The rarest gems and minerals. The rarest and most expensive stones in the world

About 200 varieties of natural gemstones are known in the modern world. Along with such popular gems as diamond, ruby, sapphire and emerald, there are many semi-precious stones, some of which are so incredibly rare that their value exceeds many of the most valuable gems in the world.

1. Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a beautiful blue variety of the mineral zoisite, and it was named so because it can only be found in a small area at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The stone was not discovered in commercial quantities until the 1960s, and since then its popularity has grown significantly, thanks in large part to the efforts of Tiffany & Co. If tanzanite is heat treated at very high temperatures, its blue color may improve.

2. Black Opal

Opals are typically creamy white in color and have iridescent inclusions that reflect light as the stone is moved. Black opals are much rarer because almost all of them are found in mines in Lightning Ridge, Australia. The darker their color and the brighter the inclusions, the more valuable the stone. One of the most valuable black opals of all time is Aurora Australis, which was sold in 2005 for $763,000.

3. Larimar

Dominican Republic
Larimar is a very rare blue variety of the pectolite mineral that is found in only one small area of ​​the Dominican Republic. Locals have been aware of the stone's existence for generations, as the stones were periodically washed up on the seashore, but it wasn't until the 1970s that enough of them were found in the ground to open a mine.

4. Tourmaline Paraiba

Tourmalines of various colors are found throughout Brazil, but the Paraiba tourmaline is the only stone with a bright turquoise hue due to its copper content. A very rare gem was discovered in 1987 by Heitor Dimas Barbosa, who was convinced that the Paraiba hills were hiding completely different gems (and he turned out to be right).

A feature of this stone is that when passing light through itself, Paraiba tourmaline will create something like a neon glow. In 2003, very similar turquoise tourmalines were discovered in mines in the mountains of Nigeria and Mozambique.

5. Grandidierite

Grandidierite was first described in 1902 by the French mineralogist Alfred Lacroix, who found it in Madagascar and named it after the French explorer Alfred Grandidière. This extremely rare blue-green mineral has been found in a number of places around the world, but gem-quality stones are found only in Madagascar and Sri Lanka. Most of the known stones are translucent, but the rarest, and therefore the most valuable stone that has been found, has been transparent.

6. Alexandrite

An amazing stone that can change its color was discovered in 1830 in the Urals in Russia and named after the Russian Tsar Alexander II. Alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl and looks blue-green in sunlight but turns red-purple in incandescent light. The cost of this gemstone weighing up to 1 carat is $15,000, but a stone weighing more than one carat will cost $70,000 per carat.

7. Benitoite

Benitoite is mined in only one small area of ​​California, near the San Benito River (hence the name), but the mine closed to commercial mining in 2006, making this gem even rarer. The gemstone was first discovered in 1907 by geologist George Lauderbeck. It has a deep blue color which shows particularly interesting qualities when exposed to UV light - the stone begins to glow with a fluorescent glow.

8. Painite

Painite was first discovered by the British mineralogist Arthur Charles Paine in 1951 and was recognized as a new mineral in 1957. For many years, only one specimen of the dark red crystal existed and was kept in the British Museum in London, making it the rarest in the world. precious stone. Later, other specimens were discovered, although until 2004 there were less than two dozen painites. In 2006, another mine was discovered in Myanmar, where more than 1,000 stones have already been mined, but they are of lower quality.

9. Red beryl

Red beryl, also known as bixbite or red emerald, is so rare that the Utah Geological Survey says only one in every 150,000 gem-quality diamonds is mined. Pure beryl is colorless and acquires its shades only from impurities: chromium and vanadium give beryl a green color, forming an emerald; iron adds a blue or yellow tint, creating aquamarine and golden beryl, while manganese adds a deep red color, forming red beryl.

Red beryl is found only in the US states of Utah, New Mexico, and also in Mexico, but most of the stones found are only a few millimeters long (i.e., too small to be cut and faceted).

10. Taaffeite

The Austrian-Irish mineralogist Count Edward Charles Richard Taaffe bought a box of cut stones from a jeweler in Dublin in the 1940s, thinking he had acquired a collection of spinels. But on closer inspection, he noted that one of the pale lilac stones did not respond to light in the same way as the rest of the spinels, so he sent it in for analysis. The results showed that the Count had discovered a previously unknown gem.

Over time, the source of taaffeite was found in Sri Lanka, although a few stones have also been found in Tanzania and China. Less than 50 stones are believed to exist, making it so rare that the average person is unlikely to ever come across it.

