Such different women. How to find an approach? How to conquer a woman: Secrets of experienced men

Many guys do not know how to behave with girls, can not find the right an approach. In fact, it is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. So how to find an approach to girl?


First of all, a man must be confident in himself. It is next to this satellite that a woman will feel comfortable. However, it is very important not to confuse such traits such as self-confidence and arrogance. These are two absolutely different things. It is necessary to simply discard the shyness and be decisive. In addition, you do not need to take a look from the girl.

Good manners play a very big role. Girls are nice if their young man does not swear in their presence, gives a hand when leaving the transport, does not increase the voice. The banal rules of the etiquette have not yet harvested anyone. In addition, girls appreciate such qualities as responsible and punctuality. A man should be responsible not only for his actions, but also for his family. There is no confidence in an irresponsible person, it is impossible to rely on it. And without trust, serious relationships do not definitely build.

It will not be superfluous to recall that the girls appreciate well-groomed and accuracy. Therefore, before the next meeting with the girlfriend, you need to carefully examine your reflection in the mirror. Shoes should be clean, things are tailored, the hair is well-groomed. Ruddy men repel the real lady.

Girls like guys who are in demand for a weak floor. It is important to show your choices that you are interested in many, but it is she who is one single, really necessary and interesting. No less important to please her friends. But in no case you do not need to flirt with them, try to simply cause positive emotions.

But the most girls value the originality. You must be attended by something that is not in others. By this you must "hook" a girl. Especially maybe each. A romanticism, readiness or even the ability to "demolish the roof" may well become your distinctive quality.

Men are often wondering: how to find an approach To girls, with their unique character, temperament, habits, preparation features? What will delight one representative of the weak gender will not inspire the second, and the third can even be angry, and even shock. Therefore, the answer to this question can not be simple.


Yes, every woman is unique and unique. Nevertheless, in dealing with a wonderful floor, observe the general rules. First of all, forget as a terrible dream and "instructions" of the Lieutenant of Rzhevsky, and the phrase of the Baikov officer from the story V. Bogomolov "Zose": "Cities take courage, and women - incoming." Believe me, it happens not always. It does not rarely, it happens that the woman is very cool and frank arrogance, and demonstrative male self-confidence. Excessive timidity and shyness, however, are also not too complaining. Therefore, if you liked a woman, and you want to achieve reciprocity - try to immediately make an impression on it.

Think how you can stand out on a general male background so that it pays attention to you. The most ideal option is to make some heroic or just a brave act on her eyes. But in the reality of the reason it is possible to wait for too long, so you have to act differently. Separate fantasy, do somehow extraordinary, make her heart excitely score. You will not regret.

Remember that women attach very large importance to clean, hygiene, accuracy. Therefore, a man dressed even modestly, but tidy in flawlessly clean shoes, smoothly shaved and with a neat haircut, for sure will cause positive emotions from the lady.

Do not forget that any man, at least somehow cling to her, the woman instinctively considers the role of her husband and father of the family. Well, that's how the Izstan was heard. It is clear that both "heart will not order", and "love evil." But still try to behave so that the lady does not even have the shadow of doubt: this man is reliable, responsible, working on it can be rejected. Such, if I create a family, will remember her and take care.

Well, about the magical strength of the signs of attention, compliments and gifts is already told so much that only an rare increasing man will not resort to it. Believe me, a woman has not yet been born that does not experience pleasure from the words of admiration, from the fact that the door is open in front of her, present bouquets of flowers. However, if your chosen is a zealous feminist - such elements of courtship can be omitted.

Male half often torment questions about what girls and women want in particular. Some of them are trying to please them, and someone is looking for ways to reach her heart. The approach to each girl will be absolutely different. If you take the desires of a girl and men, then the desires of girls are much extensive and some of them in the eyes of a man at first glance are simply impracticable. To say exactly what girls want, the answer to this question is sometimes difficult, and most often they do not know what they themselves want.

How there would not be a man, have your opinion in any matter. This does not mean that you must always defend him and in everything, it means that you should not go to the girl on the occasion to please her. The approach should be different. You can impress the impression by giving her at least a good mood. Be confident, girls love it, some love and a little manifestation of arrogance from the man, but not knowing the preferences of the girl, it is not worth it. Hepacity - second happiness, but it is possible because of your unsuccessful impudence to get a refusal of a girl in any relationship with you.

In addition to your relationship to it, pay attention to your appearance. The girls react well to the little things. At meetings with a girl you need to look carefully, always keep your clothes clean, and especially shoes. If you look neat, then the girl will cause good emotions.

