The guy wants to part in this period. How to recognize that a man wants to quit you? He does not build plans for the future

Not every woman boasts an excellent intuition. Moreover, sometimes the representatives of the fine sex do not notice the obvious things: it happens that the beloved man shows all his appearance that he wants to leave. But when he still decides to assemble a suitcase, the second half is very surprised by such a "unexpected" turn in living together. How to understand that a man thought about parting, tells psychologist Annette Orlova.

How changing the speech of a man:

1. If earlier he himself told about his life, relationship with colleagues, friends, plans for the coming years, promotion over a career ladder or a change of work, then gradually such conversations are going to no.

In addition, a man does not ask questions about your life. Disappeared to be interested in your space, cases, surroundings with which you spend time, etc.

2. A man avoids talking to souls. He clearly reveals your idea to bring a conversation to the emotional way, get close, and tries at the very beginning to bring everything to the genre of dialogue or communication on an abstract topic. Rapid it scares it now.

3. Sunshids, rusks and bunnies ran out to walk! In speech, men are catastrophically reduced pleasant, gentle, cute nicknames, the appeal to you becomes more formal.

4. Many men tend to destroy the image of a once-beloved woman, because for them this is the easiest way to do not regret parting. How is it shown? He does not want to see your positive qualities, even the best tries to devalue, because it is difficult for him to meet with your advantages, but it is happy to emphasize all the flaws.

5. In his speech, a man uses less words that indicate the stability of you as a couple. In his conversations, there are no more images of a joint future. He tries to live in a real moment and think over the way to retreat. He needs to take back all those promises that he gave. The pronoun "we" is replaced by "you" and "I". Plans, things, friends also become "yours", "mine", and not "ours."

6. The names of other women and colleagues are beginning to appear in the speech space, which help for work, or girls who are engaged in fitness on a nearby simulator. In conversations, it also pops up the names of the former girlfriends and the places of the former martial fame men, where he spent a lot of fun time.

7. After your questions about the joint future, a man before answering, as if freeing - a superficial breath, then a heavy exhale. He silently agrees with your statement, either dryly responds: "Yes", "OK", "Yeah", and quickly translates the conversation on an abstract theme.

8. If you used to be a sensitive and fragile nature for him, which you need to protect from around the world, now just a hysterical, which can be expressed by the whole truth. In conflict situations, the man became cut and even cruel. In the dispute, the woman is exempt from the resentment, jealousy, boredom and sensation of loneliness. She can ask questions that do not require answers, and everything is just for the man to reassure her and said that he loves himself. If he does not go on this idea, this scenario is it, it can be assumed that he cooled to a woman. The less love, the stronger irritation.

9. Expressing complaints, a man uses expressions: "You are in your repertoire," everything is as usual "," Well, everything is clear with you, "" You don't get along with anyone "," the truth friends say "," It is clear why With you, even your mom cannot communicate, "etc. Thus, he pursues several goals at once. First, it wants to expand its dissatisfaction with you to the group of people who are also unhappy - Mom, former, girlfriends, colleagues, children. Secondly, to summarize difficulties, set your mistakes in such a light so that they turn into the defects of your personality, preferably irreparable. This is a self-hypnosis technique. Thirdly, an attempt to discredit you, comparing with those with whom the comparison for you is traumatic. This is done in order to simply strike a self-esteem.

How does the behavior of a man change:

1. In your presence, a man seeks to retire to another territory. He is tolerant for silence, he can say three words for the whole evening, and they are not the most pleasant, more passionate about their own affairs and tasks than communication with a woman. This is a clear sign that feelings are cooled.

2. A man with pleasure conveys you the initiative in relationships. If he used to call three times a day before, today it hardly writes a couple of SMS, and those with a banal question: "How are you?" So he is trying to calm your anxiety, but he's not too much to communicate the true desire. Gradually, he will be more responsible for your calls than to initiate communication.

3. The significance of the phone is raised sharply, and in such a competitive struggle you explicitly lose. The mobile phone is now wearing either in the case (so that there is no display shows), or by pure randomness always puts it down.

4. The man becomes indifferent to your tears, if hugs, then from mercy, and all the time I look at the clock, then on the phone. Your condition quickly causes irritation.

5. When you get into a beautiful place, against which I would like to make Selfi together, he asks you to take a picture of him alone and immediately lay out pictures on social networks - you must admit that he does it not for you. Just he has other audience.

6. He begins to avoid contacts with your parents, although he was happy to initiate them. Parents are a symbol of conscience. A decent man is very worried when a meeting with people who see in it a potential son-in-law.

