Scenario for the ransom of the bride "Winter's Tale". What is the essence of the rite of redemption of the bride? Funny script for the ransom of the bride at the wedding

They pay attention not only to the time of year, but also to the weather. After all, a winter wedding is characterized by a lot of snow, a strong snowstorm or frost. Therefore, it is better to implement the scenario of the ransom of the bride in winter indoors and to associate the ongoing wedding competitions with the winter weather conditions in Russia. However, you should not overdo it either, so that the invited guests do not get tired and freeze. The site offers you its winter scenario.

So, the meeting of the groom

Of course, it would be ideal if the groom and friends came by sleigh, but a regular car will do. Approaching the entrance of the beloved, the company and all those present meet the bridesmaids.


Hello dear guests,
Hurry up!
If to us - why tell?

The groom replies that he came for the bride who lives in this house.

For the bride? Excellent!
We are already waiting for you.
Yes, we have a fiancee
Impossible to take your eyes off
But it takes a lot of effort
To get her hand.

The first test in the winter bride price scenario

On the doors hangs a poster in the form of a large heart with the inscription: Why am I getting married? Around this inscription are options for answering this question.

  1. by calculation
  2. bride forced
  3. foolishly
  4. out of necessity
  5. out of curiosity
  6. damn it
  7. for love
  8. mom said
  9. friends advised

The groom and his friends are invited to make a snowball and hit the right answer. For each wrong answer or miss, a penalty is imposed.

After the groom has chosen the correct answer. Nothing happens. The doors still don't open. And then the bridesmaids report that in order to enter the entrance, the groom must say aloud a secret cipher. When the groom guesses that he needs to shout “I love you”, the bridesmaids say that apparently he shouted too quietly, so the door did not open.

After these words, the groom and friends begin to shout together very loudly. However, the bridesmaids immediately punish them for making noise in a public place.

After paying the ransom, the door to the entrance opens and the groom lets in.

Snow Queen Challenge

After the groom enters the entrance, he is met by the bridesmaid dressed as the "Snow Queen" and reports that because of the long blizzard and snowstorm, the bride's heart froze. Therefore, the groom will have to melt it.

White frozen hearts should lie on each step to the elevator. Now the groom will have to stop at each step to answer the insidious questions of the Snow Queen.

Bridesmaid playing the role of the Snow Queen:

Answer the groom slowly
When was your fiancee born?

What drink does father-in-law like?
And what can you eat?

There is no easier question
Can you tell me your mother-in-law's birthday?

Say without hesitation
Does the bride love whites?

What is the bride's favorite flower
Answer us soon, beloved fiance?

If the groom allows incorrect answers, he is asked for a ransom in the form of money, champagne, wine, sweets or fruit. Only after paying off can he move on to the next step.

The final test in the winter bride price scenario

Once in the elevator, the groom meets a snowman, who explains that the bride's heart has almost thawed, but since all girls love with their ears, the groom's next task is to give compliments and find the key to her heart.

The groom is given a mug prepared in advance, at the bottom of which a small key is placed. From above it was covered with small white snowflakes from snow.

The groom's goal is to get the key from the bottom, but taking out the snowflake one by one from the mug, he must compliment. Witnesses can actively help a friend. When, finally, all the snowflakes are over, the groom can easily get the key to the heart of his beloved.

With this key, she can open the apartment of her beloved, find her in the room and revive her with a fiery kiss.

Of course, winter is a magical time that is associated with some kind of miracle and magic. In the scenario of the ransom of the bride in winter, you can use ideas from your favorite winter fairy tales, beating them in a modern way. The main thing is that even when winter is around, love warms the hearts of lovers!

The ransom of the bride is a classic custom that begins the modern wedding of almost any nation. By tradition, a huge number of guests and ordinary onlookers gather to look at how the groom will come to pick up his beloved at the registry office. This action is carried out, as a rule, accompanied by noisy cheerful trials through which the groom must go. This is probably the most crucial moment for the future spouse, so all participants should carefully prepare by coming up with a funny scenario for this interesting scene.

Preparing for a buyout

The process of preparing for the ransom of the bride takes place directly on the wedding day, a couple of hours before the groom arrives with his noisy company. The script has long been ready and is in the hands of the witness. It is necessary to acquaint other participants with it, which will be needed for the implementation of such a plan. And so that the ransom goes without a hitch, a few tips to help you:

  • Take care of the decor of the entrance to the bride's house and the entrance in advance. Hang balloons generously over the door, decorate an impromptu arch with ribbons, hang various posters with humorous inscriptions in the wedding theme.
  • For the convenience of performing this or that competition, put tables on the street to meet the groom. Take care of drinks and snacks. If the wedding takes place in winter, do not keep dear guests outside for a long time.
  • Prepare a special box in which you will collect money for the bride.
  • Appoint a responsible person who will carefully monitor the money. It is important that nothing is lost during the day, that it falls into the hands of the newlyweds safe and sound.
  • Select girls from among the bridesmaids who will assist in the process of conducting the ransom.

