How to tie a Muslim headscarf on your head. If you use a scarf folded into a ribbon. An interesting way to tie a bandana

Hello dear readers. I was prompted to write this article by an unremarkable, but very revealing fact. Yesterday, in one of the social networks, one person “knocked” on my friend. Usually I always agree to be friends with people, but I deliberately rejected her offer. Do you want to know why he did it? Believe me, there was a very good reason for that ...

The girl is obviously from (even the city was indicated on the page, I won’t divulge details), dressed like a “night butterfly” - her lips are brightly made up, a huge neckline, a long skirt, stilettos on her legs, a smile of 32 teeth. You will say that “nothing special, today half of the Internet is such a miracle”, but ... the head of this madam is “adorned” with a Muslim scarf, neatly tied in the form of a hijab.

Not to say that I am a deeply religious person, but at that moment the only thing I could say was Alhamdulillah! Of course, literally this expression is translated as “Praise be to Allah”, but is most often used by Muslims when something really “affects the mind”. In this case, too, the sight of this “Muslim woman” struck me so much that I could not utter anything more.

Despite the fact that in the article I conducted a small evidence-based analysis in favor of wearing a traditional Islamic headdress, in this situation I would love to tear the headscarf off this madam's head. Moreover, he would generally forbid wearing Muslim attire in this form. I don’t want to continue to rant about the “ban on wearing a hijab”, it’s better to watch an interesting discussion on this topic in Vladimir Solovyov’s program:

In the comments I will be glad to read your opinion about everything that was said in the video. I won’t write a word more about that “Muslim woman” below, since the main purpose of the article is to understand the varieties of Muslim scarves and the myths that have developed around their wearing. To be honest, before writing this article, I myself did not understand very clearly what types of clothing women have in. But, now I figured it out and I hasten to tell you about it. Believe me, you will make many interesting discoveries for yourself.

Muslim headscarf - myths and types of women's hats

If you ask a simple layman what traditional Muslim headdresses he knows, then, at best, you can hear - hijab, veil and veil. But, can you distinguish, for example, a burqa from a veil? This is where difficulties arise, although your humble servant also has serious “problems” with this. Let's figure out together what is what. Here, look:

Now, I think, it is clear that the veil is the most strict Muslim attire. And it differs from the veil in that the face is covered with a net. In addition to the three types of women's religious clothing mentioned above, there are more than a dozen varieties in Islam. We will talk about them below, but now I would like to dispel some of the myths that have developed around the hijab and others like it.

  • Myth #1 The Koran strictly requires a Muslim woman to hide her face.

If you show me at least one verse in the Koran that would oblige women to hide their faces, then I will publicly apologize to everyone and you can consider me ignorant. So, we open the 24 sura of the Holy Scripture, which calls "An-Nur" (Light) and see:

“Tell believing women that they are ordered not to show bodily beauty that seduces men - places where a woman wears jewelry: chest, neck, shoulders, EXCEPT FOR THE FACE and hands. Tell them to cover the places that are visible in the neckline of their clothes, like the chest and neck, throwing their head coverings over them.

Thus, the Qur'an requires women to hide their hair, chest, neck, shoulders, but not the entire face. Another thing is that some people specifically interpret the requirements of the Koran in a way that is beneficial to them. On the basis of this, all sorts of disputes and misunderstandings arise. By the way, here is one of the discussions:

  • Myth #2 Girls must wear the hijab from the age of majority.

This is not even a myth, but some misconception, as many people confuse the modern understanding of "adulthood" from the Muslim interpretation. In Islam, a woman is required to wear a hijab from the moment of the onset of mukallaf - the time of mental and puberty. Here it is very important that a person must mature mentally.

In the Islamic world itself, opinions are divided on the timing of the onset of mukallaf. Some pundits believe that it occurs before the age of 15, when the secondary genital organs are formed. Others argue that a person becomes mukallaf only after full puberty. This is probably why in some Arab countries it is customary to marry girls before the age of 15. Why are you surprised? There are suggestions that the Virgin Mary married Joseph at the age of 12 ...

  • Myth #3- Muslim headscarf is prohibited only in Christian states.

One of the first countries in which the wearing of the hijab was banned in state and educational institutions was Islamic Turkey. The Prohibition Act was passed back in 1925. After that, the same ban was introduced in Tunisia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and recently in Azerbaijan (note, all Muslim republics), which caused outrage among believers:

What can we say about France, Holland, Germany and Belgium! Only one fact amazes me personally - how do these Europeans allow monstrous same-sex marriages, gay parades and other heresy, but prohibit people's religious preferences? This is a question that needs to be thought about.

If you wish, you can debunk many myths, but we will not reveal all the cards. Let's better understand what types of women's hats are most common in Islam today. It must be understood that the traditions of wearing Muslim headdresses can vary greatly in different parts of the world, due to the established mores, customs and gender relations in society.

Three types of hats have already been named above - these are:

Hijab is a garment that covers a woman's body from head to toe, but the face remains open. Sharia - says that the hijab should be long, but not tight or defiant. By the way, we have a wrong stereotype - by hijab we mean muslim headscarf which is not true.

Burqa - from the Persian word "faraji" - long-sleeved outerwear, used to be worn by men. Now it is most common in Central and Central Asia. As already noted, the veil covers the entire body, and on the face there is a mesh (most often made from a ponytail). By the way, in the famous film "White Sun of the Desert" Gulchatay and all the other wives of Abdullah were dressed in a veil.

A veil is a large, light-weight veil made of good-quality fabric in white, black or dark blue, which covers the entire body. Most often, women put on a veil when going outside. By the way, it has two varieties:

  • with an open face (called "charshaw") is more common in Azerbaijan and in the south;
  • with an opening for the eyes (a traditional type of veil) is common in Iran. Here is an interesting report from France about the veil:

And now let's talk about those hats that we did not mention ...

