Facial cleansing products - choosing the best. Home remedies for facial cleansing

Throughout the day, the skin is exposed to various dirt, dust and small particles of the atmosphere, and as a result, at the end of the day it turns into a “dust collector”. This leads to the fact that the pores begin to clog and with a careless attitude to the skin, all this dirt develops into blackheads, acne, blackheads and other various troubles. This is why our skin needs regular cleaning.

Many female representatives regularly use various tonics for skin care and believe that this is quite enough. But it was not there. All this cleansing is considered superficial and it is not able to penetrate into the depths of the skin, where all harmful deposits accumulate.

The facial cleansing procedure can be done both in the salon and at home. In this article, we will talk about effective folk and cosmetic products for cleaning the face.

Folk recipes for face cleansers

Skin cleansing with dairy products... Dairy products have long been renowned for their bleaching and cleansing properties. For masks, you can use both kefir and milk with yogurt. The procedure is very simple, first moisten a cotton sponge in one of the above products and wipe your face with it, after a few minutes, moisten the cotton pad again and now apply the product more abundantly on your face. Then after a while, moisten your face again with the milk product of your choice.

If your skin is too dry, rinse it with water after the procedure to avoid a slight burning sensation. On the other hand, for severely oily skin, it is recommended to apply sour milk overnight.

Bran cleansing... This cleansing option works well for very oily skin. Bran can be any, for example, rice, wheat or oat. To prepare this scrub, you need to grind one glass of any bran with a coffee grinder, add a tablespoon of soda to them and mix well. Store this product in the refrigerator.

Before the procedure itself, take one tablespoon of the pre-prepared product and dilute it with water (if available, you can dilute it with milk) to a mushy state. Apply the scrub to your face, leave it on for a few minutes, when the scrub begins to slide over your face, rinse it off with warm water.

Egg yolk... To prepare the product, you need to combine one yolk with two tablespoons of grapefruit juice or lemon juice.

Then soak a cotton swab in the prepared mixture and wipe your face with it. The face is wiped twice, after which the mixture is applied to the skin of the face, rubbed with massage movements until foam forms, left for three minutes and washed off with cool water.

Soap cream for blackheads... Apply a small amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a cotton sponge, then lather the same swab with toilet soap, then rub the resulting cream on the sponge into the affected areas of the skin - this is the chin, nose and brow with the forehead. You need to rub in such a way that the soap foam remains on the skin. After the procedure, the product is removed with a clean sponge soaked in plain water.

Such cleansing should be performed daily for 1-2 months. After that, the procedure can be done once a week. This is enough to keep your skin clean and healthy.

Vegetable oils... To prepare a cleanser, you will need to heat the olive oil in a water bath, soak a cotton sponge in it, and wipe it over your face. Leave the oil on your face for 20 minutes, then wash it off with plain water. Such a remedy well reduces various inflammatory processes on the skin.

Cosmetics: scrubs, masks and peels

Garnier Face Scrub Cream Basic Care

This product is suitable for normal to combination skin. The product penetrates well into the depths of the pores and thus makes a deep cleansing. The creamy texture of the scrub exfoliates and does not dry out the skin. The active ingredients of this scrub are grape extract and vitamin E.

Mode of application... The product is applied to damp skin, then lightly rubbed in, and then washed off with warm water. When applying the scrub, avoid getting any liquid on the eye contour.


Natasha: I have been using the scrub from "Garnier" for about two months and I am satisfied with the result. I use it 1-2 times a week and this is quite enough for deep cleansing. Before that, I tried many means, but none left behind positive emotions.

Tanya: After cleansing with a cream scrub, there is no tightening sensation on the face, as is usually the case. Also moisturizes the skin well. Another plus is that the tube lasts for a long time.

Facial scrub Clean Line

This product is suitable for normal to combination skin. The active ingredients in the scrub are apricot pits and chamomile extract. Apricot pits have an exfoliating effect and stimulate cell regeneration. At the same time, the skin color is improved and the surface is leveled. Chamomile extract has a tonic and soothing effect.

Mode of application... The contents of the tube are applied to a wet face and neck, rubbed in with massage movements, and then washed off with warm water. When applying the scrub, avoid the area around the eyes. The tool is recommended to be applied no more than 2 times a week, since this amount is quite enough for a good cleaning of the skin of the face and neck.


Tonya: The Clean Line scrub was a real discovery for me. Before that I tried a bunch of products, I will not say that I did not like them, but there were no super positive emotions left after them. I could not even imagine that for such a price you can get a good cleanser!

Lena: I also could not think that it is so effective. My mom uses it and praises this scrub all the time. So I could not resist and decided to check whether this is true or not. After application, no irritation remains, the skin does not tighten and, most importantly, it eliminates blackheads!

Gentle Facial Scrub - NIVEA VISAGE

It cleans the skin well from dead cells, makes it smooth and moisturized. The active ingredient in the scrub is Panthenol. It has an exfoliating effect that stimulates cell regeneration and also maintains cell hydration.

Mode of application... The contents of the tube are applied in a circular motion to moisturized skin and washed off with warm water. When applying the product, avoid the skin around the eyes. It is recommended to use it no more than 2-3 times a week.


Kate: I really like this brand of cosmetics. I constantly use various creams from NIVEA, so I decided to use their crab. The effect is in principle normal, although I expected better.

Sveta: I liked the product, it makes a delicate cleaning and at the same time moisturizes the skin. The smell is also very pleasant and slowly consumed.

What salon treatments can help?

If cleaning your face at home is problematic for you, then you'd better seek help from a beauty salon. You will be offered several effective methods of cleaning the skin, namely:

Manual cleaning

It is the most popular and effective. The master pre-steams the skin, then manually removes blackheads and the very foci of inflammation. At the end of the cleansing, a soothing mask is applied to relieve irritation and soothe the skin of the face.

Mechanical cleaning

It has similarities to the previous method, but is still performed with a special tool, namely a spoon with a strainer. The advantage of this procedure is that it traumatizes the skin less. This cleansing method works well for girls with oily skin and pores.

Vacuum cleaning

For its implementation, an apparatus with a special attachment is used. This attachment unclogs pores, sucks out impurities and removes dead skin particles. This procedure is painless, but still not capable of deep cleaning.


It is the most effective facial cleansing procedure and is also popular among women. This procedure is not recommended in the summer season, as the skin, cleansed skin can be injured by ultraviolet rays.

What can be done to deeply cleanse the pores of the face?

A steam bath works well. It cleans pores well, promotes increased blood circulation and skin sweating. This treatment works well for oily skin. It is not recommended to do it for people with dilated blood vessels and redness on the face, as well as for diseases such as asthma and cardiovascular disorders.

The skin on the face requires constant gentle care. In order to preserve youth and avoid premature wrinkles, you need to choose the right cleanser. To date, their choice is large enough for each type of skin. It can be both products of cosmetic companies and homemade products according to folk recipes.

Skin cleansing is an important daily ritual

Every woman should know that the skin needs regular daily cleansing, regardless of age. This is because during the day, the epidermis encounters various pollutants that clog the pores. After a while, acne, redness, pimples suddenly appear on the face. The same problems plague the owners of oily and combination skin.

To avoid similar troubles is possible only under one condition - using cleansers. The procedure is ideally carried out in the morning and evening hours. Deep cleansing for the skin is shown at least 2 times a week. What exactly to use to induce beauty depends on individual preferences. These can be off-the-shelf or home remedies. It should be borne in mind that for the latter, you need to use natural ingredients.

Deep cleansing

Cosmetologists recommend doing this procedure 2 times a week at home, especially if the skin is prone to oily content. The most successful face cleansers in this case are scrubs and masks. It should only be borne in mind that they need to be applied to prepared skin. To do this, make a steam bath based on medicinal herbs. The scrub is rubbed into the skin with light movements for 2-3 minutes, after which it is washed off and the mask is applied. The final stage is a nourishing cream (according to skin type).

Cosmetic milk

Of all the cleansers, this is the most gentle and gentle. In cosmetology, there are 2 types of cosmetic milk: one serves to remove makeup, and the other cleans the surface of the dermis. It perfectly removes dirt accumulated in the pores and excess fat. For girls and women with dry skin, beauticians recommend using it for daily washing and forgetting about tap water. It is necessary to apply milk in the morning and in the evening.

Without much work and financial costs, such a mild product can be prepared at home in accordance with the type of skin. With increased work of the sebaceous glands, you will need to mix egg yolks, lemon juice and a small amount of brandy. For dry skin, the product should not only cleanse, but also nourish. Therefore, a positive effect will be after using milk based on egg yolks and chamomile or string infusion.

