Decoration of winter areas in kindergarten. Ideas and step-by-step instructions for making landscape winter crafts

Every winter, the site of our group turns into a wonderful snowy town, and a walk in winter becomes more interesting and more fun, and the frost is not at all terrible ...

Our kindergarten "Ladushki" is located in the new quarter of the city of Togliatti. In 2011, he celebrated his fourth winter.

On the territory of the garden there are 14 plots by age groups, there is a large sports ground. All sites are equipped with modern game modules.
Winter is a long-awaited and beloved time for our children, they know that as soon as the snow falls, the kindergarten areas turn into a special snow country.

Here is winter, it is white all around, there is a lot of snow ... Everyone knows these lines, but the vagaries of our native nature sometimes violate our plans. There are winters with heavy snowfalls and frequent thaws, there are frosty, but snowless, snow accumulates only by February.
Winters differ not only in the amount of snow, but also in quality: Light and fluffy snow is very difficult to create buildings, sticky and heavy requires a different approach for creativity.
Quite a few importance has a walking area and the presence of stationary equipment (small architectural forms). All these factors influence the choice of technology for creating winter buildings on the site.

All children react differently to changes in air temperature, wind strength and prolonged exposure to frosty air. Therefore, we consider our main task to be the creation of favorable conditions and a regimen for maximum motor and cognitive activity of children during a walk.

Every year, at the beginning of winter, at the Pedagogical Council we discuss the organization of winter walks and the design of winter sites. Firstly, we share our impressions, discuss and summarize our experience……., secondly, we actively get acquainted with the experience of other teachers, not only in our region, but also colleagues from other cities of Russia (the experience of northern cities such as Kogalym, Magadan, Murmansk, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Naberezhnye Chelny, etc. - thanks to the media and Internet resources). Thirdly, we develop projects for future buildings, where they will be located, what resources will be involved.

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Here are a variety of plans for the winter areas of our kindergarten teachers, which take into account the characteristics of each age, the availability and use of stationary equipment, the possibility of solving physical education and health problems.

This plan presents the prospect of winter development of the site of the senior group. Snow Shaft for exercises in balance and climbing, as well as for outdoor games, targets - vertical and horizontal for throwing, a climbing hole, a snow slide, a ship house and other objects for role-playing games, a snow fortress, a hockey rink ...

And now look at the embodiment of our fantasy in the kindergarten area.
Here is a slide - a favorite projectile of our children. Please note that the site is not large, stationary equipment does not allow making the descent of the slide long and safe, so it was decided to lengthen the descent due to the bend, make the exit safe to avoid collisions and regulate the sequence of rolling with an additional treadmill. The ship - the mast is frozen into a plastic container, resistant to wind and providing mobility ... The iron slide is not used for its intended purpose in winter, we adapted it as a simulator for throwing at a vertical target. To do this, a round target is installed at the top, and at the bottom - a drive for artificial snowballs - sewn from raincoat fabric and filled with padding polyester. The use of these snowballs is very convenient and safe. Snowballs after hitting the target - roll down the chute back down ...
We use the swing as a stand for the games “Knock down the object”, “Who is the most accurate” - (artificial snowballs are also used), as a climbing hole and for the role-playing game “Shop”.

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We invite you for a winter walk To Kindergarten No. 210 "Ladushki" of the city of Togliatti

Beautiful convenient areas are the pride of any kindergarten, but in winter it is much more difficult to make the territory look aesthetically pleasing, and even allow you to solve certain pedagogical tasks. We will be happy to share with you little tricks for preparing plots for winter.

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We have already shown an example of non-traditional use of stationary equipment - an iron slide and a swing. Sandbox - can also turn into a chessboard with ice pieces, the role of a chessboard is played by a fabric with black and white squares, frozen to the flat surface of the sandbox, and the checkers are multi-colored water frozen in round disposable containers. As an option - children's billiards: certain markings and holes are made on the ice surface. The figures move with the help of wooden mini-mops.

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use of tools: traditional: shovels, scrapers, stretchers, sweeps, in addition to wooden children's shovels, we recommend using modern, light, durable shovels with a telescopic handle, convenient for adjusting the length of the handle.

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The use of home-made stretchers made of plastic baskets and basins makes it easier for children to carry snow, and plastic containers from water-based paint and white are great for collecting snow and "snow" Easter cakes.

