Congratulations on the new year from the principal of the school. New Year's greetings to the school principal Happy New Year's greetings to the woman's school principal

All our good team
Happy new year congratulations!
And career prospects
We sincerely wish!

Let the work flow with song
Wages are on the rise!
In personal life, everything will grow together,
And it will go right!

May Santa Claus be on holiday
Will knock on the door
And a whole load of gifts
Give to everyone!

Another year of teamwork is behind us
And how many joint and new projects are ahead of us now!

I wish success to our team and rapid growth of salaries,
May each of you be rich in friends not only in money!

Let the New Year fulfill all desires and bring happiness to the bag
Let our boss be fair and generous and distribute bonuses to everyone!

Happy New Year to our valiant and close-knit team! May each of us receive in it everything that he desires, what he secretly dreamed about and saw in his best dreams! Let all the tasks set in the New Year be completed on time, with maximum profit and with a great mood!

Team - Happy New Year!
Before all honest people
You for a festive motive
Wrote a good poem!

We give to everyone without exception
This is a wonderful congratulations!
We wish you all success
Mood and laughter

And career achievements
And dreams of all accomplishments!
In the life of memorable events,
Great discoveries!

We did a good job in the old year,
We were not afraid of rapid take-offs,
And in the new, friends, deserved by right,
May our dreams and wishes come true!

Let's fill the glasses with sparkling
And I wish you all great victories.
Let joy with success rush to you quickly
And life will be sweeter than a ton of candy!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Thank you for your support and understanding, help in difficult situations. I wish you success in all your endeavors, good health, more sunny joyful days. May happiness, love and care surround you, and sorrows and problems bypass.

Happy New Year holiday
We are happy, the mood is good,
Around smiles, jokes, laughter,
Everyone hopes for success in the New Year.
School principal, congratulations to you,
We sincerely wish you infinite happiness,
May the New Year fulfill all desires,
May your life be filled with good luck.

Happy New Year, our school God,
For all of us, you just guarded,
We always live happily at school,
You give your heart and soul to us in full.
May all your dreams come true
Let fate smile on you
May the New Year bring you good luck
And infinite happiness in addition.

We appreciate the principal of the school, we respect,
We support him in everything and understand
On the New Year we send endless congratulations,
The most sincere and most cordial.
Let the snowflakes of goodness shower you
Let the green light always burn on the way,
Happy New Year to you,
Year of happiness, hope, love.

What is New Year?
This is a holiday of childhood
We naively believe in magic
And we're not getting anywhere from this.
We send greetings to our beloved director,
May our school prosper for many years,
May the New Year bring health to you,
May happiness and luck certainly offer you.

A wonderful New Year's holiday
He gives us a lot of pleasant troubles,
With hope we make wishes,
May they surely come true.

Let the holiday bring you mood
May it relieve you of worries,
May love and happiness bring you.

In the carnival, the New Year will swirl us,
He will bring us joy and hope,
Open doors wider
Invite the New Year to your home.
Congratulations to the principal of the school,
We sincerely wish you all the best,
May all your dreams come true on New Year's Eve
May everything turn out great in life.

The old year runs away along the snowy path,
He is a little jealous that a new one is coming to us,
Near the Christmas tree, a round dance is joyfully circling,
The long-awaited New Year holiday is coming.
Dear school principal, we congratulate you,
We wish you success and good luck in the coming year,
May you always be lucky in the new year,
All earthly blessings to you, well-being, warmth.

Our director is a strict but sensitive man,
And teaches us how to reach peaks, victories,
Only thanks to your work the school flourishes,
And this has been going on for many, many years.
Today we congratulate you on the New Year,
And we wish the glorious Grandfather Frost,
All your failures, all your troubles, sorrows,
He took the cold forever with him to his kingdom.

Our school principal is top notch
He always takes care of us like a father,
And in everything he helps us with the right advice,
And it is not set before us, absolutely at the same time.
Happy New Year to our leader,
Our thoughts and victories are the constant leader
We wish you well and all prosperity,
You will forever remain in our memories.

Dear director of our glorious school,
Today we will say to all of you in unison,
Happy New Year, we heartily congratulate you,
And we wish you all the best in your business.
So that the students are obedient and smart,
And that they would always go to school with pleasure,
So that awards are often issued for work,
Happy holiday director, thank you for your concern!

On the eve of the change of the old year to the new,
We have gathered here, and we are ready to congratulate you,
You are our director, strict but fair,
Wise, kind, smart, and also beautiful.
We wish you a great year ahead
So that God takes away sorrow, problems and trouble from you,
So that at work you are always appreciated and appreciated by everyone,
And so that the students, even after school, do not forget you.

The New Year is approaching
At school, a carnival holiday is planned,
May the coming year bring you good luck
And the mood is great to boot.
School principal, congratulations,
Let the holiday give you only admiration,
Let the conceived certainly come true,
May everything turn out great in your life.