Especially for those who are not indifferent to expensive stones, we have collected more.

Many are accustomed to believing that the limit of the high cost of precious stones stops at diamonds, however, there are minerals on our planet that are much rarer and more valuable than diamonds, sapphires and similar jewelry, whose names have long been on everyone's lips.

The high price is usually determined by the unique combination of rarity, beauty and high demand. The list shows the average cost of high quality stones available on the world market today, however, it should be noted that some prices are approximate, as especially valuable gems are often sold privately, without disclosing to the general public.


Yeremeevite is a rare gem, first discovered in 1883 in the southeastern part of the Trans-Baikal Territory. At first it was mistaken for aquamarine, since the first crystals found had a light blue color. Over the past century, light yellow and even colorless specimens have been discovered, but blue ones are still the most expensive gemstones on the market. The gem got its name in honor of the Russian mineralogist Pavel Eremeev. It is reliably known that at the moment there are several hundred faceted Eremeevites, the cost of which is on average $1,500 per carat. Incredibly beautiful asterism, that is, stars on the surface of stones, gives precious stones even more mystery and splendor.

blue pomegranate

Blue garnet is the rarest representative of a number of these minerals, which was first discovered in Madagascar only in the late 1990s. Today, stones of this color are found in Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Norway and the USA. Their main distinguishing feature is the ability to change their shade when the lighting changes. So in daylight they acquire blue, blue and green overflows, and in artificial light they become purple or red. Today, the average cost of this high quality gemstone is $1,500. per carat.

black opal

Black opal is the most valuable of the group of opals, most of which is mined in the open spaces of Australia. Other rich deposits are Brazil, USA, Mexico. The color of this type of opal can vary from grayish to black with a rich variety of shimmering iridescence in all colors of the rainbow. Although today these gems are no longer considered as rare as they used to be, they are nevertheless quite expensive. The cost of a high quality black opal is approximately $2,000 per carat.


Demantoid is a green or yellowish-green garnet gemstone, known for a long time only in collectors' circles. The main deposits of these gems are located in Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania. Every year the popularity of the mineral is steadily increasing, along with which there is an increase in its value. Currently, a top-class demantoid carat can be purchased on the global gemstone market for $2,000.


Taaffeite is one of the rarest gemstones in the world, named after its discoverer, Count Eduard Taaffe, who in 1945 accidentally discovered an unusual specimen in a purchased batch of cut gems that he had never seen before. The spectrum of shades of taaffeite can vary from lavender to pale pink. To date, a unique mineral in small quantities is found only in some alluvial deposits in Sri Lanka and southern Tanzania. The cost of high-quality specimens of taaffeite varies between 2-5 thousand dollars.

Poudretteite / Pudretteite

Poudretteite / Poudrettite is a rare pink mineral, first discovered in 1987 in Quebec (Canada). It got its name in honor of the Poudrette family, which still owns the same mine in Mont Saint-Hilaire, where the first specimen was found. Quality stones began to appear only in 2000, when several copies were found in northern Mogog (Myanmar). Since 2005, the mineral has not been found there, and the Canadian deposit has given the world only about 300 stones of various quality. Depending on the color saturation and purity, the cost of pudretteite can vary from 3 to 5 thousand conventional units.


Musgravite is a close relative of taaffeite, to which it is similar in appearance and chemical composition. It was first discovered in 1967 in Australia's Musgrave Range. Later, the mineral was found on the territory of Greenland, Tanzania, Madagascar and even in the bowels of the cold lands of Antarctica. This gem comes in several colors, but green and purple are the most common. Due to the fact that a very small amount of these gems has been found throughout history, their price reaches quite expected sizes: the cost of a carat of high-quality green musgravite is 2-3 thousand dollars, while for one carat of a purple faceted mineral, you will have to pay about 6 thousand conventional units.


Benitoite is a deep blue gemstone, the only deposit of which is located in San Benito County (California, USA), where it was first discovered back in 1907. In 1984, it was officially recognized as the state gem of the state. In the world market, the average cost of fine benitoite weighing 1 carat, of which there are an extremely limited number in the world (no more than a dozen), is 4000-6000 USD.


Sapphire is one of the most famous jewelry stones, in mineralogy and jewelry industry called corundum. It has a deep blue color, pink, green and yellowish-orange gems are less common. The rarest varieties include blue star sapphire and padparadscha - a stone of orange and red-yellow color. The most famous deposits of these minerals are located in India, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, USA, Australia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China and Madagascar. The rarest and highest quality specimens on the world market can be purchased for about 4-6 thousand conventional units per carat.


