Happy wedding day 16. Topaz wedding congratulations

Any wedding anniversary is very remarkable and its celebration leads to events. The 16th anniversary of the event of living together is a proven and reliable way of living together. Behind the past years, in which different things happened, and in front of a calm and measured life. A topaz wedding is like a step to the next level of relationships, where the children have grown up, and the time for a new relationship between a man and a woman begins. On this day, guests feel the newlyweds and give them gifts. A wonderful gift would be a congratulation in prose or poetry that you can send to them. Having received it, it will be a surprise and will be able to please the new newlyweds. The pleasant moment of anticipation of the celebration will only intensify from this. Each gift, even in the form of congratulations, will cause a lot of positive emotions.

Your family is coming of age today
And accepts congratulations from all friends,
We wish you good luck, joy and happiness,
Let all bad weather fly by.
All the best, good health to you, good luck,
And excellent mood in addition,
Let every day turn into a holiday
May the bird be a frequent visitor.


Your love, like topaz, is multifaceted,
She is mutual and constant,
We call you the perfect couple,
And congratulations on your family's coming of age.
Always be happy, don't be discouraged
Protect your love from bad weather,
All the best to you, happiness, joy, kindness,
May you be lucky in everything, always.


We've been through a lot together, and there's a lot to come.
Try to go side by side a long way,
Take care of your love as a shrine,
Love each other sincerely and purely.

Let life give you only inspiration,
Let luck not pass by
Let fate be amazing, happy.


Your married life sparkles
Like a faceted topaz
May you be pleasantly surprised every day
May luck accompany you every time.
We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts,
We want all our cherished dreams to come true
On the wings of happiness, let it fly to you,
May the Lord keep from troubles.


Topaz is a symbol of inner enlightenment,
Let life give you only inspiration,
Congratulations on the sixteen years of family experience,
All dreams come true, we sincerely wish.
Good health, good luck to you, good,
So that life is always fun
So that happiness comes to you again and again,
So that love is always strong.


With a topaz wedding, we hasten to congratulate your family,
Let your house be a full bowl
Good luck may you stay forever
Let the family be strong and friendly.
All compliments to you today and flowers,
May all dreams come true,
Let happiness not leave you
Reliable friends let surround.


We are glad to congratulate you,
With the sixteenth birthday of the family,
We wish you good luck, joy, kindness,
Always keep and protect your feelings.
Let life be like a full river
Good luck let it knock on the door
May fate reward you in full
We wish all wishes come true.


You are the heroes of the occasion today,
All the compliments, attention and flowers to you,
All the best to you, joy, warmth,
We wish all dreams come true.
On the day of the topaz wedding, accept congratulations,
We wish you success, mutual understanding, patience,
May your field of life be fruitful,
And let nothing threaten him.


Today is a glorious date for your family,
Topaz wedding you celebrate
Live in love, harmony
Always be faithful to each other.
May every day bring you joy
Good luck let it go
We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts,
Always let your cherished dreams come true.


Accept heartfelt congratulations,
May luck always accompany you
We wish you all the best, joy, patience,
Let the hearts beat in unison.
On the day of the topaz wedding, accept congratulations,
Good health, good luck to you, inspiration,
Let life flow like a full river
Be happy and young always.


We are glad to congratulate you on the topaz wedding,
Let family life be a joy
Let it surprise you every day
And let happiness know no boundaries.
Let your days fly in harmony
Appreciate and love each other
We wish you fun reading the book of life,
Good luck be your friend.


Congratulations on the topaz wedding and wish you happiness,
Let your address be forgotten by all misfortunes,
Peace to you, joy, comfort and kindness,
All the best, prosperity and family warmth.
Live well, in love,
After all, you deserve better
Let reliable friends surround
Luck let it walk side by side.

Congratulations on other anniversaries: For the wedding

Wedding Greetings > Wedding Anniversaries

Topaz wedding
Congratulations on your sixteenth wedding anniversary
Collection of wedding congratulations and toasts

Congratulations on your sixteenth wedding year

Sixteen years of your union today,
Happy topaz wedding, friends!
The family is already strong, she is only afraid
Sparks of jealousy, unnecessary quarrels of fire.
Don't let them ruin your happiness
Keep your tenderness and love.
May every day bring joy to your home,
Shouting today "bitterly!" we to you again.