7. The money invested in you is no longer an investment, but an empty resource waste. A man becomes much nice. When it comes to spends on you, he is more listening to the Mom tips than his own - so reliable.

8. Your requests seem to be increasingly unreasonable and unimportant. Your tone is dissatisfied and sharp. Your attempts to get closer - violate its borders.

9. The man becomes the owner of his word. He can not only give it, but also with ease to take back. His values \u200b\u200bare changing the same as the attitude towards you changes.

Hello, dear readers! So it is unpleasant when the guy wants to part, but fooling your head. The girl finds an excuse to his terrible behavior, forgives some actions, but it is already somewhere far away. All his thoughts are absorbed by the desire to break the relationship, but he does not find a decisive in himself, and maybe confirming his own choice. As a result, all this stretches endlessly long and sucks all the forces.

Today I will tell you how to understand that a man wants to part with a girl. This is a very common problem. Not everyone is ready for a serious conversation and therefore pushes a woman to her herself threw him. I will try to assemble in this article all the most common signs that you are in this unpleasant situation and tell you what exactly needs to be done.

Let's start with the most obvious, as most often, the guy does not hide his true attitude. Its solution is almost accepted, but he cannot start a frank conversation.

Small quirks

In fact, I think you are already fine, just do not want yourself to admit this and therefore are looking for additional confirmations, in the hope that you are mistaken and this is just such an unpleasant period that you should just survive.

It all starts, as a rule, with the pick-up. You are increasingly not satisfied with the guy, and he openly expresses his discontent. The reason for the scandal at this moment can be all anything - not in time the call made, late to the meeting, accidentally abandoned phrase. Another insults and problems that seemed to have thought have long lost their relevance increasingly to the surface.

After a quarrel, he is "restored for a long time", with a smaller hunting comes to contact, longer than the usual, humiliated, offended and inaccessible.

"Random" left evidence

The rupture of the relationship always comes suddenly. At this point, people seem like their eyes on what is happening, although in fact they have long ago began to notice something wrong. For a long time, a young man plays in "What? I'm nothing, "and the girl makes it seems that nothing happens.

A man always leaves evidence that indicate a desire to part. Subconsciously he wants to be opened.

In each situation, evidence can be different if the main reason for the breaking of another girl, then it can be sudden messages, traces from lipstick on a shirt. Most likely it began this much earlier. Before, he carefully tried to get rid of the traces of the "crime", but now leaves them without a branch of conscience.

Idiotic excuses

If a man wants to part with you, you bump into some kind of evidence of this and ask what cause. Most likely the excuses will be the most bad. A young man is no longer too much to spend the possibility of his brain to.

For example, you find outsiders on his shirt, asking how he appeared there, and he only widely reveals his eyes and innocently says: "Probably fell from the head of the colleague, with whom I drove in the elevator."

In general, all his excuses become more than strange, and the proposals are derived from themselves. You seem to communicate with a completely different person. Previously, it was an intelligent strategist, every idea of \u200b\u200bwhich inspired and surprised, and now became a rural fool, not understanding what is good, and what is not very.

Additional signs

I would advise you to pay special attention to only those signs that have already described above. They are the most significant. It can be found and also, but to treat them seriously and panicing, I would not become. In life, it happens everyone and do on the basis of them some conclusions too early. There may be many reasons for such behavior, not necessarily the desire to part.

Nevertheless, I will give a few evidence that the couple is not all right in the personal life so that you have a full picture.

The man became more thoughtful, spending alone with him more time.

If you have always walked together for many years before, holding hands, or sat down in front of the TV, now he is not looking for a bodily contact, but he holds away.

He stops you or tries to keep silent when you start planning a joint vacation in the summer or build other plans for the future.

By the way, pay attention to the behavior of his friends when you open these topics. It is likely that they all know perfectly well. Not everyone can control its emotions: someone will sweep his eyes embarrassed, others convinced about something else. In general, you can notice awkwardness.

Another indicator - you all often have to offer to spend time together: meet friends, call someone to visit, organize dinner for relatives. He himself does not show interest and initiatives to this. It rather looks like a guest on your holiday.

How to proceed

If you feel that a young man wants to part with you forever, but you yourself are afraid to start this conversation, you can try to go through his friends, of course, if among them there are those who really know the truth and give it. Unfortunately, or, happiness, male friendship is most often so strong, but this way you will not achieve anything. Nevertheless, I had to say about him, because sometimes this method works.

Of course, the surest way to put all the points over "and" - to talk frankly with the young man himself. If you want to achieve truth, prepare morally in advance. It is very important.