Emerald is a top quality gemstone with a bright green or dark green color. In recent years, the title of the main deposit of this mineral is Colombia. Despite the large number of emeralds actively mined all over the world, their prices are still truly cosmic. Today, clean stones are extremely rare, which, together with their huge popularity, determines their high cost. A green gem of exceptional quality, weighing approximately 1 carat, is sold on the world market for more than 8,000 US dollars.


Bixbit is a rare variety of red beryl, until recently known only to a few collectors. It is mined exclusively in the US states of Utah (Waho-Waho Mountains) and New Mexico. Buying high-class red beryl is extremely difficult, while the price of a stone weighing about 1 carat is more than 10-12 thousand US dollars. It is quite difficult to determine the average cost of this mineral due to the small number of high-quality stones offered for sale.


Alexandrite is a famous gemstone famous for its ability to change color. In daylight, its color is characterized by bluish-green, dark blue-green and olive-green hues, while under artificial light, its overflows can become pink-crimson, red, purple or violet-red. The first crystal was discovered in 1833 at an emerald mine near Yekaterinburg. The cost of this precious stone, depending on its quality, can range from 10 to 15 thousand conventional units.

Paraiba (blue tourmaline)

Paraiba (blue tourmaline) is a beautiful and very rare crystal of bright blue-turquoise color, discovered in 1987 in the state of Paraiba, in eastern Brazil. For a long time, this gemstone was mined in only one place, but today its deposits already exist in Madagascar and Mozambique. Brazilian blue tourmalines are by far the most expensive representatives of the group - their price is 12-15 thousand dollars per carat, and a truly unique gem of the highest quality can far exceed these figures.


Ruby is one of the world's most sought-after gemstones, known for its intense shades of red: bright red, purple red, deep red. It is found, like diamonds, on all continents except Antarctica. The main exporting countries are Thailand, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. The most valuable are Asian rubies, especially the "pigeon blood" stones - pure red with a purple hue. The limited number and huge popularity make them extremely expensive gemstones. For a carat of high quality ruby ​​on the world market, you will have to pay about 15 thousand dollars.


Diamond is a common mineral that has long been one of the most expensive and desirable gemstones. The reason for this, of course, is the huge popularity of diamonds (as cut diamonds are called). Every year, the number of manufactured jewelry with these precious stones is growing rapidly. Industrial diamond deposits are now known on all continents except Antarctica. Currently, a perfectly cut D color diamond sells for around $15,000 on average. e. per carat.

Jadeite (imperial)

Jadeite (imperial) is a green mineral, which for a long time had the status of one of the most mysterious stones of our planet. Today its main sources are in China, Upper Myanmar, Japan, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Guatemala and the USA. The approximate cost of a carat of high quality jadeite in the world market is 20 thousand dollars.


Padparadscha (translated from Tamil as "the color of the sunrise") are pinkish-orange sapphires that have historically been mined in Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Madakascar. Now in Sri Lanka there is practically no padparadscha left in its natural form and it is obtained by heating the corundum mineral in a furnace to the desired condition. The last classic (i.e. not heated) padparadscha weighing 1.65 carats was sold in Sri Lanka about 20 years ago for 18 thousand dollars. Now padparadscha weighing more than five carats is considered collectible and can be valued up to 30 thousand dollars for each carat of weight.


Grandidierite is a rare greenish-blue, greenish-blue or bluish-green mineral, the first specimen of which was found in Sri Lanka. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was described by the French explorer Alfred Grandidier, who was exploring Madagascar, on whose territory the bulk of these minerals are mined today. Faceted grandidierites today exist in extremely limited quantities - about two dozen. The approximate cost of a unique mineral is more than 30 thousand dollars per carat.

red diamond

The red diamond is the most expensive member of its family and also the most expensive in the world. In the entire history of mankind, only a few copies of this mineral have been found, and most of them have a very small weight - less than 0.5 carats. The color of a natural red diamond is called purplish red by gemologists. The only deposit of colored diamonds is located in the Argyle diamond mine (Australia), where only a few stones are mined annually. Gemstones larger than 0.1 carats typically only appear at auctions where the price per carat is more than one million dollars.

Precious stones evoke a whole cascade of feelings in the most ordinary people and professional jewelers. This is aesthetic pleasure, the desire to possess, insane greed.


