Recommendations for parents "Organization of the Day of the Day in Family Education. Free regime or clear routine. Newborn Day Mode: Feeding

In modern conditions, many parents believe that they can give their child much more knowledge of the house. In this regard, they assume a big responsibility. Rising a child at home should be understood that the child is deprived of full-fledged communication with peers in various regime moments. Communication only on the street is not enough. The child must learn to interact with other children in classes, matinees. Now in kindergartens, much attention is paid to the versatile development of the child. Here are some simple rules for organizing a day mode in family education:

1. Observe the houses of the day and food mode taken in kindergarten.

2. At home, praise the child for the manifestation of independence, the correct implementation of hygienic procedures, educate the habit of cleaning (wash, wash your legs in front of the day sleep, follow the condition of the hands, wash your hands after walk, use toilet paper, brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after Food).

3. Observe the walking mode. Let the child be able to move much during walks. Enter the Family Tradition of Sports.

4. Ensure an emotional joyful background of the child's life. Support the joyful atmosphere in the family. Keep the traditions of family holidays. Attend the theaters with the child. Concerts. The circus.

5. To eliminate and prevent disorders in sound reading, spend the game exercises with the child. Also, special game exercises apply to the development of phonderatic hearing and speech attention.

6. Let's children at home, under the control of an adult, cut out with scissors, sew needle, sculpt and so on.

7. Tell a lot and show children, read fiction.

Compliance with these rules by parents will facilitate further life to children. After all, the situation may change and the child will need to go to kindergarten. In this case, it will already have elementary self-service skills.

How to organize the day of the day? Many mothers know that the day of the day has a beneficial effect on the well-being and behavior of the child. However, what should be the mode and how to organize it correctly, not everyone knows.

The day mode is a whole system that implies the distribution of sleep and wakefulness, food techniques, wellness activities and other activities. The day mode sets our rhythm of life, and the more it is constant and consistently followed, the more harmoniously our activity is agreed with physiological processes occurring in the body.

The harmonization of external and internal rhythms provides the right work of all organism systems, timely regeneration and recovery of cells, their cleansing, reproduction and development, which in turn guarantees our good health and high performance. Compliance with the regime of the day naturally for any living organism.

Good health and high performance - the main criteria for the formation of the regime. From here we can conclude that the mode of day of each person is individual. He meets our age, the state of health, conditions and lifestyle, as well as social conditions. Therefore, the mode is also subject to change.

I hear from many doctors and moms that the kid itself can form his own mode. Children knew themselves when they and how much to sleep and eat. This is true, however, it is important not to forget that a person is a social creation, therefore, in the continuation of the foregoing, not only its biorhythms affect the formation of the kid regime, but also the surrounding environment formed by their parents.

The formation of the toddler regime is in the framework of parental responsibility.

Consider the basic principles of the formation of the regime.

Determination of the readiness of the baby function by regime.

To begin with, we define the age in which we can proceed to building the regime. When kids are born, all the systems of their organism are imperfect. It takes time to ripen and adapt to external conditions. In the mother's womb, the functioning of the kid rhythms was provided by the mother's body. Now they need to maintain their lives on their own, under a sensitive supervision of mom. It takes about 4 months before the kid becomes physiologically ready to function in a less rejected regime. In the period from 4 to 6 months, the baby biorhythms begin to tune in to the 24-hour format.

What is the task of parents during this period? Do not interfere!))

Be careful to the signals that your baby serves, try to correctly recognize them in order to meet it with this needs. You already know how to distinguish the baby's hungry or tired, you recognize the causes of its discontent and concern. Continue to watch the baby to recognize how its natural biorhythms work. You can keep the diary of all the events that occur during the day, or lead the dream diary. At this stage, the diary will help you correctly analyze your day and observe the formation of its structure. Pay attention to the time at which your day is most often starts, sleeping every day. When the baby sleeps longer, and when his sleep is short? Fix the time that the baby is awake. Is it different from the period to the period? How does it differ during the day? Does the change in the time of wakefulness affect the quality and duration of dreams?