January frosty powder,
Let it freeze any trouble
We sincerely wish you all the best,
In the coming new year.
May the year be generous for our director,
Let him not skimp on luck
Let the holiday come to you in time,
To make all wishes come true.

New Year's greetings: According to the Eastern calendar | In verse |

Congratulations to the school staff from the administration and teachers!

The year has gone. We won't be sad about him.
This year left a lot of experience.
We will not forget to take it to New.
We will live the new one without worries.
Without enmity, longing, misunderstanding
Our glorious team will live.
Our collective consciousness
It will only be positive.
"Thanks!" - let's say the outgoing year
And together with him we will point to the door
Discord, gossip, laziness and adversity,
After all, there is no place for them now in the coming.
I would also like, colleagues, to wish
You can easily work and grow!
Get good salaries
Men grow stronger, women flourish!

Congratulations for students

Friends, the new year 2016 is coming!
For most people, New Year's Eve is their favorite holiday. New Year is called magical, mysterious, amazing, unique, bewitching. People are waiting for another miracle, a bright fairy tale, a new happiness... Someone makes a wish and believes that it will certainly come true in the coming year! We are waiting for the chiming clock and it is breathtaking - here it is, here it is the long-awaited holiday, the New Year!

At this time, we are all trying to work part-time as wizards and sorcerers. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka receive children's letters and prepare gifts. And this means that the New Year will definitely come - and it will be no less cheerful and happy than all the previous ones.

And while there are still those cherished five minutes, stock up on New Year's greetings and wishes for people close and dear to you, for those with whom you are going to celebrate the coming year, and who are far from you. Stock up on good verses and do not spare words addressed to friends. And most importantly, believe - all your wishes will certainly come true!

Dear colleagues, students!
Dear parents and friends of our school!
The long-awaited and joyful holiday of childhood is coming - the meeting of the New Year. The smell of tangerines and spruce branches, the beauty of a frosty morning and softly falling fluffy snow fills us with a touching state of expectation of a miracle. And even the most severe hearts are filled with the expectation of a fairy tale.

The year 2018 is fading away, but the experience, achievements and victories that it brought remain with us.
On the eve of this wonderful holiday, I would like to sincerely express my deep gratitude. After all, we were together the whole past year, a bright, dynamic, complex year, full of events, meeting new people. Much of what was conceived has become a reality. Our achievements are based on purposefulness and diligence, responsibility and high professionalism of the entire school staff, students and their parents.
We have been working hard all year. And this work was crowned with excellent results!
The school is proud of its students, who achieve high success in studies, sports and creativity. 16 students became winners and prize-winners of municipal subject Olympiads, 150 children became winners of Olympiads of various levels; more than 50 students have achieved high results in sports, about 450 children are laureates of creative competitions. The school has scholarship holders of the Head of the municipality of the Orenburg region: Gubaidulin Danil (11th grade), Zainutdinova Alina (9a grade), Fayzullina Yulia (9a grade).
The past year was different for everyone, but it is coming to an end, and the fate of the new year is in the hands of each of us.
I sincerely thank you, dear colleagues, for your work, high professionalism, for your love for children, your profession and devotion to your native school.
Dear parents! Thank you for being our allies, because only together we can successfully solve the most daring and serious tasks, despite the difficulties that time sometimes brings us. Thank you very much for your trust, support and understanding of the importance of the family-school connection.
Dear Guys! I would like to wish that every year of your stay at the school was a year of interesting, fruitful work. I am convinced that you will make every effort to become educated and spiritually developed people. A person is truly rich only in his knowledge, spiritual values, internal culture, readiness for self-giving and self-development. We have every reason to believe in you. The future of our great country of Russia is in your hands.
Dear friends! May the upcoming New Year, which is on the threshold, bring you as many ambitious plans and decisions as possible for their implementation, give you joy and health, cheerfulness and optimism, fulfillment of desires and new significant goals!
Let every family have a small magical world where an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, mutual love, and hope reigns. It is in our power to make life bright and colorful, full of happiness, peace, and goodness. I want 2019 to bring peace and good luck to every family, and that our common school family achieve new high results, maintain an atmosphere of trust, goodwill and respect in relations with each other.
Happy New Year 2019!

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Dear students and pupils! Dear colleagues, employees, parents!

Dear friends! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Do you know why we celebrate the New Year in winter? White snow is a white sheet on which we write down our plans and dreams, hopes and expectations. I wish that all problems and sorrows remain in the draft of the old year, and in the coming year we would write a new interesting chapter of our lives.

May the coming New Year bring you joy and health, cheerfulness and optimism, fulfillment of desires and new significant goals! May you have seven good evenings every week, thirty or thirty-one wonderful mornings every month (in February 2016, so be it, twenty-nine). Well, if this is not enough, I wish you three hundred and sixty-six happy days in the coming year!
They say that miracles happen on New Year's Eve. But a more reliable way: make a wish and purposefully go to it all year. Then all the magic happens. Dear friends! May the New Year enter your homes with faith in goodness, with hope for peace and prosperity, may it bring happiness, give energy, optimism and good mood.