Sorry, but your young man brave you can not call. We have already found out. You have to take on this quality, otherwise the situation will not be resolved, and you will.

In no case do not show your own weakness. Tears, reproaches, prayers and other similar things will give him the opportunity to justify their behavior and leave everything as it is indefinitely. Be strong.

Tell your man straight that they began to notice the signs of what he wants to part. Show what you are ready for this and if this is his desire, then you are ready to discuss everything.

Perhaps you do not want to part. You do not have to agree, but it is simply necessary to talk about this problem. Everything can not continue. Go to the question resolutely and try to speak argumentally, without attempts to use female tricks, tricks and extra emotions. Do not play on his feelings and. Let this conversation be productive for both of you. Honesty - this is what matters now.

I can advise you book of Irina Chesnova "Secrets of pleasure and happiness in life together." No need to be afraid of loneliness, you need to be afraid to live all my life with a person who does not want it, but it is afraid to be frank with you.

I have everything on it. To new meetings and do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Not all relationships will end the Happi-end in the form of Marsha Mendelssohn and a happy family life. Nobody is insured against the extinction of feelings when consciously understand that it does not make sense to continue the relationship. Sometimes this decision takes a man. However, not all representatives of strong sex have enough courage to a frank conversation with their once belong chosen, and the relationship is still moving on inertia for some time, but no longer bring to be happy.

If a man decided to part with you, but at the same time he cannot put a point in a relationship, he still will not behave as before. In his behavior, the case will slip some oddities. And if you remove pink glasses and get enough for the rescue straw, you will probably notice 10 signs that your guy wants to get away from you.

1. He is moving away from you

He became somehow thoughtful, often spends time alone and is not interested in your affairs? Perhaps the man had a nuisance that absorbs all his thoughts. But also these signs may indicate that a man wants to part, but has not yet decided how to do it.

2. He does not build plans for the future

Previously, you could fantasize the topic of your joint future, family and even the name of not born children, and now he does not want to build plans even for the upcoming vacation? Most likely, mentally, the man has already put the point in your relationship, however, for some reason, the last decisive step can still do.

3. He stopped take care of you

Love manifests itself in trifles and care - in the busted coat in time, meeting work, a tasty dinner. Surely at the beginning of the relationship your guy led myself very halane and helpfully than and conquered you. If at some point you noticed that in your relationship, care comes only from you, it means only one thing - the feelings of a man faded.

4. He does not call you to meet friends

Previously, he gladly called you at meetings with her friends and relatives. I would still, because he loved you and wanted to demonstrate his "mining" to loved ones. If now a man prefers to spend time without you, it suggests that he no longer sees you as his own girl.

5. There is no longer any passion between you

The absence of passion is a faithful sign that a man wants to part. Representatives of strong sex express their love through physical proximity. If he avoids sex, it means that his thoughts took possession of someone else. Of course, a man may have no desire for the cause of fatigue or poor well-being. However, if it is constant in nature, the likelihood is that he wants to get away from you.

6. He had secrets

Previously, he shared everything with you, told about the events of the day and was extremely honest, and now he hides the phone, puts a password to the computer and sees from your questions? These changes indicate only that the man no longer considers you a part of his life and, therefore, wants to expand his personal space.

7. He is often irritable

A man who no longer loves becomes very irritable and aggressive. He is ready to charm about any little things, and after not even thinks apologize. Suddenly it turns out that you don't dress like that, do not cook and do not care about it. In fact, you remained the same as before, just the feelings of the man went on no.

8. He is looking for a reason for quarrels

Sometimes it seems to you that he specifically fits reasons for quarrels and conflicts? Most likely, it is. If a man lacks courage to break the relationship first, he will do everything possible to parting allegedly happened in your fault.

9. He is lying

If you are increasingly catching him on a lie, although I used to notice a similar habit behind him, it means that a man no longer values \u200b\u200bwith your relationship. Total lie suggests that a man is not afraid of losing you. But also this habit indicates that your chosen one is not a completely decent person.

10. You do not feel your beloved

Legends go about women's intuition. Indeed, our feelings are a kind of measure of happiness in relationship. If you still think that your partner does not love you, and he is not your destiny, take a closer look. Perhaps he really does not plan to associate his life with you and is already planning his care.

Parting, especially if it occurs on the initiative of your beloved person, it is always a painful process. However, if you understand that farewell is inevitable, you should not continue the relationship that there is no future, because because of them you lose your precious time. Remember that very soon you will be happy again, and today's torments will remain in your memory as a mumbling life episode that made you more experienced and wise.