Skin cleansing soap

There is an opinion that it is impossible to cleanse the skin on the face in the old fashioned way, using soap. The substances contained in it damage the lipid layer and disrupt the work of the epidermis. From here, various problems begin in the form of peeling, redness, comedones. Nevertheless, cosmetics manufacturers have been able to create suitable soap products that gently remove dirt from the surface of the most sensitive skin.

The composition of the soap for washing should contain herbal ingredients, cosmetic (moisturizing) oils and no alkali. The pH should be neutral.

Facial cleansing soaps can also be made at home. For dry skin, a mixture of milk powder, lavender oil and oatmeal is suitable. To cleanse oily skin, you will need baby soap shavings brewed with boiling water, boric acid, ammonia and camphor alcohol, hydrogen peroxide.

How to choose a cosmetic product?

Properly selected skin cleansers should fully cope with their direct responsibilities, remove dirt from the surface and not cause allergies. Of course, it is better to entrust such a choice to a specialist (not a shop assistant) - a beautician or dermatologist. If this is not possible, reviews recommend when buying to pay attention not to the manufacturer's fame, but to the components that make up the product, and the type of skin for which it is intended.

For oily skin, the cleanser should be gel-like, with fine abrasive particles (scrubs). The composition should not contain cream or glycerin. This type of skin is not friendly with these components, which can be determined by the deterioration of its condition. Foams are also suitable for daily use. It is easy enough to determine if the chosen product is suitable. If after use there is no feeling of the presence of a film on the skin, then the product can be safely used for cosmetic procedures.

The best cosmetics for oily skin

The most popular among the owners of oily skin type are the following cosmetic products:

  • Gentle peeling Diademine.
  • Cleansing Gel Clean & Clear.
  • Mary Kay TimeWise and Botanical Effects Cleanser.
  • Gel for combination skin PP Gel).
  • Garnier Cleansing Series "Clean Skin".
  • Shiseido Cleansing Fluid Foam.
  • Natura Siberica cleansing cosmetics.
  • Vichy products of the Normaderm series.

Skin cleansing recipes

According to reviews, dairy products are a great cleanser for your skin. Women are advised to use yogurt, kefir, milk, yogurt for such a business. Kefir or yogurt is more suitable for oily skin. Moreover, it is better to use products not from store shelves, but really homemade ones.

You can prepare a cleansing mixture of oatmeal (0.5 cups), kefir (5 tablespoons) and lemon juice (2 tablespoons). All components must be combined and mixed. Apply on the face in a circular motion, you can leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature.

Bran (rice, wheat), which are mixed with kefir, water or milk, perfectly cleanse contaminated skin. You do not need to rub the resulting mass with effort, the movements should be soft and smooth. The scrub does the job well and quickly removes excess grease and dirt.

What is good for dry skin?

Constant irritation, feeling of tightness and flaking are characteristic signs of dry skin. In this case, it is also necessary to carefully select a cleanser for the face. It will be correct to purchase small samples of the selected cosmetics for the first use. If the cleansing products are completely suitable, it makes sense to purchase them in full.

The composition of products for cleansing dry skin should contain ceramides, liposomes, linoleic acid. They will provide the necessary hydration and will not remove natural fat from the surface of the dermis. It is undesirable to use scrubs so as not to damage the delicate skin with hard particles. Alcohol base for dry type is contraindicated.

To properly cleanse dry skin, it is best to use lotion, toner or milk. Women's reviews recommend Mary Kay's TimeWise 3-in-1 Cleanser. This cream with a small amount of granules contains various plant extracts and vitamins necessary for the skin. You can also pick up cleansing milk, lotion, gel of the well-known brand of pharmacy cosmetics Vichy (Purete Thermal series).

Home methods

At home, you can make wonderful cleansers. Reviews of the owners of dry skin indicate that in this case you need to resort to the help of cosmetic oils: castor, sea buckthorn, almond, avocado, grape seed, apricot, calendula, macadamia, sesame and peach. Each of them has certain beneficial properties.

In order for the oil to be used as a cleaning agent, it is preheated. For this purpose, it is better to take wheat germ oil, apricot or peach. Soak a cotton swab in warm liquid and wipe your face.

At home, you can prepare a special eau de toilette for dry skin. It is necessary to pour white wine (1 glass) whole grains of wheat (2 tablespoons) and leave for 5 days in a dark place. The resulting tincture is filtered and 1 yolk is added to the liquid. The resulting cleanser is ideal for evening treatments.

To maintain a youthful and well-groomed face, you need constant skin care. Every girl is constantly looking for the best product for herself that will help to clean her face with maximum efficiency. Indeed, according to dermatologists, - attentive care for the skin of the face and body helps to preserve youth for a long time and beauty.

The best products for everyday facial cleansing

An important step in everyday facial care is skin cleansing. For these purposes, many cosmetics are produced, but not all of them are equally effective and useful.

Mousse (foam) for dry skin

Air mousse (foam) is designed to cleanse the sensitive and dry skin of the face. The product is intended for morning and evening washings. Washing with foam, the epidermis is not injured, it is moistened, cleaned of impurities.

The use of mousse as a cleansing agent avoids skin inflammation, irritation, while maintaining the acid-base balance of the epidermis in normal conditions.

Two-phase liquid

Two-phase cleanser - oil-water solution. Since oil is lighter than water, in the composition of the solution it is on top, the water base is located under the oil layer. Before use, the product must be shaken well before the components interact.

Two-phase liquid is used:

  • as the best makeup remover;
  • gentle cleansing of the skin;
  • nutrition, softening, moisturizing of the skin of the face.

Micellar water

Micellar water is intended for multifunctional cleansing epidermis. It does not contain soapy components, alkali. Such a cleansing liquid is excellent for moisturizing the upper layers of the skin, removing make-up, and as a tonic and refreshing agent. They are allowed to use several times a day.

Emulsion, fluid

Fluids and emulsions are suitable for skin care in spring and summer. Due to its light structure and low fat content, it cleanses and moisturizes the skin, giving it comfort, protecting it from the environment, the harmful effects of winds, the sun, and temperature changes.

Toner and lotion

The use of tonic or lotion allows you to remove the remnants of cosmetics, grease, disinfecting the skin. These funds are intended not only to cleanse the face, but also to relieve inflammation.

Lotions contain alcohol, which makes them different from their tonic counterparts. Therefore, it is better to use alcohol-based lotions with an oily skin structure, dry integuments, a tonic is more suitable.

Hydrophilic oil

This tool allows you to cleanse the skin of the face from various contaminants, cosmetics, including persistent ones. The product is suitable for all skin types. Its use allows you to improve the structure, even out the color, and shrink pores.

It is possible to achieve the best results from cleansing procedures and improve the skin of the face only after the correct selection of cosmetics for each type of skin individually.

The best home remedies for cleansing your face

It is not necessary to buy cosmetics from well-known brands, especially when there are no available funds. Facial cleansing can be carried out at home from available raw materials available in every home.

Egg Yolk Purifying Mask

Egg yolk is used as a mask for application to dry skin, to cleanse from peeling, dead cells of the epidermis. This mask nourishes, moisturizes, saturates the skin with minerals, vitamins, penetrating deep into the epidermis.

The method of applying the mask is quite simple. You just need to separate the yolk, beat it with a blender, spread on the face, neck, décolleté, stand for a little more than a quarter of an hour, rinse with lukewarm water.

It is enough to do this mask twice a week.

Flour Cleansing Mask

The best face cleanser is a flour mask. To prepare a cleansing mask, you need 1 tbsp. l. mix flour with water. The mass should be similar to the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the face, kept for about 20 minutes, washed off with water (preferably mineral).

The flour mask thoroughly cleanses, makes the skin smooth, silky, and evens out the color.

Bran scrub

This tool allows you to deeply cleanse the skin. For cooking, you need to grind half a glass of oatmeal flakes in a meat grinder. For application on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, it is enough to prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. ground rolled oats with the addition of water. The mixture should be mushy.

The scrub is applied to moisturized skin, gently massaging, as soon as you feel smooth, you can rinse with water. For sensitive skin, instead of rolled oats, you can use the crumb of black bread, for oily epidermis, soda is added to the scrub. After

Peeling with oat flakes

The best remedy for cleansing all skin, including the face, is an oatmeal peeling. Preparation of peeling with oatmeal: 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, pour warm water, stand for a few minutes until a thick slurry forms. Lubricate the skin of the face evenly, massage for 3 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.