Niqab is a headdress with a slit for the eyes. It consists of three parts - a headband and two scarves sewn to the headband. One scarf is sewn on the front in two places (which leaves a slit for the eyes), the second is sewn on the back without any slits and covers the hair and neck.

Jilbab - predominantly Muslim outerwear, covering the entire body of a woman, with the exception of the arms and legs. The face may be covered with a separate scarf, but may not be covered. At the moment, it has practically lost its purpose, since the word "jilbab" in the Arab world refers to any outerwear - a coat, cloak or dress.

Burka - no, this is not the famous Caucasian attire made of sheep or ram skins. In our case, a burqa is a type of burqa common in Pakistan. The difference is that the cloak can be worn with an open face. By the way, most often a special skullcap is worn with a cloak.

Already tired? I said that muslim headscarf"not alone". Imagine how my brains "boiled" when I understood all this. So, here are a few more options - dupatta, khimar, al-amira, sheila. I will not describe them in more detail, it is better to look at the picture:

There are more than a dozen varieties of wearing Muslim headscarves, but the most common ones are shown above. If you know of any other ways, please write in the comments. We will all be interested to learn even more about the culture of wearing a female headdress.

This is where I end, but very soon, at the request of readers, I will write an interesting article about the role and place of women in Islam. Believe me, there are a lot of subtleties, nuances and stereotypes that require a sober assessment.

Now it is in trend to complement your image with stylish accessories. Moreover, some of them not only look beautiful, but also protect the hair from the negative effects of natural factors. It's about palatines. Thanks to a wide variety of ornaments, beautiful colors of scarves, you can create a stylish look for a summer dress or swimsuit with this accessory. It is enough just to tie a scarf with one of the techniques proposed below.

The main thing in the article

The head scarf is the most trendy accessory of the season.

Stylists, experienced designers this season on the catwalks, in addition to new clothes, show models with attributes on their heads in the form of scarves that give girls some charm. They are tied in different ways, skillfully combining with the overall outfit. Scarves look beautiful with summer collections of clothes, and with demi-season and winter things. In order for the scarf to sit beautifully on the head, original ones are often used: brooches, pins. For a beach bow under a stole, you can pick up ultra-modern glasses that will favorably emphasize your individuality.

How beautiful to tie a scarf on your head?

If you read the information to the end, you will know how to tie this accessory in at least ten ways. Finding the right method for your style is not difficult.

Perhaps one of the simplest is hair styling with a wide bandage. For this:

  1. Comb your curls, collect in a bun. Take the tip of the tail and wrap it up like in the image below. Form a bun.
  2. Secure your hair with pins. Fold the scarf into a stripe from one corner to the other.
  3. Bring the middle of the resulting scarf behind your head. Wrap the circumference of your head several times.
  4. Tie a bow at the top, as shown in the photo below.

How to tie a scarf on your head in summer?

Many women of fashion in the summer in hot weather try to protect their heads from the sun's rays. They use different hats for this, of which there are now plenty in stores and boutiques. Scarves are especially relevant this summer. There are many options for twisting them on the head:

  • hair styling with a small scarf in the form of a hoop, ribbon;
  • a bandage so that the hair does not interfere, in the form of a figure eight, in the form of a bandana;
  • a scarf tied in a Muslim way in the form of a turban, etc.

How to tie a scarf on your head in a Muslim way

According to the traditions of the Arab peoples, a woman must wear a hijab. If we translate this word into our language, then this is nothing more than a handkerchief. Next, consider how to independently tie an accessory in a Muslim way.

  1. For the process, you should use a small cap - Bonnie, which will hold the scarf on your head so that it does not slip off your hair. Bonnie should match the color of the accessory itself.
  2. Gather your hair first at the back in a bun, and then make a gull.
  3. Take a regular square scarf. Throw over your head. And tie the ends of the rectangle at the back.
  4. The ends can be wrapped around the head, secured with accessories, as shown in the pictures below.

How to tie a headscarf like a peasant

In ancient times, headscarves were worn by all married women in Russia - it was an obligatory accessory on the head. After all, a scarf is practical, besides, they have always been beautiful with bright patterns. In summer, cotton kerchiefs protected from the sun, and in winter, shawls warmed from the severe cold. Any girl can tie an accessory in a peasant way.

  • It is enough to fold the rectangle at the corner.
  • Wrap the scarf around your head and then around your neck and tie it in a knot.
  • Don't pull the ends of the scarf too tight around your neck.
  • The corner of the scarf at the back remains free, or you can grab it, as in the image.

How to tie a headscarf the Hollywood way

The original color, tied in Hollywood style, can become an elegant accessory when paired with sunglasses. So it was fashionable in the 60-70s of the last century in Europe and America. Now again, this image is gaining popularity especially this summer. To, it does not take much time. Do the following:

  1. Put a tippet on your head, or use a regular scarf. The latter will need to be folded in half, in the form of a scarf.
  2. Wrap the resulting ends around the neck (loosely, no need to tighten).
  3. Spread the scarf at the back, make a slight overlap. In front, you can leave strands of bangs that will accentuate your stylish look.

To make the scarf fit well, you can use inconspicuous auxiliary items (pins, needles) that will fix all the folds on the accessory.

How to tie a scarf on your head in a gypsy way

Gypsies have always had a certain style of dress. Women had bright, fluffy skirts, beautiful shirts and irreplaceable accessories on their heads in the form of scarves. Fashionistas also picked up a headdress of a bright tone and tied it in a certain way:

  1. Fold a beautiful scarf into a scarf. Wrap them around the head along the line of the eyebrows.
  2. Tie the accessory on the side, while letting the strands of hair out. The ends of the scarf can be arranged in the form of a rose, a bow, or simply hidden inside.

Such a scarf will look especially original if it is tied to lush, long curls.

How to tie a scarf on your head in the form of a bow?

The image of a coquette girl with a scarf tied in the form of a pretty headband and with a bow at the top will win over all her friends. And if the accessory is matched with the outfit, then you will definitely have fans. In addition, such a scarf can be beautifully styled hair. He will hold the strands as you wish. Moreover, tying a bow at the top is not at all difficult. You only need to fold a small striped handkerchief and tie around your head, and straighten a beautiful bow on top.

Head scarf in the form of a bandana

Bandanas are worn not only by women, but also by men - this is a rather practical and stylish accessory. The scarf looks good under a leather jacket, jeans, and under a summer dress, sundress. You can tie a scarf in the form of a bandana if you do the following:

  1. Fold the handkerchief in the corner;
  2. Tie it around your head;
  3. Form a knot at the back of the head;
  4. Straighten the back of the scarf.

How beautiful to tie a scarf on your head under a coat?

Now many women of fashion choose scarves as a headdress. And no wonder, because they are successfully combined not only with summer clothes, and they will not be superfluous in cool weather, under any outerwear, including under a coat.

It can be worn under this type of attire. in a peasant way, just throw it over your head, and wrap the ends back over your shoulders. Hollywood style the design of the accessory is also in perfect harmony with the classic coat.

The scarf is very practical in the cold season. If the weather is changeable, then you can put it in your purse, because it takes up little space. The accessory will protect you from colds, cold, snow, wrap your neck securely.

How to braid a scarf on your head?

Braiding a scarf around your head or weaving it into a braid is a great option for a stylish everyday hairstyle. See the most original versions of such weaving in the photo below.

Next, we will learn how to arrange a beautiful accessory in the form of:

  • eights;
  • hoop;
  • turbans;
  • turban.

How to tie a scarf on your head with a figure eight?

Figure eight is done two different options:

  • In the first case, the scarf is twisted in the form of a tourniquet and weaving is made on the head.
  • In the second case, the scarf is folded in the form of a ribbon and again a hoop is made on the head in the form of a figure eight.

And the process itself boils down to the following steps:

  1. A tourniquet or ribbon is wrapped around the head.
  2. Make a cross in front.
  3. An accessory is tied at the bottom at the back.
  4. The ends are hidden inside.

Head scarf in the form of a hoop

Particularly noteworthy are the accessories on the heads of the girls, tied in the form of a hoop. Moreover, you can form a bandage in various ways:

  • in the form of a wide hoop with a bow;
  • in the form of a thin ribbon;
  • in the form of a harness.

Head scarf in the form of a turban

The turban is decorated on the head in different ways. Let's consider one of them:

  1. Take a handkerchief, and put the middle of the product on the top of your head.
  2. Fix the front edges with your hand near the forehead.
  3. And take the back edges with the other hand and wrap them around your head, passing along the line in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears, the back of the head.
  4. Make two such turns around the head.
  5. Then tuck the ends of the scarf so that they are not visible.

Video: Head scarf in the form of a turban

Fashionable ways to tie scarves on your head: photo ideas

Now, thanks to the methods described above, you yourself can figure out how to tie a stole, a scarf on your head, choose stylish jewelry for better fastening of this accessory. Next, see some examples of photo ideas of various models for a beach holiday in the summer.

Don't forget to match scarves to match the overall outfit, so that the overall image looks harmonious as a whole.

Video: How to tie a scarf beautifully: 10 best ways in stages

Such a thing in the wardrobe as a Muslim hijab involves not only wearing it on the shoulders or neck. No less stylish at any time of the year will look a scarf, beautifully tied on the head. This will give some charm to the image. You can not just tie a scarf on your head, but learn how to design a headdress in an original way.

There are no special rules in the design of the headdress. Here you have to rely entirely on your own taste and originality. Oriental women, tying a hijab, try to hide all their hair under it. European beauties can not follow this rule. You can leave open all the curls or release a few strands.

You can wear a scarf on your head at any time of the year and in any weather. In summer, women of fashion prefer materials such as chintz, silk or cambric.

To prevent the material from slipping through your hair, put on a special cap called Bonnet under it., it is sold in boutiques selling hats. In winter, dense fabrics and knitwear replace thin ones. You can wear a scarf with any accessories, but elongated earrings look especially original, drawing attention to the image even more. An original brooch or hairpin on a headdress will bring some zest, make the bow more romantic and oriental.

IMPORTANT! English needles, hairpins or hairpins will help to fix the design on the head.

What are the ways?

There are many interesting ways to tie a hijab or stole:

We tie a triangular scarf

These scarves are classic, so working with them is the easiest. If your wardrobe does not have a special triangular scarf, use a regular rectangular scarf, folding it diagonally.

  1. Position the fabric in the center of your head and hold both sides of the fabric against one cheekbone.
  2. Twist one end into a flagellum.
  3. After that, press it to the neck.
  4. Holding the material on one side, drag the other end of the fabric near the ear.
  5. Wrap the scarf around your neck without pulling the fabric, while holding the flagellum.
  6. Gently straighten the remaining part, and leave, it should fall beautifully.

tourniquet method

No less original is the method of tying a hijab with a tourniquet. So you can cover the entire head or leave the hair open. Let's consider both methods.


Oriental women often tie a fabric on their heads so that it resembles a box in shape. For this method, a scarf with a border is perfect. What you need to do:

IMPORTANT! This method of tying is preferred by Muslim women who are over 45-50 years old.

With loose ends

A hijab with loose ends will cover not only the head, but also the neck. Therefore, this method of tying is suitable not only for thin summer fabrics, but also for woolen and downy products for the winter season.

