Features of female alcoholism and ways of treatment. Disorders of the nervous system and psyche. What does healing depend on?

The very serious problem of female alcoholism, destroying families, destroying the health and psyche of a woman, can be treated only when the patient herself realized that alcohol is deadly for her, and if you continue in the same spirit, drink alcohol uncontrollably further, then the fatal outcome will not beyond the mountains. A drinking woman is a terrible picture of the degradation of the human personality, and it is very important not to allow a person to such a state.

What is female alcoholism

Experts disagree on the exact definitions of the concept, but any, including female alcoholism, is a severe chronic illness, akin to drug or substance abuse, which destroys a person both physically and morally. In women, the process of addiction to alcohol and intoxication with the same doses of alcohol occurs faster than in men, since they have less body weight and total body fluid.

Women's alcohol dependence in Russia has become rampant, akin to an epidemic outbreak - during the first decade of the 21st century, the number of patients subject to alcohol dependence at various stages, according to statistical surveys, has increased fivefold. If we take into account that many women are ashamed of their addiction and do not go to see narcologists, then the picture will be much sadder.


A common stereotype says that women are more enduring than men, they tend to endure stressful situations better, and their pain threshold is, on average, higher. The same opinion is transferred to the alcohol they drink - society tends to believe that women's self-control is higher than men's in terms of resistance to alcohol. However, the peculiarities of female alcoholism include the fact that the weaker sex is much more sensitive than the strong one to the effects of alcohol, women become addicted to alcohol faster, drinking has a stronger effect on them.

If society treats drinking men much more condescendingly - they say, a person has problems, so he pours grief, then an alcoholic woman causes universal contempt and condemnation, everyone believes that she herself is to blame for everything, since she does not know how to control herself. This attitude forces women to hide the presence of their painful craving for alcohol for a long time, even from relatives, so the problem is often discovered when the disease is already difficult to treat.

Can female alcoholism be cured?

Back in Soviet times, there was a saying that alcohol addiction in women is incurable. Is this really so and is it really impossible to cure this disease? If you look at the problem more broadly, you can see that a woman's craving for alcohol is similar to the need for a drug addict to get another dose. There are special clinics for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts, many people leave from there in a state of stable remission, which means that the treatment of female alcoholism is also possible. In this situation, the most important thing is the patient's persistent desire to overcome his destructive passion.

Signs of alcoholism in women

Unfavorable heredity plays a big role: if a close older relative on the mother's or father's side abused alcohol, then there is a high probability that their heiress will also suffer from cravings for alcoholic beverages. In addition, the patient will deny for a very long time that she has formed an unhealthy constant need to regularly take "on the chest." She herself will not be able to notice that she has alarming symptoms, so relatives and friends should start sounding the alarm if they notice the following signs of alcoholism in women:

  • constant search for a reason to “use”, which can be absolutely anything;
  • constant smell of alcohol from the mouth, while the woman may try to disguise it;
  • open bottles of alcohol hidden here and there throughout the house;
  • beer alcoholism in women can be manifested by a craving to drink more and more beer or wine, because the initial dose no longer brings the desired satisfaction;
  • tremor of the hands, convulsive desire to drink, even without a snack.

Signs of female alcoholism on the face

Alcohol, like any drug, has a detrimental effect on the body, so it is not surprising that the following signs of female alcoholism on the face become noticeable:

  • the complexion becomes gray, the eyes become bloodshot, cloudy;
  • the woman's face swells, becomes puffy, and her cheeks become swollen;
  • a venous network appears around the nose;
  • an alcoholic no longer monitors her appearance, her hair can be dirty, disheveled, unkempt;
  • in the last stages, the face may turn yellow - this is a sign that the liver has ceased to cope with shock doses of toxins poisoning it and has begun to fail;
  • the patient looks much older than her years, the features of the female face lose their clarity, teeth begin to fall out.

The first signs of alcoholism in women

Despite the desire of female alcoholics to hide their craving for alcohol, it is not at all difficult to notice the first signs of alcoholism in women. They famously knock over glass after glass, considering this an achievement, their behavior becomes more and more cheeky, their face is filled with blood, they stop monitoring themselves, and quickly lose control of the situation. Friends, instead of neutralizing the situation, encourage immoderate libations. The circle of the sick begins to be limited to those people who are also intemperate in alcohol.

The female psyche is very vulnerable to alcohol-containing drinks. The disease is manifested by changes in the patient's behavior - she becomes hysterical, psychopathic tendencies appear in her character, a tendency to rudely cut off those who try to make comments about her addiction to alcohol. She can withdraw into herself, or, conversely, become unrestrained, swear, rush into a fight, become promiscuous.

