Amazing quotes and sayings about brothers. amazing quotes and sayings about brothers

The young man asks his younger brother if he has a habit of eavesdropping when he retires in his room with his girlfriend. The boy honestly answered his brother: No, mom and dad are pushing each other at the door all the time and they bother me ...

The youngest bratelnik just got it. It seems that all the best goes to him, and for me the best happiness is he.

Overheard a conversation between father and son. She whinnied for a long time ... Dad said that at first it was not very good, but the hand was gradually getting used to it, and the son complained that he was not used to it yet ... It turned out that it was about hot water in the tap ...

When asked what he wants to become when he grows up, my younger brother gave an alarming answer: "Or a plumber or a pizza delivery man ... you can also be an electrician." Did the kid still find my disks ?! A worthy brother is growing to replace ...

Best status:
My little brother and sister are real gladiators, they arrange such fights with toys, it's scary to walk past the room ...

I do not care for the opinion of outsiders. The main thing is that my little brother considers me the best, and the mouth of a child cannot lie!

His impudence struck me. Befriended my younger brother and advised him to guard me. She says: take care of the nervous system of your older sister, I still have to marry her ... "

I want a little brother so much !!! I really want to! And I'll call him Sasha!

I want a guy like my brother to love me.

My brother was burned out today: "Daddy buy me a prison ... Well, such a prison, in which there are many, many bandits." I laughed for a long time, saying: "Well, why dad spoiled, buy your child a Butyrka!"

Olenka, do you want a brother? ”I want” - then sleep)))))))))))))

Dad, why do they say about some people that he has achieved something, but about others - has achieved something? - Well, look, son. If you see an apple high on a tree, climb after it and pick it, then you have achieved

I will never leave my brother, because he is good!

My "caring" brother, in my contact, put the status: "I AM PREGNANT!" - posts on the wall have doubled

Eh, I remember how my little brother went under the table ... And then I cleaned!

We survived ... My younger brother teaches me how to breed men for s * ks ...

There is one guy, he is the best! This is my brother! Although he is now in the army, but I love him very much and missed him terribly, I'll see you soon, dear!

- My brother solves crosswords oO - What's so strange about that? - The fact that he does not solve them in the toilet.

I will give everything, if only the brother was happy.

I had a fight with a girl ... I come home ... I am in no mood ... little brother (6 years old) comes up and asks: "Well, why, did you give me something?" O_O ... knows how to cheer up

In 44 days my brother will come from the army. Updated 31 days ago, having fun for the last few days.

A real friend when asked if you go for a walk? Will answer: "Of course brother!"

My brother (4 years old) bathes in the pool, and the air got into his swimming trunks. He says: “Mom, I think my butt with pi * iska pouted” ...

Let me have to endure his dirty diapers, the time will come and he will take someone's jaw for his brother! Brother, you were born 23 days ago, I am ready to tear anyone to pieces for you for 9 months and 23 days! 17 years is not a difference for you and me!

My brother got me already, all the time hums: - Sex and whiskey, Caribbean coke, boobs beckon, fresh radishes.

With a joyful cry "Look what sweets Nastya bought me !!!" little brother snatched brand new condoms from my bag and ran to my parents.

PPC ... survived. We teach our older brother to drive)

- We are looking for Ivan Nikolaevich Petrov. - So this is my twin brother. - Can you describe your appearance?

Love my brother?

- Sonny, congratulations! You will have a sister! - So, I do not understand! What have you done to my brother ?!

there are friends whom we call brothers, there are brothers whom we can never call friends ...

And my brother is getting married soon! - Well, is the bride even beautiful? - Nope, very scary, but he blows off dust particles from her! -Fu, she's also dusty!

And my brother is getting married soon! -Well, the bride is at least beautiful? -Not very scary, but he blows off dust particles from her! -Fu, she's also dusty!

Now my soul is so empty. My brother went to the army. So lonely. And you sit and wait, out of habit, when he will come from the university.

Congratulations! My brother was born at 4:14 pm. Another great meaning of life has become more.

I always dreamed of an older brother.)

The girls are standing on the sidelines. Nobody goes to dance, because they are in Dagestan and each of them is watched by a brother ...)

Well, understand, he's my brother, why be jealous of him?

Hooray! In 11 days my brother will come from the army ... I love him and wait.

And yet, it's cool when you have an older brother!

