Various forms of work to educate patriotism in the children's association. Our beloved Motherland has it. Methods of patriotic education

Forms of work on patriotic education of preschoolers

"A person cannot live without a Motherland, just as one cannot live without a heart"

K. Paustovsky

Theme patriotism- is now a burning and important topic for our country, for the Russian people. The feeling of love for the Motherland is one of the strongest feelings, without it a person is flawed, does not feel his roots. And whether a person feels attachment to his native land or moves away from it, it already depends on the circumstances of life and education... Therefore, it is important that the child is already in preschool At age, he felt a personal responsibility for his native land and its future.

How to awaken in a child a feeling for the Motherland? Exactly "Awaken", because it is in every soul, and it must be nurtured, strengthened. You can't make you love your Fatherland. Love is necessary bring up... What does it mean to be patriot of his country?

V.P. Astafiev has wonderful the words: "If a person has no mother, no father, but has a homeland, he is not an orphan yet." V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote “Speaking about education citizenship and patriotism, we must first of all make sure that the little man becomes a Man with a capital letter, so that he can distinguish between bad and good ... "

At present, Western culture has rapidly burst into our lives - music, films, books, animation, toys - all of this has a great influence on a receptive child's psyche... It is alarming that under the massive influence of Western culture, the younger generation is growing and formed on values ​​alien to our originality Much of the life of our ancestors has already been lost. Modern cosmopolitanism gradually distorts feelings of patriotism, love for the Motherland in Russian society. In this regard, right now there is a need for education children have moral patriotic feelings, moral principles and culture of behavior already in the early preschool age.

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin pays special attention to education of patriots of our country: “We must build our future and the future of our children. And such a foundation is patriotism... This is respect for our homeland and traditions, spiritual and values ​​of our peoples. This is responsibility for your country and its future ”.

The moral and ethical climate in society as a whole largely depends on what children see, hear, and read. In a programme education and teaching in kindergarten noted that the moral patriotic education is considered as one of the most important aspects of the general development of the child. It is carried out in all types of children's activities and is aimed at upbringing from the first years of life, love for the family, hometown, home, land.

In our educational institution, for many years, teachers have been successfully implementing the tasks morally - patriotic education through an introduction to educational- educational process of new forms of work with children and parents. After all, parents are aware of the role of the parent education in the development of the moral qualities of the child's personality.

We, teachers, working and gaining experience in this important direction, we realize that the rudiments of moral qualities must shape in the child as early as possible. From the first years of life, awaken in him love for his native land, educate moral, spiritual, patriotic feelings... Exactly at preschool age is laying the foundation personality: a holistic perception of the surrounding world, emotional attitude towards people around, sympathy for their needs and experiences. Here such character traits begin to develop, which lay the foundation of moral and patriotic education: hard work, mercy, humanity.

The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is surprised at, what evokes a response in his soul. And although many impressions are not deeply understood by him, but passed through the childhood perception, they play a huge role in the development of personality patriot.

The sequence of this work in our group is represented in scheme: Family - Kindergarten - Rodnaya Street - Hometown - Country - Rights and Responsibilities. Under adult guidance, children gradually elements of patriotic feelings and social relations.

In senior preschool At the age of children, the foundations of citizenship are laid, an interest in the Motherland develops on an emotional and sensory level. We use such techniques patriotic education as ethical conversations about the city, home country, world; excursions, observation of human activities and social events; considering illustrations about the peculiarities of the nature of Russia and other countries; acquaintance with the elements of national culture; discussion and compilation of stories about the professions of parents, kindergarten staff, and other townspeople.

When meeting preschoolers with the history of your hometown, you have to tell a lot, therefore, when composing a story, we pay attention to such moments as the use of visual material (photographs, reproductions of paintings, schemes).

When composing a story, you need to include questions for children, necessary for active cognitive activity, to teach to reason.

When talking about historical events, we try not to use dates, since children preschoolers chronology is not available. But in order for the children to understand that the events took place a long time ago, we try to use such expressions: "It was a very, very long time ago" or "That was when your mums and dads were little" etc.