Some rare stones are attracted only by the fact that they are available to few people. The uniqueness of gifts adds great value, distinctive properties, nature of origin. The name of rare stones is often associated with appearance. In addition, names are given from the area of ​​the deposit or in honor of the discoverer of the rock.


A unique stone, the name of which reveals its "registration". True, they say that the birthplace of a rare mineral is endless outer space. He hit the "blue planet" in the form of a meteorite. Until now, its fragments are found on the territory of Moldova. An amazing shade of green attracts jewelers who give it a cut, using it in various jewelry, figurines.

Due to the cosmic nature, rare moldavite stones are in demand among representatives of the occult movements. Minerals are credited with anti-aging properties. Therefore, amulets with moldavite, despite their high cost, are popular. In addition, the stone looks very elegant.


The value of this stone is not in cost, but in rarity. Pegmatite has a special "appearance". The drawing on its graphic variety resembles ancient writings. Some compare it with other experts and argue that the surface of the stone more closely echoes the cuneiform of Egypt.

Rare stones of this breed in jewelry production are most often used for amulets, amulets. In addition, you can find sets of earrings and rings, there are original jewelry boxes.

Pegmatite is classified as a stone endowed with divine power. It is called "teacher's stone". It is also referred to as ideal talismans for people associated with the field of knowledge.


Burma is considered a real treasure trove of precious deposits. Painite is also found on the territory of this amazing land. The rarest stones are listed in various lists, as well as in the Guinness Book of Records. Painite is also located here, which got its name in honor of the gemologist Pain, who owns the honor of discovery. Only 18 samples of the mineral are presented in gem quality, which makes it one of the rarest.

The main shades of the stone are red: from ordinary to brown. True, there are more gentle and non-standard tones. Due to the fact that transparent painite is almost impossible to find, its price is simply prohibitive.

The researchers note the properties of the healing nature of the mineral. For example, infectious diseases are at the mercy of the power of painite. These rare stones are able to make blood run faster, normalize the thyroid gland. A positive effect on the skin of the hands of bracelets from this mineral was noted. She becomes smooth, as if she is getting younger.

Painite has a special magic. All of its properties are not fully understood. But knowledgeable people claim that jewelry with a mineral will help the beautiful half to “bewitch” men. You can use the stone as an amulet in gambling, various bets.


Cacholong is considered a rare representative of opal. The original structure, reminiscent of hardened milk, has a pearlescent sheen. The surface can sometimes have graceful color blotches. But most often it is a white mineral, which was attributed to the symbols of the purity of the human soul. Translated from Turkic, its name means "beautiful stone".

This page captures various rare stones, however, the photo cannot convey the feeling of warmth that comes from the cacholong. Researchers claim that he returns strength to men, helps women win their beloved. As a talisman, the stone is used during pregnancy.

Another property that will interest people of a practical warehouse is the ability to improve the well-being of its owner. Cacholong gives confidence in the future, inner peace and an increase in savings and investments.


If we talk about the rarest stones in the world, Dinobon should be mentioned. Its originality lies in the fact that, according to the structural basis, these are the bones of one of the first settlers of the planet - dinosaurs, which have reached a fossil over the millennia. Rarely, the remains of ancient animals become minerals suitable for jewelers. Dinobon is just such a representative. The English-Greek translation of the name reads "terrible bone". However, the appearance after processing is very attractive.

The salts accumulated over the centuries form graceful patterns. The colors of the picture from blue to milky in the frame look extraordinary, chic. In wide circles, the stone became available only recently. Previously, it could be seen in museum showcases, and not on the hands of ladies of high society.

Ancient healers used Dinobon during the recovery of a person after serious illnesses. Immunity stone is a great friend, as well as joints. Many magical rituals were performed using the "terrible bone". Historians mention that the stone is able to give additional strength, so the dinobon was actively used before big battles. And it also enhances intuition, activates the gift of a predictor inherent in nature.


Rare gems may differ in gigantic size, unusual shapes. There are other representatives of exclusive copies. They stand out from the general background with their history. Taaffeite was found only about seventy years ago. And immediately faceted, unlike similar minerals. Named after its discoverer, its composition is unlike any other stone.

A few copies are transparent, have several shades: purple, green, pink, blue.

Compared to popular diamonds, it is very rare. Therefore, it is very difficult to meet a stone. The cost of one gram can reach up to 20,000 dollars. You can meet him in rare private collections.