Causes of female alcoholism

The change in the role of a woman-housewife to a breadwinner and a source of material well-being in the family, coupled with the tendency that has persisted in society to shoulder as many responsibilities as possible on women's shoulders, is far from being endured by everyone. Permanent economic crises in our country exacerbate the matter, forcing a woman to try to somehow make ends meet and look for new sources of income for herself and her children. Not everyone can withstand this race with obstacles, therefore, among the causes of female alcoholism, doctors distinguish the following:

  • a depressive psychological state, a tendency to neuroses caused by external causes;
  • various discord in the family or at work, problems with children, husband or relatives;
  • material distress, causing a desire to "forget" with the help of a bottle;
  • physiological factors - a slow female metabolism contributes to the retention of alcohol in the body, causing a desire for frequent drinking;
  • emptiness in life, when there is nothing else to do, the absence of a favorite thing.

Stages of alcoholism

Narcologists distinguish three stages of alcoholism in women, which can smoothly and imperceptibly move from one to another:

  • First stage. At this stage, degradation changes are still invisible - it is only visible that the patient drinks more and more, trying to somehow hide it from others.
  • Second stage. It is characterized by the development of a hangover syndrome, the absence of vomiting in alcohol abuse, memory lapses, progressive changes in the psyche, brain function, and mood swings. A woman becomes antisocial, her thinking changes, her quality of life changes, she loses her job, problems arise with relatives, she can start stealing, lead a wild life, she ceases to be interested in children.
  • Last stage. The patient practically loses her human appearance, intellectual abilities, and remembers almost nothing. At this stage, the disease is difficult to treat, as it is accompanied by irreversible pathologies in the internal organs.

Since narcologists are faced with a variety of stages of the disease, the mental and physiological state of patients, it is necessary to deal with female alcoholism on an individual basis. The patient must understand that she has a serious problem, trouble, and sincerely want to recover, making every effort for this. The help of relatives in this case plays a big role. It is possible to remove alcohol dependence with medication in special dispensaries, where doctors use effective measures and brain coding tools to relieve psychological cravings.

Consequences of alcoholism in women

An immoderate craving for alcohol destroys a person from all sides, therefore the consequences of alcoholism in women are terrible - there is a complete degradation of a person, a loss of both physical and moral character. In addition to craving for alcohol, the patient does not have any priorities, all social and family ties are gradually lost, no principles, no values ​​remain. The body is destroyed, unable to withstand constant shock toxic doses, the liver, kidneys, heart, brain fail. Intemperance in sexual intercourse leads to venereal diseases.

Video: Symptoms of alcoholism in women

Alcoholism is dependence on ethanol (the active component of alcoholic beverages), which has an extremely negative effect on the human body. In addition, alcoholism is a disease inherent in the male part of the population, so female alcoholism stands out as a separate problem, which, as you know, is especially difficult to treat.

Despite the propensity for severe alcohol addiction, the female body is inherently much stronger than the male body: women are more tolerant of pain and tolerate illness more easily. The same goes for endurance. In addition, women face more family responsibilities and stresses throughout their lives, which does not prevent them from living longer than the average male.

This is the whole paradox: yielding to a man only in physical strength, it is much more difficult for a woman to cope with alcohol addiction. In addition, women's dependence on alcohol appears much later than men's, and the symptoms are much more pronounced.

women's alcoholism statistics

According to studies, it takes about 7-10 years of regular drinking for a man to become addicted to alcohol, and 5 years for a woman. From this we can draw the first conclusion that female alcoholism develops much faster than male alcoholism and, as a result, the treatment process is complicated.

The number of women addicted to alcohol these days has increased significantly, and the phenomenon itself has become common in our time. If earlier the number of women treated for addiction was 10% of the total number of patients, now they make up one third of the total number of patients. But the worst thing is that 70% of women start drinking alcohol before the age of 18.

The average age of an alcoholic woman ranges from 35-50 years, and alcoholism itself is initially episodic, when a woman takes alcohol to cheer up or relieve tension. As a result of such an innocent hobby, a constant craving for alcohol develops, because it seems to a woman that with him her life is much more carefree and easier.

Swedish scientists have found that, unlike men, in the female body, the brain suffers primarily from alcohol, namely, the zones responsible for mood, motivation and sleep are destroyed. This destruction occurs three times faster than in the male body. That is why, in an alcoholic woman, the character changes for the worse, which manifests itself in nervousness, rudeness and aggressiveness. For female alcoholics, damage to the liver and pancreas is characteristic.