As soon as all this information is collected, you can understand how much your baby is physiologically ready for functioning on a given structure of the day.

Determining the time of the beginning of the day and its control.

When you see that the baby is ready, the first thing we pay attention is the beginning of the day.

When I talk about the rules for the formation of the regime, I always draw the attention of my parents to the fact that there are no clear charts and the routine of the day, which must be considered unconditionally. Each kid is individual, so your day of the day will be special, meets the needs of only your baby. However, since we all create biological, some similarity in the mode of children of one age will still be present. Therefore, the recommendations of specialists regarding the organization of the day's organization are based on statistical information obtained by observing groups of people of different ages and offer to take into account temporary intervals for the organization of nutrition, sleep and wake.

Our biological clock is configured at 24-hour format (a little more than 24 hours, if you are accurate) and follow the sun. Our kids are especially sensitive to them. Therefore, for kids after 4 months, the natural time of awakening will fall into the gap 5: 30-7: 00 hours. Find the time of the beginning of the day of your baby will help you all the same diary. As soon as you find an approximate time of awakening at the specified gap, repeated from day to day for 1-2 weeks, we will understand that the beginning of the regime is supposed.

Next, so that the mode is formed correctly, we want to control the start of the day, i.e. Save it in the recommended gap. It depends on how the day will be built, and how the daily dreams will be distributed during the day. At the first year of life, the day of the day is constantly in motion: only determined the right time of dreams, as in 2 weeks it does not work and requires adjustment. Therefore, the wake-up time control will be the basis of your day.

Proper distribution of daily dreams and adjusting their duration.

The number of day dreams will change as their quality. From 4 months, the baby will sleep 3 day sleep and 10-11 hours at night (12-15 hours per day), from about 6-9 months - 2 sleep and 11-12 hours at night (12-15 hours per day), From 15-18 months - 1 Sleep and 10-12 h at night (11-14 hours per day) and completely day sleep will leave about 3-4 years (but sometimes it remains up to 6 years), and the night sleep will be about 10- 11 h (10-13 hours per day). (Data on the number of sleep per day are given according to the information of the National Sleep Foundation, USA)

There are various approaches in organizing daylight time. It is important here to understand what is suitable for the baby, a guide to the time of wakefulness or a certain and almost unchangeable time of the onset of dreams. But it is necessary to remember the main thing: after 4 months, the day's sleep must be a duration of more than 1 hour. This will provide high-quality restoration of forces, which will allow the baby effectively awake until the next period of sleep. If the sleep is short, i.e. Less than 1 hour, then the time of the occurrence of dreams is selected incorrectly, or there are other stimuli affecting the duration of sleep (sleep conditions, association for sleep, etc.).

Preservation of the start time of the night sleep is flexible.

Another important point to which we pay attention to the formation of the regime of our children's day is the time of waste to night sleep. And here we adhere to the main rule: there is no rule!)

The recommended starting time of the night sleep for children at the age of 6 months-6 years (and sometimes older) falls into the interval of 18: 00-20: 00 hours. Compliance with this time allows you to guarantee a full-fledged child's holiday at night. However, the start time of the night may vary depending on the needs of the kid in vacation. And an important indicator when it is worth starting the night, is the behavior of your baby after 16: 00-17: 00 h. Compare it with the behavior of the baby after the morning awakening. If your baby is capricious, troubled, disbelief, then his day was intense enough, and he had already managed to tasce. Looking for a baby to sleep early. How do you remember the kids are more sensitive to their biorhythms than adults. Often you could observe that when you put the baby to sleep later, he rises neither the light or dawn. This explains the work of their biorhythms configured to the early beginning of the day. Therefore, the best way to provide additional holidays to the baby, if your day was intense, or day dreams were insufficient quality - to put a child to sleep before. So his fatigue will not accumulate, and the vitality will be restored.

