The child is larger than term. Possible complications during childbirth. The nature of the nutrition of a woman in position

Pregnancy is a time of expectations, dreams of a beautiful and future baby. During pregnancy, there is a certain plan for observation by a doctor and a certain number of scheduled ultrasound examinations. And on one of the ultrasounds, any woman can hear the phrase "You are bearing a hero." This means that a large fetus is developing inside you.

There are certain norms for the weight and height of the baby at the time of birth. It is considered normal when a child with a height of 48 - 54 cm has a weight of up to 4,000 kg. If the baby weighs from 4 to 5 kg at the time of birth, then they talk about a large fetus during pregnancy. But it is strange that in this case they do not take into account the growth of children. After all, large kids are always taller than children, which, as they say, are normal. The growth of large babies is usually 54 - 56 cm.

According to statistics, today the number of large children is 5-10% of all pregnancies. Doctors believe that this is due to improved working conditions, good and healthy nutrition, as well as the living conditions of pregnant women.

There are also cases of the birth of giant babies: weight over 5 kg. But such cases are recorded much less frequently.

How to identify a large fruit?

Starting from the 12th week of pregnancy, the doctor at each examination listens to the baby's heartbeat, measures the circumference of the hips and abdomen of the pregnant woman, and the weight and pressure of the pregnant woman is also measured in the pre-medical office. All these measurements are not made in order to indicate to the woman how she has recovered and to offend her. All this is done in order to clearly draw a picture of the course of pregnancy and monitor the health of the baby and expectant mother.

Diagnosis of a large fetus during pregnancy is made not only on the basis of an examination of a woman. An experienced doctor always takes into account heredity and disease. The doctor should ask about the physique of the father, about the weight with which the future parents themselves were born. If, from all the data of the examination and interview, a suspicion of a large fetus is diagnosed, only then a referral for an ultrasound is issued. Only on the basis of ultrasound can you calculate the estimated weight of the baby.

On such an unscheduled study, the size of the fetal head, the diameter and circumference of the abdomen, the length of the femur and humerus of the baby are determined. And based on these data, it becomes possible to calculate the estimated weight of the fetus.

Causes of a large fetus

There can be many reasons why you are carrying a hero. Some of them are associated only with heredity, some are a reflection of the mother's lifestyle or an echo of her state of health. Let us dwell in more detail on the reasons that the fetus is overweight during pregnancy.

1. Increase in duration of pregnancy. There are two terms that are associated with a long gestation period: the prolongation of a physiological pregnancy and the prolongation of a pregnancy. Prolongation is due to the fact that the timing of childbirth was incorrectly set. In this case, a healthy baby is born, but 10-14 days later than the deadline set by the doctors. The health of the baby is determined by the absence of signs of overbearing and aging of the placenta. With a true prolongation of pregnancy, a baby is born with the following signs:

  • wrinkling of the skin;
  • greenish or grayish tint of amniotic fluid;
  • lack of original lubrication; dryness.

2. A disease such as diabetes, can lead to a large fetus during pregnancy. A pregnant woman with diabetes mellitus should be examined more carefully than the others. Among such women, the statistics of the birth of large children is much higher.

Such pregnant women should be hospitalized no later than 32 weeks of pregnancy. In the hospital, they undergo a thorough examination, after which a decision is made on the timing of childbirth. If a patient with diabetes bears a large fetus, then the issue of artificial stimulation of labor is decided not earlier than 36 weeks. This decision is also made when the woman's health deteriorates (preeclampsia, decreased blood sugar,). Childbirth in this case takes place under the close supervision of a therapist. Insulin is administered during all births. Insulin treatment continues after delivery, depending on test results.

3. Hemolytic disease of the fetus- a serious reason for the development of a large fetus during pregnancy. This disease is caused by Rh-conflict mother and child. It occurs in Rh-negative women when the baby inherits an Rh-positive father. As a result of this disease, the baby not only has a decrease in hemoglobin levels and jaundice appears, but also overweight due to the accumulation of fluid in the body cavities (swelling appears), the spleen and liver increase.