They find it extremely rarely, natural reserves are almost depleted. All this refers to the unique tanzanite, which is hidden at the foot of the majestic Kilimanjaro. The researchers claim that in 10 years the mineral will disappear, so it can be safely included in the list of "The Rarest Gems".

Many people want to get transparent crystals. In terms of value, tanzanite is very expensive for its owners. But connoisseurs are willing to pay for its high quality characteristics, elegance of cut, radiant blue or lavender hue, sparkling transparency.

The uniqueness of the stone is also in the fact that it is able to change color at different angles. And with a glance it is difficult to accurately capture the rich deep shades, which seem to have collected all the colors of African nature.

No less amazing properties are attributed by researchers to the precious mineral. If you wear jewelry with tanzanite, then you can expect success in business life. It also promotes personal happiness. In addition, a rare natural gift attracts wealth. In girls, the stone enhances visual attractiveness, sexuality, charisma, especially if they have chosen earrings as decoration. A ring with a shining mineral will attract the opposite sex.


Tanzanite has the ability to heal. First of all, it gives rest to tired eyes. Helps to cope with skin ailments, pain in the spine. Helps to improve the condition with intense heat, colds.

If you look at the stone from the point of view of astrologers, they recommend tanzanite to representatives of the water element. For them, he will be a talisman, an assistant. Ladies will give confidence in their charms. For Aries, it can be a good regulator of excessive emotionality.


Now you know what rare stones are. Perhaps one of them will appeal to you. By choosing a stone, you can make a unique decoration with it.

Many people mistakenly believe that the limit of the cost of precious stones stops at diamonds, but in nature there are other, equally beautiful, but rarer minerals, the price of which often exceeds the cost of diamonds.
Below we present to your attention a rating of the most expensive gems in the world. The high price is usually determined by the unique combination of rarity, beauty and high demand. The list shows the average cost of high quality stones available on the world market today, however, it should be noted that some prices are approximate, as especially valuable gems are often sold privately, without disclosing to the general public.

19th place: Yeremevit- a rare gem, first discovered in 1883 in the southeastern part of the Trans-Baikal Territory. At first it was mistaken for aquamarine, since the first crystals found had a light blue color. Over the past century, light yellow and even colorless specimens have been discovered, but blue ones are still the most expensive gemstones on the market. The gem got its name in honor of the Russian mineralogist Pavel Eremeev. It is reliably known that at the moment there are several hundred faceted Eremeevites, the cost of which is on average $1,500 per carat.

18th place: blue pomegranate- the rarest representative of a number of these minerals, which was first discovered in Madagascar only in the late 1990s. Today, stones of this color are found in Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Norway and the USA. Their main distinguishing feature is the ability to change their shade when the lighting changes. So in daylight they acquire blue, blue and green overflows, and in artificial light they become purple or red. Today, the average cost of this high quality gemstone is $1,500. per carat.

17th place: black opal- the most valuable of the group of opals, the main amount of which is mined in the vastness of Australia. Other rich deposits are Brazil, USA, Mexico. The color of this type of opal can vary from grayish to black with a rich variety of shimmering iridescence in all colors of the rainbow. Although today these gems are no longer considered as rare as they used to be, they are nevertheless quite expensive. The cost of a high quality black opal is approximately $2,000 per carat.

16th place: Demantoid- a gemstone from a group of green or yellowish-green garnets, for a long time known only in collectors' circles. The main deposits of these gems are located in Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania. Every year the popularity of the mineral is steadily increasing, along with which there is an increase in its value. Currently, a top-class demantoid carat can be purchased on the global gemstone market for $2,000.

15th place: Taaffeite- one of the rarest gems in the world, named after its discoverer, Count Eduard Taaffe, who in 1945 accidentally discovered an unusual sample in a purchased batch of cut gems that he had never seen before. The spectrum of shades of taaffeite can vary from lavender to pale pink. To date, a unique mineral in small quantities is found only in some alluvial deposits in Sri Lanka and southern Tanzania. The cost of high-quality specimens of taaffeite varies between 2-5 thousand dollars.

14th place: Poudretteite / Pudretteite- a rare pink mineral, first discovered in 1987 in Quebec (Canada). It got its name in honor of the Poudrette family, which still owns the same mine in Mont Saint-Hilaire, where the first specimen was found. Quality stones began to appear only in 2000, when several copies were found in northern Mogog (Myanmar). Since 2005, the mineral has not been found there, and the Canadian deposit has given the world only about 300 stones of various quality. Depending on the color saturation and purity, the cost of pudretteite can vary from 3 to 5 thousand conventional units.

