What time can you start seating girls. Should you speed up the process? What pitfalls lie behind the early sitting down of girls

Who has acquired the skill opens up many new opportunities. In a sitting position, he can not only see the environment that surrounds him more widely, but also has the opportunity to play with various objects, taking them in his free hands. Parents are always waiting for such a significant moment. Young mothers often ask questions: how many months can you sit down, when is it better to do it and, importantly, how to properly prepare the baby's body for such changes. This is what will be discussed next.

Stages of spine formation

In a newly born baby, the spine has the shape of a straight line. bends, which are typical for adults, begin be formed in stages.

  1. At the age when the baby learns to hold his head while lying on his stomach, neck lordosis is formed. Its essence lies in the arching of the upper vertebrae forward, which form the correct physiological bend.
  2. Around life, as the baby learns to sit, thoracic kyphosis begins to form. During this period, due to gravity, the middle part of the spine arches back.
  3. In life, when a child tries to learn to stand on his feet and even takes his first steps, lumbar lordosis develops.

It should be understood that the above data are generalized and only approximate, because the achievement of certain skills by a little one is not determined solely by her age. Each baby is unique and develops individually. Therefore, neither pediatricians nor orthopedists will be able to say exactly when exactly you can start sitting down. It also depends on the health of the child, his physique, temperament.

Important! The period when the child begins to sit also depends on the gender of the child. In different sexes, this stage occurs in different months.

How to determine the readiness of the girl to sit down?

Most often, parents intuitively understand that the baby can be seated. At first, the understanding comes that the baby can already be held reclining, thus allowing her to see the world around her. Later, as the musculoskeletal system of the child is strengthened, it will be possible to teach him to sit.
It is recommended to pay special attention to some moments that will tell you that the girl is ready to sit down:

  • is able to independently roll over from his back to his stomach and vice versa without much difficulty, he likes it and easily succeeds;
  • lying on her back, the baby independently raises her head and can confidently hold it for some time;
  • the child holds hands on the hands of an adult and tries to rise to his feet, after which he stands in this position for some time.

When can you start seating future women?

Medical experts advise starting artificial seating of children, starting from 6–7 months of life. At this point, most girls already know how to sit on their own, keeping their back straight. This suggests that the spinal muscles, as well as the abdominal press, have become sufficiently strengthened.

In addition, the child is no longer afraid of the environment, but will study it with interest from a new viewing angle.
Naturally, at first, your child should be held, because the back of children of this age is very weak and it will be difficult for the child to keep the body upright for a long time. The baby can fall on the barrel, so mom or dad must be nearby.

Important! You can not leave the child, overlaying him with pillows. The kid, playing alone in this position, can fall sideways or fall between, which will block his access to oxygen. Also, children tend to get tired quickly, and so far they will not be able to change their position and rest.

Approximately at 8 months old girl will sit up by herself, as she will get tired of the constant horizontal position of the body. It should be understood that the age of 6 months, which they talk about everywhere, is just an excuse not to force events and a desire not to harm children. That is, if the baby tries to sit before this period, then the mother should not be afraid and not allow the child to change the position of the body.
Early sitting is also the norm, because every child is different. The main thing at the same time is to monitor the duration of the baby’s sitting so that this time does not exceed 1 hour a day, and also to ensure the safety of the surrounding space. The child needs to substitute a support so that he can rest.

If, on the contrary, the baby is 7 months old, and she does not even try to sit, then you should not panic either. There is still at least a month and a half left, and the baby will certainly begin to strive to change its position. If there are still reasons for concern, then you can go for a consultation with a pediatrician.

Usually the cause of a child's prolonged refusal to sit is excess weight. Also, such a process can be affected by poor physical direction, when the mother does not engage in special strengthening exercises with the child. As for the question of how many months you can put a girl in and, then more on this will be discussed later.

Why shouldn't a girl be seated early?

Those mothers who doubt whether their children can already sit are recommended to visit a pediatrician and talk to him about this topic. The doctor will be able to assess the general physical readiness of the girl, and will also explain in detail why it is not necessary to sit down the baby too early.

The vast majority of pediatricians agree that it is not necessary to seat girls under 6 months of age. The only exceptions are those cases when the baby wanted to sit on her own.

Up to 6 months, the children's spine is not yet fully formed and not strong enough to subject it to excessive load. And if you force your daughter to sit down so early, then in the future it may adversely affect her posture. Orthopedists, by the way, have found a direct link between sitting down a child too early and having scoliosis in the future.