4. Heredity in the development of a large fetus plays an important role. If the mother or father of the baby is tall and large at the moment, then it is likely that the child will be large. Also today, small parents could be born large. Then the baby can inherit this very fact and will also be a hero.

5. There is also a tendency for large fetuses to develop in subsequent pregnancies. According to statistics, the second and subsequent children are born with a weight of 30% more than their older brothers and sisters. This is primarily due to the psychological factor (during the second pregnancy, the mother no longer experiences such great stress and fear). The second reason is the readiness and training of the woman's body to bear a baby (now the metabolism between mother and baby is improving due to better blood circulation).

6. Nutrition of a pregnant woman can also affect the excess size of the baby. A large amount of food containing carbohydrates (bakery, sweets) contributes to obesity of the mother and child. In this case, the baby's body begins to work like a mother's and gains excess weight. Already in the womb, obesity can develop.

Danger with a large fetus

The final stage of pregnancy - childbirth, is one of the most responsible and difficult moments of expecting a baby. Carrying a large child can cause certain difficulties in the process of delivery. These difficulties can affect both the health of the mother and the health of the newborn.

First of all, with a large fetus during pregnancy, there may be discrepancy between the size of the baby's head and the mother's pelvis . Even if the pelvis is not narrow, the head of a large baby may not pass through the birth canal. In this case, even a good, strong labor activity will not be able to provide natural delivery.

The head of a large fetus stands high in the pelvic cavity, this is the reason for the lack of distinction between the anterior and posterior amniotic fluid. This difference from normal physiological childbirth causes early effusion of amniotic fluid. If the fetus is large, then along with the discharge into the vagina, the umbilical cord or the baby's pen may fall out. In this case, an immediate surgical intervention is performed. Early outflow of water slows down the process of opening the uterus, and the period of contractions makes it very painful. The fact that the baby is without water for a long time can cause infection of him and the uterus.

The development of a large fetus during pregnancy can cause labor disorders . Such a violation is characterized by good and strong activity in the first stage and a decrease in labor activity in the later stages of childbirth. As a result, the woman in labor gets tired and cannot push. Also, cases of violations of the activity of the nervous, cardiovascular system are not uncommon. A large fetus in this situation suffers from a lack of oxygen - hypoxia. Such a violation may be characterized by very weak contractions in the first stage of labor.

During attempts, when the baby's head takes the form of a woman's small pelvis, uterine rupture problem . This happens, again, due to the discrepancy between the size of the small pelvis and the head of a large fetus.

emergence urinary or rectovaginal fistulas not uncommon at birth of large children. This is due to the long standing of the baby's head in the pelvic area of ​​a woman. In this case, necrosis of the tissues of the bladder, rectum and urethra occurs. Dead tissue is then torn off, forming fistulas. The problem is solved only by surgical intervention after childbirth.

With a long period of childbirth, pinched nerve in leg , there is also a possibility of damage to the articulation of the pubic bones. This is reflected in the gait of a young mother, limping and pain appear when moving the foot. If the degree of nerve damage is high, then surgery is required to solve the problem. With a mild degree of paresis, bed rest and a bandage are recommended. At the discretion of the doctor, pain medication may be prescribed.

All of the above can occur even before the birth of the baby's head, which was considered large during pregnancy. But even when, it would seem, the most difficult thing is behind, problems can arise. After the birth of the head of a large fetus, difficulties may arise in removing the baby's shoulder girdle. If the child is large, then, first of all, the neonatologist pays attention to the condition of his clavicles and arms.

A mismatch between the mother's pelvis and the baby's head can cause hemorrhage in the brain in a child or cephalohematoma. If there are no complications, then after 6-8 weeks the hematoma subsides without affecting the health of the child. Hemorrhage can also remain without consequences for the development and health of the baby. It all depends on its size and zone of outpouring.

We must not forget that a woman who gave birth to a large baby may have inadequate contraction of the uterus . As a result, bleeding may occur after the baby is born. The causes of bleeding are both retained placenta in the uterus, and ruptures of the tissues of the genital tract.

What to do?