I came to visit my brother's cousin .. He is 6 years old .. We see each other once in half a year ... He tries to throw me on the sofa .. I succumbed to ... To which he said to me: Well, have you tasted the heroic strength ?! I love him ...

Younger brother annealed. 🙂 I tell him: "Misha, it is not good to be greedy!" He: “Who is not good? I like." 🙂

Yesterday they brought my brother from the hospital, he is so small ... AND STSUKO IS ALREADY LOOKING AT MY COMPUTER ...

Here we live with my brother in perfect harmony, fist in the eye, heel to the forehead.

We are driving in the car with my brother, I ask him a question: "Who am I for you?" He: “You see, you are like a splinter! It hurts and uncomfortable, but you don't want to pull it out! ”

And I have a brother. And in childhood, when we fought and I started crying, he teased me with a roar, etc. Then I was very offended ... But I learned to hide my tears ... Thanks to him ...

I am sitting upset, a little brother comes up, shoves a candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this cannot solve them.” After 5 minutes, he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: "And so?"

His brother said that I was better than his ex ... Nice.)

It's funny when I go with my brother, who is 10 years older than me, and he is mistaken not even for a guy, but for a dad! Either I look like a youngster, or he is fucking preserved ...

It's good when your boyfriend is your best friend's brother ...

Finally, she taught her little brother to wash off after herself! A little more and he will turn off the light behind him!

I wonder how my little brother (7 years old) knows what sex is?

Brother is taken into the army ... It's a shame. At first I was crying, I know that it will come in a year and everything will be as before, but something terrible is happening in my soul.

I love you very much - you were my best friend and the most amazing brother ... And I still regret that when you were alive, I never told you that. I hope now and almost every night, you hear it ... I love ...

There are friends whom we call brothers, there are brothers whom we can never call friends ...

It is very difficult to wait for a loved one from the army ... Even if it is a brother ...

This morning, my brother and I wanted to go to McDonald's, so I skipped college, he - work, and then went to the circus. I am 20, he is 28, I love him)

I have the coolest brother in the world ... We had a heart-to-heart talk. He is 11 years older than me - a cousin ... In general, he told about life, showed me where you don't need to be blunt, I adore him, this is his heart.

God, how I love my older brother!

As a child, my brother beat me on the head a lot - I grew up to be a blonde.

When my brother was 5, he wanted to marry me, and now when he is 9 he says that he will not take his eyes off my fiance, so that I would be happy.

Two brothers are sitting in the room. Phone call. One of the brothers answers the phone: - Petya, this is for you. - Brother, if it's Masha, Liza or Natasha, then I'm not there, and if it's Katya or Marina, then I'll take it. - This is a venereologist ...

- My brother solves crosswords oO - What's so strange about that? - The fact that he does not solve them in the toilet.

There is no dearer little man than my brother !!!

Yesterday it was so bad, I went up to my older brother, just hugged him ... And he whispered in his ear: “I love you” ... How touching it was, I already cried! Brothers, say that more often! We love you too!

I don't care what they say around! My little brother says that I am the best, and children, as you know, do not lie!

I am sitting upset, a little brother comes up, shoves a candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this cannot solve them.” After 5 minutes, he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: “Is that so?”.

My brother is a womanizer, he always cheated on girls, and now he has another one, they have already been dating for 2 months, he did not cheat on her, I am happy for him, yesterday he left her, and he felt so bad, because he realized that he could not live without her. I'm happy. They are together again.

My brother is a womanizer, he always cheated on girls, and now he has another one, they have already been dating for 2 months, he did not cheat on her, I am happy for him, yesterday he left her, and he felt so bad, because he realized that he could not live without her. I'm happy they are together again.

- you are brothers? - no, twins. and what, twins, not brothers? - not always. we, for example, sisters ...

I’m standing with my little brother at the checkout counter in the supermarket with pads, he told me: “This is so as not to cringe at night, right? Can you buy it for me too? And that is too lazy to get up at night. " The whole line was laughing.

I adore my elder brother, although I see each other very rarely. But I understand that I could spend my whole life holding his hand.

The dates are flashing - I feel fine, brothers are with me, the truth is behind us ...

I listened to a song about my brother and burst into tears again ... And now I am writing here, because I cannot tell you how much I love you ... You have not been with us for a whole year and a half ... But I still cry and still love ...