In conclusion, you can note the following: There are no strict rules regarding how your child's mode should be organized. Existing information regarding the time periods of wakefulness, sleep standards is a recommendatory. The main criterion of the day of the day is good health of the baby and your family, which is determined by calm during the wakefulness and recreation quality. Follow the recommended principles of the formation of the regime, be attentive to the signals that the child gives you, answer its individual needs, and, most importantly, enjoy communicating with the child with your whole family!

The day of the day is the system to which biological rhythms of the body are adjusted. If the day of the day is compiled correctly, the child's body to it quickly gets used to and well adapts to changing conditions of the external environment. A sufficient number and properly distributed during the day, timely nutrition, active wakefulness are the main conditions for the good mental and physical development of the baby.

The newborn day mode consists of alternating in the time of basic physiological needs: nutrition, sleep, wakefulness, walks, hygienic and tempering procedures.

In the first weeks, the newborn child began to adapt to new living conditions, the biological rhythms have not formed, the nervous system is imperfect, sleep and wakefulness occur randomly.

Mom's task at this stage - to organize a kid regime so that it sleeps to feeding, and after it was awake.

Newborn Day Mode: Feeding

It is clear that the basis of the routine of the newborn baby is feeding. Currently, breastfeeding specialists and pediatricians are confident that it is necessary to feed the kid as many times as he needs. This is the so-called free, or feeding on demand. Free breastfeeding helps to establish lactation and close psycho-emotional contact between the mother and child, which is important for the correct neuropsychic development of the baby. The child is applied to the breast as often as it will require it, and allow you to suck for as long as it wishes. A healthy newborn baby can be applied to the chest 10-12 times a day or more, including night time. By the end of the first month, almost all the infants begin to withstand a 2-3-hour break between feeding.

A completely different approach will be if the baby feeds from birth.

In such cases, it is important to observe feeding regime. This is due to the fact that milk mixtures in its composition differ from breast milk and for digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates requires more time. It should pass 3-3.5 hours so that the food manage to digest. Consider 6-7-time feeding with a break of 3-3.5 hours and a night break of 6 hours. The first feeding is approximately 6 o'clock in the morning, and the last - for 24 hours.

Newborn Day Mode: Sleep

Another of the main regime moments is a dream. As a rule, newborn babes, if they are full, healthy and nothing bothers nothing, sleep from feeding to feeding. Long sleep is very important for the development of the child: it contributes to the ripening of the brain and the correct development of its nervous system. Nevertheless, some children sleep a little since birth. Apparently, their body is arranged and this is their norm, which means there is no need to take something to sleep more.

The child of the first month of life usually sleeps 18-20 hours. After each feed is about 1.5 hours. Before laying a child to sleep, you need to create such conditions so that in the dream he felt comfortable. For this, before each sleep, approximately 15-20 minutes after feeding, it is necessary to put the crumb and change the diaper. Before bedtime, you need to ventilate the room where the baby will sleep.

In the afternoon, many in the fresh air. If there is no possibility to go with a child for a walk, you can use a glazed balcony for daytime sleep or an open window in the room.

Woot or not wake?

If the time of the next feeding approached, and the baby is still sleeping, it is not necessary to wake it up. There is nothing terrible in the fact that he will be late. But a very long sleep, lethargy of the child, the lack of formation of waking gaps - all these signs should alert the parents. These problems are a reason to appeal to a pediatrician or neurologist.

Toddler Mode: Wake

Waking periods after each feeding at the beginning of the month make up 15-20 minutes, after the first month they can reach 1 hour. These short periods can be used for crumb development.

Before feeding it is useful to lay out the baby on the stomach: it is a good training for the muscles of the back and neck. If, after waking, the baby requires a meal immediately, then after feeding, you can put a crumb on the stomach, but not earlier than in 30 minutes.

From 2-3 weeks of age, each mother can make a light massage to his baby, the main techniques of which are stroking the handles, legs, abdomen and backs.