Braided in hair

In the summer, a scarf woven into the hair looks original. For this, a thin rectangular fabric is suitable. How to act?

There is another way to weave a scarf into a braid and still cover your head. Tie a fabric in the form of a bandana on your head, weave the remaining hanging ends of the scarf into your hair, as in the first version. The braid can be left hanging down the back, thrown over the shoulder, or twisted into the original bump. From the remaining tips, you can tie a beautiful bow or knot.


A Turkish scarf is tied around the head in a V-shaped way. He is very original. Take a nice scarf.

With drape

A draped hijab can be knitted in two different ways:

  • oblique drapery;
  • double drape.

slant drapery

Double drape

  1. On the long side of the hijab, create a fold 5-6 cm wide.
  2. Throw it over your head and fasten the long part at a distance of 25–30 cm from the edge on both sides.
  3. From the folded part, form a flounce around the forehead and stab it with needles.
  4. Next, we form a fold from the narrow part of the scarf also above the forehead.
  5. We wrap the neck with the other side of the fabric and pin it.
  6. The end of the scarf is fastened so that it hangs beautifully over the shoulder.


Another common way to beautifully tie the fabric on the head is to apply layering. You will need a scarf with beads around the edge.

beautiful knot

Oriental style requires covering the entire head with material. A beautiful and original knot will help to decorate the design on the hair. After putting on the scarf, tie the ends tightly at the back. Twist and wrap into flagella in a bump. You can fasten the material so that it does not fall apart with stealth or a pin. In addition to the knot, you can tie a multilayer bow, and hide the small tips under the fabric or leave them hanging down.

How to pin a hairpin correctly?

Any hijab, scarf, tippet can be transformed by adding a beautiful brooch or hairpin to the design tied on the head. Accessory can be fixed in any part of the scarf: side, back, center, front. Most often, a knot is closed with a hairpin or hanging folds are pinned up. Choose a bright or shiny hairpin and then your look will turn out to be more sophisticated and festive.

Muslim women prefer modesty in dress, but this rule does not apply to headwear. The fabric can be not only plain, bright materials are often used, decorated with floral prints, beads, rhinestones, sequins, hand embroidery. The most popular color combinations:

In addition, tricolor fabrics are often used for headdresses.

Suitable accessories

In addition to hairpins, other products can be used as accessories to give the image individuality and charm. In summer, with a scarf tied around your head, it is appropriate to wear sunglasses. Of course, this will alienate the Muslim image and bring a European touch to it. Often, modern women of fashion with a scarf on their heads wear long earrings, wrap the design with a long thread with stones or sequins, and decorate with fur or leather straps.

A significant part of the articles on our website is devoted to Muslim stories, and it is not surprising that readers receive questions regarding the appearance of a woman in Islam. It is dedicated to clothing and fashion, today we will figure out what women's hats exist in Islam.

As you try the information below on your history with a Muslim man, remember that the traditions of wearing Muslim headscarves can vary greatly in different countries and cultures.

Traditionally, hijab (translated from Arabic means veil) was called any clothing that covers the female body according to the canons of Islam. In a broader sense, the hijab is not only clothing, but also the dignified behavior, manners, speech and thoughts of a woman in Islam. It was said that the woman was dressed according to the hijab. In the modern world, a hijab is considered to be an Islamic women's head scarf that covers the hair, ears, neck, and chest. It is today the most common headdress.

Less popular, but stricter options are:

Niqab- a Muslim women's headdress covering the face with a narrow slit for the eyes. It consists of three parts: the first is tied on the forehead with ribbons at the back, the second is sewn along the edges in front (to leave a slit for the eyes), the third is behind and covers the hair and neck. Sometimes a fourth part is added - a light veil that covers the eyes.

Is there some more veil, veil and cloak, which are essentially synonyms, represent a robe or veil that covers the figure of a woman from head to toe. There is a veil in the burqa and burka (it is attached separately in the veil), the veil can be either with an open face or with an opening for the eyes.

All images are clickable

A woman in a veil and a niqab is a normal phenomenon for the countries of the Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia) and Africa. A Muslim woman in a niqab can also be found on the streets of Europe, but in many countries there are bans on wearing a niqab. Burka and veil remained only in the most conservative countries - Afghanistan, Pakistan. Therefore, our main attention will be paid to the hijab (scarf).

How to choose the right hijab?

To choose the right hijab, you need to focus on several aspects: the shape and features of the face, as well as skin color:

1. Women with a square face need to soften their facial features by rounding it. Tie a scarf or shawl loosely, opening your forehead and cheekbones and hiding your chin and jaw.

2. If you have a round face, it must be lengthened, giving an oval shape. To do this, open your forehead as much as possible and cover your cheekbones.

3. For owners of an elongated rectangular face, the site advises the site to pull the bodice as close to the eyebrows as possible to hide part of the face, and visually expand the face, focusing on the cheekbones and temples.

5. Women with an oval face will suit any option.

How to wear a hijab?

As a hijab, corner and square scarves, stoles and scarves are used. The hijab most often has a base on which the scarf itself is attached with pins:

a) hijab underscarf - a one-piece cap-hood that reaches the chest with a hole for the face:

b) the simplest and most versatile hijab "al-amira" (hijab al amira, amirka), consisting of two parts or a cap with a hood, one covers the hair and ears, the second - the neck and chest:

b) a bonnet cap or a stripe in the form of elastic lace (lace hijab band):

The base is sewn from cotton, silk or viscose and can be either a very different color and texture, or decorated with various prints, embroidery, rhinestones.

For a Muslim woman, the process of tying a hijab is akin to a certain sacrament, girls are taught this art from the age of 5-7, and the way a woman ties a hijab today and which one she prefers reflects her mood and desires.

It is almost impossible to describe in words how to dress and tie a hijab beautifully, it is better to watch our video selection.

To fix the hijab under the chin, brooches or safety pins are used. In the festive version, hairpins with rhinestones, hoops or necklaces over the hijab are added for decoration.

Hijab styles and shapes(the selection is purely arbitrary):

1. Caucasian style. The most conservative, reminiscent of a monastic. Characteristic features are a round head, completely covered hair and often a chin.

2. Egyptian style. Fashion for hijabs has undergone fundamental changes in Egypt over the past 10 years. The traditional scarf (see photo: without a visor, rather tightly tied and covering the head and shoulders), despite the active use of bright colors and new fabrics, is gradually being replaced by more recent and liberated options - Spanish, Emirati, Turkish, which will be discussed below.

In addition, hijab styles vary depending on which social class an Egyptian woman belongs to.

3. Turkish style of tying a headscarf. You can see it in the photo below. In the Turkish manner, corner and square scarves are usually tied.

Turkish style scarf

4. However, the scarf, tied in the traditional Turkish way, disappears from the women's wardrobe. His place is actively occupied turban- the same scarf, only fancifully tied. In Turkish hairdressers, by the way, a new service for beautiful styling of a turban is increasingly appearing.

5. Turkish women also actively try on themselves style of indonesian and malaysian muslim women - bright knitted scarves with a sharp visor. In Turkey, they began to sew a special pocket under the visor into scarves.

6. Gaining popularity in Egypt spanish knitting method triangular shawls, reminiscent of the hairstyle of Spaniards - flamenco dancers. The headscarf does not cover the neck, unlike the traditional Muslim headscarf, so some women do not consider it the proper way to fulfill the requirements of Islam.

7. Emirati style. The Arabic style uses barrettes that add volume to the hair. The orthodox ulema of Sunnism are very scolding the Emirati style of wearing a headscarf, calling it "camel hump" (camel hump hijab, Khaleeji style hijab). They believe that the heavy winding on the head makes a woman hold her head up too high, not humble enough ...

Below you will find photos of Muslim women wearing a hijab in the Gulf style.

How to tie a hijab Khaleeji style hijab

8. Iranian style. Here it is necessary to mention the difference between Sunni countries, where it is strictly forbidden to show hair, from Shiite countries, where such liberties are allowed. Below you see pictures of Iranian women - hair is clearly visible, which in Sunnism is either forbidden in principle or condemned. Shiites make up the absolute majority of the population of Iran, more than half of the population of Iraq, a significant part of the Muslims of Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Yemen and Bahrain.

9. African style. Women in Gabon, Ghana, Namibia wear real turbans, leaving the neck, ears and shoulders completely open. They love large earrings, necklaces and bright makeup.

There are a lot of styles of tying a scarf, Muslim women use all the possibilities of the fashion industry and invent more and more new ways.

And now a few rules and facts related to wearing a hijab:

# Islam prescribes to wear a scarf on the head of a Muslim woman from the moment of puberty (when secondary sexual characteristics are formed). Usually this age is 11-13 years.

# The Qur'an does not require a Muslim woman to hide her face (Surah 24 of the Qur'an, "An-Nur"). The chest, neck, shoulders, hair, ears must be covered - EXCEPT for the oval of the face and hands.

According to tradition, only the face can be seen from under the scarf, but modern and Europeanized Muslim women tie colored hijabs with prints loosely, slightly opening their hair over their forehead, chin and even neck.

It all depends on the religiosity of a particular society. What is permissible in Turkey or Iran is considered apostasy, for example, in Oman, Saudi Arabia or Jordan. Major cities and tourist destinations where the spirit of the West penetrates are also easier to follow the dress code. Women can barely put a scarf or hat on their heads, as long as their hair is covered. A handkerchief accidentally dropped from your head will not cause a tantrum.

# It is very good to have an emergency version of the hijab at hand at home - for cases when a strange man unexpectedly comes into the house and there is no time to fasten a long stole. For such purposes, a hijab cape (collar) is suitable, it is very convenient to put on and does not require fastening on the head, it looks like either a circular scarf, or has a lock on the back.

# In order to beautifully tie a hijab, take a scarf at least one and a half meters long.

# Choose your hijab fabric according to the season. In the warm season, you can give preference to silk, satin, chiffon and cotton scarves in bright colors, while in winter it is wiser to choose woolen fabrics.

# As for colors, there are no strict restrictions. Choose according to your mood! Even traditionally black or neutral colors, niqabs can be found today in the brightest colors.

How beautiful girls in hijabs can be judged from these pictures.

If you, dear readers, have any other information about the culture of wearing Muslim headscarves, please write to us. If you liked the article, you can also praise us in the comments 🙂

Polina, specially for the site site

According to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, a woman should not show her beauty to strangers. The Qur'an says (washed away): “Let them (believing women) not flaunt their embellishments, with the exception of those that are visible (i.e., the oval of the face and hands), and let them cover the cutout on the chest with their veils ...” (Sura An-Nur 31). Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said that once Asma, the daughter of Abu Bakr, came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in thin clothes. The Prophet ﷺ turned away from her and said: “O Asma! A woman who has reached the age of majority should not open places other than these places, "pointing to her face and hands." According to this, Muslim women are required to completely cover their heads along with their necks, with the exception of their faces. The Almighty created men and women attracted to each other, and the openness of a woman pushes a man to forbidden actions leading to bad consequences. Dressed according to the prescription, the girl is protected from the gaze of strangers and emphasizes her chastity.

Is the headscarf the hijab?

Not always a scarf can be called a hijab. Since the hijab means to hide the entire female body, except for the oval of the face and hands, with clothes that are not transparent, not tight-fitting, not attracting the attention of the opposite sex. If you wear any scarf so that the head and neck are closed except for the oval of the face, then it also becomes part of her hijab. Sometimes the scarf does not meet the conditions of the hijab, as some Muslim women tie it in such a way that part of the head, hair and neck are visible. This does not comply with the canons of Islam, and if strangers see her, she falls under sin.