Statistics also say that 25% of women drink alcohol systematically, and 44% drink heavily. Along with this, about 4% drink alcohol from time to time, 28% of women alternate quiet periods with times of hard drinking or daily drinking.

The numbers make you think.

In society, and even among narcologists, there is an opinion that female alcoholism is incurable. Is this true and why is this disease so detrimental to the female body?

If we compare the male and female body, then we can identify a number of prerequisites that contribute to the rapid development of alcoholism in the weaker sex:

  • in the body of a woman, 10% less fluid than a man, which contributes to a higher concentration of alcohol in the blood;
  • reduced activity of enzymes that can quickly process alcohol and its decay products;
  • the withdrawal syndrome or simply the craving for a new dose of alcohol in women is much milder and more painless than in men, which makes it possible to postpone a visit to a narcologist for a long time;
  • increased absorption of alcohol from a woman's stomach during premenstrual syndrome leads to more rapid and pronounced intoxication.

The situation is complicated by the use of already large doses of alcohol.

There can be a lot of reasons why women seek solace in a bottle and each case must be considered individually, but still the following can be attributed to the main ones:

  • strong emotional upheavals (death of a loved one, loss of position in society, etc.);
  • social problems (inappropriate work, material difficulties, lack of upbringing and education);
  • social circle (especially if it consists of drinking people);
  • mental problems, unstable nervous system, including susceptibility to other people's influence;
  • prostitution and crime.

Another feature of women addicted to alcohol is uninhibited behavior. Being in a state of some euphoria, the alcoholic herself becomes the initiator of sexual intimacy, often with unfamiliar men. Of course, in such situations, we are not talking about sexual hygiene. As a result, concomitant complications appear in the form of sexually transmitted infections and diseases of the genitourinary system. Against this background, the woman's reproductive function suffers, and her chances of not only giving birth, but also conceiving a child are reduced to zero.

As noted earlier, the mental state of a woman also suffers from addiction to alcohol, which manifests itself in a significant deterioration in character (rudeness, hysteria, nervousness, selfishness), early development of dementia and personality degradation. In addition, the alcoholic begins to take her new way of life for granted and does not see the difference between decent and indecent behavior.

The process of becoming addicted to alcohol is the same for everyone, regardless of gender. From this it becomes clear that the ways and methods of curing alcoholism in women are the same as in men. Although it is worth making an important note regarding the weaker sex: the attention and patience of doctors and relatives will be needed much more than in the case of a man.

Signs of alcohol addiction in women

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

It will not be difficult for anyone to identify among a certain number of healthy women one who is subject to alcohol, but in this case we are talking about a serious and long-term dependence.

A woman is initially much more afraid of being convicted of drunkenness than a man, since female alcoholism is still perceived in society as something akin to prostitution, and the same "flaw" for a man is not condemned by society so strongly. It is for these reasons that the fair sex will carefully hide her "weakness" until the situation is completely out of control. In addition, it is difficult for a woman to admit that she has become one of those whom she herself once condemned and bypassed. Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that if there is any suspicion of alcoholism, it is urgent to act, and such signs as:

  • facial changes: skin color turns red, purple or bluish spots appear, unhealthy eye shine, swelling and bruising under the eyes;
  • hair looks stale: greasy and tangled; they turn gray early and begin to fall out;
  • the figure becomes angular as a result of the disappearance of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • there are problems with the teeth: they crumble and fall out;
  • character changes;
  • extremes in appearance: bright vulgar makeup or an absolute absence of signs of femininity and self-care.

The changes taking place in the body of a drinking woman, unfortunately, are very rapid and irreversible. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify addiction and start treatment at an early stage.

The main problem faced by doctors and relatives of female alcoholics is the rejection and complete denial of the existing problem - dependence on alcohol. The reasons for this behavior are explained not only by the fact that it is psychologically more difficult for a woman to admit her degradation and subordination to the “green snake”, but also by the physiological characteristics of the body described above.

The greatest difficulty in the treatment of alcoholism in women is that, unlike in Europe, in our countries it is considered a great shame if a woman seeks drug treatment - this is not only a stigma for life, but also a shame to the family, accompanied by universal condemnation. The desire to “not fall” in the eyes of others often leads to the fact that the patient’s relatives (husband, parents, children) turn a blind eye to the deteriorating condition of a loved one, believing that in this way they save the family from a bad reputation. In fact, such a disservice and concern for one's own status can be costly for all family members.

