Detailed menu for a 9 month old baby. Butter-flour porridge (Moro porridge). Estimated amount of food per day

Recipes for a 9-month-old baby usually do not differ in extravagance, because the main thing in them is the simplicity of the components and the benefits for a small organism. Nevertheless, sometimes you really want to pamper the baby and cook something unusual and very tasty for him. In this article, we will talk about what to cook for a nine-month-old baby: we will give unusual recipes for soups and cereals.

Many parents feed their children canned purees and boxed cereals. And there is nothing wrong with that: specialized baby food is rich in vitamins and minerals, and has also passed the necessary quality control of the ingredients. In addition, it is very convenient and fast, and the assortment of such dishes in children's stores is simply incredible. Nevertheless, there are also supporters of self-cooking for children under one year old. Moreover, some fussy people simply refuse canned food, demanding their mother's culinary delights.

What can you cook for a child at 9 months so that it is healthy and tasty? Stewed various vegetables with olive oil and tender veal or turkey cutlets. Mashed potatoes with fish balls. Homemade cottage cheese with fruits or berries. Basically, children's dishes do not require special ingenuity and special training. The requirements for them are the same: preferably steaming or stewing, a minimum of salt and sugar (or better without them at all), the absence of spices, mayonnaise, ketchup and similar harmful ingredients. In more detail, we will focus on recipes for soups and cereals as fundamental dishes. At first glance, it seems that nothing special can be invented. However, even one additional ingredient can completely change the taste of a dish.

Soup for a 9 month old baby: recipes

The first dish should already be present in the baby's diet. At the same time, you need to know how to cook soup for a 9-month-old baby. You need to do this only in vegetable broth. Meat broth is very difficult for the child's digestive system, it can cause allergies due to the contained extractives. Accordingly, we cook meat and fish separately from the soup and add chopped ones to it before serving.

Vegetable soup for a nine-month-old baby may include the following components: potatoes, carrots, onions, white cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin, peas. All vegetables are laid gradually in groups: for example, first cabbage, a few minutes later carrots, then potatoes. Soups should be salted a few minutes before turning off. Children under one year are advised not to salt the first courses at all.

So, what can be a delicious soup for a nine-month-old baby interesting recipes:

  1. Vegetable soup puree with liver. Ingredients: small zucchini squash, small onion, half a carrot, a few cauliflower florets, potatoes, chicken liver. Preparation: Prepare the vegetables by washing, peeling and cutting them into pieces. Put the liver, onions and carrots in a saucepan, bring to a boil and add the potatoes. After 10 minutes, put the zucchini and cabbage into the pan and cook for another 7 minutes. Remove from heat, cool slightly and grind with a blender. In the finished soup, add butter and, if desired, dill.
  2. Soup with rice and cauliflower. Ingredients: pinch of rice, cauliflower, carrots, vegetable broth, 5g cream (or milk/mixture). Preparation: Cook the rice and vegetables separately until tender. While hot, wipe them through a sieve, dilute with vegetable broth and boil. Before turning off, add cream, regular or mother's milk, or formula.
  3. Pumpkin soup. Ingredients: 150 g pumpkin, half a carrot, 1 potato, olive oil. Peel vegetables, cut potatoes and pumpkin into small cubes, grate carrots. Send all the ingredients to boiling water and cook until tender. Grind them with a blender, adding the broth to the desired consistency, and add the oil before serving.

Porridge for a child of 9 months: recipes

Porridge should be present in the diet of every child as a breakfast. At 9 months, rice, corn, buckwheat, wheat, oat and barley porridge are allowed. It is advisable to cook them in water without sugar until tender, and just before turning off, add a little milk or a mixture, as well as butter. To diversify the taste of porridge, add fruit puree or pieces of fruit to it if the baby has enough teeth.

Before you learn how to cook semolina for a nine-month-old baby, consider whether you need it. Semolina contains a lot of gluten and phytin, a substance that prevents the absorption of calcium in the body. Currently, pediatricians do not recommend introducing it into the diet of children under one year old.

But oatmeal for a 9-month-old baby will be healthy and tasty if you add additional ingredients to it:

  1. Oatmeal with fruits. Ingredients: oatmeal - ¼ cup, milk / mixture / water - half a glass, butter, fruits to taste (banana, apple, plum). Preparation: Add oatmeal to boiling milk/water mixture and simmer until tender (7-10 minutes). Remove the porridge from the heat and leave covered. Mash a banana or plum, grate an apple on a fine grater and add the fruit to the porridge. If necessary, add butter and more milk for a thinner consistency.
  2. Rice porridge with pumpkin. Ingredients: 150 g pumpkin, 50 g rice, milk, water, butter. Preparation: Peel the pumpkin and cut it into cubes. Boil in water for 15 minutes, then add milk and rice. Boil for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Put oil into the prepared porridge.
  3. Wheat porridge with carrots. Ingredients: ½ cup wheat groats, water, milk, half a carrot, butter. Preparation: peel the carrots, cut them into pieces and simmer in a small amount of water until half cooked. Add more water and milk (1 cm above the ingredients), butter, cereals and cook the porridge for 15 minutes.

