Real prayer conspiracies to attract money. Powerful spells of white and black magic for money

Each of us has repeatedly encountered such situations when Fortune passed by with a mockery and turned away, leaving to meet another lucky person. A conspiracy for good luck and money, which you can read in our article, can change everything in your favor. Remember, the use of white money magic in almost all cases is quite effective, provided that the person really craves it and agrees to fulfill all the conditions of the rite.

A selection of effective conspiracies that will allow you to get the necessary amount of money and the necessary luck!

Conspiracies for good luck have been known since the Middle Ages, when kings and counts turned to witches and soothsayers. In many cases, the rulers had their own court magicians or witches.

In our time, magic and spells to attract good luck and money are just as successful, as they allow you to bring a favorable atmosphere into the house and increase monetary profits due to the faith and strength of your spirit.

Powerful spells for money and luck

You will find two pretty strong conspiracies to get money here.

Finding conspiracies strong for money is not so easy. Many sites offer different variations of certain rituals for water, 7 coins, fire and wheat. But their effectiveness is not confirmed by anything, and experimenting with spells without proper testing is dangerous. Incorrectly formulated slander can seriously harm not only your energy, but also the energy of your entire environment (family, colleagues, friends).

Important: It is worth remembering that any conspiracy or spell is necessarily accompanied by some magical actions, movements and manipulations. Their observance is also mandatory, since the conspiracy will simply lose its force.

Below are the most powerful conspiracies that have been repeatedly tested by people and received positive feedback.

Conspiracy on a silver spoon

Get a new and beautiful silver spoon, wash it thoroughly and wipe it with sacred water. As you wipe, you need to read exactly three times a strong conspiracy for money and good luck:

Mountain of Abraham, Strength of Adam, I turn to you, I know the powers of the Almighty!

Do not refuse me the service of your servant of God (name).

Just as a snake sheds its skin, so I will forever shed my thinness, poverty and homelessness.

Morning wind, you pick up and carry my misfortune to distant lands and bring the royal mansions to my feet,

Good horse, mountains of gold and silver. In all this gold I will put my spoon and never find it!

May my word be strong! Key, lock, tongue, amen!

Put the spoon in a secluded place and repeat this ritual every month. For the second and subsequent months, calculate the exact amount of money you need (up to a penny) and keep it in your head while reading the plot. With each new reading, you will move closer and closer to this amount.

Conspiracy on indoor plants

This is also a pretty strong and uncomplicated houseplant spell, and it works great if you have 2-3 of any plants in your house (except cacti). Put a note under each pot with the following plot:

In the far distance there is the Garden of Eden, and in that garden a wonderful tree grows.

And on this tree, whatever you write to the Lord, he will write to you.

I write down on a piece of paper, I write and I wish you wealth, prosperity, good luck!

My paper is made of wood, the paper burned down, planted in the ground and planted around with flowers.

My flowers bloom, and money grow, grow, grow!

Amen, amen, amen!

Take good care of the plants, they are now charmed! If one of them dies, within 3 days you will need to change it to a new one. Your income will slowly but inevitably grow.

Conspiracies to attract money quickly

Rules for reading a conspiracy to raise money quickly

It also happens that money is needed in the near future, but you have no idea where you can get the necessary amount. Some will advise you to rely on fate, others will advise you to take a loan from a bank, or you can use a conspiracy to raise money, which is not difficult to read, but it will help you find the right amount of money even at the most difficult moment in your life.

Conspiracy for milk

A very old and fast-acting conspiracy for milk. In the early morning, go to the market and buy fresh “homemade” village milk, about 10-12 liters. Buy the most expensive thing you find on the market, preferably from a woman who is not young and a grandmother, do not take the change and leave it to the saleswoman.
At home, pour it into 12 small jars. When pouring milk, say a conspiracy.

There is a hill in the field, there is a high mountain right on the hill,

There is a green meadow under the mountain, a bull and a cow graze in the meadow.

The bull's huge horns reached the very sun, the cow's udder half of the Earth.

I will go out into the field, I will climb the hill, I will find that meadow, I will cut the horns of that bull, and I will milk the cow.

A bull will immediately grow horns, and a cow's udder will be filled with milk.

And in my house profit will grow, prosperity will increase. Amen!

Repeat the plot continuously until you spill all the milk. Now the hardest part: you will need to come up with and make 12 different dishes in each of which you use 1 can of milk.

Recipes are suitable for any. The resulting meals must be eaten no later than three days. Most of it needs to be distributed to friends, neighbors, and at work, of course. Pay attention to all whom you will treat - within three months they will bring you money.

Important: A strong conspiracy to attract good luck and money to read must be read in a good spiritual state. If the state is spoiled or your thoughts are clouded by something, then the conspiracy may not work. In some cases, the spell can be harmful and make the situation extremely aggravated.

Silk thread conspiracy

The two most powerful and effective money conspiracies - how to read on your own?

Another powerful silk thread conspiracy that will work in the shortest possible time. He will be able to attract money to the house and help you build relationships with Fortune. It is done only by a girl or a woman.

  • Take a long red silk thread and a “gypsy” (it is also called a carpet) needle;
  • We pass the thread through the wax and thread it into the needle;
  • Buy a new nightgown in advance, wash it and iron it well;
  • Put on a shirt top-down and go to bed;
  • We leave the thread with the needle next to the headboard;
  • You need to wake up before sunrise.

We take the needle in our hand and begin to hem the hem of the shirt “toward ourselves”, pronouncing the following words:

Son of God Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, your servant of God (name).

My words are weak, but my sins are strong and great.

You, Lord, are rich and merciful.

Give me, Almighty, not according to my sins,

And according to Your boundless wealth! Amen!

Conspiracies for money and luck that cannot be removed

Powerful conspiracies differ not only in the "verbal component" but also in the energy. They usually require several stages of implementation and a symbolic sacrifice. Such rituals will provide not only a quick addition of money, but also career advancement with a subsequent increase in earnings.

The strongest and most powerful conspiracy for money that cannot be removed is problematic to find in books or on primitive magical sites. Such spells belong to ancient magic and are incredibly rare. In order for such a conspiracy to work effectively throughout your life, fully adhere to the attached instructions.

A conspiracy for four candles and a mirror

On Monday before sunrise, stand in front of the main door of your apartment or house. This is not necessarily the front door, it is exactly what is “main”, think carefully about which of your doors is the main one. Prepare four wax candles and a mirror in advance. Hang a mirror on the door, light the candles, placing them in the direction of the four cardinal points, and say these words.

The old gray wolf ran into the forest to look for a gray hare.

I could not catch up with the hare, but I found an amazing forged casket, all in gilding and silver.

The lock on the casket is great. The key to that chest is hidden in a deep lake.

I need to find that key between algae and stones.

Not a hare, not a wolf, but a servant of God (name).

I'll find the key, unlock the lock, find the treasure, take it for myself. Amen!

Repeat the plot four times turning to each side of the world. Then put out all 4 candles in turn, remove the mirror and in no case go to “fill up”.

On this day, you need to work at full strength at home and at work, in the evening you should fall off your feet. Over the next month, you will notice changes for the better.

Conspiracy for twelve coins

To perform this rite, we need to find 12 yellow coins. At midnight, take these coins and go to the nearest intersection, where no one will disturb or interfere with you. When you reach the crossroads, do not look around. Also, do not try to take anyone with you, as this can spoil the whole result of the ceremony.

Standing in the middle of the cross, stretch your hands with coins forward and say quietly these words

From the sun of light everything grows and multiplies,

And money comes from the light of the moon, clear.

Grow money, multiply, add!

Come to me, servant of God (name)! Amen!

You need to read the words of this spell 3 times. When finished, go home with coins. Coins are removed in the most beautiful wallet (it is best to buy a new one). After they lie there for three days and three nights, it is necessary to buy any necessary thing for the house with these funds.

Important: This conspiracy is dangerous due to the fact that at the crossroads you can meet all kinds of unclean spirits disguised as a person. Do not speak to them or turn around even if they call you by name. Start reading the prayer “Our Father” to yourself and evil spirits will leave you behind.

Full moon spells for good luck and money

Two strong conspiracies on full moon days for money

Full moon conspiracies for money and wealth are one of the most complex and difficult, despite the fact that they are best known "among the people." To bring such rituals into action, patience and excellent endurance are needed.

The full moon in magic is considered one of the most favorable periods of time when you can not only attract good luck, but also establish love relationships, mutual understanding with relatives.

Purse conspiracy

It would be best if, on the eve of the ceremony, you go to church and pray. After that, wait for the full moon. The spell will need to be cast three days in a row. Watch carefully so as not to be mistaken with the definition of the exact time of the onset of the full moon. For reliability, check with the lunar calendar.

On the day of the full moon, put an empty wallet on the windowsill. It is best to pick up a large purse of bright color (yellow, red, green). Bright colors attract money. While looking at the moon, repeat the following spell.

So let there be so much money in my wallet that no one can count!

Help the Moon, Mistress of the night, Queen of heaven, give me a decent wealth

And fill my purse to capacity! I conjure you! Amen!

When reading the spell on the third day, put all the funds that are in the house into your wallet. After that, tie the purse with red thread and leave it next to the white wax candle. A candle should be bought the day before in the church. Wait until the candle burns out completely. After that, the wallet can be opened and used with money.

Conspiracy for a glass of water

The following conspiracy is known not only to magicians, but also in practical esotericism. It is so strong that, if read correctly, the action begins in a few hours. The main feature of the plot is that it should be learned completely by heart, so as not to stray or be distracted while reading. It is also necessary that only you yourself remain in the house or apartment where the ritual will be performed. Strangers can scare away the good luck spirits that will come to you this night.

The moon must be growing. This condition is also necessary, since the growing moon is directly associated with addition and multiplication. Go outside (yard or balcony) with a full glass of clear water. The moon should be clearly visible, and there should be no barriers between you. If you are doing it at home, open the window wide. It will be perfect if there is not a single cloud in the sky. Say the words with your hand on the glass.