13th place: Musgravit- a close relative of taaffeite, to which it is similar in appearance and chemical composition. It was first discovered in 1967 in Australia's Musgrave Range. Later, the mineral was found on the territory of Greenland, Tanzania, Madagascar and even in the bowels of the cold lands of Antarctica. This gem comes in several colors, but green and purple are the most common. Due to the fact that a very small amount of these gems has been found throughout history, their price reaches quite expected sizes: the cost of a carat of high-quality green musgravite is 2-3 thousand dollars, while for one carat of a purple faceted mineral, you will have to pay about 6 thousand conventional units.

12th place: Benitoite- a precious stone of deep blue color, the only deposit of which is located in San Benito County, (California, USA), where it was first discovered back in 1907. In 1984, it was officially recognized as the state gem of the state. In the world market, the average cost of fine benitoite weighing 1 carat, of which there are an extremely limited number in the world (no more than a dozen), is 4000-6000 USD.

11th place: Sapphire- one of the most famous jewelry stones, in mineralogy and jewelry industry called corundum. It has a deep blue color, pink, green and yellowish-orange gems are less common. The rarest varieties include blue star sapphire and padparadscha - a stone of orange and red-yellow color. The most famous deposits of these minerals are located in India, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, USA, Australia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China and Madagascar. The rarest and highest quality specimens on the world market can be purchased for about 4-6 thousand conventional units per carat.

10th place: Emerald- gemstone of the highest quality of bright green or dark green color. In recent years, the title of the main deposit of this mineral is Colombia. Despite the large number of emeralds actively mined all over the world, their prices are still truly cosmic. Today, clean stones are extremely rare, which, together with their huge popularity, determines their high cost. A green gem of exceptional quality, weighing approximately 1 carat, is sold on the world market for more than 8,000 US dollars.

9th place: Bixbit- a rare variety of red beryl, until recently known only to a few collectors. It is mined exclusively in the US states of Utah (Waho-Waho Mountains) and New Mexico. Buying high-class red beryl is extremely difficult, while the price of a stone weighing about 1 carat is more than 10-12 thousand US dollars. It is quite difficult to determine the average cost of this mineral due to the small number of high-quality stones offered for sale.

8th place: Alexandrite- the famous gemstone, famous for its ability to change color. In daylight, its color is characterized by bluish-green, dark blue-green and olive-green hues, while under artificial light, its overflows can become pink-crimson, red, purple or violet-red. The first crystal was discovered in 1833 at an emerald mine near Yekaterinburg. The cost of this precious stone, depending on its quality, can range from 10 to 15 thousand conventional units.

7th place: Paraiba (blue tourmaline)- a beautiful and very rare crystal of bright blue-turquoise color, discovered in 1987 in the state of Paraiba, in eastern Brazil. For a long time, this gemstone was mined in only one place, but today its deposits already exist in Madagascar and Mozambique. Brazilian blue tourmalines are by far the most expensive representatives of the group - their price is 12-15 thousand dollars per carat, and a truly unique gem of the highest quality can far exceed these figures.

6th place: Ruby- one of the most popular gemstones in the world, known for its rich shades of red: bright red, purple red, deep red. It is found, like diamonds, on all continents except Antarctica. The main exporting countries are Thailand, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. The most valuable are Asian rubies, especially the "pigeon blood" stones - pure red with a purple hue. The limited number and huge popularity make them extremely expensive gemstones. For a carat of high quality ruby ​​on the world market, you will have to pay about 15 thousand dollars.

5th place: Diamond- a common mineral that has been one of the most expensive and desirable gemstones for a long time. The reason for this, of course, is the huge popularity (as cut diamonds are called). Every year, the number of manufactured jewelry with these precious stones is growing rapidly. Industrial diamond deposits are now known on all continents except Antarctica. Currently, a perfectly cut D color diamond sells for around $15,000 on average. e. per carat.

4th place: Jadeite (imperial)- a green mineral, which for a long time had the status of one of the most mysterious stones of our planet. Today its main sources are in China, Upper Myanmar, Japan, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Guatemala and the USA. The approximate cost of a carat of high quality jadeite in the world market is 20 thousand dollars.