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Recently, construction tools have become our constant assistants. For example, with the help of an ordinary hacksaw, you can cut perfectly even cubes from the snow, steps to the hill and others, it is very convenient, easy and fast, especially with heavy snow drifts ... And a construction grater is used to smooth corners, sides, grinding perfectly smooth surfaces of snow buildings. The technique of modeling from snow dough in the formwork method has proven itself well. Planks of various sizes, cardboard boxes from under large household appliances are suitable as formwork. - This technique is very relevant in conditions of little snowy winter.

The most important condition for all snow buildings on the kindergarten site is maximum safety, the absence of sharp edges, corners, ice lumps.

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Another tip: to make snow buildings bright, multi-colored, we use fabric, ropes, fringe, flags from bright plastic bags - this material can be easily glued to the snow. We have long abandoned the use of gouache paints: clothes get dirty from them and the ecological balance is disturbed.

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We involve parents in the design of the plots: they bring water, snow, help clear the site after snowfalls and snowstorms. Parents with great interest and pleasure master new technologies for working with snow, make their suggestions ...

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Children grow up with us strong, hardened, cheerful, love walks and fun outdoor games. The number of colds has decreased, and this is a fact of paramount importance.

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Snow buildings for the development of physical activity of children

Material Description: ideas will be useful to teachers, parents, anyone who wants to arrange a site for a playground in winter.
Physical education of children is one of the main activities of preschool institutions. In this regard, the development of effective technologies for the formation of physical culture and culture of children's health in preschool educational institutions is one of the main tasks of teachers.
It is known that physical activity has a huge impact on the health and performance of the child's body.
Physical activity is a natural need for movement. It has a beneficial effect on the body when it is within the optimal norms. With hypodynamia (a mode of inactivity), there is a violation of the functions of organs, metabolism, and the body's resistance to external conditions decreases. With hyperkinesia (excessive motor activity), the principle of optimal physical activity is violated, which can adversely affect, for example, the overstrain of the child's cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is necessary to find a golden mean.
The teacher should think over the organization of activities throughout the day in such a way as to activate the motor activity of children, solving such tasks:
1. To enrich the physical culture and game environment aimed at optimizing the motor activity of children.
2. Teach children the technique of the main types of movements in order to perform them correctly.
3. To form the ability to act with various objects and aids (hoops, balls, jump ropes)
4. To acquaint with outdoor games, to form the ability to clearly follow the rules of the games.
5. Develop motor qualities: speed, agility, coordination of movements, flexibility, endurance
The most favorable period in the daily routine for realizing the needs of children in movements is a walk. Especially favorable is the spring-summer period, when you can use portable material: physical education equipment, balls, jump ropes, hoops. In winter, snow is an alternative. From it you can build figures that will serve to develop the motor activity of children. Every year we build snow figures not only to decorate the site, but also to ensure that each figure functions and is used by children to optimize the motor mode. Before building a figure, we think over for what purpose it will serve. Snow figures are needed for children to organize games, to perform physical exercises, to consolidate the main types of movements. It is especially important to pay attention to sedentary children during a walk in winter.
This year, despite the unfavorable conditions: at first there was no snow for a long time, then it snowed, but severe frosts hit, we were able to organize the environment on the site in this way.

For role-playing games

built stove

snow scooter



To throw at a target

built fox with a basket

rhinoceros as a ring toss

chicken with a hoop

You can throw stuffed balls, snowballs, cones, rings.

For crawling

built hare

horse symbol of the year

For running and walking

built snow maze

For walking on elevated ground (limited area)

built snake


For ball games

built bear. He is standing at the gate. He can score balls

For stepping over

built octopus

All the figures have tried to brightly draw. Knowing that the paint will stain children's clothes, we used junk material (lids, capsules from kinder surprises, corks), pieces of fabric, and braid to decorate the figures.
Children are happy to go for a walk, play, motor activity develops.

Nadezhda Fomina

Target project: create for conditions for children on the walking area for winter games and fun.

Frosty Russian winter - a wonderful time to improve health children. cool wind, light frost, movement in the air - a good hardening of the child's body. After a snowfall, the air is especially clean, and you can go sledding, skiing, skating, and playing outdoor games.