Topaz wedding anniversary
It sparkles with precious brilliance.
You have become close people, relatives.
And you have a priceless treasure.
It is more precious than all the topazes in the world,
Love and loyalty - they can not be bought!
We wish you health, happiness, joy,
Another hundred years to be together and love!

You just got married 16 years ago!
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
Hearts are still happy to sparkle,
So that only tears of joy from the eyes!
The first steel is in a relationship today,
Topaz anniversary is now!
Let love grow stronger without a doubt
A diamond turns into a beautiful one!

You carried love through all the years,
You overcame grief and sorrow,
I wish tomorrow and always
You were as happy as you were at the beginning.
I wish the candle of love always
It burned, warming you with itself.
To have your own star
And it would be called love.

We wish you a happy life
Your marriage without marriage should be.
We wish you happiness, joy in full,
To be the envy of everyone around you.
And so that you get drunk not only from wine,
And because you love each other.
You found in each other not only a spouse,
But the most faithful, kind friend.
So be healthy, live richly
And sacredly keep this date in your soul.

Congratulations are flying to you on your 16th wedding anniversary!
You are given to each other by fate,
And this is such happiness for you -
Live with a sincere and devoted soul.
You've seen a lot together in your life
But the main thing is that love
that kept warm for years
Protected your happiness again!

Topaz wedding

Sixteen years ago they shouted "Bitter!"
We are young, naive and happy
And it seems like yesterday, that's just
The toastmaster was cheerful and talkative ...
And now at the topaz wedding
You are happy, and let happiness last!
It is also for you and your children
It will definitely come in handy in family matters!

Simple name for a wedding
And behind shoulders exactly 16 years,
Mutual joys, and tears, and expectations
And there is nothing more important in the world.
And let the wedding be topaz today
Rattles enthusiastically to the whole wide world,
We wish you to live without resentment,
Without grief, quarrels, without various troubles!

We congratulate your family -
Sixteen years since she was born.
Let your house be a full bowl,
And spring always reigns in it.
So that folding life is like a song,
And sadness together was easy,
So that you go through life together
Eyes - in the eyes, in the hand - the hand!

We heartily congratulate you,
May your happiness last forever.
Love is stronger than strong steel
So that problems do not know you.
We celebrate the topaz wedding with you,
So that you do not change over the years.
Love, health and patience,
So that there is no doubt about happiness.

They called this topaz wedding,
To recognize the anniversary by the stones.
Different topaz, and love is multifaceted,
Just let it be constant.
Let your life shimmer with color
Solve all omissions with advice.
Happiness, comfort and the views of lovers,
Your marriage will be inspired for years.

congratulations on 16 years of marriage

Topaz is a mystery to us.
He is a stone, but not that one:
Do not shoot from a slingshot,
Don't block the passage.

Topaz will not become in the soil
Mole barrier,
On a March night
Don't shoot the cat.

He holds like a support
Sixteen years of marriage.
Let's go very soon
Let's eat everything on the table!

Love knows no boundaries
You are familiar with this!
Let happiness be new pages
Will open to you in this light!
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
From the day of the wedding as 16 years!
You managed to keep it
Love and loyalty is your secret!

Beautiful and whimsical topaz.
It is a symbol of your wedding anniversary.
We will tell you without flattery and embellishment:
“We have not seen a sweeter couple than a family!”

We wish your home warmth,
Hope, faith boundless!
We wish that love always bloomed
And everything in life so that everything is perfect!

congratulations on your 16th wedding anniversary

It is clear that love is not disposable,
If we play a wedding here topaz.
Now it's up to you to watch
Where up to sixteen is written.
Congratulations on coming of age
With the legacy started for great-grandchildren!
Here it is - it's time
When love and tenderness - everything from the beginning!

Topaz wedding anniversary
It sparkles with precious brilliance.
You have become close people, relatives.
And you have a priceless treasure.
It is more precious than all the topazes in the world,
Love and loyalty - they can not be bought!
We wish you health, happiness, joy,
Another hundred years to be together and love!

Congratulations! And immediately
A little more about this:
Your wedding anniversary
This is the perfect time:
The noble brilliance of topaz,
The beauty of coming of age...
What's the point and what's the reason
Your happiness! Hooray!