For some reason, it so happened that if a man has problems with alcohol in the family, then the women of the same family consider it their duty to help him and, by hook or by crook, are engaged in his treatment. But if a wife, mother, sister, daughter has problems with alcohol, the family is not eager to solve such a delicate problem, and, even worse, turns away from the addict, condemning her lifestyle. This is probably the key mistake that aggravates the situation and accelerates the process of degradation of a woman as a person. But if the problem is identified, and the woman is ready to undergo treatment, you should immediately go to a drug treatment clinic and consolidate the result.

As for the methods of treatment themselves, today a huge number of them are practiced and they are applicable to both men and women. Among them are many well-known techniques, such as:

  • coding;
  • torpidation and stitching;
  • detoxification;
  • special tablets;
  • homeopathic remedies, etc.

You can also recall the methods of traditional medicine, but it is undesirable to resort to them, since curing a woman from addiction is not an easy task, so you should use qualified medical help.

When undergoing a course of treatment, it is worth remembering that not only the patient's state of health should change, but also her environment, lifestyle. You should change the circle of communication and habitat, if there is a possibility that the old habits will again involve a woman in alcoholic captivity. It is especially important to change the way of life in general. This means that after rehabilitation, a woman must reassess her values ​​and understand why she should continue to live. And here the family plays the most important role, because it is no secret that for most women it is her family that becomes the meaning of life. Full support of loved ones in a difficult life situation will be the best cure for addiction.

You should not condemn and remind the former alcoholic of the mistakes of her past life, but, on the contrary, help her find a new life, free from the horrors of past years. Then the gratitude of the recovered will not keep you waiting.

It is very important: in no case should you leave an alcoholic woman alone with her problem and fight for her future.

Women's alcoholism in the modern world is becoming more and more relevant every year. Over the past decades, the number of drinking women has increased by 200%! According to statistics, in Russia more than 25% of women drink alcohol systematically. Moreover, of all women who drink alcohol, about 45% drink alcohol during drunken periods, and in 30% of cases, prolonged drinking alternates with periods of sobriety.

Features of female alcoholism

The characteristic patterns of the development of the disease in male and female organisms differ slightly. And there are some features that make female alcoholism stand out as a separate disease. It can be characterized by its laws that affect development, outcomes, treatment, development. These features include:

1 Relative psycho-emotional lability of women. This means that the higher nervous activity in women is arranged in favor of the predominance of intuitive rather than logical activity. That is why women are more emotional and highly susceptible to the negative influence of various stress factors;

2 High sensitivity of the liver tissue to the negative effects of ethanol with a decrease in the ability of the enzyme system during neutralization and processing. This can lead to long-term exposure to low doses and severe organ damage while developing cirrhosis;

3 With alcoholism, the structure of nerve cells becomes more fragile, and neural connections deteriorate. This causes a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses in the first stages of female alcoholism;

4 Slow blood flow in the liver and spleen. This is due to the fact that there is a low activity of metabolic processes, hypotension, large volumes of venous vessels, which can contribute to rapid damage to organs;

5 The fragile structure of a special membrane that limits the brain from toxic substances (blood-brain barrier). Because of this feature, alcohol will freely get to weakly protected neurons;

6 Reduced excretory function of the kidneys and skin, which impairs the excretion of alcohol metabolic products;

7 Instantaneous absorption of alcohol in the intestines;

8 Female sex hormones and alcohol breakdown products are incompatible. Thus, there is a situation where a woman, without even noticing it, shows a need for alcohol. This rapidly causes a decrease in self-criticism, so any comments from other people are denied. Also, damage to the brain, as well as internal organs, occurs quickly. As a result of all this, a severe form of alcoholism with multiple organ dysfunction may begin to develop.

Can female alcoholism be cured?

In our country, it is widely believed that female alcoholism cannot be cured. In some cases, this thoughtless statement is actually considered true. You can consider the situation from the social side. Women can hide their addiction, because society treats women's alcoholism very badly. If a man drinks, then it is habitual and ordinary, and if a woman, then there is a reason for criticism and discussion.

In family relationships, it is women who are more vulnerable to alcoholic beverages than men. If a man drinks in a family, then the woman tries in every possible way to rid him of the habit, taking care of her husband. Against this background, the wife can become addicted and rebuild her lifestyle. Men, as a rule, are less worried about the problems of women, therefore, as a rule, simply leaving the family where the wife drinks. This is the main reason why it is very difficult for women to cope with their disease on their own, alone.

