Description of Shami goats. Shami goats

Breed name: Damascus goat Other name: Aleppo, Baladi, Chami, Damascus, Halep and Shami. Special purpose: milk production Breed size: big Weight: Males: about 70-90 kg Females: about 50-60 kg Horns: may be horned or hornless Climate endurance: all climatic conditions Wool color: usually red or brown in color, but individuals with a gray coat color can also be found Country/Place of Origin: Syria

The Shami Damascus goat is a breed of domestic animal that is commonly used for milk production. Basically, this species is distributed in countries such as Cyprus, Lebanon and Syria. The breed is also known by some other names such as Aleppo, Baladi, Chami, Damascus, Halep or Shami.

This species of goat is native to the Middle East. In the Middle East, it is still one of the most coveted goats throughout the region to this day. These ruminants were exported by the British to their home regions in the nineteenth century. At the same time, they were taken to Cyprus, where the pets were bred and raised in large numbers. It was then that she received her official name "Damascus".

This variety of ruminant was mentioned by many classics of Arabic literature. The animal often appeared in religious legends and folklore of the Middle East region. Because it was noble and had striking characteristics, it was used to create many other goat breeds. And for many years, up to the present day, this breed has been of unprecedented selection interest among breeders.


Representatives of this variety are large in size and have a distinct Nubian type. They usually have a red or brown coat color, but there are gray-colored specimens. Wool in animals, as a rule, is long. They may be horned or hornless. The adult has a long neck and very long legs. The head is relatively small in relation to the body. Like most other goats, males are an order of magnitude larger and heavier than females. The weight of a male individual reaches about 70-90 kg, while the average weight of a female individual is about 50-60 kg.

Appointment of the breed

The Shami goat is a dairy goat breed and is mainly used for milk production. But they are valued not only for milk, but also for high-quality and very tasty meat.

Interesting Facts

The Damascus goat is described in Arabic folklore as noble and having striking characteristics. The animal looks like it has been run over by a car, but in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, the animal is considered the standard of beauty, which is why it is used in the creation of many other popular goat breeds.

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Shami is a pretty good milk producer. On average, an animal can produce up to 1.5 kg of milk per day. Milk of this type is extremely easy to digest by any organism, even those that have problems with the processing of dairy products.

Pets, most often, behave very carefully and have a relatively calm character.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


Shami goats (another name is Damascus or Cypriot goats Shami, in English Damascus (Cyprus) Shami Goats) belong to the breeds of the dairy direction. These animals are found mainly in Syria, so they are also called Aleppo or Baladi.

Respect for this breed is so great that you can often hear the definition of “divinely beautiful goats” from breeders. It's a goat variety from the Middle East - very ancient. Mentions of her are present not only in Arabic classical literature, but also in religious texts, as well as in local folklore.

It is impossible not to note the characteristic appearance of these, certainly remarkable, animals, their beautiful character and noble appearance.

Shami breed

Modern Shami goats (or Cyprus Shami) are an excellent breed of dairy goats. These animals are characterized by good endurance and a high level of adaptation to almost any climatic conditions and terrain.

Highly effective crosses of this breed are obtained both in the dairy and milk-meat directions.

Historically, Shami goats are horned, but active breeding work is currently underway, aimed at polled. The characteristic external signs of these goats are their narrow, long and hanging ears, the length of which sometimes reaches from 27 to 32 centimeters, and a unique hook-nosed profile.

This goat variety is very large.

Shami goats at the withers reach a height ranging from 78 to 103 centimeters, and females of this breed grow up to 74 - 84 centimeters. The live weight of adult males ranges from 70 to 130 kilograms, and females - from 60 to 90 kilograms.

Newborn cubs weigh from three and a half to five and a half kilograms. Young growth of Shami very quickly gains live weight.

At the age of four months, the weight of young males reaches 33 - 36 kilograms, and females - from 30 to 34 kilos. The average daily gain is from two hundred to three hundred grams.

Modern Shami goats are very large, graceful and slender pets. The distinguishing features of this breed are their long strong legs, rather long neck, small head and large, drooping ears.

A distinctive feature of the head profile of this goat variety is its pronounced hunchback.

Current breed standards require proper bite (undershot bite is a serious fault). The eyes of these goats are distinguished by a very light shade. The iris is usually milky in color, and around the pupil itself is almost white. However, other eye colors are also allowed by the standard.