Your baby has become quite large, he already needs both meat and fish. The menu of a child at 9 months includes not only cereals, but also many other products. Right now there is a transition from breastfeeding, nipples and bottles to adult food. He can already tolerate about 8 hours without food, and if you have not accustomed him to an uninterrupted night's sleep, it's time to do it. It is not necessary to completely tear off the baby from the breast - such a valuable product as mother's milk should also be present in his diet.

Adults are not supposed to feed at night

If mom still woke up at night to feed a hungry baby, now is the time to teach him to sleep in the dark and eat only in the morning. To get started, ask the pediatrician if the child has gained the right weight for his age. The boy should weigh about 10 kg, the girl - about 9 kg. If everything is within the normal range, do not feed the baby at night. When the baby whimpers, give him some water - perhaps he is just thirsty.

To assess how much the weight of the child is above or below the norm, the table will help.

Weight EstimationBoy (kg)Girl (kg)
Very low6,4 5,8
Short7,1 6,5
Below the average8,0 7,3
Average8,9 8,2
Above average9,9 9,3
High11,0 10,5
Very tall12,3 12,0

Caress and shake the baby a little. It is better if dad does it: he does not smell of delicious breast milk, the baby will understand that there is no food nearby. Healthy children with good weight and appetite can easily tolerate such a change. After about a week, you will forget what night whims are.

You should not start weaning from night feedings if the baby does not feel well, is naughty, he is teething. In this way, you will only fray the nerves of him and the whole family. Wait until the baby recovers and is in a good mood. If the whims do not go away and the weight is gaining poorly, consult a pediatrician about the reasons.

Diet while breastfeeding

Mom's milk is the healthiest and most nutritious food for a baby, but by 9 months of age, it's time to switch to a different diet. If the baby is breastfeeding, do not deprive him of this opportunity, but leave only 2 feedings: in the morning and in the evening. If it’s very pleasant to suck on your mother’s “sissy” baby, let him enjoy a treat in the daytime after eating, but the main diet should already correspond to his age.

At 6 am, the baby wakes up and asks for food. If your mammary glands are still producing the right amount of food, about 200 g, let him suckle at the breast. If there is not enough milk, supplement the amount with a special mixture. Some pediatricians recommend breastfeeding first and then complementary foods. Much depends on the preferences and diligence of the baby. If he enjoys breastfeeding at any time and in any situation, but does not really like to bottle eat, it is better to feed him with formula first. There are babies who drink baby food with pleasure, because it easily goes through a hole in the nipple, and they are too lazy to suck their mother's milk. In this case, let them eat milk first.

During the day, the child eats whole foods. After he has had a good meal, you can give him mom's milk to enjoy, but this should not be the main meal, but a treat for dessert. In the evening, around 22:00, it is time for dinner and going to bed. You can give your baby breast or formula milk.

Remember to weigh your baby before and after feeding to determine how much he has eaten. If the dinner mass is less than 200 g, do not be surprised that the child wakes up in the middle of the night and demands food - he is really hungry.

This regimen will allow the child to receive both breast milk and a variety of complementary foods. Try not to let your baby give up on mother's breasts. In the morning, he will definitely eat without problems, a hungry body will require any food. In the evening, a tired baby may be too lazy to suck on the breast. Make a milk supper at 18 o'clock, while the little one is not too tired yet.

What can a 9 month old baby eat?

At 9 months, the child needs to be accustomed to a varied menu. You need to choose a set of products for the day for him so that they contain the whole complex of necessary substances, but do not cook the same thing every day. If today for lunch you offered him milk soup for the first, and fish for the second, then tomorrow you can cook soup with meatballs, and cook vegetables or porridge for the second dish.

A child at 9 months old can eat almost all foods that an adult can, only the way they are prepared differs. If you can afford fried meat, smoked fish, pickles and marinades, then the baby can cook steam cutlets, mashed potatoes, stewed vegetables. Don't forget about vitamins. Every day the baby should eat fresh fruits and berries. Formula-fed babies are already accustomed to a variety of complementary foods, and babies need to be taught to eat unfamiliar foods.

Do not buy ready-made baby food purees in stores, they are full of preservatives. It is better to boil some meat and vegetables yourself, grind them in a blender and give them to your child.

Children must be given vegetable and animal fats. Olive, sesame and flaxseed oils are good for dressing salads or vegetable stews. Butter can be added to cereals and milk soups. Dr. Komarovsky believes that cow's milk protein is poorly absorbed by the child's body. If you give babies too much cottage cheese and dairy products, there is a serious burden on the kidneys. A small amount once a day will not hurt, but it is better to refrain from excessive use. Pure cow's milk is also poorly digested. Use it to prepare cereals and milk soups, diluted with water, and you do not need to drink it in its pure form.

There are products that the baby is categorically contraindicated. Do not accustom him to sweets - sweets, cakes with rich cream, halva, even after a year, are allowed only in very limited quantities, and now such delicacies are not needed at all. Porridge and tea can be sweetened with honey, fruits and berries can be given for dessert. Do not give the baby coffee, chocolate, strong tea and other foods and drinks that excite the nervous system.