Massage is carried out 25-30 minutes before feeding or no earlier than 40 minutes after it (to avoid joining after feeding). Massage complex, and in the future and exercise will help you choose and show a Pediatric Pediatrician or a patronage nurse.

Baby Day Roution: Walking

It is advisable to walk with a newborn baby with a minimum 2 times a day. Walking with the child in the warm season you can in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital. In the minus temperature of the air (but not lower than -5 ° C) you can walk with a child for the 10-12th day of life, and from -5 to -10 ° C - from the second half of the first month. The duration of the first walk is 15-20 minutes in summer and 5-7 minutes in winter. It is necessary to increase this time gradually, adding 5-10 minutes every day to bring the duration of a walk to 1 hour during the week. After that, in winter, the duration of the walk can be increased to 1.5-2 hours at a temperature not lower than -15 ° C, and in the summer the time spent on the street is not limited.

In the afternoon after each feeding (if the weather allows), the baby can be put to sleep on the balcony. It is better if the balcony will be glazed. On an open balcony or loggia can fall from the upper floors (cigarette, dust, dirt), can fly the bird. Also the glazed balcony will protect the baby in bad weather from strong wind and rain.

Newborn Day Mode: Hygienic Procedures

The hygiene mode of the newborn baby includes: daily morning toilet, the isolation and shift of diapers, challenge procedures.

Morning procedures

Every morning, as a rule, before first or second (at 6:00 or at 9:00), the morning toilet is held. The schedule of these daily procedures can be drawn up - the main thing is that the basic rules of care for the newborn and mom with the baby were comfortable. Morning wash and baby kneading is needed not only to maintain body cleanliness, it is also the simplest challenge procedures. If you do them regularly, they increase the body resistance in infections many times. Every day, the baby must wash, wash, wash your eyes, clean the spout and ears.

Wake up a newborn and changing diaper

Wake up the child and change the diaper it is necessary after every intestinal emptying (with breastfeeding chair may be after each feeding), in the absence of a chair - at least once every 2-3 hours. Usually change the diaper before everyone, before bedtime and after it, before walking. After sleep, the baby is usually applied to the chest. If you do not change the diaper, the child will experience discomfort, may well suck the chest (interrupted and cry). Long stay in a dirty diaper may also cause diaper dermatitis and diarmity.


Bathing a child is better in the evening before the penultimate in the feeding regime, about 20-21 hours, but the parents themselves can choose any other time convenient for them. Often evening bathing calm the child and improve night sleep. Little babes do not like to swim on empty or, on the contrary, too complete stomach. In the first case, the baby will scream from hunger, in the second - to experience the unpleasant sensation of water pressure on the full tummy. The optimal time for swimming is between feeding, but not earlier than 30-40 minutes after meals.

Bathing a child preferably daily. The duration of swimming in the first 2 weeks of life should be not more than 7-10 minutes, as the baby must get used to the water. After that, you can bathe a child longer - until 20-30 minutes, if at the same time he feels comfortable, not crying and does not capricious. When the baby is already accustomed to the water and the flow procedure (after the 3rd week of life), it can be started to bathe in a large bath and teach swimming if there is no medical contraindications (an increase in intracranial pressure or neuro-reflex excitability). Is it possible to start swimming with the baby and how to do it correctly, a pediatrician will tell.

After bathing, mandatory treatment of umbilical wounds is carried out until it is completely lit. This usually happens to the 10-17th day of life.

Hardeners with hardening procedures in the first month of the child's life include air baths. You can arrange them several times a day when changing diapers or dressing up. First, local air baths are held (the baby lies with open handles and legs), and later - common (when the kid is completely nice). The duration of the first airbags is a few seconds, followed by bringing them to 2-5 minutes. The air temperature in the room must be no lower than 22 ° C.