If, after another examination by a doctor, you were told that you have a large fetus, you should not panic. A large fetus during pregnancy is the need for more careful monitoring in the future and during childbirth. Having learned that the baby is large, the doctor, first of all, will try to find out the reason.

If the cause is any pathology of the development of the fetus or the health of the woman, treatment in a hospital will be prescribed. In this case, in most situations, the woman is under observation until the very birth, as there is a need for constant teaching of drug treatment.

If the cause of a large fetus is heredity or mommy's overeating, then a diet is prescribed. According to the diet, the mother should receive only wholesome food that will not contribute to weight gain.

It is also not worth being afraid of childbirth with the development of a large fetus. The only thing you need to do in advance is to talk to your doctor about the progress of your labor. In some cases, a caesarean section is immediately prescribed, in others they take expectant tactics.

Indicators for caesarean section already in the process of labor is the presence of signs of discrepancy between the head of the child and the pelvis of the mother within 4 hours.

That is, if the birth is scheduled for natural, then subject to the spontaneous course of labor and the departed waters, the doctor can decide on the operation if the life of the mother or child is threatened.

Also, during childbirth, a caesarean section can be used if symptoms of uterine rupture appear.

Large fetus during pregnancy: how mom can help

Having considered the reasons for the development of a large fetus, it can be understood that the mother's first aid is to healthy eating even before conception (that is, getting rid of excess weight that a child can inherit) and proper nutrition during pregnancy.

It is not for nothing that at each scheduled examination, the gynecologist gives recommendations on the amount of certain nutrients in each trimester of pregnancy. So, for example, the amount of carbohydrates per day in the last trimester should be only 300-400 g.

If the reason lies in heredity, then it is worth relying on the experience of doctors who will give competent advice, provide information about possible diets and successfully carry out delivery. In this case, diet comes first.

Yes, even during pregnancy, sometimes you need to sacrifice something. But you should be driven by the heartbeat of your child, it is for the sake of it that you need to deny yourself some pleasures.

Help with pathologies of a large fetus is mother's consent to receive medical care. It is impossible to hope for a miracle with the swelling of the baby, enlargement of the spleen and liver. All these symptoms are perfectly visible on ultrasound and, with proper treatment during childbirth and after, they may not affect the health and development of the child.

Remember, pregnancy is a wonderful time when a woman is already responsible not only for herself, but also for a new little life. A hero is a baby who, while still living in the womb of his mother, already requires special attention, and not a reason to worry and be afraid.

A good video about a large fetus and caesarean section


A big belly during pregnancy does not mean. That you will certainly have a big baby. But there are several signs by which this can be determined with a high degree of certainty.

In the first trimester, around the 8-12th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother undergoes the first planned ultrasound. It is during this study that the specialist specifies the gestational age, measures the length of the fetus in centimeters, or rather, its coccyx-parietal size (KTR). From this moment on, the tiny creature will take on specific shapes for you. There are still a few months ahead, during which the baby will develop, grow stronger and prepare for the birth.

Diagnosis of the size of the fetus

Predictions about the size of the fetus can only be made starting from the middle of the third trimester. The doctor will pay attention to the increase in the volume of your abdomen. If the waist size exceeds 100 cm, the doctor will suspect that you have a growing hero. And he will definitely send you for an ultrasound, which will allow you to determine the size and circumference of the fetal head, as well as the size of his abdomen and chest. Then the doctor will calculate the estimated weight of the fetus using a formula that takes into account all these parameters.

Control yourself: weigh yourself every week and keep a weight gain schedule. And don't forget to take it with you when you go to your doctor's appointment. Until the 20th week, you can add no more than 700 g per week, from the 20th to the 30th - about 400 g, and after the 30th - only 300-350 g.

The overall weight gain for the entire pregnancy is individual and depends on your constitution. Find out your rate. Thin women by the time of childbirth can gain up to 15 kg. If you have an average build, then the increase should be 10-12 kg. If you are considered "chubby", be especially vigilant: the upper limit of your weight gain is about 7 kg. Don't overdo it so you don't regret it later!