At 9 months, the baby's daily diet should include:

  • fruit juices - 100 g;
  • fruit purees - 100g;
  • vegetable purees - 200 g;
  • eggs - 0.5 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • porridge - 200 g;
  • meat - 70g;
  • fish - 60 g;
  • fermented milk products - 400 g;
  • wheat bread - 400 g;
  • cookies, crackers - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 5 g;
  • butter - 5;
  • milk for cooking - 200 g.

How to cook food properly?

A nine-month-old baby already has enough teeth to be able to chew food that is not very hard. If you continue to feed him exclusively pureed foods, at the age of one, he may refuse meatballs and bread, and require only mashed food. It's time to stop scrolling through all the products in the blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. Place vegetable stew and a piece of steamed fish on a plate. Tell the baby what food he will eat now. Take some fish and vegetables on a spoon, give it to your baby. Do not be alarmed if the baby is sick from a large piece, he is simply not used to such food. After a while, everything will be fine.

To begin with, do not give your child foods that require difficult chewing, such as pieces of boiled meat. Give a crust of bread, baby biscuits, a piece of soft fruit. The baby will begin to work with his teeth and will soon learn to chew food. Remember that teeth and gums also need physical exercise, and chewing hard foods can be considered a kind of gymnastics for all organs in the oral cavity.

Food for the baby should be only freshly prepared. If he didn’t eat something at lunch, you can’t reheat this dish for dinner, cook something else. Do not purchase food in canteens and cookeries. You don't know how conscientious employees work there. The most common semolina from a catering establishment can cause serious poisoning.

How to distribute food across all feedings?

In the morning, a hungry baby wakes up and asks for food. If he is breastfeeding, mother's milk will be the best breakfast. If milk is not produced enough, supplement with mixtures or kefir. Further, an approximate menu can be compiled independently, the main thing is that all the necessary components are present in it every day: animal proteins, vegetables, fats, dairy products.

  • By 10 o'clock it is time for the second breakfast. Now you can offer the baby milk porridge. Any mother is interested in which cereals will bring the maximum benefit. Buckwheat is considered the most useful, it can be cooked every other day. On other days, offer rice, oatmeal, or corn gruel.
  • At 14 o'clock it is time for the child to have lunch. For this feeding, you can cook 2 main dishes, such as vegetable soup and a steam cutlet. Do not forget to give the baby a crust of bread in his hand, let him learn to bite his main dishes. For dessert, offer juice or compote.
  • At 18 o'clock it is not necessary to overload the stomach with heavy food. Give your baby a meal of vegetables, fruits or cottage cheese. You can offer him a piece of bread or a cookie.
  • At 10 p.m. before going to bed, let her suck on her mother's breast or formula from a bottle.

Delicious recipes for little ones

Babies should not be given heavy fried foods, but their menu can be made more diverse if you apply desire and imagination. Any person will get tired of the same porridge, but if you add flour or vegetable puree to it from time to time, the taste will be completely different. It is better not to add salt and sugar to food yet, let the baby get used to the natural taste of the products.

Vegetable dishes also do not have to be grinded to complete homogeneity. Boil or stew cauliflower and carrots, chop them finely or crush them with a fork. It will be even more interesting for a baby to eat multi-colored pieces than a homogeneous brown mass. Tell him about how a red carrot is friends with a white cabbage, how boring it will be for vegetables on a plate if they are not sent to the tummy of the whole company. The baby will not understand much of your story, but it will become more willing to eat.

For kids, you can cook a lot of interesting and varied dishes. Try to cook new dishes using interesting food combinations.

  • Stew the carrots, chop and mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina. Add 0.5 teaspoon of butter to a plate.
  • Grind boiled meat or fish in a meat grinder, add a little white bread soaked in milk, roll into balls and boil.
  • Boil and chop various vegetables, add boiled egg yolk and a little vegetable oil.
  • Take 2 tbsp. spoons of green peas, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of boiled rice, crush everything. Next, you need to add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water or broth, bring to a boil, add a teaspoon of butter.

If the child does not eat well, there is no need to guess what to feed the baby so that he eats well. Blind him a snowman, duck or other figurine from mashed potatoes or porridge. Appetite will improve immediately.

Don't be afraid to introduce new foods to your 9-month-old baby's diet. Each of them contains a unique unique set of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. If the baby's diet is varied, he will receive all the necessary components. When the baby categorically refuses fish, eggs or other foods, do not insist, but gradually, quietly introduce this product into other dishes. After a while, the child will get used to this taste and will already forget how he flatly refused such a dish. Do not forget that the best seasoning for any meal is a smile and your good mood. Praise your baby, say how big and strong he will soon become, and there will be no problems with appetite.

Hello dear readers!

Do you know what should be the diet of a child at 9 months? How to properly feed a baby, how to make a competent menu for breastfeeding and artificial feeding? Let's figure it out.

A baby at 9 months is already eating new foods with might and main. So, not only meat, but also dairy products appear in his diet. Of course, the new should be introduced very carefully and in small quantities. How should the table of a 9-month-old baby look like?