Benefits of oat peeling:

  • removal of keratinized particles;
  • normalization of moisture level;
  • whitening, color alignment, activation of metabolic processes;
  • rejuvenation;
  • getting rid of rashes.


Preparation of gommage for oily and dry skin.

Important: gommage is applied to clean skin, steamed after a shower, with intense massage movements (remember about massage lines).

The holding time of gammaazh on the skin is at least 10 minutes, then the product is removed with the fingers of both hands. With one hand they hold the skin (so as not to stretch), with the other, gently slowly roll it up. In the presence of acne or abscesses, the gommage is washed off with water, using cotton pads.


  • delicate and cleansing procedure for the skin;
  • increased blood flow, stagnation is eliminated, metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • food delivered into the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • skin on the face becomes velvety, without fine wrinkles, with a delicate blush;

Cosmetic clay

Cosmetic clay is used to remove excess sebum, removal of peeling, irritation, redness. Clay masks are used for all types of skin. Cosmetic clay is sold at a pharmacy or make-up store.

White clay is used for caring masks oily, combined epidermis. It has drying, cleansing, tightening properties. Removes excess fat deposits, tightens pores, whitens. This tool has an antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect.

Blue clay is used to prevent acne healing wounds. It is able to improve the tone of the face, get rid of wrinkles, rejuvenate, make the skin more elastic and elastic. With the help of blue clay, it is possible to remove age spots, freckles.

Green clay is used as an important ingredient in cosmetic products. Masks made from this product cleanse, dry, tighten, restore the skin. Green clay, improves blood flow, rejuvenates, removes excess body fat.

Red clay is preferred by owners of sensitive and allergy-prone skin. Masks with this product help relieve irritation, redness, peeling, itching. Dry, dehydrated, aging, dull skin begins a new life after applying red clay.

Pink clay is obtained by combining white and red products. With this composition, you can take care of all skin types. Pink clay smoothes wrinkles, improves facial contours, softens and rejuvenates the skin. Effectively nourishes, cleanses the epidermis, making it silky and taut.

Yellow clay is used in cosmetology for oily, combined, fading, dull epidermis. The product easily removes toxins, relieves inflammation, rashes, saturates cells with oxygen. Yellow clay tones, evens out the tone of the face.

By picking upthe best cosmetic clay, it is required to be guided by the type of skin, age, condition of the epidermis. There is a wide range of cosmetic clay on sale, on each package funds there is an instruction with indications for the use of the product and the rules for preparing the desired consistency of the mixture for cleansing the face.

You cannot experiment on yourself with all types of cosmetics; it is better to take the advice of a beautician.

Technical means for cleaning the face at home

To carry out facial cleansing procedures at home, you will need some technical means.

Foam net

With this device, you can not only whip up the foam, but also cleanse the pores deeper. Thanks to the mesh, a couple of droplets of the cleansing agent are transformed into a voluminous foam. This suggests that the use of the mesh saves the cosmetic product.

How to use the mesh? A few drops of the product are applied to a wet device, rubbed in two palms until a lush foam is formed, which is carefully removed for further use.

Felt mittens, loofah sponges

Felt gloves, like loofah sponges, are designed to cleanse the skin. They are used instead of scrubs. To do this, you need to wet your face or device, with foam, massage the skin with massage movements.

With felt mittens, it is convenient and effective to scrub the whole body.

Brush with rubber fibers

Thanks to the fine rubber pile, all impurities are easily removed from the pores. The procedure is required using cleansing gels.

Ultrasonic cleaning brush

The device allows you to cleanse pores, remove dead cells. To do this, you need to moisten your face, the ultrasonic wave will break the water into microdroplets, which, thanks to super speed, clean out all impurities, even from hard-to-reach places.

Vaporizer (steam generator)

The device allows you to expand the pores under the influence of hot steam. For independent procedures, you need to consult a specialist. In case of rosacea, acne, heart disease, hypertension, it is better to refrain from the steam generator, in other cases, you should not use the device more often 1-2 times in 30 days.

Microdermabrasion machine

This device cleans the skin mechanically. The kit includes an abrasive powder, which must be applied to the brush to massage the face.

Important: microdermabrasion is performed for pigmentation, skin age-related changes, post-acne.