Fetal size by week

The doctor will determine the size of your pelvis during the first visit, at registration. The necessary parameters (there are five of them) are measured using a pelvis meter in the supine position and on the side, as well as during a vaginal examination. If at least one of the sizes is less than the norm by 1.5-2 cm, they speak of an anatomically narrow pelvis. It occurs in 5-7% of women.

The indication for caesarean section is a functionally (clinically) narrow pelvis. Such a diagnosis is made when there is a discrepancy between the size of the head of the fetus and the pelvis of the expectant mother. These cases make up only 1-2% of all births. But it happens that an anatomically narrow pelvis is functionally sufficient for natural delivery.

Table of Fetal Sizes (KTR) by week

big baby

A large baby can be born due to some ailments of the expectant mother or due to her improper behavior during pregnancy.

Incorrectly formulated diet may adversely affect the health of the fetus. Most often, a large baby is born in those women who combine foods incorrectly and love large portions. To eat right, follow our recommendations when compiling a menu for every day.

Heredity- the second most influential factor leading to the development large fruit. If you or your husband were born large, be prepared for the birth of a hero.

Diabetes pregnant woman causes an increase in glucose levels in the baby, which stimulates excess secretion of insulin in his body. This hormone is known to be a growth factor. In this case, you will need constant medical supervision. Therefore, you will have to go to the hospital in advance, no later than the 32nd week. Doctors will monitor the level of sugar in the blood and urine and help you in time.

Prolongation of pregnancy also leads to overweight of the fetus. After all, it continues to grow, despite the missed best time for birth. The doctor observing you will try to prevent this and take the necessary measures in time.

healthy eating

Love buns and a day without cookies and chocolate? Do not forget that an excess of carbohydrates leads to excess weight. In your position, you both get better. In this case, the baby lacks the nutrients necessary for normal growth and development. And extra grams are stored in reserve. Believe me, it is better to watch this now than to fight with an overweight baby when he is born.

  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Make salads, add greens to them and season with vegetable oil.
  • Avoid fried foods. Switch to stews, boiled and baked dishes.
  • Limit the use of salt (this is a wonderful prevention of edema!) And spices.
  • Save the sweet buns for later. Buy rye bread or products made from whole wheat flour.
  • Prepare a variety of drinks from fresh fruits. Cook unsweetened compotes, squeeze juices, make cocktails.
  • Don't forget dairy products. They improve the work of the intestines, enrich the body with calcium and protein.

Follow these simple rules - and the baby will grow up healthy even before it is born. And the birth will be successful!

Doctors recognize a large fetus before childbirth based on the conclusion of an ultrasound scan. The baby's weight grows the most in the last 2 months of pregnancy. During this period, the main dimensions of a large fetus begin to exceed the norms corresponding to the gestational age. With a full-term fetus at 40 weeks, the main dimensions should not exceed the following indicators: fronto-parietal skull size (LTR) - 120 mm, biparietal skull size (BPR) - 93.9 mm, hip length (DB) - 75.8 mm, the average diameter of the abdomen (SDZh) - 108.2 mm, the average diameter of the chest (SDGK) - 99.9 mm. If the fetus exceeds the indicated dimensions, you should wait for the birth of a large baby.

It is possible to assume that the child will be large by the size of the abdomen (its circumference and the height of the fundus of the uterus). However, in this case, there is a risk of confusing a large fruit and polyhydramnios. With polyhydramnios, the size of the fetus may correspond to the gestational age or be smaller, but the abdomen may greatly increase in volume.

Causes of a large fetus

The intrauterine development of the baby is genetically predetermined, but it is directly influenced by the state of the mother's body, the diet and lifestyle of the pregnant woman. The reasons for the development of a large fetus include nutritional errors: excessive consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates, high-calorie foods, combined with low physical activity and low activity.

A large child can appear in parents who are obese. This disease is a consequence of a violation of lipid metabolism, it leads to an increase in the level of fatty acids in the blood of a woman, which penetrate the fetus and significantly accelerate growth. Obesity of the father of the unborn child is considered as a risk factor for the appearance of a large fetus. Heredity affects the size of the fetus: physically developed, tall parents often have large children.