It should also be remembered that the language of the story should be simple and understandable for children. For this it is necessary to explain the meaning of unfamiliar words.

In the process of acquainting children with the sights of their hometown, we talk about various architectural structures, temples. In this case, it is enough to highlight something important that distinguishes this or that building from others.

Now our national memory is gradually returning to us, and we are beginning to relate in a new way to ancient holidays, traditions, folklore, arts and crafts, arts and crafts.

In its work we try to use various types of folklore (fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, etc., since in the oral folk art there are preserved special features of the Russian character, ideas of goodness, beauty, truth, courage, hard work.

To accompany the reading aloud of fairy tales, epics, stories, visual aids, reproductions of paintings, illustrations in books, photographs and postcards on the topic are used, since children retain visual-figurative thinking and need to rely on visual impressions to memorize and assimilate the material. When reading fairy tales and stories with new words, for example Spinning wheel, "sieve", "Grip", a clear understanding of children is given by a natural object or at least its image, because a verbal description of children take it hard.

An important place in the introduction of children to folk culture is occupied by folk holidays and traditions, which reflect the observations accumulated over the centuries over the characteristic features of the seasons, weather changes, the behavior of birds, insects, plants associated with work and various aspects of human social life.

It is very important to acquaint children with folk decorative painting. After all, she is able to captivate children with the national fine arts.

For we use patriotic education of children for information-communication technologies when considering visual material, watching multimedia presentations, cartoons, listening to songs, poems.

Solving the problem patriotic education contributes to the current method of projects. Its main goal is the development of a child's free creative personality, the ability to feel like a researcher, to unite children and parents. In groups it is advisable to develop pedagogical projects such as "Hometown", "Mothers Day", "Victory Day"... The project method is effective in all age groups.

Using the proposed forms and methods of patriotic education, it is necessary to show children the beauty of their hometown, acquaint them with the talent of the Russian people, teach children to love their city, their country and be proud that they live in such a beautiful country as Russia. Acquaintance with their hometown and home country evokes positive feelings and emotions in children, as well as the child's desire and desire to draw what he just heard about. That's why Work continues in the classroom for fine arts. Children's drawings, reflecting a strong and pure feeling of love for their hometown, native nature, allow them to create expressive images based on their own observations, make them think about their relationship to the natural world. And finally, the game is a favorite and addicting the form conducting classes for children patriotic education... It ignites and captivates, delivers a lot of positive emotions, allows you to fix a large volume in a short time information.

But without being a patriot himself, the teacher will not be able to awaken in the child the feeling of love for the Motherland. Educator must infect children with his love for the Motherland, with sincere surprise and admiration to talk about the wealth of the country and worthy people, public holidays.

"Forms and methods of patriotic education of preschoolers."

Patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks of a preschool educational institution.

Patriotic education is a purposeful process of influencing a person in order to form patriotism, as a quality that manifests itself in love for one's Fatherland, serving it.

Fostering a sense of patriotism in preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process that requires a great personal conviction and inspiration from the teacher. This very painstaking work should be carried out systematically, systematically, in all age groups, in different types of activities and in different directions: fostering love for loved ones, for kindergarten, for hometown, for your country.

Thus, in order to instill a sense of patriotism in preschoolers, teachers must use various forms and methods of organizing children's activities. In their work, teachers can use the following methods:

1. Observations (for example, allowing you to see the working life of townspeople, changes in the appearance of the city, district, street, erected new buildings, etc.)

2. Storytelling, explanations of the educator in combination with showing the necessary objects and direct observations of children;

3. Conversations with children about the country, hometown;

4. The use of children's works of art, reproductions of paintings (their consideration and discussion);

5. Learning songs, poems, proverbs, sayings with children, reading fairy tales, listening to music;

6. Acquaintance of children with folk decorative painting;

7. Involvement of children in socially useful work within their reach in the immediate environment for children (work at the kindergarten site, joint work with parents to improve the kindergarten area, etc.);

8. Encouraging children for initiative and striving to independently maintain order in the immediate environment, for respect for public property, for the conscientiousness of fulfilling orders, for good behavior in public places;

9. Personal example of an educator who loves his job, his street, his city and takes an active part in public life (it is important to remember that the teacher's worldview, his views, judgments, active life position is the most powerful factor in upbringing).

The active and varied activities of preschoolers are of great importance in patriotic education, since being a patriot is not only knowing and loving your country, but also actively working for its good. For this, various forms of work are used: targeted walks, excursions, conversations, didactic games, reading fiction, holidays, entertainment, leisure evenings, quizzes and, of course, the main form of work -directly educational activities(class).

GCD is carried out once or twice a month, depending on the age group. The knowledge gained during educational activities is consolidated in various forms outside the GCD. And throughout the year, the teacher returns several times to what the children learned earlier. Some themes are repeated in each age group, but with a certain complication (for example: "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Cosmonautics Day", "Victory Day"). Educational activities should be carried out using visual material.

When acquainting preschoolers with the history of their native village and native country, the teacher has to tell them a lot, therefore, when compiling a story, the teacher must remember the following:

In the course of the story, it is imperative to use visual material. These can be photographs, reproductions of paintings, slides, various schemes, chalk drawings on a blackboard, etc.

To compose a story, the teacher should include questions for children in it. This is necessary in order to activate cognitive activity, attention, arouse the interest of children, teach them to assume, reason. In this case, the teacher's story turns from a monologue into a kind of conversation with children, which contributes to a more successful assimilation of knowledge.

When telling about some historical events, the teacher should not often use dates, since chronology is not available to children in preschool age. But in order for the children to understand that the events outlined took place a long time ago, the following expressions should be used: "It was a very, very long time ago," "It was when your dads and mothers were young," etc. Some dates should be communicated to children without requiring them to be memorized (for example: 1941, 1945, April 12, 1961, etc.)

The language of the story should be very simple. If in the story there are words unfamiliar to children, for example: "prince", "commander", their meaning should be explained. Do not overload the story with complex grammatical constructions.

In the process of acquainting children with the sights of their hometown, the teacher often tells them about various architectural structures, temples, cathedrals. In this case, one should not consider their architecture in detail, use special terminology. It is enough to highlight something important that distinguishes this or that building from others.

When working with children to get to know their hometown, it is necessary to use such a form of work as targeted walks and excursions, since it is impossible to recognize and love the city only from illustrations. Children should know the area in which they live, see the beauty of the streets they pass every day. But it should be remembered that targeted walks and excursions outside the preschool institution should be left with the permission of the administration and accompanied by 2-3 adults.

Using the proposed forms and methods of patriotic education, you will achieve success. You will show children the beauty of your hometown, introduce them to the talent of the Russian people, some heroic pages of history, teach children to love their city and their country, and be proud that they live in such a beautiful country as Russia.

Consultation for educators:

"Forms and methods of patriotic education of preschoolers."

Patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks of a preschool educational institution.

Patriotic education is a purposeful process of influencing a person in order to form patriotism, as a quality that manifests itself in love for one's Fatherland, serving it.

Fostering a sense of patriotism in preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process that requires a great personal conviction and inspiration from the teacher. This very painstaking work should be carried out systematically, systematically, in all age groups, in different types of activities and in different directions: fostering love for loved ones, for kindergarten, for hometown, for your country.

Thus, in order to instill a sense of patriotism in preschoolers, teachers must use various forms and methods of organizing children's activities. In their work, teachers can use the following methods:

1. Observations (for example, allowing you to see the working life of townspeople, changes in the appearance of the city, district, street, erected new buildings, etc.)