Baby table at 9 months: general rules

At this age, breast milk or formula usually makes up about a quarter to a third of a baby's daily diet. Very soon, the baby will learn to eat almost all the "adult" food. The total amount of food taken is about 1200 ml per day, plus water and juices to drink.

One of the important components of the crumbs menu is vegetable puree. Now it is prepared from a variety of vegetables - pumpkins, beets, carrots, cauliflower and white cabbage, zucchini, green peas. You can already add a little carefully chopped parsley and dill (leaves), and by the end of the month - a green onion. Some vegetables may not be to your liking. You should not force the crumbs to eat them, but offer these products at least once every two weeks.

The basis of nutrition is still grated food. But it is already possible to offer the crumbs small pieces of fruit, boiled vegetables, crackers. Even though the baby does not yet have enough teeth, he can handle such food with his tongue and gums. Of course, the transition to pieces should also be gradual. First, try to knead the food with a fork, then, as the crumbs get used to it, gradually coarsen the consistency of the food, chopping it finely.

An important place in the baby's nutrition is occupied by milk porridge - rice, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal. Some experts recommend offering crumbs already both barley and pearl barley. So far, it is not advised to give millet and corn grits.

When cooking cereals for porridge, it is necessary to boil it in water, and then add warmed milk to it. All together again bring to a boil. After removing from the heat, rub the porridge through a sieve, put butter in it.

From the age of nine months, you can enrich the diet of crumbs with boiled fish dishes. Of course, a new dish is introduced very carefully, and is offered no more than once a week.

The meat, as before, is passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times.

The baby at 9 months already eats, sitting on a high chair. It is worth drinking from a cup, and feeding with a spoon. At dinner, offer him a piece of bread in his hand, let him try to bite off a little himself. By the way, if the gums itch due to the growth of teeth, such biting will give him great pleasure.

Some pediatricians say that it is better not to offer the baby cottage cheese until the age of one. But most often it is at the age of 9 months that it is recommended to introduce the baby to this protein product.

Kefir is also advised to introduce crumbs into the diet no earlier than 9 months of age. The general procedure for introducing complementary foods for babies is as follows: for breastfed babies - first vegetable puree, then meat, cereals, followed by cottage cheese, kefir, etc., for children on mixtures - vegetable puree, then cereals, meat, cottage cheese.

If the baby already has front teeth, along with kefir, you can offer him a piece of special children's cookies. Under the action of saliva, it quickly dissolves, and the baby does not choke. But still, you should not risk and leave the child to eat alone!

Baby menu - examples

So, when fermented milk products have already been introduced, the diet of the little one may look like this:

6.00 - breast milk or mixture (about 200 ml)
10.00 - porridge (150 ml), half an egg yolk, breast milk or mixture (about 50 ml)
14.00 - vegetable broth (25-30 ml), vegetable puree (about 150 ml), meat puree (40 g), breast milk
18.00 - kefir (about 170 ml), cottage cheese (about 20-30 g)
22.00 - breast milk or mixture (200 ml)

If the baby is already familiar with fruit purees and juices, you can also add them to the menu.

At the request of the crumbs, after any meal, he can be given breast milk.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends the following approximate diet:
06:00 – 07:00 - Breast milk/adapted formula***
10:00 – 11:00 - Children's low-fat kefir 150ml + cottage cheese 30mg
14:00 – 15:00 - Vegetable soup or vegetable puree up to 200ml*
18:00 – 19:00 - Breast milk/adapted formula***
22:00 – 23:00 - Milk and cereal porridge up to 200ml**
*Vegetable soups and purees are varied - both in terms of vegetable composition and type of meat - but not very fatty. You can mashed potatoes with milk and mashed meat. We also give egg yolk, and for food.
**Milk-cereal porridges are varied, with pieces of fruit.
*** It is recommended to breastfeed a child up to a year old at least once a day. Mixtures can be given up to one and a half to two years 1 time per day.

A detailed diet for a 9-month-old baby is presented in the table. It is designed for healthy breastfed and formula-fed babies.

6.00 Breast milk (mixture). An artificial man can be offered children's yogurtup to 200 g
10.00 Milk porridge with butter

Fruit puree

180 g + 5 g (slightly less than a teaspoon)
14.00 Vegetable puree with vegetable oilMeat mousse or meatballs

Fish puree or fish meatballs

Fruit juice (it is allowed to give it to the crumbs between feedings) or compote

180 g + 5 g (about a teaspoon)

Piece weighing 5 g

18.00 Cottage cheese for children

Fruit juice (puree)

Children's cookies (biscuit or drying)

Breast milk, formula or baby kefir

50 g
22.00 Breast milk, formula. Children's kefir can be offered to both babies and artificial babies200 g

Bon appetit to your baby!

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Of course, most of the diet is occupied by vegetables: carrots, cabbage, potatoes, beets, zucchini, pumpkin and many others. They are still given as a puree. Although the child already has teeth, he still needs pureed food. Every day, the little one is supposed to eat about 200 grams of vegetables and cereals, which still form the basis of his diet. If the child does not have cow's milk, then at 9 months the porridge is boiled on it. Before use, a piece of butter is added to it, which is an indispensable component of the baby's nutrition. Only 5 grams per day supply the small body with the elements it needs. The child is supposed to eat the same amount of vegetable oil, they are flavored with vegetable purees.