The radiance of the holiday in the eyes,
He has come for you.
We are like sixteen years ago
Congratulations now.
Let the house be a full bowl
Good luck to you, good
Friends at the holiday table
For the anniversary! Hooray!

They called this topaz wedding,
To recognize the anniversary by the stones.
Different topaz, and love is multifaceted,
Just let it be constant.
Let your life shimmer with color
Solve all omissions with advice.
Happiness, comfort and the views of lovers,
Your marriage will be inspired for years.

You are the one with whom heart and soul
Reliable, simple and easy!
Sixteen years with you already
We fly high together
On the wings of happiness and love,
After all, you are my world, my reward!
Catch all the tenderness of these lines,
You are mine, and nothing more!

Topaz wedding knocked
At the door of our long relationship!
Imagine sixteen years have passed
There were so many joyful moments
But we also went through fire and water,
The Lord sent us trials!
Thank you, dear, for these years,
For tenderness, for love and understanding!

Happy topaz wedding, dear husband. Our marriage is 16 years old, and you and I are still young and full of energy. I wish you, beloved, to always be so bold, confident, brave, fair, caring, sincere and persistent, I wish that everything always works out for you as it should. May fate give us an unquenchable topaz sparkle of happiness in our eyes and an eternal flame of tenderness for our hearts on our topaz anniversary.

Congratulations my love
Married for 16 years
I want to live together
We are with you, not knowing the troubles.

I want to say thank you
For care, warmth,
Understanding and support
Fervor of feelings and kindness.

Topaz wedding celebrating
Spouse, I congratulate you!
We've been together for 16 years
Love, as before, is with us... and advice.

I wish you all the best
All this beauty
What you only dreamed of
What you so passionately desired.

Shine bright topaz -
We've been together for sixteen years!
We met and immediately
I understood the secret of love!

You are my only man,
I love you with all my heart
You are the main reason for happiness
And I adore you!

We've been together for 16 years
We take care of the hearth of the family with you.
Years like a topaz bracelet
We are connected, dear.

And again in love I confess
And I say "thank you" again
I am proud of you, my husband,
And I thank my fate!

Sixteen years we lived with you
My husband is beloved. Congratulations dear!
Our marriage is a source of inspiration and peace,
I am very happy with you.

I wish us good health and good luck
To make all our dreams come true.
So that all tasks are solved
And surrounded by a sea of ​​beauty.

I spent with you, my husband, next to
Sixteen wonderful and wonderful years.
And I probably don't need anything else in my life.
But only to keep my family vow with you.

My dear, I congratulate you!
Always be healthy. Let forever
Nothing upsets you.
You are a wonderful and wonderful person.

Topaz wedding
We deal with you
Already lived a lot
My beloved husband.

I wish you only happiness
Let only the family grow stronger
I confess my love again
I am for you today.

Thanks for support
For affection and warmth
Well, what can I say, my dear, -
I've been very lucky.

I congratulate you on your anniversary
Our wedding to you, husband!
For me - the best man!
Only you always need me.
You are my treasure!
And the detachment will not fulfill,
What one can you do!
And topazes of purity
Amazing created
We are with you. 16 years
They were confidently sought after.
We found light in life
What to accompany us now
There will be many long years.

It would seem that you recently celebrated the wedding of your friends, but, in fact, sixteen years have passed. Very soon they will celebrate the sixteenth wedding anniversary, which is called the Topaz wedding. What can you wish for a married couple with such experience? If you do not know how to congratulate them, then feel free to go to this page, because here you will find the most suitable options for congratulations in honor of Topaz's wedding. Agree that it is absolutely impossible to leave your friends without any congratulations, because they have such a significant anniversary. And this anniversary has a very interesting name, isn't it? So do not put off the whole thing in a distant box, because it is simply impossible not to congratulate you on such an anniversary. Your friends will be pleasantly surprised, because you will dedicate such beautiful words to them.

Sixteen years have passed since that date,
When you have connected your hearts forever,
And despite the life of intrigues, everyone is married,
In the first place, always a loved one.
So stay forever - beautiful like that,
Chic the same couple as then!
Loving each other, relatives, young,
Rejoice us with your happiness, please, always!

Topaz anniversary sparkles with precious brilliance,
You have become close, dear, this treasure is priceless!
It is more beautiful and more precious than all the stones in the world,
Love and loyalty cannot be bought, even children know!
May the stars of love shine brighter for you,
Hope, Faith and Love always accompany!
Again with us today you are the bride and groom,
May God give you another hundred years of happiness to be together!