I was sitting at a computer, my father came up to me and said in a whisper: “Why are you throwing your things?” And holds out a condom. Me: "It's not mine!" After that, my younger brother comes up to me: “Did you accidentally find a prezik here”? (My brother is 12 years old, I'm in shock).

The younger brother accidentally found pads on his mother, and since he learned to count, he made a summary: "With diapers - order, enough until Wednesday!"

When I was little and took offense at my brother, I cried, and he laughed and called me a roar. Now I am grateful to him, he taught me to be strong and hide tears.

I know the perfect man! I have his coordinates, phone number! It's nice to know that at any moment you can contact him and exhale in one breath: “I love you” and hear in response: “Me too, little sister.”

The younger brother is a good student, he has learned to wash away after himself! Quite a bit and will save energy by turning off the light after itself!

My brother is fond of crosswords.
- What are you talking about? And what's so surprising about that?
- And the fact that he solves them not in the “library”, without creating a queue to the family toilet.

Best status:
Good news - my brother is getting married. Question:
- Is the bride beautiful?
- Quite the opposite, but he blows dust off her.
- FI! So it's also dusty!

In the queue at the supermarket checkout, you need to pay for the pads, brother: “I want that too, so that I can sleep soundly at night and not shrink into bed, otherwise I’m so lazy to wake up”. The line was crying with laughter.

I deeply do not care what they say about me. I am the best and more beautiful, as my brother says, and there is no reason not to believe him, you cannot fool children!

A real friend when asked if you go for a walk? Will answer: "Of course brother!"

I was sitting at a computer, my father came up to me and said in a whisper: “Why are you throwing your things?” And holds out a condom. Me: "It's not mine!" After that, my younger brother comes up to me: “Did you accidentally find a prezik here”? (My brother is 12 years old, I'm in shock).

I adore my elder brother, although I see each other very rarely. But I understand that I could spend my whole life holding his hand.

I am sitting upset, a little brother comes up, shoves a candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this cannot solve them.” After 5 minutes, he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: “Is that so?”.

Well, understand, he's my brother, why be jealous of him?

Little brother found pads at his mother, counted them and with a clever look told her: "You will have enough pampers until Wednesday."

I love my brother. : * Oh, how lucky his future girlfriend was. 🙂

- you are brothers? - no, twins. and what, twins, not brothers? - not always. we, for example, sisters ...

I am sitting upset, a little brother comes up, shoves a candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this cannot solve them.” After 5 minutes, he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: "And so?"

We are sitting with our younger brother watching a movie. There a guy and a girl start kissing, the brother sits in shock and asks: "Why is he eating it?"

With a joyful cry "Look what sweets Nastya bought me !!!" little brother snatched brand new condoms from my bag and ran to my parents.

My brother and I are like two drops alike, although the difference between us is three years !!!

How I want to hear again: “I love you, honey. Sweet dreams!" Damn ... Well, when will my brother come again ...

I listened to a song about my brother and burst into tears again ... And now I am writing here, because I cannot tell you how much I love you ... You have not been with us for a whole year and a half ... But I still cry and still love ...

And my brother is getting married soon! - Well, is the bride even beautiful? - Nope, very scary, but he blows off dust particles from her! -Fu, she's also dusty!

I sit upset, a little brother comes up, shoves a candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this cannot solve them. "In 5 minutes he comes with a bottle of martini and asks:" And so? "

Here we live with my brother in perfect harmony, fist in the eye, heel to the forehead.

Eh, I remember how my little brother went under the table ... And then I cleaned!

God, how I love my older brother!

I’m standing with my little brother at the checkout counter in the supermarket with pads, he told me: “This is so as not to cringe at night, right? Can you buy it for me too? And that is too lazy to get up at night. " The whole line was laughing.

I have the coolest brother in the world ... We had a heart-to-heart talk. He is 11 years older than me - a cousin ... In general, he told about life, showed me where you don't need to be blunt, I adore him, this is his heart.

- My brother solves crosswords oO - What's so strange about that? - The fact that he does not solve them in the toilet.

Love my brother?

Statuses about brother - There is no dearer man than my brother !!!

When my brother is at home, it can be seen that he is at home. Trash and unwashed dishes are everywhere. And when I'm at home, you can hear that I'm at home!

We are driving in the car with my brother, I ask him a question: "Who am I for you?" He: “You see, you are like a splinter! It hurts and uncomfortable, but you don't want to pull it out! ”

And I have a brother. And in childhood, when we fought and I started crying, he teased me with a roar, etc. Then I was very offended ... But I learned to hide my tears ... Thanks to him ...