Dairy products must be included in complementary foods from 9 months. Cottage cheese and sour-milk drinks are good for the stomach, the formation of teeth and bones, because they contain calcium. Meat puree, according to the estimates of children's nutritionists, is introduced into complementary foods at this age in the amount of 50-60 grams, i.e. 10-12 teaspoons per day. Bread for kids is offered in the form of crackers, pieces of white bread soaked in mashed potatoes or porridge, or cookies.
The nuances of complementary foods from 9 months

The timing of the introduction of certain foods into complementary foods is influenced by many factors, in particular, the method of feeding. Babies who are on are taught to complementary foods much earlier. They are more in need of additional nutrition than babies who are breastfed.

The fish menu, which for up to a year consists of fish puree and minced fish products, can be included when it comes to artificial babies. In this case, you should not be allergic. At the same time, babies who are breastfed by their mothers are most often introduced into the diet at the age of 10-12 months.

The situation is the same with chicken yolk, it can be included in the child's diet at 9 months if the baby is on, and the mother is convinced that her child needs additional protein nutrition. In the first month, the baby is given a quarter of the yolk, then, up to a year, half.

Complementary foods from 9 months have great potential to diversify the child's table. From fresh and healthy products, you can come up with a large number of all kinds of dishes.

Baby food at 9 months does not change significantly. The volume of some dishes (vegetable puree,) increases and remains at this level for up to a year. In the diet of the baby, the required amount of breast milk (milk formula) is reduced. There is a gradual transition from liquid and pureed food to coarser, mint and lumpy. This is what distinguishes complementary foods at 9 months.

During lunch, the baby is already given a piece of white bread (up to 10 g). Together with juice or kefir, crumbs are given crackers or cookies.

The crumbs have a desire to take food with their fingers. Teach him to put food in his mouth (not to smear or scatter it). And, of course, encourage your baby to hold a spoon on his own. To reduce the amount of food spilled, guide the spoon yourself.

Give him also small pieces of boiled carrots or soft fruits. It will be convenient for them to “scratch” the gums during teething.
Vegetable and meat-vegetable puree: instead of vegetable puree, you can already cook meatballs. Just don't grind them up when you give them to your baby. Let him bite off the pieces and chew. This is important for the proper development of the teeth and jaws, as well as the masticatory muscles.

If the baby does not have allergies, once a week you can prepare mashed river fish for him, in which there are no small bones (for example, pike perch). You can also give hake, cod, sea bass.

Cottage cheese and sour-milk dishes: you can replace the first morning feeding with kefir. Offer your baby biokefir or liquid industrial production with various fruit additives. Their shelf life should not exceed 7 days.

Fruit and berry dishes: Small pieces of fruit are allowed here.

Sample menu for a child at 9 months of age:
6 hours: gr. milk, kefir or milk mixture 200-210 ml.
10 hours: Semolina porridge 150-180 g, Fruit puree 40-50 g, Juice 20-30 ml.
14 hours: Vegetable puree 160 g, Vegetable oil 5 g (about 1 tsp), Yolk ½ pc., Meat puree 30-40 g, juice 40 ml, Wheat bread 5 g

18 hours: Fruit and vegetable puree 50 g, Kefir (or yogurt) 100-120 g, Cookies 5 g

22 hours: gr. milk or milk mixture 180-200 g.

A child from 9 months in the form of complementary foods can already be given a meatball, and at 10-11 months - a steam cutlet, sometimes replacing it with fish. The most suitable varieties of fish are cod, sea bass, silver hake, pike perch, pollock. You can use the fillets of these fish. A fish dish in the form of meatballs, steam cutlets is given 1-2 times a week.

A nine-month-old baby eats 4-5 times a day, and the breaks between feedings range from 3 to 4.5 hours, depending on the individual needs of the child. The baby's diet becomes varied, his lunch consists of three dishes: meat, vegetables and fruit salad. Fish appears in his diet.

When introducing fish into complementary foods, be careful, because this product is considered highly allergenic. The following varieties are preferred: cod, flounder, pike perch, hake, pollock.

Your little one will be happy to feed himself using a spoon, although of course, little will go directly into the baby's mouth. However, do not interfere with such training of the child, very soon he will begin to use the spoon better and better.

There are already obvious preferences in food. However, there is still a trend from the previous month, where the baby can eat everything in a row, and then suddenly begin to refuse any other food except breast milk.

To develop the skill of chewing, offer food that is no longer pureed, but chopped, containing small pieces. In addition, thanks to well-developed fingers, with which the baby already knows how to grab objects, you can offer him solid food in the form of pieces of soft fruits (banana, peach) and vegetables (tomato, peeled cucumber).

Try to give the crumbs different types of food in texture from liquid to dry and solid: drying, fruits, vegetables, cereals, pieces of meat, liquid soup and puree soup. Let the baby explore food by touch on his own, and you will be surprised how your smart little one will perfectly figure out what to drink, what to eat with a spoon, and what food is better to take with a pen.

