Water temperature for a newborn baby. Water temperature for bathing a newborn. The ideal water temperature for a baby, what is it like?

Should be at 37ºС. This is the optimal temperature that allows you to recreate the environment of intrauterine development and help the baby calm down. Bathing a restless baby in water with a temperature of about 37 degrees can improve his condition, relieve irritation of the nervous system. The baby will fall asleep, and the mother will be able to relax after a hard day.

To do everything right and bathe without burns, overheating and cardiac disorders in an infant, you need to buy a safe baby thermometer in a pharmacy and keep it in the water during the procedure. The temperature of the water should not be measured with the elbow, as was done in the past. This method is not recommended by pediatricians because it can lead to burns, overheating or hypothermia.

You can buy a baby bath with a built-in thermometer. It is located on one of the walls and has a clearly visible scale, which determines how comfortable swimming is.

Why does water have to be at a certain temperature?

During the neonatal period, when bathing, the water and body temperature should be the same. In a newborn baby, the mechanisms of thermoregulation are imperfect. Any non-compliance with the norms leads to disorders of the nervous system, and this can be the cause of the development of various diseases.

An evening bath should calm the newborn, relieve nervous tension, and allow him to relax so that he can sleep all night. The optimal water temperature is 37-38 ºС, and the slow immersion of a baby wrapped in a diaper in it allows you to artificially create an atmosphere of intrauterine development for the newborn.

What kind of water will be comfortable for the baby can be found out over time by observing his behavior during the evening procedure. It should be remembered that a temperature above 38ºC causes a rapid heartbeat in a child. Overheating causes shortness of breath in weak babies and leads to irritation and anxiety, which will be accompanied by uncontrollable crying.

Water that has a lower temperature may cause a negative reaction in the nervous system. The skin reflexively contracts, blood circulation becomes insufficient, causing the baby to tremble. Watching a child bathe in water that is too cold for him, you can see how the nasolabial triangle turns blue. The baby begins to hiccup, worry, and cry. These symptoms directly indicate that the child is cold while swimming and the water temperature is too low for him. To avoid this, you need to keep the water temperature at the same level, not allowing it to cool too much, and not add too hot water to the bath, as grandmothers often do.

How to carry out hygiene procedures for newborns

It is recommended to give the baby his first bath after discharge from the hospital. The woman is allowed to go home after giving birth when the baby’s umbilical wound has already healed and nothing threatens the baby’s health when bathing. For the hygiene procedure you will need:

  • a room with a humid and warm microclimate;
  • three diapers;
  • safe water thermometer in a plastic case;
  • cold water and boiling water;
  • container for mixing water and washing;
  • terry mitten;
  • baby detergent;
  • baby bath;
  • warm towel.

Having prepared everything for bathing, place a folded diaper on the bottom of the bath so that the baby lies on the soft bottom and does not slip. A soft cushion is placed under the head, which will allow you to support your head above the water level while swimming.

After this, the child is prepared for the procedure. He is completely undressed, wrapped in a diaper along with his head, leaving his face open. Bathing a newborn wrapped in a diaper returns the baby for some time to the feeling of intrauterine comfort, and this is very useful during the neonatal period of development.

What to do while washing

The baby is placed in a dry bath, checking that he is comfortable.

Then they begin to water his body with pre-prepared warm water of a certain temperature. The thermometer should always be in a container of water that is used to water the baby. If necessary, boiling water is gradually added to the cooled water, bringing it to the normal temperature of the human body.

The diaper gradually gets wet, and the baby's body warms up evenly, without sudden temperature changes. After the child's shoulders are completely in the water, the diaper is unfolded and the baby's body begins to be washed. Do this carefully, using a soft mitten treated with a suitable detergent. All parts of the body are soaped in order in a circular motion without pressure:

  • head;
  • neck;
  • hangers;
  • pens;
  • tummy;
  • genitals;
  • legs.

To wash the back, the child is placed on his left hand, and he reflexively clasps it. The baby is held by the buttocks with the hand so that it does not slip, and the back is soaped.