Cosmetic procedures for deep cleansing of the face in beauty salons

For services for cleansing the skin of the face, you can contact a beauty salon, where the cosmetologist will offer you to choose the best product and an acceptable method based on your skin type.

Mechanical cleaning - squeezing out and removing dirt and grease plugs using a special tool.

Brushing - cleaning using various attachment brushes, without the use of chemicals.

Ultrasonic cleansing is the most demanded procedure. Hardware cosmetology allows, with the help of certain frequencies, to split dirt at any depth of the skin, followed by a natural exit from the outside.

Vacuum cleansing is a procedure similar to brassage. With the help of a special nozzle that creates a vacuum, the dirt is pushed to the surface.

Galvanotherapy - the effect of an electric current on the cells of the epidermis.

The best face cleanser is selected individually depending on the skin type, age and makeup brightness.

Cleansing procedures for the face, allow to provide not only the necessary care for the skin, but also prolong youth, maintain the health and vitality of the epidermis. Cleansing should be done daily, then the appearance will be well-groomed, healthy, without peeling and age-related changes.

Best face cleanser in this video:

How to cleanse your face properly, advice from a beautician:

There is no doubt that natural cleansing is the best we can offer our own skin. The presence of various sulfates and aggressive surfactants makes the cosmetics of the "mass market" more affordable, but at the same time, no one talks about the quality of the product and the health of your skin, so think again if this "saving" is worth it.

Natural Facial Cleansers

Natural cleansers do not cause irritation and allergic reactions, as they do not contain harmful surfactants and allergens. At the same time, they do an excellent job of cleansing the skin, giving it beauty and health.

We offer you the top 10 cleansers that will give you freshness and purity, which means beauty and health for your skin.

1. Micellar water

The last word in regular cleansing is micellar water. This unique cosmetic product was developed by cosmetologists specifically for hypersensitive skin. Water is ideal for those with dry skin.

Aloe extract and Noni juice, as auxiliary components, will give the skin a "second wind", because after washing, there is no feeling of tightness and dryness. Micellar water as an acid cleanser gently removes makeup, even from the eye area. The product foams slightly and has a light pleasant aroma. Suitable for daily use and no age limit.

2. Hydrophilic oil

The best cleanser that doesn't dry out your skin is a hydrophilic oil. It is a light oil that instantly turns into cleansing milk when combined with water. The oil is excellent for cleansing the skin after using foundation.

The oil gently cleanses the skin, relieves inflammation and provides an amazing sense of comfort. Sage and calendula extracts will add velvety and softness, while ginger and grapefruit will leave a light scent on the skin. It is necessary to slightly moisten the skin with warm water and then spread the oil over the entire face and neck with light massage movements. Leave on for one minute and then rinse thoroughly.

3. Foam for washing

Foams are rightfully considered one of the most popular cleansers. This best face cleanser has stood the test of time and millions of people, with different skin types and characteristics. Foams for oily skin most often contain salicylic acid, and the composition for dry skin will please with the presence of hyaluronic acid. Natural foams are saturated with additional active ingredients and vitamins.

This foam mousse cleanser has a very delicate soft, almost airy structure, but at the same time it lathers abundantly and cleanses the skin deeply enough. The foam gently removes dead skin particles and helps to tone the skin. The foam is easily washed off with water and does not leave an unpleasant film on the skin. Perfect for all skin types. The mousse has a magical aroma and is simply irreplaceable during the summer heat.

This natural cosmetic will make your skin awaken in the morning quick and pleasant, and in the evening it will delicately soothe it, relieve daytime irritations and give it a matte finish. After washing with mousse, you can immediately apply a night cream, day cream or make-up base.

4. Gel for washing the face (oily skin)

The leader among organic cleansing cosmetics is the sulfate-free cleanser. These cleansing gels are simply created for those with oily or combination skin. Lactic acid, citric acid and sea salt perfectly cope with sebum secretion, gently but effectively removing excess sebum without tightening the skin.

The gel has a jelly-like structure, which allows the product to be perfectly distributed on the face and neck, as well as to be as economical as possible to use. The product does not foam at all, but quickly and easily removes decorative cosmetics. The gel can also be used for the eyelids, you just need to rinse the product thoroughly with water. After washing, the skin is noticeably clean, soft and smooth.

5. Milk

For mixed and combination skin, separate the cleansing milk separately. If you are looking for a soap-free cleanser and value a completely organic composition, then this cosmetic product was created especially for you.