Violations of the day of the day in infants

What to do, if, despite all the efforts of parents, to form a day from the kid, nothing happens: the bluer asks the breast every half an hour, sleeps in the afternoon, and at night beats, while walking screaming, etc.? In this case, it is not necessary to panic - just try to figure out what the cause of concerns of crumbs is.

So that the child actively wake up, and then slept, he must be fed. Disorders in feeding mode can be associated with impaired feeding technology (incorrect grip of a nipple, uncomfortable for a child's pose during feeding). In these cases, the child does not receive a sufficient amount of milk for him and therefore it is disturbed and often asks the chest. The skills of the right attachment of the child to the mother's chest can get in the maternity hospital, as well as with the help of a precinct pediatrician or nurse with patronage visits to a newborn baby at home.

It happens that the baby is properly applied to the chest and it begins to suck well, but suddenly in the midst of feeding to start screaming and "throws" the chest. This may be due to the swallowing of a large amount of air during feeding. The severity and feeling of cutting in the stomach are bothering the baby, so it becomes a capricious and irritated. To help the crumb, hold it vertically 5-7 minutes to remove an excessive air from the stomach, then offer the chest again.

For infants a good sleep is no less important than the food. After sleep, the child should wake up rested, satisfied, well there and actively awake. Such sleep disturbances, as difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakening and a short sleep, may occur with the temperature of the temperature regime of the infant (the baby is cold or, on the contrary, hot), intestinal colic, as well as being symptoms of neurological diseases (increase in intracranial pressure, perinatal encephalopathy, etc. ).

There is another problem with which parents may face: the child is sleeping all day, and at night awake. This is due to the insufficiently developed feature of the epiphyse (the brain department, which is responsible for the correct establishment of biorhythms). In this case, you need to be patient and gradually teach a child to distinguish between day and night. In the afternoon, you can actively engage in the day: talk, play, include gentle music, carry out gymnastics and massage. All this is done in the daily lighting of the room. At night, before bedtime, you don't need to play with him in any games, there should be a calm environment in the house, muffled light. As a rule, by 1.5 months, children cease to confuse the day at night.

Feel free to tell about all the problems associated with the baby, a pediatrician and a neurologist (with a binding inspection in the children's clinic in 1 month), and they will help you choose the most suitable and correct day of the day for your baby.

In its own mode

Recently, all mothers recommended to establish a strict routine, painted in minutes, and force the child to follow him. Now most pediatricians and psychologists believe that it is necessary to adhere to the free regime of the day. The child itself establishes the optimal schedule for himself, based on his needs.

In order to form a newborn mode, you just need to follow his desires. The child knows himself when he wants to eat or sleep. In the first weeks of the life of the baby, parents will have to spend a lot of time on trying to understand what it is now necessary to crumb. If you feel sensitive to the needs of the kid, then soon you can see that it has its own regime, perhaps not like other children.

Mode of schoolchildren's day

School years is the most important period of human life. This is a period of intensive growth and improving the body, the development of higher nervous activity, the formation of basic character traits.

The correct mode of the day is the right organization and the most appropriate distribution in the time of sleep, nutrition, labor, recreation, personal hygiene, etc. The right mode is the basis of the life of everyone, the main condition for the preservation of health. The regime is based on the biological rhythm of the body functioning. That is why the day of the day is so important. Strict adherence to the day of the day is necessary for the health and proper development of the schoolchild. Due to the compliance with the mode, high performance is ensured during the day.

The main elements of the school studies are:

· Training classes at school and houses;

· Active rest with a maximum stay in the fresh air;

· Regular and sufficient food;

· Physiologically full sleep;

· Free activities for individual selection.

· Start the day with morning charging, which facilitates the transition from sleep to wakefulness and allows the body to actively engage in work. Its duration depending on age - from 10 to 30 minutes.

· After the morning charging, go to water procedures - morning wash, daily shower.

· Be sure to have breakfast, and breakfast should be hot and quite dense, constituting a quarter from the daily needs of the child.