There is no dearer little man than my brother !!!

Yesterday they brought my brother from the hospital, he is so small ... AND STSUKO IS ALREADY LOOKING AT MY COMPUTER ...

I wonder how my little brother (7 years old) knows what sex is?

It's funny when I go with my brother, who is 10 years older than me, and he is mistaken not even for a guy, but for a dad! Either I look like a youngster, or he is fucking preserved ...

- My brother solves crosswords oO - What's so strange about that? - The fact that he does not solve them in the toilet.

Your brother is not always right, but he is always your brother!

I had a fight with a girl ... I come home ... I am in no mood ... little brother (6 years old) comes up and asks: "Well, why, did you give me something?" O_O ... knows how to cheer up

This morning, my brother and I wanted to go to McDonald's, so I skipped college, he - work, and then went to the circus. I am 20, he is 28, I love him)

How the younger brother pisses me off ... All the best for him.

Yesterday it was so bad, I went up to my older brother, just hugged him ... And he whispered in his ear: “I love you” ... How touching it was, I already cried! Brothers, say that more often! We love you too!

My brother's brother is my brother!

It's good when your boyfriend is your best friend's brother ...

In 44 days my brother will come from the army. Updated 31 days ago, having fun for the last few days.

Whoever touches a brother - I'll fill it up!

As a child, my parents did not allow me to sit at the computer for a long time, my dad took the cable from the monitor to work. My brother and I bought a new one. They played in turn, one fired the ancestors at the window, the second played, and the fan blew on the monitor so that it would not heat up, because mom checked.

And yet, it's cool when you have an older brother!

I always dreamed of an older brother.)

When my brother was 5, he wanted to marry me, and now when he is 9 he says that he will not take his eyes off my fiance, so that I would be happy.

My brother (4 years old) bathes in the pool, and the air got into his swimming trunks. He says: “Mom, I think my butt with pi * iska pouted” ...

And yet, it's cool when you have an older brother!

My brother is a womanizer, he always cheated on girls, and now he has another one, they have already been dating for 2 months, he did not cheat on her, I am happy for him, yesterday he left her, and he felt so bad, because he realized that he could not live without her. I'm happy. They are together again.

It is very difficult to wait for a loved one from the army ... Even if it is a brother ...

Finally, she taught her little brother to wash off after herself! A little more and he will turn off the light behind him!

My 5-year-old brother said that when he grows up he will be president and buy me a Bentley. cool truth;) now I'm waiting. ... ...

There is one guy, he is the best! This is my brother! Although he is now in the army, but I love him very much and missed him terribly, I'll see you soon, dear!

PPC ... survived. We teach our older brother to drive)

We survived ... My younger brother teaches me how to breed men for s * ks ...

There are friends whom we call brothers, there are brothers whom we can never call friends ...

I will give everything, if only the brother was happy.

And I have a brother. And in childhood, when we fought and I started crying, he teased me with a roar, etc. Then I was very offended ... But I learned to hide my tears ... Thanks to him ...

there are friends whom we call brothers, there are brothers whom we can never call friends ...

I love you very much - you were my best friend and the most amazing brother ... And I still regret that when you were alive, I never told you that. I hope now and almost every night, you hear it ... I love ...

As a child, my brother beat me on the head a lot - I grew up to be a blonde.

Younger brother annealed. 🙂 I tell him: "Misha, it is not good to be greedy!" He: “Who is not good? I like." 🙂

Now my soul is so empty. My brother went to the army. So lonely. And you sit and wait, out of habit, when he will come from the university.

I wonder how my little brother (7 years old) knows what sex is?

My brother is a womanizer, he always cheated on girls, and now he has another one, they have already been dating for 2 months, he did not cheat on her, I am happy for him, yesterday he left her, and he felt so bad, because he realized that he could not live without her. I'm happy they are together again.

Brother is taken into the army ... It's a shame. At first I was crying, I know that it will come in a year and everything will be as before, but something terrible is happening in my soul.

His brother said that I was better than his ex ... Nice.)

As a child, she dreamed of an older brother, and looked after the younger one.

Congratulations! My brother was born at 4:14 pm. Another great meaning of life has become more.

And my brother is getting married soon! -Well, the bride is at least beautiful? -Not very scary, but he blows off dust particles from her! -Fu, she's also dusty!