What should be the headdress of a Muslim woman?

It can be said that the answer to this question has already become clear from the previous answers. However, I want to add that when putting on a scarf, girls should understand that the scarf should not be made of pronounced colors that attract the attention of strangers, like her other clothes, her hair or bare parts of the body should not be visible from under the scarf. A Muslim woman must understand that a scarf covering her entire head is not only the style of her clothes, but also her position in life, a manifestation of her faith. It is faith, since the girl, covering herself, does what is prescribed for her by Allah Almighty. And many girls admit that wearing a hijab gives them a sense of security and confidence, makes her beauty modest and dignified, protecting and protecting her.

Should a Muslim woman always cover her head?

A woman is obliged to cover her head from strangers who do not belong to the category of “mahram”. She may not cover her head in front of women, close relatives of their number of men (mahram) and her husband. But if an outsider who is not a mahram comes to visit, then even in the presence of her husband, brother, or father, she is obliged to cover her body except for her face and hands.

Mahram men include those men who, according to Islam, do not have the right to marry her for the following reasons:

1) Blood relationship, (father, grandfather, son, grandson, great-grandson, paternal and maternal uncle, her siblings and sons of siblings).

2) Dairy relationship (milk brother or husband of her dairy mother).

3) Marriage relationship (father-in-law or father-in-law, her mother's husband (stepfather) or his father, as well as the son or grandson of her husband).

When should a Muslim woman wear a headscarf, hijab from childhood?

As for the specific age at which a girl should be taught to wear a hijab, theologians recommend from the age of seven, based on the hadith: “Tell your children to pray when they are seven years old, and punish them if they do not do so when they are ten years old. And separate them in different beds." (Abu Dawud). This includes all the precepts of Islam, and not just the performance of prayer.

A girl falls into the sin for not wearing a hijab from the age of majority. The signs of a girl coming of age include such as: the appearance of hair on the genitals, the appearance of wet dreams or first blood (menstruation).

All Muslim scarves can be divided into two types: rectangular and square.

Rectangular scarves

First, let's figure out how to properly tie a rectangular scarf:

  1. Usually a cap is worn under the scarf - Bonnet. In most cases, this is not necessary, but a scarf that is too thin can be slightly translucent, and then a hat is indispensable. Bonnet also keeps the scarf from slipping on the head, and will allow the scarf to be pulled back a little. You need to put on a bone by analogy with a regular bandage. It is better to close the ears, because they can be seen through a too bright or thin scarf.
  2. Next, you need to put a scarf on the crown in such a way that about a third of the length of the scarf remains on one side and another two-thirds are on the other.
  3. The scarf must be fastened under the chin. Usually use a small pin for this. You need to make sure that the shorter side of the scarf is near the chin, while the long side is on top.
  4. That part of the scarf, which was made longer, must be taken in hand and wrapped around the back of the head at the same distance between the top of the head and the top of the neck. The height of the scarf depends mainly on the shape of the head. The higher the scarf is wrapped, the more it will cover the shoulders and neck.
  5. After you wrap the long end around your head, you will need to fasten it under the chin, although you can also sideways. For a more secure fixation of the scarf, a pin is threaded under two layers of its fabric. If you stab a pin on both sides, the hijab will last all day on your head. Tailor's pins can work well for this purpose, because their multi-colored heads allow you to quite accurately select the desired color of the pin, which will go well with the color of the scarf.

That's all you need to tie a rectangular scarf.

Square scarves

Now let's move on to the square. In order to tie it, you need:

  1. Fold the scarf diagonally to form a triangle.
  2. Attach it under the chin.
  3. Attach one end of the scarf to the clothes near the shoulder.
  4. The other end of the scarf is also placed over the shoulder and attached with a small pin.

Video how to tie a scarf on a Muslim woman's head

Description of hairstyles and methods of tying a scarf on the head.

Dedicated to everyone who loves scarves. And those who do not wear this accessory very often, we advise you to read the article. After all, thanks to a beautifully tied scarf, your image can be so unique and eye-catching.

How beautiful to tie a scarf on your head in different ways in the summer?

The scarf is a multifunctional accessory. It will add individuality and elegance to any look. Most do not pay attention to this element of clothing. But a scarf can be worn not only around the neck, it can also be beautifully tied around the head. And this is a whole art.

In summer, you can choose thin scarves. It can be scarves with flowers, and plain bright ones. It is very easy to tie such a scarf on your head:

  • take a double folded scarf and put it on your head
  • cross the ends at the back and tie in front

There is another way:

  • throw a long silk scarf over your head
  • fold the ends at the back or front into a bun

Rumble from behind

Bun in front

At this time of the year, you can experiment a lot with such an accessory. Young athletic girls can tie a scarf like a bandana:

  • throw a scarf over your hair
  • tie the ends at the back under the hair

simple bandana

Bandana with hair weave

Stylish bandana

Also, a scarf can be used instead of a hoop:

  • fold the scarf several times
  • wrap their heads

Scarf instead of a hoop

scarf hoop

At the same time, it can be tied, as well as over the hair, and under them. Fashionistas prefer to divide their hair in half and tie a scarf like that. In this case, the hair on top can be collected in a bun, and the bottom ones can be wound or left simply fluttering freely.

Knitted scarf in style boho It will make you stand out from the crowd and give you a unique look. For this way:

  • take a long scarf
  • tie their heads
  • connect the ends at the back
  • gently turn the knot on its side
  • build a bow from the edges or leave it freely falling

How beautiful and stylish to tie a scarf on your head with a coat: ways

There are several ways to wear a scarf under a coat. This accessory will give your image elegance and originality:

  • Take a scarf to match the coat and tie it around your head. Twist the ends of the scarf together, and pin it to the side with a beautiful brooch.
  • For the next method, you should purchase a long scarf. It will allow you to cover your head and shoulders. To do this, wrap their head around them and cross under the chin. Throw one end back, covering your shoulders, and let the other hang freely in front. A beautiful brooch completes the look. Pin it on the side.
  • There is another way: take a long scarf, start tying the back of your head with it, and cross the ends in front of your head in a beautiful ornament. With this option, you can make a bow in front, or you can return the ends back and tie.
  • Can also dress it up with a "grandmother's headscarf" style

How to tie a turban from a scarf?

More and more often on the street you can meet girls with a turban on their heads. He entered our fashion rapidly quickly. Now such an accessory can be bought, but it is better to do it yourself. It will be original and unique.

To create such a masterpiece, you should take a wide scarf made of thin material. Decide on a hairstyle right away. Short hair can be left sticking out from under the block, and medium and long hair can be tied into a knot or do the same as with short ones. How to tie:

  • Take a long wide scarf and fold it in half
  • Throw it on your head in front, and pull the ends back
  • Next, cross the edges of the scarf and return it to the front again.
  • In front, repeat the same manipulations and throw them back
  • Straighten the scarf and give it a presentable look
  • Tie the ends at the back and hide in folds

There is one more option. But it should be done with a thin long scarf. You can choose bright colors or solid colors. It all depends on your image:

  • Throw the scarf back, bring its edges in front and cross. Don't tie knots
  • Pull the edges back again. And now from behind, do the same action
  • Wrap the scarf until it runs out
  • Hide the edges in the folds at the bottom

Turban variant two

Step-by-step instruction

How to tie a turban from a scarf?

The turban came to us from the East. This is the traditional headdress of the girls who live there. Our women of fashion use it to create an unusual and original image. The turban also protects the hair from dust and dirt, which is important in the city.

There are several original options for making such a scarf headdress. First option:

  • Get a beautiful scarf of the color you need.
  • Fold it in half.
  • Start tying the scarf at the back. To do this, determine the middle of the resulting piece on the back of the neck, and bring the edges in front and cross.
  • Throw the free ends back and hide in a turban
  • You can move the turban to the side. This option will look even better and fit into your image.

Second option:

  • Divide your hair into two equal parts.
  • Fold the scarf in half.
  • Next, tie each part of the hair with a scarf plait. You should get two "pigtails" from a scarf and hair.
  • Lift the resulting strands up and cross
  • Follow these steps for as long as the scarf with hair is enough.
  • Hide the edges or pin with a beautiful hairpin brooch.

Second option

How beautiful to tie a scarf on the head of a Muslim woman?

Muslim women should always wear such a headdress. They should not appear in front of people without a covered head. But they are also women, and they also want to look beautiful and elegant. In this case, Muslim women can tie their irreplaceable attribute in several ways:

  • Classic - throw a wide scarf over your head. Tie the edges of this accessory with a simple knot at the back of the neck.
  • Peasant option - fold the scarf diagonally and throw it over your head. In this case, connect the ends under the hair at the back.
  • You can tie a scarf for a Muslim woman in the style of pirates. To do this, simply pull the ends over the scarf and tie at the back.
  • For headband style, fold the scarf into a long stripe. Then wrap your head around it. Hide the edges in the back of the scarf itself, if the scarf is long, lay it out nicely in front. If you tied it under your hair, it will be even easier to hide the edges.

How to tie a scarf on your head to church?

Girls and women are not allowed to enter the temple with their heads uncovered. Therefore, the question often arises of how to beautifully tie a scarf to church.

There are several options. The simplest and most modest is to purchase a ready-made scarf, which should simply be tied in front under the neck.

If you want to tie a scarf yourself, you can choose one of the options below. The main thing do not forget that your image should be humble:

  • fold the scarf in half and throw it over your head, connect the edges with a brooch around your neck.
  • if your accessory is not made of silk, then you can simply throw it over your head and throw the ends back.
  • so that the scarf does not sleep from the head, then tie the ends at the back. This is considered classic option.

Reliable Option

  • the easiest and most reliable way is to tie a scarf on your head, and simply connect the edges with a knot on the side.

Hairstyles with a scarf on the head

The scarf on the head performs many functions:

  • complements the image
  • gives individuality
  • protects from sun and dust
  • keeps hair from getting dry

All this contributes to the fact that many women of fashion are increasingly using this element of clothing when creating hairstyles. It is multifunctional. With it, you can create masterpieces and transform your appearance. How to add a scarf to your hair:

  • It can braid: to do this, put the scarf on top of the head, and weave the edges into two braids.
  • With it, Greek hairstyles are created: in this case, wrap your hair around a scarf, and connect the ends in front.
  • A scarf can be tied around a tail or a bun.
  • In retro style, this accessory is indispensable. Use it when creating bouffant hairstyles: just tie it around your head.
  • Pirate style: curl your hair in a curling iron and then tie a scarf around your head.

The article is about ways to beautifully tie a Muslim hijab scarf with photo and video instructions.

Hijab, a scarf or stole, is an element of the traditional clothing of Muslim women. They should take it with pride and wear it all their lives to hide their charms (hair). If you tie this scarf correctly, it turns into a real decoration. Read the article on how to do it.

What is a Muslim headscarf called?

According to Islamic religious tradition, a believing woman must wear a headdress that covers her hair and neck, leaving only her face open. This scarf is called hijab.

The most preferred hijab tones are light, delicate. True, Muslims say that in fact, hijdab is not only a scarf or a scarf on the head, but also the entire attire of a Muslim woman, which freely covers her entire figure. However, now the hijab is most of all associated with a headdress.
In some countries of Central and Central Asia, a Muslim woman is required to wear a veil, clothing that covers both her face and body. Only slits for the eyes remain, which also turn out to be covered with a special mesh made of horsehair.

Another type of women's attire in Islamic countries is veil. The veil stipulates that the woman's eyes are not hidden, while the entire face is covered with a veil of black, less often, dark blue.

VIDEO: Why do Muslim women wear the hijab?

Cap under the headscarf of a Muslim woman

Muslim women usually have thick and long hair. It is impossible to tie on such a scarf beautifully so that it does not slip and fall off. Therefore, under the hijab, it is customary to wear a tight-fitting hat, which is called bone.

Bonet is sewn from natural fabric, so another of its functions is to protect the hair and skin of a Muslim woman from the effects of the fabric from which the scarf or stole is sewn.

How to properly and beautifully learn to tie a scarf on the head of a Muslim woman in stages?

  1. The first thing a woman does before tying a scarf is to collect her hair in a ponytail or bun.
  2. Next, she puts on a Bonnet hat.
  3. There is also a special scarf worn under the veil. It is called mihram. When put on, the ends of the mihram are crossed in the center of the head and tucked in at the back. It is advisable to choose a scarf under the veil so that it harmonizes in color with the main scarf of a Muslim woman.
  4. After that, the main scarf is put on. It is rectangular in shape. The scarf is worn in such a way that one third of its end is on one side of the head, and two thirds on the other.
  5. The woman lays the scarf in such a way that its shorter side is under the chin, and the longer one lies on top of it. She wraps her head with the long part of the scarf so that her neck and shoulders are covered.

VIDEO: Beautifully ties a scarf (Hijab)?

How do they pierce a needle on a Muslim woman's headscarf?

To secure the headscarf under her chin, a Muslim woman uses special pins.

  1. Most often, a pin is inserted above the ear or under the chin.
  2. While fastening the scarf with a pin, the Muslim woman makes sure that her tip passes through all the fabrics of the stole or scarf, otherwise it will fall apart.
  3. For reliability and beauty, it is permissible to fasten the scarf with additional pins that are pinned to the right and left.
  4. Some Muslim women adorn the places where the scarf is attached with special decorations in the form of flowers or brooches.

Ways to wear scarves on the head of a Muslim woman

Usually, Muslim women use a stole as a hijab. Wraps come in different colors and are made from different fabrics. A woman can choose any of them, focusing on the situation and the season. She can also choose from several ways to tie a scarf.

According to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, a woman should not show her beauty to strangers. The Qur'an says (washed away): “Let them (believing women) not flaunt their embellishments, with the exception of those that are visible (i.e., the oval of the face and hands), and let them cover the cutout on the chest with their veils ...” (Sura An-Nur 31). Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said that once Asma, the daughter of Abu Bakr, came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in thin clothes. The Prophet ﷺ turned away from her and said: “O Asma! A woman who has reached the age of majority should not open places other than these places, "pointing to her face and hands." According to this, Muslim women are required to completely cover their heads along with their necks, with the exception of their faces. The Almighty created men and women attracted to each other, and the openness of a woman pushes a man to forbidden actions leading to bad consequences. Dressed according to the prescription, the girl is protected from the gaze of strangers and emphasizes her chastity.

Is the headscarf the hijab?

Not always a scarf can be called a hijab. Since the hijab means to hide the entire female body, except for the oval of the face and hands, with clothes that are not transparent, not tight-fitting, not attracting the attention of the opposite sex. If you wear any scarf so that the head and neck are closed except for the oval of the face, then it also becomes part of her hijab. Sometimes the scarf does not meet the conditions of the hijab, as some Muslim women tie it in such a way that part of the head, hair and neck are visible. This does not comply with the canons of Islam, and if strangers see her, she falls under sin.

What should be the headdress of a Muslim woman?

It can be said that the answer to this question has already become clear from the previous answers. However, I want to add that when putting on a scarf, girls should understand that the scarf should not be made of pronounced colors that attract the attention of strangers, like her other clothes, her hair or bare parts of the body should not be visible from under the scarf. A Muslim woman must understand that a scarf covering her entire head is not only the style of her clothes, but also her position in life, a manifestation of her faith. It is faith, since the girl, covering herself, does what is prescribed for her by Allah Almighty. And many girls admit that wearing a hijab gives them a sense of security and confidence, makes her beauty modest and dignified, protecting and protecting her.

Should a Muslim woman always cover her head?

A woman is obliged to cover her head from strangers who do not belong to the category of “mahram”. She may not cover her head in front of women, close relatives of their number of men (mahram) and her husband. But if an outsider who is not a mahram comes to visit, then even in the presence of her husband, brother, or father, she is obliged to cover her body except for her face and hands.

Mahram men include those men who, according to Islam, do not have the right to marry her for the following reasons:

1) Blood relationship, (father, grandfather, son, grandson, great-grandson, paternal and maternal uncle, her siblings and sons of siblings).

2) Dairy relationship (milk brother or husband of her dairy mother).

3) Marriage relationship (father-in-law or father-in-law, her mother's husband (stepfather) or his father, as well as the son or grandson of her husband).

When should a Muslim woman wear a headscarf, hijab from childhood?

As for the specific age at which a girl should be taught to wear a hijab, theologians recommend from the age of seven, based on the hadith: “Tell your children to pray when they are seven years old, and punish them if they do not do so when they are ten years old. And separate them in different beds." (Abu Dawud). This includes all the precepts of Islam, and not just the performance of prayer.

A girl falls into the sin for not wearing a hijab from the age of majority. The signs of a girl coming of age include such as: the appearance of hair on the genitals, the appearance of wet dreams or first blood (menstruation).