The guy wants to part, and I don't, what to do? In fact, a very common problem among most couples, which are often the first to be afraid to admit to this half. As a rule, the young man does not have enough decisiveness and he begins to do anything as if his girl threw him first. First of all, I want to draw your attention to the obvious signs that the guy wants to quit you well, and of course, how to act in such a situation - "Do not fall into the dirt face."

Small quirks

In fact, I think that you are already well aware that the guy wants to part, just do not want to admit yourself and therefore you are looking for additional confirmations, in the hope that you are mistaken and this is just such an unpleasant period that you should simply been through.

It all starts, as a rule, with the pick-up. You are increasingly not satisfied with the guy, and he openly expresses his discontent. The reason for the scandal at this moment can be all anything - not in time the call made, late to the meeting, accidentally abandoned phrase. Another insults and problems that seemed to have thought have long lost their relevance increasingly to the surface.

After a quarrel, he is "restored for a long time", with a smaller hunting goes to contact, longer plays in an offended, humiliated, offended and inaccessible.

Accidentally left evidence

The rupture of the relationship always comes suddenly. At this point, people seem like their eyes on what is happening, although in fact they have long ago began to notice something wrong. For a long time, a young man plays in "What? I'm nothing, "and the girl makes it seems that nothing happens.

A man always leaves evidence that indicate a desire to part. Subconsciously he wants to be opened.

In each situation, evidence can be different if the main reason for the breaking of another girl, then it can be sudden messages, traces from lipstick on a shirt. Most likely it began this much earlier. Before, he carefully tried to get rid of the traces of the "crime", but now leaves them without a branch of conscience.

Idiotic excuses

If a man wants to part with you, you bump into some kind of evidence of this and ask what cause. Most likely the excuses will be the most bad. The young man is no longer too much spending the possibility of his brain to come up with a sophisticated lie.

For example, you find outsiders on his shirt, asking how he appeared there, and he only widely reveals his eyes and innocently says: "Probably fell from the head of the colleague, with whom I drove in the elevator."

In general, all his excuses become more than strange, and the proposals are derived from themselves. You seem to communicate with a completely different person. Previously, it was an intelligent strategist, every idea of \u200b\u200bwhich inspired and surprised, and now became a rural fool, not understanding what is good, and what is not very.

Additional signs

I would advise you to pay special attention to only those signs that have already described above. They are the most significant. It can be found and also, but to treat them seriously and panicing, I would not become. In life, it happens everyone and do on the basis of them some conclusions too early. There may be many reasons for such behavior, not necessarily the desire to part.

Nevertheless, I will give a few evidence that the couple is not all right in the personal life so that you have a full picture.
The man became more thoughtful, spending alone with him more time.

If you have always walked together for many years before, holding hands, or sat down in front of the TV, now he is not looking for a bodily contact, but he holds away. He stops you or tries to keep silent when you start planning a joint vacation in the summer or build other plans for the future.

By the way, pay attention to the behavior of his friends when you open these topics. It is likely that they all know perfectly well. Not everyone can control its emotions: someone will sweep his eyes embarrassed, others convinced about something else. In general, you can notice awkwardness.

Another indicator - you all often have to offer to spend time together: meet friends, call someone to visit, organize dinner for relatives. He himself does not show interest and initiatives to this. It rather looks like a guest on your holiday.

How to proceed

If you feel that a young man wants to part with you forever, but you yourself are afraid to start this conversation, you can try to go through his friends, of course, if among them there are those who really know the truth and give it.

Unfortunately, or, happiness, male friendship is most often so strong, but this way you will not achieve anything. Nevertheless, I had to say about him, because sometimes this method works.

Of course, the surest way to put all the points over "and" - to talk frankly with the young man himself. If you want to achieve truth, prepare morally in advance. It is very important.

Sorry, but your young man brave you can not call. We have already found out. You will have to take on this quality, otherwise the situation will not be resolved, and you will continue to fool my head to each other.

In no case do not show your own weakness. Tears, reproaches, prayers and other similar female tricks will give him the opportunity to justify their behavior and leave everything as it is indefinitely. Be strong.

Tell your man straight that they began to notice the signs of what he wants to part. Show what you are ready for this and if this is his desire, then you are ready to discuss everything.

Perhaps you do not want to part. You do not have to agree, but it is simply necessary to talk about this problem. Everything can not continue. Go to the question resolutely and try to speak argumentally, without attempts to use female tricks, tricks and extra emotions.