Everyone called this topaz wedding for a reason.
Holiday so that this stone is known.
Topaz is sparkling, different, love is multifaceted!
God forbid, she was between you, so that she was constant!
Let your whole life shimmer with color,
And it will be the most beautiful and bright, at the same time!
So that your beautiful love lasts forever,
After all, it was worth getting married for!

Happiness to you, comfort and views of lovers,
May this marriage be forever winged!
Congratulations on the Topaz wedding,
Always please us with your tender love!
Let the house be a full bowl
May this happiness last forever!
We celebrate this Topaz wedding with you,
Be happy, relatives, for many years!

16 is a great age
You and I have reached adulthood
16 - a symbol of the transition from soft to strong,
This is a topaz wedding glorious anniversary.
Let our life flow like a river
Under the protection of strong shores,
Let us never part
Hope, faith and love.

Topaz wedding is on the doorstep
Opens a bright path for us,
We have lived for many years
Let platinum await us ahead.
May luck always smile on us
Let only good things happen in life
May the Lord protect us
May a lot of happiness await us in life.

16 years: not too much and not too little
As they say, and did not have time to blink an eye,
Life began to be seen differently,
The path traveled became meaningful.
I congratulate you on the topaz wedding,
I wish you happiness, joy with all my heart,
May the guiding star illuminate your path,
May the good angel always keep from troubles.

Topaz wedding, 16 years together.
There is no happier couple in the whole wide world.
And on this glorious date, we congratulate you.
Let topaz keep you from troubles and sorrows!
Let joy live in the house. Both happiness and love.
And let them shout “bitterly” to you again and again today!

Married sixteen years ago
On this beautiful bright day
In love, the union united,
You walked under her canopy together.
Sixteen years of love gave
Warmth and joy to you always,
So let it still bring peace
She to you for many years!

Sixteen years have passed since
How to become husband and wife
We congratulate you now
Let life be filled with spring!
Topaz your anniversary
You will bring the former tenderness,
Takes you back years
Bring joy and serenity.

You lived together for sixteen years,
And today we are newlyweds again.
Glory, glory to the bride and groom!
Glory to our dear lovers!
We wish you more laughter
And know less adversity and troubles.
So that you achieve success in everything,
To give the sun a bright light.
Let happiness come to you all at once,
The world will not deprive you of its warmth.
And today in the wedding of topaz
We tell you again: "Bitter!" let's shout.

Topaz is the name of the stone of happiness,
Transparent and golden.
Let him take away bad weather
From your family dear.
Sixteen years is a bright date!
Topaz your anniversary.
So happy guys!
We'll drink to you quickly.

Dazzling, sparkling topaz:
Your symbol today, dear anniversaries.
Your hearth is family, warm has not died out,
For sixteen long years, and with fervour,
It still burns to this day. Congratulations!
We sincerely wish you health, peace,
All the same joyful, happy eyes,
Without deceit, malice, without satire.
Let faith, hope and, of course, love,
In your house there will be non-guests sometimes,
So that luck visits constantly, again and again,
So that you are always friendly, loved!

Topaz wedding, everyone knows
Knocking on your door today.
You have overcome a lot together -
Both joy and sadness from loss.
I wish your friendly family
Keep love and loyalty forever.
And in grief, and in fun, you need to continue
It is worth living a family life.
Raise children and respect each other,
Never forget your friends
Give each other joy and hope
Loving, spend the days of life together.

Topaz is a precious stone
Therefore, rare and valuable,
Like our family.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Let our eyes sparkle
All dreams will come true in life
Kindness, smiles, bright days,
Good luck, energy, happiness of children!

Congratulations on 16 years of marriage (Topaz wedding)

L Any wedding anniversary is very remarkable and its
Celebration leads to activities. Anniversary 16 events
living together is a proven and reliable way to live together.
Behind the past years, in which different things happened, and in front of a calm
and measured life. Topaz wedding is like a step to the next
the level of relationships where the children have grown up, and the time for new ones begins
relationship between a man and a woman. On this day, guests feel
newlyweds and give them gifts. Will be a great gift
congratulations in prose or verse that can be sent to them. Having received
him, it will be a surprise and will be able to please the new newlyweds.
The pleasant moment of anticipation of the celebration will only intensify from this. Each
a gift, even in the form of congratulations, will cause a lot of positive emotions.