· Returning from school, you must have dinner and be sure to relax. Afternoon holiday - 1-1.5 hours, without reading books and watching TV.

· The optimal time for the preparation of lessons serves a period from 16 to 18 hours, corresponding to the physiological rhythm of the best assimilation of information. Starting the homework is recommended with the least heavy items, moving to more complex. The maximum duration of the performance period is 30-40 minutes, after which 15-minute breaks should be carried out.

· Prepare lessons in silence, eliminate the noise, conversations, music. Because of the noise, fatigue occurs significantly faster, an additional load on the brain arises.

· 1.5-2 hours of free time use for interest. The optimal duration of viewing TV shows is not more than 1.5 hours 2-3 times a week.

· You are in the fresh air enough time. The best is the best playful games in the fresh air, giving a good wellness effect, and sports - swimming, skiing, cycling, volleyball, basketball, football, dancing and others depending on the desire and abilities. Especially important is the stay outside in the evening before bedtime.

· Spare at least 9-10.5 hours. It is always important to go to bed and get up at the same time, then there will be a quick falling asleep and easy awakening.

· Before bedtime, it is necessary to wash myself, clean your teeth, wash your legs and spark a good room.

· If you do in the second shift, you should not do lessons in the evening, your homework needs to be prepared 30 minutes after breakfast.

· During the preparing for exams, do not change the mode of the day. Do not go to deep night. Preparation for exams is best done in the morning and daytime hours.

Approximate regime of the day of students engaged in the 1st shift (the beginning of classes at 8.30)

Lifting 7.00.

Morning charging, water procedures, cleaning bed, toilet 7.00-7.30.

Morning breakfast 7.30-7.50.

Road to school or morning walk before the start of classes at school 7.50-8.15

Classes at school 8.30-13.30

Hot breakfast at school about 9.15

The question of the need to comply with the course of the child's day still remains open. And if there is older than a small amateur on the routine of the child's day, what to do in the event if you are completely crumb? How to find out when and how much he should sleep, eat, swim, etc., and also, how to enter all this in the framework of everyday child care? To the rescue of the young mother comes the day of the child's day before the year, which will facilitate the process of care of the baby and will not let her forget about the necessary procedures.

In the first year after birth, the rideboard of the child's life changes several times. But these changes are not high-quality, but quantitative. The list of activities that make up the child's day regimen to the year remains unchanged - only the amount of time reserved to this or that event is changing: feeding, sleep, walk, educational games and classes, hygienic procedures.

Up to 3 months of children feed in breast milk or children's mixtures of about 7 times a day. From 3 months, feeding becomes 6-time, from six months - 5 times, and closer to the year the baby eats already 4 times a day.

In the first three months after the birth of the baby sleeps a lot, but after 3 months he sleeps less frequently and less, and more time is in wakefulness. On average, during the period up to the year, the baby must sleep 10-12 hours a day. At about six months, the child sleeps in the afternoon 2 times - 2 hours before lunch and after him. By year, 1 day sleep remains in the child's day. But if the kid is ill or is overwhelmed - the amount of sleep may increase.

Games and developing classes with a child up to a year is better to do as long as he does not get tired. Before bedtime, it is necessary to refrain from active games and replace them with something calmer.

Hygienic procedures are also an important component of the child's day of the child up to a year and should include the morning and evening toilet. Morning wash should symbolize for the child the arrival of a new day, and the evening bathing is a waste of bed. In this regard, the systematics of hygienic procedures is very important.

Approximate day of the day for a child up to 3 months

A healthy child up to 3 months during the day requires 7 feedings (with 1 night), 17-20 hours of sleep, hygienic procedures (with each change of diaper, as well as, evening bathing) and walks. Sleep time can be combined with walks - sleeping in the fresh air for the newborn is very useful. And the time of wakefulness can be used to conduct educational activities with newborns.

We are offering to you approximate day of the day for a child up to 3 months:

6.00-7.00 - wakefulness

7.00-9.00 - Son.