One of the most delicate skin care products. The composition includes a mineral complex, babassu oil, castor oil plant and olive oil. Perfect for dehydrated skin that has suffered from improper care.

The milk perfectly removes makeup, unclogs pores and leaves no greasy feeling on the skin. Immediately after the first application, the skin becomes soft, velvety and well hydrated. The milk has a light, unobtrusive aroma and a liquid creamy structure.

6. Hypoallergenic face wash

If you are familiar with a problem such as allergy to face wash, then take a look at our hypoallergenic face wash. For owners of hypersensitive and easily irritated skin, a soapy make-up remover cream is ideal.

This delightful light product will please even the most capricious skin, because it contains 35% of a nourishing cream based on shea butter, cocoa and relic salt of Siberian lakes. This hypoallergenic cleanser easily foams, cleanses the skin efficiently and gently. Soap cream is perfect for deep cleansing and nourishment of skin prone to flaking and irritation. After washing, the skin becomes soft and does not require the application of additional creams. The cream has the consistency of the most delicate milk and no smell. But for removing makeup from the eyes, it still does not work - it can pinch the eyes.

7. Cleansers for acne

Acne cleanser should be considered separately and more carefully. Problem skin needs cleansing much more than healthy skin. And cleansing should be delicate and effective.

This problem skin gel contains mild surfactants that deeply cleanse without traumatizing irritated skin. The gel helps to delicately get rid of excess sebum, in addition, it perfectly relieves irritation and soothes. The composition contains organic extracts of chamomile, aloe vera and sage, as well as panthenol. In addition, the gel can be used to remove makeup.

8. Biocleaning

The know-how in cosmetic cleansing is bio-purification. A fundamentally new approach to removing dirt, grease and dead skin particles. Thanks to sorption and ion exchange, bio-purification deeply and gently cleanses the skin, smoothes it, and prepares it for better absorption of nourishing creams and masks.

Biocleaning is a fine powder that is moistened with water just before use. The resulting "wet sand", gently rubbing along the massage lines, is applied to the entire face, including the eyes. After a minute, rinse off with water. After regular use, the skin gains elasticity, the oily sheen disappears, and a healthy glow appears. This product is especially suitable for owners of porous skin, we also recommend it to residents of megalopolises, where the level of air pollution, unfortunately, negatively affects the purity of our skin.

9. Soap

Usually, soap is perceived negatively as a face wash. It is - simple soap from the store can only dry out the skin. However, if we are talking about natural face soap, then feel free to take it! And if this is a solid Jurassic Spa salt soap, which was specially created to remove blackheads on the face, then "Hurray!" such soap. The maximum concentration of caring natural ingredients, relic salt, oils and lactitol make this soap unique and transfer it to the rank of health cosmetics.

The soap is suitable for cleaning the face and body and is quite economical to use. When soaped, it practically does not foam, since there are no chemical foaming agents in it. Suitable for both oily and dry skin. He fights with blackheads with a bang, and the caring substances support the microflora and heal the skin. The soap has an amazing strawberry scent.

10. Konjak sponge

Another natural remedy that, by the way, does not require additional gels, foams and tonics is a sponge-sponge made from Konjac, an Asian plant. The sponge is ideal for hypersensitive skin that reacts especially to all cosmetics.

A small indispensable assistant in any cosmetic bag. By the way, it is convenient to take the sponge with you on the road, so as not to load the bag with other washers. This is not only cleansing for the skin, but massage and peeling - in general, 3 in 1. The sponge itself is already saturated with moisture, and it is very pleasant to use it for the skin. Perfectly cleanses pores, mattifies the face, does not cause any irritation. After drying, the sponge hardens, but it is worth slightly dampening it with water - and you can use it again. It is enough for a long time, it is recommended to replace it every 2-3 months.

Whether you choose a neutral cleanser or an intensive treatment, remember to be natural and selected for your skin type and your characteristics.

And there is plenty to choose from - foams, mousses, gels, cleansing wipes and konjac sponges!

We hope you now know exactly which cleanser to choose! And remember the golden rule: you must, must wash in the morning and evening!

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Airborne dust gets on your face every day. It mixes with the secretion produced by the sebaceous glands and results in blackheads (comedones) and pimples on the face. To prevent this, you need to regularly use facial cleansers.