2. Storytelling, explanations of the educator in combination with showing the necessary objects and direct observations of children;

3. Conversations with children about the country, hometown;

4. The use of children's works of art, reproductions of paintings (their consideration and discussion);

5. Learning songs, poems, proverbs, sayings with children, reading fairy tales, listening to music;

6. Acquaintance of children with folk decorative painting;

7. Involvement of children in socially useful work within their reach in the immediate environment for children (work at the kindergarten site, joint work with parents to improve the kindergarten area, etc.);

8. Encouraging children for initiative and striving to independently maintain order in the immediate environment, for respect for public property, for the conscientiousness of fulfilling orders, for good behavior in public places;

9. Personal example of an educator who loves his job, his street, his city and takes an active part in public life (it is important to remember that the teacher's worldview, his views, judgments, active life position is the most powerful factor in upbringing).

Of great importance in patriotic education is the active and varied activity of preschoolers, since being a patriot is not only knowing and loving your country, but also actively working for its good. For this, various forms of work are used: targeted walks, excursions, conversations, didactic games, reading fiction, holidays, entertainment, evenings of leisure, quizzes and, of course, the main form of work is educational activity itself (occupation).

GCD is carried out once or twice a month, depending on the age group. The knowledge gained during educational activities is consolidated in various forms outside the GCD. And throughout the year, the teacher returns several times to what the children learned earlier. Some themes are repeated in each age group, but with a certain complication (for example: "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Cosmonautics Day", "Victory Day"). Educational activities should be carried out using visual material.

When acquainting preschoolers with the history of their hometown and home country, the teacher has to tell them a lot, therefore, when compiling a story, the teacher should remember the following:

In the course of the story, it is imperative to use visual material. These can be photographs, reproductions of paintings, slides, various schemes, chalk drawings on a blackboard, etc.

To compose a story, the teacher should include questions for children in it. This is necessary in order to activate cognitive activity, attention, arouse the interest of children, teach them to assume, reason. In this case, the teacher's story turns from a monologue into a kind of conversation with children, which contributes to a more successful assimilation of knowledge.

When telling about some historical events, the teacher should not often use dates, since chronology is not available to children in preschool age. But in order for the children to understand that the events outlined took place a long time ago, the following expressions should be used: "It was a very, very long time ago," "It was when your dads and mothers were young," etc. Some dates should be communicated to children without requiring them to be memorized (for example: 1941, 1945, April 12, 1961, etc.)

The language of the story should be very simple. If in the story there are words unfamiliar to children, for example: "prince", "commander", their meaning should be explained. Do not overload the story with complex grammatical constructions.

In the process of acquainting children with the sights of their hometown, the teacher often tells them about various architectural structures, temples, cathedrals. In this case, one should not consider their architecture in detail, use special terminology. It is enough to highlight something important that distinguishes this or that building from others.

When working with children to get to know their hometown, it is necessary to use such a form of work as targeted walks and excursions, since it is impossible to recognize and love the city only from illustrations. Children should know the area in which they live, see the beauty of the streets they pass every day. But it should be remembered that targeted walks and excursions outside the preschool institution should be left with the permission of the administration and accompanied by 2-3 adults.

Using the proposed forms and methods of patriotic education, you will achieve success. You will show children the beauty of your hometown, introduce them to the talent of the Russian people, some heroic pages of history, teach children to love their city and their country, and be proud that they live in such a beautiful country as Russia.

Fostering patriotism and civic feelings among young Russians is the task of state educational institutions in our country. In school and preschool educational programs, patriotism is a bold red line as the main direction of spiritual and moral education of young citizens of the Russian Federation.

The main forms of patriotic education, for example, in a preschool educational institution are conversations... Teachers talk in the process of educational activities, as well as observe, compare in everyday regime moments, thus consolidating the material learned in the lesson.

Excursions, observations, watching videos, involving the family in cognitive and leisure activities - these are just a few methods that effectively help teachers educate a harmoniously developed personality - a patriot of their big country.

Why is it so important to be a patriot?

Many parents, and even some teachers, still ask themselves the question: “Why is it necessary to bring up patriotism. Is it that important? " To answer this question, it is enough to clarify what patriotic education is.

Patriotism means:

  1. A sense of respect for your people, as well as for yourself, as an integral part of it;
  2. Knowledge of the history of your region (village, city) and your country as a whole;
  3. Introduction to folk culture, maintaining the traditions of our ancestors;
  4. Attentive, non-consuming attitude to nature and its resources;
  5. Ability to work in a team, take care of loved ones, and the welfare of their country.