If we talk about the color of these goats, then it is quite diverse. A real thoroughbred Shami, as a rule, is dressed in a long and beautiful “double coat”, which protects the animal equally well from heat and frost. This allows Shami goats to endure any climatic vagaries. Scarce pasture food is also not a serious problem for these animals, which makes them very attractive for keeping and breeding. Modern Shami goats combine both ancient original beauty and improved milk production indicators by breeders. However, historically, when choosing a goat or goat, the first thing to look at is the shape of the head. Interestingly, an animal with a well-shaped head is valued much more, even if its less beautiful companion gives more milk.

Shami females are distinguished by good fertility.

Goating usually occurs once a year, and in each litter, on average, two to three kids are born, although there are often four cubs. This gives a fertility rate of 180-250 percent.

Usually, babies are taken from their mother already at the age of two days and fed with milked mother's milk until the age of one and a half months, and the queens themselves are milked.

Shami sires can be used for reproduction from the age of nine months, and then intensively used for mating up to two years.

The first period of hunting in Shami females begins at the age of 220 - 270 days. The weight of goats at this time is from 42 to 54 kilograms. These goats give a good offspring up to the age of six. After the birth of the offspring, the next hunt for the queens occurs after a month and a half (45 days).

Productive indicators

The undoubted advantage of this breed is the versatility of these animals. Since ancient times, they provided their owners not only with milk, but also with wool, tasty meat and excellent quality leather. Experts also note their quiet, docile nature and friendly attitude towards others. We have already mentioned the multiplicity of these goats above, and this factor is also an undoubted advantage of the breed.

If these animals are provided with a good, complete diet and decent living conditions, then their milk production will be very high.

The lactation period for dairy goats Shami lasts from 240 to 305 days, and during this time one female is able to produce from 640 to 1,100 liters of excellent milk, the fat content of which is from 3.8 to 4 percent, and the protein content in it is at around 3.7 - 4.4 percent.

The average daily milk yield of one individual is from three and a half to five liters, and outstanding record holders are able to produce up to nine liters of valuable dairy products in one day. The dimensions of the udder and teats make it easy to use the machines for milking these animals.

In many countries, these goats are kept for their unique exotic appearance rather than for production. Although traditionally these animals were small food factories for the people of the Middle East, supplying them with milk and dairy products. Shami's milk was often used to feed babies, as well as dietary food for the elderly and sick people. It was also used as a folk remedy in the treatment of skin diseases.

The excellent qualities of goats of this variety could not pass by the breeders. For example, animals of this breed were used in the process of breeding such a breed as the Anglo-Nubian, as evidenced by the length of its ears and hook-nosed profile, which they inherited from Shami's ancestors.

Shami goats are one of the most versatile goat breeds, providing people with milk, meat, wool and skin of excellent quality since ancient times. Description of the breed is found in classical Arabic literature, religious texts and ancient chronicles of the Middle East, where they were bred. In all sources, their specific appearance, noble character and great benefits brought to people are distinguished.. In Syria, which is the historical homeland of the breed, they are called so - divinely beautiful. Since ancient times, local residents have been inventing various proverbs, sayings, songs and tales about goats.

Shami is one of the dairy goat breeds.

Description of the breed

Shami goats are quite unusual because of their appearance.

A characteristic feature of them is a woolen "fur coat", which protects animals from cold winds, low temperatures and overheating, but also distinguishes them from their relatives, giving originality and eccentricity.

In addition, they have rather long ears (they reach 30 cm in length), located on the head of a very small size. Contrast gives them a special "zest".

Their head is slightly hook-nosed. The eyes are most often light, the iris varies in its palette from milky to snow-white at the pupil. Modern representatives of the breed, due to multiple selections and crosses, may also have dark shades. The legs are quite long, and the neck is elongated, which gives them a certain nobility, sophistication and charm.

The Shami breed is characterized by a hook-nosed profile and an unusual coat.

An interesting fact is that Shami are among the ten most unusual animals in the world.

The breed is heavy, because the largest weight gained by a goat is 130 kg and this is with a height of 1 m. Female representatives weigh mainly from 85 to 95 kg. The weight of newborn kids can reach up to 5 kg, and when breastfed, they quickly add in weight (200-300 g per day). The height of an adult goat is up to 75 cm, while goats are slightly higher.

Kids are born no more than 5 kg, but gain weight very quickly

Many representatives of the breed are horned, but modern goat breeders are working on breeding polled species. Shades of wool can be very different. The maintenance and breeding of animals does not require any special conditions, due to the unpretentiousness and ability to live even with a small feed ration.