The structural features of the placenta also affect: in the case of an increase in its thickness and area, the intensity of blood circulation increases, the fetus receives more nutrients and stimulating hormones. The probability of the birth of a large child increases with 2-3 pregnancies, since the vascular network of the uterus is better developed, and good conditions are created for the development of the fetus.

The fetus has a large size if a woman suffers from diabetes. With this disease, the level of glucose in the blood is significantly elevated. It can freely penetrate to the fetus, resulting in a disproportionate growth of the child, subcutaneous fat is deposited.

Large fruit? Then you need to more carefully prepare for childbirth, learn about the possible risks.

Characteristics of a large fetus during pregnancy

A large baby is called a baby who weighs more than 4 kilograms at birth and has a height of more than 54 centimeters. Many believe that if a large baby was born, then this is good. Expectant mothers strive to eat as much as possible and in every possible way contribute to the formation of a large fetus, but is it safe for newborns and women in labor?

Causes of the birth of large children

According to statistics, in recent years, the number of large newborns has increased. This fact is associated with an improvement in the standard of living, nutrition and work, but there are other reasons.

Overnutrition of a pregnant woman

With poor nutrition, when the expectant mother consumes too many calories, her weight increases rapidly, and the baby grows accordingly. Carbohydrate-rich foods (baked goods, sweets) contribute to the weight gain of the mother and child.

hereditary factors

For large people, the baby will not be small. There are cases when a large son or daughter is born to medium-sized parents, the influence of more distant relatives or a genetic disorder is possible.

Endocrine-metabolic diseases

Improper metabolism associated with endocrine diseases can affect the development of the fetus. With an incorrect concentration of some hormones, water exchange fails and the fluid is retained in the tissues of the body, therefore, the child is enlarged due to swelling.

Features of the placenta

If the placenta increases much faster than expected, the fetus also grows at an accelerated pace. This happens due to the increased exchange of nutrients through the umbilical cord between the placenta and the unborn child.


Overlapping occurs for several reasons. First, the gestational age is incorrectly determined. The second is the real overbearing of the fetus. In the first case, a normal baby is born. In the second, there are signs of a prolonged pregnancy - cloudy amniotic fluid with a gray or green tint, wrinkled and very dry skin of the baby, sometimes a larger fetus than expected.

Other factors

If the baby inherited the blood type and Rh factor of the father, then this affects the well-being of the child and mother, and swelling may also develop, which visually increases the size of the fetus.
According to statistics, with each subsequent birth, the size of the unborn child may change upwards. This fact is associated with the fact that a woman is familiar with the process of pregnancy and childbirth, respectively, she experiences less stress, which contributes to the normal development of the fetus and optimal weight gain.

Diagnosis of a large fetus

A large fetus is determined using ultrasound and regular measurements of the pregnant woman. This takes into account - the parameters of future parents, previous children, if any, the development of the fetus in the womb, the tendency for the growth of the abdomen and the increase in the total weight of the woman.

Possible complications during childbirth

A large child can provoke such undesirable phenomena:
  • Waste of amniotic fluid ahead of time.
  • Protracted birth process.
  • Ruptures of the internal and external genital organs of a woman.
  • Difficulty passing through the birth canal due to an insufficiently wide pelvis.
  • Severe trauma to the child during childbirth.
Due to the increased likelihood of complications, the decision on how the birth will take place is made in advance.

Indications for caesarean section

Caesarean section is used if:
  • The mother is too young or older than 30.
  • Malposition.
  • The child is wrapped around the umbilical cord.
  • Pregnancy is longer than normal.
  • The woman's pelvis is too narrow.
  • A caesarean section was used in previous births.
  • Pathology of the uterus.
  • Contraindication to normal childbirth due to problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Negative outcome of previous births.
A large fetus, in itself, is not an indication for a caesarean section, it is prescribed only if there is a real danger to the health of the baby and mother.

Features of childbirth

When determining a large fetus, childbirth takes place under the strict supervision of many specialists. The necessary security measures, anesthesia and response to unforeseen circumstances are being carried out in a timely manner.

Possible postpartum problems

The birth of a large child can affect the occurrence of various pathological processes after childbirth - improper blood circulation in the tissues of internal organs, necrosis, the appearance of fistulas in the rectum and vagina.