3rd place: padparadscha(translated from Tamil as "the color of the sunrise") are pinkish-orange sapphires that have historically been mined in Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Madakascar. Now in Sri Lanka there is practically no padparadscha left in its natural form and it is obtained by heating the corundum mineral in a furnace to the desired condition. The last classic (i.e. not heated) padparadscha weighing 1.65 carats was sold in Sri Lanka about 20 years ago for 18 thousand dollars. Now padparadscha weighing more than five carats is considered collectible and can be valued up to 30 thousand dollars for each carat of weight.

2nd place: grandidierite- a rare mineral of greenish-blue, greenish-blue or bluish-green color, the first sample of which was discovered in Sri Lanka. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was described by the French explorer Alfred Grandidier, who was exploring Madagascar, on whose territory the bulk of these minerals are mined today. Faceted grandidierites today exist in extremely limited quantities - about two dozen. The approximate cost of a unique mineral is more than 30 thousand dollars per carat.

1st place: red diamond- the most expensive representatives of his family and, in combination, the most expensive gem in the world. In the entire history of mankind, only a few copies of this mineral have been found, and most of them have a very small weight - less than 0.5 carats. The color of a natural red diamond is called purplish red by gemologists. The only deposit of colored diamonds is located in the Argyle diamond mine (Australia), where only a few stones are mined annually. Gemstones larger than 0.1 carats typically only appear at auctions where the price per carat is more than one million dollars.

Our Earth never ceases to amaze us with its gifts. These are amazingly beautiful forests and lakes, rivers and mountains, but a special place in their beauty is occupied by outlandish masterpieces from the bowels of the earth. These are minerals from which, through the efforts of man, precious stones of amazing beauty are obtained. Jewelry has long been considered the epitome of luxury and wealth. They are hunted by collectors, because of them they commit crimes, they are given in the hope of getting an answer to their feelings ... Of course, what nature creates cannot be compared with the creation of human hands. A person can only add something to the beauty that nature gives us. Most people naively believe that the most expensive stone is only a diamond, but unusual and very rare minerals are stored in the depths of our Earth. Here are the top 10 rarest gemstones. Meet, dream and enjoy!

Almost fifty years ago, in the southern part of Australia in the Musgrave mountain range, this mineral was first discovered. A few years later, the same crystals were found in Greenland, Madagascar, Tanzania, and even in icy Antarctica. Now only fourteen musgravites have been able to be mined, and the first unique gem-quality crystal was found in 1993 - it turned out to be a fairly large and transparent stone, and it was easy to cut.
This relative of taaffeite comes in a variety of colors, from light yellow-green to violet-purple. Green musgravites are especially prized, and purple ones will cost even more, about $6,000 per carat.

This amazing stone can be found in different parts of our planet. The color of this mineral is bluish-green, but there are only three such specimens in the world now, the main mass is dark blue and deep blue, so dark that it can safely be called black. The stone got its interesting “name” from the ancient Arabic “Serendibi”, which was the name of the island of Sri Lanka in ancient times. Serendibites of light blue shades are considered the most expensive, these unique pure stones were found in Sri Lanka (one carat of the smallest stone is estimated at $ 14,500), but dark ones are mined in Burma, the quarry is located near South Mogou. Gem-quality stones are made from dark serendibites, and this is what many collectors dream of owning.

In 1956, in Burma (now Myanmar), the famous mineralogist Arthur Payne discovered a strange mineral. Later, this unique stone was named after its discoverer. The color of painite can be from bright orange to dark brown. Blood red gems are considered the most expensive, while brown gems are much cheaper. This representative of organic minerals is a very, very rare stone, which is why it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Ten years ago, there were only a few faceted painites. Later, a rather large deposit was found, and accordingly, the number of cut stones increased. But the cost of this mineral remains very high, because the best stones are in private collections, institutes, and unprocessed stones can be seen on the market. Very often paintites offered for sale (especially red transparent ones) are a clear deception. A real stone in the light of a blue lamp acquires an unusual greenish tint.
Painite has magical powers, healing properties. The value of this unique mineral has increased thirty-fold over the past thirty-five years. Not every emerald or diamond can boast such an increase in its price!

It is found in nature a thousand times less often than diamond. This crystal became popular after the release of the film "Titanic", where it "starred" as a blue diamond shining in the "Heart of the Ocean" pendant. Tanzanite is valuable because its only deposit is located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in very small quantities. It is said that its reserves will last only 20 years. Therefore, those who know a lot about gemology are in a hurry to buy it.
The most amazing thing about tanzanite is its color. Like alexandrite, this mineral changes its color and it depends on the source and location of the light source. The same stone at different angles can be deep sapphire-blue, violet-amethyst and brown-green.