Your family is coming of age today
And accepts congratulations from all friends,
We wish you good luck, joy and happiness,
Let all bad weather fly by.
All the best, good health to you, good luck,
And excellent mood in addition,
Let every day turn into a holiday
May the bird be a frequent visitor.

Your love, like topaz, is multifaceted,
She is mutual and constant,
We call you the perfect couple,
And congratulations on your family's coming of age.
Always be happy, don't be discouraged
Protect your love from bad weather,
All the best to you, happiness, joy, kindness,
May you be lucky in everything, always.

We've been through a lot together, and there's a lot to come.
Try to go side by side a long way,
Take care of your love as a shrine,
Love each other sincerely and purely.
Let life give you only inspiration,
Let luck not pass by
Let fate be amazing, happy.

Your married life sparkles
Like a faceted topaz
May you be pleasantly surprised every day
May luck accompany you every time.
We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts,
We want all our cherished dreams to come true
On the wings of happiness, let it fly to you,
May the Lord keep from troubles.

Topaz is a symbol of inner enlightenment,
Let life give you only inspiration,
Congratulations on the sixteen years of family experience,
All dreams come true, we sincerely wish.
Good health, good luck to you, good,
So that life is always fun
So that happiness comes to you again and again,
So that love is always strong.

With a topaz wedding, we hasten to congratulate your family,
Let your house be a full bowl
Good luck may you stay forever
Let the family be strong and friendly.
All compliments to you today and flowers,
May all dreams come true,
Let happiness not leave you
Reliable friends let surround.

We are glad to congratulate you,
With the sixteenth birthday of the family,
We wish you good luck, joy, kindness,
Always keep and protect your feelings.
Let life be like a full river
Good luck let it knock on the door
May fate reward you in full
We wish all wishes come true.

You are the heroes of the occasion today,
All the compliments, attention and flowers to you,
All the best to you, joy, warmth,
We wish all dreams come true.
On the day of the topaz wedding, accept congratulations,
We wish you success, mutual understanding, patience,
May your field of life be fruitful,
And let nothing threaten him.

Today is a glorious date for your family,
Topaz wedding you celebrate
Live in love, harmony
Always be faithful to each other.
May every day bring you joy
Good luck let it go
We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts,
Always let your cherished dreams come true.

Accept heartfelt congratulations,
May luck always accompany you
We wish you all the best, joy, patience,
Let the hearts beat in unison.
On the day of the topaz wedding, accept congratulations,
Good health, good luck to you, inspiration,
Let life flow like a full river
Be happy and young always.

We are glad to congratulate you on the topaz wedding,
Let family life be a joy
Let it surprise you every day
And let happiness know no boundaries.
Let your days fly in harmony
Appreciate and love each other
We wish you fun reading the book of life,
Good luck be your friend.

Congratulations on the topaz wedding and wish you happiness,
Let your address be forgotten by all misfortunes,
Peace to you, joy, comfort and kindness,
All the best, prosperity and family warmth.
Live well, in love,
After all, you deserve better
Let reliable friends surround
Luck let it walk side by side.

Congratulations on 16 years of marriage - topaz wedding in prose

Your wedding anniversary is your family's birthday, and today
turned 16 years old. Wonderful age: much has already been passed, and ahead
long years of family life. No wonder this anniversary is called "topaz
wedding"! Your relationship is now just as strong, bright and tender,
like this stone. Let married life sparkle like a faceted
topaz, and in family everyday life there will always be a place for romance.

May your eyes shine like topaz on your 16th wedding anniversary,
may your marriage remain as beautiful and strong for many years,
as a symbol of your anniversary. Be happy despite the troubles
life and fate, love each other deeply, show patience,
care and respect! All the best to you, dear and health to the family!

I heartily congratulate you on the coming of age of family life, with topaz
wedding. For 16 years now, hand in hand, you have been walking happily through life,
I wish you to continue to live as amicably and cheerfully, carefully keeping your
love and happiness, filling this world with goodness and joy.

I sincerely congratulate you on the topaz wedding, on a well-lived
joint 16th birthday. I wish you, dear ones, strong and firm strength, as
topaz, true good and happiness in life, eternal fire and warmth in
relationships, good health, high prosperity and mutual respect.