Introduce new products into the baby's diet gradually, observing all the rules of complementary foods and continuing to keep the child's food diary. Remember that while solid food is not the main source of nutrients, the baby receives everything necessary for growth and development from breast milk or an adapted formula. Now your goal is just to introduce the child to the food that adults eat, and when your milk or formula is no longer enough for the little one, he himself will begin to eat adult food in quantities that can satisfy his hunger.

If you have not yet paid attention to the table setting at which your baby sits, then nine months is the time to start - the baby's table should look beautiful.

Features of the nutrition of a child at 9 months

For a child, complementary foods at 9 months are very important not only for nutritional reasons, but also for its development, learning new tastes and sensations. At this age, the crumbs can already be offered for lunch a small piece of white bread. And together with kefir or juice, he can chew a cracker or a cookie.

From meat dishes
You can try making meatballs. And you don't have to grind them. Let the child bite and chew them.

At least once a week, the baby can be given mashed potatoes made from fish fillets (perch, hake, sea bass, cod). However, you should be especially careful not to miss a single small bone.

The mixture can already be replaced with kefir or liquid yogurt with pieces of fruit. When buying such fermented milk products for complementary foods, pay attention to the expiration date and remember that they can be stored for no more than seven days. Otherwise, there can be no talk of any beneficial bacteria.

Fish for children under one year old, and in principle at any age, is a valuable and healthy food product. Along with meat, it acts as a source of complete animal protein, which includes amino acids that are not produced in our body. But these substances are very important, especially for a growing man, because they are involved in the construction of new tissues and cells, the synthesis of antibodies, and also protect your child from viruses and microorganisms, hormones and enzymes. Moreover, the "sea" protein is faster absorbed and easier to digest than the "meat". And for the first time, like meat, fish is introduced to a child of 8 months. But its main differences from the “colleague” are its low calorie content and delicate structure: it lacks refractory fats and connective tissue (films, coarse fibers), which are very difficult for the fragile enzyme system of the baby to cope with.

What kind of fish to give the child?

To answer this question, we first understand what it is. There are three categories based on fat content. The first includes “skinny” species (no more than 4% fat) - silver hake, haddock, pollock, river perch, pike perch, pollock, navaga. The second category is “moderately fat” (4-8% fat): sea bass, herring, bream, catfish, carp, catfish. Finally, “fat” (more than 8% fat) are stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, pink salmon, chum salmon, halibut, saury, mackerel, fatty herring. Thus, a fish for an 8-month-old child is shown to be skinny or, in extreme cases, moderately fatty. And when your child grows up, you can move on to the third category.

If you doubt that fish is important and necessary for children under one year old, remember that the above-mentioned polyunsaturated fatty acids that it contains not only participate in the regulation of metabolism (calcium, potassium, zinc, sodium are responsible for this, in particular). and magnesium). They have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the baby. Stimulate the intellect and improve brain activity. This marine food is especially important for bottle-fed babies. And, of course, all the crumbs really need vitamins A and D, E and B2, B12 and PP, as well as phosphorus, fluorine and other trace elements. By the way, fluorine takes part in the formation of tooth enamel. Phosphorus - in the development of the bone system and brain. Iron (although there is much more of it in meat) is needed to prevent anemia. And the inhabitants of the deep sea are unique sources of iodine (it is needed for the formation of thyroid hormones) and bromine.

When choosing which fish to give to a child, it is important to consider the very form of its preparation. The fact is that it contains extractive substances - creatine, carnosine, purine bases, etc. During the cooking process, they turn into a decoction, giving the broth a specific taste and stimulating gastric secretion. Therefore, they are included in the diet of children with reduced appetite. But such stimulation can also lead to excessive strain on the digestive glands. Therefore, such broths can be introduced only after three years. This rule is also true for other seafood, including caviar.

The nutrition of a child in the 10th month of life should be balanced and healthy. At this age, the baby, regardless of the type of feeding, already eats dairy products, fish, fruits, meat and vegetables. What else can a baby eat and how to make a menu for a week?

Food and diet for a 9 month old baby

At nine months, the child eats almost all the products from the adult table. The baby menu is varied and nutritious. At the tenth month of life, the baby is still content with mother's milk or an adapted milk formula in the morning and evening. About what products are already on the baby’s menu and which ones need to be introduced into complementary foods, further.