It is hard to disagree that such qualities can only beautify a person. Anyone who loves his country will never harm it. Those who love their people will never want war. Anyone who is attentive to nature, loves his home, honors the traditions of his people - he is happy in harmony and love. Isn't that what we want?

Patriotic education at the state level

Speaking about the patriotic upbringing of preschool children, it must be said that the program of this very upbringing is state-run. Patriotism is noted as the main direction in the upbringing of children. Affected by the difficult years in the life of the Russian Federation, the fall of many moral guidelines. The low level of political literacy and patriotism in families pushed the Russian government to approve the state program: "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016 - 2020". Since December 30, 2015, patriotic education is not optional, but compulsory in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Children and patriotism - we introduce by playing

It is difficult for children to teach something if they do not want to learn it. It is all the more difficult to teach them to love. To love the Motherland. Be proud of her. Feel like a part of your people. It cannot be taught, but it can be given. An example, a game, a comparison. Preschool children still have no idea about civic duty, about morality. They have a hard time separating “bad” from “good”. They have yet to learn these concepts. But they are capable of instinctively reaching for the good, for the light.

The patriotic upbringing of a small child begins with love for what is around him - for his family, comrades in kindergarten, for his city or village, for his street. From this it is worth starting the education of future patriots. With respect for work, for various professions. Children do not take a conversation well if it is not supported by practice. They must hear and see. Show them how a cook, a laundress and a castellan work in kindergarten. Let them try themselves in their place. Kneading the dough together, sweeping the yard or folding the laundry neatly is also an introduction to patriotic education. Raising worthy citizens of their country

Holidays and events

Calendar or folk, holidays are always fun and informative. In the course of preparation for the matinees, the information received in the classroom is consolidated, an acquaintance with the elements of folk art (songs, dances, round dances, ditties) takes place.

Excursions and walks

A clear form of patriotic education. The excursion is most often conducted in order to consolidate the cycle of thematic conversations. It can be a trip to a museum, after a conversation about the history and life of the native land. Excursion to memorable places in order to get acquainted with the hometown. Visit to the eternal flame, memorial plaques and other monuments dedicated to the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War on the eve of Victory Day - May 9. Children react very emotionally to everything they see if the excursion was preceded by a conversation.

In addition, we can highlight other forms of patriotic education of preschoolers, such as games (folklore, thematic, didactic), reading fairy tales, literature on the subject, as well as joint work with parents.

Methods of patriotic education

The main and most effective method of patriotic education of preschoolers is the teacher's personal example. Children, better than adults, feel our real attitude to what we are talking about. Therefore, the conviction of the teacher, the strength of his own patriotic feelings, can not only be felt by the preschooler, but also transmitted to him directly.

Other, no less effective methods are:

  • comparison and associations (homeland with home, homeland with mother);
  • analysis of what was told after the conversation
  • supervision (over the work of preschool educational institutions and representatives of other professions in the city);
  • acquaintance with Russian folklore (reading books, playing folk games, singing songs, round dances and dancing in musical classes);
  • family events, get-togethers.

Parents, be sincere with your children. Show them by your example what it means to “love your homeland”. Do not abuse the country or the government in front of children. Refuse negative statements about your work and salary. Show them how important it is to be YOU. Tell about your childhood, your family. About the professions that your ancestors learned. Who they were, and what contribution they made to the development of the country. Don't be in a hurry to claim that you have nothing to tell. Each worker of our big country makes a tangible contribution to its destiny. The teacher educates and shares the most intimate with the children. The physician takes care of health. The accountant keeps records, which helps to keep order and avoid cost overruns. The lawyer defends the innocent. The policeman keeps order. Tell the children about your city. Where you live, and maybe where you were born and raised.