In my glass of water-water, you get enough of the moonlight,

Fill to the brim with the power of heavenly, lunar.

Take all this wonderful grace into yourself.

Mother Moon, spring water in my hands, I address you with my soul.

Do not leave me in trouble, and help me, fill my wallet to capacity with money!

How much water is in the seas, oceans, rivers, streams,

So let the same amount of money be in my pocket!

Mother moon, wealth, good luck for many years, give, give, give!

My wallet should be full, and I will forever forget poverty.

After that, the water is drunk, and the glass is shattered. If you are conspiring on the street, make sure that there is a stone or something solid next to you that you will beat. Collect glass fragments the next morning and bury anywhere.

Consequences of reading conspiracies

Would you like to read the plot? Think about the consequences before you start!

Conspiracies for good luck and money: the consequences after reading them can be very different. White magic, like black magic, gives its own warnings about what can happen to a person in the future after he has let magic into his life.

Every person should remember that after uttering even the very first insignificant spell, he completely changes inside. His aura not only changes its original color, but also begins to carry a completely different energy. What kind of energy it will be depends only on the person who resorted to magical rites.

If the plot was read in the wrong way and the person was skeptical about what was happening from the very beginning, then the rite may not work. In some cases, the conspiracy negatively affects the state of the individual and her future life, namely:

  1. Deterioration of health, the appearance of chronic diseases;
  2. Problems at work, demotion;
  3. Quarrels with relatives, friends;
  4. Loss of a large amount of money;
  5. Weakness, fatigue;
  6. Feeling the constant presence of someone nearby.

Conspiracies focused on attracting good luck and money can have a positive effect and set a person on the right wave. After a successful ceremony, a person receives what he wants in full. Conspiracies can operate throughout life, if their action is reactivated every few years.

Video: "We attract wealth and money by conspiracy"

Website visitor comments

    We had trouble in our family, the scammers left us without a single house on the street, and without money. We lived in a summer house with two children, whom I am raising alone and with retired parents. Wherever we wrote, wherever we referred to these swindlers, but they have a lot of money and bought out all the courts. Work was also not good. I tried rituals to attract money and good luck. It helped a lot, things went uphill little by little.

    My assistant has become my personal assistant, treating me to her pastries. She didn’t tell me anything about conspiracies, she just does it “with her soul”, puts good thoughts into it. Maybe so, or maybe he is saying something special. But now I offer her cookies to all my clients, and her treats help better than store-bought pastries. Things started to go better.

    Tell me, does it really help? And how many times can you use such conspiracies?

    please tell me what will happen if the glass does not break during the reading of the plot. and can it be repeated?

    Yes, and all the same, conspiracies must be taken seriously!
    Well, if the rite did not work, then there are, as it turned out, their side effects.
    Successful conspiracy = attracting good luck
    And vice versa

    Alena, I completely agree with you! He himself personally conducted, in order not to be mistaken, conducted a conspiracy on indoor plants
    Apparently everything went well...
    There are no health problems, and the wallet is getting fat slowly but surely

    Good evening! Conducted a conspiracy on a silver spoon. I didn’t buy a new one, I took the old one from the sideboard, treated it with holy water, etc.
    Now we just have to wait for the result

    Hello everyone =)
    I’m not looking for easy ways, so I decided to try a plot on a silk ribbon
    It was not easy, but I did all the steps as written in the article!
    Seems like it works
    Why not?)))

    "There is no money, but you hold on"
    It would be for that ... so I decided to resort to conspiracies. In our time, all means are good, as I think.
    I also used a plot on a silk thread
    I disagree, it's pretty easy!
    I also used a plot for 4 candles and a mirror

    One cannot but rejoice at the fact that the conspiracies are verified by real people!
    But of course if you don't try, you won't know.
    Let's practice!
    I'll check back in a couple of weeks just to be sure...

    Good evening!
    It is very convenient that all the conspiracies are collected in one place.
    The truth is said in the article, which is problematic to find in additional literature or some "left" sites
    Everything is detailed and clear! Thank you

    I myself didn’t really believe in such things before, but now I practice periodically. The most important thing is to do everything clearly, as it is written in the article.
    "Aah, and so it will do" does not sound like
    All the same, conspiracies are not toys, let's not forget.
    Advised by a friend, threw off a link to the site
    First studied and prepared

    I heard about conspiracies from my grandmother in childhood. From generation to generation, so to speak
    Her words, unfortunately, did not have time to write down (((but fortunately, the 21st century
    Everything can be found on the Internet. The main thing is to use the right sources, otherwise you never know ...

    Good day! I decided to try a plot for 12 coins. Not so easy, I will say. Most of all I was afraid to meet someone on my way, but I was lucky! I did everything as written, even bought a new wallet. Now I'm waiting for the result. I wish you all good luck!

    Conspiracy for 4 candles
    Well, what can I say .. I worked all day at work like never before, according to the result of the PRIZE. Conspiracy or luck?)) I don’t know, but I can say for sure that I didn’t regret what I had done. Therefore, I advise everyone! And thanks to the author for a good article.

    I myself adhere to the rule that a red wallet attracts finances, so I chose conspiracies for the full moon. I would not say that it was difficult, but I definitely started to fortify!
    Therefore, everyone quickly watch the lunar calendar and act! At the same time and all my friends advised

    Galina, they did the right thing, first they tried it on themselves, and then they went to advise relatives. And sometimes they say ... you don’t know what to believe
    I always look for trusted sources. Here's how, for example, either someone advises, or a sufficient number of positive reviews.
    I'm waiting for the growing moon to conspire on a glass. Are there others waiting?

    Yeees! Instant Conspiracies
    Sounds tempting. In the meantime, I practice conspiracies on indoor plants. She is a florist by profession, so there were no problems with inventory. But to explain to my family that I am not a shaman is more difficult .. well, nothing. Here they will see the result, they will speak differently!

    Good evening!
    Live a century, learn a century - my motto in life! I thought for a long time what I hadn’t tried yet, and now the answer itself came with a link from my sister’s friend. Randomness is not random, I will say.
    I found a red thread at home, but I didn’t have a “gypsy” needle. I had to run here. I will try at the end of the week

    I was looking for a conspiracy, not only for money, but rather for good luck, well, one does not interfere with the other. Yes, yes, I'm talking about those powerful conspiracies. 4 candles, 12 coins.. the main thing is to BELIEVE in what you are doing! And the rest is a matter of technology
    Believe me, a person who actively practices ...

    Yes, Olga, faith is sooooo important! Don't forget the placebo effect. I myself am a skeptic, I will not hide, I decided to read at my leisure for the sake of interest. You know, it's exciting. Of course, I won’t try, but I wish everyone who practices good luck and thicker wallets !!!

    And I do believe! Especially about the full moon. I printed out the article in full, along with the lunar calendar. Prepared everything you need, it remains to wait. By the way, I also want to cut my hair only for the growing moon. Colleagues say that I suffer from nonsense, but I have a different opinion ...

    If you don't want to be judged, then keep your mouth shut! And I'll ask the skeptics to leave. You just knock down the whole mood. For those who are just simply indulging, so to speak, there is a separate column with the consequences of such "fun".
    Only a serious attitude to the cause will bear fruit!

    Hello everyone, I'm new here. Today I will try for the first time. What do you advise?
    I didn’t tell anyone either, dumb for some reason .. I don’t know
    In general, yes, please advise!

    Katerina, hello. Personally, my first conspiracy was for milk. Therefore, I would recommend him. After the first time I got involved, now I practice periodically.
    I really see the result. You just need to wait.
    Good luck.
    P.S. just read the article very carefully!

    They wrote a lot about faith, but they forgot about the mood! The article clearly states that the situation may even worsen.
    Do not come tired from work and take up conspiracies! Relax, insist, read the instructions again, so to speak, and then start talking wallets !!!

    What's wrong with that excuse me? White magic, conspiracies are quite adequate
    I went to the site to refresh my knowledge so to speak. For some reason, the conspiracy was very attracted to the silver spoon, and the moon does not need to mean anything.
    Holy water has been standing since baptism.
    In the calendar, I marked the day with a red circle so as not to forget to repeat the ritual once a month

    Really got hard and lack of money. I tried to work, I'm not a bum. Well, I can’t find a money job, as the company was closed, it’s such a disaster.
    Came down, decided to try a conspiracy. They say it helps. I read the article, everything seems to be simple and clear. The positive reviews are impressive, they can really help. I will experiment.

    Hi all! I personally have not tried any of the above conspiracies. Came here to read on a recommendation from a friend. She said she tried it, it really helped her. It happened that she had a problem; she was left alone with the children and without money. Now I see her life is getting better.
    Well, I'll try. I'll start with a simple

    There is a crisis in the country, of course there is work, but in our town the pay is scanty. I decided to try a plot on a silk thread, what the hell is not joking.
    Decided to do it. Although the truth is not very simple. But everything seemed to work out as written.
    I hope for a result.

    Want to live! And I want to live well even more)
    In pursuit of a long ruble missed love. Lost family. My wife went to work in the capital and could not stand it. Now I'm back home, and here is a complete discord. For the work that is paid mere pennies. What to do? I'll try a conspiracy, maybe it will help.

    I'll tell you about four candles.
    I stayed on broads. The now ex-husband, drank everything about the thread and left with children and debts.
    Have you seen at least one employer who is happy to hire a middle-aged lady with two offspring? And so I don't know them. I got a job in a small company for a small salary.
    I work from call to call, but the money is still not enough.
    I decided on a conspiracy. And do not believe it, the result (?) was not long in coming. They gave me a significant salary increase.

