion and rinse with warm water.
  • Toning lotion is easy to make by mixing olive oil with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. In the second case, the liquid will have whitening properties and is perfect for oily skin.
  • For nutrition and hydration, the product will reveal all its beneficial properties in the composition of cosmetic masks. They are applied for 15–20 minutes to a cleansed face.

Here are some of the most effective mask recipes.

  • For oily skin, a good choice is a mask of sour fruit or berry puree: kiwi, strawberries, plums, gooseberries with the addition of olive oil. For normal to dry skin, it is better to choose sweet fruits: bananas, persimmons, melons.
  • The combination of oil with the pulp of vegetables: grated potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin will be successful for nutrition and hydration.
  • Natural yogurt + a spoonful of honey + olive oil is an excellent recipe for a nourishing mask.
  • Mediterranean mask for hydration and nutrition is prepared by mixing: 2 tables. spoons of mashed potatoes, boiled beans, olive oil and lemon juice.

Massage with olive oil is a very useful procedure that helps to preserve the beauty of the face for many years. A long, deep procedure is resorted to in salons, but every woman can master several simple effective techniques at home.

If facial skin care with olive oil becomes regular and is carried out in a positive mood, with self-love and faith in the result, the positive effect will not be long in coming.

Olive oil is known for its tonic and prophylactic properties. It is for this reason that this natural product is recommended to be consumed together with other products and to cook various dishes on it. In addition, this product may have beneficial effects when used for cosmetic purposes. Olive oil cannot cause an allergic reaction, so any woman can resort to its help. It improves elasticity, nourishes, cleanses and moisturizes the skin. In this article, we will explain in detail what an olive oil body mask is and for what purposes it should be used.

Entering any cosmetics store, the products that contain olive oil are immediately striking. How about learning how to make an olive oil mask yourself? Firstly, such a mask will bring much more benefit than store products that have been gathering dust on the shelf for an unknown amount of time. Secondly, the recipes for masks with olive oil are very simple and do not require large financial costs. Well, and thirdly, as mentioned above, a mask based on olive oil is good because it does not have any restrictions and contraindications.

Olive oil can be applied not only to the body but also to the face. It perfectly tones, softens the skin, protects against external negative environmental factors, promotes the regeneration of skin cells, restores water balance, relieves various irritations, rejuvenates, and is excellent for sensitive and dry skin.

Below is a detailed description of the recipes for masks based on olive oil.

Olive oil lotions that cleanse the skin

In order to effectively cleanse the skin of the face, it is recommended to use olive oil as milk. To do this, heat the oil in a water bath and apply this mixture on your face using a cotton swab. If you have oily skin, wash off the milk immediately after application. In the event that you have dry skin type, it is recommended to leave the milk on your face for at least thirty minutes.

Body scrub with olive oil

To prepare this wonderful scrub, you will need the following ingredients: olive oil, cane sugar, a few drops of essential oil (any of your choice) and natural ground coffee (optional). Take the required amount of sugar (so that it is enough for the whole body), add a couple of drops of essential oil, olive oil and a little ground coffee. This scrub is great if you are bothered by such a problem as cellulite. Use a scrub while taking a shower. Apply the mixture to a damp, cleansed body, rub in for about ten minutes in circular massaging movements. Then rinse your skin with warm water. After twenty to thirty minutes, you will notice that the skin has become velvety and soft.

Décolleté cream based on olive oil

Heat olive oil, add egg yolk there. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Then, when the mixture cools down a little, apply the cream to the décolleté area, let it dry, and then rinse off the remains.

Vitamin E contained in olive oil promotes skin regeneration. That is why olive oil helps fight problems such as stretch marks on the abdomen, buttocks and breasts. If you want to make the procedure even more enjoyable, add a few drops of essential oil to the oil.

Plant and etheric compounds are real treasures for the human body. Olive oil for skin has been used for a long time both in medicine and in simple aesthetic personal care.


The main advantage of this product is simply a huge amount of various vitamins and minerals in its composition. In particular, these are E and A. They, by right, are considered "female" vitamins, since they help to improve the quality of the epidermis, increase elasticity and smooth both deep and mimic wrinkles.