Requisites for redemption

Writing a script is a responsible business that will not succeed if you do not think about the necessary additional details. After the words are composed, interesting contests are invented, it will become clear to you what necessary accessories will be useful for the implementation of a particular scene. So, what exactly do you need to run a funny bride price scenario:

  • In advance, buy a large number of balloons with which you will decorate the entrance.
  • To design humorous posters with caricatures of the bride and groom, prepare a lot of multi-colored felt-tip pens, paints, and crayons.
  • Beautifully design a piggy bank in which you will collect money, sweets and other items for ransom. Use ribbons, bows, artificial flowers.
  • To carry out some contests you will need: a glass half filled with water, a large basin, children's photos of the bride and her bridesmaids, rope, clothespins, 10 lollipops.
  • Draw footprints of various sizes with chalk, including the natural footprint of the bride (make it along the contour of her foot).


The scenario of a ridiculous bride price provides for the presence of actors, so you should decide in advance on the people whom you will involve in your performance. Be sure to include them in the script list. You must describe in detail in your script the order of the dialogues of the participants in the event, the words that accompany certain actions. Write down the speech for each one by name. It might be more interesting if you use prose.

As a rule, the most important participants in any ransom of the bride are: the presenter (the witness who prepared and invented funny contests or toastmaster), her assistants, the groom, the witness and the rest of the assembled guests (they also help the future husband cope with certain tasks, suggest and moral support). At the end, the bride's parents and the beauty herself in a wedding dress appear.

Venue decoration

Much depends on how the bride meets her lover in the future family life of the couple. The first thing that should be carefully taken care of is the decoration of the venue for the merry ransom of the bride. Everything should shine, smell fragrant, talk about how welcome and looking forward to the head of the future family. Below are some tips to help you prepare and beautifully decorate the bride's yard for the arrival of the groom.

  1. Cleanliness is the key to a pleasant and impeccable impression, so it is necessary to carefully clean the yard in advance. Wash the floors of the porch thoroughly, remove unnecessary items, you may first need to make a small repair, paint some details (creating an ideal image will not hurt you).
  2. Next, proceed to the design and decorations. Tie a beautiful drapery with bows on the railing, attach small bouquets of natural or artificial flowers, some of which can be placed on the window sills of the entrance. Make generous use of colorful ribbons hanging from the ceiling.
  3. Decorate the walls with different funny caricature-style pictures or thematic inscriptions about the wedding. Everything should correspond to one theme - the ransom of the bride and a fun wedding.
  4. At the entrance to the entrance, put an impromptu arch of balls. If possible, drape the entrance with a beautiful fabric in the form of an arch.
  5. If the ransom takes place in the village, then it will be much easier to decorate the yard: you will need less material for decoration (for example, use a large number of balls).
  6. Do not forget to colorfully decorate the room in which the bride will wait for her lover.

Script for the ransom of the bride

Action one. The groom with his parents and friends drives up to the bride's house in a smart car. A meeting takes place here: the witness and the bridesmaids have gathered at the entrance to the entrance and do not let dear guests. She starts the conversation first and asks the following question:

How far are you on your way, good fellow?

Yes, I am looking for my beloved. I want to take you down the aisle!

Found the right way! However, the path to the beauty is not easy: trials await you here. Think well if you are ready for them.

Action two. Bridesmaids approach the groom with a piggy bank and the words:

Once you have firmly decided to marry - replenish the piggy bank, fill the future family budget. Let your friend not be shy and put a heel or two too!

Satisfied with the monetary tribute, the girls hand each filled glass of snacks to the guys and disperse, letting the groom get closer to the entrance to the entrance.

Action three. Trials and punishments.

Competitions for the groom and witnesses

  • First competition. The host lays out the traces drawn in advance and says the following verse:

Here the girls ran -

Very heavily trampled!

Look at your favorite footprint

To love a thousand years!

If the groom gives the wrong answer - each time he puts a part of the ransom in the piggy bank, the witness helps him.

  • Second competition. The groom with the guests moves forward and gets into the vestibule of the entrance. Here he can see funny photographs of the bride, hung on a rope, mixed with her girlfriends in childhood. He must guess the photo of his future wife. Guests help. Witness says:

Let's see now -

How is your sharp eye!

One two Three -

Where is it: find it!