Be a gentleman. Open the doors when you leave the store, subway, with an entrance. If you have dinner and are going to leave, help her dress: jacket, fur coat, coat. Get out the first of the bus, minibus, trolleybus, while taking her hand. For a guy, it is very easy for a guy, and the girl will take into account even when she will tell her friends, as she spent her day with you, she would remember your care for her.

Give the girl flowers and gifts not only for holidays. Girls are much more pleasant to receive gifts without reason. Speak her nice words, beautiful compliments. If you meet, more often say how you love her, the girl at any stage of your relationship always wants to know and wants to be sure that you love her.

The girls are considered in the guy and the future of the Father. Therefore, try to be support for it and support. If the girl you are expensive, do not show indifference to it especially when your help is needed.

Try to be in a good mood. Remember that you can change your mood for your good mood for the better, even if before it was bad. And she will appreciate in turn that you are the person who can cheer it up.

Isn't it beautiful when the girl smiles? She will appreciate a couple of good good jokes, just not overdo it by chance with a black humor, it can scare it or alert.

When you walk in a circle of people, pay her as much attention as possible, imagine the situation, as if among you all there are only you and she. Of course, this does not mean not to pay attention to everyone else, but at the same time try to pay more attention to it.

Show your care with pleasure and confidence.

Seduction is traditionally feminine art, disassembled in the string of new relationships. It is possible to skeptically refer to insidious temptations, but much more pleasant to get into the trap to such a woman. After all, she still does not know that she caught a fierce lion, which intentionally goes on occasion. Let's try to understand the labyrinths of female skill and not lose the lion's grip in a relationship. We highlight 5 types of seductive women with which creative and male must do.

1. Hunter.
If a woman takes on the male role of the miner, the character of the seduction resembles a male conquest. She knows what satellite to choose not so much of the internal impulses and feelings, how much of the rational calculation. Her values \u200b\u200bcome into contact with material supply. Only promising, but not a assertive man will be interested in such a seductive. I do not know how to lose not only in competition, but also in the relationship of domination in a pair. Prefers to catch off fireless men and create an ideal image of them. If the elect agrees to be conquered, then it can achieve success in work, even thanks to such a woman.

It is necessary to do with such a seductive, taking into account the psychological subtleties of her soul. It is pointless to fight for leadership in relationship. It is better to skillfully manipulate, sometimes yielding in moments of government.

2. Tribar.
The tribesmen is difficult to identify as a seductive. She is more employee, colleague, interlocutor, guardian, not a mistress, intrigan or a predator. Relations with such a type are built for years. It checks a man for reliability, intelligence and similarity in household claims. It's good and nice to spend time, but sometimes you can get bored. The perfect wife, which will support at the right moment or give an incentive for growth during the depression. It will be inconvenient in relations for tyrants and podcasts. The tribesmen builds relationships on equal and does not tolerate hard dominance or brilliant subordination.

You need to do with this woman sincerely, without manipulation and left relationships on the side. Respect for yourself and tenderness to the tribesman - the key to a long warm union.

3. Custodian coziness.
Custodian comfort is the perfect type of wife for a business man. Basic seduction tools: Caring for life and well-being, warmth and fuel, unpretentiousness and deep attachment. From it literally blows even in tall frosts. Often there is an instinctive desire to cuddle, hug and kiss. She skillfully takes the earring energy of the partner and harmonizes it. Unfortunate or unorganized men simply adore custodians comfort. They are able to unload the thoughts about domestic troubles and almost always help to tune in to success in the professional sphere. Adorable tenderness and touch in intimate relationships. Do not tolerate excessive rudeness and vulgarity in words. With all its advantage, prefer to hidden lead the chosen one.

It is not necessary to care about such a woman. It is enough to provide money and take it heat when returning from hard work.

4. General.
The generals initially (at the first acquaintance) may look very seductive. She tries to cause admiration for a strong sex, and then enslave the sacrifice. Most often in its network come across creative personalities, which suffer from mood and impermanence. Their material difficulties help themselves seize power and dictate their conditions. Due to career claims, an intimate sphere suffers. It is so tired in the struggle for power, which requires in bed of activity from a partner. He likes to declare about the need for a strong man, although the authoritarian representatives of the male half are afraid. Often experiences internal emptiness and unnecessaries than he likes to share with the spiritual chosen one, which emotionally supports it.