Like flaxseed oil, olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which help increase cell hydration. Due to high hydration, cells retain their youthfulness and beautiful color longer, regardless of age. Separately, it must be said about the fact that it also contains essential amino acids.

The beneficial properties of olive oil:

  1. Moisturizes sensitive and problem skin;
  2. Helps to speed up the processes of regeneration of the epidermis after cuts, mechanical or dry cleaning, wounds and other violations of the integrity of the integument;
  3. Ideal for young oily skin, softening it and normalizing the sebaceous glands;
  4. It is used to tighten and rejuvenate mature and aging epidermis, helps to eliminate the primary signs of aging (crow's feet, age spots);
  5. A large amount of nutrients in the composition help to normalize metabolic processes in dry and combination skin, thereby eliminating flaking and dehydration;
  6. Vitamin E contributes to obtaining an even and safe tan, this oil has the same high natural UV filters as shea (shea), argan and coconut;
  7. If you drink it, then the work of the digestive tract improves, endurance increases;
  8. The product can be used to moisturize and nourish tissues with enlarged pores. Most similar plant oils tend to clog pores, which can lead to acne and acne breakouts. Olive, on the other hand, helps to cleanse the glands.

In addition, it is a versatile component of many homemade masks. The versatility lies in the fact that olive oil can be used on the skin of the hands, feet, body and hair.

How to choose

There are two types of this oil - cold pressed and hot pressed. In addition, a new classification of products has recently appeared - cosmetic and food. In fact, there is not much difference in which one to choose for personal care. Only a few well-known companies supplement their products with vitamin formulations, improving its already high characteristics.

Most often, simple edible extra virgin olive oil is used for cosmetic purposes, it is produced by the cold pressing method and it is very useful for nourishing and moisturizing the scalp, hair and face. Please note that sometimes the label is labeled virgin. This means that the product is also produced by cold pressing, but olives of not the best quality are used for it. You can buy these types both in specialized stores and in simple supermarkets.

Photo - Olive oil

In addition to it, you can also find hot cleansing or refined oil on sale, it can also be used for masks, but the effect will be significantly inferior to extra ones. And the cheapest option is pomace pomace oil. For this product, the olive oil cake is additionally heat treated after the unrefined oil has been made. Its price, in comparison with the rest, is very low, but the benefits are also small, since most of the vitamins and fats are lost after multi-stage thermal exposure.

Video: tips for choosing


Olive oil is very useful for the skin of the face in any form of use; it can be added to masks, simply smeared around the eyes, and added to ready-made personal care creams. Let's consider the simplest and most interesting applications.

During pregnancy (especially in the early stages, until the tummy begins to grow), it can be rubbed into the skin on the sides, thighs and chest to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. The effect will be noticeable already at 6-7 months due to the absence of deep red striae.

Due to its high fat content, it is not recommended to use the product during the day - the face will shine strongly, but in the form of a night cream, it is ideal for rejuvenating the neck and eyelids. It is necessary to warm the ether in a water bath and apply it to the fingertips. Use gentle patting movements to drive the oil into the epidermis.

For oily and combination skin that suffers from a lack of nutrients, an olive oil honey mask is suitable. Honey helps to enhance the beneficial qualities of the ether, nourish the epidermis and moisturize it. It is necessary to heat the components in a water bath, mix thoroughly and apply with a cotton pad on the face. Leave for 20 minutes. It can be harmful for allergies.

Photo - Olive oil

Many olive recipes contain different types of clay. This mineral powder complements the firming and cleansing properties of olives. Preparation of a simple remedy for problem skin:

  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil until pleasantly warm;
  2. Mix in parallel 1: 1 water and Cambrian or any other clay;
  3. Combine the resulting mixtures and mix thoroughly. Spread a thick layer on your face and wait until it hardens. The recipe will help unclog pores of oil, dirt and dead cells.

For problematic sensitive skin, a composition of lemon and olive is ideal, which deeply moisturizes and brightens the integument. You need to mix in equal proportions lemon juice (freshly squeezed, ordinary from the store will not work) and olive oil. Apply to problem areas, rinse off after 15 minutes. Repeat no more than twice a week.