Together with my parents, we decided to decorate our walking area. There were many ideas. Everyone settled on the topic "Sea Tale".

Relevance project: Ensuring sufficient physical activity children walking in winter.

the following tasks:

1. Improve health children.

2. Introduce children with the properties of snow.

3. Teach children make snow dough and mold from it.

4. Call at children Willingness to help parents and teachers site design.

5. Enrich experiences children through various forms of work.

develop cognitive and creative abilities children.

6. Cultivate respect for buildings made of snow.

A type project: cognitive - creative.

Implementation period - 1 month.

Project participants: teacher, parents, children preparatory group.

Estimated result: 1. Involvement of each child in creative, labor activity.

2. Involving a large number of parents in design of the winter area. 3. Learning to sculpt from snow, developing a cognitive interest in the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

4. Expanding knowledge about ships.

I. Preparatory stage: 1. Conversation, discussion and choice of topic site design. 2. Watching the video "Inhabitants of the underwater kingdom".

3. Consideration of illustrations of marine animals, ships.

4. Reading the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "About Tsar Saltan".

5. Reading the epic "Sadko".

6. Drawing on the theme "Inhabitants of the seas".

7. Modeling "Octopus".

Working with parents: plan discussion site design, collection of material (plastic bottles, fabric, foam. sponge, glue. foil, illustrations of sea animals.

The final stage: finished buildings, games children in a designated area.

Parents on site.

Children carve fish, starfish.

In winter, employees of the Skazka kindergarten in the northern city of Kogalym build a snow town on the site.

Already in October, the creative team, with the support of the kindergarten administration, develops the theme of a snow town, thinks over which characters will be molded, where they will be located. And then the teacher L.V. Materova, who combines the functions of an architect, sculptor, designer and labor instructor in one person, draws up a plan for the construction of a snow town. The theme of snow buildings is diverse: "Circus", "Rules of the road", "Teremok", "Dymkovo toys", "Underwater kingdom", "Visiting a fairy tale".

When the snow covers the ground, we install boxes knocked down from boards, chipboard, plywood on the site, fill them with snow, and compact them well. After a few days, when the snow is compressed, we remove the boxes. Now the snow cubes are ready to be cut into different shapes. To do this, we use saws, hacksaws, spatulas, small wooden spatulas, scrapers. We cover the snow figures with snow dough, pour water over them. This is necessary in order to form a strong ice crust. It is she who subsequently saves our figures for long weeks and even months.

Snow dough recipe

In a bucket filled with water a little more than half, we put clean, fluffy snow. A thick "snow dough" is formed.

If there are no boxes, then on the days of the thaw, many large koloboks can be rolled from the snow. It is easy and convenient to cut out various details from them, which, when combined with “snow dough”, turn into intricate shapes.

On the playgrounds and sports ground of the kindergarten there are metal structures for games. We also actively use them: we cover them with snow, lay them with snowballs. Tables, benches, Swedish walls, rockets serve as the basis for houses, huts, animals. From them you can also mold the Serpent Gorynych, a mill, a ticket office, a parrot cage, podiums.

One of the main requirements for the design of winter areas is their safety for the health of children. To avoid injuries, we try to make sure that the surface of the buildings is smooth and does not have sharp protrusions or corners. Our buildings are always strong and able to withstand any load.

The snow town on the territory of our kindergarten is large. But the main buildings in it, of course, are the slides. As a rule, we build two slides: one - for kids, with two slopes, the second - for children of senior preschool age.

We build slides like this: we collect snow in a large pile, we install wooden shields on the sides. With the help of shields, the sides of the slide are smooth. For decoration we use bas-relief, moldings. This helps to turn the slide into a teremok or a castle. The ice slope and steps have reliable borders on both sides, the platform at the top is surrounded by railings. Despite the fact that there are many buildings in our snowy town, there is not a single random figure among them. We try to make each of them not only beautiful, but also functional. They help work out different types basic movements: jumping, climbing, throwing.

We often use a sandbox for sliding, turning it into a small skating rink.
With the first frosts, until the snow has fallen, we fill the sandbox with water to form a reliable ice crust. The ice crust during the repeated main filling does not allow water to go into the sand. When the skating rink is ready, we decorate it with fabric fish. Cloth fish soaked in water very easily stick to the ice surface of the rink. The final fill makes the rink smooth, slippery and, most importantly, very attractive.