I will never leave my brother, because he is good!

I came to visit my brother's cousin .. He is 6 years old .. We see each other once in half a year ... He tries to throw me on the sofa .. I succumbed to ... To which he said to me: Well, have you tasted the heroic strength ?! I love him ...

What do we usually display in the status? Something personal, intimate, touching all the strings of our soul. Therefore, it is so often possible to find statuses dedicated to close people, for example, a brother.

For many girls, a brother is the first helper and advisor, the best friend who will support in any situation. And, importantly, it will help to sort out relationships with the opposite sex. You can ask your brother the very "uncomfortable" questions that you are embarrassed to ask your boyfriend. A brother can give good advice, look at the situation with a man's eye, he will tell you where you made a mistake and behaved incorrectly. In gratitude, you can put in the status several warm lines that will warm your brother's heart and clearly show how dear he is to you.

Similar statuses written by men have a slightly different shade. They are simple and sincere, laconic and precise, like a toast in a purely male company. Behind these sometimes scanty lines lies gratitude for the first friendship in life, for brotherly support and understanding. Brotherly love does not manifest itself as brightly and noisily as sister love, but this in no way means that it is less strong. Statuses addressed to a brother are a great way to express your kindred feelings. These lines will not leave indifferent neither the hero of the occasion, nor your friends.

Whoever says: I love God, but hates his brother is a liar, for he who does not love his brother, whom he sees, how can he love God, whom he does not see?

I miss my brother so much, everything at home reminds me of him, but the saddest thing is that even my reflection reminds me of him ...

My brother, if happiness accompanies you, then you have only one virtue, and no more. Then it's easier for you to walk across the bridge.

If from some the word "bro" sounds pleasant, but from others - disgusting!

War turns people born to live as brothers into wild beasts.

Forgive me little sister for sometimes offending me, but know that no one in the world loves you like a brother.

A girl's modesty is the pride of her parents, the honor of her brother and the authority of her husband.

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.

To grow not only in breadth, but also to grow upward - may the garden of matrimony help you in this, my brothers!

If the brother is near, then the enemies fall in hail.

You spoke very impolitely, only close friends or brothers can afford this.

Oh, brother, my hands are from that friend who is with your enemies.

Someone from whom you never expect a stab in the back is from your own brother.

Love, like warmth, should warm from all sides and bow down in response to any prayer of our brothers.

My brother was taken into the army. It became so lonely and sad, as if some important part had been torn away from you.

Let the little sister choose her husband, the parents bless them, but I, as an older brother, will check him.

How nice it is to go out with my brother for a walk: I have him so handsome that all the girls envy me!

This is the law of lovers: They are all brothers to each other.

How am I going to live without my brother when he gets married? He does not have enough strength and funds for two women!

A friend loves at all times, and as a brother will appear in moments of misfortune.

We are not bored, we are brothers and sisters, and brothers and sisters do not know how to get bored, we quarrel all the time.

A sister's modesty is a brother's wealth.

A war where a brother rises up against a brother, the Almighty will curse a hundredfold.

The most dear person on Earth is my brother.

Friends are brothers in reason and lack of it.

In every person a little bit of everything is mixed, and life squeezes out of this mixture one thing to the surface.

When all people are brothers, then man is also a friend to man.

Oddly enough, but most often I visit my brother's page, even though we are sitting in the same room.

I grew up in a pretty gay world. My brother is gay and has been married to a man for 20 years. It's like 60 years of heterosexual marriage.

The little brother said that I am the best! Trust him, children never lie.

A little sister for a brother is always a small, cute, harmful creature that cannot be disliked in any way, even if he is offended at him.

The best friend and personal security guard who will never leave and of course support in difficult times is his own brother.

The fact that all people are brothers is the hardest thing to convince your closest relatives when you turn to them for help.

He who wants to have friends must be friendly himself; and there is a friend who is more attached than a brother

After my brother, at home, as after the war: everything is scattered, everywhere garbage and mountains of unwashed dishes. It's good that I have already passed this age.

The second of the Laudrup brothers has also been replaced. So, there are no Laudrup on the field. But their work lives on.

I wonder how my 5 year old brother knows all my friends? It's time to set passwords ...

The younger brother promised me that when he grows up, he will buy me a BMW ... I sit and wait.