With a persistent tendency to increase the weight of the unborn baby, it is necessary:
  • Insist on more thorough research.
  • Consult an endocrinologist and rule out the possibility of diabetes.
  • Do special exercises for pregnant women, move as much as possible.
  • Work with a nutritionist to develop a special diet.
  • If the situation allows, stop taking any medications.
You should not be afraid of the appearance of a large fetus. In the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, there should be no unpleasant surprises.

Who was born to you?

Boy, 3800.

It just so happened that the news about the birth of a baby is accompanied by information about his weight. Every pregnant woman wants to give birth to a healthy, strong baby. Very often you have to hear notes of pride in your voice: And our Vanka was born in 4500! Bogatyr!

So the pregnant mommy thinks, how can she give birth to the same! But is it worth it? - the opposite question arises.

There is no single answer, no matter how hard you try to analyze and compare everything. After all, every woman is different. If we write now that it’s better to give birth to an “average” hero, there will be mothers who will say: we gave birth to three of 4800 each - and nothing: we are alive, healthy and happy. Personally, I myself have such acquaintances. And they gave birth quite easily. At the same time, it is difficult to give birth to a kilogram baby. So, again, everything is individual.

Throughout pregnancy, the doctor calculates the estimated body weight of the unborn baby. Naturally, not for the sake of curiosity. These indicators indicate whether the baby is developing correctly, and can also suggest what the birth itself will be like. You can calculate the body weight of the child as accurately as possible using (the dimensions of the head, diameter and, length of the femur and humerus are compared). By external signs, it is impossible to reliably determine the weight of the unborn baby. A very large belly is not an indicator at all.

There is an opinion that if a large fetus is suspected, a pregnant woman is immediately prepared for a caesarean section. However, this is not always the case. For such an operation, such a factor is not enough. There must be other indications for a caesarean section. For example, an anatomically narrow pelvis occurs in 5-7% of pregnant women. Such a diagnosis can be made to you by taking a series of measurements. If there is a discrepancy between the size of the fetal head and the pelvis of the expectant mother, it will be safer to perform a caesarean section. An indicator for the operational resolution of childbirth is almost always the breech presentation of the child and the narrow pelvis of the mother. In this case, even a fruit weighing from 3.5 kg is large. But you should not worry, because women give birth even to heavy babies without complications. The main thing is to trust the doctor and believe in yourself.

So what exactly determines the mass of the unborn child?

One of the reasons for a large fetus is heredity. The same principle applies here, according to which twins and triplets are born. Therefore, if large children were born in your family or your husband's family before, the same fate awaits you. The physique of the father also matters. Naturally, the baby will have someone to go to if he is born with a body weight above 4 kg. Statistics also state that during repeated births, the weight of the baby is always several grams more than the previous one.

Definitely, you will give birth to a difficult baby if there is a post-term pregnancy. It is considered as such if its duration is increased by 14 days. 42 weeks of pregnancy is already a pathology. In addition to the fact that the baby will be large, there are more dangerous complications during childbirth.

Diabetes mellitus in a mother also provokes a large weight of her unborn baby. Indeed, in the body of a woman, the absorption of glucose is impaired, there is a failure in metabolism, because of this, too much glucose enters the baby's blood, which means that its growth rate is much higher than normal. It is likely that in this situation, the baby himself will inherit a disturbed metabolism. If a woman who is carrying a large fetus has a late one, the level decreases - the doctor can cause artificial premature birth. Indeed, in such cases, there is a danger of the death of the fetus in the womb.

And yet, the most common cause of the birth of heroes is the malnutrition of a pregnant woman. Eating "for two" is by no means impossible. Also give up extra buns and sweets in favor of vegetables and fruits. In the second half of pregnancy, eat no more than 400 grams per day of foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Their excess leads to both you and the baby. It is best to take care of enriching the body with useful substances and vitamins. Both you and your baby need calcium. Therefore, do not forget about dairy products. Eat often, but in small amounts.

Remember, it doesn’t matter at all what weight your angel will be born with, the main thing is that both he and you are healthy!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy