Sheryl Sandberg don't be afraid to take action. How to combine family and career according to Sheryl Sandberg. Sheryl Sandberg's book is written about how you don't have to choose between family and career.

Jul 17, 2017

Don't be afraid to take action. Woman, work and the will to lead Sheryl Sandberg

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Title: Don't be afraid to act. Woman, work and the will to lead

About the book “Don’t be afraid to act. Woman, work and the will to lead" Sheryl Sandberg

What is the book “Don’t be afraid to act: Woman, work and the will to lead” about:

The business world dictates certain unspoken rules to women. You should not excessively demonstrate your intelligence and strong-willed qualities. You should not show your ambitions and desire to move up the career ladder. In addition, women are held back by their own internal barriers. There are hundreds of really good reasons why women give up their careers. They do not allow themselves to move forward due to a lack of self-confidence, a reluctance to pay too much attention to themselves, due to the constant dilemma of what is more important - career or family, due to a pathological lack of time. As a result, today only 4% of the leaders of the world's leading companies are women.

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer and one of the most influential figures in the business world, talks about the obstacles she has faced in her professional journey. This book is a manifesto and a source of inspiration for those who believe that a woman can and has the right to seek self-realization in her career and business, and family relationships should be built on the basis of equal partnership.

Why Dare to Take Action is worth reading:

Sheryl Sandberg describes her experience of working and communicating with top managers of the world's largest corporations.

Talks about issues that are important to every woman:

– how to properly ask management for a raise;
– how to plan maternity leave competently and without compromising career growth;
– how to negotiate for fairer working conditions;
– how to find the right balance between career and personal life;
– is it worth directly expressing an opinion different from your colleagues, and how to do it correctly;
– how not to be afraid to start from scratch, even when you are over 30.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Don’t be afraid to act. Woman, work and the will to lead" by Sheryl Sandberg in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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Text: Lisa Birger

A regular guest at TED, a fixture on every list of powerful women in America, a headliner at every conference on women in business, a woman with both legs and brains, a Facebook COO with a net worth of over a billion dollars, every cent of which she earned herself, Sheryl Sandberg seems perfect the embodiment of female success. At least, success in the American sense. Sandberg herself, however, is proud not so much of the fortune she has earned, but of the fact that hard work did not prevent her from building a happy family and raising children. Everything in her life turned out so well, so smoothly on all sides, that it was impossible not to write a book about it. “Lean In” was released in America in 2013, was translated into all European languages, but only a week later it will be released in Russian. This book became the subject of furious discussion, not only in America. “Everything is possible,” it repeats in different ways. Nobody argues with the fact that “everything is possible”. To whom is the main question.

There is no point in finding fault with the Russian title of the book (“Don’t be afraid to act: Woman, work and the will to lead”) - obviously, if in the English-speaking world it is believed that the shorter the title, the more vigorous the sales will be, the conditions of the Russian market force publishers to put a long one on the cover a set of words most reminiscent of the topic of school essays. You can practice translating “Lean In” into Russian for a long time. “Break through!” - Sandberg encourages us, - “Stick out!”, “Climb forward with all your might!” The problem for women, in her opinion, is not that they are being pushed aside by men. They move themselves, without outside help. A woman will be embarrassed to express her opinion at the seminar until the last moment. A woman will never ask for a salary increase herself. Will not bargain for working conditions. At any conference it will modestly take a place in the very corner. In general, the easiest way for a woman to advance in her career is to be royally promoted by some powerful man. As it happened with Sandberg herself, who was noticed by Larry Summers at Harvard and brought to the US Treasury Department, then picked up by Eric Schmidt from Google, from where she fell straight into the warm embrace of the then 23-year-old Mark Zuckerberg.

Did she succeed or was she succeeded? In her own book, her crowning achievement is her attempt to negotiate pay terms with Mark Zuckerberg. The attempt was successful, because this is how Sandberg received the very stake in Facebook that today made her a billionaire. But Sandberg encourages women to pursue achievements - why so often she does not do this by example. The book explains: women try not to brag about their successes because society thinks it doesn't suit them. Nobody likes upstarts. This means that a woman must be soft, caring and gentle. Otherwise, no one will like her. But there is also “imposter syndrome” - when almost every second successful woman subconsciously considers herself an upstart and is afraid of being exposed. Where education does not put pressure on us, public opinion puts pressure on us. And needless to say, things are not all that bad on the whole - even in the most enlightened of Europe, there are always more men in leadership positions than women. “We're getting in the way of stereotypes,” Sandberg says, “so what's the point, let's break the stereotypes.”

The higher you go on the ladder of success, the fewer women remain at the finish line

Behind all this, however, there is another story - we start equally. But the higher up the ladder of success, the fewer women remain at the finish line. And Sandberg blames the fact that women don’t strive to the top - finally! - The biological clock. At first, she says, a woman turns down career advancement because she's planning to have a baby. And then, leaving the race for the joys of motherhood, she will never return to her previous pace. Precious years are lost. Sandberg herself, a mother of two children, never claims that her career is more important to her. She's the kind of mother who conducts video conferences with her running breast pump hidden just outside the camera's view. The main idea is not the need to work despite the family, but the need to involve a partner. Which one must first be chosen so well that he himself will happily change the children's diapers, take them for walks and sometimes even take upon himself the preparation of Sunday dinner. The entire second part of the book turns out to be precisely that we will never achieve a 50/50 ratio at work if we do not fight for it in the kitchen.

Yes, she lives in a crystal castle, that Cheryl! - said the Americans. And they were not entirely right. Because while the advice to not be afraid to put your hand up in a seminar, to demand to be treated with respect, to haggle over your salary is generally worth taking into account, even if they exist in the American model of capitalism, where salary is the main measurement of human success, Sandberg's book , obviously, was not written for you and me, ordinary wage earners. And for people like her: Ivy League graduates, initially privileged, starting their careers from scratch, which easily allows them to hire a nanny, a housekeeper, and, in general, everything necessary to make the conversation about dividing household responsibilities sound a little like an anecdote. A proper title for her book should really be the length of a school essay topic. For example, “How to move forward despite the belief that everyone hates you for your success” or “How to succeed at work if you are a woman who graduated from Harvard and feel that everyone is oppressing you.” It’s no wonder that the new edition of her bestseller is dedicated directly to college graduates (“Lean In: For Graduates”) and is supplemented with expert advice on how to behave in an interview and how to write a resume correctly. But it’s not very clear how these tips will help, for example, a simple editor of a portal for smart girls to succeed. What millions? What Facebook? What career? What are you even talking about?

Sheryl Sandberg's book is written about...
that it is not necessary to choose between family and career

To be honest, the author of this text knows very few Russian girls who are seriously concerned with the question of how to beat a man in the struggle for a sweet career spot. But the author met quite a few Russian girls for whom a good job in a big company was just a reason to get married successfully - and they felt completely happy after retiring. The world around the author, alas, is not very rich in men who are able to change a child’s diaper on their own - and who are willing to accept this challenge. But there are many women in it who easily gave up work in favor of motherhood. What to continue, you yourself know everything.

In all its pathos, Sheryl Sandberg's book is written about the fact that it is not at all necessary to choose between family and career. But she says little - or considers it obvious - at what price this equality is given and about the entire army of nannies that stands behind this decision. However, let's translate this book into Russian realities. Do you have a grandmother who madly adores her grandchildren or lives nearby? Then go back to the first part of the book and follow all the recommendations: put your hand up at seminars, bargain for your salary, don’t be afraid to argue with male managers, lean in. Otherwise, the aspirations of the majority of women in the country and the capital in particular will be directed not at how to beat men in the career race, but at how to work so that there is enough for a one-room apartment within the Garden and at least something left on top.

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© Lean In Foundation, 2013

© Publication in Russian, translation, design. Alpina Publisher LLC, 2017

All rights reserved. The work is intended exclusively for private use. No part of the electronic copy of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for public or collective use without the written permission of the copyright owner. For violation of copyright, the law provides for payment of compensation to the copyright holder in the amount of up to 5 million rubles (Article 49 of the Code of Administrative Offenses), as well as criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for up to 6 years (Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).


who gave me the belief that anything is possible.


who made everything I believed in possible

Preface to the Russian edition

Women's leadership will never cease to be a hot topic - it will be talked about, debated, supported or considered something unnatural. The controversy is unlikely to ever subside. But Sheryl Sandberg’s book is not controversial - it gives every woman the opportunity to make a leap forward, and not only career, but above all internal, personal, on the path to her dreams and goals.

In our country, for more than 80 years, there has been no question about whether women should work. In the Soviet Union, they worked not only as teachers and doctors, as was common in other countries of the world, but also built the BAM, dug tunnels, poured steel, and drove trains. And when we moved from a planned economy to a market economy, our women began to engage in finance and marketing, opened private businesses in the field of trade, tourism, consumer services and, with the advent of large corporations, became managers.

According to a 2013 Grant Thornton study, in the United States women occupy only 20% of leadership positions, while Russia is far ahead in this indicator: here it is 31%. This is the same as in industrialized, progressive Germany. But if we take a closer look at what these positions are, we will see that we women are still given traditionally “female” jobs - HR director, marketing director, chief accountant and, more recently, financial director. We still have few female CEOs, especially in large companies: shareholders do not trust them to run their business.

Occupying leadership positions in various Internet companies -, Rambler, Tinkoff Digital, I often encountered mistrust, skepticism, ridicule, and sometimes open aggression just because I was a woman. Sometimes I just wasn't taken seriously. I wish I had read Cheryl's book sooner! “If you want to change the world, you cannot please everyone,” golden words! After all, every time I encountered such an attitude, I worried, blaming myself for the fact that I probably couldn’t cope with something, since there is always someone who criticizes my work.

Cheryl writes very accurately that a successful man is liked by both men and women equally, but a successful woman is disliked by both sexes. These are the stereotypes that have developed in society, but the more women occupy leadership positions, the faster this situation will change.

Women at the helm of companies can not only change society's attitude towards female leadership, but also create conditions for other employees. When I was expecting my daughter Sonya, I was the CEO of a media company. I didn’t feel comfortable asking male shareholders to give me some concessions due to the birth of a child, such as flexible work hours or remote work a couple of days a week. Then I didn’t even know about such opportunities, and no one offered them to me. Moreover, I didn’t want to go on maternity leave, because they would immediately take another person in my place. As a result, I was on maternity leave for only three weeks, and then for three months I went home at lunchtime to feed the child, after which I returned to the office and worked until the evening. A few years later, I became the CEO of and hired an excellent employee for the position of Content Director. Literally a couple of weeks later she came to me in tears with the message that she was pregnant, expecting that I would reprimand her for “setting me up” like that. Instead, I offered her support, and we developed an action plan: she worked for six months in the office, and then went to give birth to a child with her parents in another city, where she worked remotely for another six months and did an excellent job at her duties.

However, in order for women not to have to choose between a stroller and a laptop, we need to change not only the attitude of society, but also the laws. In Russia, maternity leave is three years. “How lucky you are!” – my European friends exclaim. However, I don’t think so, because our child care allowance is on average no more than 18,000 rubles. per month! In our state there are restrictions on the payment of maternity benefits, but we pay taxes on the entire salary, whether it is 40,000 or 400,000 rubles. per month. It turns out that after working for many years, moving up the career ladder, investing in her education and paying taxes to the state on her high salary, a woman receives the same benefits as all those who did not achieve anything similar. Where's the justice? Women must change this, lobby for new laws that will allow other active women to feel socially protected and not be afraid to have children.

And finally, a woman needs support not only at the government level and in the office, but also in the family. Cheryl writes that choosing the right partner is one of the most important decisions a woman can make in her career. I absolutely agree with this. At one time, when I found out that I was pregnant, I realized that I was completely unprepared for this, because all my career plans were in jeopardy. What could I understand then? I was only 24 years old. Luckily, my husband was able to convince me that I could handle it. He always supported me in all my endeavors. It is very important to know that there is a person nearby who will not only talk to you about your problems, but will also prepare soup for you when you come home from work at 10 pm.

Many Russian women who have made successful careers are unmarried. They had no time to engage in their personal lives - instead they worked a lot. Cheryl writes in her book that society believes that a man should be successful, he can have both a career and a family, but for a woman, success is optional - she is forced to choose either one or the other. And this opinion is widespread in Russia. But this is not true. You can achieve anything. The main thing is to believe that we have the right to do this.

I am sure that this wonderful book, lively and filled with vivid examples, should be read by every woman who wants more from life than she has now. This book helps you believe in yourself, not be afraid of anything and start taking action.

The original title of the book - “Lean In” - translated means “Break through!”, “Stick out!”, “Get into trouble!” “Lean In” is a manual for a modern boarding school for ambitious girls; this is a book that I strongly advise all girls, young women and women to read before life forces them to choose: family or career. Because you don’t have to choose at all if you can teach how to combine, delegate and enjoy life in all its manifestations.

Ms. Sandberg writes in her book that professional ambitions, quite natural for men, are considered a secondary matter for women, and in some places openly frowned upon.

“A very ambitious person” is not a compliment in our culture.

The most common criticism leveled at this book is: “It's good to work on yourself when you're an Ivy League graduate! It’s good to give advice when you are initially so privileged that your starting salary easily allows you to hire a nanny, a housekeeper, and in general everything you need to make the conversation about dividing household responsibilities sound a little joke. What should we, ordinary women who have none of this, do?”

My dear simple women! You and I have no choice but to learn from the best. Learn from Cheryl and other women who have achieved great things. And read less from those who “ It’s not very clear how these tips will help, for example, a simple editor of a portal for smart girls to achieve success. What millions? What Facebook? What career? What are you even talking about?»

We shouldn’t put artificial barriers in front of ourselves while we have enough real problems. For example, these:

“All my life I have received signals from those around me that I should not seek fame for being “too smart” or “too successful”... A successful man is liked by both men and women equally, but a successful woman is disliked by both sexes.

The more success a woman achieves, the less attractive she is to others.

Or these:

“If a woman defends herself, she violates socially recognized gender norms. Often, colleagues of both sexes do not want to work with a woman who sought a higher salary, because she is perceived as more pushy than the one who refused to bargain.”

A man is expected to think first of all about his own advancement, while a woman is expected to be loyal

What I especially like about Sheryl Sandberg's book is that she is more of a practitioner than a theorist. Her book contains many practical observations that often fundamentally contradict the generally accepted theory of what successful businesswomen they are.

“I am sure that the main decision a woman makes regarding her career is whether she will have a permanent partner for life and what kind of person it will be. I don't know a single woman who has achieved a leadership position whose partner is not fully - truly fully - supportive of her career aspirations."

Contrary to the general belief that only an unmarried woman can become a boss, most women who occupy leading positions in business have regular partners.

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Quote “Sheryl Sandberg's book is incredibly inspiring and will definitely help women believe that they can achieve more than they thought. After all, women often downplay their successes, explaining them by external factors, although in fact they achieved everything themselves. And the motto proclaimed by Sheryl Sandberg is “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?” — will help any woman believe in herself. I would like the book to be seen as more than just a guide for women who want to succeed. Men will also be interested in the book; it will give them the opportunity to look at a woman leader in a new way.” Mael Gave, General Director of OZON Holding What the book is about The world of business dictates certain unspoken rules to women. You should not excessively demonstrate your intelligence and strong-willed qualities. You should not show your ambitions and desire to move up the career ladder. In addition, women are held back by their own internal barriers. There are hundreds of really good reasons why women give up their careers. They do not allow themselves to move forward due to a lack of self-confidence, a reluctance to pay too much attention to themselves, due to the constant dilemma of what is more important - career or family, due to a pathological lack of time. As a result, today only 4% of the leaders of the world's leading companies are women. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer and one of the most influential figures in the business world, talks about the obstacles she has faced in her professional journey. This book is a manifesto and a source of inspiration for those who believe that a woman can and has the right to seek self-realization in her career and business, and family relationships should be built on the basis of equal partnership. Why the book is worth reading Sheryl Sandberg describes her experience of working and communicating with top managers of the world's largest corporations. She talks about problems that are important for every woman: how to properly ask management for a raise; how to plan maternity leave competently and without compromising career growth; how to negotiate for fairer working conditions; how to find the right balance between career and personal life; whether it is worth directly expressing an opinion different from your colleagues, and how to do it correctly; how not to be afraid to start from scratch, even when you are over 30. Who is the author Sheryl Sandberg - COO of Facebook, became a billionaire in January 2014. Previously, she worked as vice president of Google, held a chair on the board of directors of Starbucks, and has been a member of the board of directors of Walt Disney since 2010. Fortune magazine named her one of the 50 most powerful women in business, and Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Key concepts Career, success, gender inequality, leadership, woman, efficiency. Expert opinion “Honestly and boldly... A new manifesto for the working woman.” Oprah Winfrey, TV presenter “Every woman in Russia, climbing the career ladder or starting her own business, asks the questions: “How can I manage everything? Will I be able to combine family and career, be a good mother and a successful leader? Maybe you should give up your dreams and ambitions for the sake of your family?” Sheryl Sandberg, a woman who helped run two of the world's most dynamic companies, Google and Facebook, will help answer these questions. This daring, inspiring book is about how a woman can move forward, believe in herself and not be afraid of judgement. After all, done is always better than perfect.” Anna Znamenskaya, director of Internet technologies at the advertising agency Mindshare, co-founder of the portals and “Now, when women head large companies and governments, they still have to overcome public and private obstacles, including offensive internal prohibitions, preventing you from fully realizing and realizing your own value. Sheryl Sandberg, a top Facebook executive, shares her inspiring experiences and powerful, practical techniques to help driven women achieve their goals." Elena Orlova, expert at the TV club “What? Where? When?”, author of training on development of thinking “Sheryl Sandberg is a very bright, active, purposeful woman. She did a lot to influence our worldview through her example. I remember her amazing speech at Barnard College in New York, at Davos, at TED. This book is about very simple, but not always obvious things. And first of all, that everything depends on ourselves.” Maria Kosenkova, CEO and co-founder of STARTUP WOMEN “What could I do if I wasn’t afraid? Everything I really want,” says Facebook CEO and billionaire Sheryl Sandberg. The story of her brilliant career serves as a tuning fork for us: if it is in tune with our desires, which we did not dare admit to ourselves, then we will certainly want change and begin to act. And if someone understands to himself that he does not strive to be a leader, then even then he will be grateful to the author: after all, at the beginning of the book it is said that “a leadership position is not the only way to change this world for the better.” Ksenia Kiseleva, editor-in-chief of PSYCHOLOGIES “If you were delighted by Sheryl Sandberg's wonderful TEDTalk, in which she explained why we have so few women leaders; If you, like me, believe that women should be represented on equal terms with men in corporate leadership, then this book is for you. As Facebook's chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg learned first-hand why more women at the helm is good for business and society. Sandberg's book is a must-read for anyone who wants to end this unjust inequality." Sir Richard Branson, Chairman of the Virgin Group