  • Third contest. At the entrance, the groom must lay out the name of his beloved in banknotes. The money is then put into a piggy bank for redemption. Friend's words:

So that the future wife loves -

Write her name with money!

  • Fourth contest. Having risen to the floor above, the witnesses put a huge basin in front of the groom, with the words:

And now, well done generous,

Put a gift for the bride here.

It must be valuable

The most extraordinary.

Here the guy must guess that it is himself. Jokingly give hints to the newlywed, for example, with what object the bride will have to live together all her life, etc. Guests should give funny and funny ideas, prompt.

  • Fifth contest. "Money over the edge." The witness gives a half-filled glass to the groom, so that he pours a lot of change and water overflows. Her words:

Show the abundance of your wealth, gild the glass with coins!

  • Sixth contest. There remains the last flight with steps to the doors leading to the bride's apartment. The groom must write in chalk on each step the reason why he is getting married. The host hands him a piece of chalk and says:

And now, good fellow, you must imprint on the stone twelve reasons why you are getting married.

Better prepare the groom by advising him to come up with these reasons at home. And at the end of the competition, demand the last ransom in the form of sweets, champagne, and various coins.

Video: funny bride price

It is easy to understand that a good scenario for the ransom of the bride in one day cannot be imagined. It is necessary to look through a lot of information, ask friends what traditional competitions to fill the first minutes of this ceremony with, so that everything turns out to be interesting and fun. Feel free to use humor when compiling your bride price, use your own imagination and creativity extensively. Watch the video below on the topic of a ridiculous bride price, which will give you a better idea of ​​what it should look like in real life.

In winter, the world becomes like a fairy tale. You can use this transformation of nature and arrange a bride price right on the street.

The portal site offers a script for the ransom of the bride "Winter's Tale".

However, it is worth considering the unpredictability of winter weather and provide for the possibility of holding a buyout indoors in case of severe frost, snowfall or wind.

Registration of the ransom of the bride:

The place of the ransom is a clearing in front of the bride's house. You can decorate the trees in the yard with New Year's toys, decorate with sparkles, and also make snow figures and snowmen.

Be sure to put a table with a hot samovar. Bagels, bagels, pies, gingerbread and pancakes - all this will be a great addition to the fabulous decoration and a small buffet for guests on the street. They will be able to warm up with fragrant tea with Russian folk dishes. If desired, you can put a bottle of vodka with salted mushrooms, cucumbers and herring as a snack.

Script for the ransom of the bride

In the magical forest, the bride accidentally touched the staff of Santa Claus. Everyone knows that, "whoever touches the staff will never wake up." However, there is one remedy: the sleeping beauty-bride can be awakened by the kiss of the handsome prince-groom and the smell of a bouquet of 5 snowdrops that grow in a magical forest.

The groom needs to collect a bouquet of 5 snowdrops for his beloved. But in order to pick the cherished flowers, you must complete the tasks of Baba Yaga, who, as it turns out, not only arranges dirty tricks, but also grows snowdrops in winter - she has such a hobby (if snowdrops cannot be found in winter, you can replace them with other flowers e.g. roses or daisies). For completing one task, the groom receives one flower.

The ransom of the bride is carried out by Baba Yaga. You can rent a costume or build it yourself: glue a colorful nose, find a shabby scarf and a panicle.

You can invite an accordion player or a balalist to the ransom. It will perfectly complement the flavor of the Russian folk holiday and set a cheerful mood.

Competition for ransom “Magic Mirror”

Looking into the magic mirror, Baba Yaga will ask tricky questions to the groom about the bride.

Sample questions:
What did the bride eat for breakfast today?
- What is the bride doing now (sleeping - she touched the staff)
- What kind of fellows does your betrothed like: beautiful, smart, strong or generous?

Competition for ransom “Beauty-beauty - long braid”

The bride is very beautiful. But in order to maintain this beauty, she has to dress up and preen every day. And will her future husband help her in this? With the help of scarves, hats and jewelry, a young man in love must decorate a snowman, imagining that he is dressing his bride. Of course, Baba Yaga will try to prevent him, because, despite her advanced years, she considers herself the main beauty of the forest.

Competition for ransom “SNOW Confessions”

The groom must lay out the recognition of his beloved with snowflakes on a magical forest canvas of registration of marriages and feelings.

Small paper snowflakes are prepared in advance. Whatman paper is decorated with paints under the old canvas.

Ransom Contest “Girls’ Best Friend”

As you know, the best friends of girls are diamonds, and in our winter-fabulous case, ice floes. The groom and his friends must fill Baba Yaga's box with 10 pieces of ice.

Pieces of people hide in advance along the perimeter, where the ransom of the bride takes place.

Competition for ransom “Love ditties”

The bride is a refined nature. She needs a companion who is well versed in art. The groom and his friends will demonstrate their skills and abilities in the field of dancing. They will have to compose ditties for the bride to given rhymes, and then perform them while dancing.

Baba Yaga can offer the fellows to change into warm felt boots for the convenience of dancing and give each a handkerchief. An accordionist or balalaika player will play along with the singers and dancers.

Rhyme examples:
Bride - place
Hot - shoulder
Milenok - from the cradle
Date - task
My dear - marry me

After completing all the tasks and collecting a bouquet of 5 snowdrops, the groom goes to the room to his bride, where he wakes up his betrothed from a frosty sleep with a gentle kiss.

Maria Balykova

For many centuries, the groom, trying to prove the ability and willingness to support a family, gave horses, bulls, sheep, jewelry, furs, and so on for a girl. At present, the so-called ransom has acquired a certain entertaining character. The only thing that is required of the young man is to complete a series of tasks prepared in advance by the bridesmaids.

These can be song contests, testing the groom's knowledge in certain areas, and much more. In general, everything that can only come into the head of girls. They are sure that on this day their main task is to make the groom prove his love for the bride before she becomes his wife forever.

But bridesmaids should carefully consider the scenario of the wedding. It should include only the funniest contests, because a wedding is such an event where there should not be a single hint of sadness and longing.

Features of the winter ransom of the bride

When organizing a ransom, do not forget about the date of the wedding, as the time of the year plays an important role in organizing a wedding. Consider everything, especially if your wedding will take place in the winter. Of course, it is possible to organize the entire ransom on the street, but in this case, you can get very cold. By holding competitions indoors, you will be deprived of the opportunity to enjoy winter fun. That is why the most correct solution would be to divide the entire ransom into 2 parts: first you hold contests on the street, and then smoothly move into the room.

You can also take into account the month of the wedding. For example, in December, take the theme of the new year as a basis. Bridesmaids can dress up as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowflakes and other fairy-tale characters. January is rich in such holidays as Christmas, Epiphany. Keep this in mind when organizing your script.

As for February, then you can take as a basis such holidays as St. Valentine's Day and Defender of the Fatherland Day. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the entire redemption of the bride in winter takes place under the theme of your choice. 2-3 competitions are enough to make your event special and memorable for the guests for a long time. Upon completion of the entire ransom, a small fireworks display can be organized.

However, do not worry if the weather conditions do not at all imply holding a ransom on the street. Organize it in a room that you decorate in advance with the attributes of winter. These can be snowflakes glued to the windows and hung throughout the room, artificial snow, cotton balls, which in their appearance resemble snowballs.

Maybe you want something original. If you wish, you can write a script based on your favorite Russian fairy tales. Remember which of them are associated with winter? One of these is the well-known Russian folk tale "Twelve Months". Take it as the basis of your ransom. Make the groom complete at least one of the tasks each month. You can also take as a basis the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". Let the groom try to unfreeze the cold heart of his bride.

Thinking over the scenario of the ransom of the bride

The first thing that all girls need to remember is that there will be a good ransom only if its script is prepared in advance. Improvisation in this case is not a good option. Bridesmaids need to think carefully about everything so that there are no unpleasant situations at the wedding. Then, when watching the video, young people will remember this day with a smile.

Of course, everyone knows that the groom is in complete ignorance before the wedding. However, it is advisable to make a list of things that he should take with him in a few days. Agree that it will be much more interesting if, after the phrase - the demands of the bridesmaids, the groom will not be at a loss, and will get exactly what they ask for.

Often, his friends help the groom in competitions. If none of them can complete the task or makes a mistake, then "pays" the ransom. It can be money, candy or a bottle of good champagne.

Many girls, thinking over the ransom scenario, take well-known contests. It is not interesting and has not become something special for a long time. When organizing a bridesmaid's ransom in winter, do not forget about the time of year. When decorating the room, do not forget to use the attributes of winter along with the wedding theme.

As competitions, you can use your favorite winter fun. This includes sleigh rides, snowball fights, snowman making, and so on. You can also arrange a competition for the best snowman. If the wedding takes place in a private house, with a nearby pond, then all guests can go ice skating.

And most importantly, do not forget to count the time. The bride and groom still need to be in time at the registry office, and there the workers are unlikely to wait for them. Ideally, a ransom should not last more than 15-20 minutes. Remember that even if you have to organize a bride price in winter, the weather here is not at all a hindrance. Rather the opposite. Helps to make the wedding unique and fabulous.

An airline themed bride price can be found on the next page.

Bride ransom in a private house

A rare wedding does without the ransom of the bride - this amazing and fun ceremony has long been a part of the wedding day, so you need to prepare for it in advance. If you decide to hold a ransom ceremony in a private house, it is worth considering the scenario. In fact, the ceremony will turn out to be much more interesting, because you will not experience a lack of free space: you can think over the tests carried out in the yard, in the hallway and directly in the rooms.

Don't forget to decorate the house: you can hang a bright colorful poster with the inscription "The Bride lives here" on the gate or gate! Hang colorful balls in the yard (you can form garlands or intricate figures from them), pots with fresh flowers, ribbons. All kinds of wall newspapers and posters with bright applications and photographs of the bride and groom will do. If there is a familiar artist, ask him to draw a couple of cartoons and funny pictures. Ask friends who know how to play the guitar or accordion to sit in the yard to make the redemption process more fun. Girlfriends, having seen the groom, can perform ditties - and they will raise their spirits, and set themselves up in the right way.

When the groom approaches the gate, he is met by a witness or host.

Witness: Hello, dear fiance! How long have you been walking! We've all looked at you, waiting. He did not come for the bride (the groom answers). Yes, we have a red girl, smart, beautiful, caring, hardworking. Do you really think that we will just give it away? Prove yourself worthy first. Do you agree to pass the tests that we have prepared for you?

(The witness deliberately stands near the gate and blocks the way for the groom until he agrees. For the sake of laughter, you can dress up two friends as bodyguards and threaten the groom that if you spoil, the guards will quickly send you out under white hands).

Witness: Here's your first problem. A chain of footprints will lead you to the threshold of the bride's house, but the right to pass will give you the right answer to the question. You really try, otherwise you will have to return with nothing.

Trial 1

White traces are drawn with chalk towards the house: each step is the answer to a question. If the groom answered incorrectly, he takes a step back or pays a ransom, if he does not want to waste time and moves forward a step. Questions may vary:

  • How many years ago did you meet your fiancee?
  • What color are your lover's eyes?
  • What size shoes does she wear?
  • The size of the ring on the index finger of the right hand?
  • What did you get her for your last anniversary?
  • How old is your father in law?
  • Your fiancé's favorite dish?
  • Where was your first date and so on.

The groom reaches the threshold of the house, where he is met by a smiling father-in-law.

father-in-law: - Once you got to the second test, you have a good memory, son. But now we will check whether you will be my support and hope for my daughter, will you cope with the work of a man?

Trial 2

The father-in-law gives the groom a hammer, a board and a nail and offers to hammer the nail with one blow. It turned out - it goes on, it didn’t work out - it offers a ransom. You can put a log across the threshold, and the witness and the groom must saw it in order to clear their way. After that, the groom is let into the hallway, where one of the bride's girlfriends is already waiting for him.

Friend: - Dear groom, your bride is preening in front of the mirror, preparing for the wedding. Yes, I completely forgot about the timing. Go hurry her up. But before you go further, decide which room you need the key to!

Trial 3

The rooms in the house are locked and numbered (3-4 rooms are enough). The task of the groom is to get the key to each of them by passing the appropriate test. The girlfriend holds a tray with numbered cards, the groom chooses one of them and does everything that is written there. By the way, you can come up with tasks not only for the groom, but also for the witness, so that the ransom from a funny joke does not turn into a tedious routine.

Exercise 1. Put together a mosaic. The witness is given a picture or postcard cut into small pieces, and he must assemble it in 2 minutes. You can buy a children's puzzle and encourage the test subject that even a child will cope with this task. If the witness does not fit into the time frame, treats the audience with stored drinks and sweets, pays a ransom.

Task 2. Find out your favorite. This is a task for the groom, posters with prints of hands or lips will come in handy. The task of the subject is to find which print belongs to his bride. You can cheat: the poster may not contain the imprint of the bride's lips at all, which means that you can demand the ransom due with a pure heart.

Task 3. The witness asks the groom and the witness to rummage through their pockets and find all the little things that are only there. With the help of coins in 2 minutes, they must lay out the name of the bride.

Task 4. Compliments. The witness offers the groom a "chamomile", a letter is written on each petal. The task of the subject is to come up with an affectionate nickname for the bride, which would begin with this letter. If the groom fails, he pays a ransom.

Trial 4

The search for a bride or the game "hot-cold". Having opened all 4 doors, the groom discovers that the window in one of the rooms is open, but the bride is not. The witness offers her help: supposedly she knows where the bride can hide and will guide the actions of the groom. And the game "hot, cold" begins. The bride can hide with her neighbors, in the attic, in the car, in the clearing behind the house - this is at her discretion.

Witness: - Dear groom, you coped with the tests with dignity, accept from us a letter with the title of the best seeker. I wish you to cope with all the trials and obstacles in life as easily as with our contests! And now we should hurry up, so as not to be late for the registry office!

When planning a scenario for the redemption of a bride in winter, you need to consider several options, depending on specific weather conditions.

Several options for

Weather forecasts do not always turn out to be true, so the ransom organizers can plan several versions in advance: firstly, in order not to depend on the weather, it is possible to hold a ransom only indoors, taking into account the specifics of the time of year, and secondly, it can be a combined option, when half tests-competitions would be held on the street (in the yard), the other half - indoors, thirdly, you can choose the option of holding the ransom only on the street (in the yard).

Most often, the best option is the second - combined, in which case the organizer is sure that the guests participating in the redemption will be comfortable, they will not have time to freeze even at the lowest temperatures.

But if you wish, you can prepare separately the first and third options, and then, according to weather conditions, choose one of the three options, because by mixing the first and third options, you can get the one that was designated as optimal.

When tests are planned for the groom and his friends as part of the ransom only on the street, there is no need to cut out snowflakes, snowmen and create other attributes of winter time, they are all already present in the space where the ransom is organized (subject to a snowy winter, of course).

Depending on the month

In addition, it is important in which of the snowy months the wedding takes place. If in December, then it would be original to prepare a test related to New Year's attributes and, of course, with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

For example, a task for the groom and his friends to distribute gifts to the guests present as soon as possible, sweets, coins, etc. can act as gifts. Another test option in December is to decorate the Christmas tree as best as possible, so that the matchmakers like it.

In January, the attributes of the ransom are associated with Christmas, Epiphany frosts. In this case, the matchmakers can ask the groom questions about important dates in the life of the future newlyweds, i.e. about the birth of their couple, for example. Thematically, the testing of the groom and his friends by cold and snow can be connected with Epiphany frosts.

February is often associated with blizzards and fickle weather, so the groom can be asked questions about how he will love his wife, i.e. whether it will be permanent, as well as questions to the groom's friends about his qualities, among which courage, readiness to protect his future wife should be named.

How to create the right atmosphere

When the ransom is organized indoors: on the floors, at the door of the apartment, in the elevator - winter can come to this rite through carved snowflakes, frozen windows drawn on paper. They are designed to create a festive atmosphere in winter.

Then the competitions can be the same as in other seasons, you can add “winter” elements to them. For example, there is traditionally a contest in which the reasons for marriage are asked; so one of the answers may be a reluctance to go on dates in the cold. You can also offer the groom as a test to remember some poem on a winter theme.

In addition, the attributes of winter themselves can become part of the test: either cut as many snowflakes as possible in a certain time, or pull out a snowflake key in order to open the door behind which the bride is hidden, while you need to talk about the qualities of the bride, about your promises on future. Another option: on a frozen window (real or drawn on paper), stick a declaration of love to your bride, describe the bride.

Be in a fairy tale

Also, one should not forget about Russian culture, in which there are stories (tales, most often) about winter, there are characters that are associated with winter time. One of these may be the Snow Queen. And the competition, organized with her, is connected with the fact that the groom and his friends need to disenchant the bride, having previously stolen from the Snow Queen, or is connected with the need to melt the heart of the bride in a certain way.

Other heroes can be the Nutcracker and the Rat King. Appearing at the ransom, the Rat King invites the groom's friends to disenchant the groom. Before this test, the groom is given the appearance of a Nutcracker, either by putting on him some kind of rigid frame, or just a suit. And the task for friends involves the need to crack a nut (walnut, for example) in any way.

If the space in which the ransom is organized allows, tests can be associated with the fairy tale "Twelve Months", for example, complete the task of each "month".

When organizing the ransom of the bride, one should always be guided by a sense of proportion: should all tests be tied to winter time, this is another argument for choosing a combined option, when tests on the street and indoors are distributed evenly.

The script for the ransom of the bride in winter

When the newlyweds are planning a wedding, and especially the bride's ransom, they pay attention not only to the time of year, but also to the weather. After all, a winter wedding is characterized by a lot of snow, a strong snowstorm or frost. Therefore, it is better to implement the scenario of the ransom of the bride in winter indoors and to associate the ongoing wedding competitions with the winter weather conditions in Russia. However, you should not overdo it either, so that the invited guests do not get tired and freeze. The site offers you its winter scenario.

So, the meeting of the groom

Of course, it would be ideal if the groom and friends came by sleigh, but a regular car will do. Approaching the entrance of the beloved, the company and all those present meet the bridesmaids.


- Hello, dear guests,
Hurry up!
If to us - why tell?

The groom replies that he came for the bride who lives in this house.