  • Vegetables. Now the baby is already eating zucchini, potatoes, onions, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkins and green peas. At the tenth month of life, a child can be offered beets, unless, of course, he has problems with stool. After all, beets have a pronounced laxative effect. In addition, broccoli can be included in the baby's menu. This is a very useful product, which has in its composition a lot of useful substances that are vital for a growing organism. Just do not cook soups based on this vegetable. When cooking broccoli, toxic components are released into the broth. Beets and broccoli can be served as a puree, as well as added to soups and meat dishes. On the day the baby should eat 200 g of vegetables.
  • Meat. During this period, the child already eats turkey, rabbit and veal meat. If these types of meat are well tolerated by the baby, then at nine months you need to introduce him to chicken, beef, pork and horse meat. Meat is served in the form of a soufflé, added to vegetable purees, soups, broths are cooked on its basis. On the day the child should eat from 60 to 70 grams of meat.
  • Fruits and dried fruits. Of the fruits allowed: plum, green apple, pear, peach, apricot, dried fruit, banana, black currant, yellow. If the baby does not have allergies, then at this age he can be introduced to gooseberries, red currants. Fruit should be served in the form of puree, added to yogurt, cottage cheese. On the day, the baby should eat from 90 to 100 g of fruit puree.
  • Kashi. At the tenth month of life, in addition to the already familiar rice, corn, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, the baby is introduced to semolina and pearl barley. The basis for cooking cereals is water, mother's milk or milk mixture. The cereals are boiled, then crushed with a blender. Porridges are served with fruits, boiled egg yolk and vegetables. The optimal norm for this age is 200 g.
  • Beverages. At the moment, the child consumes purified or boiled water, juices made from vegetables and fruits (half diluted with water). In addition, the baby is offered decoctions based on raisins, jelly, as well as compote cooked from dried fruits (without added sugar). It is not necessary to give a cow or at the tenth month of life to a child, since these products are difficult to digest by the child's body.

  • Greenery. Greens are a real storehouse of useful elements and vitamins. A nine-month-old baby can be introduced first to dill and parsley. In its raw form, this greenery is not yet consumed, but is introduced in the preparation of the dish in crushed form. The daily norm is 5 g.
  • A fish. If the child is still fed with mother's milk, then the fish is introduced only now - at nine months. An artificial child starts eating this product one month earlier. Acquaintance should occur with dietary varieties of sea fish - hake, pollock, haddock, flounder. If there is no allergy, then cod, pike perch and salmon can be served to the children's table. The fish is added to vegetable puree, soups, served as a soufflé and puree. A child should eat no more than 40 g of fish per day. It is recommended to consume the dish twice a week.
  • Dairy products. At nine months, the child already enjoys cottage cheese (the norm is 50 g) and natural yogurt or kefir (200 ml). To diversify and improve the taste, fruits and dried fruits are added to them.

What else can you give a baby at 9 months?

At the tenth month of life, crumbs can be added to dishes:

  • vegetable oil (5 ml);
  • butter (2.5 g);
  • crackers or cookies (15 g);
  • yolk (half a week);
  • bread (10 g).

Daily diet for breastfeeding and artificial feeding

It is worth noting that the diet of babies who eat mother's milk and those who eat formula is no different. Here's what a nine-month-old baby's daily diet should look like.

Sample menu for each day of the week

You can cook a variety of dishes for the crumbs. Here is a sample daily menu for one week, with the first (breakfast number 1) and the last feeding of the baby (dinner) - breast milk or infant formula.

Day of the weekmealWhat can be offered to the baby
MondayBreakfast number 2Semolina porridge with dried fruits (150 g), cottage cheese with peach pulp (50 g), pear puree (50 g).
DinnerCabbage-pumpkin puree (180 g), turkey meat mousse (70 g), 1/2 yolk, compote (150 ml), bread.
afternoon teaHomemade yogurt (100 g), buckwheat porridge (50 g), green apple puree (50 g), baby biscuits (5 g).
TuesdayBreakfast number 2Buckwheat porridge with pumpkin (100 g), plum puree (50 g), children's cottage cheese (50 g).
DinnerPotato soup with meatballs with onions, cabbage, carrots, herbs (200 g), pear and peach puree (50 g), bread.
afternoon teaBaby kefir (100 ml), oatmeal (100 g), green apple baked in the oven.
WednesdayBreakfast number 2Rice pudding (100 g), jelly (50 g), curd soufflé (50 g).
DinnerPumpkin soup (200 g), fish cakes (50 g), fruit juice (50 g), bread (5 g).
afternoon teaHomemade yogurt (100 ml), corn porridge with pear and apple (100 g) cracker.
ThursdayBreakfast number 2Oatmeal with berries (100 g), children's cottage cheese (50 g), chopped prunes.
DinnerVegetable puree from broccoli and rabbit meat (200 g), peach puree (50 g), fruit juice (80 g), bread (5 g).
afternoon teaKefir for children, rice porridge (100 g), children's cookies (5 g).
FridayBreakfast number 2Corn porridge with pear (100 g), children's cottage cheese (50 g), pear puree (50 g).
DinnerChicken soup (200 g), pear puree (50 g), berry juice (70 g), bread (5 g).
afternoon teaHomemade yogurt (150 g), baby biscuits (5 g), barley porridge (100 g).
SaturdayBreakfast number 2Buckwheat porridge with peach (100 g), cottage cheese for children (50 g), fruit juice.
DinnerPuree from zucchini, carrots, turkey meat (200 g), baked apple with berries, bread (5 g).
afternoon teaKefir (150 ml), cracker, oatmeal porridge (100 g), applesauce (50 g).
SundayBreakfast number 2Barley porridge with pumpkin (100 g), cottage cheese with plums (50 g), fruit jelly.
DinnerVegetable soup with beets (180 g), fish puree (50 g), peach and pear fruit puree (50 g), compote (100 g).
afternoon teaYogurt with pear puree (150 g), baby cookies, buckwheat porridge (100 g).