    I'm happy as an elephant)
    That's honestly, if the conspiracy works, if it's self-hypnosis. But I got really lucky in terms of money.
    Even before the new year, I had no idea how to make ends meet, and tomorrow I'm flying to Bulgaria to bask in the sand)
    Thanks for the article and the full moon)))

    Lucky as a drowned man, this is about me. A series of problems began almost a year ago. Crept unnoticed and covered with a head. Dad's illness took away the last strength and means.
    I am an excellent housewife and I love guests. Therefore, I chose a conspiracy on milk. In the morning I went to the market early and chose the most expensive milk, and so on)
    She did everything, cooked, treated. And it's true. One of the treated offered a job, the second returned the old debt.
    It’s been the third month since I conducted the conspiracy, I’ll say for sure, there is a result!

    I've been into conspiracies for a long time. I help myself and my friends if they apply. I came to this through family problems. There were many problems, I will not describe them all. I know quite a few conspiracies, but I want to talk about one of those that is described in this article.
    So, a conspiracy to the wallet. Anyone who decides to do it, pay attention ALWAYS to the lunar calendar. The 100% conspiracy works, just don't make a mistake with the phases of the moon, you can get the opposite effect.

    Excellent article, worthy conspiracies.
    I agree that it is worth paying attention to the lunar phases. As in any business, conspiracies have "two sides of the same coin" Be vigilant!
    I knew many of the above conspiracies before, but I saw a conspiracy on plants for the first time. I will definitely try it

    I love this business!
    I have long been interested in all palmistry and conspiracies. Wandered on the Internet in search of something new, unknown.
    I was very impressed with the plot for candles and a mirror. I decided to try. How did I try to understand which door in my apartment is “main” and even the definition of the cardinal points is generally a song)
    Well, in the end, I sort of managed, I wanted to sleep sooo, I fell off my feet. I'm waiting for the result.

Many believe that white magic is effective only if you turn to a professional sorcerer. We argue that conspiracies for good luck and money can be read at home. Apply the knowledge received from us, and money will flow into the house like a river.

Money magic is aimed at getting rich quick and eliminating the factors that prevent you from making good money. Conspiracies and prayers for money really work - and you will soon see this. Throughout January 2019, we collected rituals that help solve material problems - before you is the result of research.

There are many sources of financial success, so conspiracies and prayers for good luck and money are diverse. Today, items related to prosperity are used in money magic:

  • paper notes;
  • coins;
  • precious metals;
  • ornamental stones.

The use of these things makes money conspiracies more effective, while increasing the speed of implementation of the plan. An important role in attracting wealth is played by the manipulation of the performer. The practitioner collects, sharpens, cleans or decorates magical artifacts - depending on the situation. These activities represent financial prosperity and are traditionally associated with getting rich quick or instant.

Is it possible to read money conspiracies at home

What is a conspiracy to attract money to the house? This is a magical text that improves the energy of your home in order to attract wealth. Conspiracies and rituals are inextricably linked - the text of the spell is always combined with certain actions. You will achieve a good result, provided that you concentrate and follow the instructions clearly.

Let's face it - conspiracies for money are read at home all the time. Most "witches" do not know what is needed to attract financial flows - they simply create a mysterious atmosphere. Turning to such people for help is a very stupid step.

Varieties of money conspiracies

Many believe that it is better not to abuse conspiracies for good luck and money, the consequences of which are unpredictable. Spells that are associated with the occult belong to dark magic - we will not consider them. To always have money in your wallet, interact with the forces of light. Here are the simplest solutions:

  • spells;
  • conspiracy for good luck and money;
  • amulets;
  • special prayers;
  • rituals to attract good luck;
  • amulets for money.

In money magic, a classification of spells is provided, which must be familiarized with before starting the ritual. This classification depends on the type of witchcraft operations for money and luck. Here are the varieties:

  1. Return of a large amount (if your friend does not want to repay his debt).
  2. Urgent extraction of money (it is necessary to get funds for an operation or repayment of a loan).
  3. Family enrichment (all households work, but there is no big money in wallets).
  4. Whispers to wallets (these are the most powerful conspiracies, they attract income from several sources).
  5. Conjuring Stepanova (to keep finances in the house, use the experience of the famous healer).

Rules for reading home slander

Before you talk money for profit, think about the situation, because magic is not complete without consequences. You should not engage in magical operations "out of curiosity" - make sure that the situation is completely hopeless. In order for money to flow into the house in a continuous stream, follow strict rules:

  • you need to speak objects without hesitation and mistakes;
  • luck often comes to pregnant women (they can be contacted with requests to cast spells);
  • some rituals are "tied" to specific days and times of the day;
  • if you asked another person to read the slander, thank him;
  • fasting and the absence of scandals can strengthen the conspiracy to attract money;
  • preparations for ceremonies must be kept secret from others.

The last point is especially important - you will not see good luck and money if someone else's energy comes into play. Keep the results of your activities secret too - this way you will avoid the envy of neighbors, acquaintances and colleagues.

Powerful rituals for wealth

Buy a new wallet and put a couple of large banknotes inside (the denomination should be different). Add a handful of coins to your collection and start attracting wealth. The wallet cannot be closed during a slander. The text is like this:

“As money is going to a coin, so wealth and success are approaching me, gold and silver are flowing from everywhere. Ringing and rustling my wallet, a gold ring and expensive clothes will bring me. I have enough money for everything now. Amen".

This is an ancient and powerful text, but it can also be strengthened by fitting it to a specific date. Try to act on Christmas by waiting for the first star to rise. The light in the apartment must be turned off, and the prayer should be read by candlelight all alone.

Key conspiracy

Funds will be found if you read a very powerful spell at the front door of your apartment. Wait until Monday and, waking up early in the morning, go to the door. Make sure the key is inserted into the keyhole. Read the prayer:

“A gray top wandered into a black forest to get a white hare. He did not get anyone, but he saw a casket, upholstered in iron and gilded. The casket is locked, do not open. The key is hidden in the water, it cannot be found. As soon as I find that key, I will drag it out of stones and herbs. That casket is destined for me. I will open the casket, I will take stones and gems, silver and gold. I'll hide the key later - let everything come true, as I said.

This is the most powerful money plot, but you will have to carry the key with you. Healers recommend buying a new lock for the ritual with a previously unused key. This will help attract money into your life without getting involved with someone else's energy.

Legendary rite from Vanga

The Bulgarian sorceress knew well how to attract good luck and money with the help of white magic. Having discovered this ritual on March 3, we immediately decided to include it in the article. Here's what to do:

  1. Fast for 2-3 hours before performing a magical action.
  2. Buy brown bread and break off a small piece.
  3. At night, retire to your house - no one should disturb you.
  4. Putting bread in front of you, say the text of the money prayer.

Words must be pronounced clearly, without stammering or changing their places. The ritual is so powerful that it cannot be used twice - the effect comes after the first reading. And here is the text itself:

“Lord, you have fed all the needy and hungry, so that they always feel full. Help me, bring good luck. May a long path of joy, prosperity and happiness come to my home. I promise to spend every penny wisely, not to leave the suffering in trouble. Amen".

Enrichment and apples

Use 20 apples as artifacts - they must be fresh and picked by yourself. If you do not have an apple orchard, buy apples in a store - this will not weaken the slander. An important point: when buying a product in a store, it is forbidden to take change from the seller.

The first 14 apples are distributed to the poor on the day of the ceremony. The next day, three more apples are distributed. The remaining products are brought into the church, placed on the memorial table. A prayer is said:

“The Mother of God, together with Jesus, is my support. Angels flew across the sky, bags of gold were scattered, money fell out of there. I pick up gold, I praise the angels. Amen".

Growing moon and a prosperous life

Having decided to engage in conspiracies for good luck and money, read them at the right time - with the growing moon. Collect the same number of metal coins and paper banknotes (the denomination does not matter). Read the following text above your property:

“Wise moon, may my wealth grow like you on this night. Share the light with your servant, let this money multiply. They drink coins from the lunar path, bring joy to me. The power of the moon fills my home."

This is a real ritual that multiplies wealth, but remember: you can’t turn on the light in the room. The money must lie in the moonlight for some time, after which they are transferred to another room. Two hours should be in different rooms with the charmed money. Then proceed like this:

  1. Take the funds from the dark room.
  2. Place coins and bills in the wallet you use daily.
  3. Mark your bills with a marker so you don't waste them for 30 days.
  4. In a month, feel free to spend artifacts charged by the moon.

Large amount - easy and fast

Spells are cast on moss, moon, cream and other exotic attributes. If the deadlines are running out, and you need a large infusion, use five church candles. Use this prayer for great enrichment:

“Jesus support, heavenly hope and support, let them bring sacks of gold to me, untie them and dump them all. I walked not far, collected that money, dragged it to me, put out the candles. Burn, candles, burn, coins, fly into the house. Amen".

In order for the conspiracy to attract money to work, candles cannot be extinguished - let them burn out themselves. Hide the resulting wax in your wallet - this talisman will attract large sums. In some cases, it is allowed to replace five yellow candles with one green one. Then new strokes will be added to the ritual:

  1. The candle is lubricated with sunflower oil.
  2. The required amount and your name are written on the candle.
  3. Dried basil is ground into a powder - you need to roll a candle in it.
  4. A spell must be read over a burning candle (“Money comes and grows, it will certainly fall into my pocket”).

Luck and money are eternal companions

Whispering conspiracies for money, few think about the consequences. But in vain, because you can combine enrichment with good luck in any endeavors. To always have rubles in your wallet, take a broom, carefully sweep the apartment and say the magic formula. The text is as follows: "My troubles and misfortunes will perish with this broom."

Money is a flow of energy, like life. Sorcerers and practicing magicians vouch that the use of conspiracies is the most effective method of getting rid of life's troubles. A simple money spell can be quite powerful and bring a lot of abundance. Success depends on self-confidence and trust in life, God and love.

In this article

Is it possible to make a conspiracy for money at home?