- For the bride? Excellent!
We are already waiting for you.
Yes, we have a fiancee
Impossible to take your eyes off
But it takes a lot of effort
To get her hand.

The first test in the winter bride price scenario

On the doors hangs a poster in the form of a large heart with the inscription: Why am I getting married? Around this inscription are options for answering this question.

  1. by calculation
  2. bride forced
  3. foolishly
  4. out of necessity
  5. out of curiosity
  6. damn it
  7. for love
  8. mom said
  9. friends advised

The groom and his friends are invited to make a snowball and hit the right answer. For each wrong answer or miss, a penalty is imposed.

After the groom has chosen the correct answer. Nothing happens. The doors still don't open. And then the bridesmaids report that in order to enter the entrance, the groom must say aloud a secret cipher. When the groom guesses that he needs to shout “I love you”, the bridesmaids say that apparently he shouted too quietly, so the door did not open.

After these words, the groom and friends begin to shout together very loudly. However, the bridesmaids immediately punish them for making noise in a public place.

After paying the ransom, the door to the entrance opens and the groom lets in.

Snow Queen Challenge

After the groom enters the entrance, he is met by the bridesmaid dressed as the "Snow Queen" and reports that because of the long blizzard and snowstorm, the bride's heart froze. Therefore, the groom will have to melt it.

White frozen hearts should lie on each step to the elevator. Now the groom will have to stop at each step to answer the insidious questions of the Snow Queen.

Bridesmaid playing the role of the Snow Queen:

- Answer the groom slowly,
When was your fiancee born?

What drink does father-in-law like?
And what can you eat?

- There is no easier question,
Can you tell me your mother-in-law's birthday?

Say without hesitation
Does the bride love whites?

- What is the bride's favorite flower,
Answer us soon, beloved fiance?

If the groom allows incorrect answers, he is asked for a ransom in the form of money, champagne, wine, sweets or fruit. Only after paying off can he move on to the next step.

The final test in the winter bride price scenario

Once in the elevator, the groom meets a snowman, who explains that the bride's heart has almost thawed, but since all girls love with their ears, the groom's next task is to give compliments and find the key to her heart.

The groom is given a mug prepared in advance, at the bottom of which a small key is placed. From above it was covered with small white snowflakes from snow.

The groom's goal is to get the key from the bottom, but taking out the snowflake one by one from the mug, he must compliment. Witnesses can actively help a friend. When, finally, all the snowflakes are over, the groom can easily get the key to the heart of his beloved.

With this key, she can open the apartment of her beloved, find her in the room and revive her with a fiery kiss.

Of course, winter is a magical time that is associated with some kind of miracle and magic. In the scenario of the ransom of the bride in winter, you can use ideas from your favorite winter fairy tales, beating them in a modern way. The main thing is that even when winter is around, love warms the hearts of lovers!

Your merchant is our product, or How to choose a bride ransom scenario in winter?

Oh, the wedding - fervent, sonorous! The best days in the life of a future married couple, when everyone is happy, everyone is happy, and the soul freezes in anticipation of a grand celebration! Every little thing is thought out - what we will wear, how we will go to the Palace to conclude our marriage, how we will feed our dear guests, we will surprise! And how do we start the holiday? According to what scenario will we redeem the beautiful bride? It's winter in our yard, so let's look together for a scenario for the ransom of the bride in winter in order to start the amazing, main event of life in a colorful and fun way! But first, let's find out some interesting facts about the ancient rite "Ransom of the Bride".

How were brides redeemed?

The rite, in which the bride is redeemed from relatives for a symbolic (champagne, sweets, painted banknotes, gifts) or real (money) payment, has been performed at every wedding since time immemorial.

Earlier, since the evening, a wedding train was being prepared in the groom's house - they decorated wagons, combed the guy's curls, cut out bundles of hair so that a cross formed on his crown - from the evil eye. The next morning, dressed in a new shirt and a belt embroidered with the hands of the bride, the groom with friends and relatives rolled to the bride's house. But before they let the groom into the house, they had to cope with various obstacles - to overcome the road blocked by logs (tables, stones, ribbons), to pretend to fight with fists with the bride's relatives, to redeem her braid, wreath, dressed up burdock bush - in a word, to win the right by any means take your loved one out of the house.

How is the ransom of the bride today?

The colorful ceremony has not only survived to this day, but also belongs to the most wonderful moments of wedding fun. Bridesmaids and bridesmaids are enthusiastically preparing for it - it is they who stop the procession in front of the house where the bride is waiting (traditionally climbing onto a stool). In order for the groom to get the right to take off the stool and kiss his chosen one, he is offered various comic contests, for example:

  • indicate in which box the wedding shoe is located, choosing from the three offered;
  • recognize your future wife in children's photographs;
  • choose the imprint of the bride's lips among other imprints;
  • accurately determine the key to the room where his betrothed is hidden;
  • answer questions about the bride and her family;
  • determine which of the proposed ropes the bride is tied to.