Today I want to congratulate you on a topaz wedding, on a wonderful
16 years of married life. I wish you the fulfillment of great hopes and
fulfillment of good desires, unquenchable true love and bright
happiness, good health to the whole family and prosperity to your home.

Congratulations on the adult date of family life, with topaz
wedding. May this 16th birthday bring you great luck and bright
hope that your life will continue to be as happy and
prosperous, may your love never fade and weaken,
May your home always remain cozy and bright.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the topaz wedding, on the coming of age of your
marriage. I also wish you to walk happily and beautifully through life further,
achieve together all the goals and their desires, fill their hearts
joy and love, and the house - prosperity and comfort.

And although 16 years of marriage is not an anniversary date, today you can only
envy, because not every couple can boast of such
a long period of joint happiness and mutual understanding. So let
but the Lord will give you many, many more years together, without quarrels and
reproaches. May happiness never leave your home.

Congratulations on your 16th wedding anniversary

Your 16 and mine 16 -
This is our 16. This is not 32.
Here the math is not second-class,
Here our mathematics is alive.
Here is our sung, our happy,
Everything that is recent, everything that is long ago,
Let's drink to
slow time -
You see - it shines with topazes!

You celebrate the anniversary of the topaz wedding,
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Like topaz you sparkle with happiness,
We wish you to keep the romance to the end!
After all, 16 years is not for everyone,
Carry your love carefully in your arms,
As if you drank a love elixir,
We wish to treasure each other!

Let me heartily
Congratulate you on your wedding day,
And wish you eternal love
A little bit of pepper and fire.
Sixteen years sounds like a lot
On your topaz anniversary
We wish you always met
So many happy guests.

Time tested marriage:
It shines with topaz.
And today we scream
"Bitterly!" together, together.
Even though 16 years have passed
There was a lot of happiness
It took a lot of time
Has love gone cold?
No. I say exactly
And you can see!
I look at two doves
Embarrassing for myself...

Topaz earrings you quickly put on,
Do you remember how once - lilacs bloomed around,
And you and I circled, aiming our hearts up,
Everyone knew - we fell in love, we waited for the wedding.
A lot has passed since then, sixteen years have flown by,
Only you and I, as before, radiate light again.

Love, luck, family happiness,
You always manage to be near.
For the majority - a cherished desire,
Well, for you - a happy strong marriage!
Let if life changes, then for the better,
The ship of happiness will not be overtaken by a storm.
I hope it still works
Not only to celebrate a topaz wedding at the table!

You have been together all sixteen years, you are newlyweds again!
Let the sun shine, let the rain fall, the seasons change
Still be in love with each other, as before,
Never despair of the best in hope.
All relatives wish to be near you these days.
And let the fatal adversity not separate you from now on.
Fate will soon give you a beautiful house with a manor,
No wonder they called this day a topaz wedding!

Your topaz shines and shines,
Love with simple edges.
Let troubles tremble
From might with drums.
Let's have fun today
After all, you've been together for sixteen years.
We'll wake up the whole suburb,
Until the dawn comes!

Topaz looks like a diamond
Just as clean and transparent
I would like to have definitely
His any noble grant.
Everyone would be glad to have a topaz,
But it's not about him today.
We have a topaz wedding
And the guests are waiting for us at the table.
Sixteen years of family ties!
May our union be strong
And noble as topaz
So let's drink guests, for us!

Congratulations on the topaz wedding 16 years in verse

"Congratulations on the Topaz Wedding"
16 years old, my friend, married,
I hope you are as happy as ever!
your good family
And close friends!
So what else do you need to be happy?
Fill your glasses quickly
Family is a wonderful reward
Don't forget to take care of her!