In addition, according to medical research, in babies who were planted very early, the pelvic bones may be deformed in the future. Because of this, there are problems during childbirth, since the crooked pelvic bones block the birth canal, which makes childbirth painful and lengthy.
It is also impossible to ignore the psycho-emotional state of children, who may feel insecure and even fear when changing their habitual body position.

How to seat girls, given their characteristics

Parents should remember that a child with a weakened or neglected physical condition will not be able to gain enough strength to sit. Therefore, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of your daughter before proceeding with her sitting down.

Did you know? A newborn baby has 300 individual bones that gradually fuse together. In adulthood, there are only 206 bones.

What to do if the child does not want to sit down

Pediatricians and other medical specialists, in cases where they talk about how much a girl can sit in her arms, are based on average statistics. But it also happens that a girl at the age of 7 or even 8 months still does not want to sit. In such situations, you should not panic, but just help your daughter.
Parents should work with their baby, do it every day, perform special exercises. As for the massage, the legs, arms and back of the child should be stroked and rubbed. Thus, the muscles are toned and, accordingly, strengthened. Massage can be done by parents or a professional massage therapist.

Exercises to help strengthen your child's back

As mentioned earlier, it is impossible to force a child to take a position that makes him uncomfortable. It is necessary to help the girl strengthen her body so that sitting down is a joy for her. For this, it is recommended to perform special exercises, which will be very useful for weakened muscles of babies.

Important! Exercises can be done with the baby, starting from her 3-month-old age.

The complex should be performed by placing the crumbs on a hard surface, for example, on the floor or on.

At what age can girls be placed in baby carriers?

Many young parents overly actively use all sorts of devices where children, according to adults, are more comfortable to sit. But, according to experts, rush to put the baby in a kangaroo, walker, etc. not worth it, since such devices can be not only not useful, but in some cases harmful. Therefore, every mother should know how many months girls can be seated in, on chairs and other devices.

  1. For example, a girl who is in a kangaroo is not able to change her location on her own. She is practically motionless all the time, which is extremely harmful to her weak spine. In cases where the walk is planned for a long time, it is better to take a stroller and put the baby there.
  2. Also, pediatricians do not advise using pillows as supports for the baby. The pillows are soft, which means they cannot properly hold the girl's posture. This can provoke a curvature of the baby's spine, as well as the pathological development of muscle mass. For convenience, pillows can be used only at the stage when the daughter will sit confidently and be able to change the position of her body on her own.
  3. Also, parents are in a hurry to teach their child to. Many mothers, as soon as their daughter has learned to sit at least a little, try to teach her to use the potty as quickly as possible. Doing this is not worth it, because the girl is not yet ready to sit on the pot for so long, neither physically nor psychologically. Experts agree that planting a baby on a pot should occur no earlier than from the 12–18th month of life.
  4. As for the question of how many months girls can be put in a feeding chair, then this should be done even later, when the spine is well strengthened. At the same time, you still can’t let the baby sit on the chair for too long.
  5. A child who has already learned to sit confidently at home should not sit in a stroller for too long. Especially when the stroller moves along paths with bumps that create shaking and, accordingly, additionally load the child's spine.
  6. A girl should be put in a car seat from about 12 months. Up to this point, doctors recommend transporting the baby in a supine or semi-sitting position.

Did you know?Children begin to realize their gender at about 3 years of age. During this period, the child comes to understand who he is.- a woman or a man, after which the baby will act accordingly.

Experience of foreign mothers: 3 incomprehensible questions

It so happened that the opinions of our mothers and foreign mothers on the development and upbringing of children often differ. The same applies to the issue of seating. It turns out that in the USA, Canada and European countries, the concepts "teach baby to sit" essentially does not exist.

  1. When to seat girls? Foreign mothers do not worry about this and sit down their daughters when they themselves want it and are ready. As for the negative impact of early seating on the reproductive system, pediatricians do not even talk about such a risk in the above countries.
  2. When can you plant a baby? The answer is the same as the previous one. Parents in European countries do not force babies to sit until the child himself tries to do it.
  3. When can babies sit down? Europeans are known to travel a lot. And a small child in most cases is not a hindrance to them. Babies are transported in car seats or in child seats, while neither orthopedists nor children's doctors forbid parents to do this. Babies in foreign countries sit down when they are ready for it, and parents do not worry and do not even talk about this topic.
Summing up, we note once again that each child is individual. How many months the girl begins to sit on her own depends on many different factors. It is important not to force the baby to such actions, but to help her by strengthening her muscle corset.