A conspiracy is a small text, mostly a prayer, accompanied by a certain ritual that creates the necessary energy and helps to tune in to the result. To conduct the ritual, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Create a clear monetary goal.
  2. Determine the materials needed for the ritual.
  3. Choose a place, time and phase of the moon.
  4. Pick the right spell.

Don't forget that magic is only a tool and skill set, common sense should prevail. You can dedicate all day doing rituals and spells to unlock cash flow, but your chances of success will be greatly reduced if you do not make an important call and send copies of your resume!

Reading Rules

By following all the rules, you will achieve everything you dream of:

  1. Faith in a higher power and in what you do.
  2. Visualization is a mental practice in which you visualize scenes or situations as clearly as you can. Try to use all the senses. Imagine the place you want to visit, what it looks like, what smells, sounds and aromas are there. You can use this technique to visualize goals in your life, to be successful in money matters.
  3. Make sure the spell you are casting is correct. Don't change words. You need to read the plot verbatim, as it is written.
  4. It is forbidden to read a conspiracy for money to pregnant women. This can harm the baby.
  5. If another person conducts a ceremony for money, you need to give something in return. You can not give alcohol or money.
  6. Before the ritual for money, it is necessary to observe a three-day fast.
  7. Women during the ritual must let their hair down and remove all jewelry.
  8. Be sure to keep everything a secret.

Thoughts have properties to materialize, therefore, they must be positive. "Do no harm!" - this is the main law of magic, do good, and it will definitely return to you.

Conspiracy from Vanga

It is considered a very strong conspiracy and will help in solving financial difficulties. For the ritual you will need:

  • plantain seeds;
  • red cloth or linen bag.

Put the seeds in the palm of your hand and whisper a conspiracy from Vanga on them:

Road grass knows all the paths,
so tell money the way-path to my house.
That path will never be overgrown, will not be trampled,
and it will expand and grow
money, goodness and prosperity to my house to lead.
Money - to the house, money - to the house, money - to the house.

Then put them in a bag or wrap them in a red cloth. Hide it so no one can find it.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Ritual rules:

  • select the day of the week: Wednesday or Saturday;
  • spend on the growing moon;
  • choose a room so that no one can interfere with you.

For a conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova, you will need:

  • coins;
  • white saucer;
  • wheat;
  • handkerchief;
  • water.

Put coins on the bottom of the saucer, sprinkle wheat on top and cover with a scarf. After three days, add warm water, saying:

Mother wheat
you feed both young and old,
and beggars, and a bar.
You give ten from the grain,
and fifteen and twenty.
Give me, God's servant,
money to be born
like this wheat.
How it grows day and night
does not die of hunger,
so let my money grow
and they feed me.

Repeat the ritual every third day until the wheat germinates.

Money conspiracies for objects

Objects hold power. Trees, herbs, flowers, can heal and bestow love, success. Silver jewelry - tell about the state of health or become a conductor of energy, both positive and negative. It is not so difficult to conduct money conspiracies for objects: a secluded place and faith in yourself and higher powers are enough.

On a silver spoon

Silver is a lunar metal, so the ritual is performed on the day of the full moon. Then the metal will absorb strength and be able to help you.

During the ritual, you need to take a spoon in your palm and lift it so that moonlight falls on it, and read the plot:

Mount of Abraham
The power of Adam
I turn to you
I know with the powers of the Almighty!
Do not refuse me, (name), the service.
Like a snake sheds its skin
so I will forever throw off my thinness,
poverty and homelessness.
Wind, you pick up and carry my misfortune
far away
and bring the royal mansions to my feet,
good horse,
mountains of gold and silver.
In all this gold
I'll put the spoon down and never find it!
May my word be strong!
Key, lock, tongue, amen!

After the ritual, the spoon should be hidden until the next full moon. The ritual should be repeated until the desired is fulfilled.

On the money tree

The magic of trees has been known since the time of the Celts, when the Druids performed rituals in the forests, calling on the forces of nature to help. One of these plants is the Tolstyanka (money tree) - it brings financial well-being to the house.

A conspiracy on a money tree must be carried out on the growing moon. For this you will need:

  • plant seedling;
  • ceramic pot, black or green;
  • eight coins of the same denomination.

On Wednesday, you should retire to the room and prepare everything for the ritual. Put coins at the bottom of the pot, cover it with earth and plant the Fat Woman with the words:

You grow
and I bloom in wealth.
This is my will.

Set the pot with the plant in the eastern part of the house, and make sure that it is always clean around it. Watering should be on Wednesdays, each time reading the plot.

On the red thread

No wonder, on the wrists of many pop stars you can find this simple thing. A conspiracy on a red thread can help in solving financial problems and bring wealth to its owner.

Before proceeding with the ritual, you should read the prayer "Our Father" and after that, ask a wealthy friend to tie a thread. While he is tying the red thread, the following words should be pronounced:

I attract money
and increase my income
in (number) times.
This must be said for each new node. On the last node, one should say:
It is done.

Don't forget to thank your friend.

On the door

The front door can become a strong protector of the house from otherworldly forces and protect your wealth if you perform a certain ritual.

For the ritual, you need to buy three nails, while not taking change. At home, drive them into the door or above it, so as to visually create a triangle. One is at the top, the other two are at the bottom and pronounce the plot:

Three nails in my door.
The first to kill all enemies,
the second will bring all non-humans,
the third will take away everything that is not good.
All words in business turn,
all nails in favor of turnover.

After such a ritual, a sorcerer or an evil person will not be able to enter and harm the house. Damage and the evil eye will be bypassed, peace and prosperity will come to the family.

For 12 coins

“Money to money” - these words are very often pronounced by sellers after the first client, and for good reason. Money always attracts money. A conspiracy for 12 coins will be able to attract wealth to the family.

  1. For the ritual, you need 12 coins of the same value.
  2. After sunset, take the coins in your hands and start shaking, then throw them in front of you like dice.
  3. Those coins that fell tails up - set aside, and those that fell heads - collect.
  4. The actions must be repeated until all the coins fall heads.
  5. After that, collect everything and wrap it in a red cloth.

The resulting bag will become a home talisman for you and will help maintain the prosperity of the family.

To wallet

A wallet is a home for money, so buying such a home should be taken seriously:

  • do not buy a cheap wallet;
  • the color should be red, brown or green;
  • make a purchase during the growing moon;
  • do not bargain;
  • wallet must be large.

In order to help the growth of funds, you need to say a conspiracy to the wallet that you just bought:

My purse is a bottomless pit,
will contain immeasurable wealth.
Be my words the key and the lock,
and business - a lesson.

After reading the plot, put a bill in your wallet and never spend it. This will help keep family savings. Never leave your wallet empty, there must be money in it, even if it is a trifle.

To the piggy bank

To attract the financial well-being of the family, you need to conspire on a piggy bank. To do this, take a piggy bank and drop coins into it, saying:

  1. The first coin is a salary increase.
  2. The second is legacy.
  3. The third is winning the lottery, etc.
  4. When all the coins are down, add the bay leaf.

Shake the piggy bank with the words:

Poverty, get out of my doorstep
Benefit come and let it be a lot.
My money
reliably protect bay leaves,
wealth is multiplied.
As the piggy bank is filled with specie,
so my wallet will be filled with new banknotes.

Hide the piggy bank from prying eyes. When the money comes into the piggy bank, you should throw a coin with words of gratitude.

For bread

"Bread is the head of everything"! Grandmothers from childhood taught to respect the bread. It was impossible to drop, and if it happened, it was necessary to ask for forgiveness from the bread. In the old days, bread was treated, and the smell of a freshly baked bakery product can attract prosperity to the house.

In order to conspire on bread, you will need holy water and bread itself. At dawn, you should retire to the room. Lay a white tablecloth on the table, put a glass of holy water and half a loaf. Say the plot three times:

so that my house is always full of food
and kind people.
show me the way to wealth
and I promise
That I will send money to good causes.

After the ritual, drink holy water, and share the bread among all family members. You need to eat your portion right away, and distribute the rest of the bread to your relatives and make sure that they eat it. Nobody can talk about the ritual.

For sugar

With the help of sugar, you can attract money to the house, for this you need to read the plot for sugar. On a piece of paper, write down the amount you want to have. Seal the note in a white envelope, pour sugar into it and put a bill. On the envelope write "Sweet life" and say the following words:

My life is sweet
my life is smooth
I live well
and all troubles are behind the fence.
White sugar - pure,
free life in abundance!

The envelope must be carried with you until the written is fulfilled. When you get the result, the note must be burned and the sugar thrown into the wind.

We bring to your attention a video selection of conspiracies for sugar:

On a bay leaf

For the ritual, you need to take a jar with a lid. A bay leaf plot should be carried out on the growing moon. At the bottom of the jar, put a note with the desired amount, then add 7 coins of the same denomination, saying the following words:

coins sparkle,
coins are ringing!
I have more and more of them!
Why don't I wait
I receive income
and the money in my account is coming!

After you read the plot, you need to drop a bay leaf into the jar, on which you need to write the names of all family members. Every day, drop one coin into the piggy bank, and financial well-being will surely come in the house.

After 60 days, bury the note and bay leaves in a deserted place, and buy something with coins.

Ritual for financial well-being and good luck

Magic for financial well-being and good luck is carried out with the help of a green candle. Green is a symbol of well-being, attracting good luck and helping to overcome the financial crisis.

  1. The ritual should be performed on the growing moon, for this you will need a green candle, any bills and coins.
  2. Light a candle, light it, and spread the money around it.
  3. Looking at the flame, imagine how puffs of green smoke come from a candle and saturate you, the whole environment, with the energy of wealth.
  4. After the visualizations, the candle can be left to burn out.

The rite is simple, but quite powerful.

To get money fast

It may turn out that money may be needed in the near future, but there is no way to get it somewhere. No need to run to the bank for a loan and beg your friends for a loan. It is enough to use a conspiracy for quick money. To perform the ritual, you need:

  1. Early in the morning go to the market and buy 12 liters of village milk.
  2. It is desirable to buy from the grandmother.
  3. Do not take change.