Create such a woman needs creative. Listen to her discontent with the state of affairs and unail faith into the promise of any undertakings. Do not try to take the top, but also let it sometimes feel weak and defenseless.

5. Beauty.
Pretty woman is an ideal seducer for wealthy men. It spends so much time on flawless external shine, which is impossible not to notice her. With the inability to care for the house and reluctance professionally develop, she can fascinate and seduce. She studies fashionable magazines, reads popular tests and is aware of the basic desires of men. All its energy is spent on attracting attention. Beauty flies not with all men, but only with those that are able to provide its costs to maintain external shine. She admire any public parties and highly appreciate the ability to conduct superficial secular conversations. Unmatched beauty compensates for all the flaws that only secured men are ready to put up. In the intimate sphere prefers the dominant men asking the tone. Does not like to conduct spiritual conversations, since they provoke negative emotions and leave wrinkles on the face.

Again with such a woman just. It is enough to allocate the desired amount to maintain its beauty and hire a household that will clean and cook. It is necessary to admire her beauty and give the opportunity to go into people where other women will envy her.

Before approaching the girl, it is necessary to assimilate that the person on the left is the past, and the right is the future.

When approaching the girl on the left, you, as it were, are in her past, that is, you are a long time.

Therefore, in her subconscious level, a trustee for you and acquaintance acquires a positive background.

In today's publication, we will look at the original ways to get acquainted with the girl using non-standard templates, including different options approaches to the girl.

During communication with the girl, try to avoid any wording with a particle "not". For example, on "Girl, don't want to go to the exhibition with me?" Typically, the answer should be.

A similar question should be replaced by the phrase: "How do you react to get together to go to the exhibition, where can we have fun and better know each other?"

Thus, the question becomes an affirmative form.

Try to tie your phrase and your approach to the current place and event time.

And on the contrary, it is possible to ask the girl to save you from an unearthly waterfall or dive under her umbrella without demand.

In general, with an umbrella to get acquainted without rain, and indoors.

Other options approaches to the girl

Being next to the girl:

  • pain the balloon, write or draw a marker that you want, and solemnly handing;
  • dejected her shoulder, sleeve, back (but not ass) and tell me: "Now you look even better. I am Alexander";
  • send the girl a leaflet with the words "read, please, otherwise I don't see bad." On the leaflet text: "I really like you, and I suggest us to meet you. My name is...";
  • going close to the Chosen's chosen, you can stand a minute, another with a view of a person thinking about something, and then grab the unfortunate innocent question: "Is that nothing that I am silent?" This phrase includes everything: depth, mysteriousness and request for forgiveness;
  • the air kiss went, and after say: "It seems I missed, you need to try closer ...";
  • you look at the girl and smile, trying to cause a response. If she does not smile, show and smile again;
  • you set the visual contact with the girl, smile, pass by. Then you return: "No, I can not resist not to meet you";
  • you buy soap bubbles, and let them in the direction of the girl, not forgetting to smile. Then you can approach and give them to her with the words: "Now your turn";
  • ask a question: "Girl, what is with you?" After her surprise: "Now, here ..." Have a mobile phone, you take pictures and show her a picture. "See?" She will be surprised even more. You're in response, smiling: "How ??! ?? There is no smile on your face!? !! ";
  • i pull out a simple flower with the root, come to the girl or group of girls and say: "This is a flower, and I am Sergey."

Approach to the girl in transport and other places

In transport:

  • "This is not you just pinched me?"
  • "I'm not to get to the handrail - I can take it for you?"
  • "When I get into the rush hour, only one thing consists of one thing: the fact that in Beijing the fades in trains two times worse ... Now I seem to begin to understand why they have an increased fertility ... You know, there are even Special workers who receive money for stuffing people into wagons. If we had such work paid, I would probably have already been a millionaire ... "
  • "Such a cluster of the people I saw three times in my life: on the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, during student unrest in Cambridge and in the film Bondarchuk" War and Peace ".
  • "Are you not much pressure on you? .. Do you know why? Because I hold them all. Now I know how fishes feel in a tin can. "
  • "Purchase, please, my brains with your name and telephone."
  • "You know, today is a big holiday, right to the anniversary! The holiday is that I have a pleasure to go to one tram, and the anniversary - since for the tenth time. What about celebrating this business, go to "..."? "(Walk to walk ...)
  • "Nothing, if I'm staring at you nearby, not through the entire bus?"
  • "Want, am I riding you with a breeze on an escalator?"
  • "Listen, and if I sit in the first car, I will reach the station" Borovitsky Gate "? And if you sit in the last? And if with you? "
  • "Will you tell me where the car-restaurant is here?"