Why can't girls sit under 6 months?

The article will talk about why you can not plant girls under 6 months and what consequences this may lead to. As a child grows and develops, their parents need to know a lot of information regarding their care. Familiar
a situation where children at the age of three months begin to pull their arms forward and try to sit down. It is not worth allowing this, because the spine is not yet ready for such loads. This is especially true for girls, who are recommended to sit down only after six months.

According to pediatricians, it is better for girls to sit down no earlier than six months, if she herself does not show interest in such a situation. All children want to sit down as soon as possible, because this way they will be able to better know the world and perform some actions.

But early sitting down is not recommended for the baby. Doctors say if a child has started to sit up early, don't let him sit for more than an hour a day. But before four months, the child is not recommended to take a semi-sitting position, as it can be harmful to health. When the baby begins to sit, it is recommended to secure a place to play and constantly monitor her.

The muscles of the child for independent sitting are ready only by the age of six months. The following algorithm is considered ideal:

  • 6 months- the child sits with the help of an adult;
  • 7 months- a few seconds the baby sits on his own;
  • 8 months- the child can sit down from a different position.

But pediatricians say that deviations from the norm at about a month and a half are normal, that is, if a child begins to sit down at 4.5-5 months, then the process should not be hindered.

But, as practice shows, when a girl was taught to sit down at four months old, it is difficult and unrealistic to wean her from this. Indeed, in a sitting position it is more interesting, and it makes no sense to put the child back. It is better to distract the baby, for example, to take him in your arms, or turn him over on his tummy so that he is distracted from the new position.

What can be dangerous early disembarkation of a girl

Early disembarkation of a girl can bring her problems in the future. Pediatricians recommend not to incline the child to this and help him when he decides and is ready to sit down. And the later this happens, the better it will affect the state of health. Of course, if the child sat down on his own, then you can’t do anything.

Some parents drop their children themselves, taking the wrong step in development. Dropping a girl off early can lead to the following: consequences:

  • Incorrectly formed spine, as it is not yet ready for stress;
  • Deformation of the pelvic bones;
  • When a girl grows up, early planting may affect her posture;
  • A bend of the uterus may develop, which will be discussed below;
  • The mental state of a child who is afraid of a new position;
  • development of scoliosis.

How to strengthen muscles: 4 exercises

But sometimes situations arise when the child has already reached the age of eight months, and still does not know how to sit. In this case, you need to contact a neurologist to examine the patient and give recommendations.

Often such cases occur in premature girls and in those who had a small birth weight.
Below will be described 4 muscle strengthening exercises. They must be performed on a hard surface:

  1. When a child takes air baths, an object should be placed in front of him that may be of interest so that he reaches for it. This exercise develops the muscles of the abdomen and back;
  2. You need to lay the baby on her stomach so that she rests her legs against you. Then with one hand you need to hold it under the chest, and the second under the lower leg. In this position, the child must be lifted and held for several seconds. Then the girl should be put down and after a few minutes repeat the exercise. It is worth noting that the buttocks and back of the child should be tense;
  3. When the child is lying on his back, you need to give her fingers, and pull forward. When the baby stretches, the abdominal muscles will tense up; at first, it is not recommended to stay in a sitting position for more than thirty seconds.
  4. You can hang rings over the crib, for which the child will pull himself up and learn to sit.

Video lesson on muscle strengthening:

These exercises can be performed starting at three months, preparing the muscles. If possible, it is recommended to visit the pool from an early age, muscles are strengthened in the water, and an experienced specialist will teach the child to swim and feel calm in the water.

Curvature of the uterus due to early sitting down

There is an opinion that the early planting of a girl can lead to a bending of the uterus, but this fact has not been proven, these are just arguments. The opinions of experts are divided: gynecologists say that this can happen, while other doctors say out loud that these two concepts are in no way connected. According to doctors, this phenomenon can be due to heredity and sitting down is not to blame.

  • Do not cover him with pillows, so it will be inconvenient for him to change position;
  • As a preventive measure, you need to give the child a back and buttocks massage - you can do it yourself or invite a specialist to your home.
  • When the child is eight months old, he can be sat on his knees;
  • When the baby falls on its side, this is not a reason to worry, because the muscles have not yet grown stronger and he cannot take a sitting position for a long time.

Above it was told why girls should not be planted up to 6 months and age norms are given when a child should sit down. If a girl sits down herself, parents are unlikely to be able to resist this process. All that is in their power is not to allow the child to sit a lot, you need to occupy him with something and distract him.