Positive, friends, more positive. Admire every change in nature with your child. Show how the wind plays as it combes golden ears of wheat. The ice has broken - it's a joy. The first snow is a delight. If it seems to you that these are trifles, then, believe me, they are not. Many countries are deprived of this joy, watching how the seasons change. These emotions, these images are what creates the image of "Motherland" in the little head. These are powerful beacons, they forever connect our souls with the places where we grew up. Love for native places, for traditions for the new year, for Easter bells and for folk songs - this is love for the Motherland. Share the love with the kids. Teach them to be patriots who love, appreciate, and are proud of their great country.

Yulia Gladkikh
"Forms and methods of patriotic education of preschoolers."

Patriotic education children is one of the main tasks preschool educational institution.

Patriotic education Is a purposeful process of influencing a person in order to the formation of patriotism, as qualities manifested in love for their Fatherland, service to it.

Fostering a sense of patriotism in preschoolers, the process is complex and lengthy, requiring a great personal conviction and inspiration from the teacher. This very painstaking work must be carried out systematically, systematically, in all age groups, in different types of activities and in different directions: fostering love for loved ones, to kindergarten, to hometown, to their country.

So that foster a sense of patriotism in preschoolers, educators should use different forms and methods organization of children's activities. In their work, teachers can use the following methods:

1. Targeted walks, excursions to places of military glory, to monuments, monuments, to the local history museum, etc .;

2. Stories educator, conversations with children about the glorious history of their native country and hometown;

3. Observations (for example, allowing to see the working life of townspeople, changes in the appearance of the city, district, street, erected new buildings, etc.);

4. Demonstration of thematic slides, videos, illustrations;

5. Acquaintance with Russian folklore - fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, songs, games;

6. Acquaintance with folk art, embroidery, painting;

7. Acquaintance with the work of Russian writers, composers and artists;

8. Visiting thematic exhibitions or their independent organization;

9. Participation in feasible socially useful work (work on the site of the kindergarten, joint work with parents to improve the territory of the kindergarten, etc.);

10. Personal example educator who loves his work, his street, his city and takes an active part in public life (it is important to remember that the teacher's worldview, his views, judgments, active life position are the most powerful factor education).

Great value, in patriotic education, has an active variety of activities preschoolers so how to be patriot- it is not only to know and love your country, but also to actively work for its benefit. For this, various forms of work:

1. targeted walks, excursions;

2. conversations;

4. reading fiction;

5. Holidays, entertainment, leisure evenings, quizzes;

6.and, of course, the main the form work - directly educational activities (various kinds of cognitive activities, studying the state symbols of the Russian Federation, children gaining knowledge about the location, climate of their hometown, about its history).

Interaction with parents. Holding with their participation exhibitions of handicrafts and drawings on the topic "My family", "My Mom is the best" etc., improvement of the preschool educational institution, holding competitions, holidays and matinees, joint work on the site. Contact with parents and family is of great importance in solving problems of moral and patriotic education.

GCD is carried out once or twice a month, depending on the age group. The knowledge gained during educational activities is consolidated in various forms outside the GCD... And throughout the year educator returns several times to what the children learned earlier. Some themes are repeated in each age group, but with a certain complication ( for example: "Defender of the Fatherland Day", Cosmonautics Day, "Victory Day"). Educational activities should be carried out using visual material.

When meeting preschoolers with the history of your hometown and home country, educator you have to tell them a lot, so when composing a story educator must remember following:

In the course of the story, it is imperative to use visual material. These can be photographs, reproductions of paintings, slides, various schemes, chalk drawings on a blackboard, etc.

Composing a story, educator should include questions for children. This is necessary in order to activate cognitive activity, attention, arouse the interest of children, teach them to assume, reason. In this case, the story educator turns from a monologue into a kind of conversation with children, which contributes to a more successful assimilation of knowledge.

Talking about some historical events, educator dates should not be used often, since in preschool chronology is not available to children. But in order for children to understand that the events described took place a long time ago, such expressions: "It was a very, very long time ago.", "That was when your dads and moms were young.", etc. Some dates should be communicated to children without requiring them to be memorized (for example: 1941 , 1945, April 12, 1961, etc.)