Purification rules

To cleanse your face, it is not enough to wash your face every day. Periodically it is necessary to do a deeper cleansing of the skin. It is not necessary to carry out it in expensive beauty salons, all procedures can be done independently at home.

In order for cleansing the skin of the face to benefit, and not harm, certain rules must be followed during its implementation:

  • hands should be thoroughly washed;
  • the skin must first be cleaned of makeup and dirt;
  • if there are open wounds, inflamed acne, unripe acne in the treatment area, then no cosmetic actions can be carried out, as this can provoke more severe inflammation.


An excellent home remedy for cleansing your face is a mask or scrub made from natural ingredients. Let's look at a few recipes.

Soda and salt scrub mask... Soda and fine salt are mixed in equal proportions, gel for washing or milk for removing makeup is added to them to make a thick gruel. The resulting mixture is applied to the cleansed face. For 2-3 minutes, you should massage your face along the massage lines, paying special attention to the area of ​​accumulation of blackheads. Leave the scrub mask on your face for 5-10 minutes. During this time, a slight tingling sensation may appear. The mask is washed off with warm water. After it, the skin becomes clear, matte and even. You can cleanse your face with this tool no more than once a week.

Body mask... Bodyaga helps to smooth out fine wrinkles on the skin, has an exfoliating and vasodilating effect. If the skin is sensitive and prone to allergic reactions, then it is not recommended to apply body masks to it. To prepare a mask, you need to add a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the bodyagi powder to make a mushy mixture. Apply the mass on your face in a thin layer and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water and moisturize your skin with a light cream.

Clay mask... Cosmetic clay perfectly cleanses the face. It is suitable for all skin types. Clay is absorbent and "draws" toxins from the skin. Therefore, after the first masks, rashes and redness may appear on the face. To prepare the mask, it is necessary to dilute the powdered clay with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream. The mixture is applied to the face in a thin layer. When the clay is completely dry, soak your fingertips in water, and, gradually massaging the skin, wash off the mask from your face. After 3 minutes of this massage, wash yourself with warm water to rinse off the remaining clay. After the mask, it is recommended to peel the face with crushed coffee beans.

Oatmeal mask... 1 tbsp pour boiling water over oatmeal flakes to make a thick mushy mixture. When the mask has cooled to room temperature, apply it to your face, massage the skin along the massage lines, and leave for 5 minutes. Then wash with warm water.

Deep cleansing

If the effect of the use of masks and scrubs is insufficient, then once a month you can apply such a remedy as homemade manual deep cleansing of the skin of the face. Let's describe this procedure step by step:

  1. Facial skin is cleansed with cleansing milk or gel.
  2. Peeling of the face is carried out with crushed coffee beans mixed with a tablespoon of fresh sour cream.
  3. A herbal decoction is being prepared. For oily skin, it is necessary to brew chamomile and horsetail, and for dry skin - yarrow, rosemary, wormwood. The container with the steaming broth is placed on the table.
  4. Sit in front of a saucepan with the broth, bend over it, throw a large terry towel over your head so that it completely covers the container and the steam does not escape. Steam your face for 15 minutes.
  5. With dry, clean hands, remove all blackheads on the face. To do this, with the index fingers of your hands, press on the point from opposite sides - dirt will come out of the pore. Pressing on the skin can only be done with the pads of the fingers, as nails can leave scars on the face. During the cleansing process, periodically wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide. To prevent skin infection, you can wrap sterile gauze around your index fingers.
  6. At the end of the procedure, wipe your face with calendula infusion or an alcohol-based tonic.

After deep cleansing, cosmetologists do not recommend washing your face until the end of the day, as you can infect open pores. The next day, after deep cleansing of the face, there may be redness on the skin. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure before an important event, trip or reception.

The advantages of this method of cleansing the face is the ability to get rid of not only dead skin cells, but also comedones. The disadvantages include the fact that the procedure is quite painful and lengthy, after which inflammation and peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis may appear on the skin. A fruit acid scrub and an enzyme moisturizer can help combat these effects.


Regardless of which face cleanser you use, apply a moisturizer to your skin after the procedure. This will calm her down and prevent flaking. In addition to a light moisturizer, a mask with honey and olive oil can be used for these purposes. Olive oil and honey are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is heated in a water bath until the honey melts. Then the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes. At the end, you need to wash yourself with warm water.