He never cheated on me, always says that I am beautiful, always hugs me, buys me ice cream and various sweets, wears it on his pens and just loves me! He's my brother!

Whatever one may say, but the elder brother is cool!

I put the status in the contact "Round date ... madly in love!" No one even realizes that this is not a boyfriend, but a brother and his girlfriend. Love you guys!

Days go by, nights flicker. Together with brothers and this is forever.

I'm on a diet, bothering everyone with my hungry conversations about not having to eat in the evening after six. And she herself secretly dragged cutlets from the refrigerator at night. Once I come at night, and there is a caring note from my brother “Stop eating! And so fat ”... I love him.

I walk past the bath, and there my father says to his brother, "My hand is used to it and yours will get used to it." I stand in shock, and they are about water, but what did you think about?

Best status:
Mom teaches to be independent, father - proud, only my brother does not teach anything, only says that if someone offends, he will kill on the spot.

All girls dream of an older brother, but ironically, they have to take care of the younger one.

Anyone who does not have an older brother does not know what happiness it is ... to receive a belt for a cigarette. 🙂

When my brother is at home, it can be seen that he is at home. Trash and unwashed dishes are everywhere. And when I'm at home, you can hear that I'm at home!

My brother and I are like two drops alike, although the difference between us is three years !!!

A friend is not just a person, it is a brother or sister that we choose ourselves.

Conversation with my brother: - I'm losing weight ... - Why? - I'm fat. - Listen, you fit in the bathtub? - Yes, but what? - Now, if it didn't fit, then lose weight for health! Now eat your soup, - I say!

And I have a brother. And in childhood, when we fought and I started crying, he teased me with a roar, etc. Then I was very offended ... But I learned to hide my tears ... Thanks to him ..

We are driving in the car with my brother, I ask him a question: "Who am I for you?" He: “You see, you are like a splinter! It hurts and uncomfortable, but you don't want to pull it out! ”

This morning, my brother and I wanted to go to McDonald's, so I skipped college, he - work, and then went to the circus. I am 20, he is 28, I love him)

As a child, my brother beat me on the head a lot - I grew up to be a blonde.

It's funny when I go with my brother, who is 10 years older than me, and he is mistaken not even for a guy, but for a dad! Either I look like a youngster, or he is fucking preserved ...

I will give everything, if only the brother was happy.

I listened to a song about my brother and burst into tears again ... And now I am writing here, because I cannot tell you how much I love you ... You have not been with us for a whole year and a half ... But I still cry and still love ...

Now my soul is so empty. My brother went to the army. So lonely. And you sit and wait, out of habit, when he will come from the university.

My brother got me already, all the time hums: - Sex and whiskey, Caribbean coke, boobs beckon, fresh radishes.

And my brother is getting married soon! -Well, the bride is at least beautiful? -Not very scary, but he blows off dust particles from her! -Fu, she's also dusty!

- Sonny, congratulations! You will have a sister! - So, I do not understand! What have you done to my brother ?!

Let me have to endure his dirty diapers, the time will come and he will take someone's jaw for his brother! Brother, you were born 23 days ago, I am ready to tear anyone to pieces for you for 9 months and 23 days! 17 years is not a difference for you and me!

The dates are flashing - I feel fine, brothers are with me, the truth is behind us ...

With a joyful cry "Look what sweets Nastya bought me !!!" little brother snatched brand new condoms from my bag and ran to my parents.

In 44 days my brother will come from the army. Updated 31 days ago, having fun for the last few days.

I adore my elder brother, although I see each other very rarely. But I understand that I could spend my whole life holding his hand.

There is no dearer little man than my brother !!!

- My brother solves crosswords oO - What's so strange about that? - The fact that he does not solve them in the toilet.

His brother said that I was better than his ex ... Nice.)

Congratulations! My brother was born at 4:14 pm. Another great meaning of life has become more.

- We are looking for Ivan Nikolaevich Petrov. - So this is my twin brother. - Can you describe your appearance?

I was sitting at a computer, my father came up to me and said in a whisper: “Why are you throwing your things?” And holds out a condom. Me: "It's not mine!" After that, my younger brother comes up to me: “Did you accidentally find a prezik here”? (My brother is 12 years old, I'm in shock).

A real friend when asked if you go for a walk? Will answer: "Of course brother!"

I am sitting upset, a little brother comes up, shoves a candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this cannot solve them.” After 5 minutes, he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: "And so?"