The language of the story should be very simple. If the story contains words unfamiliar to children, for example: "Prince", "Commander", their meaning should be explained. Do not overload the story with complex grammatical constructions.

In the process of acquainting children with the sights of their hometown, educator often tells them about various architectural structures, temples, cathedrals. In this case, one should not consider their architecture in detail, use special terminology. It is enough to highlight something important that distinguishes this or that building from others.

When working with children, acquaintance with their hometown, it is necessary to use such form of work, as targeted walks and excursions, since it is impossible to recognize and love the city only from illustrations. Children should know the area in which they live, see the beauty of the streets they pass every day. But it should be remembered that for targeted walks and excursions outside preschool institutions should go out with the permission of the administration and accompanied by 2-3 adults.

Conversation - persuasion method... Her tasks: the formation of civil-patriotic ideas of children; explanation of norms and rules of behavior in society, nature, rules of communication; discussion and analysis of the actions of the children of the group, the life of the group.

Most often, the material for conversations is facts from the life of the group, works of fiction, publications in children's newspapers and magazines; events taking place in the group, questions and problems of concern to children.

In order for the conversation to achieve its goals and objectives, the following must be observed requirements:

Formation views are best done in dialogue;

Taking into account the age characteristics of children (emotionality, visual-figurative thinking, etc., it is necessary to conduct a conversation in a simple, accessible language with the attraction of vivid convincing facts, examples;

The conversation should be problematic in nature, solve life problems that arise in the class;

Conducting a conversation, educator relies on the life experience of children, on their relationships;

The success of the conversation depends on the activity of children, which can be aroused by problematic questions, an appeal to their life and moral experience, and well-chosen illustrative material. It is advisable to involve children in the search for material for conversation;

Observe the integrity of the child's personality, benevolence, tact educator;

The conclusions at the end of the conversation must be made by the children themselves.

Topics of conversation:

"Preserve the beauty and wealth of nature - this is our common home" "Me and my small homeland", "Who do we call good?", "What "Beautiful deed"?»», "Own land and a handful of sweet", “What does it mean to be patriot, "May there always be mom", "Everything in the world is created by labor", and etc.

The holiday is special form of educational work... Its distinctive features are that, firstly, it is based on joy, positive emotions. Secondly, it is distinguished by the variety of activities of children, the unity of various directions educational work... Thirdly, a holiday, as a rule, requires careful preparation, since it involves the organized actions of its participants according to a certain, pre-developed scenario.

In our work, we use holidays as a means of rallying children, their living of social and value relationships to each other, school, and people around them. Holidays give adults and children the joy of communication, cause joint experiences, give everyone the opportunity to feel their unity with the group, school, city, country.

In our opinion, the effectiveness of the holidays depends on the observance of the following pedagogical conditions:

Children should actively participate in all stages of organizing the holiday. (from planning to analyzing results);

It is necessary to involve parents in planning, choosing a plot, drafting a script, and external registration;

All children should have the opportunity to show their talents and abilities;

In the development of a holiday, you should not use ready-made scenarios so that adults and children can show their own creative abilities;

In order for everyone to find a place at the holiday, it is necessary to provide for a variety of activities (games, singing, dancing, dramatization, music, poetry reading, etc.);

Serious material support ( registration, costumes, musical recordings, theatrical props, reproductions of paintings, etc.).

Games are the most important area of ​​a child's life and an effective method of education... It satisfies the child's needs for activity, communication, emotional saturation, and self-realization.

Civil patriotic education of preschoolers impossible to imagine without a game registration, game elements. Therefore, we use the game, bringing up children have value attitudes towards their country, its history and culture, their people, its traditions, customs, art, etc.

In the process of civil patriotic education we use various games: cognitive, mobile, desktop, socio-pedagogical, etc.

Using the proposed forms and methods of patriotic education, you will succeed. You will show children the beauty of your hometown, introduce them to the talent of the Russian people, some heroic pages of history, teach children to love their city and their country, and be proud that they live in such a beautiful country as Russia.