From the following article, you can learn about what kind of food is better to feed a child?

Video on when to sit the baby down

Many mothers are interested in the question: why girls are not recommended to plant early.

Pediatricians have their own opinion on this matter, expressing an opinion about the possible negative consequences of early planting a child.

Some young mothers consider some medical conclusions to be nothing more than a myth, while others are taken quite seriously.

Pediatricians advise mothers to start putting the girl on the ass starting at six months.

By this age, the muscles of the back and abdominals will already get stronger, and the baby will be able to independently hold the back in an upright position.

Yes, and changing the viewing angle will cause the baby interest, not fear.

However, the child must be supported, because the back muscles are not yet strong enough.

In no case should you put pillows around the girl (having previously seated) and leave her alone in this position, since unattended the child can fall into the pillows and suffocate from lack of oxygen.

What time to plant a girl without support?

It depends only on the individual characteristics of the development of the crumbs. The normal age is 7 months.

At 8 months, the girl, as a rule, begins to sit down by herself, without outside help.

But do not worry and panic for those parents whose daughter is already more than 6-7 months old, and she still does not make attempts to sit down.

Everything has its time. In any case, there is still 1-1.5 months left.

And if the parents have any suspicions about the child's health problems, you can always contact the doctor.

If the baby began to sit down on her own before the recommended age (say, at 5 months old), there is no need to be scared and forcefully lay her on her back (as doctors of the old school advise to do) - this way you can only disrupt the natural development processes in the child's body.

After all, everyone develops taking into account individual biological characteristics and, therefore, everyone has their own growth rate.

Read about how to deal with constipation in a one-month-old baby.

Why girls should not be planted and seated early: possible consequences

According to experts, early seating a girl on her buttocks can be very harmful for a number of reasons.

  1. There is a large load on the spine, which in the future can pretty spoil your posture. But it's not even about aesthetics, but about the possible formation of such a serious and dangerous disease as scoliosis.
  2. If the girl began to sit down early, deformation of the pelvic bones may occur. And the curvature of the pelvis, in turn, can block the birth canal during future childbirth, when the girl herself wishes to become a mother. As a result, the process of giving birth to a child can be painful and difficult. Therefore, many mothers are so afraid of the crumbs' early attempts to sit down and explore the world around them.
  3. With an early planting of a child, the bend of the uterus is possible. However, according to modern doctors, this statement is nothing more than a myth. And many mothers support this opinion. The fact is that such a pathology can be either congenital (due to a genetic failure), or be the result of inflammation of the pelvic organs.

Planting vs Planting - What's the difference?

You can sit down a girl even at 5 months (for a few minutes), but plant it only when the baby’s body is ready for it.

The difference between these concepts is that during the landing of the girl on the ass, the weight of her body will put pressure on the unformed pelvis and spine.

In the case of a light half-sitting down (gently, supporting the back), nothing threatens the health of the crumbs.

How to help the baby?

In order for the muscles of the press and back to get stronger, the crumbs can be helped with special exercises:

  1. Strengthen the abdominal muscles- the girl should be gently lifted by the arms at an angle of 30 °. Do not let the girl sit down to the end. The muscles of the press and back can be trained when the child lies on his stomach. To do this, you need to lift it by the handles so that the back slightly bends.
  2. Strengthen back muscles- one hand must be placed on the chest area, and the other - between the girl's legs. The baby should be lifted so that she rests her legs against your stomach.
  3. active crawling- if a girl likes to crawl, then this should be encouraged. After all, it is from the position on all fours that children learn to sit down on their own. Sitting down from a lying position is much more difficult.
  4. Water procedures- do not forget about daily water procedures and light massage.

Pay attention to how the girl sits. The head should be slightly tilted forward, the neck and upper back straight, the lower back bent.

Hands should be located in front of the body and serve as a support. The joints of the hip part are bent and tilted forward, the legs are turned outward. This position of the body will contribute to the correct formation of the curves of the spine, muscles and ligaments.

The main reason why a girl should not be planted at an early age is her physiological immaturity and possible negative consequences in the foreseeable future of the baby. It is worth listening to these recommendations, because most of them are not invented from scratch, but have been tested by many years of medical practice.

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What parent doesn't want their child to grow up quickly? The birth of a baby portends a series of exciting and interesting discoveries for both the child himself and for mom and dad. Small victories, inept attempts to sit down and the first steps - this is very touching.

Boys and girls develop differently. As you know, little princesses are the first to learn the necessary skills before boys, and this is due to their physiology. Many people think about how many months can girls be imprisoned. Moms go online and see a lot of different opinions from the same parents or pediatricians. Some have heard that it is worth planting boys and girls not earlier than 6 months from the moment of birth. In this article, we will look at all aspects of crouching, as well as learn more about the tools that will help in mastering this skill.

So, how many months can you start planting girls? Methods of preparing a child for adulthood are passed down from generation to generation - from great-grandmothers to grandmothers, from grandmothers to mothers, from mothers to us. And so we begin to follow the advice, sometimes without thinking about whether they are true. Put the girl on the pillows or wait until she sits herself? How much to wait? A series of these questions does not give moms peace of mind. And yet, many believe that the age of 6 months is the most suitable.

The developmental process of a newborn

Why is sitting down given so much attention? It would seem that you plant a girl when you see fit and you don’t have to worry. But everything is not so simple. In newborns, the spine is still thin and flexible. At first, the child can only lie down, and then with each raising of the head and turning over on the tummy, the spine becomes stronger and less vulnerable.

In order for the spine to acquire the correct shape, girls need to be seated according to all the rules and in no case should the process be rushed. Spinal development is something that happens in babies of both sexes equally. Therefore, these tips will be relevant for parents of both boys and girls.

Why girls shouldn't be seated early

Why is it undesirable to plant girls early on the ass? The fact is that accelerating the natural process of sitting down can harm the health of the newborn. This is especially true for children with rickets, in which the muscular frame is sluggish and weak. If you start to seat the baby before the proper age, the spine bends, and the muscles are not yet ready to support it. In this case, violations of posture occur already at a young age. How many months can girls be planted? To answer this question, pay attention to the signs of readiness of the body to master the sit down.

Signs of readiness to sit down

No matter how the baby pulls pens to you from 2 to 4 months - this does not mean a call "mom, I want to sit already". Physiologically, the spine of boys and girls at this age is absolutely not ready to sit down. Even if you plant a crumb, it will be hunched over, which leads to poor breathing and overall health.

Putting girls and boys on the ass should be only when they sit down themselves. And here you do not need to look impatiently at the calendar and consult the child development tables. Let everything happen naturally for the baby.

Usually the age of readiness is six months or more. Most often it happens that the baby first raises his head, then he holds it more confidently. After that, it begins to roll over from the back to the tummy and vice versa. Then he tries to crawl and only then wants to sit down himself. Until the baby independently masters this path and does not sit down without your help, you are forbidden to interfere!

What time can girls be put in walkers, jumpers and other devices?

After the parents begin to seat boys and girls, they tend to buy them all sorts of devices to improve their skills.

Walkers- are not always needed. That's what pediatricians say. The fact is that girls and boys do not need walkers, because they can learn to walk without them. It is enough to hold on to the sofa or mother's hand. But there are situations when mothers need free time, in which case girls and boys will not interfere with walkers. You can put the baby in this device, and do household chores yourself, without worrying that the baby can hit or fall on something.

However, it should be remembered that the availability of walkers for boys and girls is not always helpful. During movement, they do not use the muscles that are needed to master walking. The spine and feet may begin to form incorrectly, and the back may not experience the necessary load. A baby can get so used to a walker that without them he will be afraid to even take a step.

Also, this device is harmful to children with rickets. First, it is important to wait until the girls or boys sit on their buttocks, begin to stand steadily, and only then can you learn to walk.

Jumpers may be harmful. All parents know how interesting the baby is in the jumpers! But this is not a completely harmless device, especially if you have not yet begun to seat your girl. In the jumpers, the load on the back increases, and the perineum is strongly crushed. If the girl is not yet seated, cannot stand on her legs and does not try to walk, she does not need jumpers.

Pillows is no longer a panacea. A few decades ago, pillows were very popular for girls and boys to sit down. However, pediatricians unanimously declare: wait 6 months until the baby sits down by itself. And you don't need any pillows.

Kangaroo or better sling? It is undesirable to purchase a kangaroo for children. First, a girl who has not yet been seated may experience a strong load in this device. The reason is that despite the development of the hip joints in the kangaroo, the back of the baby is overloaded. When the child gets older, you will already experience the load on your back. Therefore, it is more suitable for newborns.

The pot will wait. When should boys and girls be potty-trained? You can forget about "toilet" affairs until the onset of 11 months, when the child can control this process. If you want to teach earlier, wait until the baby learns to sit.

high chair- with a reclining position. Girls can be seated in such a chair only after they learn to sit on their own. If the baby still does not know how to sit, buy her a chair that can be installed in a reclining position.