Do not play on his feelings and cause wine in it. Let this conversation be productive for both of you. Honesty - this is what matters now. No need to be afraid of loneliness, you need to be afraid to live all my life with a person who does not want it, but it is afraid to be frank with you.

In any case, it is not necessary to cling for relationships. It is necessary to part. This is the first stage of response to the question of what to do in this case. And in the second stage, in order not to indulge the suffering and cannot be depressed, you need to take yourself. Anything. If only there was no time to regret myself for a long time.

Best of all, if it is both physical and intellectual classes. The first will give a feeling of fatigue, lead to excellent form and in the end - to improving self-esteem. Also and contribute to a good sleep. The second will take thoughts, will open the intellect in some part. You will become more interesting for new acquaintances.

And the situation at which this current guy seeing you after some time will also regret your act.

The point of keeping near himself, who you do not need? What to do? Let go. Let it go to all four sides. Survive a hard moment in life and go on. And what if the place of this guy will come true fate, the love that you can only dream? And suddenly you meaninglessly hold the guy who takes not his place ...

Holiday alone

Guys love to finish relation to important events. They seem to be deliberately throwing us before his birthday, passing the exam or before the New Year. All because they no matter what the girl will spend these important days alone. The most important thing is not to be sad and not to hold a holiday alone in an empty apartment.

Otherwise, you risk drinking yourself a bottle of champagne and go to bed, without waiting for the New Year's salute. In the holiday you may seem to see that everything is happy besides you. This mood should not steal your good mood. I called the guy who like Greench, stole Christmas, you will make yourself the best holiday!

And it doesn't matter that you will celebrate it without your second half, you can not even imagine how much in the world such as you girls and guys celebrate a new year or birthday, hoping to meet our love. The remaining days before the holiday you will have a company search for the upcoming event.

Where to go

An unexpected gap with a guy right before the new year spoiled all the plans. Now you are sitting and thinking: "I broke up with a guy what to do," instead of shopping and enjoy the pre-New Year cooking. Also, the gift was already purchased and packaged - a terrible desire to throw it out, but it will be better to pass or leave himself.

Not so few places in which you can have fun or at least just have a good holiday. First, if you have unoccupied girlfriends, you can celebrate a holiday in a cafe or restaurant. There you can always get acquainted with new people, enjoy a rich festive program and a huge plus - no need to cook.

The only obstacle: Places in a cafe on New Year's Eve Book in advance, so if the parting happened suddenly, you can not have time to order a table. Second option: Go to friends. Surely you can join some company in which your girlfriends or acquaintances mark.

May you practically do not know the people with whom you will celebrate a holiday - but you will not be alone, and you will be fun. Finally, the doors of the parent house are always open to you. Do not think that the new year in the family circle will be boring. Perhaps an enchanting fun and will not be, but you will feel the real love of loved ones.

Whether a former guy congratulate

On New Year's Eve, even in the best company, the thought to congratulate the former guy happy New Year to congratulate your head. Do not do it in any way! You can restrainly answer his congratulations if he decides to remember you on New Year's Eve. But it is unlikely that it happens, most likely, he will wait for greetings from you.

Do not show him what you think about him in the New Year evening, let it think better that you are doing a good time in a pleasant company. Of course, it is better not to answer him at all, having marked the New Year's Eve of the absolute loss of all connections with an unpleasant past.

Therefore, skip the New Year's congratulations on the person with whom you hardly broke up and go to watch a festive salute or drink champagne. By the way, the desire is exactly at midnight must be melded - this is your chance to correct the situation in your personal life!

Let's make a desire

It is said that in the new year, at exactly 12 o'clock in the morning you can make a desire that will surely come true. And the stronger the desire, the greater the probability that for the year it is happening. Of course, it is worth looking at things in real and not to demand unless things.

But to make a new man who will not throw you at the most unexpected moment, it is quite possible, just do not forget to clearly formulate who you want to see next to you. It does not prevent the list of qualities that you want to see in your chosen one on the leaflet.

Below write those flaws with which you can accept, and even below, write those that do not receive at all. As a result, you will find a description of the ideal partner who will definitely find you next year. You can even put your list to Christmas toys when you hide them into the storage room until next new year.

You will see when you dress up the Christmas tree next time, you will already be the person you described. Perhaps he will even help you decorate an apartment for the holiday.

The troubles happen more often than we would like. But this is not a reason to spoil yourself a holiday! The new year and your birthday will even if the guy wants to part. What to do so that he goes fine, you know. The rest of the miracles will definitely happen if you believe in them!

The guy wants to part, and I don't have what to do: video