I love you very much - you were my best friend and the most amazing brother ... And I still regret that when you were alive, I never told you that. I hope now and almost every night, you hear it ... I love ...

Younger brother annealed. 🙂 I tell him: "Misha, it is not good to be greedy!" He: “Who is not good? I like." 🙂

There are friends whom we call brothers, there are brothers whom we can never call friends ...

Yesterday it was so bad, I went up to my older brother, just hugged him ... And he whispered in his ear: “I love you” ... How touching it was, I already cried! Brothers, say that more often! We love you too!

My brother is a womanizer, he always cheated on girls, and now he has another one, they have already been dating for 2 months, he did not cheat on her, I am happy for him, yesterday he left her, and he felt so bad, because he realized that he could not live without her. I'm happy they are together again.

I wonder how my little brother (7 years old) knows what sex is?

Here we live with my brother in perfect harmony, fist in the eye, heel to the forehead.

I had a fight with a girl ... I come home ... I am in no mood ... little brother (6 years old) comes up and asks: "Well, why, did you give me something?" O_O ... knows how to cheer up

And I have a brother. And in childhood, when we fought and I started crying, he teased me with a roar, etc. Then I was very offended ... But I learned to hide my tears ... Thanks to him ...

- you are brothers? - no, twins. and what, twins, not brothers? - not always. we, for example, sisters ...

I’m standing with my little brother at the checkout counter in the supermarket with pads, he told me: “This is so as not to cringe at night, right? Can you buy it for me too? And that is too lazy to get up at night. " The whole line was laughing.

The girls are standing on the sidelines. Nobody goes to dance, because they are in Dagestan and each of them is watched by a brother ...)

It is very difficult to wait for a loved one from the army ... Even if it is a brother ...

I don't care what they say around! My little brother says that I am the best, and children, as you know, do not lie!

there are friends whom we call brothers, there are brothers whom we can never call friends ...

My brother (4 years old) bathes in the pool, and the air got into his swimming trunks. He says: “Mom, I think my butt with pi * iska pouted” ...

I always dreamed of an older brother.)

And my brother is getting married soon! - Well, is the bride even beautiful? - Nope, very scary, but he blows off dust particles from her! -Fu, she's also dusty!

My brother is a womanizer, he always cheated on girls, and now he has another one, they have already been dating for 2 months, he did not cheat on her, I am happy for him, yesterday he left her, and he felt so bad, because he realized that he could not live without her. I'm happy. They are together again.

Love my brother?

When my brother was 5, he wanted to marry me, and now when he is 9 he says that he will not take his eyes off my fiance, so that I would be happy.

And yet, it's cool when you have an older brother!

Hooray! In 11 days my brother will come from the army ... I love him and wait.

I am sitting upset, a little brother comes up, shoves a candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this cannot solve them.” After 5 minutes, he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: “Is that so?”.

Yesterday they brought my brother from the hospital, he is so small ... AND STSUKO IS ALREADY LOOKING AT MY COMPUTER ...

PPC ... survived. We teach our older brother to drive)

We survived ... My younger brother teaches me how to breed men for s * ks ...

God, how I love my older brother!

Eh, I remember how my little brother went under the table ... And then I cleaned!

Well, understand, he's my brother, why be jealous of him?

Two brothers are sitting in the room. Phone call. One of the brothers answers the phone: - Petya, this is for you. - Brother, if it's Masha, Liza or Natasha, then I'm not there, and if it's Katya or Marina, then I'll take it. - This is a venereologist ...

- My brother solves crosswords oO - What's so strange about that? - The fact that he does not solve them in the toilet.

There is one guy, he is the best! This is my brother! Although he is now in the army, but I love him very much and missed him terribly, I'll see you soon, dear!

I have the coolest brother in the world ... We had a heart-to-heart talk. He is 11 years older than me - a cousin ... In general, he told about life, showed me where you don't need to be blunt, I adore him, this is his heart.

It's good when your boyfriend is your best friend's brother ...

Brother is taken into the army ... It's a shame. At first I was crying, I know that it will come in a year and everything will be as before, but something terrible is happening in my soul.

Finally, she taught her little brother to wash off after herself! A little more and he will turn off the light behind him!

I came to visit my brother's cousin .. He is 6 years old .. We see each other once in half a year ... He tries to throw me on the sofa .. I succumbed to ... To which he said to me: Well, have you tasted the heroic strength ?! I love him ...