In order to get a finished composition, we enclose the territory of the snowy town with a border. We have Christmas trees on it, and also erect several high snow shafts along the perimeter of the curb.

We put up a Christmas tree in the center of the snow town. To do this, we have a metal frame into which we insert spruce branches and decorate them with Christmas toys made by children.

In order to make our snow figures beautiful, we select small rubber or plastic toys, illustrations from books, magazines.

When building a snowy town, we devote a lot of time and attention to decorating the figures. To make them bright and colorful, we use fabric, ropes, ribbons, fringe, flags. This material is very easy to stick on the snow. Almost nowhere in the decoration we use gouache paints: they leave traces on children's clothes. And decorating with fabric is convenient and beautiful.

Here are some more secrets for decorating snow figures.

Previously, when decorating figures, we applied dry fabric parts to them, and then poured water over them. Now we first soak all the details of the jewelry in water, then slightly “freeze” them, and only after that we glue them - with the help of water. Then small parts are not deformed and are easily glued. "Freezing" the fabric, we get the opportunity to easily cut it on the street with scissors. It is thanks to this method that we have learned to “dress” snow figures.

Another one of our secrets is fabric appliqué. We decorate the walls of castles, houses, huts, shutters, windows, clothing details, sides of slides with it. We perform applicative compositions indoors, then we “freeze” and stick them on.

In order for the snowy town to look like a single composition, we enclose its territory with a border with voluminous Christmas trees and planar bushes. And although there are a lot of different figures and buildings on the site, there is enough free space for outdoor and independent games for children.

The conditions of the North allow us to build a snow town during December. So on New Year's Eve, among other gifts, our children also receive such an unusual one. We are proud that our preschool children, their relatives, friends and even people from neighboring houses, and just passers-by admire our creation.

In the evenings, until the closing of the kindergarten, the territory of the snow town is full of young visitors. This suggests that children and parents in our town are cozy, comfortable and, most importantly, safe. But the beauty of the surrounding evokes bright feelings. No wonder they say that "a beautiful eye rejoices."

Kindergarten "Skazka"
Kogalym, Tyumen region

valentina ilyasova

So the winter holidays ended, the children hurried to kindergarten with great pleasure and joy. I really miss my friends and toys. And of course we were looking forward to the ride. After all, our plot During the winter holidays, it has changed a lot and has become very bright and colorful. We teachers have transformed, colorfully set up your site and lifted the spirits of their children.

I invite you, dear colleagues, to take a tour of my plot.

Whole plot around the perimeter was decorated with such multi-colored balls. Cold water was poured into the balloons and carried outside. Not difficult at all, but very beautiful.

On each there is a hill in the area. We decorated our hill with colorful flowers.

From the sandbox they made a multi-colored flower bed. Flowers were cut out of multi-colored fabric and decorated a flower bed. They also decorated the flower bed with colorful balls. With the help of this flower bed we fix the color.

A bee flies to the flower bed, wants to collect nectar and treat everyone with delicious honey. And in the barrel, which the bee holds in its paws, you can throw silver cones.

A horse is grazing near the flower bed. Yes, the horse is not simple, it is decorated with elements of Dymkovo painting. You can crawl under the horse.

And a turkey among site: ball - ball - ball. That's what a handsome proud man stands, behind the order on plot looks.

Next to the chicken: ko – ko – ko…. You can climb a chicken and go on a long journey.

All your crafts issued elements of Dymkovo painting. Bright, beautiful site.

They also made a house out of snow for games with dolls: built a sofa and a table.

And next to it is a slide for dolls. The dolls really want to ride on the mountain.

to us on plot bullfinches and chickadees flew by.

And of course, we prepared external material for labor (shovels, scrapers, rammers, sleds for transporting snow).

Prepared remote material for outdoor games, experimentation, observation.

We heard words of gratitude from the parent, grandparents. In the evening, taking the children from the kindergarten, they are not in a hurry to go home. Go on plot, play, ride on a hill, take pictures and treat our buildings with care.

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Hello dear colleagues and friends! Every winter we (the teachers of the group and the parents of the pupils) try to make our site change.