At home, pour milk into small jars, saying:

There is a hill in the field
right on the hill stands a high mountain,
under the mountain green meadow,
a bull and a cow graze in the meadow.
The bull has huge horns
reached the sun,
the cow has an udder
half the earth.
I will go out into the field
I will climb the hill
find that meadow
cut the horns of that bull
and I will milk the cow.
The bull will immediately grow horns,
and the cow's udder will be filled with milk.
And in my house the profit will grow,
wealth will increase.

From this milk you need to cook 12 dishes and treat acquaintances, friends, colleagues within three days. All those whom you treat will bring you the necessary amount within three months.

On a comb

The comb has long been used for beauty and attraction of love. But that's not all she can do. You can plot on a comb to increase cash.

To carry out the ritual, you need to buy a beautiful comb, preferably with flat or thin teeth. At home, read the plot on her:

The scallop has many sharp teeth,
let him lead me to the people,
which have large scars.
You stroke the comb
my every hair
so as to bring
many new clients
to my doorstep.
People come and go to me
don't leave me.
They gladly give me scars for my goods.
I'm lucky
and change to the buyer.
The client is all for the future,
and money in my wallet.
All thanks to the hair and the comb!

You don’t need to carry a comb with you, you don’t need to use it for its intended purpose, only if nothing happens, you need to comb her hair and say the plot again.

Conspiracies for the phases of the moon and holidays

The moon is a strong conductor of energy. When performing rituals on the phases of the moon, you should follow some rules:

  1. When reading conspiracies, you need to put more respect and reverence into words.
  2. Trust is one of the main factors without which it is impossible to build relationships, both personal and magical.
  3. Always, after working with lunar magic, thank the Moon for her help!

On the new moon

During the new moon, you can conduct a ritual for growing money, which will allow you to establish cash flow.

To do this, in the house, on the cabinets, lay out money of various denominations, saying a conspiracy for wealth:

To have money for me
Servant (s) of God (- to her) (name)
have been and continue to grow.
My word is strong and sticky,
no one is allowed to change it.

Leave the money for three days so that they “sprout”, after that collect everything and spend it on the right thing for the house.

To the growing moon

It is believed that along with the growing moon, prosperity and well-being in the house grows.

For a conspiracy, you need to take a glass of water and dip coins into it, put it so that moonlight falls on it and, stirring with your finger, say the following words:

The moon is growing, growing round,
and the money is big.
Money sees her
and they start to get bigger.
The moon is growing
money grows.
From small money
growing large.
How they see her
so they get bigger
take an example from her!

Put one coin of the money that was in the glass into your wallet, and spend the rest to attract wealth.

On the full moon for 100 rubles

The full moon is the moment when she gains enough energy and can be carried out, one of the most powerful conspiracies to make money in the house. For the ritual, you will need a 100-ruble bill, you need to fold it so that you get a triangle and whisper a conspiracy to the bill:

How it attracts and unifies
shallow streams mighty river,
as the wide sea collects the rivers in itself,
How a woman attracts a man
and a woman is a man,
how the night draws the day to itself,
and attract like
and this money will collect them together.
I will gather a lot of you
and I will be rich.
As said (a),
so be it.
Amen (repeat 3 times)!

After the ritual, hide the bill in your wallet. You can't spend it.

On the full moon for random money

To conduct a conspiracy, you will need money received by chance: found, received with the help of a win, someone repaid a debt, and so on. Take a higher denomination bill and put it in an old wallet that you no longer use, with the words:

Like a lost puppy
rushes to his mother,
like a lost dog
longing for his master
like an outcast cat
always returns to it
so are all the lost
seized money and money
rush to me today
tomorrow, always!

Repeat the plot seven times, then remove the wallet to a secluded place.

For the waning month

To do this, take a glass of water and dip a trifle into it, leave it on the window overnight. So let the moonlight in. In the morning, look, if the water has become cloudy - this is damage, if not, then you can perform a ritual.

Go outside and drain the water, saying:

As water flows into the ground
And so the lack of money goes away.
May it always be so!

Repeat three times, and then the coins can be spent on the needs of the house.

At dawn

Get up early in the morning and go to the stream, if this is not possible - this can be done at home, the main thing is that the water is running. Washing your face, say:

As clean water pours out
Also, let money be attracted to me,
stay with me
and I never run out.

After that, wipe your face with a clean handkerchief and hide it from strangers for a month.

In this video, Martina offers simple words to help you attract money:

On a church candle

For a conspiracy, you need to buy three church candles. On the same night, put a candle on a coin, set it on fire and say three times a conspiracy from lack of money:

How to light a candle on a coin,
So I will take the first step to wealth.
The candle shines brightly
my path to money illuminates,
my lack of money will remain in yesterday,
and a new day will begin with a new one,
like it didn't exist before.
Candle fire to help me,

Extinguish the candle and put it in some box along with the coin. Tidy up the house in the morning. On the evening of this day, read the plot three times, only on another candle:

Light and warm candle burns,
gives me wealth
Yes, he gives me money.
I'm waiting for wealth
Yes, I'm starting to change
changing so
that money to me now
will be attracted.
I am changing,
and life around is changing,
soon I will live richly,

Extinguish the candle and put it away to the first. In the morning, take care of your appearance, make masks, go to the hairdresser. At night, again, repeat the ritual. Take a new candle and read the plot seven times:

I open the ways-roads to money,
I lock myself up in poverty.
The time has come
that now the money will be with me
and in the door, and pour in the windows,
and it will never stop
and there will be no end to this.
Didn't live richly
and now I will be in luxury
Yes, there will be no reason to think about the need.

Extinguish the candle and put it away with the others. The coin should always be carried with you as a talisman and held in your hands at least once a day.

Rituals to the ground

“Mother Earth” - this is how our ancestors called the earth and bestowed it with a low bow and careful attitude. And in return she gave a good harvest and prosperity. Rituals on the ground will help get rid of poverty. To do this, you need to read the following conspiracies for well-being.

On a full moon, take three candles, a pen and a piece of paper. Make sure you are alone in the room. Take a piece of paper and write the following words on it:

The moon is full
give me good.
Save me from trouble
give me bread.
You are the queen of the night
Deliver me from poverty.

After you perform the ritual, burn the paper from the flame of three candles and scatter the ashes in the wind.

The second ritual, like the first, is performed on the full moon. Take the white handkerchief bought the day before and tie three knots on it, saying:

The knots are tied
lives add up.
The road leads
the path will find me.
The moon is big round
so the amount will be large and round.
Tie a knot attract wealth!

After the ritual, put the handkerchief in your bag and always carry it with you.

Conspiracy to find money on the street

Finding money on the street is a kind of luck. So that fortune smiles at you at least once, perform a ritual on the growing moon. Go outside and say the following words:

You see everything from the sky,
teach me moon
find money.
So that any money
caught my eye.

Repeat the plot three times and return home. The ritual can be performed every time the moon grows.

Appeal to the saints

Holiness - this property was attributed to pagan gods, in Christianity - to people, some natural phenomena. For a modern person, holiness is associated with a person who sacrificed his life for the good of others or in the name of God.

The culture of the Middle Ages was centered on religious life. It was believed that life on Earth is a journey to eternity, where condemnation or eternal happiness awaits a person. In order for a person to enjoy life in paradise, he must completely surrender to God and give up worldly desires and temptations. Such a person becomes an example and prototype of a correct Christian life.

Prayer for prosperity to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

During his lifetime, he went a long way to holiness. No matter how many problems he encountered along the way, he never departed from God.

Sometimes it seems that financial problems are something endless. People take out loans, get into debt, end up failing and driving themselves into an even bigger financial hole. It is very important to learn how to properly handle money, or no plot from poverty or prayer will save you from problems. Only in this case, higher powers or saints will come to the rescue.

Spiridon of Trimifuntsky is the patron saint of the poor.

If something worries you, there are problems, you need to go to confession and ask the priest for advice. First of all, think about the salvation of the soul, and only then about worldly well-being. There are no specific rituals for reading a prayer, it will be enough that you kneel, cross yourself and read the following words:

O Blessed Saint Spyridon!
Pray for the mercy of the Humanity God,
let him not judge us according to our iniquities,
but let him deal with us according to his mercy.
Ask us, servants of God (names),
Christ and God have our peaceful serene life,
health of mind and body.
Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body,
from all languor and devilish slander.
Remember us at the throne of the Almighty
and pray to the Lord
may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins,
grant us a comfortable and peaceful life,
the death of the belly is shameless and peaceful
and vouchsafe us eternal blessedness in the future,
May we continually send glory and thanksgiving
Father and Son and Holy Spirit,
now and forever, and forever and ever.

Appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker

For a believer, prayer is stronger than any witchcraft. When a lot of incomprehensible things happen in life, it is better to turn to God. Reading a prayer to St. Nicholas, his image will give you good luck, charge you with confidence and help in difficult situations. Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker:

O all-holy Nicholas,
pleasing to the Lord,
our warm intercessor,
and everywhere in sorrow an ambulance!
Help me, sinful and sad,
in this present life,
ask the Lord God to grant me
forgiving all my sins,
I have sinned greatly from my youth,
in all my life, in deed, in word,
thought and all my feelings;
and help me at the end of my soul,
accursed, implore the Lord God,
all creatures of the Sodetel,
deliver me air ordeals
and eternal torment
May I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
and your gracious intercession,
now and forever and forever and ever.

Gypsy conspiracies for money

Whom only at the stations were not pestered by gypsies, and yet they really have strong magic. The Gypsy people have an interesting history, they lead a nomadic lifestyle. Their life is a holiday, they own many secrets, and their prophecies come true. But one of the strongest areas of gypsy magic are conspiracies for money.