Main advantages

Individuals of the Shami breed of strong physique

The breed has great advantages:

  1. Unpretentiousness in providing, picking up good feed, their ability to produce dairy products will increase significantly. On average, the daily milk yield from one goat is up to 8-9 liters. The taste of milk is incredible and wonderful, perfect for making ice cream and cheese.
  2. Their character has gained popularity among many people since ancient times. Compliance and friendliness captivates many farmers.
  3. The species has excellent productivity indicators, and very often it is used to develop new directions in a wide variety of goat breeds. Representatives of Shami goats were used to cross with Anglo-Nubian goats, the first, in turn, passed on their characteristic hump nose and long ears.
  4. Strong and strong limbs, as well as a strong physique.
  5. Shami has a highly developed maternal instinct, so their cubs are born strong and receive all the necessary care and care from their mothers. For one lamb, from one to four kids are brought, but most often twins are born.
  6. The Shami breed is versatile and provides not only milk, but also good quality meat, wool and skin.
  7. Perfectly take root in different climatic zones.
  8. Shami grow quickly, and already after 9 months they are completely ready for reproduction. The ability to reproduce in these goats persists for 6 years.
  9. The unpleasant smell inherent in many goats is completely absent. Therefore, milk tastes good.

Shami goats provide delicious, odorless milk

And now the Shamis have not lost the ability to provide people with meat, milk and other products of their vital activity. More and more farmers are showing interest in breeding the breed. Types of Shami selections are found all over the world, however, the largest centers for growing and breeding the breed are still Palestine, Cyprus, Israel and Syria.

Modern Shami combines ancient beauty and milky qualities, which have increased significantly over time.

However, when choosing a goat, goat breeders and farmers often pay attention to the shape of the head than to a good milk yield. An interesting fact is that a goat with a beautiful head shape is valued much more, even if its milk yield is not very high.

A breed that is only gaining popularity in the CIS, but has been known for a long time in the countries of the Middle East. Productive and graceful, immortalized in the historical annals of Arab culture. Unique and so desired by true connoisseurs of goat beauty and exoticism. The real "Goddesses" among goats are Shami goats. All these are not empty words, because Shami is called “Divinely beautiful” in their homeland. They also have a few more names: Balladi and Aleppo. The first mention of Shami was found in Syria, in religious treatises and local folklore, so the breed is considered Syrian, or Damascus. This is the most amazing breed among its species, the hallmarks of which are long ears, a hook-nosed profile and a noble posture.


Shami goats belong to a large breed, and well-coordinated complexion gives them an elegant look.

Long ears up to 30 cm long, a small head with a hook-nosed profile, inherent in the Damascus Shami, somewhat similar to the Anglo-Nubian breed, however, the elongated neck and the presence of impressive long hair radically distinguish the breeds from each other.

The ears of Damascus goats are not in vain so long, because they are the regulator of heat transfer in the animal's body. During a hot period of time, long-haired Shamis suffer from heat like no other, so the excess temperature goes to the ears, which, in turn, are cooled due to their circulatory structure. The longer the ears, the hotter the temperature they can endure.


Since ancient times, Shami in their homeland were the only source of milk, meat, wool and skin. Due to the lack of conditions of detention, over the years the breed has acquired an indispensable resistance to temperature extremes, and the assimilation of any kind of food. Therefore, at present, Shami are famous for their unpretentiousness in nutrition and care. However, as any goat breeder knows, the quality of nutrition is directly related to the taste of the resulting milk and meat.

Under normal conditions, the goat is capable of:

  • bear from 2 to 4 cubs;
  • provide milk for up to 10 months;
  • provide milk up to 5 liters per day;
  • bring offspring every year up to 6 years of age;
  • live up to 7 years.

It should be noted that Shami goats mature quickly and are ready for mating already at the age of 9 months. And after lambing, they are ready for the next mating in 45 days.

A rich goat diet during lactation can increase the fat content of milk and milk yield. The maximum volume of milk from one goat is 9 liters per day.

If the Shami breed is present in goat breeding as an exotic animal, then it is recommended to purchase a male, which is subsequently subject to castration. Thus, its life span can last up to 10 years.


  • Unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention.
  • High fertility.
  • High milk yield.
  • Complimentary character.


  • Horned breed.
  • High price.
  • Import is only possible from a registered manufacturer.

To date, Shami goats are widely bred only in the Middle East; in our latitudes, the breed is considered exotic. A domestic farmer needs to invest a lot of money and effort into documenting an imported animal. In addition, the foreign market offers only wholesale sales, and these are simply exorbitant costs. But local breeders are not afraid of the current situation with imports, they are not sitting still, and in the near future Shami goats will enter the ranks of domestic goat breeding.