Holding the child on weight, wash off the soap suds from him with pre-prepared warm water and wrap him in a warm diaper or a large baby towel.

What to consider in the first month

It is not necessary to bathe the baby in boiled water or add potassium permanganate crystals to the water if the umbilical cord does not fester. Potassium permanganate has a strong antibacterial property and greatly dries delicate skin. No one knows what reaction will occur after using this antiseptic.

Sometimes even a weak solution burns a layer of beneficial microflora on the baby's mucous tissues, which is already too thin. It should be remembered that:

  1. Cleaning solutions are used once every 3-4 days as the skin becomes dirty. Frequent use of soap removes the natural layer of fat, and this contributes to the development of skin diseases. Which manufacturer will be chosen is a personal matter of the parents, but the product purchased must be intended for children and, moreover, for caring for a child from the first days of life.
  2. The use of herbal infusions is useful only as prescribed by a pediatrician. They help relieve irritation and inflammation of the skin.
  3. Healthy children with no signs of dermatitis can be bathed in clean water so that they enjoy themselves and sleep well at night.
  4. If there are crusts on the newborn’s head, they are treated with calcined cooled vegetable oil before the bath, and then they wash their hair with baby shampoo, approved for use from the first days of life.
  5. Massage of different parts of the body with a soft terry mitten without soaping during hygiene procedures is very useful for the overall development of the newborn.

After passing through the neonatal period, during which various congenital pathologies are identified, the child should be shown to a neurologist. If he confirms that the child is healthy and can be hardened, then the water temperature begins to be gradually lowered. This is done once a month, lowering the temperature by 1 degree, gradually bringing the water to 34ºC and below, observing the effect of the hardening procedures.

Thermoregulation mechanisms will improve every month, and the child will feel comfortable in cooler water. Then his body will not react painfully to sudden temperature changes, and colds, perhaps, will bypass him.

After the birth of a baby, parents have to prepare for many new and unusual things, in particular, bathing the baby. This process has its own distinctive features, which are important to know and apply in practice. One of the most exciting questions is the temperature of the water for bathing newborns - what should it be?

Features of bathing babies

Almost all adults love to soak in the bath from time to time, and usually the water temperature is very high. We tend to think that hot water relaxes us, helps kill harmful bacteria, and promotes peace and tranquility. It should be noted that this statement is true, but not in the case of newborn babies.

Children are born defenseless, they have to go through an adaptation period, so in the first months of life they need to be protected as much as possible from unnecessary stress. This is especially true for swimming. Let's remember what the ambient temperature was in the tummy? That's right, the average is 37.5°. After birth it became 25° (room temperature). That is why, before swimming, you should prepare in advance the required degree of water, which will practically not differ from the usual environment.

When bathing, it is advisable not to let the baby out of your arms so that he feels maternal support and affection.

The ideal temperature for the first bath is 36.5-37°. For mom, the water may seem too warm, or even rather cool. However, it should be remembered that a hot bath can not only be uncomfortable for a child, but also cause a lifelong aversion to bathing. That is why it is important to comply with these indicators.

The air temperature should not differ much from the desired water temperature. It should be approximately 30°. The fact is that children are acutely aware of any changes, in particular temperature changes, and this can even affect their health.

How does a baby bathe?

It is necessary to prepare for this procedure in advance. There are certain instructions on how to bathe newborn babies.

  1. The first thing to think about is the choice of water. Many doctors claim that for the first bath, the water should be distilled, purchased at a pharmacy. Or you should boil water drawn from the tap. However, mothers, on the contrary, are sure that the baby should be accustomed to the natural environment in advance. Therefore, if normal water flows from the tap, you can completely prepare it for swimming.
  2. It is necessary to measure the temperature with a thermometer in advance. The water should be about 37°. Minor deviations to the sides are allowed, but it is not recommended to bathe a newborn in water whose temperature is above 38°. This will not only cause stress to the baby, but can also contribute to the fact that the umbilical wound will take a very long time to heal. And this is undesirable.
  3. Pour water into. Then you should add a little manganese there so that the liquid turns light pink. It is advisable not to overdo it, because the consequences of swimming in a high concentrate of potassium permanganate are very unpredictable. So, the bathing temperature should be slightly above room temperature.
  4. We undress the child. Immediately before the bathing procedure, you should let the child lie naked for a few minutes so that he gets used to the outside air temperature. Then the water won’t seem too hot to him. By the way, this rule applies to all subsequent bathing. There is no need to worry that the water may cool down during this time or when the baby splashes in the bath. Usually the whole process lasts no more than 10 minutes; nothing bad will happen in such a short time.
  5. We take the child in our arms and gradually immerse him in the water. You should start with the lower extremities, gradually immersing up to half of the chest. This way the child will get used to the water faster. Then you can wash the baby with water using massage movements. Remember, when bathing for the first time, you cannot use various products: soaps, shower gels, shampoos, etc. This is very harmful; the baby’s skin is too delicate and easily susceptible to allergic attacks.
  6. After a few minutes, it's time to take the baby out of the bath. It is necessary to prepare in advance a warm towel in which you can wrap your baby’s head. Remember, with such sudden changes in temperature, if wrapping is not done in a timely manner, a child can easily catch a cold and get sick. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow the rules for caring for newborns.

Remember, the baby’s first bath should be quick, within 8-10 minutes. In the future, the procedure time can be increased, but this should not happen earlier than a few weeks after birth.

The role of water procedures in the harmonious development of a child is not limited to washing. Proper organization of bathing allows you to improve the physical development of the baby, strengthen him, and simply bring pleasure to all participants in the process.

The water temperature for a comfortable bathing of a newborn can be within a fairly wide range - from 26 to 34°C. The main criterion when choosing the optimal temperature is the child’s comfort and good mood.

Preparing for your first swim

Full bathing of the baby is possible only after the umbilical wound has been tightened. Any fluid should stop coming out of the navel, and there should be no swelling or redness on the skin around it. Until everything heals, you can only wash off the dirt from the baby, wash it in boiled water, and wipe it. After each contact with water, the navel is treated with an antiseptic.

You can bathe a newborn in both a bathtub and an adult bathtub. A baby bath, especially one equipped with a baby bed, is more convenient for parents. A shared bath provides more opportunities for the physical development and hardening of a newborn.

Choosing a bath pros Minuses
Small bathThe child can be placed in a sun lounger for swimming and not held in his arms.The water temperature drops quickly when swimming, so you have to repeatedly distract yourself and add hot water.
The bathtub is used only by a child, so it does not require long preparation for bathing.The child's movements are limited, the baby is a passive participant in bathing.
Adult bathThe temperature of the water for bathing a newborn drops by no more than 2°C, which creates an additional hardening effect.It is not always possible to use special devices for bathing a newborn baby; you have to stand in an uncomfortable position for a long time.
The child actively moves while bathing and learns to control his body.Regular cleaning of the bathtub is necessary.

What you need to prepare for your first swim:

  1. If the tiles in the bathroom are slippery when wet, you need to put a rubberized mat on the floor.
  2. Place a low chair next to the bathroom that is comfortable for an adult to sit on.
  3. Bring a clock to the bathroom so you can time your bath and a thermometer to track the water temperature.
  4. If the bathroom door closes on its own, secure it in the open position. Vapors from chlorinated water are harmful to newborns.
  5. Clean the bath well with soda, then pour boiling water over it. It is advisable not to use chemicals, as they can cause allergies in the newborn.
  6. Have a soft, large towel ready to wrap your baby after bathing.

For the first time, it is better if the child is in the hands of an adult. Then you can purchase or make your own special cap that holds the baby’s head on the surface.

Water quality

You only need to boil water to wash your baby in the first 2 weeks. In the future, regular tap water will be fine. It’s still not possible to avoid adaptation to tap water, so it’s better if it happens early, when the child’s body is still protected by maternal antibodies. Even if a newborn accidentally drinks such water, nothing bad will happen. The water in our taps is not of the highest quality, but it is completely safe to drink.