How to create your own menu

Vegetable, sour-milk, fruit, cereal, fish and meat dishes are necessarily included in the diet of crumbs every day. Such a menu will strengthen the child's immunity, saturating the body with vital substances. It is better to make a menu for the baby in advance. This will save a lot of time for an already busy mom. Here are some more helpful tips.

  1. Breakfast should be nutritious. Porridge and cottage cheese will give the baby maximum energy and strength. However, if these products are not in the refrigerator, it does not matter. In the morning, you can offer your child meat, vegetable puree, fish dishes. After them, it is good to serve fruit puree and a delicious drink - compote, jelly or juice prepared on a fruit and berry basis.
  2. For lunch, serve meat (fish) and vegetables. After that, the baby may want to eat sweets. Do not deny him this pleasure. Serve fruit dishes.
  3. For an afternoon snack, offer cottage cheese with fruits, dried fruits or berries. Be sure to feed the baby with kefir or natural yogurt at this time. As an addition, cookies or crackers are perfect.
  4. Products included in the daily diet should not be repeated.

Video about feeding a baby at 9 months

Read also articles on nutrition and development:

How to feed a baby at nine months - cooking recipes

Here are the easiest recipes for nine-month-old babies.

Corn porridge with pear

  • 1 st. l. corn grits;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • pear.

Boil the porridge until tender (a quarter of an hour after boiling over low heat). Rinse and peel the pear, rub it on a grater. Add to cooked porridge.

Buckwheat porridge with pumpkin

  • buckwheat - 50 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • pumpkin - 50 g.

Boil buckwheat until tender - 10-12 minutes after boiling. Peel and boil the pumpkin (20 minutes), grate, add to the porridge. Fill the dish with oil. Grind in a blender if necessary.

Baked apple with berries

  • green apple;
  • currants, a few cherries.

Make a hole in the middle of the apple, add blackcurrant and cherry. Put the apple on a baking sheet covered with foil and place it in the oven for 20 minutes (temperature 150-160 degrees).

Rice pudding

  • 2 tbsp. l. rice
  • 300 ml of water;
  • egg;
  • one green apple;
  • butter.

Boil rice until cooked (porridge should be thick). Separate the protein from the yolk. Beat the first one into a thick foam. Grind the apple on a grater (without peel). Mix rice with yolk and apple. Gently fold in the protein. Pour the mixture into a mold and place in the oven. Cook 20 minutes.

Vegetable soup with beets

  • cauliflower - 2 small inflorescences;
  • one potato;
  • a quarter of a carrot and the same amount of onion;
  • beets - 30 g.

Boil cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, beets and onions. Grind the vegetables with a grater, add the broth, season the soup with vegetable oil.

Chicken soup

  • chicken fillet - 70 g;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • carrots - 30 g;
  • onion - a quarter of the head;
  • potatoes - 50 g.

Cut the fillet into pieces and throw in boiled water for 10 minutes. There also add a little parsley, carrots and onions. After the specified time, enter the potatoes cut into pieces. After the vegetables and meat are cooked, they need to be chopped and mixed with the broth.

Curd soufflé

  • 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • 2 tsp decoys;
  • peeled apple.

Mix all ingredients in a blender. You need to cook the soufflé in the oven (15 minutes) or steam (30 minutes).

fish cakes

  • hake or pollock fillet - 70 g;
  • onion - a quarter of the head;
  • a quarter of a carrot;
  • oatmeal (cereals) - 1 tbsp. l.

Grind fish, onions and carrots in a blender, add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, mix. Shape into patties and steam for 20 minutes.

pumpkin soup

  • pumpkin - 40-50 g;
  • onion - a quarter of the head;
  • a quarter of a carrot;
  • one small potato;
  • dill sprig.

Boil peeled potatoes, pumpkin, onions, carrots in boiling water. Then grind everything. Add vegetable oil and finely chopped dill.

Rules for preparing baby food for an infant

  1. At this age, you can gradually wean the baby from grated food and introduce it to coarser food. After all, the crumbs already have enough teeth, and he is already quite capable of using them for their intended purpose.
  2. At first, instead of a blender, you can use a grater with small holes, then, if everything goes well and the baby does not protest, you can simply knead the food with a fork.
  3. It is possible that at first such food can cause a gag reflex in a child, but this should not be frightened - the baby will get used to it over time.
  4. In this case, the processing of products is also important. Food should be steamed, stewed or boiled.

Advantages and disadvantages of ready-made complementary foods and home-cooked foods

Many doctors recommend feeding babies with industrial food. This is due to the fact that such food does not contain chemicals, preservatives and dyes. There is no salt, sugar, spices in ready-made baby food. It is absolutely harmless. For a diet that includes meat, you can also be calm. The contents of the jars undergo strict quality control, it does not contain extraneous additives, harmful substances, hormones, antibiotics. Of course, if you are confident in the quality of meat or live in an ecologically clean area, grow your own vegetables and fruits, then this is without a doubt the best option for feeding a child.

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