When and where are they held

Rituals can be performed at home or in a place where no one will disturb you. It is not necessary to turn to fortune-tellers, sorcerers or gypsies. The ritual that you perform on your own will have no less power, as if it were performed by a "master of magical sciences."

Rules for holding

To conduct a gypsy ritual for money, you need to understand how their magic works:

  1. The main force in rituals is the force of nature.
  2. Many rituals are intertwined with the religion of the area where the gypsies settled.
  3. Always, after the gypsy ritual, you need to pay off the spirits that helped.
  4. Respectfully treat the spirit of the gypsy family.
  5. Clearly follow everything that is written in the rituals and recipes.

Strong gypsy conspiracy for money on the crescent

To get a strong conspiracy for money, it must be read on a crescent. It is necessary to carry out the ritual in the evening, when it is already dark. You need to take bills and coins in equal quantities and read the following words on them:

magnificent moon,
you grow up too fast
like my capital.
Combine your light with my money
to every day
I walked / walked on the way to them.
How full is the moon
so full of blessings will my house be.

After you read the plot, the result must be fixed. Money should be left on the windowsill, so that moonlight falls on them. After a few hours, go into the room and take the money. Wrap in red cloth and wear for a month with you. After a month, you can spend them.

Powerful gypsy conspiracy for money, luck and love

Gypsy rituals can be used not only for financial well-being, but can also attract love and good luck.

For the ritual, take three candles: green, white and brown. Choose a place where no one can disturb you. Place the candles on the table so that they form a triangle, light them and read the following words:

My soul burns like fire.
Money power and strength
let them obey me!

After these words, watch the candles burning for a few minutes. Then combine them into one large candle. Sit a little longer and watch the flames. After it goes out, collect the leftovers and always carry it with you.

Conspiracies from lack of money

There are people who, while making various attempts, still suffer from financial difficulties. They work a lot, but there was no money, and no. They change jobs, move, change professions, but nothing helps. The reason may be sent bad luck, damage or evil eye. To get rid of this evil fate, you need to perform a ritual.

On the full moon, when it is already getting dark outside, take a church candle and a five-ruble coin. Hold a lit candle over a coin and read the plot:

Fire is eternal
my spirit is marked.
Gold silver.
And every good thing!

  1. Repeat these words until the candle drips onto the coin.
  2. Then, put the candle on the coin, continuing to read the plot, and wait until it burns out.
  3. Wrap a coin with a cinder in a white cloth.
  4. Leave on the windowsill until the morning.
  5. Check if the wax has darkened, if this happened, then there is damage to your family.

To get rid of it, you need to wrap the fabric with its contents with red thread, crosswise, and leave it at the crossroads. When you return home, do not turn around, otherwise damage will return to you.

What is the reason for lack of money

There is a reason for everything in our world, even for lack of money. And this is far from a bad job and a small salary, the reason is “buried” very deeply, somewhere at the level of the subconscious or the spiritual body.

  1. Born to be a beggar. In childhood, a certain program is laid, if the parents did not have a goal to achieve something or the family is not prosperous, the child will absorb this information. And as a result, as an adult, he will not be able to achieve anything more.
  2. Karmic poverty. It happens that in a prosperous family, everything is even not bad, but there is some invisible block that interferes with the cash flow. The reason for this is the sins of the ancestors. Someone in the past has done a bad deed, such as deceiving the poor or profiting from someone else's grief. As a result, after seven generations, poverty will come.
  3. Magic influence. A prosperous family, a good income and a job, and in one moment everything collapses. They are fired from work, the family is collapsing, the reason for this may be damage or the evil eye.

In this video, Svetlana Raevskaya will tell you what is the reason for the lack of money and how to get rid of it:

No matter how many reasons, they are solvable, the main thing is not to give up and believe in yourself. The burden is not given, no matter what you can bear.

Right outlook on life

When you make statements such as "I can't afford it" or "I will never in my life..." you surround yourself with an energy that attracts poverty and financial problems into your life. It is very important to think of yourself as happy, blessed, and even rich if you want to truly become that way.

This is basically the concept of "Fake". It's not that you lie to others about how much money you get. You just have to be an optimist. Stay focused on what you want, not what you don't want or can't. Right thoughts and a positive outlook on life is the rule of success.

How to determine if you have damage

There are many ways to determine the presence of damage, here are some of them:

  • with the help of a magical diagnostic ritual;
  • with the help of Runes;
  • tarot cards;
  • wax castings.

If you have established the presence of damage, it must be urgently removed. There are many rituals for this. But it is better to turn to professionals. These rituals are very complex and can be harmful to health.

Reading Rules

To perform magical rituals, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Follow exactly what is written.
  2. Buy candles in the church, set fire only with matches.
  3. A good time for a ritual to get rid of financial problems is Pure Thursday.
  4. Perform a ritual on a growing moon, but there are conspiracies where you can perform a ritual on a waning one.
  5. Rituals require a secluded place.
  6. Do not tell anyone about the rituals performed.

If you follow all the rules, you will definitely succeed!

At the cemetery

The ritual is performed on the full moon. At night, taking a wallet with money, you go to the cemetery. Find a tree and knock on it and say the following words:

As the dead are not destined to rise from the coffin,
so the money will not come off me.
As the cemetery filled with the dead,
so my wallet was replenished with coins
and eliminate poverty.

After that, walk away quickly and don't look back.

For bread

For the ritual, take water drawn from a stream and a loaf of bread. Stand over the products and read the plot:

I believe in the mercy of the Lord
I believe in people's luck
by the power of an angel
into the highest pleasure.
Found my way
Now I need to find money
so that grief will never be known.
The lock and poverty locked with a key.
He threw him into the water.
Amen (three times).

Eat bread and drink water. The ritual can be repeated until what you want is fulfilled.

With old shoes

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. You will need:

  • candle;
  • White paper;
  • old shoes.

Put your shoes on white paper, take a knife in your hand. Read: Our Father, May God Arise, and Psalm 90. Cross your shoes with a knife and read the words of the conspiracy:

Lord, Father
Here's where I fell apart,
Here is and covered poverty with head.
This is how I stand on the threshold
and I don't know how to live.
Show me my way.
Guide me to a new life.
Do not judge strictly.
I'm just your slave.

After that, drip wax into each shoe and cut them into small pieces. Collect everything in a black bag and at midnight, take it to the crossroads. Returning, you can not turn around and talk. Take a shower at home. For three days, do not lend money to anyone and do not borrow money yourself.

Technique for pumping money channels

If you are one of those people who constantly saves on everything, saves up for a "rainy day", your destiny is not to live, but to exist! But this does not mean that money should be spent thoughtlessly. There should be a careful attitude to money and clear control, there should be no fear that you will lose it and be left with nothing. To open a money channel and increase income, you need to:

  • define and expand your comfort zone;
  • stop spending and start investing.

When buying a product, you look not at the quality, but at its price, you send a signal of fear to the Universe that you have nothing and you are not worthy to have more. The world is like a mirror that reflects all emotions and thoughts. Therefore, your sent fear returns to you, and you really become a beggar, unable to provide yourself with a better life. You need to act the other way around, focus not on price, but on quality, because you deserve more.

It is necessary to understand the difference between "spend" and "invest". You invest in yourself, in your home, family. Even when paying for services, you do not spend, you invest in your comfort! Life is not a continuous waste, it is the provision of a normal life for oneself.

From this video you will learn how to open a money channel and what exercises will help you attract money:

Start simple. For example, going to the store:

  1. Find a store that offers not price, but quality. Go there and buy what you like. Do this at least once a week.
  2. Over time, the shock of high prices will pass and you will finally be able to understand that quality is not a luxury.
  3. Experience joy from shopping, not regret. Remember, you deserve the best!
  4. When you understand this, there will be something to strive for, and you will notice how your life is changing, the prosperity that you lacked so much appears.

To pump your cash flow, you do not need to resist life and put blocks. Go with the flow, help your boat move, and one day you will land on a shore full of abundance.


No one knows exactly what forces are involved in rituals and when reading conspiracies, it can be both good and evil. It is very difficult to assess the consequences.

Suppose you performed a ritual to find money, but someone must lose it. This may be a low-income family, then the consequences for you will be really terrible. And if some rich person has lost, he may not notice this loss, just like the Universe of your act.

When conducting money rituals in a cemetery, in the forests, you must provide a ransom. Prayer for the dead, sacrifice to nature. Not human, it will be enough to bury a coin under a tree and say Thank you.

Everything that happens in the world has meaning and logic. This means that every thought, every emotion and every action is indelible and will return to us like a boomerang. All bad life experiences are not a punishment from God, but a service to us as part of our path to enlightenment and self-realization through experience and knowledge. The laws of the universe require great responsibility for our actions. Be careful what you wish for, but try to follow your dream. Believe in yourself and you will succeed!

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Each of us has repeatedly faced financial difficulties and difficult periods in life, when Fortune passed by with a mockery and turned away. In such cases, a conspiracy for money, which you can read on your own, may well help. We have collected for you various options for such rituals, as well as reviews on their application. Finding a strong conspiracy for money is not so easy. Many sites offer different variations of certain rituals for water, 7 coins, fire and wheat. But their effectiveness has not been confirmed by anything, and experimenting with spells without proper testing is dangerous.

The use of white money magic is quite effective, provided that the person accurately fulfills all the conditions of the rite.

Like attracts like, so conspiracies for wealth are often read over precious objects.

Incorrectly formulated slander can seriously harm not only your energy, but also the energy of your entire environment (family, colleagues, friends). And at best nothing will ever happen.

Any conspiracy or spell is necessarily accompanied by some magical actions, movements and manipulations. Their observance is also mandatory, otherwise the conspiracy will simply lose its force.

The most powerful conspiracies for money differ not only in the “verbal component”, but also in the energy one. They usually require several stages of implementation and a symbolic sacrifice. Such rituals will provide not only a quick addition of money, but also career advancement with a subsequent increase in earnings.