If your newborn's skin turns red in water or after bathing, this may indicate an allergic reaction. As a rule, the problem is solved by filters installed at the water inlet to the apartment.

Soap, decoctions and antiseptics

Adding a solution of manganese and other antiseptics to water is undesirable. They dry out the delicate skin of the child and do more harm than good. In addition, potassium permanganate can get into the eyes and cause a chemical burn.

If a child has sensitive skin, you can add it to the bath, which has disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties. Don’t be surprised that a newborn will be less active in a bath with infusion: the series has a calming effect. It’s easy to prepare an infusion: in the morning, pour a glass of dry herbs into a liter jar, add boiling water to the top, and close the lid. In the evening, strain it through cheesecloth and pour it into the bath. Cm. .

It is not advisable to use foams, mousses, salt and other chemicals. A newborn should be thoroughly washed with soap and shampoo once a week; a crawling baby should be washed no more than every other day.

Water temperature

Bathing will be beneficial if the child actively moves during it. Being in the water provides enormous opportunities for development:

  • movement trains muscles and heart;
  • the lungs are better cleansed, their volume increases;
  • water makes it possible to try out new movements that have not yet been mastered on the “land”;
  • the child spends energy, so he eats better and sleeps longer.

All this is possible only if the water is quite cool. A hot bath relaxes the baby, and he lies passively in it, without even trying to move his limbs.

Do not immediately turn the water cold. The water temperature for the baby’s first bath in the bath is slightly less than body temperature, then every 3 days it is lowered by 1°C. The optimal temperature is selected so that the child actively moves in the bathroom, but does not become hypothermic.

The temperature should be something like this:

For chubby babies, 26°C may be comfortable. It is not worth reducing it any further to prevent the child from becoming hypothermic. Colder water can only be used for hardening douches, but not for long-term bathing.

Temperature measurement

It is most convenient to measure temperature with an alcohol or electronic thermometer. Now there are models with a plastic or rubber body that can float next to a baby in a bathtub without posing any danger to him.

It is not advisable to measure the water temperature “the old fashioned way” with your elbow, since the sensitivity of children's and adult skin is very different. The temperature for bathing a baby, which seems comfortable to us, may be too hot for a newborn and cause overheating.

Things to do in the water

What the bathing process itself looks like:

  1. We undress the baby and carry him naked to the bathroom.
  2. We put it in the water. Only the face should remain on the surface. Don't worry about water flooding your ears. It is completely safe for a healthy newborn.
  3. First hold the baby in the water with both hands. The child's head lies on the open palm, the little finger fixes the neck from below. The second hand supports the butt. Then the second hand can be removed, the child’s body will remain on the surface of the water.
  4. In this position, the child is able to actively move independently. You can walk him around the bath in figure eights, back and forth.
  5. When your baby is used to bathing, you can put a cap with foam inserts on him. Now the parent can sit next to him on a high chair, controlling the position of the newborn with one hand.
  6. The position on the stomach is a little more difficult, it is mastered later. We fix the child by the chin with one hand (the hand clasps him from below), and with the other we support him under the tummy.

To interest your baby, you can hang rattles above the water and throw toys in the bath. The duration of water procedures is as long as the child is actively moving and not making trouble, but no more than 40 minutes.

It is advisable to bathe your newborn daily. If there is a break due to illness, we raise the temperature again to 34°C, and then within a week we lower it to the level at which we stopped earlier. The optimal time for bathing is the evening, immediately after a massage and before feeding before bedtime.

When a child is born, along with him comes many pleasant, but very troublesome care responsibilities: feeding, swaddling and other important manipulations. The list also includes bathing your baby every day.

If the parents are young and this is their first child, the first hygiene procedures raise questions and sometimes fears: what if the water is not clean enough, or too cold or hot for this tiny lump? What is the optimal water temperature for bathing a newborn baby? Where to start?

First "swim"

It is not recommended to bathe the baby immediately after arriving from the maternity hospital - it is better to wipe it with wet baby wipes. But on the second day, water procedures are quite acceptable - if there are no problems with the navel. If they are, consult your pediatrician about bathing.

Adults should be well prepared for their first swim. The list of swimwear is as follows:

37 - and not a degree higher

Let's figure out what temperature of water for bathing newborn babies will be normal? The amniotic fluid, in which the prenatal development of the fetus takes place, has a temperature close to body temperature - about +37ºС.

For this reason, this temperature indicator of water for children’s bathing is most optimal. To an adult, such water may seem too cool.

But we should not forget that in a newborn, the mechanism of internal thermoregulation is just beginning to form, and his body reacts very sensitively to any change in the environment.

The transition from the intrauterine state to what we usually call life is very stressful for the baby: pressure changes, all internal organs begin to work in an unusual mode. And only being in warm water, he feels relief. However, when her temperature is not comfortable for him, it increases the stress load.

An increase of just one degree, up to +38, leads to overheating and causes an increase in heart rate. The child's skin turns red and he becomes lethargic. But if the difference towards minus is more than three degrees, i.e. water is colder than +34, this is also extremely undesirable. The skin and lips become bluish, the baby tries to shrink, then begins to tremble.

At this temperature of water, the child can get supercooled, which will lead to at least a cold. The baby informs adults about all the discomforts by crying, and they need to carefully monitor the appearance of the little bather, listening to the slightest squeak.

Thermometer or elbow?

How to determine that the water temperature in the bath is optimal? Usually a little water is poured into it, and then, having lowered the thermometer there, they begin to add a stream from the hot kettle, stirring constantly and looking at the thermometer. As soon as its performance reaches 37ºС, stop adding hot water.

Some experienced mothers use... their own elbow instead of a thermometer. The skin on the elbow is more sensitive to temperature changes than on other parts of the body. By touching it with water, it is easy to understand whether it is good enough for bathing a baby.

As an experiment, you can try to dip your entire arm into water at your usual temperature, and if for the hand it seems only a little hotter than warm, then for the elbow it will be very hot.

Parents are often afraid that the water may cool too quickly. You should not be afraid of this: since the hygiene procedure should last at least 7, but not more than 10 minutes, the heating of the liquid during this time drops by only 1-2 degrees, which is by no means critical.

Boil - don't boil

Heated water for bathing is poured into a baby bath, laying a clean diaper on the bottom. Having put the baby there, his head must be kept on the surface so that the liquid does not get into the ears, nose and eyes.

It is more convenient to support under the shoulder blades, clasping the body with the palm of your hand on the side that is farther from you.

At the first bathing, when the umbilical wound has not yet completely healed, the water must be boiled.

Subsequently, if the quality of tap water is normal - it is clean and transparent, without impurities and odors, preliminary boiling, as well as the addition of potassium permanganate to it, is possible, but not necessary.

In the presence of diaper rash or other skin problems (often in the first weeks of life, when the body is adapting, children's skin, according to popular expression, “blooms”, becoming covered with pimples), you can add a decoction of the string.

But if centralized cleaning leaves much to be desired, the water environment will have to be boiled and disinfected constantly. When the water supply is in poor condition, you should use bottled drinking water for bathing. We advise you to immediately buy large containers.

If you want to be healthy, toughen up!

Nowadays, various theories on improving the health and hardening of babies are very popular among parents, especially young ones.

If the child is healthy, hardening is certainly desirable. To do this, when swimming, it is necessary to reduce the water temperature, bringing it to 25-26 degrees.

This must, of course, be done gradually, no more than 1 degree at a time. Recommendations regarding the pace vary: some advise doing it every day, but it’s still better not to rush.

Once a week is a completely appropriate frequency. But at the slightest indisposition of the baby, hardening procedures should be stopped immediately - until complete recovery.

Some more tips on bathing babies from Dr. Komarovsky in the next video.