The main causes of female alcoholism

There are a huge number of reasons why women start drinking, but among the main ones:

1 Social problems - insufficient level of upbringing and education, material problems, problems at work, dissatisfaction in the social sphere, etc.;

2 Emotional experiences. Various stressful situations that may be associated with the loss of a job, the loss of loved ones, illnesses of a child, etc.;

3 Circle of communication. If the woman's friends drink or are alcoholics;

4 Working circumstances. When the position of a woman contributes to the fact that you often have to drink alcohol;

5 Diseases. Mental, genetic, nervous, as well as a great propensity for the negative influence of people;

6 Criminal and depraved behavior.

Each factor that was listed above can cause the development of female alcoholism. If there are several factors at once or all, then it is not possible to avoid the development of dependence in a person.

Symptoms and signs of female alcoholism

Probably, no woman who draws herself into alcohol addiction can adequately assess the symptoms of this disease in herself. Responsibility in this case falls on the shoulders of loved ones. Especially if there are no more alcoholics in the family. Of course, if there are close associates in the bottle, then it is simply impossible to realize the disease in the first stages of a non-drinking woman. Such people are usually very unhappy because they lose everything without even realizing it. When enlightenment comes to them, then time is lost, so it is important to notice alcoholism in the earliest stages.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

1 Increasing desire to drink alcoholic beverages, no matter what. Alcoholics will always look for a reason and a reason to drink alcohol;

2 Any remarks towards the alcoholic will be denied by him;

3 Doses of alcoholic beverages are constantly increasing, reaching the state of intoxication is becoming more and more difficult;

4 After taking a certain amount of alcohol, the person refuses the snack;

5 Interest in those values ​​and hobbies that were previously obligatory for a person is lost;

6 The alcoholic withdraws into himself, breaks contact with non-drinking friends;

7 Often incorrect behavior (hysteria, rudeness, foul language, which was not noticed before);

8 Decreased intelligence and self-criticism;

9 An alcoholic treats his work irresponsibly, he spends all his money on buying alcohol;

10 Can drink alcohol all alone;

11 Has a puffy and bluish face;

12 An alcoholic has an enlarged belly due to developing cirrhosis of the liver;

13 Tremor (trembling) of the limbs.

The above symptoms will develop depending on the stage of alcoholism, as if layering on each other. Of great importance in their development is a reduced or completely lost gag reflex. The deeper the stage, the more the gag reflex atrophies, which can lead to the fact that in the last stages the patient will never experience nausea and vomiting again.

Treatment of female alcoholism

The first step is to establish a diagnosis of the disease. And in the family circle, such work is not carried out. A woman's feelings can be offended, thereby provoking a scandal. Only a professional doctor can identify the disease and determine the stage. Then the reason is established. Determining the cause helps in the work of a psychologist with an alcoholic.

Ways to treat female alcoholism are not much different from male ones. The same drugs are used, hypnosis, psychotherapy, coding, stitching, etc. But in the case when alcoholism develops in a woman, it is necessary to make a huge amount of effort and show maximum patience. This is due to the fact that alcoholism in women is more dangerous than in men:

  • With a hormonal surge, drinking alcohol will increase intoxication;
  • The activity of enzymes that are responsible for the processing of alcoholic substances is reduced;
  • Withdrawal syndrome is mild, so women turn to a narcologist later, exacerbating their problems.

Women who suffer from alcoholism are in great need of help and understanding from loved ones. In order to carry out effective treatment and guarantee a positive course of rehabilitation, it is necessary to support a woman spiritually and tell her that alcohol is not a way out of current life situations. But, in comparison with male alcoholism, female alcoholism has a deeper psycho-emotional basis. Close women suffering from alcoholism should treat her with awe. Not only empathize in every possible way, but also take part in rehabilitation.

Coding from female alcoholism

Today, alcoholism is quite successfully cured with the help of coding. This procedure lies in the fact that special conditions are created for the psychological and physical aversion to alcohol. A special drug will be introduced into the woman's body, which will enhance its effect if alcohol appears in the blood. This will cause severe discomfort and severe pain. Therefore, the patient will not take alcohol, because he will know about the future consequences. During the entire encoding, a woman has a lot of time to realize her real state, to know the delights of a new sober life, and also to learn how to deal with difficulties without a bottle of vodka.

Coding from female alcoholism and sewing up today is offered by almost all drug treatment clinics. This is an excellent alternative for all those patients who can no longer refuse to drink alcohol on their own.

Consequences of female alcoholism

At the same time that female alcoholism develops at lightning speed, we can say that the disease can lead to serious illnesses. They will seriously disrupt human life, leading to damage to internal organs.