And many other fun puzzles. Grooms defame with might and main, try to circle their girlfriends around their fingers, pay with counterfeit money, try their best to witty answer insidious questions, to the general rejoicing of those around them.

Especially creative girlfriends come up with themed ransoms - there are a lot of ideas for them: a student session, a flight to family life with an airline named after the bride, ransoms in the style of the mafia, medicine.

Whichever scenario is chosen, you need to consider where and when the ransom will take place. Let's consider the scenario of buying a bride in the winter in a private house, and choose the good old fairy tale "The Snow Queen" as the theme for it.

Scenario "The Snow Queen"

For the ransom to be successful, you don’t need to make it tediously long - the guests will get tired, the groom will get confused, there will be awkward pauses, and the festive impression will be spoiled. It is not worth forcing the groom to seek the bride for more than half an hour. Moreover, winter is cold! Do not keep people in front of the house in the cold.

We'll have to take care of the props and costumes. The bridegroom, as soon as he appears in front of the gates of the house, the queen's servants will throw on a cape (all the participants playing roles will be in the same ones) and put on a horse - what a prince without a horse! You can get by with a horse's head on a stick. At the gates of the groom-prince there are hanging posters answering the question “Why are you getting married?”:

  • mother advised;
  • friends persuaded;
  • stupidity;
  • out of cowardice;
  • the bride forced;
  • by calculation;
  • for love.

You can post any number of answers. As soon as the groom hits the right answer with a snowball from a decent distance (for missing the mark - a fine), the gates are opened for him. And the assistant to the frozen queen, sadly reports that the heart of her mistress froze. Melting is possible, but you have to make great efforts!

Large cardboard hearts covered with foil are laid out on the path - they show the way. For each heart, you need to stand up and answer the riddle in order to move on. It is not easy to get on them - each is guarded by an ice idol, which will have to be defeated. For this, the groom will be given a sword. But you can bribe the idol - they also take money, sweets, gifts.

Questions to be answered by the prince:

  • when his Snow Queen was born;
  • What is her favorite dish?
  • what date did the prince meet the queen;
  • When was the Queen's mother born?
  • Is the Queen's dad's birthday coming soon?

The list of questions can be supplemented, but remember - it should not be endless!

As soon as the groom has passed all the hearts and is already standing at the porch, the Polar Bear, the servant of the queen, brings him an ice bucket full of snowflakes (we do everything from cardboard and foil). At the bottom is hidden the key to the halls of the Snow Queen. To get it, you need, taking out each snowflake, shout one compliment to the queen, and very loudly - the queen wants to hear them! Friends help the groom yell compliments at the whole neighborhood.

When the last recognition of the bride's merits is heard, triumphant music will play (to your taste), confetti will fall, depicting a salute, and the groom will solemnly enter the house for the bride. Hooray!

And other ideas

You can try other ideas for contests suitable for winter. And looking video scenario of the redemption of the bride in winter, it will be even easier to choose - it is better to see how the ransom really looks than to try to mentally imagine it. There are many interesting topics, and all are worthy of attention.

You can take a closer look at the scenario "Old Russia" - when the groom dressed in shirts comes for the bride with friends and accordionists on sledges, carts, even on tractors! They bawl songs and ditties, pretend that they are fighting on fists.

Or to the scenario "Gypsies" - the bride was stolen by a camp and you need to redeem her from the gypsies. Violins, guitars, incendiary dances, beautiful romances, colorful skirts, “gild the pen” contests!

  • no need to invent for the groom complex, confusing him (and even more so offending contests;
  • do not force the groom to endlessly lay out money! Take a ransom with sweets, champagne, painted banknotes (“money”, “a lot of money”, “big money”) - your goal is not to make money on the sale of the bride, but to set everyone up for fun!
  • pouring alcohol to the groom is a big risk! The prince still needs to get to the Wedding Palace!
  • think it might be better to choose a script in prose? After all, the groom will not be able to answer your questions in verse with verse.
  • You don't have to learn your part by heart! You can read the cheat sheet, but do not forget about artistry.

And most importantly, it is good to understand that the ransom of the bride is the beginning of the wedding, its task is to cheer everyone up, set the mood for the holiday, set the tone! Therefore, the faster and more joyfully it passes, the better! Learn how to make DIY wedding invitations. As well as interesting options for wedding hairstyles with bangs, you can see in our article.

Cool bride price scenario in a private house in winter