Bathing a baby is not only and not just a hygienic procedure. It gives the child pleasure and psychological comfort, small but useful physical activity, helps to establish contact with the mother and the outside world, and also improves health and strengthens. But this is only if the water temperature is ideal for the baby. Let's find out what the optimal water temperature should be for bathing a newborn baby.

Hot or cold?

Water that is too cold is not much better. If the child is cold, there will be no pleasure from bathing. This is also a risk for the urinary system: if it hardens, urination will be painful.

Ideal water temperature

What should be the optimal temperature for bathing the little ones? Both pediatricians and mothers agree on one opinion: no higher than 37 degrees, but not lower than 34. Adults may find this water a little cold, but the fact is that the child is accustomed to such water even before birth: amniotic fluid has a temperature of 37 degrees, and It was under these conditions that the child developed before his birth. Water temperatures above 38 can lead to rapid heartbeat and overheating of the child. Out of habit, too cold water can frighten the baby and discourage him from any desire to swim for a long time and the child may begin to be afraid of the bathroom. Important: .

Water at this temperature will prevent the penetration of infections and is beneficial for children's skin. In addition, a child’s umbilical wound heals faster in water at 37 degrees.

It is important to know. Until the umbilical wound has healed, the child should be bathed in boiled water. You can swim in a running water starting from 10-14 days of life. By this time .

Don’t be afraid that the water will cool down quickly and the baby will freeze, because the first baths last no more than 10-15 minutes. Even if the water cools by one or two degrees during this time, it will not be critical.

It is also important to monitor the air temperature while swimming. The child will definitely not like a large difference between the temperature of the water and the air, so the bathing room should not be overheated and it is better not to close the door to it.

So, we start swimming at a temperature of 34-37 and every 3-4 days we lower the water temperature by 1-2 degrees. In general, the lower the water temperature, the better. But no violence against a child, you need to see in moderation.

Some children prefer warmer water, others prefer colder water. How can you tell if your baby is cold or hot in the bath? — If the baby is cold, he shrinks into a ball, his nasolabial triangle turns blue, and after a while the child begins to tremble. If it is hot, the skin will turn red and the child will become lethargic. In both cases, the child will notify you by crying.

How to check the temperature? Thermometer or "elbow"

The easiest way is to buy a special bath with a built-in thermometer (). If you don’t have one, you can use a special water thermometer, which is sold in pharmacies. And finally, You can use the “grandmother’s method” - measure the temperature using your own elbow. The skin on this area of ​​the hand is especially delicate and sensitive to temperature changes. So, if you put your hand in water at the temperature in which we are used to swimming, it will seem normal. If you put your elbow in it, the water will seem very hot. This is how it will seem to a child. If the water feels normal when you lower your elbow, this temperature will be ideal for the baby.

We organize the optimal temperature

Making bathing water perfect is not a difficult task. It is enough to arm yourself with a water thermometer, and then everything is simple.

  1. Pour cold water into the bath. If the baby is not two weeks old, it is first boiled and cooled for several hours.
  2. We place a thermometer in it.
  3. Add hot water little by little until the thermometer shows 36-37. It is in the cold that you need to add hot!
  4. In order for the thermometer to tell the truth, the water must be stirred all the time.

To harden or not?

Who will be there koop-kup,
Squelch-squish in the water?
Quickly jump, jump, jump into the bath,
in the bathtub your leg is jerking, jerking, jerking!
The soap will foam
And the dirt will go somewhere.

We swim, we splash,
And we’ll have fun with you in the water!
Leg up, leg down!

Handle up, handle down!
Let's spin our legs,
And we swim like ducks!
Plop-plop! Bang-bang!
Let's dry ourselves off!

Gently and carefully soap your baby with a soft bathing mitten or sponge, singing a song or saying a nursery rhyme:
We'll go swimming
And splash in the water,
Splash, frolic,
The baby will wash.
We'll wash your feet
To our sweet baby,
Let's wash our hands
Dear little boy,
Back and tummy
Face and mouth -
Clean like this
Dear son!

And finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!