A strong conspiracy for money that cannot be removed is problematic to find in books or on primitive magical sites. Such spells belong to ancient magic and are incredibly rare.

In order for such a slander to work effectively throughout your life, fully adhere to the attached instructions. Remember, this conspiracy for money is very strong, and is used only once in a lifetime, and the correct execution of it plays a truly crucial role. If you do everything right, then the rest of your life in wealth and luxury is guaranteed to you.

Instructions for conducting a strong money conspiracy

The order of the ritual

Take the time to prepare for the ritual:

  • You need to collect some symbols of wealth. This will require the largest banknote in the currency in which you want to see your income,
  • Five red candles made of natural wax.
  • The most difficult component for this conspiracy is the wand of wealth. It can be purchased in specialized stores, where there are other goods for magic. You may spend a lot of time looking for it, but it's worth it.
  • When all the attributes are collected, you need to calculate a certain day of the moon's growth. The conspiracy must be carried out strictly on the SECOND DAY, the day of the NEW MOON. This is very important, check with before moving on.

When everything is ready, you can begin the ritual:

  1. Take a large sheet of paper (A1 "Whatman" format) and draw on it a pentagram symbol - an ordinary five-pointed star. Such a pentagram was used by philosophers and magicians of the era of Pythagoras. This is a sign that symbolizes harmony, wealth and health, and is a kind of aggregator of the power of the growing moon.
  2. On the desired night, place the sheet on the floor in front of a window where the moon should be visible. In other words, you need to see all the magic symbols and the heavenly body when reading the plot.
  3. Put one candle in each corner of the drawn pentagram, and put a wand of wealth and a banknote in the center.
  4. Stand so that your gaze is turned to the growing moon and light the red candles.
  5. Concentrate, reject all thoughts, join your hands on your chest, close your eyes and mentally imagine your life in wealth and luxury. Cast the spell of wealth confidently and with great faith:

The moon is growing in breadth, it will bring a lot of money.

The month is updated - money appears.

Let the energy of the moon turn into monetary energy.

Fills every corner of my life.

I increase my wealth.

Endless moonlight - endless wealth and cash flow!

Put the charmed bill in your wallet, and never change it. But the wand must be hidden somewhere at home, in a place so that it does not catch the eye of strangers. Candles, a sheet with a pentagram must be burned or buried.

Author's conspiracies for money

Vanga's conspiracy for money

The Bulgarian clairvoyant received well-deserved fame thanks to her ability to predict the future, see the past, heal, and also provide all possible assistance to people in their troubles. In our article, we present to your attention a strong conspiracy for money from Vanga. Since the money issue is always connected with the solution of other more serious problems, for example, health problems, she took it very seriously as children.

Therefore, your serious attitude to the purposes for which you are asking for money is also very important. give effect almost instantly. You may be offered a promotion at work or receive an unexpected bonus. Be prepared to fulfill your promise, that is, to spend the money received with benefit.

By the way, if you send part of the money received as a result of the conspiracy to provide gratuitous assistance to a person in need, then this money will be returned to you three times.

But if you break your promise and spend money with evil or dishonest intentions, then you will lose ten times the amount. Therefore, be careful with your desires and actions, because the result of the most powerful conspiracy of the great Vanga is completely in your hands!

Pay your attention to the effective conspiracy proposed by Vanga, he is considered one of the most powerful in money magic.

How to conduct a ritual?

This ritual is for women and is not recommended for men. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The plot is read strictly on Friday at sunset.
  2. You will need to wear an unworn white shirt,
  3. Let your hair down and sit facing the east corner of your room.
  4. Take a pen and draw any of the money symbols on the inside of the ring finger, or simply write the name of the currency.
  5. Then lean this finger against the corner and start a plot for good luck and money to read from Vanga:

I call to my bow the forces of light and the forces of darkness.

Angelic creatures from the light heavens and devils from the fiery hyena.

I ask that terrible force to attract a bag of money to my home,

And also success-benefactor.

Angelic beings I will ask to learn to act correctly and judiciously,

So that my goodness always remains with me.

And let them help me overcome what is a heavy and unbearable burden on my shoulders.

Key, lock, tongue.

When you complete this ritual, immediately go to bed. Do not wash your hands until the next morning.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova for money

The magical conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

Magical conspiracies that increase financial well-being have been popular since ancient times. One of the most effective and effective spells for money can be called. At the same time, you can talk yourself not only to success in the financial sector, but also in work, study, love and other areas of activity.

Variant of a conspiracy to get rid of debts

  1. Wait until the first Thursday of the new month,
  2. On this day, at night, go to the crossroads (try to find the most deserted place where there is no traffic).
  3. Throw a ball of red thread prepared in advance on the ground and say the following words three times:

My poverty, uninvited by me, Uninvited guests who came to me, Poverty descend on this red thread, From now on you will not be with me, not to live forever. So it is said, so it is done and it will be so. Key, lock, tongue.

Conspiracy option to get money for the right thing

So, for this ritual, you need to go outside before sunrise, turn your face to the East and wait for the first rays of the sun to appear. As soon as the earth is illuminated by sunlight, start reading the plot:

I woke up early in the morning to welcome the red sun and the desire to fulfill my cherished desires.

Three wise men live on the eastern side: the first of them knows what I should receive,

The second knows where to find this desired, and the third will tell you how to get it.

I will reveal my secret to those sages: I will tell you about my cherished desires (you should name what you want to receive)

I ask them to give me the wisdom to get what I want. Key, lock, tongue.

After receiving the money, you need to spend it only on what you planned for. In the same case, if you spend money for other purposes, you will lose everything acquired. Money and wealth cannot be deceived, and next time no conspiracy will be able to help you.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Conspiracies for various purposes

To quickly get money for milk

It happens that money is needed in the near future, but you have no idea where you can get the necessary amount. Some will advise you to rely on fate, others will advise you to take a loan from a bank. And you can use a quick conspiracy to raise money that will help you find the right amount.

  1. From early morning go to the market and buy fresh "homemade" milk, about 10-12 liters.
  2. Buy the most expensive thing on the market, preferably from a not too young woman or grandmother.
  3. Do not take the change, leave it to the saleswoman.
  4. At home, pour it into 12 small jars.
  5. When pouring milk, say a conspiracy to get money quickly.

There is a hill in the field, a high mountain stands right on the hill, there is a green meadow under the mountain, a bull and a cow graze in the meadow.

The bull's huge horns reached right up to the sun, the cow's udder was half the size of the Earth.

I will go out into the field, I will climb the hill, I will find that meadow, I will cut the horns of that bull, and I will milk the cow.

A bull will immediately grow horns, and a cow's udder will be filled with milk.

And in my house profit will grow, prosperity will increase.

Let it be so!

Continue like this:

  • Repeat the plot continuously until you spill all the milk.
  • Now the hardest part: you will need to come up with and make 12 different dishes in each of which you use 1 can of milk. Recipes are suitable for any.
  • The resulting meals must be eaten no later than three days in advance.
  • Most of it needs to be distributed to friends, neighbors and, of course, colleagues.
  • Everyone you serve will bring you money within three months.

A conspiracy, if money is urgently needed, must be read in high spirits. If the mood is spoiled, and thoughts are overshadowed by something, then the rite may not work or aggravate the situation. In other words, if you are depressed, there can be no talk of any magic.

Conspiracies to repay the debt for sunflower

White magic will help you repay the debt

  • On a full moon, put an empty wallet on the windowsill.
  • It is best to pick up a large purse of bright color (yellow, red, green).
  • Remember that bright colors attract money.
  • Looking at the moon, repeat the following spell:

So let there be so much money in my wallet that no one can count!

Help the Moon, Mistress of the night, Queen of heaven, give me a decent wealth

And fill my purse to capacity! I conjure you! Let it be so!

  • When reading the spell on the third day, put all the funds that are in the house into your wallet.
  • After that, tie it with red thread and leave it next to the white wax candle.
  • Wait until it burns out completely.
  • After that, the wallet can be opened and used with money.

Conspiracy for a loaf of bread

Conspiracy for money at dawn

Effective spell for good luck and money

The next version of the plot should be read early in the morning, at dawn. In order for the result of the ritual to be as pronounced as possible, wait for the onset of the young moon. Prepare a new, previously unused basin or large container. In the morning before dawn, get up and, with the appearance of the first sunbeam on the horizon, wash yourself with clean running water over the basin, while reading a plot for good luck and money:

As pure water pours out of the basin,

So let the money be attracted to me,

They stay with me and never run out.

Let it be so.

The above words of the conspiracy must be memorized and pronounced twelve times. Then wipe yourself with a clean handkerchief and keep it with you all the time for 30 calendar days.

Advice: The most important point that should not be missed is that under no circumstances should you give this scarf to strangers, it is desirable that it should not be visible to prying eyes at all. Otherwise, the power of the conspiracy will pass to another person.

Conspiracies for money on the new moon

In order to conspire on the new moon for money and wealth, you will need 12 coins, it is desirable that they all be different (of different denominations, different countries or different sizes). Determine the date of the new moon according to the lunar calendar and proceed to the ritual:

First option

Go outside tonight, stand facing the moon. It is important that on this day the moon is not hidden behind the clouds. Stretch the palm with the coins towards the moonlight and say three times:

As under the sun every creature of God grows and multiplies,

So under the moon my money will grow and multiply.

Let it be so!"

Then squeeze the palm with coins into a fist and go home. On the way, do not talk to anyone and do not look anyone in the eye. At home, put the charmed money under the pillow and go to bed. After waking up, carry these coins with you until the full moon, as soon as the moon begins to wane, you need to get rid of some of the money, for example, spend it on purchases. After three cycles of the moon, you can again read a plot for money on the new moon.