9.00 - Second Feeding

9.00-10.00 - wakefulness

10.00-12.00 - Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

12.00 - Third Feeding

12.00-13.00 - wakefulness

13.00-15.00 - Son.

15.00 - fourth feeding

15.00-16.00 - wakefulness

16.00-18.00 - Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

18.00 - fifth feeding

18.00-19.00 - wakefulness

19.00-20.45 - Son.

21.00 - Sixth feeding

21.00-6.00 - Night Sleep

24.00 or 3.00 - seventh feeding

Approximate day of the day for a child from 3 to 6 months

Children at this age are already smaller than - about 15-17 hours per day, and the food becomes 6-time. Due to the reduction in sleep time, the time of wakefulness increases. The list of events that make up the child's day regimen remains the same.

We are offering to you approximate day of the day for a child from 3 to 6 months:

6.00 - Awakening after night sleep and first feeding

6.00-7.30 - wakefulness

7.30-9.30 - Son.

9.30 - Second Feeding

9.30-11.00 - wakefulness

11.00-13.00 - Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

13.00 - Third Feeding

13.00-14.30 - wakefulness

14.30-16.30 - Son.

16.30 - Fourth Feeding

16.30-18.00 - wakefulness

18.00-19.00 - Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

19.00 - Fifth feeding

19.00-20.45 - wakefulness

20.45 - Conducting hygienic procedures before bedtime (bathing)

21.00-6.00 - Night Sleep

23.00 - Sixth feeding

Approximate day of the day for a child from 6 to 9 months

The baby is sleeping at this age 3 times a day, the total amount of sleep per day decreases to 14-16 hours. The number of feedings for the child at this age is reduced to 5 with a break between them at 4 hours. Periods not only sleep, but also wakefulness is now preferably combining with a walk - for the overall development of the baby.

We are offering to you approximate day of the day for a child from 6 to 9 months:

7.00 - Awakening after night sleep and first feeding

7.00-9.00 - wakefulness

9.00 - 11.00 - Sleep

11.00 - Second feeding

11.00-13.00 - wakefulness (can be combined with a walk)

13.00 - 15.00 - Sleep

15.00 - Third Feeding

15.00-17.00 - wakefulness (can be combined with a walk)

17.00-19.00 - Son.

19.00 - fourth feeding

19.00-21.00 - wakefulness (quiet games)

20.30 - Conducting hygienic procedures before bedtime (bathing)

21.00-7.00 - Night Sleep

23.00 - Fifth feeding

Approximate day of the day for a child from 9 months to a year

A child of about a year sleeps only 2 times a day, and the total daytime duration is 5 hours. But, in any case, you should consider the individual features of your child's body - perhaps he wants to sleep less in the afternoon, but his night sleep will have a greater duration.

Closer to the year, the child is awake for up to 3.5 hours, so you will have to do especially carefully, what would take it for this time.

Since at this age, the child has already confidently eating lures, the power mode changes slightly.

We are offering to you approximate day of the day for a child from 9 months to a year:

7.00 - Awakening after night sleep and carrying out hygienic procedures

7.30 - breakfast

8.00-9.30 - wakefulness (moving games and educational classes)

9.30-12.00 - Sleep (outdoor)

12.00 - Hygienic procedures after sleep, lunch

12.30 - 15.00 - wakefulness (outdoor games or just a walk)

15.00 - afternoon snack

15.30-17.00 - Son.

17.00-19.00 - hygienic procedures after sleep, games and educational classes

19.00 - Dzhin.

19.45 - Conducting hygienic procedures before bedtime (swimming)

20.00 - 7.00 - Night Sleep

We have suggested that you only approximate the day of the child's day before the year, which is not worth blindly follow. Yes, the basic rules for the preparation of the daily routine for the child in the first year of life are given here correctly, but perhaps your baby will decide to make some adjustments in your chosen option - thereby creating the perfect day of the day personally for yourself!