The main consequences include:

1 Alcoholic toxic encephalopathy with brain damage;

2 Polyneuropathy with a violation of the structure and work of all peripheral nerves;

3 Cardinal decline in mental abilities and mental disorders;

4 delirium tremens;

5 Alcoholic hepatitis with transition to liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension with ascites;

6 Overdose and poisoning with low-quality alcohol;

7 kidney failure;

8 Chronic pancreatitis, acute pancreatic necrosis;

9 Positional pressure syndrome, which occurs when drinking so much alcohol that a woman stops feeling something. At the same time, disturbances in the limbs appear, which causes gangrene;

10 Increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Women have a unique strength and inner balance. They can withstand a lot, ladies even live longer than men, they are strong in terms of physical endurance and mentally ready for a lot. But there is one terrible thing that can destroy not only a woman's health, but also her moral principles -.

Causes of female alcoholism

The causes of this terrible, extremely unpleasant phenomenon can be a variety of factors, but narcologists also identify several main ones:

Of course, all these reasons are too conditional, and they cannot be classified as unambiguous. For example, narcologists note that female alcoholism is developed among representatives of the “most ancient” profession - prostitutes, often ladies begin to actively consume alcohol if they work in a company producing it.

The first signs of female alcoholism

Doctors call female alcoholism a real tragedy, because a woman literally changes “before our eyes”, and everything ends with a stable attachment. According to the observations of narcologists, a man only after 10 years (on a permanent basis or with a clear regularity) becomes dependent on them, but a woman under such conditions will develop alcohol-containing drinks in 5 years. The biggest problem is that it is always difficult, lengthy and not always successful. Everyone needs to know the first signs of female alcoholism, because if this problem is noticed in a timely manner, then it will be easier to solve it.

Constant craving for alcohol

This, so to speak, is the “foundation” of alcoholism, the “starting point” that can still be stepped back and returned to normal life. Not all drinking people frankly declare that they want or need to drink - at first it all happens as if by chance, but they always find a reason to drink. At first, this happens only on significant holidays, then even ordinary days begin to be considered holidays (Telegrapher's Day, Cultural Worker's Day, and so on), then even the most banal occasion is found, and then the “for something” stage begins.

As a result, such a woman has a sharply narrowed social circle - only those who themselves are not averse to drinking with or without reason remain in it.

Changing behavior before drinking

Pay attention to how the drinker changes immediately before the feast, when there is already alcohol and a snack:

  • the woman noticeably cheers up;
  • she begins to fuss and tries to quickly finish all her affairs;
  • if there are children nearby, then absolutely everything is allowed to them, as long as they do not interfere.

Change of priorities

A drinking woman always stands up for what is connected with feasts - for example, she will zealously justify her "drinking buddies" and convince everyone around that they are the nicest people. Inadequately (with aggression, rejection) any criticism from relatives, neighbors and friends is perceived, even an ordinary conversation about the dangers of alcoholic beverages becomes impossible - the woman begins to get excited, scream and find excuses for herself. An alcoholic will always find an excuse for the next feast or the usual, “quiet” intake of alcohol - for relaxation, for mood, doctors advise, and so on.

Family, children and responsibilities become a burden, as they interfere with calm indulgence in drinking alcoholic beverages. Children begin to frankly annoy, relatives become objectionable (they are no longer invited to visit).

Note:The worst thing in this whole situation is that an alcoholic woman, however, this is also typical for men with alcohol addiction, never admits the problem, she cannot critically evaluate herself, her behavior.

Loss of control over the amount of alcohol

This problem appears at the very beginning of the formation of female alcoholism and remains urgent throughout the entire time. A woman is simply not able to assess her norm, and often ordinary gatherings with friends end up drinking heavily, up to.

A woman who is addicted to alcohol tries not to sober up, as she is comfortable only in the stage of light (or strong) intoxication. At the same time, the rate of alcohol also increases - a habit has developed and the body requires ever larger doses of alcoholic beverages.

No gag reflex

We warn you right away that this sign does not always indicate female alcoholism - there are people who do not have it at all, or appear extremely rarely. If we already understand female alcoholism, then the absence of a gag reflex can be considered its sign only if it is present against the background of the above conditions.

Through vomiting, the body cleanses itself, removes toxins. And while this self-cleansing mechanism works, the body fights toxins and constant, but as soon as a woman begins to increase the dose of alcohol consumed, the gag reflex disappears.

- this is the border, which indicates that it is impossible to continue drinking alcohol, the body works at the limit of its capabilities and it is poisoned.

Immune to alcohol

Women who have already begun to get used to alcohol need to drink a large dose of alcohol each time in order to feel comfortable entering. It is like an addiction, when the body needs more and more to satisfy. If the dose that leads to intoxication is already 3-5 times the usual amount (for example, previously a woman was slightly drunk after 100-150 grams of vodka, and now she still feels quite normal after half a liter), then we are talking about a fait accompli. in fact - the initial stage of alcoholism.

Regular drinking

If a woman’s drinking has become a system, then this indicates that the body is starting to get used to alcoholic beverages. When a woman's addiction to alcohol-containing drinks is just beginning to develop, alcohol consumption can be once a week, but is stable. Then the situation worsens and the woman begins to drink alcohol twice a week, soon such libations begin to occur every evening (“relieves fatigue”, “I’ll sleep better”).

The first signs of female alcoholism are also a change in the lady's behavior. Chaotic, and sometimes uncontrolled, sexual relations are becoming commonplace, it’s not worth talking about any hygiene - alcohol liberates, what kind of hygiene is there. That is why women with alcohol addiction are often diagnosed with various inflammatory diseases, and,. By the way, many are afraid that such women will give birth to children and leave them in maternity hospitals (at best), but in fact, nature has taken care of this - the childbearing function in alcoholics most often disappears, since the structure of the ovaries changes, degenerates into fatty, and they stop working properly.

The psyche of a drinking woman also changes a lot - she becomes cunning and deceitful, dodgy and aggressive, overly emotional and selfish. If we compare women with the problem under consideration and men, then in the first case, the processes of degradation proceed much faster. A very big problem in the treatment of female alcoholism is just such a mental status - it is very difficult for an alcoholic woman to be convinced that she needs qualified medical care, she will need to change her psyche, and even the most caring relatives will not be able to do this on their own.

External signs of female alcoholism

A woman who is in the initial stage of alcohol addiction can still keep herself "within the limits of decency", but drinking a large amount of alcohol leads to the fact that she changes outwardly - she looks untidy, she has dark circles and puffiness under her eyes, her voice acquires rough notes, the face and limbs may be permanently edematous.

The desire to drink, when a woman is literally shaking with every glass, is very noticeable to others and it is repulsive. Naturally, an alcoholic is looking for a replacement for friends and joins a company where she is understood and accepted - the same alcoholics.

It is very important to notice the first signs of female alcoholism at the very beginning of the development of the problem. If a woman meets her friends every Saturday, and they drink alcohol "until they lose their pulse," then this is already a bad sign. If a woman drinks 2-3 glasses every evening, then you need to turn to specialists - soon the dose of alcohol will increase and then the degradation process will be much more difficult to stop.

Alcoholism has ceased to bear the definition of an ordinary habit. In the 21st century, this phenomenon has become a real disaster. It is not for nothing that doctors began to treat harmful addiction as a full-fledged disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated. What are the signs of alcoholism in women, let's look further.

Sadly, the use of alcoholic beverages has become popular not only among men, but also among women of various ages. Unfortunately, the fair sex has a weaker resistance to alcohol than men. Because of this, their body is more prone to alcoholism. This is due to both the lower activity of specific enzymes in the blood that are responsible for the metabolism of alcohol, and the lower water content in the body of women (about 10% less than in men), which leads to a higher concentration of alcohol in the blood with the same amount of alcohol consumed. .

The causes of female alcoholism can be completely different:

  • negative close environment;
  • difficulties in social life (difficulties with getting a job, lack of finances);
  • family problems;
  • death of loved ones;
  • mental illness.

Alcohol addicts, as a rule, cannot admit the fact that they have problems with addiction to alcohol. They do not notice how their life gradually plunges into a terrible nightmare. At such moments, relatives and friends are obliged to be the first to detect the disease, to provide assistance and moral support.

How to detect this disease, and will be discussed in the article.

Girls are more emotional than guys. They are much more vulnerable to mental trauma and nervous breakdowns. Therefore, representatives of the weaker sex, suffering from alcoholism, undergo various kinds of changes in the mental and emotional nature.

Changes in the psycho-emotional state and signs of alcohol addiction:

  • indifference to the family: husband, children, parents;
  • deterioration of brain activity: poor memory, unjustified aggression, dementia;
  • lack of control over the volume of alcohol consumed, each time the amount of alcohol consumed increases;
  • irrepressible sexual desire, as a result of frequent change of partners.

The victim of the disease begins to behave and feel worse in society. In view of the rapid deterioration of the work of the brain, a deterioration in character (embitterment, anger) is born; the drinker loses not only professional skills, but also her job. Communication with friends and acquaintances does not add up. Many, noticing alcohol degradation, stop contacting the drunkard. A chain of events takes place that drives her into a dead end and despair.


A girl or woman suffering from alcoholism, even after a few glasses of alcohol, does not get very drunk. Not all relatives and friends pay attention to this, but this may indicate the initial stage of the disease.

It’s not scary if the next day after the gatherings a person swears that this was the last time. If, after a terrible overdose, there was no vomiting, and the girl falls dead into a dream, and in the morning, feeling disgusting, she does not stutter about the plot - there is every reason to suspect the disease.

Further, unpleasant processes occur. The drinker becomes irritable, rude, indifferent and embittered. Especially aggressively, she perceives criticism in her address, does not accept any advice and help. A woman ceases to be aware of many actions. Visible changes in behavior and interests also change the environment. Often these are the same "lovers to skip a glass."

The patient becomes distracted, ceases to solve the surrounding problems. The only desire driven by her is to have a “pleasant” feast as soon as possible.

Stages and characteristics

Alcohol dependence in both men and women has almost identical stages. They are determined by the successive changes that occur in the body of a person suffering from alcoholism, the inability to adequately assess everything around and control their actions.

initial stage

Regular alcohol consumption leads to the initial stage. There is an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed.

The first signs at the initial stage:

  • memory impairment;
  • loss of concentration.

Symptoms of the initial stage are difficult to notice. At this stage, women are afraid of disapproving reactions towards themselves. They try not to show their inner circle, children, husband their problems. Therefore, relatives do not know about the emerging addiction of their family man or friend.

Expanded stage

The desire to drink becomes even stronger. The same thing happens with the amount of alcohol you drink. The girl begins to have a positive attitude towards alcohol, turning a blind eye to the minuses that it generates.

A hangover is accompanied by unbearable thirst, weakness, pain in the head. A person can be shivering or, conversely, a feeling of heat arises. The mood worsens or, on the contrary, there is a change in mood. There are changes in the character of the individual. There are isolation, bursts of emotions, selfishness. Weakening interest in things that previously liked a person.

Important! There is a special type of addiction - beer alcoholism. In women, it is quite common. It is not in the International Classification of Diseases. However, beer, with its low alcohol content and pleasant aroma, is becoming an increasingly popular drink among women. In fact, beer, like a time bomb, worsens the functioning of the heart, leads to hormonal failure.

In the process of the growth of the negative influence of the disease on the body, the person ceases to hide the dependence. An irresponsible attitude towards the whole world around is formed. Both at work and in the family, he ceases to take duties seriously. This is a very unpleasant moment, as it entails the loss of the most precious thing: family, friends, work.

The personality shows external signs:

  • the condition of the skin and nails worsens;
  • characteristic edema is formed on the face;
  • hair turns gray prematurely;
  • hand tremor.

final stage

A bad picture emerges: uncontrolled consumption of alcohol, tolerance to alcohol is reduced to nothing, memory lapses are possible - the so-called "alcohol palimpsest".

Among the symptoms: a clear decrease in mental abilities, nervousness, memory impairment. The only force driven by the individual is the craving for a new "dose" of alcohol. Now intoxication occurs in a short time from small portions of alcohol. There is a deterioration in the condition of internal organs. Especially the liver, kidneys, brain. The development of diseases of these and other organs is formed.


It is curious what troubles the attraction to alcoholic beverages leads to.

A woman is an indispensable link in a full-fledged family. She is the main educator of the kids, the one who supports her husband. If there is a place in her life for the so-called "fire water", all this will collapse. Alcoholism, whoever has it, destroys the family structure, leads to mental trauma in children. Children whose mothers periodically drink often cannot find their place in life. They are also at risk of becoming addicted themselves. Therefore, it is very important to start the treatment of alcoholism in a woman on time.

The "Green Serpent" destroys not only the nervous system, but also the internal organs. This could very well lead to death.

Interesting! With prolonged consumption of strong drinks, chronic alcoholism can develop. The name appeared in 1849 and was applied by the public figure M. Huss. As a result of lesions from the disease, there may be: deterioration of immunity, predisposition to stroke, gastritis, pancreatitis.

Also one of the most unfortunate consequences is delirium tremens, in the common people “squirrel”. This is a disgusting picture that is absolutely not worth seeing for small children. At the moment of the action of delirium tremens, the patient sees hallucinations and is completely unaware of the actions performed.

Intoxicating potion destroys the liver. In the last stages, her cirrhosis may appear. Along with this, chronic liver failure occurs. The stomach is affected. In general, there are terrible irreversible processes.

It is great if a woman has reliable friends and close relatives. They are able to protect a dear person from danger in a timely manner, to support in difficult times.

They need to consider in their wife, child or mother the first signs of this addiction, to persuade her to resort to the help of medical specialists.

Women cannot completely get rid of a bad habit, but this is not a completely true opinion. If, immediately after the discovery of the first “bells”, you go to a special hospital, the woman will have great chances of defeating this destructive addiction.