"Congratulations on 16 years of marriage"
Sixteen exactly years ago
Happily someone got married
Luckily someone got married
Now, perhaps forever!
I don't say names out loud
I just repeat the mantra:
What are the dreams of these spouses -
Let them get everything in the world! "16 years what a wedding poems"
This day is special for you
Family birthday!
And I wish you
There was a lot of love in it!
Lots of tenderness and affection
Warm relationship!
Let it pass like in a fairy tale
Your sixteenth anniversary! "Wedding Anniversary 16 Years"
Love is valuable not romantic
Going to a nearby restaurant
Not a general foreign tour
Along European shores!
Not a diamond ring
Not a white dress on the bride,
And the fact that the common house is strong,
And that you have been together for 16 years! "Wedding Anniversary 16 Years"
I dedicate poems to my wife,
We have been living with you for 16 years!
And I congratulate you, dear,
There is no happier family.
You always be as beautiful
Let the eyes burn with joy
Fun, amazing and cute
Dear, stay forever! "Poems for 16 years of marriage"
Lapping passed a long time ago
Already studied each other
And it's hard for me without you
So that people do not tell us -
We will take care of each other
Sixteen years with you
My beloved husband, the joy of meeting
Always with me, always there! "Poems for a topaz wedding of 16 years"
16 years by my side
For happiness - you need only you,
My husband is the reward of my fate,
Realization of a dream.
I love and respect you
I want to wish you health
More, my love, I wish
Love and respect me! "Congratulations on the wedding anniversary of 16 years"
I hope my dear husband
I do not regret that you are with me,
And now for 16 years
There is no happier me in the world!
Thank you for the love
For warming the blood with passion,
You are my only one -
You are the best of men!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary to your husband from your wife

My dear, beloved husband,
Today is our anniversary.
And I want to tell you
You are the best man for me.
I don't have any relatives
And closer in the world of man.
I hope we celebrate
Someday families half a century.
Good luck, strength to you, dear,
Health and great luck.
Let love become
Over the years brighter and richer.

With our wedding anniversary
Congratulations dear.
You are the only man
Friend, husband, my love.
For me, as they say,
You, my love, are three in one.
Was once my prince
You have now become a king.
You are the king, I am the queen.
I'm not sad with you.
I know you won't go left
I will not let you go.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
Catch my kiss.
I wish you all the best
You always love me.

My dear, beloved, glorious person, my husband, my support and
love, congratulations on our anniversary. May every day our
love will be stronger and stronger, may our happiness never come from us
will leave. I love you very much and will love you no matter what. And you
I wish you good health, cheerful mood and great success in

Our wedding anniversary
My best holiday.
This is the day when we are with you
They became husband and wife.
Every year for me you
And love and love.
There is no man in the world
I am dearer and dearer.
Congratulations on your anniversary
I love you, dear husband
And I wish both of us
Live before marriage golden.

My dear husband, my man,
With our wedding anniversary
I congratulate you.
I wish, loving
So that you are always healthy
And always loved me
Didn't get angry, didn't scream
He received a lot of money.
So that with me for many years
Lived in harmony, my light,
Keeping the best feelings.
Now congratulate me.

Happy anniversary
My only man.
I wish you and I happiness
Caress without end and edge.
Loyalty, love, desires,
The strength of these promises.
I love you endlessly
My dear, my most tender.

You and I, my husband, have a special day.
Today is our wedding anniversary.
And I will say that you were given to me by heaven,
You are the best man on earth.
I'm glad to be your soul mate
And happiness and comfort to give you.
And even if sometimes we quarrel,
I'm ready to forgive you.
May our happiness never end
Love will only get stronger with age.
I proudly bear your name
It's so nice to be your wife.

On this day, you and I
Anniversary, dear.
I congratulate you on her
I hug tightly.
Let our happiness grow
And love, like a garden, blooms,
Let's go through life holding hands
Let separation pass us by.

So many years with you we are together,
And love gets stronger every year!
I recently became a bride
And today - the mother of adult children!
Dear, I congratulate you
With this important and reverent date,
And I can't even imagine
How did I ever live without you!
I wish us much happiness
And the years we lived together
So that from troubles and other misfortunes
Even a trace has caught a cold in our life!

Dear husband, today we remember
We are with you a wonderful day -
Our wedding anniversary
We were the bride and groom.
Many days have passed since then
We love each other deeply.
From the bottom of my heart I wish us
So that we rarely quarrel.
To appreciate, as before,
You and I are always each other
To stay for life
We are husband and wife!

Today, on the anniversary of the wedding,
I want to tell you:
For our union, for our meeting
I am so grateful to fate.
For every look, touch,
For every moment, for every year,
For being happy with you
What my soul sings.
I walk with you on the path of life
We are together, husband, hand in hand.
Let with affection, tenderness, love
The road will be easy for us.