Second option

The result will be a significant increase in your monetary wealth! How can this manifest itself? As practice shows, most often the money comes without any additional effort. That is, you can accidentally find banknotes or coins on the street, or you can be provided with gratuitous financial assistance, you can receive a cash gift and more. Isn't it much more pleasant to receive money without making any effort?

To perform the second plot on rice for money, you will need a handful of white round-grain rice. It is very important to take a handful of rice from a new pack bought the day before. On a clear cloudless night of the new moon, turn off the light in the room and go to the window, preferably open it if possible, or at least make a small gap. Gently pour the rice from the right palm to the left and vice versa, saying the following words three times:

As rice grows on water, so the moon grows in the yard,

As much rice in the field, so much money in the house.

Let it be forever!”

  • After the ritual, sprinkle rice in the places where you keep money: pockets, bag departments, wallets and other places.
  • Please note that not a single charmed grain should be lost or fall to the floor.
  • When you fall to the floor, the installation of wealth immediately stops. Therefore, carefully monitor the safety of all grains.
  • It is also impossible for these grains to be seen by strangers. As soon as the full moon comes, the scattered grains must be collected and thrown into any natural reservoir, saying:

“I repay good with good, I repay good with good, I repay good with good.”

With this action, you thank Mother Nature for the result, feeding her small creatures.

The consequences of conspiracies for money

Any perfect action, even non-magical, affects our lives.

The consequences of reading conspiracies for good luck and money can be very different. Before reading conspiracies for money, reviews and the consequences of their use must also be carefully studied.

White magic, like black magic, gives its own warnings about what can happen to a person in the future.

Each person should remember that after uttering even a minor spell, he completely changes inside. His aura not only changes its original color, but also begins to carry a completely different energy.

If the plot was read in the wrong way and the person was skeptical about what was happening from the very beginning, then the rite may not work. In some cases, it negatively affects the state of the individual and her future life, namely, it is possible:

  1. Deterioration of health, the appearance of chronic diseases;
  2. Problems at work, demotion;
  3. Quarrels with relatives, friends;
  4. Loss of a large amount of money;
  5. Weakness, fatigue;
  6. Feeling the constant presence of someone nearby.

Conspiracies focused on attracting good luck and money can have a positive effect and set a person on the right wave. After a successful ceremony, a person receives what he wants in full.

Conspiracies can operate throughout life, if every few years the course of the ceremony is repeated anew.

In this article:

To achieve something in life, not only the efforts that we put in to achieve what we want are important, luck also plays a big role. However, she does not smile at all of us. You should not be upset, because there are various rituals for good luck and luck that will help you achieve what you want.

Rituals for luck in everything

This simple rite will help you achieve luck in all your endeavors. On Tuesday morning (before sunrise), face east. Light three church candles and read the plot seven times:

Put out the candles and put them away. They can be used next time. The ritual for luck in everything can be done every week or as needed.

If you are looking for a job, but you can’t find anything sensible, then try the following ceremony. On the new moon, buy a handkerchief on the market and read the following conspiracy on it:

“Where I will not go, the servant of God (name),

I can find work everywhere.

Success awaits me in all endeavors,

And prosperity in business.

As she said, so be it. Amen".

A charmed handkerchief should always be carried with you. But in order to find a job, one conspiracy is not enough, you do not need to be inactive, engage in active searches, and then luck will be on your side.

Conspiracy before the interview: to get hired

Successfully pass the interview, the following conspiracy will help you. When leaving the house, read three times:

There are all sorts of situations in life. Sometimes, despite all the searches and efforts, it is not possible to find your soul mate. In such a situation, love magic can come to the rescue. The ritual for luck in love will help you not only find a soul mate, but also establish relationships with your loved one.

It must be done on the new moon. At night, light a red candle, put a piece of paper in front of you, and write your desire on it. After that, reread what you have written several times. Fold the paper and put it in an envelope. Then read the plot for luck in love:

“I, the servant of God (name), left the house, and went into the open field, I saw a big stone there. As this stone stands alone, so am I alone. Suddenly a pair of white doves landed on a rock. I asked the Lord for help. Help me meet my destiny. I don't want to be alone anymore, I want to meet my soul mate. As this pair of doves is inseparable, so I will find my man. We will always be together in joy, and in sorrow, and in health, and in illness. Help me Lord, hear my prayer and heed it. Let it be so. Amen".

After that, drip wax from the candle onto the envelope and seal it. Put it under your pillow. Let him lie there until your wish comes true.

It is better not to tell anyone about the ceremony, and not to show the envelope to anyone.

To become lucky, some people prefer to turn to black magic. If you also have such a desire, then you can try to conduct this ceremony. It should be done at night on a full moon. Before this day, do a general cleaning in the house, throw away all the old and unnecessary things.

At midnight, light a church candle and go around your entire house with it three times, starting from the front door from left to right. Then circle the candles around your body three times. Take a new pin and drip candle wax into her eye, while saying:

“A thousand devils call you to help,

I expect good luck and luck from you.

Let my pin turn into an amulet

And he has helped me for 10 years.

I close my plot with a lock.

I cover it with wax from a candle.

My word is stronger than stone

As I say, so be it!”

Now take some yellow coins and go to the crossroads. Throw them over your left shoulder and say, "Paid." Then return home. Don't talk to anyone until morning.

Ritual for luck and money

If you want to attract money and good luck to yourself, then you can perform a ceremony for three candles:

  • white will represent you;
  • brown will help bring good luck to you;
  • green - cash.

You need to carry out a ritual for good luck and money for the growing moon after sunset. Put candles in the shape of a triangle. White should be in the center, green on the left, and brown on the right. Light the candles. First white, then brown and green. Read the conspiracy to attract money and good luck in your life:

"I light the candles

I call for profit and good luck in my life.

Let the candles burn bright fire

And my house will be filled with goodness and gold.

There will be success in all my affairs,

I will become richer and luckier than everyone."

After reading, you need to wait until the candles burn out. Collect the rest and hide at home. Soon you will notice that luck is on your side.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • new small mirror;
  • a small bag made of blue fabric;
  • a sheet of paper and a pen.

It needs to be done in the evening. Take a mirror in your hands and, looking into it, say three times:

« Mirror-mirror, bright window, reflect all obstacles and troubles, remove from my path, and attract good luck and success into my life. Amen".

After that, write your last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth on a piece of paper. Hide the sheet and the mirror in a bag that will become your talisman. Carry it always with you.

If you have trouble at work, they want to cut you off, or your boss finds fault with you, then a conspiracy for good luck at work can help you. You need to spend it on the waning moon in the evening. Sit at the table, light a church candle in front of you and, looking at its flame, say:

"Candle-candle burn brightly,

Take all the hardships and failures for yourself.

Give me back my luck and success

Make me the happiest of all.

Let my colleagues respect me

And the authorities do not offend.

There will be money in my hands to go,

And only good people meet on my way.

After that, take a yellow coin out of your wallet and drip wax on it. Always carry this coin with you.

Ritual for good luck in studies

Despite the fact that school and student years are considered among the best in a person's life, many children and adolescents do not want to study. This happens for various reasons. One of the main things is that studying is hard for a child. To fix this, you can perform a ritual for good luck in your studies. It can be carried out by both the student himself and his mother.

For this you will need:

  • brown candle;
  • Holy water;
  • Bowl;
  • ring, bracelet or keychain worn by the child.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on the last day of the full moon.

Pour holy water into a bowl. Put your chosen item there. Place the bowl on the window so that the moonlight falls on it, and say:

“Moonlight gives power (name the object),

It charges him with special energy.

Let this thing help the servant of God (name);

It rewards with success and good luck in studies.

It will be easy for the servant of God (name) to study,

And his head is filled with knowledge.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then extinguish the candle. Pour out the water, and give the charmed object to the child. It is important that he always carries it with him.

Exam Luck Ritual

In order not to fail the exam and get a high score, you need to prepare well. In addition, magic can come to your aid.

At midnight before exams, pour water into a glass and say:

“I call for good luck and luck,

Let them help me in my studies.

No wonder I'm busy today

I'll get a good grade tomorrow."

After that, leave the water and go to bed. In the morning, drink half a glass and go to the exam. When you return home, drink the rest of the water.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on the growing moon on the first Wednesday. The time of the event is midnight. For the ritual you will need:

  • a glass filled with holy water;
  • three yellow coins;
  • Golden ring.

Dip the ring and coins into a glass of water, grab it with both hands, and read the conspiracy for good luck in business:

"I'll put the coins in the water,

I will ask the Lord for help.

Help me, Almighty, to achieve success in business,

Always be in the right place at the right time.

Let the guardian angel accompany me

And it helps me in business!

My word is strong, but my deed is sculpted!

You need to read the plot seven times, after each reading, drink a sip. At the end, you need to drink all the water. Carry your ring and coins with you at all times. These are now your talismans that will attract good luck to you.

Ritual for good luck in business

If there are problems in business, then this rite can come to the rescue. You can spend it on any Thursday at dawn. For the ritual you will need:

  • coin;
  • remnant;
  • red thread.

Leave the house early in the morning and find a deserted place. There, dig a hole in which you put all of the above items, and say:

"How quickly the soap ends,

So all my bad luck will end,

As coins jingle in other people's wallets,

So in mine they will ring.

Like a red thread brings luck and good luck,

So it will bring me success in business.

Everything will work out for me

And business will improve.

As I said, so be it. Amen"

After that, dig a hole and draw a cross on the ground with your right index finger, while saying: “ My word is law ". Now go home, don't look back, and don't talk to anyone on the way.

In order for you to be successful always and in everything, you need to speak a pin. The ceremony is held on the new moon on Wednesday. When it gets dark, go outside, take a pin in your right hand and, looking at the moon, say:

“As a young month ascended into heaven,

So in my affairs everything will be fine.

Success and prosperity will be waiting for me in everything.

And my failures and suffering will end.

Amen. Amen. Amen"

Always carry this charmed pin with you.

Ritual for Luck, Success and Fortune Increase