Shami (Damascus Goat, Shami Goats) is a goat with high milk production, as the breed was formed in the Middle East. The ancestors of the Damascus goat were local Cypriot goats common in Lebanon and Syria. The breed is distinguished by endurance and good adaptability to all kinds of climatic conditions. They are well combined when breeding milk and meat-and-milk lines.

The Damascus goat has been known in the Middle East since ancient times. It is mentioned in the works of Arab classics, religious treatises and in folklore. And in all sources, her peculiar appearance, poise and noble appearance are emphasized. The advantages of these goats are in their versatility. Since ancient times, they have been sources of milk, excellent skin, and delicious meat. Shami has always been highly productive.

Fame of the breed

The Damascus goat has been known since ancient times; in the Middle East, its breeding is as popular as the breeding of Arabian horses. Some studies show that this breed was used in the breeding of some modern types (there is a rush of blood to the Saanen and Nubian breeds). But the shami gained fame in a completely different way.

In 2008, a contest was held in Riyadh - "The most beautiful Damascus goat" (Mazayen al-Maaz). The show probably went unnoticed, if not for one peculiarity. Shami are very different from the goats we are used to - a short muzzle, hooked nose, long limbs. These features are strongly expressed in goats.

Pictures of animals from an exhibition in the capital of Saudi Arabia quickly spread through the network. It is difficult not to pay attention to a very scary (even ugly) head, under which it is written that this is the most beautiful goat!

"The most beautiful goat" - the original sense of humor among the Arabs

“As for today’s achievement, I sold my goat when he was young for 75,000 rials ($20,000 USD) and his new owner sold him at auction for 150,000 rials ($40,000 USD). We bought it back to our property, thank God, even if it cost half a million, we will not sell it,” said Mohammed al-Hasasi, owner of the winning goat.

But do not think that all Damascus goats have such unusual external data. Most of these animals are the most common goats, which are given out by a small hump of the nose and long, thin ears.

Damascus goat

Description and characteristics of shami

The color of the breed is brown with a red tint, although there are various shades of brown and light yellow. Slight white spots are allowed, however, they are not welcomed by breeders. Individuals of black color (recessive) are also undesirable.

Shami white suit

There are horned representatives of the breed, but experts are working to create a komologo type. And another feature is the narrow, hanging ears, reaching 27-32 cm long. Well, and, of course, the notorious hook-nosedness, which is decisive in the selection of a goat.

Damascus goat belongs to large breeds:

  • goat height 78-103 cm at the withers, goats 74-84 cm;
  • weight of adult males 70-130 kg, females 60-90 kg;
  • kids are born very large - 3.5-5.5 kg;
  • four-month-old males already weigh 33-36 kg, and females 30-34 kg;
  • goats can add 200-300 g per day.

For one lamb, a goat brings from one to four cubs, but more often twins appear in the litter. The fertility rate reaches 180-250%. The kids stay with their mother for only a couple of days, after which they are separated and artificially fed until the age of one and a half months, and the queens begin to be milked.

Long ears are another distinguishing feature of Damascus goats.

The shape of the udder is perfect for milking machines. During the lactation period of 240-305 days, the goat gives 640-1100 liters. milk. Fat content is 3.8-4.5%, protein 3.7-4.4%. The daily milk yield is 3.5-5 liters, and the “record holders” give up to 9 liters.

Breeding and keeping Damascus goats

Shami quickly reach reproductive age. So, goats are ready to breed after 9 months, and insemination of a goat is carried out even earlier - 8 months after birth. The ability to reproduce in goats of this breed is maintained until the age of 6-9 years. A month and a half after lambing, another estrus begins and the goat is again ready for fertilization.

Look at the udders - these goats give a lot of milk

With a full diet, milk yield increases significantly. Multiplicity (the ability to bring three or four cubs) is also an indisputable advantage. Her calm nature and friendliness are also indicated. This captivates and is the reason for her fame.

Damascus goats are acquired not only as a unique curiosity, but according to tradition, it remains a small food factory for the production of dairy products. Milk was used as a supplementary food for infants, with a balanced diet for the elderly and the sick, and also as a traditional skin treatment.

Thanks to the excellent performance of Shami, breeders attract her to improve various breeds. For example, Damascus goats were used in breeding Anglo-Nubian goats, hence the new breed has a characteristic profile and hanging ears. And from crossing British Shorthair breeds and Shami, a variety of Nubian goats with short hair appeared.

Damascus goats wrap their ears with a tube, do you know why?

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