At the stop:

  • "How do you think in what door the trolleybus is better to go (in which car tram car)?"
  • "You will not tell me, on which bus is better to go?"
  • "I suggest not to miss such a great moment and now to meet!"
  • "Why do you always leave at the same stop that me? Do you follow me? "

In the shop:

  • "Can you recommend a book for a friend lying in the hospital?"
  • "Listen, you probably know. I bought pasta, and what to do with them - I can't imagine ... And I can, I will always consult with you? "
  • "You will not tell me where tights with hair holes are sold here?"
  • "You will not tell me where you can buy an ice cream raccoon?"

In the cafe:

  • "I have a small problem here. Can you see that table? .. There are too many single chairs around it. What about to make me? "

In the museum:

  • "Would you hang this picture in your home?"
  • "If I had a million dollars, I would buy you this picture."
  • "I think this is a portrait of your right-great-great-grandmother."

In the elevator:

  • "You are not afraid to stay in the stuck elevator with such a maniac like me?"
  • "You do not know, and this elevator goes to heaven?"

In the institution:

  • "Do you believe in love at first sight or me to enter again?"
  • The entrance exam was a passport with me. I show it in the deployed form, I spend your finger in my name-patronymic: "Now your turn ..."


  • "We write an article about acquaintance with girls and spend the social range about the ways of dating. Do you remember the most original your acquaintance? "
  • "Hi, girls, will you change? We change our society to your mischievous smiles. Room dog on a two-room. Dear friend on cheaper with surcharge, I can offer a children's cast-iron panamu with a hole for pigtails. Lasts lacquered on high heels. A teapot with one handle, two nose and three mouths. Smithful panties or straightening shirt 44th size cheerful colors. "
  • "Girls, are you to the subway or spend you?"
  • "Girls, you are so adorable that we lost the gift of speech, and the air stuck in my throat. Please knock on the back. "

The use of banal phrases with a frank attempt to get acquainted with the lady at best will not cause any response.

What should be considered when approaching the girl

It is necessary to take into account the circumstances that may adversely affect the upcoming acquaintance.

Do not get acquainted with the lady if it is annoyed with something. It is better to wait for this moment.

If the girl talks on the phone, at least not tactfully will come from your side and start acquaintance.

An option of acquaintance with the girl who I will describe below prepares the future to get acquainted. Without starting acquaintance, you will be interested in it ...

Ahead of you is a pretty special, you stage a telephone conversation as if the conversation is already going:

I understand this, you sing beautifully, but you did not say - who are you? (Pause)

Which exactly??? (Pause)

Oh yeah, Marine, how could you forget ... you, I look, the number has changed ... (pause)

Okay! I wonder how you just have everything? .. (pause)

I would also like to meet. (Pause)

If you want, call me tomorrow evening, and we will agree. (Pause)

OK! Bye then. Talk to you tomorrow! Until!

A girl, going ahead, naturally heard a phone dialogue, your social status is already declared, namely, you are interested in girls, you have them so much that it was not easy to remember what kind of Marina call you.

"If you want, call me tomorrow evening, and we will agree" - the magic of words. When you use this phrase: "If you want ..." thereby emphasize your independence and unobtrusion.

"... call me tomorrow evening ..." - You ask the dominance in a conversation, which is typical of this Macho, which themselves decide when they have to call.

Girls note for themselves such qualities in the guys and very much appreciate them.

After prefering with a girl and installing visual contact with it.

Acquaintance with the girl on the street has certain advantages due to its versatility and simplicity, the naturalness of the situation and provides a wide space for creativity.

In addition, because of the abundance of options it is on the street there is a considerable probability to meet the only and unique.

But there are a number of girls who do not get acquainted on the street. For advanced - this is not a problem.

How else to come to the girl

Several interesting options for meeting a girl:

. You appear before the cafe sitting at the table or on the lavender, the girl and say: "I'll go soon" and go. Then, you already appear as her old friend.

. Come close to it and, cautiously looking around, appear by the FSB officer.

Tell me that you need to watch the man overhead, but so that he does not notice the "tail", she must pretend to be your girlfriend and take a walk together.

Women are in the soul of actresses, and will love to play.

. Contact the girl with a request to prompt time, the location of the store or street.

. Another option is to get acquainted with the girl - "breaking a banal template". Curious way to meet an impregnable girl.