Sitting in a wheelchair? When can girls be put in a stroller? Some parents, after waiting for six months, try to plant a baby on a walk so that he can observe the world around him. If the child does not yet know how to sit, it is better to lay him on his tummy and lower the bottom of the stroller so that the view is not blocked.

Car seats - from birth. You can sit girls and boys in a car seat if it has an orthopedic back. To choose a good car seat, look at its rating in crush tests.

Sitting exercises for boys and girls

Before you start planting six-month-old girls, strengthen the baby's muscles with special exercises.

1. Lay the baby on the back and let your hands grab your hands. The girl will try to rise, thereby straining and strengthening the abdominal muscles.
2. Put the girl on her stomach and hold any bright toy in front of the ring. This will encourage crawling.
3. Place the baby on your lap with your tummy, also holding the toy above eye level. Thanks to this, the muscles of the back and abdomen will tense up, as the girl will want to get the toy.

Putting girls at the age of six months on the ass is not worth it, even if you did these exercises with her. It is better to wait for self-planting. The body knows best when it is ready.

Dispelling myths about early sitting down

There is a persistent myth that it is undesirable to plant early girls, because the uterine bend can occur. Pediatricians believe that this is basically impossible. No bend will happen if you put the girls on the ass when they try to do it themselves.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

A well-known doctor advises that it is better not to plant girls with assistive devices. Wait until the baby's body gives all the signals of readiness - it starts to roll over and wants to take a sitting position. How many months can boys and girls sit down? The doctor believes that by 7 months the body is ready for this skill.

When can a girl be planted? Komarovsky and other modern pediatricians give different recommendations on this matter. Today we will also try to figure out when to plant a girl so as not to harm her.

When can a girl be planted? Komarovsky and many modern pediatricians cannot come to a consensus on this issue. Some experts say that you need to plant a baby after six months. And others insist that this will happen naturally at some point, when the baby is ready herself. Parents often start from their own personal assumptions, which gives rise to a lot of myths. It must be remembered that any girl will become a mother in the future, and therefore it is extremely important that her pelvic organs form without any deviations.

How long can girls be planted without risking harm to the health of the crumbs?

In infants at the age of about six months, the physiological readiness for sitting independently occurs. However, each baby is strictly individual, and therefore it depends on a particular child, what time can girls be planted. Some babies can sit up on their own as early as 5 months of age, while others only as early as seven to eight months.

The child sits down on his own at the moment when his muscular and skeletal systems are completely ready for this. Early disembarkation is too much stress on the child's spine, which can cause bone deformity. And therefore, young parents do not need to rush to sit down the baby, regardless of his gender. With the early disembarkation of girls, not only their spine, but also the genitourinary system, experiences a great load. Because of this, serious pathologies of the internal organs may appear, such as the bending of the cervix, that is, it is better to wait a while with the baby sitting in a high chair or on the parent's lap. You can sit down a girl when she, on her own, without helping herself with her hands, can tear her body off a horizontal surface.

These are the main recommendations how many months girls are imprisoned, however, sometimes it happens that the baby tries to sit down earlier than the dates indicated by the pediatricians, for example, at 4 months of age. In such a situation, parents do not need to help their daughter, she should be laid out away from the sides of the stroller or crib so that she cannot grab onto them and sit down. In addition, it is not advisable to put anything under the back of the child to keep him in a sitting position. However, if the baby, in spite of everything, learns to sit down on its own before six months, then it is better not to interfere with it.

How to properly plant girls?

When, at the age of five or six months, the baby becomes bored of lying in her bed, she begins to cry and tries to change her position. If the girl still cannot sit on her own, then you can put her in a deck chair or a special swing. In addition, instead of a deck chair, it is convenient to use a car seat, bringing it into the house. In such a chair, as in a deck chair, a little girl will reclining, which is safe for her spine, and also does not interfere with the normal development of the pelvic organs. Plus, the elevated position of the torso will not let the baby get bored, she will be able to look around, observe others. In some cases, the child may “fall too deeply” into an armchair or deck chair, then a folded diaper should be placed under the back, achieving exactly the half-lying state of the crumbs.

The time period when the girl wants to sit down, but cannot do it on her own, is quite short. Wait with planting a couple of months until the children's skeletal system gets stronger, and the baby will sit down by herself. There is no need to rush natural events. The best way in this situation is to simply rely on nature and wait for the girl to sit down herself, then stand at the support, and then walk.