The rarest mineral with shades of bluish and green. This stone was first discovered in Sri Lanka, it was described by Alfred Grandidier, a French traveler and naturalist, and a new unique mineral was named in his honor. The peculiarities of grandidierite include its ability to pleochroize, that is, change its color (up to white). There are about twenty faceted specimens on the planet now, respectively, and the cost of such stones is very high - about thirty thousand dollars per carat.

It is the official symbol of California, because it was found near San Benito, where the only large deposit is located now. Benitoite was discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century, but was initially mistaken for sapphire. Its color is very similar to sapphires, which is why they are confused. It can be from light blue to blue, it can be transparent, and even blue-red. Sometimes benitoite plays with different shades, it depends on the lighting and the angle of view. The crystal itself is transparent and translucent to light. This stone is easy to process, but there is often an internal defect, so finding a stone suitable for cutting is quite difficult. This handsome man is very rare, so most often he ends up in private collections, and less often in jewelry.

This is a very rare precious specimen, it was found absolutely by accident in the middle of the last century by R. Taaffe, in whose honor the stone was later named. An amateur gemologist discovered the mineral while looking at a batch of already cut stones, very similar to spinel, one of them, the color of mallow, intrigued him. Taaffe handed over this specimen for a more thorough study to the laboratory of precious stones, because he had never met such an unusual gem before. After studying the properties of an unusual pebble, scientists came to the conclusion that this is a new, hitherto unknown mineral. It received its name in 1951, although it was discovered six years earlier, and after numerous analyzes, the final conclusions were made that this is an independent mineral species with unusual optical properties. The uniqueness of taaffeite is that it was discovered after it had been processed.
This gem is considered extremely rare, because on Earth it is found in an incredibly tiny amount, and then, only in separate deposits located in the lands of Tanzania or Sri Lanka, several copies were found in the East of Siberia and Karelia.
Taaffeites range in color from pale pink to lavender. One carat can cost from five hundred dollars to twenty thousand.

Another representative of the precious stone family. It was found in the eighties of the twentieth century, near the city of Montreal (Canada), in the depths of the Saint Hillary mountains, and the “name” was given to it in honor of the owners of the mine, the Poudrette family. Over the next few years, several dozen more specimens were found here. These crystals were almost colorless or pale pink in color, having a low hardness, they lend themselves perfectly to cutting. After processing, pudretteite changes color, it can be from rich pink to purple. At the very beginning of this century, a purple mineral was found in Burma, which, after cutting, turned into a precious stone weighing three carats. For five years, quite large stones have been found here, and since 2005. poudretteit did not show itself. The starting cost of this stone starts at two thousand dollars, and can go up to ten thousand dollars per carat, and it depends on the clarity and saturation of the color.

It was first encountered in Siberia during the last years of the nineteenth century. It acquired its name by the name of the Russian academician P.V. Eremeev. In its natural environment, it exists in the form of transparent, beautifully colored crystals. Its color does not differ in saturation and brightness. Eremeevite is sky blue, light yellow, pale green, but very often you can also find colorless, very rarely dark blue. Nowadays, it is mined in Namibia, rarely found in Tajikistan, Germany, Madagascar. In the early seventies of the last century, beautiful pale blue and yellowish crystals were discovered in Namibia, and their size reached ten centimeters, and then the Eremeevite was “assigned” the status of a precious stone, and a very expensive and rare one at that. It is a hard, transparent stone with a bright sheen. The price for one carat of eremeevite reaches $10,000.

The most expensive and rarest precious gem on Earth is this amazing mineral, it is mined only in the Argyle mine, in Australia. The uniqueness of this crystal is expressed, first of all, in its color. The natural color of red diamonds is purplish red. Only a few lucky ones had the opportunity to see and hold this stone in their hands. Only fifty pure red diamonds are known, some of which are in the collections of the most sophisticated connoisseurs, and some are considered missing. The largest crystal, called the "Red Shield" because of its triangular shape, weighs 5.11 carats. At the beginning of the 21st century, this crystal was bought for $8,000,000. Red diamonds over 0.1 carats can only be bought at auctions and can fetch over $2,000,000 per carat.

And one more thing... Remember that when buying rare and precious stones, be sure to use the services of specialists!