You see it, for example, in the bar, self-confident, with a handy and cold look, sitting alone at the table.

You liked it, but you see how she is indifferent to you, because she is headed by a protective reflex (but on the very matter, she is alone).

If you approach her and express all your admiration, trying to please her and creating a positive background, not the fact that it will work.

She, most likely, "will send" you there, where and the previous guys, boring and uninteresting.

It is much better to "prick" its phrase: "I will not charge you with negative energy" or "And you are pretty, but without makeup you would have been much better."

It is not necessary to insult here, you only need to shake her excessive confidence in your beauty.

Plus, it will allow you to stand out against the background of other opponents who tried to unsuccessfully to take possession of her attention.

She will probably think: "What to fuck?! What did he impass about himself?! Now we will put it in place! .. "and try to take possession of the situation.

You just need to try not to make it concessions and try to control the situation imperceptibly for it.

Gradually, you can translate acquaintance and communication into a favorable channel for you.

Many guys do not know how to behave with girls, can not find the right an approach. In fact, it is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. So how to find an approach to girl?


First of all, a man must be confident in himself. It is next to this satellite that a woman will feel comfortable. However, it is very important not to confuse such traits such as self-confidence and arrogance. These are two absolutely different things. It is necessary to simply discard the shyness and be decisive. In addition, you do not need to take a look from the girl.

Good manners play a very big role. Girls are nice if their young man does not swear in their presence, gives a hand when leaving the transport, does not increase the voice. The banal rules of the etiquette have not yet harvested anyone. In addition, girls appreciate such qualities as responsible and punctuality. A man should be responsible not only for his actions, but also for his family. There is no confidence in an irresponsible person, it is impossible to rely on it. And without trust, serious relationships do not definitely build.

It will not be superfluous to recall that the girls appreciate well-groomed and accuracy. Therefore, before the next meeting with the girlfriend, you need to carefully examine your reflection in the mirror. Shoes should be clean, things are tailored, the hair is well-groomed. Ruddy men repel the real lady.

Girls like guys who are in demand for a weak floor. It is important to show your choices that you are interested in many, but it is she who is one single, really necessary and interesting. No less important to please her friends. But in no case you do not need to flirt with them, try to simply cause positive emotions.

But the most girls value the originality. You must be attended by something that is not in others. By this you must "hook" a girl. Especially maybe each. A romanticism, readiness or even the ability to "demolish the roof" may well become your distinctive quality.

Men are often wondering: how to find an approach To girls, with their unique character, temperament, habits, preparation features? What will delight one representative of the weak gender will not inspire the second, and the third can even be angry, and even shock. Therefore, the answer to this question can not be simple.


Yes, every woman is unique and unique. Nevertheless, in dealing with a wonderful floor, observe the general rules. First of all, forget as a terrible dream and "instructions" of the Lieutenant of Rzhevsky, and the phrase of the Baikov officer from the story V. Bogomolov "Zose": "Cities take courage, and women - incoming." Believe me, it happens not always. It does not rarely, it happens that the woman is very cool and frank arrogance, and demonstrative male self-confidence. Excessive timidity and shyness, however, are also not too complaining. Therefore, if you liked a woman, and you want to achieve reciprocity - try to immediately make an impression on it.

Think how you can stand out on a general male background so that it pays attention to you. The most ideal option is to make some heroic or just a brave act on her eyes. But in the reality of the reason it is possible to wait for too long, so you have to act differently. Separate fantasy, do somehow extraordinary, make her heart excitely score. You will not regret.

Remember that women attach very large importance to clean, hygiene, accuracy. Therefore, a man dressed even modestly, but tidy in flawlessly clean shoes, smoothly shaved and with a neat haircut, for sure will cause positive emotions from the lady.

Do not forget that any man, at least somehow cling to her, the woman instinctively considers the role of her husband and father of the family. Well, that's how the Izstan was heard. It is clear that both "heart will not order", and "love evil." But still try to behave so that the lady does not even have the shadow of doubt: this man is reliable, responsible, working on it can be rejected. Such, if I create a family, will remember her and take care.

Well, about the magical strength of the signs of attention, compliments and gifts is already told so much that only an rare increasing man will not resort to it. Believe me, a woman has not yet been born that does not experience pleasure from the words of admiration, from the fact that the door is open in front of her, present bouquets of flowers. However, if your chosen is a zealous feminist - such elements of courtship can be omitted.

ATTENTION, only today!

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